Shipyard automation

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Improve your process and productivity Robotics for shipyard automation

kranendonk is the robot technology centre for non-repetitive production.

2 KRANENDONK Smart robotics

Facing our global challenges together Macro economical developments have a major impact on the shipbuilding industry. Global powers are shifting and government subsidies are influencing competition. New regulations are putting pressure on yards. The industry is further influenced by innovations in hull design and new vessel types.

Innovation brings a new edge to shipbuilding Demand for technological innovations Focus in shipbuilding shifts to qualitative upgrading, rather than quantitative expansion. New regulations and requirements put pressure on shipyards and their technological development. To cope with these challenges, there is a strong demand for technological know how and innovative solutions.

Requiring complex hull shapes to the mm accurate Linking design and production Innovations in the shape and functionality of ships demand for technological developments in shipbuilding. For example, new hull designs require special attention in assembly. The solution for the production of complex designs is 3D CAD. By linking the 3D CAD design and the actual production with intelligent software, highly accurate constructions can be achieved.

3 Shipyard automation by kranendonk

Early container ship (1956) Full Cellular (1970) Panamax (1980) Panamax Max (1985) Post Panamax (1988) Post Panamax Plus (2000) New Panamax (2014)

Getting bigger and bigger: extreme loads Shipbuilders must keep up To cope with the never ending search for bigger vessels, shipyards are looking for new ways in extreme engineering. This puts a strain on construction. For example, sections of the ship need to be welded with high precision and all welds have to be consistent. A perfect job for robots.

Triple E (2013)

Improve efficiency in shipbuilding A combination of skills to meet increasing demands Special purpose vessels demand production flexibility Shipyards are confronted with a demand for new vessel types. Platform Supply Vessels and related vessels types are challenging ship designers. Shipyards are combining skills to cope with the great loads that these ships need to carry. The production of these vessels comes with new challenges and calls for a flexible production environment.

Labour cost is the key determinant Shipyards have to invest in their production and are seeking ways to reduce production costs. Labour cost is a determining factor when it comes to a yard's cost competitiveness. Also, skilled labour becomes increasingly hard to find. Thus, attention goes to efficiency improvements in shipbuilding. Automated production and robots offer a solution for shipbuilders to stay competitive.

4 KRANENDONK Smart robotics

Cutting edge innovation The Robot Technology Centre

KRANENDONK is the robot technology centre for nonrepetitive production. We make robot systems suitable for non-repetitive tasks, by developing smart sensors and software. kranendonk can maintain a Technology Centre position by simultaneously being an engineer, supplier, supporter and partner, and connecting to all stakeholders.



Technology Centre Engineer

Smart robotics Traditionally, industrial robots are used for repetitive tasks. We develop sensors and software that make our robots smarter. It means we can automate non-repetitive production processes. This unique competence opens a world of opportunities for manufacturers. We use our skills to build fully automated production shops, where all processes are integrated and aligned. Cutting edge technology Our wide knowledge on robotic automation makes us excellent problem solvers. We assist you from an early stage, to create an optimal production flow for your yard. This way, we jointly create a tailored automation plan that raises productivity and saves costs. The culture for innovation within kranendonk makes sure we always deliver cutting edge technology at the highest level.


25 Years of Making a Difference For more than 25 years, kranendonk has modernized shipyards at the highest level. Key milestones have been: 1987: Delivery of the first robot for profile cutting. 1993: First robot welding system for web welding. 1996: The cutting robot gets integrated with other processes, like cleaning and marking. 2000: Delivery of a total profile factory that cuts over 3 km of profiles per day, all centrally controlled. 2003: Introduction of the intelligent RinasWeld software, for 'hands-off robot programming'. 2005: Eight robots can jointly weld one panel, and smartly distribute their tasks. 2010: Revolution in the pipe shop, by application of robotics, storage and production control software. 2013: The Edge Preparation System offers a smart way to comply to the IMO PSPC regulations.

‘Being fanatic in robot engineering’ ‘At kranendonk, we use clear methods when designing new robot applications. Whether it's a specialized welding tool or a software interface, our way of working is characterized by an approach we call Triple C. The first C is for Construction. Creating a rigid construction that handles a harsh production environment is the main requirement. Secondly, Calibration makes sure our systems are extremely accurate. By applying software corrections, we make a robot more accurate that it can physically be. Lastly, Controls are being developed. We use smart software to enable easy operation of the machines. In any new development process, we pay attention to every detail. You can call us fanatical about this.’ Evert Geurtsen Technical manager

6 KRANENDONK Smart robotics

Shipbuilding is all about production flow

4 Section assembly

Joining of sub-assemblies

Welding of assemblies is a perfect job for robots

3 Assembly and welding shops Double Hull Welding (page 12) Panel Welding (page 12) Web Welding (page 12)

2 Cutting shops

Profile Processing (page 10) Edge Preparation System (page 11)

Automating key parts in the process chain In shipbuilding, it is all about the production flow. Processes have to be aligned as raw steel plates are turned into giant vessels. The challenge is to keep the flow running, while maintaining a tight grip on building quality.

In the process we focus on: Profile and cutting shops (step 2) By linking all systems, we improve your flow and realize large cost savings. Smart storage and just-in-time delivery creates an effective cutting shop. Assembly and welding shops (step 3) Welding of webs, panels and 3D sections is a perfect job for robots. The shipbuilding process is one of the most complex Controlling them is the challenge, so we focus on data construction jobs created by man. All production flow and intelligent software tools. It saves manual processes that run separately have their respected welding and improves production quality. challenges. Since 1987, kranendonk is the leading Pipe shop (step 5) By robotizing the pipe shop, the technology supplier for advanced robotics in production time for each pipe goes from hours to shipbuilding. We offer advanced robotic systems to minutes. Major cost savings are realized by our inteautomate key parts in the process chain. grated solution.

7 Shipyard automation by kranendonk

6 Module outfitting

7 Ship assembly

Prepared tubes are mounted

At the dock

Major cost savings by robotizing the pipe shop

5 Pipe Shop

Robotic pipe shop (page 14)

1 Input raw materials Steel plates and profiles

‘Keeping your flow running’ ‘As customer support manager, it is my goal to maintain the highest possible productivity of your kranendonk equipment. We offer a full pack of services to do so. Our support engineers regularly visit your yard for inspections and performance tests. This way, we keep you productivity high and reduce downtime to a minimum. Also, we train your operators and maintenance crew. In this way, we improve your flow and keep it running.’ Werner Smeitink Manager Customer Support Helpdesk Holland +31 344 655 443 Japan +81 832 425 444

Edge Preparation System to comply with IMO PSPC

Total profile processing solutions

8 KRANENDONK Smart robotics

Setting the right course for the future Exploration of deepwater oil fields is increasingly economically viable. It results in more operations in remote areas. The Seven Oceans has been developed to perform pipe laying operations in these areas, where conditions are tough. Despite its compact design, the vessel has a high payload and excellent seakeeping characteristics. IHC Merwede shipyard – a long term customer of kranendonk – launched the Seven Oceans in 2010.

Photo courtesy IHC Merwede

9 Shipyard automation by kranendonk

10 KRANENDONK Smart robotics

Maximizing flow by integrating all processes Complete solutions for profile processing

Profile cutting line with infeed storage

All operations (e.g. cutting, marking, grinding) in the cutting cell

High speed plasma cutting for increased throughput

Efficient profile processing is important for a shipyard. The focus should be on creating a perfect flow, where all machines are synchronized with planning and stock. kranendonk connects all machines into one solution. Integrating logistics for the perfect flow Integrating the logistics around profile processing increases productivity and flow. A fully equipped plant features a range of components: cutting cells, logistical equipment and dedicated production software. We deliver all software and hardware to build such a shop, realizing just-in-time production.

Highest quality components A key component in the profile processing shop is the CCS 600 cutting cell. The cutting cell is based on our standardized ccs concept. All electrical and measuring components are integrated into the rigid base frame, resulting in a durable cutting system that withstands a harsh shipbuilding environment.

The cutting lines can be equipped with roller conveyors and infeed and outfeed buffers for temporary profile storage. Additionally, high-rise storage systems can be placed before and after the system. This results in an optimal production flow.

The production software adapts the cutting path to the actual dimension of each profile, so the highest accuracy is achieved. By setting up a direct CAD interface, your work preparation time is reduced to almost zero.

11 Shipyard automation by kranendonk

Software to control the production flow The kranendonk production software takes care of a continuous production flow, controlling the logistics as well as additional machines. Planning (ERP) CAD Stock kranendonk

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Profile flow

IMO PSPC compliant edge preparation Edge Preparation System

'We maximize your output by realizing a perfect production flow' ‘Over the past 30 years we have delivered dozens of profile cutting lines to shipyards all over the world. Our success is based on the competence to integrate all related processes into one complete solution that is centrally controlled. It means that one man runs a complete profile cutting shop. The most advanced profile shops can cut more than 3 km of profiles per day. With these advanced systems, you can save heavily on labour costs and maximize your output per square meter of shopfloor.’

Milling a constant radius To improve the quality of coatings in shipbuilding, IMO PSPC demands the preparation (rounding) of plate edges. Automation of this process requires an adaptive machine that perfectly follows plate contours. The Edge Preparation System combines proven CNC technology with a state-of-the-art force controlled milling system. The system machines both sides without turning of the plate. Advanced software with a touch interface makes sure that ­operation is easy.

Jelle Janssen Sales manager

Fz Ft Adaptive milling technology: constant force around contours

12 KRANENDONK Smart robotics

Coping with the complexity of designs ‘Hands-off’ robotic welding solutions 1st price: Maritime Innovation Award for our Panel Welding Gantry with RinasWeld software

Eight robots automatically working together

Welding in shipyards comes with specific challenges to cope with the complexity of the designs. Kranendonk’s robot welding solutions can handle continuously changing designs, by using advanced software tools. Challenges in construction Ship panels, webs and block sections demand consistent and high precision welding. These subassemblies are one-of-a-kind operations with many hard-to-reach spots. kranendonk's welding robots can reach these difficult places and make optimal use of the available space, with no collisions. Automation for 'one-offs' Welding in shipbuilding is non-repetitive, meaning that the programming has to be automated. kranendonk offers a software solution called RinasWeld, which is the most advanced production tool for welding robots available. Also, we offer easy to use shopfloor interfaces for direct data entry.

Robotic panel and web welding Whether it is about large panels, micro panels or webs, kranendonk's travelling gantries offer the most flexible solution. Our panel and web welding systems support one, two or four robots. The robots simultaneously weld and smartly distribute tasks between them. The rigid design of the gantries ensures extreme stability and high quality welding. Double hull welding with tiny robots Welding the double hull of a ship is difficult because of the limited space. Our Double Hull Welding Gantry performs automated robot welding of these sections. Tiny robots on extendable sticks can manoeuvre into the smallest spaces of the blocks.

13 Shipyard automation by kranendonk

Small robots reach inside double hull sections

Web Welding Gantry

Direct data entry at the shopfloor Direct data entry gives the operator the ability to control the system by entering parameters. This way, the operator does not require knowledge about robot programming. It makes operation easy. Depending on the complexity of the products, the robots can be programmed by direct data entry at the shopfloor, or by importing of 3D CAD models. We have the most flexible solution for your yard. The sophisticated RinasWeld software For complex assemblies, kranendonk offers the world's most sophisticated robot programming software: RinasWeld. This software prepares the production tasks in the office, by using 3D CAD data of the product. RinasWeld gives maximum flexibility, as all programming tasks are performed automatically. RinasWeld balances the work load between multiple robots to maximize productivity.

Panel Welding Gantry

Double Hull Welding Gantry

Easy shopfloor control with touch interface

The software generates collision free robot paths

14 KRANENDONK Smart robotics

Capturing craftsmanship in the future pipe shop The robotic pipe shop

A unique automation solution for shipyards The production of pipe spools is a true craftsman's job. Flanges have to be welded to the tubes within strict tolerances. The process is hard to automate, but we offer a unique solution that does the job. All processes are integrated and centrally controlled, to create the first robotic pipe shop in the world. From 4 hours to 8 minutes production time The robotic pipe shop is the result of a thorough analysis of the production of pipe spools in the shipbuilding industry. The robotized pipe shop brings the production time for a pipe spool back from 4 hours to 8 minutes. The central control system takes care of the production flow and monitors each tube individually.

Fully automated from infeed to bending The pipes go from the storage through a sawing machine. After sawing, rest material is fed back into the storage. Next, the pipe is grinded, to maximize welding quality. Four robots mount and weld the flanges to the pipes. Then, the pipes are ready to go to the bending lines. Bending of the pipes is done with the flanges attached. All these steps make sure that the pipe shop reaches high capacity and quality.

Accurate flange assembly and welding To the bending lines

15 Shipyard automation by kranendonk

Smart storage system with sideways infeed and waste reduction functionality

'We revolutionize the pipe shop' 'Manufacturing pipe spools is a skilful job. Welders are trained to mount the flanges within tight tolerances. We found that it is truly a craftsman's job, which made it challenging to automate. During the development of the robotic pipe shop, key parts of the flow were changed. Now, the flanges are mounted before the tubes are bent. When we installed the first robotic pipe shop, we used the welder's knowledge to fine-tune the system. Their craftsmanship has been translated into a smart robot system, that revolutionizes the traditional pipe shop.' Richard Polder Project manager

All tube sizes in any order, give flexible production

Fully automated logistics with intermediate output

Kranendonk is the robot technology centre for non-repetitive production. By implementing intelligent robot technology, we enable manufacturers to produce more efficiently and effectively. We supply custom build solutions that are cleverly integrated into material and data flows. Kranendonk was founded in 1983. We started our company as a supplier of custom automation systems for industrial applications. Over the years we have specialized in advanced robotics for heavy steel applications. Today we offer an innovative approach that creates a range of automation opportunities for manufacturing companies. In the near future we see technological and macroeconomical developments putting pressure on the production process. Advanced automation is spreading into new areas. Integrated process and centralised operations are decisive factors in choosing the right equipment. Kranendonk will keep assisting companies in transforming their production processes to make them more efficient, flexible and ready for the future.


Contact information

Sir Rowland Hillstraat 10 NL-4004 JT Tiel The Netherlands

Kranendonk Production Systems bv (headquarters) Phone +31 344 623 944 Fax +31 344 623 388 P.O. Box 6147 NL-4000 HC Tiel The Netherlands

v 07 2013

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