Annual report 2016 english version

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Annual Report 2016

Work Program Report Sub Directorate Student Creativity, Directorate of Student Affairs, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2016 Head of Sub Directorate Ahmad Agus Setiawan, ST., M.S., Ph.D. Head of Section Student Creativity Management Yuswantoro Sidqi, S.AP. Head of Section Student Competition Management Zaenudin, S.ST. Ars. Staff of Sub Directorate Student Creativity Affairs Administration and Archive Affairs: Suharyadi Finance Administration: Peni Purwatiningsih General Administration: Sri Utari Part time staff of Sub Directorate Student Creativity Affairs News Coverage and Social Media: Tohir Mustofa Program Coordinator: Shifatul Latiefah Database, Media and IT: Muhamad Ali Imran Z Internationalization Program Coordinator: Eka Ningtyas



Annual Report 2016

STUDENT DEVELOPMENT BASED ON SUSTANAIBLE DEVELOPMENT The achievement of Universitas Gadjah Madaʹs Students in a year has been successfully collected by Sub Directorate Student Creativity Affairs. There were 688 medals were achieved; 101 medals for International Competition, 502 medals in National level and 85 medals for regional competition until the end of 2016. The most medal won was gold in the amount of 310, followed by 185 silver medal, 168 bronze medal and 25 consolation prize winner medals. This record represents the capabilities of UGM student in various competition for students. This confirms that UGM students are able to compete in global competition. These results were possible because of the support by the university to improve student achievements. The establishment of the Sub-Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs as part of the Directorate of Student Affairs in May 2015, is the evidence of the seriousness by UGM in the process to increase studentʹs achievement. Paradigm employed in the process of supports for student was based on sustainable development, which involves students actively involved in the process of coaching. Student are required not only to think about how to become an accomplished students, but also think about the process of regeneration. The first step taken is through the establishment of community-competitions, which are now there are 20 active communities. Through this community, student development has been more focused and clear. Each communities has the structure of organization that consists of supervisor and student. The communities will regenerate annually and will be ratified by Rector Decree. The student development has done overall by UGM through Directorate Student Affairs. The first step is procurement for equipments to support students in the competitions. Next step is monitoring process and evaluation. In the other hand, teams who will participate in a competition will actively involved in the activities that will provide massive support for them such as boot camp in which soft skill and mental management will be taught. After the competition teams will be evaluated for improvement in the next competition. The existence of these communities were appreciated by their supervisor who will mentioned it during their meeting. On those occasions, the supervisor will also mentioned that character of students will be formed through the process and procedures within the communities such as: open recruitment, the team’s preparation process, the values of team work, project management and the competition itself. Through several steps that mentioned above, positive values such as team work, competitiveness, and sportmanship will formed within their character. This experience would be beneficial for them especially when they enter the workforce. THE FUNDING The funds is a crucial matter that related to the sustainability of that communities especially for community that requires large fund such as robot community and automotive community. Each year, UGM always join in every robot and automotive competition in Indonesian level and also International level. The logical consequence, University, Faculty, and also Department has to increase the budget allocation for these communities. The provision of funds to communities has yielded impressive result, BIMASAKTI team won a Formula Student SAE Japan 2016 and be the best at the ASEAN level. THE MEDIA One of the steps taken by Sub-Directorate Student Creativity Affairs to maximize the student development is the use of the several media such as official website, bulletin of ʹNawala Kreativitasʹ and social media to announce the important information related to the



Annual Report 2016

competition. Through social media such as Facebook, Line, Instagram, Whatsapp, active communication is established between the Sub-Directorate of Student Creativity and the Student. In the process of submitting proposals for Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) 2016, students were greatly assisted through the utilization of social media. The students can easily had their consultations through the official account of PKM Centre UGM. Sustainable development concept has elaborated through transfer of knowledge between senior who has experience from previous PKM and junior who will participate in it. UGM will also give an appreciation to the student through program Mahasiswa Berprestasi which is hoped to motivate the student to make continuous improvement. That appreciation consist of two type: incentive and non-incentive. This year, UGM draw up a big budget for each students who succeed in the regional, national and international competitions. It was declared in a Rector Decree number 1211/UN1.P.II/SK/HUKOR/2016 about Mahasiswa Berprestasi Award. This award has been implemented gradually in three stages within a year: in national education-day (May 2nd), PPSMB (August) and Dies Natalis UGM (December) UGM gave the non-incentive appreciation to the students by publicize the work of the students within UGM official website. Several students have been invited by local or national media to present their work. In other hand, annual book ˮKreasi, Inovasi dan Prestasi Mahasiswa UGMˮ published by Directorate of Student Affairs, reported student achievement during a year. Sub-Directorate Student Creativity was formed in May 2015 under the Directorate of Student Affairs UGM which has several objectives, as follows  Manage the development of student creativity program  Manage mentoring of student creativity program  Manage and develop information systems of student creativity program  Facilitate and give a socialization for development of student creativity program  Manage the development for Mahasiswa Berprestasi Award  Develop strategies to follow the student competition. During 2016, Sub Directorate Student Creativity Affairs has done several programs with the strong partnership with another Sub-Directorate within Directorate Student Creativity Affairs as well as another Directorate in UGM. In that case, several programs were the new programs which initiated by sub-directorate student creativity affairs, meanwhile several other programs were continuation from the previous year. Work Program of Sub-Directorate Student Creativity Affairs 1. Focus on student-team preparation for national and international competition. 2. PKM-UGM team preparation for PIMNAS 2016 3. Has been actively carrying out FGD (forum group discussion) with stakeholders on the creativity of students at UGM. 4. Initiation of Social sciences and humanities Olympic 5. Creating and maintenance of student creativity official website 6. composing the book of ˮkreasi, prestasi dan inovasi Mahasiswa UGM tahun 2016ˮ 7. conducting the pocket book of ˮsukses PIMNAS ˮ and ˮKumpulan Poster PIMNAS XXIXˮ 8. Creating monthly newsletter ˮNawala Kreativitasˮ




Annual Report 2016

General description of the work program of Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs in 2016 has discussed in the previous chapter. The details of the work program will described below. 1. Focus on student-team preparation for national and international competition A program that is carried out continuously to develop and prepare the UGM-team participating in various competitions. There are three sub-programs conducted by Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs to support the program a.The establishment of community-competition. These activities have been initiated in 2015 and continued in 2016. There are some communities that have been initiated this year, such as GMBB (Gama Bridge and Building) who had competed in KJI & KBGI (Indonesian Bridge Competition & Indonesian Building Constriction) and MUN Community. Recently there are 20 competitioncommunities which is in the coordination of Sub-Directorate Student Creativity Affairs, such as: No


The CompetitionCommunity KOMATIK UGM


2 3 4


Information Technology Communication Land Robot Flying Robot Rocket & air-ballon

5 6


Water Robot Olympic





Chemical-Powered Car



10. 11. 12.


Electric Car English Debate Model United Nation



Tilawah of the Quran

14. 15.


Bridge & Build Design The most outstanding student





Debat Hukum

National & International debate

18. 19.



Race Car



GEMASTIK, INAICTA KRI KRTI KOMURINDOKOMBAT KKCTBN ON MIPA, OSN DIKPORA DIY, OSN Pertamina, IMC Shell Eo Marathon, KMHE Chem-E-Car Formula Student SAE Japan KMLI NUDC MUN International MTQ, Mahasiswa Nasional KJI, KBGI Mawapres Nasional International Medical Olympic Moot Court & Nasional PIMNAS Variatif



Annual Report 2016


Agrotechnology Comple



b. Procurement of Competition Materials In 2016 there are several procurement of competition needs that has been done by Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs. In the first 6 month in 2016, meeting were held regularly to coordinate the procurement of such items. Picture 10. discussions of procurement of competition needs c. The Award Ceremony of Mahasiswa Berprestasi and The granting of Incentives This year, UGM has provide a big budget for each students who succeed in the regional, national and international competition. This award has implemented gradually in three stages within a year: in national education-day (May 2nd), PPSMB (August) and Dies Natalis UGM (December). This award has great impact to the students’ achievement compared to the previous year. Although only their representative which were invited in the award ceremony but every student who won the national and international level deserve to receive the achievement incentive in accordance with Rector Decree. 2. Preparation of PKM Contingent in PIMNAS 2016 Program description: this program is sustainability program within a year started from the socialization of Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) 5 Bidang and PKM Karya Tulis (Gagasan Tertulis dan Artikel Ilmiah) and then the process of submitting proposal in BELMAWA KEMENRISTEK DIKTI, and the monitoring and evaluation of the program itself. After announcement of the teams that succeed in PIMNAS were announced, the next process was coaching-clinic PIMNAS team in Training Centre Program, the departure procession and the PIMNAS XXIX competition-day for a week in IPB Bogor. Picture 12. PIMNAS student contingents and supervisors in action after presentation in PIMNAS XXIX. 3. Implementation of Forum Group Discussion with UGM Student Creativity Affairs. Program description: the process of program making in Student Creativity Affairs of UGM need to involve all stakeholders. Several meetings to prepare the comprehensive student development strategy has been done. 4. The Initiation of Social and Humanities Sciences Olympic. Program description: this is a program that was initiated and led by the Social Humanities Cluster considering the need for a place for students to realize its importance in the domain of social and humanities. 5. Creating and maintenance of student creativity official website Program description: According to Rector Decree one of the task of Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs is maintenance information system of student creativity activities. 6. Composing the book of ˮkreasi, prestasi dan inovasi Mahasiswa UGM tahun 2016ˮ Program description: composing the book of kreasi, prestasi dan inovasi Mahasiswa UGM tahun 2016 was initiated in early 2016 to give an appreciation to the best UGM student. This book also could give inspiration to another student to actively join the competition in national and international level. The writing process has been done every year to announce studentsʹ achievement and also their product.



Annual Report 2016

9. Creating the pocket book of ˮSukses PIMNAS ˮ and ˮKumpulan Poster PIMNAS XXIXˮ Program description: the aim of this two publication is to prepare UGM contingent for the next PIMNAS. The content of this book was summarized from PKM UGM Supervisor Training of Trainers and also result of the experience of the students who have successfully joined previous PIMNAS. 10. Creating monthly newsletter ˮNawala Kreativitasˮ. Program description: this newsletter is important to announce several student activities instead of social media and official website especially the competition that has been done within a month. Student achievement monthly record in any competition level also mentioned within the newsletter. IMPLEMENTATION AND ACHIEVEMENT WORK PROGRAM IN 2016 1. THE DEVELOPMENT AND PREPARATION OF COMPETITION-TEAM NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL This year, preparation of the Competition-Team to follow several competition in national level will be done intensively. Above, there are several efforts of Competition-Team preparation to compete in national level. A. ON MIPA ON MIPA UGM be the Competition-Team with the highest medal count in UGM, compared to another Competition-Team under Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs. Competed in four different competition until now has collected a number of 38 medals in total with 11 details in regional level, 24 in national and 3 in international level. Tabel. 2. Time Table ON MIPA No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Activities Training of University pre selection Selection on University level Selection ON MIPA in regional level Contingen Boot camp ON MIPA Contingen ON MIPA UGM release ON MIPA National Competition Olimpiade Sains Dikpora in regional level Olimpiade Sains Dikpora in national level OSN Pertamina socialization OSN Pertamina Competition International Mathematic Comptetition

Date Febuary 13,14,20,21,27,28th 2016 March 5th 2016 April 5-6th 2016 May 13th 2016 May 20th 2016 May 23-26th 2016 September 13th 2016 September 29th 2016 September 16th 2016 November 19-24th 2016 July 26th 2016


In 2016 KOMATIK UGM has succeed in bringing awards from Gemastik 9 in Universitas Indonesia. The team recieved the intensive training and one time boot camp held by Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs to prepare the contingent.



Annual Report 2016

The KOMATIK also won in several competition such as: three trophy in IDEAFUSE 2016 in STMIK Mikroskil Medan, May 28 2016, five trophy in Bukalapak Programming Competition in UC UGM, June 4th 2016. C.


Gamaforce in KRTI 2016 won three out of four category, which means that they became the best in the competition. The Fiachra Aeromapper Robot won the first place in fixed wing category and has been named as Robot with the best system. Rasyana robot won second place in racing plane category while Aksara Biantara Robot won first plae in technology development category. In other hand, Gamaforce also won the first place in KRTI photo contest. D.


June, 1-4th 2016, GMRT actively take part in KRI national level which was held in Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS). All UGM Robot who joined KRI regional III level has been invited to join the competition. In KRI national level, GMRT won second place in Kontes Robot Pemadam Api Berkaki (KRPAI Berkaki) and also won the best design award in the same category. Previously, GMRT won 2 gold medals and 1 bronze medal in KRI Regional III level, April 23th 2016. E.


Arjuna competed with 22 contestan in KMLI (Kontes Mobil Listrik Indonesia) November 1820th, 2016. they won three awards, one of them was in Acceleration Category. In that category, the first winner was Politeknik Negeri Madura (POLTERA) and STTNAS Yogyakarta became the second winner. The other category thas has been achieved by Arjuna was slalom category. Second winner has been achieved by Arjuna in 5.8 second and POLTERA become the first winner. Arjuna also won the Best technology category. F.


In August 24-27th 2016, Gadjah Mada Aerospae Team (GMAT) joined Kompetisi Muatan Roket dan Roket Indonesia (Komurindo) and Kompetisi Muatan Balon Atmosfer (Kombat) that have been held in Pamengpeuk, Garut, and West-Java. GMAT won three awards in three branch that contested. In Muatan Roket category, GMAT won the best idea award, in Balon Atmosfer category GMAT achieved the best design award, in Electric Ducted Fan GMAT succeed in forth rank. G.


Arjuna formula racing car from Universitas Gadjah Mada won several awards in Student Formula SAE Competition of Japan, September 6-10th 2016. In this competition Bimasakti named as the best team which reached 25 rank from 92 team who joined and achieved highest rank compared with other team from Southeast Asia. Bimasakti won the third position for Overseas Team category, furthermore Bimasakti also reached third place in Efficiency category in Internal Combustion Vehicle (ICV). H.




Annual Report 2016

In KMHE (kontes Mobil Hemat Energi) 2016, Semar team participated in Urban Concept category through SEMAR URBAN GASOLINE car which has four wheels city car concept with gasoline. Also participated in Prototype category through car named Semar Proto Diesel fueled diesel and Semar Proto Electric that first developed in 2016. Semarสนs innovation has brought them to the second place in Prototype Diesel Category. Semar also achieved non-race award as the best video. I. ROBOBOAT Roboboat team took a part in Kontes Kapal Cepat Tak Berawak Nasional (KKCTBN) in Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (PPNS) that held in November 28th until Decemmber 1st 2016. In that competition, Roboboat UGM sent three boats to participate in three category. Jayamahe Boat has been sent for the first category namely Fuel Engine category, Gama Navy Boat for Electric Remote Control category and Safina One Boat for autonomous category. Roboboat brought two trophy, one trophy in first place and second trophy in third place in KKCTBN 2016. J.


CS Bridge Team from Gamabrige brought the second place in University Category International Bridge Design Competition. The competition has been held in Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, March 19-20th 2016. In Civil Engineering Innovation Contest Gamabridge brought five awards such as first place in Bridge Design Competition and awarded in most realistic model, both obtained by Cakragama Team from Gamabridge. Another team, Gama Pons brought second place in the same category, also awarded as the strongest bridge. In Dam Innovation Contest category, Gamahidro achieved first place. K.


Chem-E-Car team won the first place poster category in Chem-E-Car competition at Adelaide, Australia September 27-28th, 2016. For your information that Chem-E-Car is prototype car design contest driven by chemical reaction. L.


Mahasiswa Berprestasi UGM Award 2016 once again held by UGM in 2016. The best student from 18 faculty and Vocational School participated in this annual award that has been prepared by UGM to select the best candidate to join in Mahasiswa Berprestasi Award held by DIKTI in August. Furthermore, all Mapres from UGM participated in SuperCamp I for two days from Febuary 6th until 7th held at Atria Hotel in Magelang. Eleven candidate from 34 candidate have been selected for the final round of Mahasiswa Berprestasi UGM 2016 by several stages as follows: essay presetation, proficiency in English, GPA and other achievement. The name of evelen students are Alwan Hafizh, Rizqika Edni Dony, Andy Aulia, Andreas Gandhi, Hibran (from Faculty of Enginering), Santika Wibowo (Facculty of Economics and Business), Layung Sekar (Faculty of Pharmacy), Lintang Sagoro (Faculty of Medecine), Yoesep Budianto (Faculty of Feography), Fety Andrianing and Aulia Rizka (Vocational School). Those eleven students were participated in SuperCamp II that held in April 9th 2016 at Ruang Utama Grha Sabha Pratama first floor. Alwan Hafizh and Aulia Rizka successfully seleted as Mahasiswa Berprestasi UGM 2016.



Annual Report 2016



UGM once again became the runner-up in PIMNAS XXIX held in Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), August 8-11th 2016. In that event, 33 teams from UGM won 20 medals, the details are as follows: 9 gold medals, 5 silver medals and 6 bronze medals.

Presentation Poster


5 4


Picture 28. Ugm medal table in PIMNAS XXIX 285 proposals PKM 5 Bidang from UGM whose proposals were funded by DIKTI which is became the most funded university, the details as follows: 50 PKM-K, 124 PKM-PE, 30 PKMPSH, 45 PKM-K, 24 PKM-M, and 12 PKM-T. 49 proposals PKM Karya Tulis GT and AI from UGM once again successfully funded by DIKTI, the details are as follows 12 PKM Ai and 37 PKM GT.

Tabel 3. Recapitulation of successful upload proposals PKM 5 Bidang 2015/2016. Faculty Biology Eonomics and Business Pharmacy Philosophy Geography Law Cultural Sciences Social and Political Sciences Medicine Dentistry Veterinery Forestry MIPA

PKM K 5 7

PKM KC 2 0

PKM M 9 3

PKM PE 58 0


PKM T 0 0

Total 74 10

6 5 10 3 8

4 0 10 0 0

0 0 4 4 2

48 0 16 0 0

0 44 9 19 12

1 0 3 0 0

59 49 52 26 22








21 7 7 2 48

11 4 1 0 54

14 1 5 3 7

31 28 31 3 58

0 0 0 1 0

4 2 0 1 4

81 42 44 10 171

Agriculture Animal Science Psychology Vocational School Enginering

27 13

4 3

13 6

12 22

2 2

1 0

59 46

3 51

3 35

2 14

0 6

1 3

0 7

9 116










Annual Report 2016

Agricultural Technology Total















High Level University – PKM funded by Dikti 2016

Picture : UGMʹs Proposals PKM 5 Bidang funded compared with other university

Faculty Biology Economics and Business Pharmacy Philosophy Geography Law Cultural Sciences Social and Political Sciences Medicine Dentistry Veterinary Forestry MIPA

Tabel 4. UGMʹs Proposals PKM 5 Bidang funded by DIKTI 2016 PKM K PKM KC PKM M PKM PE PKM PSH PKM T 1 1 1 14 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

Total 17 1

2 1 1 0 0 4

0 0 2 0 0 0

0 0 1 4 0 1

21 0 4 0 0 0

0 15 3 5 2 3

0 0 0 0 0 0

23 16 11 5 2 8

2 2 1 0 7

3 0 1 0 8

4 1 1 0 2

11 12 14 1 20

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 2

20 15 17 2 39



Annual Report 2016

Agriculture Animal Science Psychology Vocational School Enginering Agricultural Technology Total

6 3 1 2 10 5

1 0 0 7 21 1

1 2 1 3 2 4

2 6 0 0 15 4

1 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 3 6 1

11 11 2 15 54 15








Tabel.5 recapitulation of PKM Karya Tulis proposals Faculty PKM AI PKM Total GT Biology 6 12 18 Economics and 0 5 5 Business Pharmacy 9 7 15 Philosophy 1 0 1 Geography 1 3 4 Law 1 27 28 Cultural Sciences 0 4 4 Social and Political 1 8 9 Sciences Medicine 0 12 12 Dentistry 1 7 8 Veterinary 2 6 8 Forestry 0 5 5 MIPA 4 20 24 Agriculture 3 9 12 Animal Science 0 0 0 Psychology 0 3 3 Engineering 5 52 57 Agricultural 0 10 10 Technology Vocational School 0 3 3 Total 34 193 227 Tabel.6 PKM GT and AI funded proposals Faculty PKM AI PKM Total GT Biology 4 2 6 Economics and 0 2 2 Business Pharmacy 5 1 6 Philosophy 0 0 0 Geography 0 0 0 Law 0 3 3 Cultural Sciences 0 1 1 Social and Political 0 1 1 Sciences



Annual Report 2016

Medicine Dentistry Veterinary Forestry MIPA Agriculture Animal Science Psychology Engineering Agricultural Technology Vocational School Total

0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0

3 2 1 1 5 1 0 1 11 2

3 2 2 1 5 2 0 1 12 2

0 12

0 37

0 49

UGM contingents’ achievement was supported by development program and monitoring held during 2015-2016. 14 programs has been done from the end of 2015 until PIMNAS which means more than one program per month within a year. The programs was provided by Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs related to PKM, as follows: The Timeline of PKM-UGM goes to PIMNAS XXIX 2016                    

September 3th, 2015 (Socialization of PKM 5 Bidang) September 10th, 2015 (Socialization of PKM 5 Bidang) September 16th, 2015 (Socialization of PKM 5 Bidang for Bidikmisi) September, 26th 2015 (Socialization of PKM 5 Bindang for Bidikmisi) January, 13th 2016 (Socialization of PKM 5 Bidang for Bidikmisi) February, 10th 2016 (Socialization of PKM GT-AI) March, 29th 2016 (Socialization of PKM GT-AI) March, 30th 2016 (consolidation of PKM 5 Bidang funded) April, 2th 2016 (general consolidation of PKM 5 Bidang funded II) April, 30th 2016 (internal monitoring and evaluation I) May, 29th 2016 (internal monitoring and evaluation II) July 27th 2016, (general consolidation of PIMNAS UGM contingents) July, 28-30th 2016 (intensive training of PIMNAS UGM contingents) July, 31th 2016 (outbound activity of PIMNAS UGM contingents) August 1-5th 2016 (boat camp PIMNAS UGM contingents) August 6-11th 2016 (PIMNAS day in IPB Bogor) September, 8th 2016 (training of trainers PKM supervisor) September 15h, 2017 (Socialization of PKM 5 bidang I) October, 17th 2016 (Socialization of PKM 5 Bidang II) November, 15th 2016 (Socialization of PKM 5 bidang for bidikmisi)

3. IMPLEMENTATION OF FORUM GROUP DISCUSSION WITH UGM STUDENT CREATIVITY STAKEHOLDER. Forum Group Discussion was excecuted by involving students and student creativity stakeholder such as Vice Rector and Vice Dean of Academics & Student Affairs in UGM to prepare the comprehensive student development strategy. Furthermore, Annual Work Plan Budget (RKAT) 2016 arranged by both students and the supervisor to create a list what kind of equipment needed to face the National and International competition.



Annual Report 2016

4. THE INITIATION OF SOCIAL AND HUMANITIES SCIENCES OLYMPIC The result of Focus Group Discussion of UGM student creativity stakeholder especially ViceRector of Academics & Student Affairs for Social Humanities Sciences Cluster agreed that UGM needs to initiate Social and Humanities Sciences Olympic. The meeting was organized the concept of Social and Humanities Sciences Olympic. 5. CREATING AND MAINTENANCE OF STUDENT CREATIVITY OFFICIAL WEBSITE Each student can access Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs official website, The website itself launched in 2015. Content of the website itself such as, Information of national and international competition, achievement of students within national and international competition and also other important announcement. One of the most accessible content in Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs official website is Sang Juara UGM whereas in those content students can get the information about the medals or awards that has been achieved by the student.

Picture: The website of Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs 6. THE COMPOSING BOOK OF ˮKREASI, PRESTASI DAN INOVASI MAHASISWA UGM TAHUN 2016ˮ The book of ˮkreasi, prestasi dan inovasi Mahasiswa UGM tahun 2016ˮ has been launch in December 19th, 2016, in 67th years of Dies Natalis UGM. The achievement of student within a year mentioned in the book of ˮkreasi, prestasi dan inovasi Mahasiswa UGM tahun 2016ˮ. Process of composing the book itself started in the beginning of 2016 and the student who has achievement has been involved to write an article related to the information of the competition. The article compiled and edited by editor team before published in the book of ˮkreasi, prestasi dan inovasi Mahasiswa UGM tahun 2016ˮ



Annual Report 2016

Picture: The book of ˮkreasi, prestasi dan inovasi Mahasiswa UGM tahun 2016ˮ 7. COMPOSING THE POCKET BOOK OF ˮSUKSES PIMNASˮ AND ˮKUMPULAN POSTER PIMNAS XXIXˮ Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs published the book ˮSukses PIMNAS ˮ and ˮKumpulan Poster PIMNAS XXIXˮ in 2016. Content of the pocket book collected from presentation material that presented by National Jury of PIMNAS in the event of Training of PKM supervisor in September 8th 2016. Student experience during the process of PIMNAS itself has added to enrich the content of the pocket book.



Annual Report 2016

Picture: Cover book of ˮsukses PIMNAS XXˮ The content of the book of ˮKumpulan Poster PIMNAS XXIXˮ collected from UGM Contingents posters in PIMNAS XIX with abstract in each posters.

Picture 38. Cover book of ˮKumpulan Poster PIMNAS XXIX” 8.


Nawala Kreativitas published in Febuary 2016. It means until December 2016 Nawala Kreativitas published in eleven different issue such as Mapres issue, profile of competitioncommunities, and also about PIMNAS. Nawala Kreativitas informed effectively about student creativity activities.

Picture: Newsletter of Nawala Kreativitas



Annual Report 2016

ACHIEVEMENT RECORDS In 2006 there were 688 medals were achieved, as follows:

Picture: statistics of achievement medals during 2013-2016 The achievement of medals increased if we compare to previous year. In 2013, there were 65 medals were achieved. In 2014, there were 69 medals were ahieved and 114 medals in 2015. It means there were tenfold enhanchement during 2013-2015.

Picture: Statistical Comparison of Achievement in 2013-2016

Picture: statistics of achievement medals in 2013



Annual Report 2016

Picture: statistics of achievement medals in 2014

Picture: statistics of achievement medals in 2015 Interestingly if we look at graphic, the student achievement is increasing this year. The most significant improvement was seen between September to December. The increase in the number of medals achievement in this period almost tripled. The big achievement happened because of continuity support from Sub Directorate of Student Kreativity Affairs to campagne ËŽSang Juara UGMËŽ in social media as well as newsletter of Nawala Kreativitas.

Picture: the cumulative achievement statistics per month in 2015 Based on the distribution of achievement per faculty in 2016, Faculty of Enginering collect 135 medals, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences gather 90 medals, and Faculty of Medecine won 77 medals.



Annual Report 2016

Picture: the cumulative achievement statistics per faculty in 2016

Tabel 7 : Recapitulation of statistics of Achievement per Faculty 2016

Picture: Data view of medals Achievement in official website of Kreativitas Mahasiswa 2016 Not only great in quantity, the student of UGM also highly qualified to face national and international competition. Preceded by Jose Mairing, student of Faculty of Forestry who succeesfully won the first place of editorial cartoon contest held by FAO, and then student of Faculty of Medicine who achieved first place winner in International Indonesia Medical Olympiad in October 2016. UGMสนs Student successfully defeating Harvard student in Pseudo Arbritage Competition in Buenos Aires November 2016. At national level, UGMสนs there were several student achievement such as Juara Umum II PIMNAS XXIX, Juara Umum KRTI 2016, several medals in essay writting competition, and dozens of student achievement in Olimpiade MIPA. Following is highlight of student achievement in 2016, individuals or teams.



Annual Report 2016

Tabel 8. Highlight of student achievement in 2016

PROBLEMS AND OBSTACLES During the implementation of the program, some of the obstacles faced are: 1. Coordination among institution All the program implemented by Sub Directorate of Student Kreativity Affairs involves students to actively join the competition although in the active period of study. Therefore, Sub Directorate of Student Kreativity Affairs vigorously collaborated with other directorate in UGM in order to simplify the process of obtaining permission to skip the class due to join in the competition. 2. Funding The process of disbushement of funds needed to support the program implemented by Sub Directorate of Student Kreativity Affairs. 3. Facility Student communitiesสนs programs needs facilities such as home base, training ground, etc. Consequenly, itสนs requires support and certainty of facilities in order to gain the medals.



Annual Report 2016

RECOMENDATION Related to problems and obstacles that mention above, Sub Directorate of Student Kreativity Affairs requires cooperation and collaboration from other steakholder. Especially support from Directorate of Student Affairs in order to optimalized the programs in 2017 through reinforcement of internationalization programs.

CREATIVITY TEAM Head of Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs Ahmad Agus Setiawan, S.T, M.Sc., Ph.D. He hold the chair in Head of Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs since May 2015. Previously, He was Head of Sub Directorate of Alumni Relations DKAUI UGM. He holds Master of Science from KTH Swedia and Ph.D from the Curtin Unversity. He also in charge of lecturer in Departement of Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, UGM which have focused on Renewable Energy System. in 2014 he obtained Habibie Award as the second awardee for his work in engineering sciences. The profile of pak AAS can be seen at Head of Section Student Creativity Management Yuswantoro Sidqi, S.Ap. He is the Head of Section Student Creativity Management since May 2015 and started his career in Directorate of Student Affairs since 2012 as Secretary Directure of Directorate Student. Previously, he was Secretary of Vice Rector of Research and Community Service 20072012. Head of Section Student Competition Management Zaenudin, S.ST. Ars. He is Head of Section Student Competition Management since 2016. Previously, he worked for Archive UGM as archivist. He graduated from D3 Vocational School UGM and D4 in Archive at Universitas Terbuka. In 2016 he holds first place for Lomba Karya Tulis Bidang Kearsipan held by Arsip Nasional RI. Previously, in 2009 he obtained second place as the best Ariist held by Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Administrative Staff Peni Purwatiningsih She is administrative staff at Sub Directorate of Student Creavity Affairs. Previously, she worked at BPP UGM and joined in UGM Press since 1997. Administrative Staff Sri Utari She is administrative staff at Sub Directorate of Student Creavity Affairs. Previously, she worked at BPP UGM and joined in UGM Press since 1982. Property Staff Suharyadi He is Property Staff at Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs. Since 1992 he worked at Gelanggang Mahasiswa for more than a decade. Part time Staff Shifatul Latiefah, S.Pt.



Annual Report 2016

She is part time staff for Program Coordinator at Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs UGM. She hold Bachelor of Animal Science from Universitas Gadjah Mada. Previously, she was laboratory assistant in Faculty of Animal Science and got involved in campus organization such as study club and Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan. Part time Staff Tohir Mustofa, SS He is part time staff for Publication and documentation at Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs UGM. In 2016 Graduated from Departement of Arabic Literatur, UGM. In 2013 he joined BPPM Balairung and UKM Gama Cendikia as staff in Departement of Society Relation.

Part Time Staff Muhammad Ali Imran Z He is part time staff in Design and IT at at Sub Directorate of Student Creativity Affairs UGM. He is student at Departement of Geophysics UGM and actively join in Campus Organisation Himpunan Mahasiswa Geofisika UGM as Multimemdia Division. In 2014, he hold the chair in Pimpinan Uum Badan Mandiri Media dan Informamsi Keluarga Muslim FMIPA UGM.


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