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3. Read the “Scout Laws” of the Ukrainian Scouts. Say which character traits the young scouts must develop in themselves. The young scouts must develop the following character traits in themselves. They shouldn’t lie, they should be honest. They should be responsible for the duties at the camp. Every member of the scouts should be a person wishing to do what is right especially to do any work or duty well and thoroughly. They should come on proper time and never be late. They should be sparing or economical with regard to money or food. They should behave according to what is morally right and fair. They should behave kind and pleasant with each other. They should give or be ready to give help the person she or he needs. They should train the campers to obey rules or a code of behavior.

Lesson 12. Test Your Skills

1. You are going to listen to six people talking in different situations. For questions (1–6) choose and write the letter of the correct answer in your exercise book. There is always one correct answer. An example (0) has been given. Listening, 1c, 2c, 3a, 4c, 5b, 6d.

3. Read and complete the sentences.

1. to achieve your aim; 2. better than the real world does; 3. you are responsible; 4. show up;

5. parents; 6. yourself; 7. you can.

5. You’ve found the following letter on the Internet, and you decide to respond. Dear Kathleen! I have found your letter on the Internet and decided to write to you. My name is Olena. I am fifteen and I am from Ukraine. I am also interested in a Scouting movement and would like to share my thoughts with you with great pleasure.

First, there are some words about my appearance. I am tall. I have got long straight brown hair, a small nose and big brown eyes. I am an easygoing, reliable’, responsible, cheerful and friendly person. It seems to me that I am shy enough to get acquaintance with strange people but I like write letters. I am fond of reading books and playing computer games. In my free time I go n for basketball or tennis. I am keen on classical music because I play the piano. And what about you?

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best wishes, Olena.

Unit 2. Nature Magic: Web of Life

Lessons 1–2. This Is Our Earth

4. Read the article and say what environmental problems people are concerned about. The people on our planet are concerned about the problems which endanger their lives, about pollution in its many forms, about litter or noise where they live, or lack of trees or grass. They might be concerned about the changing climate around the world, the destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty and the shortage of natural resources.

6. Look through the text of Ex. 4 again and complete the sentences.

1. simply what is around us;

2. is the area around our home or our school;

3. the whole world — all the cities, countryside, forests, seas and the air that we breathe;

4. all living and non-living things that occur on earth;

5. with the built environment which influenced by man strongly;

6. litter or noise where we live, or lack of trees or grass.

7. Find the words in the text of Ex. 4 to match these definitions.

1) environment; 2) to refer to; 3) to comprise; 4) concern; 5. destruction; 6) wildlife; 7) shortage; 8) natural resources.

8. Find the words in the text of Ex. 4 to match these definitions.

1) pollution; 2) natural resources; 3) comprises; 4) shortage; 5) concern; 6) destruction; 7) refers; 8) Pollution.

11. Write a few sentences about the place where you live. Do people respect the environment there? Are there any environmental problems there?

As far as I know the people respect the environment in the place where I live. They try to plant trees next to their buildings and houses. They keep the area clean. They put waste in certain place. Water shortage is one of the typical environmental problems for the people of my district. But the people try to save water they install water meters in their flats.

Lessons 3–4. Welcome to Ascania-Nova

2. The article you are going to read contains the names of several different animals and plants. Look through the article quickly and find all the different plants and animals and make a list. foxes; hares; deer; squirrel;s snakes; ostriches; emu; swans; cranes.

3. You are going to read an article about the Ascania-Nova Nature Reserve. Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A–F) for each part of the article (1–4). There is one extra heading which you don’t need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning. 1b; 2f; 3e; 4a.

5. Find and read a word or a phrase in the article that has a similar meaning to each of the following words and phrases.

1) rare; 2) area; 3) species; 4) a shelter; 5) research; 6) spread over.

6. Read the text of Ex. 3 and choose the correct item to complete the sentences. 1a; 2c; 3c; 4a; 5c; 6b.

10. These phrases appeared in the article on pp. 45–46. Without looking back, write down all possible relative pronouns. Put a dash (–) if the relative pronoun can be left out. Then check your answers by looking back at the article.

1) which; 2) to what; 3) where; 4) which; 5) which; 6) ; 7) 8) ; 9) which.

13. Read and complete the text with the correct relative pronouns: which (x2), who, where, that (x2). Decide and circle D (defining relative clause) or ND (non-defining relative clause).

1) which; 2) where; 3) where; 4) who; 5) that; 6) which; 7) that; 8) where.

Lessons 5-6. National Parks of the UK

1 a) Work in pairs. Write a few questions to ask your friends about the protection of nature. Start them with: What...? Where...? Why...? How...?

1) What do the people do to save environment?

2) Where will the animals live if the forests die?

3) Why is it dangerous to destroy forests?

4) How can the people save our planet?

4. You are going to read a magazine article about the Snowdonia* National Park. Four paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs (A–D) the one which fits each gap (1–4). There is an example (0) at the beginning.

1B, 2D, 3C, 4A.

5. Read and say if the statements are true or false.

1T, 2F, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6T.

Lesson 7. National Parks Around the World

1. You’ve been asked to produce an information leaflet about one of the National Parks around the world. Work in groups. Find information about it. What species of animals and plants are protected there?


National Parks Around the World.

Galapagos Marine Reserve In Ecuador.

The Galapagos Marine Reserve is the second largest marine reserve in the world with its 133,000 square kilometres. You can find more than 2.900 marine species in the reserve like whales, sea lions, whales, dolphins, penguins, cormorants and albatrosses.

Lesson 8. Test Your Skills

6. The Romantic poets such as G. Byron, S. Coleridge and W. Wordsworth wrote about the majestic beauty of the wild countryside. Wordsworth called the Lake District as “a sort of national property, in which every man has ... a heart to enjoy”. Do you agree with him? Look at the photos and write a few sentences about the Lake District. The Lake District is a natural miracle. When you go along these beautiful lakes you can imagine how splendid view it is. You can enjoy and admire their beauty because the nature has combined the water and the greenery of the nature. And it is marvelous.

Unit 3. Environment and Greener Living Lessons 1–2. Environmental Protection

5. Find a word or a phrase in the paragraphs that has the opposite meaning to each of these words and phrases. Read the sentences with them.

1) end/clear up; 2) clean; 3) the urban development; 4) to end up; 5) to cut something down.

6. Listen to the children talking about environmental problems. Complete the sentences.

1. past industrial activities.

2. waste and rubbish.

3. major concern.

4. a lack of care over industrial and waste management.

5. stop destroying the world protect.

7. Read and act out the dialogue. Add examples from your personal life experience. (suggested answers)

Ivan: You know people throw away millions of tons of rubbish every year. I think now, we haven’t got enough places to put it. If we don’t do something soon, rubbish will be everywhere — on the ground, in the sea and perhaps in space.

Olenka: The problem with rubbish is that it is ugly and it smells bad. It can also harm people, animals, plants and trees. Some things we throw away in our rubbish bins can poison our soil, water and air.

Ivan: We can do a lot to help save our environment. We can recycle many things like newspapers, magazines, journals and wrapped paper. We can also use some rubbish such as vegetable or fruit peelings to make compost. If we all try to do the best to save our planet, the amount of rubbish will reduce.

9. In recent decades we have become more aware of all the problems that humans have created for the Earth. Acid rains, the greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ozone layer and deforestation are only some of them. Write about a recent event that has caused environmental damage. Have a look through newspapers or use the Internet if you have access to it. You can work as a group to produce a wall display of recent events while you are studying this unit. I would like to tell you about the Chernobyl disaster. It was a nuclear reactor accident in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine in 1986. It is considered to be the worst nuclear power plant disaster in history and the only level 7instance on the International Nuclear Event Scale. The explosion was dangerous because nuclear power technology produces materials that are active in emitting radiation and are therefore called ‘radioactive’.

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