1 minute read
Lessons 5–6. Career Prospects
1. b) Copy the statements into your exercise book. Then listen to the speakers again and tick the statements: M (Mary), J (John), P (Patrick). 1M; 2P; 3M; 4J; 5P; 6J.
2. Look at the pictures on p. 176 and name the objects. Say who uses these things, what kind of job it is, where these people work and what they do.
(suggested answers about the objects)
1) a microphone. It is a microphone on the picture. I think it is used by a reporter and it is necessary thing for him. The reporter works with people, he meets many different people and asks them questions, interview them and then make up a programme. He tries to understand what is going on in the world, or the country, or the city and tries to explain it to other people in the newspaper or magazine’s article or on TV programme.
2) a stethoscope. It is a stethoscope on the picture. It is an acoustic medical device for auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of an animal or human body. It is a device which each doctor uses in his work every day. It is often used to listen to lung and heart sounds. It is commonly used for measurements of blood pressure. Stethoscope is an electronic device.
5. You are going to read the information about the child employment in the UK. Some sentences or phrases are missing. First read the text quickly, ignoring the gaps. Try to understand the main ideas of it. Then fill in the gaps (1–8) with the sentences (A–H) to complete the text.
1c; 2d; 3a; 4e; 5h; 6g; 7b; 8f.
6. Read and say if the statements are true or false.
1T; 2T; 3F; 4F; 5T; 6F.
7. Read and complete the sentences.
1) the last Friday in June in the academic year of their 16th birthday;
2) will need to get a performance license;
3) the local authority;
4) without an employment permit issued by the education department of the local council;
5) term time;
6) to earn extra money.
10. Read and complete the text with the correct modal verbs.
1) can; 2) should; 3) can; 4) might; 5) should; 6) are able to; 7) can.
Lesson 8. Test Your Skills
1. a) You’ll hear people talking in three different situations. Listen and choose the correct item to answer the questions.
1b; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5b; 6c.
2. Complete the sentences with might be and the words from the box. Use a dictionary if it is necessary.
1) might be a fly attendant;
2) might be a businessman;
3) might be an opera singer;
4) might be a lawyer;
5) might be a politician;
6) might be a chef;