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2. Sarah always uses safe websites.

3. Tom and Ben often chat with me.

4. We do lots of calculations in our Maths lessons.

5 Mark’s timetable is very busy this year.

6. Pete thinks History is very fascinating.

b) Поставте речення у заперечну форму.

2. Sarah always doesn’t use safe websites.

3. Tom and Ben often don’t chat with me.

4. We don’t do lots of calculations in our Maths lessons.

5.Mark’s timetable isn’t very busy this year.

6. Pete doesn’t think History is very fascinating.

Вправа 2: Поставте питання до заданих відповідей у формі Present Simple.

2. Do you post blogs?

3. Does your computer work well?

4.Do Sam and Ann learn French?

Вправа 3: Доповніть словами at, in, on.

2. I often go to the beach in summer.

3. His birthday is on 5th June.

4. Leila has Science on Mondays.

5. Jim watches TV in the evening.

6. Kelly never wakes up at night

Сторінка 6: Вправа 4: Роздивіться малюнки та напишіть речення за зразком.

Pete usually plays football.

Cathy sometimes draws pictures.

Mike never reads newspapers.

Linda, Cathy, Mike and Pete often hang out together.

Вправа 5: Попрацюйте у парах. Скажіть один одному, що ви завжди, зазвичай, часто, іноді або ніколи не робите.

I never play in a band.

I often watch TV.

I never read a newspaper.

I never meet famous people.

I often sing songs.

I often watch movies

Сторінка 8: Вправа 1: Обведіть правильний прикметник.

2. That film is the most fantastic one ever!

I sometimes go to concerts.

I always read books.

I never ride a horse.

I always do my homework.

I sometimes eat chocolate.

I often go swimming.


3. The least that you can have for lunch is vegetables.

4. Maths is more difficult for Tim than for Sarah.

5. Antony is the tallest boy in our class.

6. It is hotter in summer than in spring.

Unit 1/Розділ 1 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022 Сторінка 5: Вправа 1: a)
у форму
Поставте слова в дужках
Present Simple.

Вправа 2: Поставте прикметник у правильну форму.

2. Tess is the shortest girl in our class.

3. The USA is bigger than the UK.

4. This is the coolest game ever!

5. I think Lviv is more fascinating than Paris.

6 This is the most beautiful place ever!

7. IT is more interesting for me than Geography.

8. London is one of the most popular cities in the world.

Вправа 3: Виправте помилки та запишіть речення.

2. Ann is worse at PE than Jane.

3. This dress looks better on you than on me.

4. Carl thinks the worst subject at school is Maths.

5. This book is less interesting than that one.

6. Today is the most wonderful day ever!

7. The least difficult activity for Jack is skating.

8 The most horrible day for Kim is Monday.

Сторінка 9:

Вправа 4: Доповніть речення своїми словами.

1. My timetable now is easier than last year.

2. Our classroom is the most beautiful one at school.

3. English is less difficult than Chinese.

4. Music is more popular than Science.

5 The most interesting subject ever is History.

6. The least difficult subject for me is PE.

Вправа 5: Напишіть речення з словами з рамки.

1. My pencil is better than yours.

2. Roses are more beautiful than chamomiles.

3. Art is less difficult than Science.

4. The worst food for me is carrot.

5. Documental films are the most boring for me.

6. Ann is the least popular girl in our school.

Вправа 6: Попрацюйте у парах. Порівняйте різних/і людей/предмети у вашому класі.

The teacher’s desk is bigger than pupils’ ones.

Max is the tallest boy in our class.

Olha has got the most beautiful bag in our class.

Olena is reading more interesting book than Alex.

Сторінка 10:

Вправа 1: a) Відмітьте правильні речення.

1 – V


4 – V

6 – V

b) Виправте не правильні речення та запишіть їх.

2. Wendy likes Geography.

3. Tom and Bill travel around the world.

5. You always chat online.

Unit 1/Розділ 1 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

Вправа 2: a) Роздивіться малюнки та напишіть речення про звички дітей.

Amy and Dave play basketball.

Jack wakes up at 7 o’clock.

Kate likes learning History.

Сторінка 11:

b) Напишіть про свою звичку, звичку твоїх

I brush my teeth twice a day.

My friends play football on Sundays.

My mother makes dinner every day.

My sister does her bed every morning.

та родини.

Вправа 3: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку. Потім дайте відповіді.

2. Does your mum do your homework? – No, she doesn’t.

3. Does your teacher teach you well? – Yes, she does.

4. Do your friends read books? – Yes, they do.

Вправа 4: a) Доповніть словами at, in, on.

1. My English lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays.

2. Robert goes to the gym in the morning.

3. We have a test on 10th September.

4. The party starts at 6 pm this Sunday.

5. Jim has a trip to London in December.

6. I usually have a snack at midday.

b) Складіть три речення з словами at, in, on.

1. My sister goes swimming on Wednesdays.

2. I usually watch TV in the evening.

3. My mother plays piano at 7 pm on Sundays.

Сторінка 12:

Вправа 5: a) Доповніть речення словами з рамки.

2. You usually go to the gym.

3. We are never late to work.

4. Tod always signs out of his account.

5. Jerry and Leila often meet in the park.

b) Напишіть п’ять речення з словами з рамки.

1. Alex always does his homework in the evening.

2. My mum usually cooks dinner for us.

3. My brother often plays tennis with me.

4. I sometimes eat ice cream in the park.

5. We never eat sweets in the evening.


Вправа 6: Роздивіться малюнки та опишіть їх за зразком.

1. The parrot is big. The cat is bigger than the parrot. The dog is the biggest.

2. The ruler is short. The pen is shorter than the ruler. The pencil is the shortest.

3. Bill is strong. Bob is stronger than Bill. Ben is the strongest.

4. Jill is hot. Jane is hotter than Jill. Jessica is the hottest.

Unit 1/Розділ 1 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

Сторінка 13:

Вправа 7: Поставте слова в дужках у правильну форму.

2. This is the best party ever!

3. Star wars is the most interesting film ever!

4. This jeans look worse on Carl than on George.

5. This singer is more popular than Rihanna.

6. This is the most delicious cake ever!

7. Sue is better at Maths than Diana.

8. This is the worst magazine ever!

Сторінка 15:

Вправа 1: a) Відмітьте правильні речення.

1 – V 4 – V 5 – V

b) Виправте не правильні речення та запишіть їх.

2. Sam is playing tennis with Bob now.

3. David is swimming in the sea.

6. Carl isn’t singing in the club right now.

Вправа 2: Змініть речення з Present Simple на Present Continuous.

2. We are walking in the park together now.

3. I am not cleaning the house now.

4. Phil and John are making a mess in the living room now.

5. Diana isn’t doing her homework in her room now.

6. They aren’t competing with each other now.

Вправа 3: Роздивіться малюнки та запишіть що хто робить.

Ryan is riding a bike.

Nick, Paul, Wendy and Lilly are playing basketball.

Kelly and Ed are talking to each other.

Сторінка 16:

Вправа 4: Перепишіть речення у формі запитань за зразком.

2. Is George swimming in the pool?

3. Is Bella washing the dishes?

4. Is the dog eating the meat?

5. Are you watching a film?

6. Are Will and Wilma working?

7. Are we skating in the park?

Вправа 5: Поставте питання до заданих відповідей.

2. Is Sue talking on the phone?

3. Are Pam and Ann playing a game?

4. Are you watching TV?

Сторінка 18:


Вправа 1: Обведіть правильну форму дієслова.

2. The baby is screaming at the moment.

3. My dad isn’t cleaning his car now.

4. I don’t sing very often.

5. Tom and Ted go to the gym every weekend.

6. We aren’t drawing right now.

Unit 2/Розділ 2 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

Вправа 2: Перепишіть речення у формі запитань за зразком.

2. Does Ann look wonderful in that dress?

3. Do Kate and Kelly watch TV every Saturday?

4. Is Nick skating in the park?

5. Are you washing the dishes right now?

6 Do Rick and Vicky play tennis on Tuesdays?

7. Is their cat playing with a ball?

Вправа 3: Поєднайте питання з відповідями.

1 – d 2 – c 3 – e 4 – f 5 – a 6 – b

Сторінка 19:

Вправа 4: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося

дайте свою відповідь.

1. Who likes chocolate in your family? – My sister does.

2. Where do you study? – I study at school.

3. What is your teacher doing? – She is writing on the board.

4. Where are you going tonight? – I am going to play tennis.

5. When does your mum go to bed? – My mum goes to bed at half past ten.

6. Why your friends are learning English? – Because they are having English lesson.

Сторінка 20:

Вправа 1: Змініть речення з Present Simple на Present Continuous.

1. Sam is helping me learn English.

2. Bob isn’t eating fish and chips.

3. Kate and Jane are talking about sport.

4. You aren’t playing a boring game.

5. I am talking to Eddy on the phone.

6. It isn’t raining in New York now.

Вправа 2: a) Поставте слова у дужках у форму Present Simple або Present Continuous.

Підкресліть слова, які допомогли вам обрати потрібну форму.

1. I travel around the world every summer.

2. Dylan doesn’t clean his room on Saturdays.

3. We are having lunch at the moment.

4. Mandy is working at the office right now.

5. Ted and Tom aren’t posting blogs now.

6. The lesson starts at 8 am on Mondays

b) Запишіть три речення у Present Simple та три речення у Present Continuous.

1. Alex goes dancing on Fridays.

2. We usually go tj the sea in summer.


3. I like to spend free time with my friends.

4. Bob and Ben are making a cake for their mother birthday.

5. Lisa is singing a song now.

6. I am learning new English words.

Вправа 3: Оберіть a чи b.

2 – a 3 – b 4 – b 5 – a 6 – b

Unit 2/Розділ 2 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022
питання. Потім

дайте свою відповідь.

1. What are you doing now? – I’m learning English.

2. Where do your friends live? – My friends live in my building.

3. Why is your mother working? – Because she is a teacher.

4. Who helps your with the chores? – My dad helps me with the chores.

5. When does your last lesson end? – My last lesson ends at 2 o’clock.

6. Who is speaking at the moment? – I am speaking at the moment. Вправа 5: Напишіть питання до заданих відповідей.

1. Does Wendy like basketball?

2. Does Robert read a lot of books?

3. Are you talking to Jane on the phone?

4. Is Leila exercising in the gym now?

5. Are Vic and Nick playing tennis? Сторінка 23:

1: Поєднайте.

1 – b 2 – c 3 – d 4 – a

Вправа 2: Поставте дієслова в дужках

2. Bob haven’t eaten anything yet.

3. We have been to this great café already.

4. Sam and Amy have drunk some tea.

5. Ted and Bella haven’t try sushi yet.

6. Our cat has been hungry all day today.

Вправа 3: Напишіть


2. Has Bob made the cake?

3. Have you ever been to this restaurant?

4. Have Jack and Jill cooked the soup?

5. Have you put the meat into the fridge?

6. Has Kyle mixed the vegetables?

Сторінка 24: Вправа 4: Обведіть правильне слово.

2. Pam has never skipped a meal in her Life.

3. I have cut some fruit for dessert already.

4. Have you ever been to an Asian restaurant?

5. Luke hasn’t bought any eggs yet

6. Has Sarah finished her work already? Вправа 5: Попрацюйте у парах.

Jack has got a stomach ache.

Rosie has eaten all the food.

Lola has drunk all water.

Kelly and Kevin have cooked a dinner.

Present Perfect.

Unit 2/Розділ 2 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022 Сторінка 21: Вправа 4: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося
питання. Потім
у форму
до заданих відповідей.
Роздивіться картинки. Здогадайтеся та скажіть, що відбувається.
Сторінка 26: Вправа 1: a) Напишіть “C” для злічуваних та “U” для незлічуваних. 1 – U 2 – U 3 – C 4 – U 5 – C 6 – C 7 – U 8 – C shkola.in.ua

) Заповніть таблицю з іншими злічуваними та незлічуваними іменниками, які ви знаєте.

Countable: apples, pens, eggs, bananas, tables, desks, rulers, lemons, books, dresses.

Uncountable: rice, milk, coffee, cocoa, food, health, bread, butter, pasta, soup.

Вправа 2: Доповніть речення правильною формою дієслова “be”.

2. There is some fish in the fridge.

3. There isn't any rice in the box.

4. There aren't any peanuts in the bag.

5. There are some sausages on the table.

6. There isn't any cocoa in the cup.

Вправа 3: Роздивіться картинку. Задайте питання та дайте відповіді, що є у

Are there any eggs in the fridge? – Yes, there are ten eggs in the fridge.

Is there any orange juice in the fridge? – Yes, there is a bottle of orange juice.

Is there any apple juice in the fridge? – No, there is any apple juice.

Is there any butter in the fridge? – Yes, there is some butter.

Is there any fish in the fridge? – No, there is any fish in the fridge.

Is there any meat in the fridge? – Yes, there is some meat.

Is there any pasta in the fridge? – Yes, there is some pasta.

Are there any lemons in the fridge? – Yes, there are two lemons.

Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? – Yes, there are three tomatoes.

Are there any cucumbers in the fridge? – Yes, there are three cucumbers.

Are there any potatoes in the fridge? – No, there are any potatoes.

Сторінка 27:

Вправа 1: Оберіть a, b чи с.

2 – a 3 – a 4 – c

Вправа 2: a) Поставте слова

2. Jim hasn't cut the vegetables yet.

3. I have made an apple pie for my dad.

4. Ann and Matt have learned a new recipe.

5. We haven't done our work yet.

6. You've eaten all the cake already!

b) Запишіть чотири речення у формі Present Perfect.

1. We have done all our homework.

2. My mum hasn't washed the dishes yet.

3. I've just finished reading a book.

4. She hasn't called him yet.

Вправа 3: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося питання. Потім

дайте свою відповідь.


1. Have you ever tried Italian food? – No, I haven't.

2. Have your parents bought some food? – Yes, they have.

3. Has your best friend been to a French restaurant? – Yes, he has.

4. Has your mum learnt a new recipe? – No, she hasn't.

5. Have you had a snack yet. – No, I haven't.

6. Has your teacher drunk some water. – Yes, she has.

Unit 3/Розділ 3 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022 b
5 – c 6 – b
в дужках у форму Present Perfect.

Сторінка 28:

Вправа 4: Виправте помилки та запишіть речення.

2. There isn't any milk in the bottle.

3. There is some salad in the fridge.

4. There aren't any apples on that tree.

5. Are there any onions in the bag?

6. Is there any oil in the bottle?

Вправа 5: Роздивіться картинку та запишіть, що є на столі чи в тарілці, в пляшці чи


There are some salad on the plate. There is some cheese on the table.

There is some sugar in the bag. There are three bottle with juice on the table. There are two oranges on the table.

Сторінка 30:

Вправа 1: Поставте слова в дужках у форму Past Simple.

2. Mike called me last night.

3. Jack didn't work yesterday.

4. Kim and Ann weren't here two days ago.

5. Sophie danced with Tim at the party.

6. We didn't study last Monday.

Вправа 2: Доповніть параграф словами з рамки у формі Past Simple.

There were so many things to do before Dad's birthday last night! First, I cleaned the living room and my mum washed the kitchen. After that, she cooked a lot of food and I walked the dog. We didn't need to make a cake because my grandma baked it. We invited all of Dad's friends to our house, and he was so happy to see everybody when the party started!

Вправа 3: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося питання. Потім дайте свою відповідь.

1. Were you at school yesterday? – Yes, I was.

2. Was your mum happy last evening? – Yes, she was.

3. Were your friend in the classroom 10 minutes ago? – No, he wasn't.

4. Was your teacher with you last Monday? – Yes, she was.

Сторінка 31:

Вправа 4: Роздивіться картинку та запишіть, що Джим робив учора. Використайте слова з рамки.

2. Jim washed the floor yesterday.

3. Jim cooked with his mother yesterday.


4. Jim had dinner with his family yesterday.

5. Jim talked with his friend on the phone yesterday.

6. Jim watched TV yesterday.

Unit 4/Розділ 4 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

Сторінка 33:

Вправа 1: Обведіть правильне слово.

2. Kelly put on a nice costume.

3. I didn't get a present from Dave.

4. Ned was at the party last night.

5. We sang a birthday song to Ann.

6. Tim and Mia didn't make a cake yesterday.

Вправа 2: Поставте слова в дужках у форму Past Simple.

2. James met Helen two hours ago.

3. They didn't eat any sweets at the party.

4. Christina went trick-or-treating with me.

5. Bob and Ben drank some juice at the cafe.

6. You didn't make your mask last Halloween.

Вправа 3: Напишіть питання до відповідей.

2. Did Rick bring any biscuits?

3. Did you give Ted any nice presents?

4. Did Casey buy a dress yesterday?

5. Did Ed bring a cake for his cousin?

6. Did Leo and Pam meet you last Saturday?

Вправа 4: Розкажіть однокласникам, як ти святкував свій минулий день народження. My last birthday I celebrated with my friends. We went to the cinema to see a new film. After that we eat a cake at the cafe.

Сторінка 34:

Вправа 1: a) Відмітьте правильні речення.

2 – V 5 – V 7 – V 9 – V 10 – V

b) Виправте не правильні речення та запишіть їх.

1. I went to the concert last weekend.

3. You were late for the dance yesterday.

4. Ricky didn't begin her plan for Christmas.

6. They did something special for Nina last night.

8. Dina and Vic didn't wash the dishes after the party.

Вправа 2: Поставте слова в дужках у форму Past Simple.

2. We played some games at Kate's party.

3. Chuck was excited about the dance last night.

4. Josh didn't learn any new songs last month.

5. Chris sent a birthday card three days ago.

6. They saw a famous singer at the cafe yesterday.

7. Ann invited all her friends to her party last Friday.


8. David and Lilly weren't in New York at Easter.

9. You celebrated New Year's Day with your family.

10. Joe and Nick ate all the cake a day ago.

11. My sister didn't study at school last week.

12. Vic made some biscuits for Bill an hour ago.

Unit 4/Розділ 4 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

1. Were you happy yesterday? – Yes, I was.

2. Were your friends with you last Sunday? – No, they weren't.

3. Did your family go to the beach last year? – Yes, it did.

4. Did your teacher meet you ten minutes ago? – Yes, he did.

5. Was the weather good last weekend? – No, it wasn't.

6. Did you play any games an hour ago? – No, I didn't.

7. Was your last English Lesson interesting? – Yes, it was.

8. Did your parents work yesterday? – Yes, they did.

9. Was your mother sad last evening? – No, she wasn't.

10. Did you celebrate your last Christmas at home? – Yes, I did.

Сторінка 37:

Вправа 1: Поставте дієслова у дужках у форму ‘be going to’ .

2. Bill is going to buy a new car next year.

3. Mike and Mia are going to play basketball together.

4. It is going to be very cloudy and cold tomorrow.

Вправа 2: Доповніть речення словами з рамки. Використайте форму ‘be going to’ .

2. Jack and Ann are going to clean in Spain next month.

3. Eddy is not going to make a cake for his aunt tomorrow.

4. The weather is going to be nice this weekend.

Вправа 3: Складіть три речення з ‘be going to’ .

1. I am going to visit my grandparents in the village next Friday.

2. Tom is going to become a doctor.

3. My friends are going to go to see a new film on weekend.

Вправа 4: Напишіть питання до заданих відповідей.

2. Is Tom going to play tennis with Tim today?

3. Are you going to see Kim this week?

4. Are Fiona and Emma going to visit Paris this summer?

5. Is Wendy going to watch TV tonight?

6. Is it going to snow next Monday?

Сторінка 39: Вправа 5: Поставте дієслова у дужках у форму Future Simple.

2. Ned will take his cousins to Oxford this weekend.

3. I will not see you after your lessons on Monday.

4 Nick and Vic will not tell me their secrets.

5. We will report everything this afternoon.

6. You will not cook anything for dinner tonight.

Вправа 6: Доповніть речення словами з рамки. Поставте дієслова у форму Future Simple.

2. Leila will do her homework this evening.

3. We will not dance at the party together.

4. Bob and Sarah will not travel to Europe this week.

5. Henry will get some food for the picnic.

6. I will be happy to see Ann tomorrow.

Unit 5/Розділ 5 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022 Сторінка 35: Вправа 3: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося
дайте свою відповідь.
питання. Потім

Вправа 7: Складіть чотири речення у формі Future Simple.

1. I will take part in the word competition tomorrow.

2. Sarah will not play piano anymore.

3. My parents will go to buy me a present for the birthday.

4. Alex will be very upset if nobody visits him in hospital.

Вправа 8: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку, щоб утворилося питання. Дайте свою відповідь.

1. Will you buy a new phone tomorrow? – No, I will not.

2. Will your mother go shopping this week? – Yes, she will.

3. Will your friends meet you next weekend? – Yes, they will.

4. Will you go somewhere this summer? – Yes, I will.

5. Will the weather be good tomorrow? – No, it will not.

Сторінка 40:

Вправа 9: а) Використайте форму ‘be going to’ або форму Future Simple для слів у дужках.

1. Helen will travel in August.

2. Look at those cool jeans! I am going to buy them!

3. It is very cloudy – I think it is going to rain.

4. I don’t think Ted will tell them our secret.

5. Let’s look at the menu. We are going to have the chicken.

6. Look out! You are going to fall down!

b) Складіть три речення з ‘be going to’ та три речення у формі Future Simple.

1. Luis is going to make plane models with his father.

2. My aunt and uncle are going to became parents.

3. I am going to play tennis with Jim in the evening.

4. Kate will draw a new picture for her grandmother.

5. My parents will have romantic dinner this Saturday.

6. I will study well to become an engineer.

Вправа 10: Напишіть питання до заданих відповідей.

1. Will Bill have lunch with Kate today?

2. Is Vicky going to watch parade tomorrow?

3. Are Fred and Pete going to study tonight?

4. Will you go to the party next Saturday?

5. Will you play football with me?

6. Is Jack going to see Mia at 5 pm?

Сторінка 41:

11: Попрацюйте у парах.


1. She is going to make a cake tomorrow.

2. She is going to go to the cinema tomorrow.

3. She is going to read a book tomorrow.

4. She isn’t going to go shopping tomorrow.

5. She isn’t going to read newspaper tomorrow.

6. She isn’t going to wash a car tomorrow.

Unit 5/Розділ 5 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022
Напишіть три речення про що, на вашу думку, збирається робити ваш однокласник
та три речення про що не збирається робити.

) Напишіть

три речення

про що, на вашу думку, буде робити ваш однокласник через

десять років та три речення про що не буде робити. В кінці покажіть свої передбачення однокласнику.

1. She will study in the university in ten years.

2. She will live in Kyiv in ten years.

3. She will drive a car in ten years.

4. She will not live with her parents in ten years.

5. She will not have long hair in ten years.

6. She will not forget her school friends in ten years.

Сторінка 43: Вправа 1: Поєднайте, щоб утворилося речення.

1 – c 2 – d 3 – e 4 – f 5 – b 6 – a

Вправа 2: Оберіть a чи b.

1 – a 2 – a 3 – b 4 – a 5 – a

Вправа 3: Доповніть речення своїми словами.

1. If it is sunny, we go to the beach.

2. If I am sad, I go for a walk.

3. If my friends come to my place, we play a lot of games.

4. If my phone breaks down, I go to the phone service.

5. If my mother is busy, I try to help her.

Вправа 4: Складіть чотири речення з Zero Conditional.

1. If the weather is bad, I stay at home and read.

2. If my father is hungry, I make him a sandwich.

3. If you have a lot of free time, go to the art classes.

4. If you doesn’t like cats, get a dog.

Вправа 5: Розкажіть своїм однокласникам, що ти та твої батьки роблять, якщо вони:

1) щасливі; 2) сумні; 3) занудилися; 4) втомлені.

1. If we are happy, we laugh a lot.

2. If I am sad, my mother makes me a cake.

3. If I am bored, I and my family go to the swimming pool.

4. If my mother is tired, we help her to do the house work.

Сторінка 44: Вправа 1: Оберіть a чи b.

2: Поєднайте питання з відповідями.

3: Складіть чотири речення з ‘be going to’ та чотири речення у формі Future Simple

1. I am going to sing in a school choir.

2. Tim is going to adopt a dog.


3. Bill and Kate are going to play football together.

4. My mum is going to buy a new dress for the party.

5. I will learn Spain next year.

6. She will not eat cakes too much.

7. They will visit London next summer.

8. Jane will go swimming tomorrow.

Unit 5/Розділ 5 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022 b
1 – b 2 – b 3 – a 4 – b 5 – a 6 – a 7 – b 8 – a 9 – b 10 – a 11 – a 12 – a Вправа
– c 2 – f 3 – g 4 – e 5 – h 6 – d 7 – b 8 – a


Вправа 4: Поставте питання до речень за зразком.

2. Are you going to call Sam?

3. Will Luke meet Lilly tomorrow?

4. Will we dance together?

5. Is Jane going to cook dinner this evening?

6. Are Mike and Ben going to be doctors?

7. Will Sandra start the game?

8. Will his family be happy to see Paul?

9. Are we going to fly to America this Monday?

10. Will I join you for lunch?

Вправа 5: Поєднайте, щоб утворилося речення.


Вправа 6: Оберіть a чи b.

Вправа 7: Доповніть речення своїми словами.

1. If it snows, we make a snowman.

2. If I feel ill, I call a doctor.

3. If my parents are tired, I try not to worry them.

4. If my best friend calls me, I always very happy.

5. If I am very happy, I smile a lot.

6. If the weather is nice, we go outside.

7. If my teacher is angry, we get silent.

8. If I study well, I get a present from my grandpa.

9. If my friends are free, they come to my place.

10. If it is summer, we go to the sea.

Вправа 8: Складіть п’ять речення з Zero Conditional.

1. If it is rain, I take an umbrella.

2. If I go shopping, I get an ice cream.

3. If my sister cries, I make her laugh.

4. If I am hungry, I make a sandwich.

5. If a book is interesting, I can read it in a day.

Сторінка 48:

Вправа 1: Поєднайте.

1 – b 2 – d 3 – e 4 – f 5 – c 6 – a

Вправа 2: Роздивіться картинку та напишіть, що кому подобається, а що – ні.

Kelly likes singing. She doesn’t like running.


Ben likes museums. He doesn’t like cooking.

Edna likes camping. She doesn’t like cycling.

Вправа 3: Напишіть, що вам подобається робити, а що – ні.

1. I like singing.

2. I like swimming.

3. I like reading.

4. I don’t like camping.

5. I don’t like cooking.

6. I don’t like running.

Unit 5/Розділ 5 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022 Сторінка
1 – c 2 – d 3 – e 4 – f 5 – b 6 – a Сторінка
1 – a 2 – a 3 – b 4 – a 5 – b
– b 7 – a
– b 9 – a 10 – b

Сторінка 50:

Вправа 1: Поєднайте запитання з відповідями.

1 – c 2 – d 3 – e 4 –

Вправа 2: Поставте слова у дужках у форму Present Continuous.

2. Ann and Bill is playing volleyball this afternoon.

3. I am going to the cinema with my friends tonight.

4. Jim is meeting Henry in the park next Saturday.

5. We aren’t doing our homework this evening.

6 Sam isn’t cycling with me after lunch.

Вправа 3: Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. I am gardening this weekend.

2. I am doing my homework at 6 pm this evening.

3. I’m having music lesson next Wednesday.

4. Best friend is playing football tomorrow.

5. Family is traveling this summer.

Сторінка 51:

Вправа 4: Поставте слова у дужках у форму Future Simple або Present Continuous.

A: Hey, Sue! What are you doing this weekend?

B: Hi, Tom! I am meeting Ann on Saturday and we are going to the cinema together.

A: What about Sunday?

B: My cousin Jim will come to visit me. I think we’ll play some games in the park. He is an active boy! Will you join us, Tom?

A: Yes! I’m taking my sister Sue to the park this Sunday, too. I’m sure she’ll be happy to have some fun with your cousin!

B: Great! I’ll see you there, then.

A: Let’s meet at 3 pm. Is that being okay for you?

B: Sure!

Сторінка 52:

Вправа 1: Оберіть a чи b.

2 – a 3 – a

Вправа 2: Складіть три речення про, що вам подобається робити, а що – ні; три речення

про свого друга.

1. I am good at singing.

2. My friend enjoys cycling.

3. I love dancing.

4. I’m not keen on painting.

5. My friend doesn’t like tennis.

6. My friend hates climbing.

Вправа 3: Поставте слова у дужках у форму Present Continuous.

2. Wendy isn’t going to the beach after lunch.

3. Chad is seeing Mike the day after tomorrow.

4. Cindy and Helen aren’t playing basketball today.


5. You are having an English lesson at 3 pm.

6. Steve is going to Washington this weekend.

7. My brother isn’t doing aerobics tomorrow.

8. We aren’t cooking dinner this evening

9. Mia is helping her mum clean the house next week.

Unit 6/Розділ 6 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022
– f 6 – a
b 5
5 – b 6 – a
– b

Сторінка 53:

Вправа 4: а) Роздивіться картинки

Bill is going to play tennis on Saturday.

Peter is going to the party at 6 pm.

Ann is going to visit museum today.

b) Напишіть, що ви збираєтесь робити.

1. I’m playing football this afternoon.

3. I’m cooking dinner tomorrow.

2. I am watching TV at 9 pm.

4. I am visiting grandparents next weekend.

Сторінка 55: Вправа 1: Обведіть правильні слова.

2. Jim and John have seen this film already.

3. Leila has changed her dress and she looks better now.

4. We haven’t finished our work yet.

5. Tom wrote a great story yesterday.

Вправа 2: Поставте слова з дужок у форму Present Perfect чи Past Simple.

2. Fred stayed at home last night.

3. William has tried this new cake already.

4. The lesson hasn’t begun yet.

5. I didn’t see you at the party yesterday.

6. We have read this book already.

7. Helen didn’t go to Ukraine in 2009.

8. Nick and Ann haven’t got any presents yet.

9. Ben has gone to Ireland for ten days.

10. Pam was ill last week.

Вправа 3: Складіть три речення у формі Past Simple та ще три речення у формі Present Perfect зі словами з рамки.

1. I called my grandmother yesterday.

2. I caught a bus two hours ago.

3. I wrote a letter to my pen friend one week ago.

4. I have not studied Chemistry yet.

5. I have just taken a book from the library.

6. We have already sung this song.

Сторінка 56:

Вправа 4: Розташуйте слова у правильному порядку. Потім дайте на них відповіді.

2. When did you have breakfast? – I had breakfast in the morning.

3. Where did your parents go last weekend? – They went to the cinema.

4. Have you ever visited England? – No, I haven’t.

5. Has your family met your friends? – Yes, my family has met my friends.

6. Has your teacher brought any videos today? – No, she hasn’t.

Вправа 5: Доповніть діалог.

A: Have you ever been to Lviv?

B: Yes, I have.

A: Why did you go there?

B: I went there to visit my friends.


A: What did you do?

B: We had fun in this big city. Have you ever been to Lviv?

A: No, I haven’t. I have visited Kharkiv.

B: When did you go there?

A: I was there last summer.

B: Cool

Unit 7/Розділ 7 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022
та запишіть, що кожен
робить і коли.

Сторінка 57:

Вправа 1: Оберіть a чи b.

2 – a 3 – b 4 – a 5 – b 6 – a 7 – a 8 – a

Вправа 2: Напишіть


запитання до відповідей. Поставте питання до слів, виділених

2. Where did he see Bill?

3. Whom did you meet yesterday?

4. How did they go there?

5. At what time did Kelly get up this morning?

6. Why did she go to the club?

Сторінка 59:

7. What did Rick and Lilly do last night?

8. Has Emma ever been to Kyiv?

9. Have Mykola and Katia finished the task?

10. Has Bohdan taken his dog with him?

11. Has the lesson started already?

Вправа 1: Поєднайте,щоб утворилися речення.

2 – c 3 – f 4 – a 5 – d 6 – b

Вправа 2: Оберіть a, b чи с.

2 – c 3 – a 4 – b 5 – a 6 – c

Вправа 3: а) Доповніть речення правильними сполучниками.

2. Mia enjoys swimming in the sea but not in the pool.

3. Ryan wants to visit Italy because the climate there is nice.

4. My sisters like travelling, so I got them a trip to Rome.

b) Напишіть 5 речень зі сполучниками.

1. I called my friend and we talked about "Avatar".

2. I have been to many Ukrainian cities, but I haven´t visited Crimea yet.

3. My parents work a lot because they want to built a new house.

4. Kate was very tired, so she went to bed earlier.

5. I love Ukraine, because it is beautiful and strong country. Сторінка 60:

Hi Dave! I want to tell you about my last trip to Carpathians! My parents like winter sports and they are fond of skiing and snowboarding, so they bought tickets to Bukovel last winter. The friends of my parents also went with us there because they are also fond of skiing. We went there by cars, because it is fast and comfortable. On our way to Bukovel we visited Lake Synevir, Shypit Waterfall and of course the highest mountain of the Ukrainian CarpathiansHoverla. When we reached the place of our destination, we were very tired, so we had a rest at first. But on the next day we skied and snowboarded a lot. We had a lot of fun! That was the best winter trip in my life.

Сторінка 62: Вправа 1: Розподіліть слова з рамки.

Unit 8/Розділ 8 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022
Вправа 4: Напишіть листа своєму другу про свою останню поїздку по Україні чи за
THE –the Roberts the Canary Islands the Moon the USA the Southern Ocean Alex Japan Oxford Street Australia Odesa shkola.in.ua

Вправа 2: Додайте артикль, де потрібно.

1. George is my good friend.

2. The United Kingdom is a great country.

3. The Ukrainians are a very friendly nation.

4. Bella lives in Bleecker Street.

5. My cousins are from New York.

6. Max wants to go to the Crimean Peninsula.

7. He told Helen about his big trip.

8. Look at the sky! It is so beautiful!

Вправа 3: Складіть 5 речень зі словами з рамки. Використайте артикль, де потрібно.

1. I have never been to Africa.

2. The Carpathians are very beautiful.

3. Mount Everest is the Earth's highest mountain above the sea level.

4. The National Museum is number one attraction.

5. I want to visit Canada, because it is very beautiful country.

Сторінка 63: Вправа 1: Доповніть речення правильними


2. I want to go to Kyiv because there is a job for me.

3. Max was ill, so he didn’t go to school last week.

4. Kelly doesn’t want to go to the sea because she can’t swim.

5. Pete is not keen on camping, but his older brother is.

6. We like travelling both to Europe and Asia.

7. This journey will be long, so we can explore a lot of things.

8. My family often travels by car and by train.

9. They enjoy visiting London, but they hate the traffic there.

10. Joe is going to Italy this summer and he wants to learn Italian.

11. Wendy plans to go abroad this year, so she needs to check some leaflets.

12. You want to visit Spain, but it is not your only choice this time.

Вправа 2: Додайте артикль, де потрібно.

2. Greenland is where Anita wants to go this year.

3. Hoverla is the highest mountain in my country.

4. Many people go to the Alps to ski in winter.

5. Her brother Duke enjoys skating very much.

6. The Browns are coming to visit me tonight.

7. Thomas has never been to the Sahara.

8. Our biggest shopping centre is in Symonenko Street.

9. The London Eye is one of the favourite tourist attractions in my city.

10. There are many things to see and to do in Lviv.


11. Ricky has visited the Balkan Peninsula three times already.

12. We want to explore some countries in South America next month.

Unit 8/Розділ 8 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022

1. Look at those jeans! I have bought them!

2. Ed has not done his homework yet.

3. Sam and Julia met Frank this afternoon.

4. If I am bored, I am reading some books.

5. Wendy has started her lesson at 10 am today.

6. Bill and Jack are working at the moment.

7. Kim went to Canada last month.

8. Diana has guitar lessons twice a week.

1. We clean the house every Wednesday.

2. Jim has seen this film three times already.

3. Edna is having some guests next weekend.

4. The sky is grey - I think it’s going to rain

5. If you see Fred, ask him about the tickets.

6. Tim and Teresa are making a cake for their mother now.

7. Ryan played with his little brother yesterday.

8. This hat is too big for Dave. He is not going to take it.


Unit 8/Розділ 8 Grammar book Англійська мова: зошит з граматики для 5 класу. Карпюк К.Т. «Лібра Терра», 2022 Сторінка 64: Вправа 3: Поставте слова у дужках у правильну форму. A

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