SEPTEMBER 2019 September 2019
www.etsy.com/shop/ kmhphotoanddesign facebook.com/kzine4 kzine4@gmail.com VOL. 2, ISSUEwww.kmhphotog.com 2
All Design, Layout, Words, Photos by Kris Hartley (unless otherwise specified) Clip Art used with permission from free vector sites.
Submissions/Questions/Comments: send an email to kzine4@gmail.com or visit www.facebook.com/kzine4 for more details.
I believe it is time for certain types of people, behaviors, habits, trends, etc. to receive a round of applause. That is the purpose of this issue. Far too frequently, good, productive behavior goes unrecognized because it’s not what gets the most views or is the most interesting. We see far too much violence, negativity, tearing down of one another, and so much more, because that is what gets the most attention and makes the most noise. Unfortunately, daily exposure to that without balancing it out with the opposite is toxic. Our society has become so very toxic since said negativity is in our faces 24/7, thanks to having all of this information right at our fingertips whenever we desire. So, get ready for a zine full of praise for the good in the world, so much more of which we need to see. This is how it works: each page will feature a type of person or behavior that deserves a round of applause. It’s simple! I love you all! Kris
(according to www.merriam-webster.com) Pronunciation: \ 'rau̇nd \ Definition: -a prolonged burst (as of applause) -a musical canon in which each part begins on the same note and is continuously repeated -motion in a circle or a curving path -a sequence of recurring routine or repetitive actions or events -a period of time that recurs in a fixed pattern
“In the whole round of human affairs, little is so fatal to peace as misunderstanding.” -Margaret Elizabeth Sangster “On the earth the broken arcs; in the heaven a perfect round.” -Robert Browning “I don’t think there is anything owed to us. You’ve got to go out and work hard for every round win.” -Larry Dixon
(according to https://dictionary.cambridge.org) Pronunciation: [uh-plawz] Definition: -hand clapping as a demonstration of approval, appreciation, acclamation, or the like. -any positive expression of appreciation or approval; acclamation.
Quotes “May I propose a little toast? For all the ones who hurt the most. For all the friends that we have lost. Let’s give them one more round of applause.” -Regina Spektor “The applause was so loud and insistent that I had to respond with several encores. I was numb with happiness, when it was over, I knew that this alone must be my life and my world.” -Leni Riefenstahl “Awards and ceremonies are all an applause of discipline.” -Sunday Adelaja
Those who refuse to be condescending. Certainly, we will get impatient when we know more about certain topics than others. However, that is not a license to be condescending.
Let’s treat each other with the consideration with which we would like to be treated, were the situation reversed.
Those who can truly engage empathy. There are situations others will experience, but we will not. However, it is imperative to employ a way to understand what they are feeling so that we can help.
E nter E mpathy . Empathy is putting yourself in others’ situations to understand them, and that gives us a glimpse into their struggle. Once we have even just an inkling of what they’re feeling, we can begin to help them figure out how to deal with it. Empathy dimishes fear and misunderstanding. If you don’t understand someone’s way of life, opinion, viewpoint, etc., rather than arguing that they are wrong, look at it from their point of view.
Those to whom consideration for others is second nature. Consideration for others can be practiced in just about every situation. When we are self-aware and do our best not to impede on another’s smoothly making it through the day, the world is a better place.
Consider others in everything you do. Examples: Driving in the left lane on a highway for no reason, and you’re causing a line to form behind you? Switch over to the right lane. Walking through a door, and someone isn’t too far behind you? Hold the door. Parked in front of a restaurant where the windows are directly in front of your car? Turn off your headlights. Is there a simple way that you can make someone’s day a little easier or brighter? Do it. Will something you do make someone’s life more difficult? Consider a different way.
Those who can see past their own noses to the big picture. When we see only our own day-to-day without considering that there are so many other ways of life, perspectives, feelings, opinions, needs, wants, likes, dislikes, and so many other various aspects of life, we can’t help with anyone else’s problems. When you don’t understand something, take a step back and consider that your opinion or outlook isn’t the only valid one.
YARD STICK: Does it harm others or impede upon their right to pursue happiness?
What do you think deserves a round of applause?
Mad Libs Short! The Miser A miser sold all that he had and bought a lump of ________, (noun) which he buried in a hole in the _______ by the side of an old (noun)
wall and went to look at daily. One of his _________ observed his occupation (plural)
frequent visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements. He soon discovered the secret of the hidden _________, and (noun)
digging down, came to the lump of _______, and ________ it. The (verb)
Miser, on his next visit, found the _______ empty and began to (noun)
_______ his hair and to make loud _________. A neighbor, seeing (verb)
(sound - plural)
him overcome with _______(emotion) and learning the cause, said, “Pray do not grieve so; but go and take a ________, and place it in the (noun)
_______, and fancy that the gold is still _______ there. It will do (noun)
(verb ending in -ing)
you quite the same service; for when the _______ was there, you (noun)
had it not, as you did not make the _________ use of it.� (adjective)
Centerfold Puzzles! (Puzzle solutions on page 15)
A Round of Applause: A Word Search
Round of Applause: A Crossword
ACROSS 10 Direct one’s mind toward someone or something 11 Thoughtfulness or sensitivity toward others 12 Do your homework 14 Be grateful for 16 An interrogatory statement 17 The technical meaning of a word, phrase or text 19 Showing a great deal of variety 20 Basic sense DOWN 1 Number of inhabitants of a specific town, area, or country 2 Bring attention to 3 A sign of approval 4 Using your intelligence to look down upon another 5 Providing encouragement or emotional help 6 In a state of complete confusion and disorder 7 The emotion of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes 8 To perceive the meaning of 9 That which works toward progress 13 Like a circle 15 Problems 18 Why something happened
Those who think things through for themselves rather than blindly believing what they are told. Unfortunately, it’s hard to trust anyone these days when lies have become the norm. When you are told something that doesn’t quite make sense, there’s usually a reason for that. Take the time to do some research to find the truth. (always consider your sources!) It’s sad that we have to make an effort to find truth underneath the landfill of lies. But, it’s where we are, and it’s important to make the effort.
Those who focus on the issues rather than semantics. Let’s not focus on how something is worded rather than what is actually meant. People won’t always use the most proper word for a situation, and those bent on disproving the other will focus on that one lessthan-perfect word to derail any progress that they could have been making.
instead of arguing about the word choice,
get clarity on what they are actually trying to say.
Those who question that which doesn’t make sense. This one may be a little redundant, but it’s IMPORTANT. We are constantly fed BS, and it’s become our job to decipher it.
Question everything. Don’t follow blindly. Don’t believe without hesitation.
So many are out to deceive for their own gain, and it’s up to us to be aware.
those who call out harmful behaviors in spite of its unpopularity Okay, so recently, Gillette, the razor company, released an ad against toxic masculinity. As you can imagine, and as is par for the course, those who are most guilty of it were the most offended. Kudos to Gillette for putting the spotlight on behaviors that contribute to the general consensus that small little behaviors and jokes are okay and aren’t harming anyone. On the contrary, every time we joke about someone’s identity, appearance, way of life, or any other characteristic, it perpetuates the idea that there is something wrong with people who don’t adhere to society’s norms. If someone is living in a way that you don’t understand, it’s NOT okay to make fun of them for any reason.
Instead, learn more about them so you have
a better understanding.
Those who utilize logic and reason Logic and reason will always trump personal beliefs. Everyone believes differently, but logic and reason are a constant.
Always think things through
and use your ability to make sense of things.
personal Beliefs are perfectly fine
unless they impede on another’s ability to live their truth freely.
Human rights are greater than religious (or otherwise) beliefs and “The Way it’s Always Been Done.”
Those who don’t give or settle for blanket solutions for a very diverse population of people. The world is filled with so many different kinds of people and situations. One-size-fits-all does not work. When making decisions, it has to be done via a caseby-case basis in order to be effective.
What works for one situation may not work for another.
Those who don’t give others power over how their day goes. It’s difficult to move on when someone says something or acts a certain way to make you feel bad about yourself. But, it is entirely in your power not to allow that person’s words or actions dictate how you see yourself or how the rest of your day goes. People who make others feel bad about themselves likely are unhappy about something in their own lives.
T rust your own judgement .
Y ou
your self best !
Those who may not understand yet take the time to learn while being supportive and compassionate. We are not always going to understand what others are going through. However, we can definitely make sure they know that we will be there for them in any way that we can.
little compassion
will go further than you think !
Puzzle Solutions!
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