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2 Easy Journey to Other Pf.anets

3. The antimaterial and material worlds may clash at a certain period and may annihilate one another.

Out of these three items, we, the students of theisticscience, can fully agree with items 1 and 2, but we can agree with item 3 only within the limited scientific definition of antimatter. The difficulty liesin thefactthatthe scientists' conception ofantimatterextendsonlytoanothervarietyofmaterial energy, whereas the real antimatter must be entirely antimaterial. Matter as it is constituted is subjected to annihilation, but antimatter-ifit isto be free from all material symptoms-must also be free from annihilation, byitsvery nature. If matter is destructible or separable, antimatter must be indestructibleandinseparable. Weshall trytodiscuss thesepropositionsfromtheangleofauthenticscriptural vision.

The most widely recognized scriptures in the world are the Vedas. The Vedas have been divided into four parts: Sarna, Yajur, �g and Atharva. The subjectmatterofthe Vedas isverydifficultforaman ofordinaryunderstanding. Forelucidation, thefour Vedas are explained p, the historical epic called the Mahabharata and eighteen Pural)as. The Ramayal)a isalsoahistoricalepicwhichcontainsall the necessary information from the Vedas. So the four Vedas, the original Ramayal)a by Valmiki� the Mahtibhtirata andthe Purtil)as are classifiedasVedic literatures. The Upani$Qds are parts of the four Vedas, andthe Vedanta-sutrasrepresentthecream of the Vedas. TosummarizealltheseVedicliteratures, the Bhagavad-gitd is accepted as the essence of all Upani!}ads and the preliminary explanation of the Veddnta-sutras. One may then conclude that from the Bhagavad-gftd alone one can have the essence of the Vedas, for it is spoken by Lord Sri Kr�Qa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who descends upon this material world from the antimaterial world in order to give complete information of the superior form of energy.

The superior form of energy of the Personality of Godhead is described in the Bhagavad-gftd as pard prakrtl. The scientists have recently discovered that there are two forms of perishable matter, but the Bhagavad-gitd describes most perfectly the concept of matter and antimatter in terms of two forms of energy. Matter is an energy which creates the material world, and the same energy, in its superior form, also creates the antimaterial (transcendental) world. The living entities belong to the category of superior energy. The inferior energy, or material energy, is called apard prakrti. In the Bhagavad-gitd the creative energy is thus presented in two forms, namely apard and pard prakrti.

Matter itself has no creative power. When it is manipulated by the living energy, material things are produced. Matter in its crude form is therefore the latent energy of the Supreme Being. Whenever we think of energy, it is natural that we think of the source of energy. For example, when we think of electrical energy, we simultaneously think of the powerhouse where it is generated. Energy is not self-sufficient. It is under the control of a superior

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