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Easy Journey to Other Planets

form, but he has to change his outer coverings, grossand subtle, and this changingprocessis technically known aslife and death. As long as a living being has to put on the shackles of material bondage, there is no relief from this changing process, which continues even in the highest stage of materiallife. TheRussianfictionwritermayspeculate, asfictionwritersareapttodo,butsanerpeoplewith some knowledge of natural law will not agree that man can life foreverwithin this material world.

A naturalistcanseethegeneralcourseofmaterial nature simply by studying a piece of fruit. A small fruit developsfroma flower, grows, stays for some timeonabranch, becomesfull-grown, ripens, then beginstodwindledailyuntilitfinallyfalls fromthe tree and commences to decompose into the earth andatlastmingleswiththeearth, leavingbehindits seed which in its turn grows to become a tree and producesmanyfruitsintime,whichwillallmeetthe same fate, andso on andso on.

Similarly,alivingbeing(asaspiritualspark,apart oftheSupremeBeing) takesitsorganicforminthe womb of a motherjust after sexual intercourse. It growslittle bylittlewithinthewomb, is born, then continues growing, becomes a child, boy, youth, adult, old man, then finally dwindles and meets death, despiteallthegood wishes andhopeful pipe dreamsoffictionwriters.Bycomparison, thereisno differencebetweenmanandthefruit.Likethefruit, the man may leave behind him his seeds of numerous children, but he cannot exist eternally within his material body due to the law of material nature.

How can anyone ignore the law of material nature? No material scientist can change the stringent laws of nature, however boastful he may be. No astronomer or scientist can change the course of the planets-he can only manufacture a paltry toy planet which he calls a satellite. Foolish children may be impressed by this and may give a great deal of credit to the inventors of modern satellites, sputniks, etc., but the saner section of humanity gives more credit to the creator of the gigantic satellites, namely the sun, stars and planets of which the material scientist can see no end. If a small toy satellite has a creator in Russia or America, it is reasonable that the gigantic satellites have their creator in the spiritual sky. If a toy satellite requires so many scientific brains for its manufacture and its orbiting, what kind of subtle and perfect brain created galaxies of stars and maintains them in their orbits? Thus far the atheistic class have not been able to answer this.

Nonbelievers put forward their own theories of the creation, which usually result in statements such as, "It's hard to understand," "Our imagination cannot conceive it, but it's quite possible," "It's incomprehensible," and so forth. This only means that their information has no authoritative basis and is not backed by scientific data. They simply speculate. However, authorized information is available in the Bhagavad-gitd. For instance, the Bhagavad-gitd

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