How To Save Your Marriage In 3 Simple Steps [Kindle Edition]
Book Description Publication Date: October 3, 2013 It is possible to save your marriage. And it is not as complicated as many experts would lead you to believe. In fact, there are only 3 steps involved. And those steps are easily mastered. In this easily readable guide, Dr. Lee H. Baucom, Ph.D., the founder and creator of Save The Marriage, boils the process of saving your marriage down to 3 simple steps. If your marriage is in trouble (or headed for trouble), you will find help and direction in this simple, yet powerful, approach. If your spouse does not want to work on your marriage, you can STILL address the issues, working alone. If you and your spouse are working together, this guide will simplify the process and help you rekindle the connection that both of you are seeking. Do you find yourself wanting to work on your relationship, but are not even sure where to start? You will find a step-by-step guide that points out each step, telling you exactly where to start and what to do next. Are you frustrated with the relationship, but don't believe things can change?