2018-2019 Giving Guide

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2018 - 2019 Giving Guide

Why We Give Because God First Gave To Us... At Fellowship Christian School, we understand that giving is important to God. It is an act of worship, praising Him for His blessings. We understand that God owns everything we have. He will provide for all of our needs and it is our privilege to be great stewards and to give with purpose and intent. We model this culture of generosity amongst our school community and spread His great word with passion and excitement. This generous giving provides spiritual return and expansion of God’s kingdom. And We Are Eternally Grateful! Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19


ith every family making a gift, we are able to provide our entire community with thoughtful experiences, program

enrichment and an individual sense of belonging. This year, our community members may prayerfully consider and designate which project area they would like to contribute to.

Annual Fund Projects Arts $29,700

STEM $25,000

Technology $92,800

Spiritual Formation $9,000

Missions $20,000

Debt Reduction $250,000

Campus Controlled Access $90,500

Financial Aid $150,000

Professional Development $33,000

Total $700,000

Fine Arts Alliance The Fine Arts Alliance exists to support and promote our students’ expressions of creativity in all areas of fine arts: visual, performing, literary, and musical.

$1000 Corporate Sponsor

$250 Encore Level

$500 Bravo Level

$100 Ovation Level

Booster Club The Paladin Athletic Booster Club (PABC) exists to support and promote the advancement of the athletic programs of Fellowship Christian School.

$799 Champion + Level

$299 Paladin Level

$499 Champion Level

$99 Jr Paladin Level

Capital Campaign Building for the next generation After extensive planning and prayer, in the Spring of 2015, The Board and Leadership Team cast a vision for the future of our campus, one that would allow us to expand our campus infrastructure, attract and retain quality educational leaders and most importantly, move our youngest students onto one campus with their Middle School and High School peers. We called it the ONE Capital Campaign. It was a multi-year, multi-phase master plan with Phase 1 targeted for 2015-2018. We asked our community to be “all in� right from the start by funding this exciting plan. We met the initial goal! The next project in this phase of the campaign will fund the Stadium Press Box which will include Concessions, Restrooms, and a Spirit Store. Construction will begin when this project is fully funded. Future projects will be prioritized by the Board as part of the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan.

Buy A Brick Preserving your legacy

Whether you are a current family, alumni, alumni parent or community partner, you are invited to leave a permanent legacy on campus by purchasing a commemorative brick in the New Paladin Stadium. The bricks will be installed in the Press Box alcove in front of the Paladin Spirit Store once the building project is fully funded. Your brick will be personally engraved and will be a permanent way to honor your child or family member, remember a loved one, support a local organization, or share God’s word with your favorite Bible verse. This is a limited time offer. Help us pave the way by purchasing a brick between September 1st and October 31st. A discount will be applied when bricks are purchased between September 1st and September 24th.

Adopt A Row We also offer the opportunity to Adopt a Row. For $10,000, you may adopt and name a row of seats within the New Paladin Stadium. A limited number of rows remain available to adopt. Permanent signage will be applied to the row as a way to honor your family or your business.

Brick Options: 4”x 8” with 3 lines of engraving – $50 (For Alumni/Seniors only) 4”x 8” with 3 lines of engraving - $125, $100 for first two weeks 8”x 8” with 6 lines of engraving - $300, $250 for first two weeks Final brick color will be determined upon the inception of the project. Be on the lookout for more information on ordering.

Redirecting Tax Dollars to Benefit FCS Students In 2008, The State of Georgia created the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program. The mission of the program is to provide greater opportunities for access to learning for all Georgia children. By selecting to participate, taxpayers are provided the opportunity to redirect and pre-pay a portion of their state taxes to benefit students at the independent school of their choice. Due to the generosity of over 100 Fellowship families and friends who redirected tax dollars, 26 students received a biblically grounded education at FCS last year. Our goal is to continue to provide a Covenant Christian education to as many families as possible. Make this program count in 2018.

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