3 minute read
If we want to change our success and bank balance, we’ll need to change something we currently believe to be true. Which of these LIMITING BELIEFS do you need to stir up, chew on and spit out?
I am not unique enough
AKA I don’t have anything different to offer from others who share the same product OR I don’t know how to stand out from the crowd.
The truth is you are unique, you just haven’t figured out how you’ll make a difference in the world.
I don 't know what I want
AKA I prefer to stay confused or overwhelmed or unsure because it sure beats having to take responsibility or decisive action or a risk.
The truth is you do know, you just need to choose some goals and get to work. Get quiet and listen to your souls passion and get yourself into alignment without the noise of the world.
I don 't have time
AKA ‘I’m too busy’ is much easier than ‘what if I really do try and I fail?’
The truth is you’ve got as much time as every other person on the planet. Change your habits, change your life.
I don 't want to waste my time or money
AKA waiting for a unicorn called ‘100% guaranteed’.
The truth is you can’t waste time or money, as long as you are learning, doing, and learning from the doing. Friends, are only investment is in products are family are using anyways. Win-Win.
Other people must know something I don 't
AKA I’d rather look outward and blame than look inward and own.
The truth is whatever they know, you can learn it too.
I can do it myself, I don 't need help
AKA some screwed up delusion of what it really takes.
The truth is no one got anywhere alone. The beauty of this business is we have mentors sharing valuable information daily and cheering us on. Be coachable.
I'm not good enough or as good as them
AKA I'd rather be poor than be courageous enough to learn and do whatever it takes.
The truth is you can become good at anything if you put in the time and practice.
I have to change__ before I can__
AKA I can’t be bothered to do that right now.
The truth is you’ll never feel ready.
I will be judged
AKA I’d rather be liked by everyone and broke, rather than suffer the uneducated judgement of few and be financially resilient.
The truth is you are being judged no matter what. You may as well stop caring so much. It's only the people doing less than us who have something to say, never the person doing more. Don't let the ignorant keep you small. Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with.
I tried that, it didn 't work
AKA I want success to happen now! I’m tired of trying and it's taking too long.
The truth is failure is your friend and all that matters is that you keep trying until you find a way. Success never happened overnight. Fail falling forward.
"In life, our fruits are called results. So we look at the fruits (our results) and we don't like them; there aren't enough of them, they're too small or they don't taste good. So what do we tend to do? Most of us put even more attention + focus on the fruits, our results. But what is it that actually creates those particular fruits? Its the seeds and the roots that create the fruit. If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible. " - T Harv Eker