1 minute read
I’m going to give you alllllll the secrets! But first, you're going to need two things:
1. Your starter kit OR top 5 favourite products 2. Your voice
That’s it. The rest of the stuff you “think” you need is just extra. Simplicity is power. Complexity is confusion and chaos.
You’re there to educate people on Young Living and wellness. They do not care if you have a branded table cloth or if your napkins matched the dessert plates or if your social media is perfect.
Those things are cool, but unnecessary. And trust me, I’ve been on the other side. The perfectionism side, the over thinking, analysis paralysis. But it’s exhausting. It’s total chaos. And the more time you spend searching for the perfect tablecloth is time away from IPAs and working.
The people who have been successful in this business have mastered the power of simplicity. Our goal is to take this wellness lifestyle and business and make it simple, easy to access and easy to apply. We want others to look at it and say, “Yeah, I can do that!” Empowering them to make the change. Not stressing them out with overcomplicating it.
We live in a society that is addicted to making things harder than they really are. Needing more. Needing to do more. Needing to have more.
Leave that mindset at the door. Get your starter kit out or top 5 to 10 favourite products. Set it up. Turn on your diffuser. And share the one thing you have that no one else has to offer, your voice + story.