apless Star’ 01 op-think Some Briefness into 2016th Energies Breaking out of Prism or Into? Between Heart and Head Lies the Secret of the Rest Fear. To be afraid and worried, shrinking... Awakening
05-8 09-12 13-22 23-26 27-30
Mapless Star’ 01 “Let’s reinvent the gods” - Jim Morrison
utors Word
For all our precious readers, friends and family. For all our creative and inspiring tribe all around the world.
It is a first edition of our small Op-Think magazine, where we would like to share information with all of you in a new format, allowing ourselves to share knowledge articles and Syncretism from other new angle. This magazine is not commercial, completely free and open minded. Our main goal is to wake up as more people as possible so that we could all stop the game of division and arguments, so that we could live in harmony together as one global loving family.
About us Op-Think has started it’s creation in 2013, when Stefan and Kristina met and felt how similar their views are towards the world and how, through the inspiring process of noticing Syncretism in nature, they are able to see the ultimate connection between all sciences, arts, philosophies, astrology, education systems, religions, languages, etc. They started uniting them all into one showing people that there is no devision in real world, only illusion of separation... Which is merely an “ill use of an ion”, the unconscious usage of energy, the loss of our full memory of ourselves, of our divinity and ancestral source. Kristina and Stefan has published many articles about etymology, phonetics and philosphy, they do a deep study into phonetics and investigate the correlation between many languages and their energetical roots. They published articles about art, science, spirituality and many more. Besides that, they constanly create etymological slides. In November 2014, Op-Think published it’s first Radio interview with special guest Santos Bonacci presenting their phonetical findings in astrology and Syncretism. This first show was a foundation after which, Kristina and Stefan are now hosting shows
almost every week, gathering together at evenings near round table with various interesting guests, many of which are quite famous scientists, artists, writers, historians, spiritual activists, syncretists... The purpose of Op-Think is to help to heal the planet together, to spread the awareness, help researchers to share their knowledge via no commercial alternative media, grow together via discussion (disc-caution... the word itself points to a circle of focused energy, shared attention in order to expansion).
“ We are healing each other with a light of one another”
We want to help people to see the world as one reflection though many different angles, we try to encourage mankind to turn to their ancestral roots, one universal culture, to get back to nature, to live more in NOW, receiving the gifts from which the most precious one is - One SELF. We learn with our listeners and friends together daily, we are inspired by how many people resonate and start their own creativity. Op-think is helping us to unite with our spiritual family and mirror our own beauty way more powerful than ever before... For this I am the most ankhful to Universe. This is a gift road to me” - Kristina
ome briefness into 2016th energies A lot has been happening in the last few months... We had very strong full moons, we witnessed a total Solar eclipse on March (the only total solar eclipse of 2016, and the final one until the 2017), we had a penumbral lunar eclipse, planets walking forward, retrograde... And we just reached spring equinox, when days and nights came into perfect balance. And it is JUST a beginning of a year. Yeah. A lot to ponder on.
In energy a lot of us felt the feeling of cleansiness, massive planetary healing, revelation time... Energies are so contraversial and so intense, that sometimes a lot of us felt as if being pulled off the track with no direction. Who am I? Where do I go? Why I do what I do? Is this the right way? Right people? Right information?
Some old doors are closing
recorded 1/28-29/2016. George Kavassilas
recorded 2/4/2016. Jason Jarrell & Marcia K Moore
recorded: 2/17/2016.
We just went through spring equinox, we balanced our internal spiritual waters with our external material ones and stepped into the month of martial fiery Arian energies of “I am”. Great time to start creating new reality, isn’t it? This equinox, challenged us to look deep into ourselves
and revalue our life, our goals and wishes, which we had a lot of time to rethink while we were in the Pisces month in February.
“We lost word and we found world”
Point at which Sun passes Earth’s equator, making day and night of equal length everywhere The night of waters… The Knight of Waters, nocturnal (knock-turn-all), dark night. Horus, Jesus from water. Divine memory of daylight and nightlight
Aqua nox water and night (latin)
Some new are opening.
Dan Winter
recorded 3/1/2016. Matt Presti & Darren Colomb
recorded: 3-13-2016. Patricia & Yousef Awyan
We are equalizing Times in us, the Time become so fast like never before. Days are flying by one after the other, we wake up everyday welcoming new flow of energy which fills our bodies and embraces our hearts. Sometimes it may even feel as if living in a contstant Deja Vu experience.
Sometimes we start to feel as if we already seen this adorable painting before, we already heard the same symphony, we smelled the same gardens. Yes, my dear. We are reaching balance in us by experiencing all these feelings and senses. This year we more and more are meeting new people who become a new part of us, new strong mirrors we can learn from and grow into even deeper self comprehension. We meet more and more our own selves. And lucky is the one who notices this “be you till full” exchange as an inside process. Every thing is constantly growing and expanding. We can witness that every where in nature. Earth herself is expanding... From small embryo one land mass “Pangea” she expands into the current globe we all have priviledge to thrive together on. During the show with George Kavassilas, we shared some phonetics for our planetary child and what could it mean:
PANGEA Primordial one land on the Earth
Male and female in oneness at the beginning in no beginning In Greek religion and mythology Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs. In his earliest appearance in literature, Pan is associated with a mother goddess, perhaps Rhea or Cybele. The parentage of Pan is unclear; generally he is the son of Hermes, although occasionally in some myths he is the son of Zeus (Jesus), or Dionysus...
recorded 4/10/2016. Richard Cassaro
recorded 4/18/2016. Jason Verbelli
recorded 5/07/2016.
Pangea land
In Greek mythology, Gaia from Ancient Greek “land” or “earth”) also spelled Gaea, was the personification of the Earth and one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe; the heavenly gods, the Titans, and the Giants were born to her. The gods reigning over their classical pantheon were born from her union with Uranus (the sky), while the seagods were born from her union with Pontus (the sea). Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra. Tera...
Sevan Bomar
As we can see... Earth iself from the beginning is a unision of divine male and female in one. And we are the children of it carrying this memory within. But... not many of us remember it. 2016 seems to be one of the years of the beginnings, quantum shifts in conscioucness, where new energies are manifested in us, and humanity starts looking into nature as to it’s own mirror. Planet is expanding, and so our whole consciousness of hearts is strecthing into it’s never ending realms. Mother calls for her child, asking him to come back home. Time is leaving us, and we have to make a decision... Are we imploding the memory in us which fills our planet with harmony and order, or are we exploding the matter outside, until we destroy everything we loved...
“I dropped upon the Earth to stay… But I remember the flight” j
Breaking out of Prism
or into
According to Chris Dunn, khemitians were driving Earth to harmony, releaving of seismic pressures through the pyramids
If we look into the scheme image of the great pyramid of Giza, we will see many interesting things and how they correlate to symbolism. Besides being perfectly built in all geomertry, numerology, alligned to star constelations and many more, we can learn few things more about Cheops pyramid. What is the most interesting, that all great shafts and passage ways in pyramid are going upwards from center to the edges. It points to expansion rather than compression as we learn from the famous imagery of light prism.
10 www.gizapower.com
Why the well-known image of prism is reversed these days? Why it represents compression and preservation instead of sharing, expanding and growing as all nature thrives to experience?
South Shaft
North Shaft
expansion from the center Ancient point of view seeing world in it’s expansive nature v e r s u s . . . today’s way of seeing world in compression…
compression from external source j
written by Kristina Asinus
B What are the main hidden meanings and purposes of our body? What exact divine functions are most important, crucial for existing organs? What does the brain, besides
etween heart & head lies the secret of the rest only sending electromagnetic impulses from one place of body to the other? What does the Heart, besides pumping blood and pulsing from second to second until one day stops? There is more to know about these two powerful centers of our body. They connect us with energies of Spirit and the whole Universe giving us a chance to experience matter in Time. These are two organs who can make us living Gods if used in respect and love towards thyself‌ It can open a portal of universe transcending all dualities.
Divine energy of Heart & Head
L. Davinci sketch
8 muscles of a heart
Godesses. Isis. Mary
Scientificaly, the heart is a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the blood vessels to various parts of the body by repeated, rhythmic contractions. It is found in all animals with a circulatory system, which includes the vertebrates.
The adjective cardiac means “related to the heart” and comes from the Greek kardia, for “heart”. Also in phonetics it’s rather interesting too: Car + Dei (latin “God”) +0. Divine engine of circulation. The vertebrate heart is principally composed of cardiac muscle and connective tissue. Cardiac muscle is an involuntary striated muscle tissue specific to the heart and is responsible for the heart’s ability to pump blood. The average human heart, beating at 72 beats per minute, will beat approximately 2.5 billion times during an average 66 year lifespan, and pumps approximately 4.7-5.7 litres of blood per minute. It weighs approximately 250 to 300 grams (9 to 11 oz) in females and 300 to 350 grams (11 to 12 oz) in males. Looks like sacred numbers, right? Yes. It is a powerful, self sustaining system of energy.
heart weighting ceremony
Energy, which is responsible for the carrying of liquids.
Water is equal to energy. In ancient Egypt’s hieroglyphs our ancestors had the same symbol for both water and subtle energy of divine and vital:
Also, this sign corresponds with the sign of Aquarius in Astrology, for which the motto is “I KNOW”. Aquarius is related to the awakening; truth, self realization and revolution. It is a wind of consciousness. A blood of Eden. Immortality.
Now, what we also found in our etymology investigative studies, is that Heart is the center of our creativity and intuition, from where all our inspiration and glory arise:
Heart – He + Art Heart – Her Art 16
This explains the importance of subtle energy that our heart is emanating every day of our incarnational life.
Isis breast/heart feeding Horus
H e a r t does not think nor does it judge. It also does not need any external leadership. In fact, h e a r t is our bodily machine, responsible for art of sensing (“Sensei” (teacher in martial arts) + Sing) the world and creating it. Living your life from sacred universal inspiration and CREATING your imprint by your own image.
Image derives from I- mage (magician). The one, who knows the full potential of its own heart and can create miracles, purposely share love without wasting precious energy both loving and sexual, awaken ones memory of true Spiritual origins. The main reason we all came here is to re+member again who we really are. Not for learning, because there is nothing eternal soul does not know already. Only to remember and regain connection with thyself. Taking your own dominion of your breath, thought, word and action. Heart is a source of intuition, pure knowing and magnetism, feminine energy, blue color, mother Earth (anagram for “heart”). The more we ART with our heart, the more we will return to nature and bring harmony to our home, our mother, as her children.
south american heart artifacts
All in one. Correlations between symbolism, numbers, mythology
Now a head is the cephalic part of an animal, w h i c h usually comprises the eyes, e a r s , nose and mouth, each of which aid in various sensory functions, such as sight, hearing, smell, and taste. In bilaterally symmetrical animals, nerve tissues concentrate at the anterior region, forming struct u r e s responsible for information processing.
T h r o u g h biological evolution, sense organs and feeding structures concentrate into the interior r e g i o n ; these collectively form head.
architecture, geometry, anatomy correlation
In human anatomy, the head is the uppermost portion of the human body. It includes (from superficial to deep) the scalp and face, the skull, the sinuses and the brain. Also, skull is the only sphere shaped bone in human body. However, head is also more than only the place for nervous impulses. It is a masculine part of our bodies which is responsible for the protection of the leading and creating heart. If head is injured, body still can function. However, if heart dies, all body stops its existence. Head is the computer run by Mind (Matter in nd (dimension)). Which we ourselves form with our every conscious thought, action, etc.
Head – He + Add Head – He Aid Head adds. Head is ADAM. He forms creative energy of heart. Heart impulses matter. Head is able to send impulses to the rest of the body and accomplish what heart is willing to create. Head adds action, due to it is electricity, red color of the masculine. Fire. We could become living Gods walking in harmony our precious jewel, our planet, if we would only use our body properly and in divine respectful order in balance.
However, today Head is a leader of our body more usually than our heart. And this is prominent in our everyday events, spirituality, politics, science, education and in all other spheres we can only turn to. There is nothing bad about the involve~ment of the Head unless it takes the top and starts to overshoot the heart dis-balancing the sacred union. God and Goddess. Due to Head is Masculine energy component, it in it’s malefic appearances can cause c r u e l t y , destructive force, dominance, a wish to rule, martial eager and anger if it’s egoistic wishes are not satisfied.
In this way head silences the magnetism of heart and uses body without full potential of energy flowing into it. And as a consequence, we live in left mentality of brain. B-rain. Raining our energy reserves. Is it clean, refreshing rain or is it polluted and toxic one?
Heart is in the left part of our body so to make natural balance between opposites. Heart has to work with both right and left sides at once pumping blood through both arteries (Aries- MarsAdam) and veins (Venus- Eve- Libra) without exceptions. On the other hand, Head is already dual in it’s full appearance due to it has both left and right hemispheres.
Vesica Pisces. A womb.
Jesus pointing to the balance of the head and heart...
We should not also forget that it is centered in the middle of our meridian center, so it has a full potential to also center all balance between the war of Lucifer and Michael, Left and Right. And achieve Pineal Gland- Phi-neal GOLD, promised land‌ And only heart can help to win a battle, because it knows the remedy and can start pulsing right and conscious energy to all the body. In this way Mind could go beyond third dimensional realities and discover all the rest/stillness. Because mind has all the qualities to transceive consciousness of universe. Only if it wants to listen and work with a heart to get her.
The color of heart chakra is green, the color of head chakras are blue and purple. Grass of Mother Earth and Skies of Father Sun. And we are the flowers of all Universe to unite them in us..
To get her 21
Osiris Mars Cronus Vishnu
Heart Isis Venus Rhea Lakshmi
Third eye Horus Jupiter Zeus Jesus Krishna
If we will look into word “fear� in depth and investigate the chemistry,
we will f i n d that it derives f r o m two elements:
to be afraid and worried, shrinking
? 23
Have you ever thought about what “fear” really is? Have you ever really meditated on the feelings your body experiences when you fall into the anxiety, stress, have you ever asked your body what it performs in smallest atomical, chemical level?
Fe + Ar Iron
One of the most important roles of iron is to provide hemoglobin (the protein in red blood cells), a mechanism through which it can bind to oxygen and carry it throughout your tissues,as without proper oxygenation,your cells quickly start dying.
Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth’s atmosphere (atomic number 18 = Christ consciousness) in greek meaning “lazy” or “inactive”, as a reference to the fact, that the element unde goes almost no chemical reactions.
o being in fear means to be inactive. Inactive blood flow, loss of divine memory. When one is in fear, one is bonding oneself. “Lazy� blood is an allegory to paralyzed flow of energy which one is experiencing while being in fear. Remember when you find yourself in fear and experience the symptom of atrophied limbs and sickfullness? It is the reaction of Fe & Ar.
Also, during fear process one experiences the pressure in Solar plexus area... Which is again:
Sol (Sun/Soul) + Ar (Ur/Gold/Ra)
Lazy, slowed flow of harmonized and balanced eergy of pure consciousness.
FEAR BONDS Fear atrophize...
While love frees While love
MAKES YOU FLY Up to one what to choose...
My love, light up odorous frankincense and open your doors to the world. Share your Light and scents with people which you will meet in your sinuous road as so do Wise men. Do not be a monk, a loner, my love. This is a past for you already. Beauty and hearts of humankind want to communicate and reunite with you asking you to connect to Universal harmony.
Enough of hiding it inside. Your inner world is eternal and your mind knows that, however, the absence of digits and letters scares it, Ment is afraid of being misled and ridiculed. Do not estimate my words, cease to reasoning my holy thoughts. Heart never lies. Heart never cheats. Heart just is. So as you are. Created by the power of Love. Some time ago I talked to humans. I communicated by the help of Ocean sending my letters in Glass
They speak through the voices of Spirit. Teach how to fell in love by emanating aroma.
Bottle to obscurity. There, in that bottle, was my whole Life written on one single small sheet of paper. Fragile and lonely. Expressed only by the shape of few words. I could not understand it‌ I was hoping that someday someone will find it and appreciate my efforts to become a human being.
I deeply hoped, that some Angel will save me and will gift me with answers to the most secret questions of mine.
27 written by Kristina Asinus
Questions, which I even could not ask myself and answer, nevertheless, I heard that other humans can do so. My whole life I have been waiting for words, I have been waiting for the warmth of loving hands, which could warm my bottle freezed by Ocean.
I born, grown, recognized friend and enemy, realized, that there exist Good and Evil, Truth and Lie. I admired gold and diamonds. I let die my akin, I climbed to the heights of knowledge, traveled with eyes roughly closed and my body noticeably became older and older...
My body died, moreover, I did not recieved the answer I was looking for so. My body died, moreover, I did not recieved The only friend of mine was the answer I my Mind and it kept tell- was looking ing me, that all I see is for so. I was finally abandoned by strength and vital force. I had to settle down myself in the cold and gloomy room with only one window to the South- remembrance, that sometime, long ago, Paradise existed, but our paths separated.
an illusion, that Paradise Billion of years does not even exist, because no one has it’s Map. my Life wandered the waves Mind kept repeating and being expelled repeating that deceiving Thyself is a sin, and from the Garden feelings are only the sign Of Eden. Sandy of weakness making us an shores obviatsilly animal. ed and avoided it‌ Rocks, helding their wide chests intercepted the path to the end.
Whirls and underwater life was deaf and blind to the sorrow of my Life and did not even tried to touch it or to end it’s misery by smashing fragile glass walls into pieces. No one dared to be involved into inner battle boiling inwards of the bottle. Icebergs melted, continents grew. Rain poured and lightnings welcomed.
I was standing and sinking… Every time when waves flooded back, my body pierced deeper and deeper to the core of the Earth.
I heard her suffering, nevertheless, she tried to hide it from my thoughts. Her sorrow and longing for her love and solace benumbed my entire body. She and Sun sacrificed their Lives so that the beauty of it could be experienced by others.
Earth let being sunken by Moon and Lies, which were announced by grey people. She kept silent when her beloved man was maligned. Her body was devastated by “the perfection of future” and so called PEACE, which somehow always showed itself in the appearance of sore wars.
Mother Earth sheltered by holding her off springs under her veil. And she always forgave never being angry for a moment at all. She, with motherly care gazed at the strangers passing in and out her life and speechlessly helped when someone wounded his or her heart. The only request of her was… …just us to be happy and feel fullness. However… People were blind and burned themselves to ashes straight after they inflamed themselves. They were coming back again and started all anew. By waterfalls she carefully washed my left Ment and gifted me with violet, quietly falling from the skies, blossoms. She just reminded me my own beauty, my own love. This happened, because I asked her to help me using my free will.
By thoughts I can travel anywhere I want, because my thoughts arise from my Spirit. In the depths of my beingness I am flourishing by the most amazing and wondrous gardens full of beauty and greenness. Inwards I can breathe… “You are the result of your thoughts” (Buddha). World enlightened with all the possible colors of rainbow and gave me immortality.
When finnaly reached the depths of the Earth, warm hands picked up bottle, closed by cork. With still conscience they opened it and with loving care they read the words in this way ending someones eternity:
I can be anything what I want to be if I will experience all what I can not be. 30
apless Star’ 01
designed by Kristina Asinus
“Sometimes I doubt my intuition only to learn later that I was right to begin with” - Stefan