Moon Energy Triangle
Energy Triangle
with unconditional love to all planet which heals every broken heart and unites everyone
water cymatics
Moon energy triangle
kristina asinus
Written, designed by Kristina Asinus
Edited by
Stefan Grein
Lectured by
Kestutis Vasiliunas
VDA, 2017
who are we ?
what is the purpose of life?
where did we come from ?
these are the most crucial questions one struggles to answer throughout the journey of one's life. Whether aware in quest, or instinctual. How many lives and how many thoughts, precious energy, were dedicated in order to understand these questions themselves?
“Upon learning to see a man becomes everything by becoming nothing� - Carlos Castaneda
But what I feel, the most important thing to dwell into and ask thyself is - “What is the secret power that all of us have within which pushes us all to exist in the first place?
Where did that power originate from and what is the purpose of such power that can jump start our lives? And if I ever could approach at least a slight answer for these questions, then my thoughts would be occupied by the wish of - “How to handle this power and life’s harmony?”
pole “Pi + pole. We are people... Eternal polarities in dual world.. Eternal images of creation, eternal beauty of nature. A mirror to each other, let’s shine in love, instead of fear” Pi. Constantly it’s decimal representation never ends and never settles into a permanent repeatig pattern. Also, Pi is a transcendental (trance ending) number that is not the root of any non zero polynomial having rational coefficients. This transcendence of 3.14 implies that it is impossible to solve the ancient challenge of squaring the circle with compass and straightedge.
Great minds disccuss ideas, average minds discuss events while small discuss
The reminder of the energy we all have and the ways we all chose to focus it on. And oh‌ there are so many ways you can send your energy and invest your life in‌ That is the funny thing of life I found.
And I am eager to share it with you.
whole of G ram Hologram.
word “holography” comes from the greek word “holos” - “whole”. Whole of G (in numerology letter G is equal to number 7, a number of divine balance, middle, harmony, neutrality. S EVEN - to even the wave of creation. Ram is a head, aries, first sign of a zodiac. A hologram is a never ending, balanced whole picture of you.
All we see around are numerous projections of One. Of the one which is eternal, omnipresent, omnipotent. And we all are the part of it. A one more holy - graphy (grapho “write”) of a magnificent book of “God’s” energy, it’s breath.
Mandelbrot fractal set
All we see around is the drama of energy, of portals within and without
pertaining for man see
A fractal performance for man to see ( performance )
And we sit in the first row of the theater dressed in the most beautiful costumes of interstellar space and we witness altogether the play of energy sharing, which is non other but the sharing of ourselves with ourselves.
Human body is indescribably wonderful and mysterious. We are the portals for all universe around us‌ And all universes within us. We are the projection of Creator, we carry all stars, all galaxies, all planets within us. If we only could remember the vessel of this divine energy flowing in us, we would be undefeatable, we would prosper in the never ending ecstasy of joy and fullness. There would be no wars, no tears, no injustice, no false pride. Simply because one would embrace all within and would seek nothing outside. One would reach the balance within without need to swing constantly like a pendulum from insane joy to the depth of sadness. One takes ruler - ship of one’s heart and portals as opposed to letting others travel through it constantly and entering your temple with malevolent intentions.
“We store all chronics, all lives, both past and future, within us”
Lennart Nilsson Photography
Astronaut’s self portrait - NASA
ancient egyptian wooden mask
Ptah Ptah... A “Path� of the primordial, a path of memory, a path of a warrior, of his heart.
Memory comes, when mind is still and in respect of the heart love. Memory comes, when one is open and choses embracing everything he or she experiences in full unconditional love instead of fear. Memory grows like a small vulnerable godly plant in our being, as bit by bit we become open and ready to handle the flowers of knowledge. The lotus of wisdom, it happens when a human being takes off the clothes of pride and ego and starts to see the connection between every single creature around, treating everyone equally with love and compassion, naked to the forces that be. I am not claiming anyone is lower or weaker, but seeing differently behind the veil. The veil of matter in the eternity of spirit.
Ptah is the Creator god par excellence: he is considered the demiurge who existed before all other things, and by his willfulness, thought the world. It was first conceived by Thought, and realized by the Word: Ptah conceives the world by the thought of his heart and gives life through the magic of his Word. That which Ptah commanded was created, with which the constituents of nature, fauna, and flora, are contained. He also plays a role in the preservation of the world and the permanence of the royal function.
“A man of knowledge chooses a path with a heart and follows it and then he looks and rejoices and laughs and then he sees and knows�
- carlos castaneda
Neter Ptah
Energy Triangle
great spirit spear it The word itself whispers to you how powerful we are: a being of pure light and energy spearing all darkness, being brave enough to see it’s depths without turning backs, but rather embracing everything in this expanding way.
Lotus of wisdom
The biggest discovery welcomed me last year. I was wondering, what is wrong with this world? Where does all this height and pride come from in people’s actions? Why do we have such injustice, why do we have such distortion?
The answer is simple. It’s all energetic imbalances. Distortion.
“The male dominant agenda is so fragile that any competitor is felt as a deadly foe� - Terence Mckenna
It is the loss of memory and forgotten mastering of divine energy of life in us. The main reason of all problems is that we forgot who we really are and that the source of energy is only one. There is only one current of power which in the material world, in which we all live, is being divided and shared into portals through us. And in this way we have to understand, that we carry a great responsibility in us, a song of response to the Universe. And we can answer only two ways: in expansion, or contraction. Breathing in, breathing out. However, most people today chose ignorance and fear as opposed to love and compassion. They chose contraction. And here the game
Because we all decided we want to play this game for a while. Let me give you an example of the most prominent energy problem in our society. Every individual (in the visual, since all life is the creating of your own wanted image in 3D reality) comes to this planet through a universal portal. A huge issue of precious energy wasting we see almost every day causes us to suffer.
Portal To Port the “Al / El” Portal in phonetics can be seen as “Port Al”a gateway for a “God”, a gateway for creative energy itself. Definition of “portal” : a communicating part or area of an organism; specifically : the point at which something (such as a pathogen) enters the body. “gateway” Old English port “portal, door, gate, entrance,” from Old French porte “gate, entrance”. El is a Northwest Semitic word meaning “god” or “deity”, or referring (as a proper name) to any one of multiple major Ancient Near East deities. The one, who brings light, electricity, energy, language, consciousness, etc.
national geographic inside the eye
aghori shiva
We all have this portal in us, through which life’s energy flows everyday of our incarnation, through which we came to this planet to experience the mastering of our craft. As we have our own portal which rests in our hearts, all other planets, galaxies, stars, cells, flora-fauna, and other material things, have their own portals which rest within the middle of their being. And through this interconnected neurosystem we can connect to each other and share energy, take and give When a being decides to incarnate to planet Earth, it has to go through all these portals to reach the lowest density of the spear-it, to welcome new body of flesh. Spirit enters the Universe, then experiences the different compressions traveling through the centers of galaxies, centers of the stars, bit by bit forming certain features (we call them the astrological tendencies of a person). Then, spirit comes to our solar system and has to descend through the main gateway of our home just to be ejected through our father Sun, and become his son. Now the most subtle compressions of our energy start taking place. We entered the kingdom of the game.
While descending through all solar system planets we finally reach the Moon, the last energy carrier before our mother Gaia, Earth. We travel through the moons portal to finally be embraced by our mother Earth and become a human being.
Reincarnated, flesh again
Traveling through portals we made unconditional contracts between the bodies of the cosmos and all universe to let us in and play this game together, to be able to participate in this love and energy sharing game in a densier world of cause and effect. And now, while being a human, here we are dealing with the two, the most important portals in our game -
with “satellite” Moon and Planet Earth
Holy energy triangle
Human - Earth - Moon
It’s a game of sharing
and the purpose of our life is to gain a balance between all portals, to reach the equal middle with all portals, starting from Moon and Earth, who are the densest and closest to us. Then, when balance is reached, a portal of memory opens, and spear-it flies through further portals of the solar system backwards (or forwards, since this universe has no ending and no beginning…) to father Sun. And through him we can reach any universal corner we wish in a blink of an eye. Seems easy to do, doesn’t it? Well, yes, but there is one “but”.
Since we decided that we want to play a real game, with all effects and colors, we contracted with other energetic beings who also want to go through “our humane” portals to reach their own goals. In the same way as we want to do when we want to go through any solar system portals to open all gates within and out and start gaining all memory. Those beings who want also to reach our humane portals are manifested as planets, stars, cells, galaxies, etc.
Joe Goode Performance Group
Monster Moon + Star A monster is any creature, usually found in legends or horror fiction, that is often hideous and may produce fear or physical harm by its appearance or it’s actions. The word “monster” derives from Latin monstrum, meaning an aberrant occurrence, usually biological, that was taken as a sign that something was wrong within the natural order. “Monster” is imbalanced energy and it’s embodiment in physical actions and appearance. Moon energy manifests not only as a satellite, but also as a Monetary system of the planet, also as a Monarchy hierarchy, jealous eMotions (a Mute at ions), monsters, malevolent aspects of ego, zombie instinctual nature.
But not only have we forgotten about unconditional love and the non - ego nature of this game of energy, many others did too and the main and most eager player we have to deal with first is the Moon. A goddess of a moon - Diana. There is a common saying amongst people that money and things are dead, that all legal system we live in, all paper society is not real, is not alive, so we just have to ignore it, try to break it by disregarding it, smash it and leave it forever…
But, wait a minute
medusa turn to stone
Is it not a childish way out of a problem?
To close your eyes while problem is still there happening in our life? If money does not bleed it does not mean it is dead. Money is an energy of our Moon by which all of society follows and all our main system revolves around. Let me clear some things up now. If money is “dead� and not worth our attention, then why is it so hard to leave it? Why is it so hard to deal with it?
Dead ones cannot talk or walk They just do not exist at all
So you see, money, governed by monarchy points to Moon energy. And it is so hard to go above it only because currently our Moon is using our portal for her own expansion. Now we start to see a point.
ancient mummies
“An unhealthy mind, even in a healthy body, will ultimately destroy health� - Manly Hall
Everything we see around is merely an energy game. Energy game manifested through portals. Expansion is a natural state of being for this Universe. All bodies struggle to expand, to depress, to grow, to prosper and thrive. Humanity is dealing with a game of a pyramid triangle. With a game of pyramidical energy sharing scheme.
equal 60 degree triangle
As we see, the energy is one for all the corners of the triangle. And it means, that for proper and equal functioning and circulating of energy this triangle has to have equal angles in every single corner. One corner for planet earth, a second one for moon and the third for a man. That is a holy trinity which our ancestors had been telling us about. This is a function of Giza and many other pyramids around the world, to remind us, and also at the same time, with megalithic alignment of the particular stars, to help human beings fix energetical imbalances faster. Pyramids were built to help to fix the energy triangle corners and again regain the harmony and equal usage of the portals through heart with clarity and full memory.
Ancients knew it and used it
A fractal performance for man to see (performance)
chichen itza cuculcan pyramid
Lilith Now you may ask, what happens when energy is not balanced? What occurs when one corner is bigger or smaller than other? tears of syrian war
When one corner of energy exchange triangle is different than other, it means, that one corner of a pyramid has a portal of another and expands in it, taking its energy for own usage. Now it means that energy is circulating not equally and the performance of one is being obstructed by another. In this way, we can witness what is happening in this world today. Now, Moon is taking humanity’s energy for her own expansion at the same time willing to push us away from mother Earth. When Moon takes ruler ship of our portal, she awakes all egoistic, animalistic nature in us. People start feel jealousy, anger, they dread that there are not enough things for them to own.
not equal corner triangles
In some sources she’s described as a demon, in others she is an icon who became one of the darkest deities of the pagans. Lilith is one of the oldest known female spirits of the world. Her roots come from the famous Epic of Gilgamesh, but she was also described in the Bible and the Talmud. Lilith’s name comes from the Sumerian word ‘’lilitu’’, which meant a wind spirit or a female demon. Lilith was mentioned in the Tablet XII of the Epic of Gilgamesh, a famous poem of ancient Mesopotamia dated back to not later than c. 2100 BC. In the Babylonian Talmud, Lilith was described as a dark spirit with an uncontrollable and dangerous sexuality. She is said to have fertilized herself with male sperm to create demons. She is believed to be the mother of hundreds of demons.
They become too materialistic, too involved in hierarchy, climbing all sorts of corporate ladders, carrier heights, using money only for greed and one’s own usage. Forgetting all what exists around, forgetting all
other beings
And greed grows bigger and bigger, as Moon expands in our hearts and travels through our portal searching for new place to settle in. And now parents teach their children the greedy usage of matter, generation after generation. And wars begin for land, and famine stretches far ahead the distance on Gaia’s face… And we see egoism all around in the faces of brothers and sisters. As we see the anger and jealousy, witness a murder of a fellow… As we kill the nature for more material goods, as humanity ignores all animals and plants on our mother’s land… Here Moon conquers our hearts… And takes us away from mother Earth.
This is the situation of the world we live today
The world ruled by fear
Fear Fe + Ar Iron & Argon One of the most important roles of iron is to provide hemoglobin, as without proper oxygenation, your cells quickly start dying. Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth’s atmosphere. Argon is “lazy” or “inactive”, as a reference to the fact, that the element undergoes almost no chemical reactions. So being in fear means to be inactive. Inactive blood flow, loss of divine memory. When one is in fear, one is bonding oneself.
Dmitri Baltermants photography
What would happen if we, as a humanity, would reclaim our own portal of energy and start to be awake for aware usage of it? What would happen then to the world?
Nothing is wrong with money, or Moon‌ We have to understand.
The problem is in the way we use it
The main source of all issues is the way we invest and direct our attention with it. For instance, money also can be an another way for abundance. But… Only after the moment we will embrace it fully in our love, understanding and deep compassion. Imagine how much of love was invested in all this game, especially from Moon and all her energetic malevolent things, how much we learned from it all… From this conscious thought, the deep respect starts to evolve from our hearts and we start to understand the situation. Humanity starts to look from different perspective and at that moment of awakening…
One regains a ruler ship of one’s own portal Flips the situation upside down
Entry into Cheops pyramid
It has to be known, that energy cannot be wasted in any way
You see, you have to understand, that Moon is acting through fear. That is her energy with which she allures us and expands in us growing her gardens with the help of our hands. It is one of her natural state of existing. Our natural state is embracing, forgiving, and deep love. We have to switch her impact on us, her eclipse on our hearts with love, to step into our own frequency. To forgive. And start our own expansion embracing her and inviting to play a game with us, not against us.You cannot run away if you do not like something. You cannot ignore the things and imagine they will be gone someday. It is not working like that in this universe. You cannot pretend you do not see Moon, when every month she shines on you unconditionally with all her power.
You cannot run away if you do not like something. You cannot ignore the things and imagine they will be gone someday. It is not working like that in this universe. You cannot pretend you do not see Moon, when every day she shines on you unconditionally with all her power. It is the same as to ask the person you do not like to leave the room. Yes, he may leave room you are in, but he still be in the same building occupying even more space than the room before. And if you still again will ask him to leave the whole building forever, he will expand to the even bigger street. He will not disappear. Unless you embrace him the way he is, unconditionally with all his bad and good qualities. If you do, if you embrace him the way he is and show him love and understanding, you will change him, and will make a friend, will create a team with a powerful source of energy now.
Exactly the same is with Moon. We have to start using money for healing the ill brothers and sisters, helping to dissolve famine, fix all eco-system problems together, start spend money energy to arts rather than to military (again moon‌). It really is so simple. And you see? All the situation comes to balance, and all energy triangle now is equal. Fear now becomes no more than natural awareness, when we cross the street and look for safe way. And love connects all universe within yourself letting unite all biggest galaxies and star clusters besides all your smallest cells and atoms in one eternal energetical song of Creation.
And children again laugh And lovers again love
And elderly again philosophize
And nature again blossoms and thrives I have a dream, that all people around the globe would start notice the beauty they carry within more than they notice the emptiness they carry outside‌ I have a dream, that one day the bonfire of mother’s heart will be able to light the flame in our lighthouses, which are standing now forgotten.
And, oh yes I have a humble dream, to be able to find strength inside to rebuild the land from new spiritual flames. And leave it to the future generations pure and bright.
Like a stars of a distant eternity