Camelot’s Retreat
of the
18 t h C e n t u ry
12504 BLACK MESA HOLLOW COVE Upon entering into this unsuspecting home, you are received by a grand oak staircase, stained glass windows, marble sculptures, and Egyptian chandeliers. Your eye moves into the formal living where a Neoclassical traver tine fireplace and Onyx floor sets the precedent of this unique experience. Through the kitchen and family room you feel transpor ted back into medieval times but with all with all the features of a modern kitchen, with weathered stone walls and car ved wood arches, custom oak cabinetr y, a slate tile fireplace in the shape of a castle, and custom iron works. The secret gardens surrounding the proper ty are indicative of a fair y tale, with large tree canopies, lush ferns, gothic structures and Egyptian gates taking you into the Neoclassical inspired pool where greek gods would have swam. Through the stone path an inspired 14th centur y stone cottage emerges. A true knight’s retreat with a dr y stacked stone interior, crafted stained glass bows to you as you enter, ceiling paintings that tells a knight’s exemplar tale with a plethora of family crests and Gothic mouldings atop a stained wood ceiling. A monumental fireplace flanked by two intricate dragon heads. A stone wine room for thirsty heroes and modern bath and kitchen hint that you’re in the 21st centur y. Nestled in South Austin, this one-of-a-kind proper ty boasts all the uniqueness similar to the Camelot era for incoming knights, along with the imaginar y grounds that are fit for a king!
Se n io r V ic e Presi dent c 512. 426. 9 183 s t . n ic k @ s o t h e by St e ph a n ie Nic
Provid in g a Li fe s ty l e , No t J u s t a n Ad d r ess.