兒童腎臟科病例例分享 ⾼高雄長庚兒童醫院
兒童腎臟科主治醫師 盧姵真
兒童腎臟科業務範圍 •
多尿尿、尿尿床、⾎血尿尿、蛋⽩白尿尿、泌泌尿尿道感染、膀胱輸尿尿管逆流、 腎絲球炎、腎⼩小管功能異異常、腎病症候群。
除此之外,提供腎臟超⾳音波掃描,配合逆流性膀胱尿尿道攝影、 核⼦子醫學掃描、電腦斷層攝影及靜脈腎盂攝影可檢查各種腎 臟及尿尿路路病變與畸型(包括雙套輸尿尿管、輸尿尿管膨出、輸尿尿道 腎盂交界處阻塞、輸尿尿管膀胱交界處阻塞、⾺馬蹄腎等)。
如有重症病患罹患性腎臟衰竭本科協助病患做透析治療(⾎血液 透析、腹膜透析)。本科對於未明原因的腎炎可提供腎臟切片 檢查,做正確的病理理診斷。
⼤大綱 •
泌泌尿尿道感染ㄢ(Urinary Tract Infection)
輸尿尿管膀胱逆流 (Vesico-ureteral Reflux)
泌泌尿尿道阻塞 (Urinary Tract Obstruction)
腎絲球病變 (Glomerulonephritis)
末期腎病變 (End Stage Renal Disease)
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) • • • •
資料庫:MEDLINE, EMBASE databases
時間:1966 through October 2005.
Search terms:urinary tract infection, cystitis, pyelonephritis, prevalence and incidence.
Inclusion Criteria
① children 0–19 years of age presenting with symptoms of UTI (including fever alone),
② urine cultures as the gold standard
③ defined a positive urine culture as 10*4 for catheterized specimen, 10*3 for suprapubic specimen, and 10*5 for clean catch or bag specimens.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) •
Exclusion Criteria
① languages other than English,
② evaluated only a high risk subgroup
③ in developing countries,
④ evaluated only a low risk subgroup
⑤ evaluated only children with other symptomatic illnesses
⑥ contained fewer than 10 subjects,
⑦ used bags to collect urine specimen in more than 25% of subjects with UTI without confirming results using more accurate methods.
Eighteen of the 51 articles met all inclusion criteria.
Urinary Tract Infection
三個⽉月以下的男嬰, UTI佔發燒病⼈人比例例最⾼高:8.7 % (男>女)
• •
林林⼝口長庚2011年年度的兒科 急診發燒病⼈人
• Time
• From January 2011 to December 2011
• Age
• One day to 36 months.
• Inclusion Criteria:
• Growth of a single urinary tract pathogen with at least > 105 colony-forming units (CFU)/mL in urine specimens.
Urinary Tract Infection
三歲以內,女性UTI的比例例約11.2%,不同age group沒有差 異異性。 男性UTI比例例,⼀一歲以內⾼高達14%,接下來來遞減。
Pathogens of UTI
E. coli 佔 UTI 的⼤大宗。
UTI Leads to Renal Damage?
泌泌尿尿道功能性和結構異異常導致泌泌尿尿道感染和腎功能惡惡化。 在兒童,最常⾒見見的異異常是逆流性腎病變( Vesicoureteral Reflux)。
Vesico-ureteral Reflux (VUR) •
In a cohort of pediatric patients with UTI, VUR was diagnosed in 33% of cases. - Wu at al. Childhood Urinary Tract Infection: A Clinical analysis of 597 cases. Acta Paediatr Taiwan.2004; 45:328-33
Vesico-ureteral Reflux (VUR)
Vesico-ureteral Reflux (VUR)
Forest plots of odds ratios on a log scale of scarring after acute
by patient
by renal unit
Forest plots of renal cortical abnormality rates by reflux grade
VUR Incidence
VUR & Renal Pelvic Diameter(RPD)
Febrile Urinary Tract Infection Recurrent Febrile Urinary Tract Renal and Bladder Ultrasonography Voiding Cystoureterography Hydronephrosis, Scarring, or others
Case Report •
1 year-old female / 75.8 cm (50th-85th) / 10.5 kg (85th-97th)
• • •
1st UTI at the age of 3 months (U/C: E. coli) 2nd UTI at the age of 5 months (U/C: E. coli) 3rd UTI at the age of 10 month (U/C: E. coli)
Further Exam
• •
Renal sonography (at the age of 3 months & 5 months ) VCUG (at the age of 5 months, 12 months )
Prophylactic antibiotics was given at the age of 11 months. (Cephalexin 10mg/kg/dose once daily x 3 months)
L’t Kidney: 6.1 x 3.2 cm
R’t Kidney: 5.6 x 2.7 cm
L’t Gr. III~IV reflux
L’t Kidney: 6.1 x 3.2 cm
L’t Gr. III~IV reflux
R’t Kidney: 5.6 x 2.7 cm
Personal Choice -> Continuous Antibiotic Prophylaxis (CAP)
Case Report Patient
7 month-old male / 8 kg (50th-85th)
1st UTI at the age of 4 months (U/C: E. coli)
Further Exam
• •
Renal sonography (at the age of 4 months ) VCUG (at the age of 7 months )
• •
Observation Follow-up VCUG one year later
L’t Hydronephrosis
L’t Gr. V reflux
L’t Hydronephrosis
L’t Gr. V reflux
Personal Choice -> Observation
VUR Resolution Rate Follow-up Times Between 12 and 48 months.
VUR Resolution Rate
VUR級數越⾼高,resolution rate越低。
VUR Resolution Rate Calculator
The Management of VUR in Children 2010 American Urological Association (AUA) Guildline
The child with VUR less than one year of age •
VUR with a history of a febrile urinary tract infection.
• •
Recommendation: Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
VUR in the absence of a history of febrile urinary tract infections
• •
Recommendation: Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
Option: Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
The child with UTI and VUR more than one year of age •
Recommendation: Treatment of bladder/bowel dysfunction (BBD).
Child with BBD and VUR
• •
Child with VUR, UTI but no BBD
• •
Recommendation: Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
Option: Continuous antibiotic prophylaxis
Child with VUR but no febrile UTI or BBD or renal cortical anomalies
Option: Observation
Surgical Intervention •
2010 AUA Guildline
1997 AUA Guildline
Age < 1 year
• •
Patient: Infant male with VUR
Anti-reflux or re-implantation
Child with Breakthrough UTI (BTUTI)
Persistant unilateral Grades III–IV reflux.
Persistant bilateral Grades III–V reflux.
Age 1-5 year
• •
Bilateral Grade V reflux.
Age 6-10 year
Bilateral Grades III–IV reflux
Grade V reflux.
Surgical Intervention •
2010 AUA Guildline
1997 AUA Guildline
Age < 1 year
• •
Patient: Infant male with VUR
Anti-reflux or re-implantation
Child with Breakthrough UTI (BTUTI)
Persistant unilateral Grades III–IV reflux.
Persistant bilateral Grades III–V reflux.
Age 1-5 year
• •
Bilateral Grade V reflux.
Age 6-10 year
Bilateral Grades III–IV reflux
Grade V reflux.
Surgical Repair is operator-dependent.
Continuous Antibiotic Prophylaxis (CAP) in the Treatment of VUR •
Child less than one year of age
VUR with a history of a febrile urinary tract infection.
VUR grades III–V who is identified through screening
Child more than one year of age
Child with BBD and VUR
Child with VUR, UTI but no BBD
Material and Method
• Multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
• 607 children aged 2–71 months with grade 1–4 VUR diagnosed after a first or second febrile or symptomatic UTI.
• Study participants received trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole or placebo and were followed for 2 years. Renal scarring was evaluated by baseline and follow-up DMSA renal scans.
CAP & Renal Scar
CAP無法降低Renal Scar的風險。
Role of CAP
CAP無法降低UTI的機率。CAP -> personal choice
VUR in Children and Adult •
The exact incidence of RN in children or adults is not known. The diagnosis is difficult in patients who may have already undergone the natural resolution of VUR by the time RN is diagnosed. -Mattoo at al. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2011 September ; 18(5): 348–354. doi: 10.1053/j.ackd.2011.07.006.
Case Report Patient
• • • • •
16 year-old male / 167.9cm / 69.2 kg Age 15 year, nausea and vomiting for 1 week, elevated serum creatinine in 屏東基督教醫院 BP: 140/92 mmHg
Urine routine: no proteinuria, hematuria, glucosuria, or pyuria. BUN/Crea: 14/ 1.64 (mg/dL), Na/K = 139/ 3.4 (meq/L), Ca/Pi= 9.5 /3.9 (mg/dL) , Uric acid: 9.8 mg/dL, HCO3-: 25.2 meq/L Hb:15.6 g/dL, PLT: 99*10*3/uL
• • •
Renal sonography DTPA VCUG
• •
Observation anti-reflux ?
Clinical Course 2017/9/2
Hb:15.6, PLT: 99, BUN/Crea: 14/1.64 (mg/dL)
TPCR: 153.8 mg/g, Albumin: 4.8 g/dL
Hb:16.4, PLT: 93, Crea: 1.69 (mg/dL), iPTH 46.3 pg/mL
C3/C4: 116/23.70 (mg/dL), ANA: Negative, A-DSNA< 40.5 unit/mL
Serum Electrophoresis: no significant diagnostic abnormal pattern
Hb:16.5, PLT: 97, Crea: 1.75 (mg/dL)
Hb:15.6, PLT: 110, Crea: 1.62 (mg/dL)
Clinical Course 2017/9/2
Hb:15.6, PLT: 99, BUN/Crea: 14/1.64 (mg/dL)
TPCR: 153.8 mg/g, Albumin: 4.8 g/dL
eGFR = 42(Schwartz); 56(MDRD)
Hb:16.4, PLT: 93, Crea: 1.69 (mg/dL), iPTH 46.3 pg/mL
C3/C4: 116/23.70 (mg/dL), ANA: Negative, A-DSNA< 40.5 unit/mL
Serum Electrophoresis: no significant diagnostic abnormal pattern
Hb:16.5, PLT: 97, Crea: 1.75 (mg/dL)
eGFR = 41(Schwartz); 54(MDRD)
eGFR = 39(Schwartz); 52(MDRD) Hb:15.6, PLT: 110, Crea: 1.62 (mg/dL)
eGFR = 43(Schwartz); 57(MDRD)
Bilateral small kidneys
eGFR(R’t)=30.1; eGFR(L’t)=24.9; eGFR(Total)=55 ml/min
Bilateral VUR Gr.III
Bilateral VUR Gr.III
Cause of Chronic Kidney disease -> VUR Personal Choice -> Observation
Reflux Nephropathy in Adults
Complications of Reflux Nephropathy •
The relationship between renal scarring and hypertension was first demonstrated in 1937.- Butler AM. CHRONIC PYELONEPHRITIS AND ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. The Journal of clinical investigation. 1937; 16:889–97. [PubMed: 16694535]
Hypertension occurs in 34–38% of adult reflux nephropathy patients with renal scarring. - Zhang et al. A long term follow up of adults with reflux nephropathy. N Z Med J. 1995; 108:142–4. [PubMed: 7761049]. Kohler et al. Vesicoureteral reflux diagnosed in adulthood. Incidence of urinary tract infections, hypertension, proteinuria, back pain and renal calculi. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation: official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association. 1997; 12:2580–7.
Complications of Reflux Nephropathy •
Overt proteinuria, which has been reported in 21% of adult patients with reflux nephropathy(RN). Kohler et al. Vesicoureteral reflux diagnosed in adulthood. Incidence of urinary tract infections, hypertension, proteinuria, back pain and renal calculi. Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation: official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association. 1997; 12:2580–7. —
Complications of Reflux Nephropathy •
Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis (FSGS)
In a histological review of 86 pediatric nephrectomy specimens from patients with VUR, FSGS was found in 18 (21%) patients, 9 of whom were less than 5 years old. -Mattoo at al. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis. 2011 September ; 18(5): 348–354. doi:10.1053/j.ackd. 2011.07.006.
No significant association between the presence or absence of FSGS and age, gender, presence or absence of obstruction, and severity of hypoplasia and/or Postnatally acquired cortical loss. - Hinchliffe SA, Kreczy A, Ciftci AO, Chan YF, Judd BA, van Velzen D. Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis in children with reflux nephropathy. Pediatr Pathol. 1994; 14:327–38.
Complications of Reflux Nephropathy â&#x20AC;˘
Renal failure
According to 2008 North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) report, RN is the fourth commonest cause for chronic kidney disease in 8.4% of the children and is seen in 5.2% of transplanted patients and 3.5% of dialysis patients. -NAPRTCS. North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study (NAPRTCS); 2008 Annual Report. 2008.
Urinary Tract Obstruction •
Urinary tract obstruction (UTO) can lead to hydroureter, hydronephrosis, and even renal failure.
UTO can result from a wide variety of environmental causes or genetic mutations.
Even the subtypes of UTO (such as UPJ obstruction, UVJ obstruction, etc) are heterogeneous and may have drastically different etiology.
Urinary Tract Obstruction
Case Report • • • •
2 year 4 month-old male / 85cm (15th-50th) / 12.8kg (50th-85th) Left uretero-pelvic junction obstruction Left double J tube at the age of 10 months Removal of L’t double J at the age of 1 year 10 months
Age 1 year 11 months, admission in 阮阮綜合醫院 due to UTI for one week, then transferred to ⾼高雄長庚醫院.
• •
Age 1 year 11 month, renal sonography and abdominal CT Age 2 year, antegrade pyelography
• •
Age 1 year 11 months, left percutaneous nephrostomy Age 2 year, uretero-pelvic pyeloplasty
兒童慢性腎臟病(CKD) •
常⾒見見的先天性腎臟及泌泌尿尿道異異常( CAKUT),包括膀胱輸尿尿 管逆流、泌泌尿尿道阻塞、腎缺失或發育不全、嬰兒型多囊腎等。
台灣⼀一項利利⽤用全⺠民健保資料庫兩兩百萬⼈人隨機取樣檔案的研究顯 ⽰示,2003 年年 20 歲以下的兒童及青少年年 CKD 盛⾏行行率約1.92⼈人 /百⼈人,發⽣生率約 0.31⼈人/百⼈人,然⽽而該研究並未包含CAKUT 兒童。
⼤大部分研究均顯⽰示,CAKUT 為兒童 CKD 最常⾒見見的原因,甚 ⾄至超過 50%,因此該研究對兒童 CKD 實際盛⾏行行率與發⽣生率恐 有嚴重低估之虞。
兒童慢性腎臟病(CKD) •
根據台灣⼀一項多中⼼心回溯性 調查,共收錄 757 名 1 ∼ 18 歲罹患 CKD 兒童及青少 年年,平均年年齡為 7.4 歲,男 性占52.3 % 。 病因⽅方⾯面,如國外⽂文獻,同 樣以「先天性泌泌尿尿系統異異常 (CAKUT)」為最常⾒見見病 因,占 47.8%,其次為腎絲 球腎炎(GN)占 37.2%
3%5% 15% 39%
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5
GN (%)
GN (%)
IgAN (22) a
LN (13) a
FSGS (25) b
LN(42) b
IgAN (37) b
LN (26) b
IgAN (17) a
LN (11) a
Czech Republic
IgAN (34) b
LN (23) b
IgAN (15) a
LN (7) a
MN (13) b
MPGN (29) b
LN (29) b
LN (76) b
Country America
Worldwide distribution of glomerular diseases: the role of renal biopsy registries
mesangioproliferative (25) b UK
IgAN (39) b
Asia China
IgAN (45) b
LN (54) b
IgAN (28) b
LN (9) b
Saudi Arabia
FSGS (21) b
LN (57) b
IgAN (34) a
LN (14) a
Middle East
Percentage of total glomerular diseases. b Percentage of primary or secondary glomerulonephritis.
Signs of Glomerulonephritis Headache Hypertension Puffy Eyelids Lethargy Wight Gain Edema
Proteinuria Hematuria Oligouria
Evaluation •
Clinical Manifestations
Family History & Medical History
Urinalysis, Total Protein/Creatinine Ratio
Renal Sonography
Renal Function & Electrolyte Survey
Blood Survey ( ASLO, ANA, Anti-DNA antibodies) , complement studies, and ANCA.
Renal biopsy
Case Report • •
5 year 6 month-old male / 103.7 cm (3rd-15th) / 16.4 kg (3rd-15th) At age 5 year, generalized edema for 3-4 days and weight gain 1kg (15→16.1kg)
• • • •
Albumin 1.5mg/dL, BUN/Crea: 13/0.27 mg/dL Urine routine: protein 4+ C3 /C4: 134 /24.20 (mg/dL), ANA: Negative A-DSDNA: 92.5 (Negative)
• •
Diagnosed as Nephrotic Syndrome Prednisolone 2mg/kg/day for 1 month, and then tapper in 1 month (2017/2/2-4/2)
• •
Nephroric syndrome relapse Prednisolone 2mg/kg/day for 1 month, and then tapper in 1 month (2017/5/2-7/2)
Renal Boiopsy Indication Proteinuria • proteinuria with renal impairment(GFR) • asymptomatic proteinuria>2gm/day, independent of renal function Nephrotic syndrome • definition: proteinuria>3gm/day, albumin<3.5mg/ dl, hyperlipidemia and edema • under 1 y/o or over 10 years (MCD>90% in 1-5 y/o) Persistent proteinuria and hematuria • with renal impairment Acute renal failure • urinary sediment containing RBC casts • to reverse correctable factors Chronic renal failure with normal-sized kidneys • paraprotein-associated disease • herbal medication related • FSGS-high recurrence after renal transplantation Renal allograft dysfunction • scheduled renal allograft renal biopsy • chronic rejection, tubulo-interstitial damage, arterial lesion, recurrence of primary disease or de novo GN, drug toxicity systemic disorders • lupus nephritis
Not suggested in • isolated minor proteinuria • hematuria with normal GFR, no H/T, no hypocomplementemia Contraindication • small, shrunken kidneys( difficult to find and enter, bleeding tendency) • asymmetrical kidneys with significant discrepancy in function • obstructed kidneys • uncontrolled hypertension • single kidney • horseshoe kidney • coagulation defect(bleeding tendency, thrombocytopenia, intrinsic coagulation defect) • reflux nephropathy • acute urinary infection • sepsis • incorporative patients
Renal Boiopsy
Case Report Patient
GN study
Further Exam
• • •
14 year-old male / 152cm (3rd-15th) / 51.7kg (50th-85th) Vomiting and leg jitters for one week Urine routine showed proteinuria, hematuria 6 months ago (school screen)
• • • • • • • •
BP 200/121 mmHg ; Leg Gr.I pitting edema BUN/Crea: 101/13.1 (mg/dL) ; Ca/P: 6.1/ 10.1(mg/dL) ; Hb: 5.7 (g/dL) Gas pH: 7.218, HCO3-:14.1 mmole/L, PCO2: 35.3 mmHg Urine routine: RBC: 258/uL, protein: 3+ ; TPCR: 3692 mg/g
• • •
Renal sonography Blood smear Renal biopsy
p-ANCA&c-ANCA: < 0.2 IU/mL, ENA< 0.03 C3: 74.1 mg/dL, C4: 24.9 mg/dL ANA: negative, A-DSDNA < 40.5 U/mL ASLO: 235 IU/mL, IgA: 415 mg/dL
Renal Sonography
L’t Kidney: 8.1 x 3.6 cm
R’t Kidney: 8.9 x 4.1 cm
Clinical Course 2017/6/17
BUN/Crea: 100/13.01 (mg/dL)
BUN/Crea: 100/13.48 (mg/dL) H/D 3 times on 2017/6/18, 2017/6/20, 2017/6/22
BUN/Crea: 108/11.12 (mg/dL) Regular H/D 3 times per week since 2017/6/26
Renal Biopsy
PD tube insertion
PD training
Renal Biopsy
Seventeen glomeruli on the section. Fifteen of them are sclerotic. 60% of the tubules are atrophy. 80% of the interstitium are fibrotic. Vessels are unremarkable.
ImmunoFluorescence Study IgG
ImmunoFluorescence Study IgG
Clinical Course 2017/6/17
BUN/Crea: 100/13.01 (mg/dL)
BUN/Crea: 100/13.48 (mg/dL) H/D 3 times on 2017/6/18, 2017/6/20, 2017/6/22
BUN/Crea: 108/11.12 (mg/dL) Regular H/D 3 times per week since 2017/6/26
Renal Biopsy
PD tube insertion
PD training
Renal Replacement Therapy
Renal Replacement Therapy
Renal Replacement Therapy