most creative grip & grin photo 8 ENTRIES
1 Milton Canadian Champion
Great photo. It’s fun and action-filled and tells a great story on its own. Graham Paine could have had a traditional certificate presentation but isn’t this so much better! It’s also a photo that the family will definitely be keeping for future generations.
3 2 The Haldimand Press
This is a unique angle and viewpoint for this article. Most photographers would have done the usual photo of someone holding the masks. Melanie Steeves took a different viewpoint. Good job. The photo really catches the reader’s eye.
GENERAL COMMENT This has been such a fun category to judge. There are some great innovative ideas – obviously, there’s some thought and some creativity going into the photography. We want to grab the reader’s attention - that’s going to draw them into reading that newspaper! These are some great examples of ways to do that. Make your photos about community and community building, and that’s what each of these did. Grip and Grabs are generally a stationary photo, and the irony here is the one that won shows great action. The only thing that I would suggest for overall improvement is to work on your cutlines and captions. Make sure they have as much energy as your photos do. Good job everyone!
2020 | BNC Awards Results
Perth Courier
Good positioning for the photo. It’s an unusual way to do a grand opening presentation, and that’s exactly what will catch the reader’s attention! Well done Desmond Devoy.
Judge Sheena Read
Freelance Journalist AB Sheena Read has lived in southern Alberta for most of her career, writing about the issues of her communities and connecting with as many people as possible. She continues that work with contract communications and promotions.