6 minute read
Administration 4137 Bristol Hwy., Johnson City Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Phone: 423-283-5815 Fax: 423-283-5829 Email: jcparksinfo@johnsonctytn.org James Ellis, Director - 423-283-5815 Charles Ridlehuber, Assistant Director - 423-434-5771 April Norris, Assistant Director-423-434-5807 Missy Hollifield, Office Manager - 423-283-5870 Linda Guess, Clerical Specialist - 423-283-5815 Vacant, Promotions & Events - 423-283-5827 Michele Smith, Senior Accounts Clerk - 423-283-5828 Athletic Services Joe Ebarb, Athletic Manager 4137 Bristol Hwy., Johnson City Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Phone: 423-283-5822 Text Alerts: cojc.5 to 77948, soccer cojc.6 to 77948 for basketball Cojc.7 to 77948 for softball Park Services Cindy Bogart, Interim Parks Services Manager, 2216 Eddie Williams Road 423-434-5830 Recreation Services Sam Miller, Recreation Services Manager 423-283-5820 Aquatics Rachel Evans, Aquatics Supervisor - 423-434-5754
Memorial Park Community Center Pool 510 Bert St. Hours: 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. Sat. 423-434-5749
Freedom Hall Pool 1320 Pactolas Road Hours: 3 - 9 p.m. Mon.-Fri. 423-461-4872
Legion Pool 111 Legion St. Hours: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.–Sat. 1-6 p.m. Sun. 423-461-4856 Carver Recreation Center Herb Greenlee, Center Supervisor 322 W. Watauga Ave., Johnson City Hours: 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Noon- 6 p.m. Sat. 1-6 p.m. Sun. Phone: 423-461-8830 Memorial Park Community Center, Senior Services & Pool 510 Bert St., Johnson City Hours: Mon-Fri. 7 a.m.-8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Kelly Finney, Center Supervisor – 423-434-5758 Phone: 423-434-5749 (Recreation Services desk) Deb Fogle, Senior Services Manager – 423-434-6231 Phone: 423-434-6237 (Senior Services desk) Tina Sparks, Maintenance/Custodial Supervisor 423-434-2056
Nature Connie Deegan, Program Coordinator/Nature 4137 Bristol Hwy., Johnson City Phone: 423-283-5821
Langston Centre Adam Dickson, Center Supervisor - 423-434-5792 315 Elm St. Hours: 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Mon.- Fri. Front desk - 423-434-5785
Golf Course Pine Oaks Bryan Bentley, Golf Manager 1709 Buffalo Road, Johnson City Phone: 423-434-6250
Picnic Pavilions 423-283-5815 To reserve: www.myjcparks.org Batter Up Batting Cages Winged Deer Park 4137 Bristol Highway 423-283-9633
Enjoy our diverse selection of programs and special events designed to provide something for everyone. Classes are grouped by categories rather than locations or age. So no matter your age, you can find the perfect program to meet your needs. It is our belief that parks and recreation opportunities, and open spaces, provide a foundation for the physical, social, economic and environmental well-being of our community. Join the Fun!
Our Mission
To inspire healthy and active lifestyles and create recreational opportunities filled with people, parks and programs.
Share your park and rec adventures with us!
Enjoy taking photos? Share your photos of family and friends enjoying our parks, events and facilities. We’d love to see you enjoying all the amenities we have to offer, and we’d love to feature some of your photos in our newsletter, website, Facebook page and in this program guide. Email them to us at: jcparksinfo@johnsoncitytn.org.
Photo Policy
On occasion, our staff may photograph or video participants in department programs and classes, or at special events, festivals, or facilities. These photos are for our department use only and may be used in publications, pamphlets, flyers, social media and video productions.
Tobacco / Firearm Policy
Use of tobacco products or vapor products is prohibited pursuant to City of Johnson City Ordinance #11-142. Each offense shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $50. Firearms are prohibited pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section 39-17-1311. Valid carry permit required pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated section 39-17-1311 during all non-school related athletic events.
Looking for a chance to give back to the community? We have just the opportunity. Much of what we do is made possible through the hard work of our dedicated family of volunteers. Not only do our volunteers save the city financial resources each year, they also allow us to do a number of things we simply could not afford to do otherwise. In the process, our volunteers help strengthen our community and solidify Johnson City as a great place to live work and PLAY.
Connect with us on social media!
We invite you to “like” Parks and Recreation on Facebook and “follow” us on Twitter. This will give us opportunities to interact and communicate with you often. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @jcparkstn. You can also visit us on the web at www.johnsoncitytn.org/parksrec.
Did You Know?
Parks provide intrinsic environmental, aesthetic and recreation benefits to our city. They are a source of positive economic benefits. They enhance property values, increase municipal revenue, bring in homebuyers and workers and improve the quality of life for our citizens.
Programs are sometimes canceled or altered due to low registration, changes in staff or facility availability. Due to the large amount of information found in the Johnson City Parks and Recreation Fun Guide, errors before or after publication may occur. We apologize for any errors in this brochure and we will advise you of any changes as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Resident/Non-Resident Fees: Johnson City residents make significant contributions to the operation of this department through the payment of property taxes. These contributions are separate from fees paid for programs and services offered by the Parks and Recreation Department. In recognition of this contribution, Johnson City residents qualify for the resident rate. Those who live outside Johnson City’s municipal limits qualify for the non-resident rate.
Seasonal Job Opportunities
Parks and Recreation provides seasonal job opportunities such as lifeguards, summer program staff, tennis instructors, athletic officials, scorekeepers and turf and maintenance staff.
Warning of Risk
Recreational activities/programs are intended to challenge and engage the physical, mental and emotional resources of each participant. Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Depending on the particular activity, participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and injuries due to inclement weather, slipping, falling, poor skill level or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating and all other circumstances inherent to indoor and outdoor recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is impossible for the city of Johnson City to guarantee absolute safety.
All participants are expected to follow facility rules. Specialty areas, such as, pools, mountain bike trails and fitness areas, have posted signs stating special rules specific to that area. Disregard or abuse of facility rules may result in removal by staff or police from the facility for a designated length of time or permanently.
Classes and programs are offered at all center locations. Registration is available for most programs online at www.myjcparks.org. Walk-in registration is welcome at all locations during regular operating hours.
Refunds will not be given on rentals and reservations. When inclement weather requires the cancellation of Johnson City Schools, all scheduled classes and programs, with the exception of athletic league games for that day, will be cancelled and a full refund will be given. If the class, event or athletic program is cancelled by staff, a full refund will be given. Medical refunds may be considered upon request if accompanied by a valid doctor’s note. No refunds will be given for a class program or athletic program once it begins. Refunds will ge given for a class, program or athletic program before it starts. If the class, program or athletic program is less than $10, a full refund will be given. Class, programs or athletic programs greater than $10 will be charged an administrative fee of $10. Transfers on department-operated classes, programs or athletic programs can be transferred with the same division for the same fee. However, the transfer must be made before the start date. The department reserves the right to grant any and all refunds at its sole discretion. An appeal can be requested at in writing to the Parks and Recreation director, whose decision is administratively final.