Welcome to the Johnson City Senior Center at Memorial Park Community Center.
If you are new to the center or had not been in the center for a while then don’t miss our “Try Us Out” event the first Thursday of each month at 9:00am. Meet staff, ask questions and tour the center.
Please remember to sign in at one of the kiosks for the events and programs you are attending In the center.
Visit us on the web at: https://www.johnsoncitytn.org/residents/senior_services_mission_vision.php
The Senior Foundation, Inc. – Johnson City would like to thank those who donated supplies and made monetary donations to their Spring Forward for seniors’ project. This project helps 200 low income seniors in the Johnson City area by supplying food and other household items. Deliveries will be made March 20. Thank you again for your support.
FTHRA serves lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30am -12pm. Please call 423-434-5723 for more information.
Mondays, 2pm (Ages 50+)
Come join us as we study God’s word together.
Thursdays, 8am (Ages 50+)
Come join us as we study the Bible together.
Monday, March 4th, 10am
Cost: Free
This is our monthly volunteer meeting. Guest speakers will be Pandora Abbott with FTHRA and Rachel Lawson with Smiles Foster Closet. An activity is planned and light refreshments will be served. Interested in volunteering? Check us out!
Thursday, March 7th, 10am
Loaner Books Provided (Ages 50+)
If you like reading a variety of books and meeting new people, come join us. You are not required to join in the discussion or answer questions if you do not wish to. We will be discussing the previous month’s book and you will receive the book for the next month’s meeting.
Saturday, March 9th, 10:30am-12:00pm
Cost: Free
Topic to be discussed is The Tao (The Way) of Healthy Eating according to Chinese Medicine.
Not available Tuesdays and Fridays in March. Members of the Center will be able to check out an Access card to the Computer Lab at the Senior Front Desk to gain entrance into the Lab from 8:00a-5:00p, Monday through Friday. Times/Availability subject to Change.
Instructor: Makayla Range
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
March 7th and March 20th, 3:45-4:45pm
These programs will cover basic computer skills, parts of a laptop, desktop, smart devices, security
and scams. The programs will be provided by Goodwill Industries of Tenneva Area, Inc. Please Preregister, limited space available.
Instructor: Michael Thornton
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Wednesday, March 20th, 1011am
Ever wonder what Google Chrome and Google Drive can do for you? Come to this intro level informative class and increase your knowledge. Please Pre-register, limited space available.
Monday, March 11, 10am-12pm
Cost: Free
Are you raising a grandchild or other relative? Need support, information or resources? Join us to share your experience, receive useful information, learn caregiving/child rearing tips, and gain emotional support during our Coffee & Conversation for GRANDfamilies.
Tuesday, March 26th, 3pm (Ages 50+)
Special guest for the March meeting will be Maureen Mulroy from the Amateur Photography Club. Maureen will share helpful tips for great photos of your travels. We’ll also review the April outings. Please pre-register-seating is limited!
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00am — 8:00pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only
Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Fit and Toned
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:00 Mommy & Me Swim
9:00 Morning Water Aerobics
10:00 Classic Exercise
10:00 Advanced Tai Chi
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Bingocize
11:00 Qigong for Health
12:00 Beginner Tai Chi
12:30 Hand & Foot Canasta
1:00 Treasure Books/Junk Journals
1:30 Classic Exercise
2:00 Our Holy Bible Study
3:00 Line Dance with Martha
4:00-5:45 Open Swim
6:00-7:30 Lap Swim
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00am to 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 11:00am Adults Only
Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:45 Circuit
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:15 Aquamix (pool)
10:00 Senior Basketball
10:00 Circuit Exercise
10:00 Johnson City String Band
11:00 Scrabble
11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe”
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Arthritis Class (pool)
11:45 Splash (pool)
1:00 Pencil Drawing made Easy
1:00 Bring Out the Artist in You
1:00 – 4:00 Adults Only Therapy
1:00 Brain-a-Cise
1:30 Delay the Disease
2:00 Chess Club
2:00-3:30 Home School Swim
6:00 – 7:30 Adults Only Therapy
6:00 Evening Water Aerobics
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only
Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Fit and Toned
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:00 Mommy & Me Swim
9:00 Morning Water Aerobics
10:00 Morning Mile
10:00 Classic Exercise
10:00 Advanced Tai Chi
10:00 German Conversation
10:30 Genealogy
11:00 Bingocize
11:00 Qigong for Health
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
12:00 Beginner Tai Chi
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Sewing Group
1:00 Dulcimer Lessons
1:30 Classic Exercise
2:00 Dulcimer Practice/Jam Session
3:00-4:30 Lovin Line Dance
4:00-5:45 Open Swim
6:00-7:30 Lap Swim
6:15-7:45 I Can Dance
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 11:00am Adults Only
Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:00 Men’s Bible Study
9:00 Blood Pressure Checks
9:00 Chair Yoga
9:15 Aquamix (pool)
10:00 Circuit Exercise
10:00 Senior Basketball
11:00 Yoga “Just Breathe”
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:00 Arthritis Class (pool)
11:45 Splash (pool)
1:00 Rook
1:30 Delay the Disease
1:30 Ballroom Dance Practice
1:00 – 4:00 Adults Only Therapy Pool
2:00-3:30 Home School Swim
4:30 Dandy Line Dancers
5:30 WERQ
6:00 – 7:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
6:00 Evening Water Aerobics
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
6:00am-7:00am Masters Swim (Freedom Hall)
7:00 am — 8:00 pm Billiards Room
7:00am-8:00pm Fitness Room
7:00am – 7:30pm Adults Only Therapy Pool
7:00-8:45 Lap Swim
7:00 Pickleball
8:45 Circuit Exercise
9:00 Doubles Table Tennis
9:30 Mahjong
9:00 Morning Water Aerobics
10:30 Qigong
11:00-3:45 Lap Swim
11:30 Advanced Tai Chi
4:00-7:30 Open Swim
7:35-8:45 Lap Swim (Freedom Hall)
9:00 am — 4:00 pm Billiards Room
9:00am – 4:00pm Fitness Room
9:00 – 3:30 Adults Only Therapy Pool
9:15 Saturday Splash
10:30-12:45 Lap Swim
12:45-3:30 Open Swim
If you have health concerns or questions, Jeanne Clarke, RN is happy to provide information, support or resources. Free Blood Pressure checks and Fasting Blood Sugar checks are available. Call 423434-6235 for more details. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 9am2 pm.
Speaker: Katherine Latham, AEMT, Operation and Training Officer, Washington County/Johnson City Emergency Management Agency
Cost: FREE (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, March 5th, 10:30am12:00pm
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program teaches people how to better prepare themselves for hazards that may affect their communities. In this course, you will learn how to control bleeding, maintain normal body temperature, open an airway, provide comfort to patients and apply basic first-aid care for numerous types of injuries. We will also touch on mental health during and after disasters. Please preregister by calling 423-434-6237.
Speaker: Teri Hurt, RN, Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, Ballad Health
Cost: FREE (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, starting March 6, 1-2pm
If you’ve been told your sugar is “a little high” or you are “borderline diabetic” or if you have tried on your own to lower your blood sugar and lose weight, but need some help and accountability, this
is for you. Join us to learn about a yearlong healthy lifestyle program that can help you meet your goals! Please pre-register by calling 423434-6237.
Speaker: Elizabeth Renfro, MS, UT/ TSU Extension Agent
Cost: FREE (Ages 50+)
Monday, March 11, 1-2pm
Join the fun and workout your brain in this interactive program with brain teasers and games aimed at keeping your mind sharp. You’ll love it and your brain will too. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Speaker: Andrew Price, Senior Financial Group
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Thursday, March 14, 11am-12pm
Gain a better understanding of Medicare and all its different parts and options. Have your questions answered by a local advisor with over 15 years of experience helping people with their Medicare planning. This is an educational event so no sales materials will be available. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Speaker: Dr. Al Akeel, Medical Resident, ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Thursday, March 14, 1-2pm
Any age. Any gender. Any fitness level. Anyone can get colorectal cancer. It is highly treatable when caught early. Learn how to prevent, detect and treat the seconddeadliest cancer in the U.S. Please call 423-434-6237 to pre-register.
Speakers: Kimberly Masker OTD, OTR/L, CHT and ETSU Doctor of OT students
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Monday, March 18, 12-1pm (Shoulder, Elbow, Hand, and Wrist Pain)
Monday, March 25, 12-1pm (Hip and Knee Pain)
Monday, April 1, 12-1pm (Spine/Back Pain)
Occupational therapy doctorate students will discuss ways to make everyday life a little easier with various types of “aches and pains”.
Tips for protecting your joints, preventing injuries, arthritis/joint friendly products for daily living, and adaptive techniques to help you keep doing the things you love. Please call 423-434-6237 to preregister.
Speakers: Kimberly Masker OTD, OTR/L, CHT and ETSU Doctor of OT students
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Tuesday, March 19, 12-1pm Occupational therapy doctorate students will discuss ways to make everyday life a little easier with Parkinson’s disease. Adaptive equipment and techniques, home and community safety, plus resources that are available such as Parkinson’s specific exercise classes and specially trained therapists. Please call 423-434-6237 to preregister.
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Wednesday, March 20, 10am-12pm You don’t want to miss this blast from the past with health and
wellness information, community resources, giveaways, plus lots of 1950’s fun! No pre-registration required.
Speaker: Dr. Qureshi, Medical Resident, ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Thursday, March 21, 1-2pm
Bleeding disorders such as hemophilia and von Willebrand disease result when the blood lacks certain clotting factors. The majority of bleeding disorders are inherited, however some disorders may develop as a result of other medical conditions or side effects from medications. Learn more about testing, diagnosis and treatment. Please call 423-434-6237 to preregister.
Speaker: Nerissa Licup-Taylor, MD, Center for Healthy Aging
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Tuesday, March 26, 10:30-11:30am
This small gland can have a big impact on your health. Gain a better understanding of your thyroid plus symptoms, testing and treatments for various thyroid disorders. Please pre-register by calling 423-4346237.
Low Vision Resources
Speakers: Kimberly Masker OTD, OTR/L, CHT and ETSU Doctor of OT students
Cost: FREE (All Ages)
Monday, April 8, 12-1pm
Occupational therapy doctorate students will discuss resources, adaptive aids and techniques plus home safety tips for individuals with low vision. Pre-register at 423-4346237.
We orient our skilled nursing services around the provision of specialized care for recovery after hospitalization. Our dedicated team helps residents and family members feel at home while receiving individually-focused healthcare.
Whether you need Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy, our therapists are committed to returning residents to the highest possible level of function, independence, and quality of life. Whether recovering from a hip replacement surgery, a stroke, a fall, or any other health condition, residents can benefit from our rehabilitation services.
Our energetic staff also focuses on socialization as a vital aspect of creating a home-like environment. We supplement wellness by delivering opportunities for residents to maintain a fulfilled and pleasurable stay. Community involvement ranges from exercise classes, beauty shop visits, and pet therapy, to holiday events, community involvement, and religious services.
Cost: Daily and Monthly fee options, (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 14+)
Monday through Friday, 7am–8pm
Fitness orientation required for new users to the fitness room. There is no preregistration required to use fitness room.
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $2 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 18+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 8am
One hour class that includes cardio endurance, strength, flexibility and balance challenges.
Instructor: Kelly Finney
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am or 1:30pm
Increase muscular strength, range of movement and practice activities for daily living. This class designed to help you become stronger and improve balance.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit®
eligible participants.) (Ages 18+)
Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am
Fridays, 11:30am
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence, low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors. This is an advanced Tai Chi class for those already experienced in Tai Chi.
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants.) (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11am
Fridays, 10:30am
Qigong is a part of traditional Chinese medicine that includes easy to learn, gentle, flowing movements that stimulate the meridian system of the body and promote relation and mindfulness.
Instructor Kim McLeod
Cost $5/class (Ages 16 and older)
Mondays, Beginning March 4, 1:15-2pm
Do you want to feel enthused and excited about a workout? This fun beginner Belly Dancing class will do just that! Join us as we dance through a workout and have fun all at the same time!
Instructor: Tonya Van Hook
Cost: $5 per class (50% discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, and Silver & Fit® eligible participants). (Ages 18+)
Mondays and Wednesdays, 12pm
Tai Chi for Arthritis is an evidence, low-impact Tai Chi form modified for seniors.
Instructor: Kelly Finney (Tuesday, Thursday @ 10am)
Deb Fogle (Tuesday, Friday @ 8:45am)
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants) (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays & Fridays, 8:45am
Tuesday & Thursday, 10am This class is designed to increase cardiovascular endurance and improve strength. This is a low impact class which offers upper body strengthening. Participant should possess consistent skills in agility, coordination and balance.
Instructor: Tricia Korade
Cost: $3 (Free to Silver Sneaker®, Silver & Fit® and Renew Active® participants)
Tuesday, 9-10am
Thursday, 9-10am
Move through seated and standing yoga postures to increase flexibility, balance and range of
motion. No part of this class is done on the floor. A chair is used to meet a variety of fitness levels. The class is appropriate for participants of all fitness levels, including those who have never practiced yoga before.
Instructor: Dixie Neth
Cost: $5/class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11am-12:30pm
Join us for a breath of fresh air as we explore the world of yoga postures, breathing practices, and relaxation techniques. This class requires movement to the floor and back up without assistance. Bring your own mat, yoga blanket, blocks, and yoga straps.
Instructor Kelly Finney
Cost Free (Ages 50+)
Wednesdays, February 21March 27, 9-9:30am
Join in on a class designed with the core in mind! Crunch, twist and plank your way to the abs you’ve always wanted. This is a 6-week class including standing and floor exercises.
Instructor Jennifer Walters
Cost $5/class (Ages 16 and older)
Thursdays, 5:30-6:30pm
WERQ is the widely addictive cardio workout based on hip hop and pop music and blended with dance fusion which is a mix of Latin, bhangra, belly dance and light weights.
Instructor Dixie Neth
Cost Free (All Ages)
Tuesday, March 19, 5:307pm
Self-awareness is something very important to have to feel confident in your surroundings and prepared for any situation. This class focuses on becoming aware and building confidence as you learn some self-defense strategies. Taught by a professional self-defense instructor.
Preregistration recommended for the above classes. Class size for classic and circuit is 20. Class size for chair yoga is 20.
Instructor: Tamarro Taylor
Cost: Free (All Ages)
Fridays, 1-3p
Enjoy International Folk Dance in a relaxed social group. All levels welcome and encouraged. No experience or partner required!
Instructor: Sarah Fugarino
Cost: Free (All ages)
Tuesdays, March 5 & 19
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Join us as we explore different hand lettering techniques and styles and come together to share different tips, styles, and crafts.
05 </olvMon, C¢g
1. All Inclus ive ! All included in rent: utilities, cabl e, transportation to Dr. appointments and trips, socials, ev ents, bi-weekly housekeeping, 3 flavorful home-style meals a day & more!
2 Spacious & airy apartment homes! Mountain and do wntown views in a warm and inviting community.
3, Community features! Chapel , Ice Cream Parlor, Dining Room and Cafe, Movie Theatre, Library, Me dia Centers & Meeting Rooms, Event & Activity spaces and a Fitn ess Center with Stat e-of-the-Art Equipment.
4, Outdoor features! Larg e, beautiful courtyard with paved walking paths and comfortable seating areas throughout, resident's perso nal raised garden beds, games & picnic area, dog park , fire pit, and resident secure parking with electro nic gate access.
5, Exceptional Staff! Co ncierge, security, maintenance, housekeeping, activities & dining.
6. Location! Located in Downtown Johnson City with walking distance to parks, festivals, library, shopping and dining; convenient to 1-26, Senior Center, VA and medical services.
7. Activities Galore! Th ere's plenty to do, choose as much or as little as you would like!
55+ Welcome Home to TownView!
"Its just a really good place to be, because everybody is nice. There's a bunch of really good and wonderful people here, my friends."
“ I love TownView because the people are friendly and the staff is wonderful!”
~ Alice C
~ Diana M.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Mondays, 1-3pm
In Monday’s ongoing class we have fun with many different materials and unique tools! Learn the technique of turning an old recycled book into something beautiful! – memory book, diary, journal, etc.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesdays, 10:00am–12pm
Come learn and have fun with this welcoming group of amateur musicians. We play a variety of music including gospel, bluegrass and even Irish jigs. For more information, contact John Martin at 423-444-6289.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays, 1-2:30pm
Tuesday afternoon drawing offers an encouraging, relaxed atmosphere in which to create and learn. Materials will be available or bring your own and take advantage of any instruction needed.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: $5 per class (Ages 18+)
Tuesdays, 1–3pm
‘Charlie’ will be available to offer guidance and assistance and share her knowledge in Oil, Acrylic and Watercolor technique. Bring your
project and materials in for expert advice in an encouraging and relaxed atmosphere. Suitable for any skill level.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 1-3:30pm
We have a surplus of fabric which has been donated to the center. In an effort to give back to the community, we are making lap quilts and/or pet beds. Sewing machines will be set up and all supplies will be available.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $10 per lesson (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 1-2pm
Learn to play the Dulcimer with Roxanne! Please bring an instrument that is ready to play. Please pre-register and pay by the Monday before class.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 2-3pm
This is a time to get together and work on your skills and share ideas while enjoying the company of other players.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, March 6th, 12:30-2pm
In this series of lectures we will focus on one of the greatest periods of Art History, covering a time period from about 1400 to about 1520 — the early to the high Renaissance.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, March 27th, 12:302pm
Come and enjoy the superb beauty of the Artwork in the Louvre without the crowds! We will be viewing European Art from the 15th through the 19th centuries.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $25 for the Series, includes materials fee (Ages 18+)
Thursday, March 14th and 28th, 3-4pm
Have you thought about learning to play the Ukulele? Roxanne will cover the basics and pre-tuned instruments will be available. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Instructor: Roxanne McDaniel
Cost: $25 for the Series, includes materials fee (Ages 18+)
Thursday, March 14th and 28th, 4-5pm
Would you like to refine or develop your Ukulele skills? Pretuned instruments will be available if needed. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Instructor: Rheva Myhre LuckeySmith
Cost: $25 for the series (Ages 18+)
Thursday, March 14th and 28th, 1:30-2:30pm
Do you have a fiddle or mandolin lying around the house? Now is the time to get it out of the case, learn or reacquaint yourself with the basics, and start playing some fun tunes! Either instrument will work for this class, in which we will explore Appalachian melodies as well as accompaniment techniques. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
Instructor: Maureen Mulroy
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Friday, March 8th, 1-3:30pm
If you are new to the field of digital photography, interested in learning how to use all the “bells and whistles” on your camera, and learn the basic rules of photography, then this club is for you.
Instructor: Rheva Myhre LuckeySmith
Cost: $25 for the series (Ages 18+)
Thursday, March 7th, and 21st, 1:30-2:30pm
Come learn Irish and Scottish Fiddle tunes and techniques –jigs, reels, strathspeys, hornpipes and more. Please pre-register and pay by the Tuesday before class.
From Page S14
Instructor: Joan Scott
Cost: $3 per class (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, March 13th, and 27th, 1:30-3:30pm
Join this class to explore the many ways Paper Quilling can be used to make fun, attractive and useful Art, as well as gifts. All materials supplied. Suitable for all skill levels
Instructor: Chyrl McLaughlin
Cost: $7 (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, March 5th, 9:00-11:00am
OR Thursday, March 7th, 2-4pm
This is a make it take class that makes a variety of greeting cards. All supplies furnished for 6 cards in each class. Please pre-register and pay in advance to ensure your spot!
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Tuesday, March 19th, 6-8pm
If you are a photographer proficient in operating and manipulating all your camera settings during the process of creating images and are interested in enhancing your knowledge, skills, and artistic vision as a photographer, then this is the group for you. Not for beginners.
Instructor: Patty Baker
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Wednesday, March 20th, 11:30am – 1pm
Enjoy creating your own jewelry in the company of other crafters! An example of the project is on display in the Gathering area.
Instructor: Deb Nelson
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Thursday, March 21st, 1-3pm
Our March project will be Spring Buckets with bunnies, chickens or birds! This can be for Easter or to hold a plant. Two per student.
Instructor: Ann Whitson
Cost: $4 for the series (Ages 18+)
Thursday, March 28th, 1-3pm and Friday, March 29th, 1-2pm
Handmade paper is a specialized craft and a medium for artistic expression, using tools and technologies existing hundreds of years ago. All materials furnished.
Instructor: Sherry Bernheisel
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Friday, March 15th, 12-3pm
Shibori is a Japanese manual resist dyeing technique which began in the 8th century. An apron is recommended.
Instructor: Charline Hughes
Cost: $10 (Ages 18+)
Friday, March 8th, 12:30-2:30pm
Have fun getting ready for your Easter decorating with this beautiful wreath project!
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursdays 10 – 11:30am
Starting back March 21st! Join this lively group who loves to sing a variety of songs including show tunes and popular songs. This group is led by Cherry Smith. The group is open to anyone who is looking for a low stress, less demanding group with which to perform. No audition required.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday and Wednesday, 7-10am
Courts #1, 4, 5, 6 — Intermediate
Courts #2, 3 – Advanced
10am -1pm
Courts #1, 2 — Beginner
Court #3 — Intermediate/ Advanced
Courts # 4, 5, 6 –Intermediate
Tuesday and Thursday
Courts #1 — Beginner
Court #2 — Advanced
Courts # 3, 4, 5, 6 –Intermediate
7am – 2:30pm
Paddle Up – All Levels – All Courts
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 8am-12pm
Join in on the fun! This activity is a modified version of tennis. We play doubles.
No registration required. Open play.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Monday through Friday, 7am-7pm
No registration required, No time limit or number of players
No food allowed in the billiards room only closed beverage containers
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-11am
Senior men and women’s doubles table tennis is a great way to keep your brain and body active. No food allowed only closed beverage containers
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday and Thursday, 10am12pm
Shoot around and pickup games. Come join the fun in the Keystone gym.
Cost: Free (Ages 15+)
Friday, March 29, 5:307:30pm
Join us for an evening to get together to play pickleball and meet other pickleball players. Playing partners and courts randomly selected for the evening. Players should have some playing experience and be able to keep score. Refreshments will be served. Please register by calling 434-6237 or 434-5749 by March 27.
(Upper Beginner/Intermediate Level)
Instructor: Martha Davenport
Cost: $6 or (Discount for Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Silver & Fit®, and FitOn™ (if eligible)
Mondays, 3–4:30pm (Ages 12+)
For those wanting to brush up their line dance steps or learn new line dances. You will be having so much fun, you won’t even realize that you are exercising! Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
Instructor: Sue Ayers
Cost: $20/month ($12/month with Silver Sneakers®, Renew Active™, Silver & Fit®, and FitOn™ (if eligible, Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 3-4:30pm
Come join the fun, meet new friends, enjoy a variety of music and expand on your existing line dance skills! This is generally an IMPROVER level
1-3 miles, mostly flat, guided-tours
Morning Mile
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Wednesdays at 10am
Meet in the senior lobby for a mile walk around Memorial Park Community Center. Please pre-register.
Founders Park
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, March 26th, 10:00am
Walk is short but fun. Meet at the parking by the Framers Market Pavilion. Please pre-register.
2-5 miles, easy to moderate trails, low or short elevation gain
class with some beginner dances also included, so previous line dance step knowledge is strongly recommended. Feel free to email me at pupstergal@ yahoo.com.
Registration is required before (preferred) or on the first Wednesday of the new month.
Instructor: Sue Ayers
Cost: $40 / 7 week session; $25/ session with Silver Sneakers
Wednesdays, 5-6pm
Class meets March 6, 13, 20, and April 3, 10, 17, 24
Learn to line dance, meet new friends and have fun in this class designed for those with no prior line dance experience & those with a little experience who just want to exercise to great music from a variety of genres. Second of a 2-part series
Jacob’s Nature Park
Cost: Free (Ages 50 +)
Tuesday, March 5, 9am
A fun informative hike with City Naturalist Connie Deegan. We will meet in the parking lot on King Springs Road at 9am. Please pre-register.
Rooster Front
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursday, March 21, 10am
This will be a 5 mile walk down the gravel Trail. Meet at the center and follow me over at 9:15 or at Rooster Front parking lot at 10. Please pre-register.
4-10+ miles, moderate to difficult trails, heavier elevation gain. Have a great winter see you in the spring!!!
No transportation will be provided by the center. Dress appropriately for cold weather.
designed to teach you the basics you’ll need to progress as a line dancer. Please wear comfortable shoes (no thongs) with low or no heels. Preregistration required, preferably before classes start
Cost: $5/Month (Ages 18+)
Wednesdays, 6:15-7:45pm
This dance class is for anyone who would like to dance but think they can’t. Participants will learn basic lead and follow dance movements and cues that will allow them to dance with any partner to a variety of different paced songs.
Cost: Free (Ages 18+)
Thursdays, 1:30pm
Come and enjoy an afternoon of ballroom dancing.
Instructor: Martha Davenport
Cost: Free (Ages 12+)
Thursdays, 4:30-6pm
This is a volunteer group, which not only practices during this time frame; they also perform in the community. For the experienced line dancer. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact Martha drmd72@ hotmail.com.
Cost: $6 (All Ages Welcome)
Fridays, March 8th and 22nd, 5:307:30pm
New members welcome. Info. Call 423-612-0527 or 423-361-3152.
Registration opens
Wednesday, March 6 at 10:00 am for the following outings:
Lunch at Amis Mill Eatery & downtown Rogersville shopping
Thursday, March 28th
Leave MPCC at 10:30am, return approx. 3:30pm
Cost: $3 transportation fee
Enjoy lunch on your own at the historic Amis Mill Eatery, followed by free time in downtown Rogersville. Limited seating, no refunds.
Coming in April!
Friday, April 5th
Leave MPCC at 3:00pm, return approx. 12:00am
Cost: $34 for transportation and play
Enjoy dinner on your own at the Parkside Grill. King Lear is produced by The Word Players and Pellissippi
State Theatre. King Lear dramatizes the story of an aged king of ancient Britain, whose plan to divide his kingdom among his three daughters ends tragically. Limited seating, no refunds.
Wednesday, April 17th
Leave MPCC at 8:15am, return approx. 6:00pm
Cost: $15 includes your surprise destination, lunch and motor coach transportation
Watch for clues to your destination, then hop on the bus for a fun-filled day of surprises. Everyone guessing the correct destination as they prepare to board the bus will be entered in a drawing for a prize. We recommend casual dress and comfortable walking shoes. Waiting list from last mystery outing will have first opportunity to purchase tickets. Limited seating, no refunds. Your mystery outing is made possible
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Thursday, March 7th, 9am
Are you new to the center or want to know more about programs. Plan to attend a “Try Us Out” session. This is an opportunity to meet staff, check out programs and take a tour of the center. New participants will receive a gift. Please stop by the front desk or call 434-6237 to reserve your spot.
Cost: Free (Ages 50+)
Tuesday, March 12th, 6-7:30pm
Join us for an evening to meet and socialize with other seniors who are single. Punch and cookies will be served as we get to know each other. Pre-registration required by March 11 in person or by calling 434-6237.
Cost: $5 (Ages 50+)
Friday, March 22nd, 6-9pm
Come join us for a fun filled night of music and dancing with DJ Big Fish. You can come dressed in your best 50’s attire. Don’t miss out on a great night!!
through a grant from the Tennessee Commission on Aging & Disability. Outing value $68.
Tuesday, April 30th
Leave MPCC at 8:30am, return approx. 1:15pm
Cost: $16 includes your entrance fee and transportation
Bright’s Zoo is a private, familyowned facility located in Limestone. Animals living there include some rare & endangered species such as addax, bongo and scimitar-horned oryx, and bactrian camels. The center also contains more common but exotic creatures like red kangaroos, spider monkeys, pandas and zebras. Concessions are available at the zoo; no outside food is allowed. You may bring a drink as long as it does not have a removable straw and is not in a glass container. Limited seating, no refunds.
Guidelines for Day Outings from Johnson City Senior Center
1. Each person may only purchase two tickets.
2. All tickets are non-transferable.
3. You may not give your ticket to a third party. All ticket sales will be managed through the senior center. Tickets will be first offered to participants on the waiting list.
4. If you are unable to participate in an outing, please notify the front desk as soon as you know you will not participate. We will attempt to re-sell your seat to the next person on the waiting list. If we re-sell your ticket, we will credit your account for a future outing.
5. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations or no-shows on the day of the outing.
6. Everyone participating in an outing must have a current member registration form on file prior to departure.
7. The number of tickets available will vary by outing.
8. For outings that have a long waiting list, a second trip may be scheduled for a later date; participants on the waiting list will have first opportunity to purchase tickets for the next outing.
• Assistance with bathing, dressing, grooming
• Housekeeping and laundry services
• Transportation services
• Concierge services
• Medication administration by licensed nurses
• Disease / medication management
• 24-hour licensed nursing and qualified caregivers
• Respite Care