The production of objects by means of machinery as well as by hand should be required of every high school student. Woodturning affords a method of employing this important phase of educational work without requiring a large outlay of money and at the same time gives the student the opportunity for acquiring skill in the use of tools and machinery and the production of a finished product. No especially difficult work is required until Plate 7 is reached. The author knows from experience that mishaps are bound to occur if too difficult exercises are given at the beginning of the course. Confidence should be established and familiarity with the tools and machine attained before attempting work requiring a skilled hand.
The plates as here given are intended for use at the machine. Before starting on any of them, a supplementary lecture should be given by the instructor accompanied by a demonstration of the use of the tools. The exercises are so arranged that each successive lesson contains a principle related to a previous one, each requiring a little more skill than the ones already completed.
It is hoped that these plates will fill a need and may prove to be of benefit to both the student and teacher using them and in addition that the completion of them will cultivate a spirit of originality in the student to the extent of obtaining from him productions of his own design.