입양아 및 다문화 가정을 위한
한국문화교실 프로그램
- 주제별 활동으로 정리 -
남부뉴저지통합한국학교 Korean School of Southern New Jersey 제작 후원: 재외동포재단 홈페이지:
발 행 일:
2015년 1월
발 행 인:
편 집 인:
재능기부: 김소진, 윤도일, 김치경, LG CNS 미주법인 외 다수
Copyright © 2015 Korean School of Southern New Jersey
표지 사진: 권혁상 사진작가 “우리고유의 전통결혼예식” (제2회 재외동포 사진공모전 수상작)
목 차
개 요 | Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 8 프로그램 구성 | Program Structure ............................................................................................................... 8 문화교실 운영 | KAFKCC Operation ............................................................................................................ 9 자원봉사 | Voluntary Service ...................................................................................................................... 9 커뮤니케이션 | Communication ............................................................................................................... 11 기금 | Fund ................................................................................................................................................ 11
동화 | Korean Traditional Fairytale ............................................................................................................... 12 금도끼 은도끼 | Golden Axe, Silver Axe ................................................................................................. 13 효녀 심청 | Shim Cheong: The Devoted Daughter................................................................................... 17 무용 | Dance .................................................................................................................................................. 27 부채춤 | Fan Dance.................................................................................................................................... 28 소고춤 | Sogo (Hand Drum) Dance ........................................................................................................... 30 진도북춤 | Jindo Drum Dance ................................................................................................................... 33 탈춤 | Exploring the Tradition and Culture of the Korean Mask Dance: Talchum .................................... 35 미술 | Art ....................................................................................................................................................... 38 독도 | Dokdo .............................................................................................................................................. 39 미역놀이 | Playing with Seaweed ............................................................................................................. 44 붓글씨 (서예) | Korean Calligraphy .......................................................................................................... 47 뽀로로 | Pororo .......................................................................................................................................... 50 필라델피아 미술박물관 | Treasures from Korea - Arts and Culture of the Joseon Dynasty................... 55 한국 명장명품전 | Korean Art Masterpiece Exhibition ........................................................................... 63 한복 종이접기 | Hanbok Paper Folding ................................................................................................... 66
문화형태 | Cultural Style .............................................................................................................................. 69 돌 | The First Birthday ............................................................................................................................... 70 서울 | Seoul................................................................................................................................................ 73 씨름 | Ssireum: Korean Wrestling ............................................................................................................. 74 한옥 | Taking a tour into the Korean Traditional House: Hanok ................................................................ 76 전통혼례 | Traditional Wedding ................................................................................................................ 82 추석 | Korean Thanksgiving Day: Chuseok............................................................................................... 90 태권도 | Taekwondo .................................................................................................................................. 96 한복 | Hanbok ............................................................................................................................................ 99 한국 문화유산 | Uncovering Korean Cultural Heritage ......................................................................... 101 음악 | Music ................................................................................................................................................. 103 사물놀이 | Samulnori .............................................................................................................................. 103 한국예술 가곡 소개 | An Introduction to Korean Art Songs ................................................................ 108 케이팝 | The Beginner's Guide to KPOP ................................................................................................. 117 음식 | Cuisine .............................................................................................................................................. 120 갈비 | Kalbi .............................................................................................................................................. 121 김밥 | Kimbap .......................................................................................................................................... 122 김치전 | Kimchijeon ................................................................................................................................ 124 냉면 | Cold Noodle .................................................................................................................................. 125 만두 | Mandoo ......................................................................................................................................... 127 미역국 | Seaweed Soup ........................................................................................................................... 128 비빔밥 | Bibimbap ................................................................................................................................... 129 불고기 | Bulgogi ...................................................................................................................................... 131 양념치킨 | Fried Spicy Chicken .............................................................................................................. 132 잔치국수 | Banquet Noodle Soup ............................................................................................................ 133 잡채 | Japchae .......................................................................................................................................... 135 제육볶음 | Fried Spicy ............................................................................................................................ 137
학습자료 – 유투브 동영상 (CLASS MATERIAL YOUTUBE LINK) VIDEO REF. 1 금도끼 은도끼 GOLDEN AXE, SILVER AXE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/QR4RAT5BBIQ1 ............................................ 13 VIDEO REF. 2 효녀심청 SHIM CHEONG HTTP://YOUTU.BE/MGYRZUP8BSE .................................................................... 17 VIDEO REF. 3 장구춤 JANG-GU DANCE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/IQTU05Z_CDS ........................................................................ 31 VIDEO REF. 4 사물놀이 SAMULNORI HTTP://YOUTU.BE/SN_KF3VMGLM ...................................................................... 31 VIDEO REF. 5 입춤소고 SOGO DANCE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/SMY52FWYO9M .................................................................... 31 VIDEO REF. 6 한국문화아이콘 탈춤 100 ICONS OF KOREAN CULTURE EP40 HTTP://YOUTU.BE/ZLSWMWSQT_Y 35 VIDEO REF. 7 봉산탈춤 개요 INTRODUCTION TO BONGSAN MASK DANCE (4:15) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=HAFKHB2SHPW&SPFRELOAD=10 ................................................. 36 VIDEO REF. 8 탈춤추기- STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO LEARNING THE DANCE MOVEMENTS (5:49) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=RV_AK5_MTRE ........................................................................... 36 VIDEO REF. 9 탈춤 드라마 KOREAN MASK DANCE DRAMAS: A LESSON ON THE DIFFERENT MOTIONS, MUSIC AND COSTUMES (7:03) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=DBVZHJGJ-DS&SPFRELOAD=10 ....................... 36 VIDEO REF. 10 대한민국의 아름다운 섬 독도 DOKDO, BEAUTIFUL ISLAND OF KOREA (4:56) HTTP://YOUTU.BE/MEF9FDH4NZC ...................................................................................................................... 39 VIDEO REF. 11 미역국 만들기 SEAWEED SOUP RECIPE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/7K2RBAIRFY4 ............................................... 44 VIDEO REF. 12 뽀로로가 한국에 왔어요 PORORO GOES TO KOREA HTTP://YOUTU.BE/L1BWY57ZOLM ......................... 54 VIDEO REF. 13 한복 종이접기 PAPER FOLDING - HANBOK HTTP://YOUTU.BE/QBOM1FSYL28 .......................................... 68 VIDEO REF. 14 진짜 사나이 씨름 THE REAL MAN ‘SSIREUM’ HTTP://YOUTU.BE/ACG7FJZP-WM .................................... 75 VIDEO REF. 15 한국학교 학생들 씨름 경기 동영상 (제1회 역사문화체험학교) KOREAN SCHOOL STUDENTS’ SSIREUM COMPETITION HTTP://YOUTU.BE/AC7RU8FMTGK..................................................................................... 75 VIDEO REF. 16 한국 전통 집, 한옥 HANOK, THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN HOUSE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/KJ21SCHGPSQ ............. 78 VIDEO REF. 17 한옥은 우리집 HANOK, A FRIENDLY HOUSE OF KOREA (7:56) HTTP://YOUTU.BE/QJDP8ATWNNK ............... 79 VIDEO REF. 18 한옥 - HANOK KOREAN TRADITIONAL HOUSES (25:57) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=7ISEBG-LBZO&SPFRELOAD=10 .................................................... 80 VIDEO REF. 19 한국 문화 아이콘 한옥 100 ICONS OF KOREAN CULTURE EP17 HANOK (13:12) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=5BNYTQBLCTG&SPFRELOAD=10 ................................................ 80 VIDEO REF. 20 추석 CHUSEOK (9:04) HTTP://YOUTU.BE/4E9N9IAGKYU .................................................................... 90 VIDEO REF. 21 한국 추석 명절 KOREA TODAY – KOREA’S CHUSEOK HOLIDAY (4:13)......................................... 91 VIDEO REF. 22 강강술래 (김미숙하나무용단) AKA KANGKANGSULLAE– KOREAN WOMEN’S CIRCLE DANCE (6:58) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=SRROY2MO0IC&SPFRELOAD=10 ................................................. 91 VIDEO REF. 23 유네스코 세계 문화유산 UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITES OF KOREA (3:04) HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=PHX3ZOOA-KS&SPFRELOAD=10 ............................................... 101 VIDEO REF. 24 KPOP 인피니트 BOY GROUP: INFINITE – THE CHASER HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=RTXMHKAPMCI .................................................................................................................................................................... 117 VIDEO REF. 25 KPOP 소녀시대 GIRL GROUP: SNSD – GEE (HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=U7MPQYCQ0TQ&SPFRELOAD=10) ......................................................... 117 VIDEO REF. 26 KPOP 아이유 SOLO ARTIST: IU – GOOD DAY (HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=JEQDYQSRSA0&SPFRELOAD=10) ............................................................. 117 VIDEO REF. 27 갈비 HOW TO MAKE KBBQ L.A. KALBI HTTP://YOUTU.BE/ENP2J1CARVS ................................................ 121 VIDEO REF. 28 김밥 HOW TO MAKE KOREAN KIMBAP ROLLS HTTP://YOUTU.BE/-XPCWY-KKGI .......................................... 122 VIDEO REF. 29 김치전 HTTP://YOUTU.BE/7_TL2XLIXGW HOW TO MAKE KIMCHI JEON ................................................... 124 VIDEO REF. 30 냉면 KOREAN COLD NOODLES NAENGMYEUN RECIPE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/DMVNTQ_FEDE ........................ 125 VIDEO REF. 31 미역국 KOREAN BEEF SEAWEED SOUP RECIPE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/7K2RBAIRFY4 ........................................ 128 VIDEO REF. 32 비빔밥 HOW TO MAKE BIBIMBAP HTTP://YOUTU.BE/ERYZXFZ2LOK........................................... 129 VIDEO REF. 33 불고기 KOREAN BULGOGI BBQ BEEF HTTP://YOUTU.BE/IJXDHAGQXHA ............................................... 131 VIDEO REF. 34 양념치킨 FRIED SPICY CHICKEN HTTP://YOUTU.BE/3IXUWIAUFU4 ....................................................... 132 VIDEO REF. 35 잔치국수 BANQUET NOODLE SOUP HTTP://YOUTU.BE/Q2CFRU7RH9Y .................................................. 133 VIDEO REF. 36 잡채 KOREAN JAPCHAE RECIPE (GLASS NOODLE) HTTP://YOUTU.BE/L0WMSK8MVIS HONEYSUCKLECATERING) .................................................................................................................................................................... 135 VIDEO REF. 37 제육볶음 KOREAN SPICY STIR-FRIED PORK HTTP://YOUTU.BE/UE22T4MLV0I ......................................... 137
수업현장 엿보기 CLASS VIDEO 1 GOLDEN AXE, SILVER AXE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/R3L5FSMQA10?LIST=UUPVEVFYN6V_YETITO6LUPTQ_______ 16 CLASS VIDEO 2 효녀 심청 SHIM CHEONG HTTP://YOUTU.BE/LNBN1TWXBR0 ________________________________ 24 CLASS VIDEO 3 부채춤 FAN DANCE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/AYOMUSCXCGQ _____________________________________ 29 CLASS VIDEO 4 소고 워크샵 SOGO WORKSHOP HTTP://YOUTU.BE/2JWGS8B92MQ ____________________________ 32 CLASS VIDEO 5 진도북춤 공연 JINDO DRUM DANCE PERFORMANCE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/BNKWQQVIZOA _____________ 34 CLASS VIDEO 6 탈, 탈춤 MASK DANCE HTTP://YOUTU.BE/Y0MCGVB8LLM ______________________________ 37 CLASS VIDEO 7 독도 그리기 DRAWING DOKDO HTTP://YOUTU.BE/784ZX7XVZWU ____________________________ 41 CLASS VIDEO 8 붓글씨 (서예) KOREAN CALLIGRAPHY HTTP://YOUTU.BE/N0DONZCIMQM _______________________ 49 CLASS VIDEO 9 돌 THE FIRST BIRTHDAY, DOL HTTP://YOUTU.BE/OLJW69FTBAS _________________________________ 72 CLASS VIDEO 10 KOREAN WRESTLING SSIREUM HTTP://YOUTU.BE/OMVL7JR_J_8 ________________________________ 75 CLASS VIDEO 11 전통혼례식 TRADITIONAL WEDDING HTTP://YOUTU.BE/AGFPABECAFA ________________________ 88 CLASS VIDEO 12 전통혼례 사진모음 TRADITIONAL WEDDING PHOTOS HTTP://YOUTU.BE/FSIAXEVLQUU ____________ 88 CLASS VIDEO 13 한복 HANBOK HTTP://YOUTU.BE/DUTRHB5BVPW ________________________________________ 100 CLASS VIDEO 14 가곡 KOREAN ART SONGS HTTP://YOUTU.BE/V6KVYNJF6YA ________________________________ 115 CLASS VIDEO 15 케이팝 KPOP HTTPS://DRIVE.GOOGLE.COM/FILE/D/0B6VFROZWHAAYBMPDSWPZCLHUQKU/VIEW?USP=SHARING _____________ 119 CLASS VIDEO 16 김밥만들기 KIMBAP HTTP://YOUTU.BE/ZMFXOG2BDPC __________________________________ 123
보도자료 및 미디어 기사 REPORT & MEDIA 1 한국일보 2013년 4월 12일 보도 “직장밖 나눔사랑 실천해요” HTTP://NY.KOREATIMES.COM/ARTICLE/788466...................................................................................................... 25 REPORT & MEDIA 2 보도자료 “한인회, 한국학교, 기업이 한인입양아를 위해 뭉쳤다” ............................... 25 REPORT & MEDIA 3 중앙일보 2014년 12월 22일 보도 “입양아 다문화 가정 위한 한국문화교실 열려” HTTP://WWW.KOREADAILY.COM/NEWS/READ.ASP?ART_ID=3057552........................................................................ 32 REPORT & MEDIA 4 REPORTED ON MARCH 15, 2014 ..................................................................................................... 42 REPORT & MEDIA 5 한국일보 2014년 3월 17일 보도 HTTP://SF.KOREATIMES.COM/ARTICLE/844279 ........................ 43 REPORT & MEDIA 6 REPORTED ON APRIL 19, 2014 ........................................................................................................ 46 REPORT & MEDIA 7 공기놀이 PLAYING KONGKI HTTP://YOUTU.BE/_RMIKFQQ6RW ........................................................ 46 REPORT & MEDIA 8 한국일보 2014년 4월 7일 보도 “찬란한 미술품에 자녀들 감탄” HTTP://WWW.KOREATIMES.COM/ARTICLE/847894 ................................................................................................. 61 REPORT & MEDIA 9 썬데이토픽 2014년 7월 8일 보도 “남부뉴저지통합한국학교 입양아 문화교실 전통혼 례식” ............................................................................................................................................................ 88 REPORT & MEDIA 10 한국일보 2014년 8월 26일 보도 “‘재외동포사진 공모전’ 미주한인 4명 수상” HTTP://WWW.KOREATIMES.COM/ARTICLE/871274 ................................................................................................. 88 REPORT & MEDIA 11 한국일보 2014년 7월 1일 보도 “입양아 위한 한국 전통 혼례식 소개” HTTP://SF.KOREATIMES.COM/ARTICLE/862163 ...................................................................................................... 89 REPORT & MEDIA 12 REPORTED ON DECEMBER 20, 2014 ............................................................................................. 116
개 요 | Overview 본 한국문화교실 프로그램은 남부뉴저지통합한국학교가 매월 개최하고 있는 입양아 및 다문화 가족을 위한 한국문화교실에 대해 상세히 설명하고, 매회 진행했던 문화교실의 특징과 진행방 법, 교육 내용 및 효과 등을 기술하여 노하우를 관리 계발, 전수하는 것에 목적을 두고 있다. 기대효과는 다음과 같다. 1) 2년간 진행해온 한국문화교실을 문서로 상세하게 정리해 놓았으므로 문화 관련 수업을 진 행하고자 하는 교사들에게 좋은 참고자료가 된다. 2) 한국 문화를 비한국계 청중에게 소개하고자 할 때 해당 부문에 대한 기초자료가된다. 3) 문화 수업에서 사용했던 파워포인트 자료, 동영상을 모두 링크해 놓았으므로 비슷한 문화 강의나 행사를 하고자 하는 이가 같은 검색을 할 필요 없이 효율적으로 수업준비를 할 수 있다. 4) 문화수업 준비자는 수업 현장을 녹화한 동영상 및 사진을 참고하여 현장의 느낌을 이해하 고 장단점을 숙지하여, 자신만의 특화된 수업으로 발전시킬 수 있다.
프로그램 구성 | Program Structure
개요: 수업의 목표와 강의 내용을 요약 기술 시간: 소요되는 예상 시간 준비사항: 수업을 진행하기 위해 강사가 준비해야 할 사항과 학생이 활용할 교구, 주의할 점과 그 이유 등 진행방법: 강사가 수업을 진행하는 방법, 사용한 프리젠테이션 자료, 영문화된 내용을 기 술하였다. 음식 장에서는 문화교실에서 나누었던 한국 음식에 대한 설명을 했다. 해당 음식을 만드 는 법을 영어로 잘 설명한 동영상을 링크하고, 레시피를 수집해 놓았다.
PPT Icon 옆에 있는 링크에서 문화교실에서 사용한 PPT파일을 다운받을 수 있으므로 문화관련 수업을 준비할 때 활용할 수 있다. PPT 목차에서 원하는 내용의 PPT로 바로 갈 수 있도록 색인했다. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6VfRozwHAaYZGcxM1kzWnVTaDA&usp= sharing Video Reference 수업시간에 활용하는 동영상 수업자료이다. 서 원하는 내용의 비디오로 갈 수 있도록 색인했다.
Video Ref. 목차에
문화교실 수업 사진을 첨부하여 수업의 분위기를 전달했다.
수업현장 엿보기 동영상은 유투브 링크로 표기하여, 실제 어떻게 수업이 진행 되었는지 영상을 보면서 장단점을 파악할 수 있게 하였다. Class Video 목차에 서 원하는 내용의 비디오로 바로 갈 수 있도록 색인했다. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVEVFYN6v_YeTITo6LuPtQ/videos 신문 아이콘이 있는 곳에는 문화교실 이후 작성한 리포트나 보도자료를 내어 신문에 보도된 내용을 옮겨놓았다. 이를 참고하여 미디어 커뮤니케이션에 활 용할 수 있다.
문화교실 운영 | KAFKCC Operation 자원봉사 | Voluntary Service 충분한 기름이 마련되지 않은 상태에서는 자원봉사인력을 얼마나 잘 활용하는지가 매우 중요 한 요소이다. 남부뉴저지통합한국학교가 운영하고 있는 입양아 및 다문화 가정을 위한 한국 문화교실 (Korean Adoptive Families’ Korean Culture Class, “KAFKCC”)이 활용하고 있는 자원봉사 를 소개한다.
강의 | Lecture 1.
고정 봉사 교사 | Fixed Lecturer 자원봉사 강의자를 섭외하지 못했을 경우 언제든지 강의를 할 수 있는 준비된 인력이 있 어야 한다. 현재 김정숙 교장, 김치경 교감, 정안젤라 교무가 그러한 인력 풀로 가동되고 있다.
외부 강사 | Outsourced Lecturer 한국학교 관계자의 지인 등 외부에서 문화교실에 관심을 가지고 한국 문화나 역사를 소개 해 줄 수 있는 사람들을 섭외한다. 기업체와의 연계 2013년도에는 4월부터 5개월간 LG CNS 미주법인과 연계되어 직원 들이 자원봉사 차원에서 문화강의와 액티비티를 진행했다. 회사 는 CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility: 기업의 사회적 책임) 차 원에서 활동함으로써 사회에 긍정적 영향을 확대하여 기업 가치를 증진시킨다. 실제 봉사활동에 참여했던 LG CNS 직 원들은 영어와 한국어를 자유롭게 구사하는 이중언어 가능자들 이다. 자신들의 전문분야에서 여러가지 프로젝트들을 잘 하는 인 력이고, 이들이 강의를 준비하면서 한국문화에 대해 더 많이 알게 되었고, 그것을 재미있게 잘 전달하여 문화교실의 효과가 좋았다. 단, 행사장과 2시간 거 리라는 제약이 있어 지금까지 지속되지는 않았다. 교사/교수 공사립 학교나 대학에서 가르치는 인력이 강의를 할 수 있도록 섭외하면 전문가 인력이므 로 강의 전달 효과에 대한 리스크가 적다. 2014년 4월 한국학교와 멀지 않은 위치의 Rowan University에서 마케팅과 교수로 재직 중인 김보경 교수를 섭외하여 “한류와 커뮤니 케이션”이라는 제목으로 강의를 듣고, 공기놀이로 특별활동이 있었다. 수업에 대한 집중 도가 높았다.
학생 강사 | Student Lecturer 중고등학교 학생들이 한국문화에 대해 문화교실에서 강의를 하면 발표력 향상에 좋은 경 험이 될 뿐 아니라 준비하는 과정에서 한국문화에 대해 스스로 배울 수 있어 좋다. 입양 아 가정의 아이들도 나이 차가 크게 나지 않은 학생들로부터 친밀감을 가지고 행사에 참 여하게 된다. 본교 출신 11학년 김소진 학생은 추석, 한옥, 한국문화유산, 탈춤, KPOP에 대해 강의를 준비하면서 수업 자료를 한국어에서 영어로 번역했다. 이러한 번역물은 한국학교의 자산이 되고, 자신에게는 프로젝트 결과물이 된다. 주의가 산만한 어린 아이들을 대상으로 강의하는 것 또한 본인에게는 다수의 어린이들을 다루어 보는 경험 이 된다. 강의를 하지 않을 때는 문화교실 진행상황을 기록하여 리 포트로 남긴다. 이 학생은 저널리즘에 관심이 있으므로 차후 대학에
가서 공부할 영역을 지금부터 준비하고 있는 셈이다. 최근에는 친구들을 섭외하여 세 명 이 그룹으로 KPOP 에 대해 워크샵을 진행했고, 2015년 1월에는 K Drama 워크샵을 계획하 고 있다. 실제 매 달 입양아 부모로서 참여하고 있는 공립학교 역사 교사인 Rob Becker씨 는 김소진 학생의 프리젠테이션 스킬과 태도를 매번 칭찬하고 있다. 본교 재학 중인 10학년 윤도일 학생은 씨름, 한국전쟁, 온돌에 대해 강 의를 했고, 전통혼례 때 사물놀이 공연을 했다. 본인이 특별히 다른 자 원봉사활동을 하지 않으므로 한 달에 한번 있는 문화교실에서 행사에 도움을 주면서 보람을 느낀다고 했다. 2015년에는 행사를 기획하고 준 비하는 행정적인 업무도 돕고 싶다고 밝혔다. 본교 출신 7학년 조홍식 학생은 2014년 6월 자신이 여 행한 서울에 대한 이야기를 어린이들에게 들려주고 자신이 본 특징적 인 것들을 사진 및 동영상으로 소개하면서 서울을 경험했던 사람들에 게 질문 형식으로 강의를 이끌었다. 본교 출신 11학년 김경찬 학생, 본교 재학 중인 5학년 김경진, 4학년 김경민 학생은 1월 행사에서 한국음악과 서양 음악을 비교하여 프리젠테 이션하고, 그동안 연습한 바이올린, 첼로, 피아노 협주를 할 예정이다. 4.
공연 예술가 | Art Performer 2013년 3월에는 박선영 무용단 3인을 섭외하여 부채춤 공연을 감상하고 사물놀이를 체험 했다. 2014년 6월에는 한국학교 하만순 교사와 함께 사물놀이를 했고, 2014년 12월에는 우 리가락한국문화예술원장 강은주 무용가를 초빙, 진도북춤 공연과 함께 소고춤 워크샵을 진 행했다. 같은 달 배정숙 메조소프라노의 가곡 공연을 감상하면서 각 곡에 대한 해설을 듣 는 시간을 가졌다.
음식/장소 | Cousine/Venue 매달 15~20명의 인원을 대상으로 $50 정도의 재료비로 한국음식을 준비한다. 그동안의 메뉴 는 본 책의 음식 장에 기록되어 있다. 음식을 준비하는 자원봉사는 한국학교와 열방교회에서 지원해 주고 있다. 안전 등을 충분하게 고려한 후 문화교실에서 직접 음식을 만들어 보는 프 로그램도 시행할 계획이다. 행사 장소는 2014년 3월까지는 한인회 임시사무소를 사용했고, 한국학교가 주관하기 시작한 4 월부터는 뉴저지 보히스에 위치한 열방교회가 행사장을 무료로 제공해 주고 있다.
커뮤니케이션 | Communication 내부 커뮤니케이션 | Internal Communication 매달 셋째 주 토요일에 문화교실이 있다. 10일 전에 당월의 문화교실 내용을 소개하고 참석 여부를 뭍는 이메일을 발송한다. 문화교실이 일방적 커뮤니케이션이 아니라 입양가족 측에서 도 적극적인 참석으로 하고 있으므로 커뮤니케이션 코디네이터를 한 명 선정했다. 커뮤니케 이션 코디네이터는 입양아 및 다문화 가정을 대표하여 학교측과 소통한다.
홍보 | PR 현재 홍보활동으로는 행사 후 보도자료를 내어 행사의 주요점 및 후원 창구(남부뉴저지통합한 국학교 정안젤라 교무 fan@kssnj.org)를 알리고 있다. 또한 입양아 다문화 가정끼리의 네트워 크를 통해 본 문화교실 프로그램이 알려지고 있는 중이다. 이번 프로그램 출판 작업을 통해 정리된 내용을 학교 홈페이지 http://kssnj.org와 문화교실 홈페이지 http://kafkcc.org 에 업데이트 하고 Facebook과 같은 소셜네트워크에 그룹을 만들 계획이다.
기금 | Fund 점차적으로 질높은 문화교실을 위해서는 충분한 기금을 마련하는 것이 중요하다. 2014년도에 는 LG CNS 직원들의 자원봉사가 없었던 대신 LG CNS 미주법인으로부터 $1,000의 후원금을 받은 것이 문화교실 운영에 큰 도움이 되었다. 비영리 단체 및 한국학교 대상의 기금 신청 기회를 놓치지 않고 지원하여 행사의 질을 계속적으로 높여, 본 문화교실 뿐 아니라 한국학교 의 수업에도 도움이 될 수 있게 할 예정이다. 2015년도 재외동포재단 맞춤형 지원금은 신청 해 놓고 결과를 기다리고 있는 상태다.
동화 | Korean Traditional Fairytale
출처: 전래동화 아리랑 (그림 노명수 작가)
금도끼 은도끼 | Golden Axe, Silver Axe
개요 한국 전래동화 금도끼 은도끼를 영상으로 보면서 영어로 설명을 듣는다.
시간 동화시청 10분, 활동 20분, 총 30분
준비사항 금도끼 은도끼 동화를 영상으로 만들어놓은 사이트 (딩동댕유치원 http://youtu.be/EW-l0SX66os) 에서 필요한 영상을 다운받아 진행자가 영어로 진행하기 편하도록 편집한다. 편집된 영상: (소리는 음향효과를 제외하고는 무음처리해도 무방하다). Video Ref. 1 금도끼 은도끼 Golden Axe, Silver Axe http://youtu.be/qR4rAt5bbiQ1
PPT 1 금도끼 은도끼 Golden Axe, Silver Axe https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYbmEzdS1KVG1YYk0/view?usp=sharing
진행 영상을 재생하면서 미리 준비한 아래의 스크립트를 함께 읽어준다. 스크린 가까이 있는 불은 끈다.
화면이 잘 보이지 않으면
번역: Da Young Lee
He was working very hard chopping down a tree by the pond. Just then, his old ax slipped from his hand and it fell into the pond by mistake. "Oh, No! Without my ax, I can't cut down trees and I won't be able to earn any money. ‘He began to panic in despair.
Suddenly, the god of the mountains appeared mysteriously from the pond with three axes in his hands. "You must have dropped your axe in my pond. Which axe is yours, poor woodcutter? The Gold, Silver, or Old Axe?" "Neither Gold nor Silver are mine. My axe is the old, worn-out axe!" The god of the mountains said with a smile, "You are very honest. I will give you all three axes as a reward for your honesty." The god gave him all three axes and the woodcutter returned home happily.
Then another woodcutter, this time a very greedy one, heard his story. He also went to the pond, with his old tools. "If I throw in my old tools and bags, the mountain god will return with brand-new golden tools and bags!!" He happily began to throw all his old things into the pond, waiting for the mountain god to come out. 이 부분에서 화면 정지를 하고 아이들에게 과연 어떤 일이 일어날 것인가 (What do you think is going to happen next?) 질문을 한다. "Oh Mountain God! Come out when you're ready!" Just then, the mountain god appeared, but he was very
angry! "How dare you throw in useless trash into the pond!!" Come here and take back all your old tools and bags!" The greedy woodcutter cried and returned home with nothing but and old, greedy heart.
활동 1.
오른쪽 보이는 사진과 같이 동화에 나오는 장면을 아웃라인만 그린 밑 그림 한 두 장과 크레용, 물감 등 색을 칠할 수 있는 미술도구를 준비 한다. 밑그림과 미술도구를 아이들에게 나누어주고 색깔을 칠해 완성하도록 한다.
동영상 Class Video 1 Golden Axe, Silver Axe http://youtu.be/r3l5FsMqA10?list=UUPVEVFYN6v_YeTITo6LuPtQ
효녀 심청 | Shim Cheong: The Devoted Daughter
개요 한국 전래동화 효녀 심청을 영상으로 보면서 등장인물들이 영어로 맡은 배역을 목소리연기하 는 것을 듣는다.
시간 동화시청 10분, 활동 20분, 총 30분
준비사항 1.
봉사자들에게 각자 원하는 등장인물의 성우역할을 배정한다. 2. 효녀 심청 동영상에서 필요한 화면을 캡쳐한다. Video Ref. 2 효녀심청 Shim Cheong http://youtu.be/MgyRzuP8BsE 3. 동화를 영어로 번역한다. 4. 파워포인트에 캡쳐한 화면을 넣고 스크립트는 노트에 쓴다. 노트와 함께 프린트하여 성우들에게 주고 화면을 돌리면서 역할극을 진행한다. PPT 2 효녀 심청 Shim Cheong https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYZWh0WEpLNjBnOWc/view?usp=sharing
진행 Slide 1
*This story displays ShimCheong's extreme filial piety that she has towards her father. Despite her young age, she does everything in her power to help her father and those around her to make their lives easier. In Asia filial piety is highly important and enforced, so you can see lots of children's stories having themes revolving around it. . For the translation aspect of this story, giving the right title to ShimCheong's father was difficult because the translation isn't completely smooth from Korean to English. Also, on another translation note InDangSu is actually a place in the ocean that is considered special, and used a long time
ago for sacrifices to the gods. So, the fishermen took a boat to go to this part of the ocean in order to sacrifice ShimCheong Slide 2
Little baby Shim Cheong
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Once upon a time, there was a blind man named Shim Hakgyu but mostly called “Shim Bongsa”-meaning the blind in Korean and his daughter ShimCheong. ShimCheong’s mother passed away after giving birth to her, and so the blind father Shim bongsa had to raise her. Shim Bongsa went holding his crying daughter to the local neighborhood women. Shim HakGyu : “Excuse me miss, would you please give milk to my daughter?” Woman 1 : “Tsk Tsk, poor thing.” ShimCheong grew up by getting some of the local ladies’ milk and by eating rice soup.
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ShimCheong grew up as a good girl. ShimCheong did the local ladies’ errands and took good care of her father. All of the ladies praised her. There was no one who didn’t know that ShimCheong was a good daughter Slide 4
One day, Shim Chung's father fell into the stream on his way home. Shim HakGyu : “Someone save me!” A monk that was passing by saved the father. Shim HakGyu : “Whoever it is that saved me, thank you so much.” Monk : “I am a monk from the MongEun temple, I see you are blind.” Shim HakGyu : : “If I could see with these two eyes I would have no other wishes. Monk : “If you donate 1 million pounds of rice to the temple you can see again. Shim HakGyu :“Is that right? And the father promised that he would donate 1 million pounds of rice to the temple.
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Returning home, ShimBongSa could not withstand his worrying. ShimHakGyu : “I’m going to go crazy, where am I going to get 1 million pounds of rice?......” Just then, ShimCheong came back. ShimCheong : “Father, I’m back!” The father’s sad expression turned into one of surprise when he heard ShimCheong. ShimCheong : “Father, are you okay?” ShimHakGyu : “well......” and ShimBongSa told the truth.
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One day, ShimCheong heard the village ladies talking near the well. Lady1 : “The fishermen were looking for an innocent young girl.” SimCheong : “Why do they need a young girl?” Lady1 :“That's obvious. They need one for the sacred offering at InDangSu. So give the girl whatever she wants.” Hearing those words, ShimCheong went quickly to find the sailors. SimCheong : “Well, I came because I heard you were searching for a young girl.” ShimCheong decided to sell herself so she could get the 1 million pounds of rice for her father. Sailor : “It’s very rare to see a good daughter like you. It hurts my heart to offer such a good lady to InDangSu.”
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The sailor’s hearts were also hurting, but they couldn't do anything because a lot of people’s lives depended on her sacrifice. When the boat arrived at InDangSu the sailors preformed the ancestral ceremony and ShimCheong prayed. ShimCheong : “God! Please open the eyes of my father.” At the moment ShimCheong jumped into the ocean, the god of the sea decided to take care of her. Slide 8
The god of the sea questioned ShimCheong. God : “Are you ShimCheong?” ShimCheong : “Yes, I am.” God : “Why did you allow this to happen?” ShimCheong told him the story. God : “Oh oh! Such filial daughter who is so rare. I will send you back up to the world again.”
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So the Sea God put her in a giant lotus and took her to the surface of the sea. Sailor : “What on earth, why is this lotus in the sea?” Since it looked like a strange thing, the sailors took the big lotus with them back to the king. The king marveled at the strange flower, and took a good look at it. Then, the flower opened and ShimCheong appeared. King : “Who are you???... .” ShimCheong then told what happened to her to the King. The king believed that everything was the will of god and welcomed ShimCheong as a queen. Queen ShimCheong couldn't stand the curiosity she had for news about her father. King : “The Queen’s complexion is not well!” ShimCheong : “Your Highness, I am so sorry but I cannot help but worrying about my blind father.” King : “Don’t worry. I have decided to throw a party for all the blind people so you might find your father ” Slide 10
On the third day the queen was waiting outside the palace gates for ShimBongSa. Finally, she saw ShimBongSa’s figure. ShimCheong : “Father!” Shim HakGyu : “Who are you? My daughter is not a person of this world... .” ShimCheong : “Father, it’s me Cheong.” Shim HakGyu : “Cheong? Are you really her?”
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Shim Cheong: “Yes, father! Open your eyes!” Shim HakGyu : “Cheong~!” Shim Cheong: “Yes, father, father!” Shim HakGyu : “Cheong~!” ShimCheong’s extreme love for her father moved god, and he made her father open his eyes the moment when she asked him to. ShimCheong who had become Queen lived with her father happily ever after. THE END -
동영상 Class Video 2 효녀 심청 Shim Cheong http://youtu.be/LNbn1TWXbR0
Report & Media 1 한국일보 2013년 4월 12일 보도 “직장밖 나눔사랑 실천해요” http://ny.koreatimes.com/article/788466
Report & Media 2 보도자료 “한인회, 한국학교, 기업이 한인입양아를 위해 뭉쳤다” 지난 4월 20일 대남부뉴저지한인회 (회장 함채환)의 주최로 제 2회 입양 아행사가 한인회 사무실에서 열렸다. 이번 입양아 행사는 한인회, 한국학 교, 기업의 세 단체가 지역사회를 위 해 힘을 합하여 질높은 행사를 치루 었다는 데에 그 의미가 크다. 함채 환 회장은 프로그램의 전문성을 위 해 남부뉴저지통합한국학교(교장 김 정숙)에 의뢰하여 한국어 강의를 요 청했고, 한국어 및 역사를 담당하고 있는 정안젤라 교사가 파견되었다. 정안젤라교사는 LG CNS(법인장 김 영수)에서 주중에는 영업관리부 차장으 로 근무하고 있다. 정차장은 틈틈이 비한국계, 1.5, 2세 직원들에게 한국어를 가르치는 중에 이 같은 사회봉사활동 참여의 기회를 직원들에게 소개했고, 사무실에서 2시간 떨어진 거리임에도 직원들이 자기의 재능을 활용하여 프로그램 기획, 코디네이션, 동영상 촬영, 홍보 등의 활동에 기꺼이 참여하겠다고 나서자 회사도 마일리지 환급과 주중 봉사활동시 유급 휴가 등 전폭적인 지원을 약속했다. 실제 이번 행사에 LG CNS 측에서 일곱명이 참여함으로서 기업의 사회적 공헌활동 자원봉사활동을 시작하였다. 이날 행사는 1시부터 LG CNS 박현정 대리가 비빔밥에 대해 소개하는 발표를 하면서 시작되었 다. 예쁜 꽃처럼 생긴 비빔밥을 보면서 그 안에 담긴 색깔들을 찾아보고 비빔밥을 어떻게 만 드는지 동영상을 보면서 모두 함께 비빔밥을 먹었다. 두번째 시간엔 성종선 한인회 사무총장 의 첫돌에 대한 문화 강의가 있었다. 강의 중간에 실제 돌잔치를 얼마 전에 했던 박대리의 아들 이한결군과 입양아 그리핀의 여동생 엘렌양이 돌복을 입고 돌상 앞에서 돌잡이를 하게 하는 돌잔치의 재연 시간을 가짐으로 입양아 어린이들이 한국에서는 어떻게 돌잔치를 하는지 실제 느낄 수 있도록 하였다. 세번째로 이어진 한글 강의 시간에는 남부뉴저지통합한국학교 의 정안젤라 교사가 한글은 창제원리가 있는 발명된 유일한 언어임을 설명하고 한글 창제 당 시 모음 구성원리 천지인의 조합으로된 기본 10개의 모음에 대해 생동감있게 강의하는 시간을 가졌다. 마지막 시간으로 지난해 세계적으로 유행했던 K-Pop 강남스타일을 배경음악으로 모
두가 말춤을 간을 행사를 다.
하나되어 추는 시 가지면서 마무리했
이번에 처음으로 입양아 행사에 참 여한 해든필드의 캐 런 배커씨는 샘과 맥 스 두 아들을 입양한 어 머니로, 그동안은 한인 입양아 를 둔 30여 명의 백인 부모들과의 만남 속에서 아이들의 뿌리 문화에 대해 조금이 라도 가르쳐 주려고 노렸했는데, 이같이 조직적이면서도 양질의 프로그램이 있다는 것을 그들 에게 알려서 많은 입양아 가정이 동참할 수 있도록 하겠다고 말했다. 성종선 사무총장은 이 제 입양아 행사가 가동이 되고 프로그램이 어느정도 셋업이 된 만큼 다음 달에는 더욱 많은 입양아 가정이 참여할 것으로 예상되어 좀 더 넓은 장소에서 개회할 예정이라고 밝혔다.
무용 | Dance
출처: 제8회 부산국제무용제 (폐막축하공연)
부채춤 | Fan Dance 개요 지역사회 무용단(초청 팀: 박선영뉴저지한국무용단)을 초청하여 공연을 보면서 서양의 무용과 다른 점을 느껴본다.
시간 공연 10분, 부채춤에 대한 설명 10분, 감상 나누기 10분, 총 30분
준비사항 공연팀 (의상, 부채, 음악), 무대, 관중석
진행 사회자가 간략하게 공연 팀을 소개한 후 공연 팀은 음악에 맞춰 공연을 한다. 공연 후에는 부채춤에 대해 설명해 주고, 감상을 서로 나누어 본다.
동영상 Class Video 3 부채춤 Fan Dance http://youtu.be/ayoMuScXcGQ
소고춤 | Sogo (Hand Drum) Dance 개요 전문가(초청강사: 우리가락한국문화예술원 강은주 원장)를 초청하여 소고춤을 배워본다.
시간 워크샵 시간 50분
준비사항 넓은 공간, 참여자 수 만큼의 소고와 소고채 워크샵 전에 활용할 수 있는 PPT 자료: PPT 3 전통악기 Traditional Percussion https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYUEhTam1oUm5zdFU/view?usp=sharing
진행 소고에 대한 설명을 위해 우리나라의 기타 타악기들과 서로 다른 점을 비교하고, 각 악기로 공연하는 모습의 동영상을 재생하여 악기 소리와 쓰임에 대한 이해를 돕는다. 프레젠테이션 은 아래와 같이 만든다.
링크안내: Video Ref. 3 장구춤 Jang-gu Dance http://youtu.be/iqtU05Z_cds Video Ref. 4 사물놀이 Samulnori http://youtu.be/sN_KF3vMglM Video Ref. 5 입춤소고 Sogo Dance http://youtu.be/Smy52FWyo9M 소고에 대한 프레젠테이션 후에는 함께 소고춤을 추는 시간을 갖는다.
31 출처: 2014 인천 아시안게임 폐막식 공연
동영상 Class Video 4 소고 워크샵 Sogo Workshop http://youtu.be/2JwgS8b92mQ
미디어 보도 Report & Media 3 중앙일보 2014년 12월 22일 보도 “입양아 다문화 가정 위한 한국문화교실 열 려” http://www.koreadaily.com/news/read.asp?art_id=3057552
진도북춤 | Jindo Drum Dance 개요 전문가(초청강사: 우리가락한국문화예술원 강은주 원장)를 초청하여 진도북춤 공연을 직접 보 고 북의 장단도 느끼고 북으로 어떻게 춤을 추는지도 직접 보면서 전통무용을 이해한다.
시간 공연자 소개 10분, 공연 시간 10분
준비사항 공연 무대, 음악, 의상 음악은 공연하는 사람과 관람자가 모두 잘 들을 수 있도록 소리는 충분히 크게 조절한다.
진행 전문가 공연인 만큼 공연자의 프로필에 대해 사회자가 구체적으로 소개하여 관중들이 공연자 의 실력에 대한 신뢰를 높인다. 소개를 마친 후 공연을 시작한다. Director (EunJoo Kang) 1 Eunjoo Kang started dancing at an early age and has continued her dance education under the prominent Korean Traditional dancers. Receiving a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1989 at Sookmyung Women University, Ms. Kang has studied traditional and folk Korean dance under Mubong Whang from 1982 through 1984. From 1985 to 1993, she studied Sung Mu, Sal Pu Ri and other traditional Korean dance under Myungsook Han; who had received the prestigious Human Living Treasure (HLT) designation from the government of Korea and under Jaeman Chung, who inherited the HLT designation after Ms. Han passed away. Pursing broader understanding of modern dance theory, in an effort to form her own theory of traditional Korean dance with the same vigor as that of modern dance; Ms. Kang, earned her Master’s degree from New York University (NYU) in Dance Education in 1995. Her study at NYU included Eric Hopkins and the Laban effort shape. Currently serving as managing director of Woori Garak Dance Company, based in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey since 1998, as the director and a dancer at Panoram Asian Dance Project company in New York since 2007, and as the director of Korean Dance at Korean Community Center (FGS) in Englewood, New Jersey since 2011; Eunjoo Kang has been actively performing and choreographing to promote the beauty of Korean traditional dance. Over the past 20 years, Ms. Kang has performed all over Asia, Europe and North America in various tours, festivals and competitions; in 1986 at Festival International De Montignac in Montignac, in 1991 at the Festival International de Folklore in Concarneau, France and at the opening ceremony of the 1986 Asian Games, at the closing ceremony of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, and in 2008 at Asian/Pacific American Heritage Festival, International Night Music and Dance in New York.
Ms. Kang also plays an active role in promoting Korean cultural heritage through dance by coordinating and directing various informal performances at schools, libraries, churches, and nursing homes in New York and New Jersey since 2001. PPT 4 강은주 무용가 Professional Korean Dancer Eunjoo Kang https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYNU9ZMVpIVFR0QTg/view?usp=sharing
동영상 Class Video 5 진도북춤 공연 Jindo Drum Dance Performance http://youtu.be/bNKwqqVIzOA
탈춤 | Exploring the Tradition and Culture of the Korean Mask Dance: Talchum Overview The Korean mask dance, also known as Talchum, has been one of the most revered and important traditional assets to Korea. Talchum originated from shamanic rites and ritual dances from the Bongsan region of northern Korea. The dance provided the common people with a great escape from the harsh realities of the world to a space in which they could find their own power and identity over the corrupt elite class. Today, the Korean mask dance continues to carry out the tradition and legacy of the past.
Objectives Understand the history and origin of the Korean mask dance To teach students the importance of the Korean mask dance to the Korean culture To recognize the symbols and characteristics of the diverse masks To explore the themes of the Korean mask dance
Duration 90 min Presentation 45 min Activities 45 min
Activities Students will enhance their understanding of the Korean mask dance by participating in several activities, such as learning basic dance movements and experimenting with the different genres of the Korean mask dance to find their own style. Watch a video covering the history, background and essential elements of the Korean mask dance. Learn step by step dance movements to the Korean mask dance Experiment with improvisational Korean mask dance
Materials Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to organize the basic outline of the lesson. In the presentation include:
Korean mask dance video o approx. 10 minutes Slides that briefly outline: o Background o History o Characteristics o Themes o Significance
Video Ref. 6 한국문화아이콘 탈춤 100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep40 http://youtu.be/zlswmWSqt_Y
More videos for reference:
Video Ref. 7 봉산탈춤 개요 Introduction to Bongsan Mask Dance (4:15) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hafKhb2shPw&spfreload=10 Video Ref. 8 탈춤추기- Step by step guide to learning the dance movements (5:49) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv_Ak5_MTRE Video Ref. 9 탈춤 드라마 Korean Mask Dance Dramas: A Lesson on the Different Motions, Music and Costumes (7:03) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBVzhjgj-ds&spfreload=10 Other Resources 1.
For information on the background of the Korean mask dance, reference the following links: a. Traditional Korean Masks by Kallie Szczepanski, Asian History Expert i. http://asianhistory.about.com/od/arthistoryinasia/ss/KoreanMasks.htm#step-heading b. History of Korean Masks i. http://www.historyofmasks.net/mask-history/history-of-korean-masks/ c.
The Bawdy, Brawling, Boisterous World of Korean Mask Dance Dramas: A Brief Essay to Accompany Photographs i. http://cross-currents.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/e-journal/photo-essays/saeji.pdf
PowerPoint Presentation:
PPT 5 탈춤 Mask Dance https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYV1poanBJV3A3RUE/view?usp=sharing
Class Photos:
Video Class Video 6 탈, 탈춤 Mask Dance http://youtu.be/Y0MCgVB8lLM
미술 | Art
진경 산수화. 정선의 인왕제색도
독도 | Dokdo 개요 독도에 대한 이해를 위해 프리젠테이션 시간을 가진 후 독도를 다함께 그려보는 시간을 가짐 으로서 독도에 대한 관심을 높인다.
시간 프리젠테이션 15분, 그리기 15분 총 30분
준비사항 발표: 활동:
독도 PPT, 빔 프로젝터, 스크린, 스피커 종이, 크레용 PPT 6 독도 Dokdo https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYcFdPaGlrZVNuSXM/view?usp=sharing
진행 대한민국 외교부에서 제작한 “Dokdo, Beautiful Island of Korea” 의 영어로 된 동영상(4분 56초)을 상영한다. 주소는 다음과 같다: Video Ref. 10 대한민국의 아름다운 섬 독도 Dokdo, Beautiful Island of Korea (4:56) http://youtu.be/mEF9FDh4nZc
어린이들이 많으므로, 무거운 이슈 보다는 독도의 아름다움을 보여주고, 그것을 그리게 함으로 써 관심도를 높이는 것에 목적을 둔다. 동영상 상영 후에는 독도의 사진들을 아래와 같은 파 워포인트로 보여준다.
PPT 슬라이드 쇼 이후에는 다른 학생들이 그렸던 작품들을 보여주어 그림그리기에 대한 아이디어를 얻도록 한다.
동영상 Class Video 7 독도 그리기 Drawing Dokdo http://youtu.be/784ZX7XvzwU
Report & Media 4 Reported on March 15, 2014 At 2:00 p.m. after eating lunch, Mrs. Angela Jung introduced Dr. Kim to the group. Dr. Kim briefly introduced Korean traditional art. Dr. Kim explained that like the White House in the United States, there is the Blue House in Korea where President Park lives. The reason why it is called the Blue House is because the roof tile of the building is blue. Then, Dr. Kim showed us many pictures of Korean ancient sculptures that belonged to the Yi Dynasty. The people in the old days made pottery through using a spinner and kiln to form the basic shape of the pottery. In the past, the color of the potter was not green or blue, but it was gold. The color and also the shape of the sculptures are very unique and remarkable. Dr. Kim repeatedly said, "Look how beautiful." One of the slide had a picture of an intricately designed pot that was blue and white. The designs told a story about the daily lives of the Korean people. For example, pictured on the pot was a little boy and girl on a farm. On another pot, there was a picture of a house in the middle of a farm. The reason why the house was built right in the middle was because the people wanted to protect their crops and livestock from being stolen. Also, often times farmers would trade the food that they grew with other farmers. Dr. Kim went on to explain how the artist has to have a creative idea to make such extraordinary artwork. Throughout the powerpoint, there were many pictures depicting teapots and cups that had a specific design on them. Others were only one color; sometimes the simplicity of the design makes it very appealing to people. The china were considered to be very valuable and also an important part of the Korean culture. Dr. Kim showed the group many pictures of dresses that were one solid color. There was a pink and dark blue dress that were very ingeniously designed. We also viewed different hanboks. Dr. Kim said that the Korean hanbok is nothing like the dresses made in China or Japan. There were some hanboks that were only two color (for example, pink and purple). After Dr. Kim finished his presentation, Mrs. Jung reviewed the information that was learned with the group. She first asked, "What do you call traditional clothes in Korean?" The kids answered, "Hanbok." At 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Jung gave a presentation on titled "Dokdo is Korean land." Next, to introduce the topic, we had a small competition between the kids and the adults to see which group could say "대한민국" the loudest. Afterwards, we learned how to say the Korean flag in Korean: 태극기. Mrs. Jung showed us many scenic pictures of Dokdo to us. Some of the pictures were of the west island. One of the slides had a picture of the sunset on the island. On the next slide, there was a map that highlighted where Dokdo is located today. Dokdo is an island located in between Korean and Japan. After 1945, all Korean original territories returned to the hands of the Japanese people. Japan wanted to take control of Korea because they realized how valuable to resources in Korea were. The Korean School of Southern New Jersey presented the historical information regarding Dokdo after having conducted thorough research on the topic. Next, Mrs. Jung showed us a video about Dokdo. The video explained and gave evidence that reaffirmed Dokdo as part of Korean territory. Many surveys and documents confirmed that Dokdo did not belong to Japan. However, Japan continuously insisted that Dokdo was its land,
claiming that it was an inherent part of the country. The fact of the matter is, although Japan made far fetched claims about the Dokdo island, Dokdo will forever remain a part of Korea in the East Sea. 15 minutes later, the children participated in a new activity. They began to draw pictures of Dokdo on paper using crayons and colored pencils. As a reference, the children used the pictures that were part of the powerpoint to make their artworks. After everyone completed their drawings, they presented their creation in front of the group. First, Griffin presented his Dokdo pictures. "Here are my islands, some seagulls, and the Korean flag," said Griffin. The last activity we did was dancing along with the Dokdo song while watching a tutorial on youtube. Everyone then received lyrics to practice the dance and song at home. Reported by Sonia Kim (김소진)
Report & Media 5 한국일보 2014년 3월 17일 보도 http://sf.koreatimes.com/article/844279
미역놀이 | Playing with Seaweed
개요 해산을 하고난 산모가 먹고, 생일을 맞아 먹기도 하는 미역 국의 재료인 미역으로 재미있는 놀이를 해 본다.
시간 30분
준비사항 발표: 활동:
미역에 대한 PPT, 미역국 만들기 동영상, 빔 프로젝터, 스크린, 스피커 미역, 물, 그릇 종이, 색종이, 가위, 풀, 크레용 PPT 7 미역 Seaweed https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYNURhVmc3NG03WVk/view?usp=sharing
진행 먼저 PPT에서 미역을 촬영한 고해상도의 사진들을 보여준다. 그리고 식사 메뉴였던 미역국을 어떻게 만드는지 영어로 잘 설명하고 있는 동영상을 상영한다.
동영상 Video Ref. 11 미역국 만들기 Seaweed Soup Recipe http://youtu.be/7K2rbAiRFy4 미역에 대한 역사를 살펴보면 다음과 같다:2 당나라 때 서견(徐堅 : 659~729)과 그의 동료들이 지은 백과사전 《초학기》(初學記)에 “고래가 새끼를 낳은 뒤 미역을 뜯어 먹어 산후의 상처를 낫게 하는 것을 보고 고려(=고구려) 사람들 이 산모에게 미역을 먹인다”라고 했다는 기록이 있다고 한다.[1] 송나라 때 서긍이 지은 《고려 도경》에서는 ˝미역은 (고려에서) 귀천이 없이 널리 즐겨 먹고 있다. 그 맛이 짜고 비린내가 나 지만 오랫동안 먹으면 그저 먹을만 하다.˝라고 나와 있다.[2] 조선 헌종 때 실학자 이규경의 《오주연문장전산고》(五洲衍文長箋散稿) 〈산부계곽변증설〉(産 婦鷄藿辨證說)에는 구전 전승을 다음과 같이 기록하고 있다.[3] 어떤 사람이 바다에서 헤엄치다가 막 새끼를 낳은 고래에게 먹혀 배 속에 들어갔더니 그 안에 미역이 가득 붙어 있었으며 장부(臟腑)의 악혈이 모두 물로 변해 있었다. 고래 배 속에서 겨우 빠져나와 미역이 산후 조리하는 데 효험이 있다는 것을 세상에 알렸다. 이를 영어로 잘 설명해 놓은 PPT에 담겨있는 동영상을 상영한다. 그 후에 미역으로 어떤 재미있는 놀이를 할 수 있는지 담긴 사진들을 보여주면서 어린이들의 호기심을 자극한다.
어린이들에게 물을 담아 그릇을 주고 종이 한 장과 미역을 조금씩 나누어 준다. 레용을 함께 나누어 준다. 미역을 물에 넣으면 엄청나게 부는 모습을 함께 관찰한다. 불린 미역으로 종이 위에 자유롭게 자기가 만들고 싶은 작품을 만든다. 작품을 만든 후에 한 곳에 모아 모두 감상한다.
색종이와 크
Report & Media 6 Reported on April 19, 2014 At 2:00 p.m., Mrs. Isabella Kim, who is the principal of the Korean School of Southern New Jersey. Mrs. Kim laid out the program for the class today. Before we commence the class, special thanks to Mrs. Jun for making the delicious seaweed soup for today's lunch. Also, thank you to the ANC church for hosting the class today. John gave a presentation on Seoul. He also showed us a video on the history of Seoul. Here are some facts that were presented in the video:In the heart of Seoul, there are still many artifacts from past history that harmonizes the past and future for its citizens. In 1394, King Taejo decided to make the capital of Korea Seoul. Seoul is surrounded by four outer and inner mountains that act as protective barriers for the city. King Taejo began to build gates to connect the four walls. In the 21st century, Seoul is transforming into a city full of not only industry, but also culture and history. Seoul plans to complete a restoration of historical castles and walls in the near future. Next, John talked about Modern Day Seoul. Since the Korean War ended in 1953, Korea has been developing economically. Nam San tower is a symbol of Seoul. "San" means mountain. In his powerpoint, there was also a picture of Seoul from a bird eye's view. There are many apartments in Seoul because the city is not very spacious; therefore, people have to construct buildings vertically. The 63 building, is the tallest building in Seoul. In this building, there is an imax theaters, aquarium, and even a sky lounge. Next, another famous place that everyone should visit is Lotte World, which is like the Korean Disney World. It is an indoor and outdoor park. There are over twenty different roller coasters. The Blue House is like the White House in America. The Blue House is where the president, Park Geun Hye, lives. It is called The Blue House because the color of the roof is blue. With this, John concluded his presentation. At 2:30 p.m., Doyle Yoon told us about his visit to Seoul. Doyle said that Seoul is really nice because "the transportation is really good. People can go anywhere they want even without their driver ’s license."Next, Dr. Bokyung Kim, who is an assistant professor at Rowan University. Before beginning, Dr. Kim told us her personal story. In 2005, Dr. Kim came to The United States as an exchange student. Dr. Kim present information on the cultural differences that exist between The United States and Korea. Here are some facts from Dr. Kim's presentation:Norms are the rules that govern a society. In Korea, there is a relatively closer relationship between strangers. There are also many stereotypes of Asians. For example, people associate Asians with "math" or "smart." When comparing American and Korean social networks, the Korean websites shows friendships through a subtle way, while American websites are more direct. America is an individualist culture, while Korea is a group culture. There were two videos--one American and one Korean--that showed the differences between the communication between people. Both videos took place inside a hospital. At 3:00 p.m., the class played the Korean Gongi Game. Finally, we learned and played with seaweed. Mrs. Angela Jung gave us a presentation on how to make seaweed soup, also known as birth soup. Eating seaweed soup on birthdays is a heartwarming tradition. Everyone played with Miyeok! Reported by Sonia Kim (김소진)
Report & Media 7 공기놀이 Playing Kongki http://youtu.be/_RMikFqq6rw
붓글씨 (서예) | Korean Calligraphy
개요 서예(書藝)란 붓으로 글씨를 쓰는 예술을 말한다. 보면서 붓글씨에 담긴 정신과 미를 배운다.
우리 조상들이 사용했던 붓으로 글씨를 써
시간 30분
준비사항 발표: 활동:
문방사우에 대한 PPT 붓, 벼루, 먹, 화선지, 색지 두꺼운 것 (작품 용) PPT 8 붓글씨 Korean Calligraphy https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYZXFaQy1RaDdiZ1U/view?usp=sharing
진행 준비한 PPT로 다음을 설명한다.
궁체 (The Court Style)
판본체 (woodblock printed style)
문방사우 (The four precious things of the study)
액티비티: 강사가 시범을 먼저 보인 후, 어린이들과 부모들은 자기의 이름을 소리나는 대로 한글로 붓글씨를 써 본다. 수업을 준비하는 사람이 학생에 대한 정보를 미리 알 미리 알고 있으면 한글 이름을 궁서체로 프린트를 해 놓는다.
동영상 Class Video 8 붓글씨 (서예) Korean Calligraphy http://youtu.be/N0DoNZCiMqM
뽀로로 | Pororo 개요 한국 모든 어린이들이 좋아하는 뽀로로 만화를 보고 한국 대표작에 대한 친숙함을 갖는다. “Pororo goes to Korea” 에피소드 영어판을 감상하면서 간접적인 한국여행을 경험해 본다.
시간 프리젠테이션 15분, 뽀로로 영상 상영 15분 총 30분
준비사항 발표: 활동:
뽀로로 캐릭터 PPT, 빔 프로젝터, 스크린, 스피커 단막 영상 감상 PPT 9 뽀로로등장인물 Main Characters in Pororo https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYVHhpckRpNWN4LWM/view?usp=sharing
진행 진행자는 뽀로로라는 한국애니메이션이 한국에서 얼마나 인기가 있는지 뽀통령이라는 단어까 지 생긴 것을 간단하게 소개하고, 아이들에게 폭발적인 인기를 누리고 있는 뽀로로 등장인물 들을 먼저 소개한다. 아래와 같은 등장인물 소개 프리젠테이션을 한다. 영어로 설명을 해야 하므로 각 등장인물의 성격을 위키피디아에서 찾아 중요한 특징을 간단하 게 언급한다. 등장인물에 대한 한국어 및 영어 설명은 아래와 같다.
Main characters 뽀로로: 이 애니의 주인공으로, 호기심이 많은 꼬마 펭귄이다. 비행기 조종사용 모자와 고글을 쓰고 다닌다. 아기 공룡 크롱과 한 집에 같이 산다. 둘은 사이가 좋을 때도 많지만 가끔 굉장 히 많이 싸우기도 한다. 문제는 안경발이다. 크롱: 뽀로로가 눈 속에서 발견한 초록색 아기 공룡이다[5]. 말을 하지 못하는 뽀롱뽀롱 마을의 재롱둥이다. 우리말을 사용하는 다른 캐릭터와는 달리 '크렁~'이라는 자신만의 언어를 구사하지 만 가끔 필요할 땐 우리말을 쓰기도 한다. 루피: 부끄러움을 많이 타는 소녀 비버이다. 루피는 소심한 성격의 소유자로서 겁을 먹거나 쉽
게 울음을 터뜨린다. 그러나 여러 친구들에게 충고와 격려를 아끼지 않는다. 공식 누리집에 나 오는 루피의 모습을 보면 머리핀이 보이지만, 실제 방영에서는 제2기부터 등장한다.[6]. 에디: 영리한 꼬마 여우이다. 과학자가 꿈인 에디는 상상력이 기발하여 여러 발명품을 만들어 내는 재주가 있다. 그가 만든 발명품으로 인해서 친구들로부터 말썽을 일으키는 경우가 있고, 스스로 잘난 체하는 타입이다. 그렇지만 자신의 잘못을 뉘우치는 꼬마 여우다. 포비: 큰 몸집을 가지고 있는 인간 나이로 15살(1~2기 당시)인 북극곰이다. 그는 뽀롱뽀롱 숲 의 맏형으로써 다른 친구들이 하기에 버거운 일들을 해내고 다른 친구들에게 부탁을 흔쾌히 수락하는 친구이다. 포비의 특징은 큰 코에 웃음이 있는 모습이다. 공식 홈페이지(누리집)에서 포비의 모습이 제1기에서는 아무것도 걸치지 않고 벌거벗은 모습인데 비해, 제2기에서는 멜빵 바지를 입고 나오는 모습이 나온다. 제3기 부터는 티셔츠와 청바지를 입고 나온다. 패티: 제2기부터 나오는 소녀 펭귄이다[7]. 뽀롱뽀롱 숲에서 이사 온 패티는 사교력이 있는 친 구로, 씩씩한 성격의 소유자이다. 여러 운동을 좋아하나 요리는 서툴고 특히 거미를 무서워한 다. 이 캐릭터는 뽀로로 방송 전 유치원 취학 아동을 대상으로 실시한 설문 조사(뽀로로 이미 지 설정)에서 2위를 차지하여 다른 등장인물로 투입시킨 것이다. 별명이 팬티이다. 해리: 패티와 마찬가지로 제2기부터 나오는 벌새이다[8]. 그는 노래를 부르는 것을 좋아하여 한 번 노래를 시작하면 끝없이 불러서 다른 친구들로 하여금 피곤하게 한다. 또한 조급한 성격의 소유자여서 다른 친구들과 싸움을 일으키지만, 바로 금방 화해하는 새이다. 로디: 제3기 3화[총합 107화] <로디의 탄생>부터 나오는 고철덩어리. 천재 사기꾼 에디가 만든 로봇이다. 거의 사람처럼 활동하지만 음식을 못 먹는다는 단점이 있다. 로디는 자신의 집까지 있는 이상한(?) 로봇이 아니다. 통통이: 제3기부터 나오는 마법사 드래곤이다. 마법을 잘 부리고 변신할 수도 있다.[9] 뽀뽀, 삐삐(제3기)3기 1화[총합 105화] <뽀뽀와 삐삐>부터 나오는 등장인물. 손과 발이 없이 그 냥 우주선 형태로 생긴 외계인이다. 뚜뚜: 제4기부터 나오는 등장인물. 빨간 자동차이다. 그외 등장인물[편집] 에디의 로봇들(제1기~제3기):에디가 만든 여러종류의 로봇들. 시즌 3에서는 에디는 로디를 만 들어낸다. 드래곤 (제1기~제2기):뽀롱 뽀롱 숲에 살고있는 친근한 녹색 드래곤. 통통이와는 별개의 드래곤 이다. 제3기에서는 미등장. (1기에서도 가끔 등장) 스테고 (제1기~제2기):용과 함께 볼 수 있는 금속 스테고사우루스. 제3기에서는 미등장. 상어(샤크): (제2기~제4기):뽀롱 뽀롱 숲의 바닷물에서 살고있다. 제4기 오프닝에서 나온다. 외계인(제2기):달에서 온 외계인이다. 제3기에 등장하는 뽀뽀와 삐삐와는 다르며, 제3기에서는 미등장. 야옹이(제3기): 뽀로로 제3기에 나오는 인형 캐릭터. 통통이랑 같이 살다 패티에게 반 한다.
Season 1 - present (voiced by Lee Seon) - a little penguin that wears blue dungarees and the titular character of the cast of friends. Pororo wears big round aviator goggles and a tan-coloured aviator
cap (parodying the fact that penguins are incapable of flight). He is 8 years old(9 in Season 3,10 years old since Season 4) and the leader of the group. He often gets into various types of mischief with his friends, which includes trying to fly and playing practical jokes on his friends. Pororo lives in a pine-tree house along with Crong, his dinosaur friend and roommate. He wears a blue aviator jumpsuit and a yellow aviation helmet and gloves.He has a crush on Petty. Loopy admires him and tends to like him more than a 'friend'. Petty is his 'Dancing Partner' in the Dance Festival with the dance "Freeze in your Position"(Pororo Sing-Along). In Season 3,Loopy tells a tale about Pororo will marry Loopy,but Pororo denied and saying,"But I want to marry beautiful Princess Petty." His instrument is the electric guitar. (voiced by Lee Mi-ja) - a little green dinosaur that lives with Pororo. He is discovered one day as an egg, which hatches later and is adopted by Pororo as a little brother. Crong is the youngest of the group. His age is 3 years(4 in Season 3,5 years old since Season 4). He is usually with Pororo and is constantly getting into trouble. In the first season he cannot speak; he can only say his own name, "Crong!" to communicate, but in later seasons he can say Pororo's name and a few basic words. He wears a blue aviator jumpsuit and a red bandana and gloves. His instrument is the trumpet. (voiced by Ham Soo-jeong) - a little fennec fox who is intelligent and an inventive genius. His age is 10(11 in Season 3,12 years old since Season 4). Sometimes, he can be a show-off. His inventions include robots, trains, cars, flying devices, ships and submersibles among other things. Often, these inventions go horribly wrong which causes problems for anyone who gets caught up in his antics. Eddy is good friends with Pororo, but is also his friendly rival. Eddy lives in a hollowed-out tree stump. He wears a white shirt and blue overalls. Has a crush on petty. His instrument is the xylophone.
(voiced by Kim Hwan-jin) - a polar bear that lives out by a glacier. His age is 15(16 in Season 3,17 years old since Season 4). Poby is the largest of all the characters and has a very gentle nature. He enjoys fishing and photography and does most of the village chores. Poby has a big black nose and wears a white shirt and dark blue pants. His instrument is the drums. (voiced by Hong So-yeong) - a beaver who is often the voice of reason in the show. She is very shy, sensitive, and sometimes she can be a little princessy. She is 7 years(8 in Season 3,9 years old since Season 4). Loopy lives in a hollowed out log and often invites visitors over. She enjoys cooking; she is especially fond of baking cakes and pies for her friends. Pororo and Eddy were always vying for her attention until Petty becomes introduced later. In Season 2, she wears a simple hair clip. She wears a pink dress and a flower barrette on her head in Season 3.She has a crush on Pororo and admires him the most. She always come at Pororo's house and bring him some desserts and in Season 3,her made-up tale indicates that Pororo WILL marry her but Pororo denies because he wants to marry Petty. Her instrument is a white piano.
Season 2 (voiced by Jeong Mi-sook) - a female penguin who wears a violet hood and caplet. She joins Pororo and friends in Season 2. She is the same age as Pororo's age. The guys are shown to have a crush on her, but she seems to be oblivious about it, but she admires Pororo and comes to like him more than a 'friend'. Pororo often finds himself dumbfounded when she comes around. Petty is shown to be a little tomboyish, is a terrible cook but excels in sports, and is afraid of spiders. Petty lives in a cabin made by her friends. She wears a purple winter dress and a winter cap.She has a crush on Pororo. Her instrument is the violin.
(voiced by Kim Seo-yeong) - a wayward hummingbird who lost his way from Summer Island and found his way into Pororo and friends' neighborhood . He is 5 years(6 in Season 3,7 years old since Season 4). Harry can be quite temperamental, and he loves to sing, but his singing is usually not well received by his friends. He lives in a tiny cabin inside of Poby's house and wears a big purple bow He is warmhearted with his joyful, happy songs. He sings "Ribbit Frog" in some of episodes. He sang the same song with Poby in "Singing Passion", a Season 3 episode.
tie. the
Season 3 - a yellow robot built by Eddy who joins the cast of Friends in Season 3. He has catlike ears, a permanent grin and can stretch his arms and legs and lives with Eddy for a time, but given his tremendous strength and lack of social skills it becomes impractical for Rody to continue living there. As a result, Eddy later builds him his own house nearby; a large oval shaped structure made of thick sheet metal. Fiercely loyal and obedient, he is often grateful for any kind gestures the gang bestows upon him. - an orange tuxedo-wearing dragon that joins the cast of friends in Season 3 (not to be confused with the character Dragon). He is probably 12 years old (13 in Season 4). He lives far away inside of a volcano located in a temperate climate. He has magic powers which are achieved by chanting his own name many times and very often his magic backfires and cause problems for Pororo and his friends. He can also magically morph to a large dragon to fly long distances, but often has difficulty landing. and - two jellyfish-like twin aliens that often hover together. Pipi is purple and Popo is blue. They live in a big flying saucer. They moved in from Planet Pipo in Season 3. : A stuffed cat who lives with Tongtong in Season 3. He often causes trouble and is very naughty. When the gang comes to visit Tong Tong's House, he sees Petty and falls in love with her. He wears a red cap.
Season 4 (voiced by Jang Eun-sook) - a red supercar who can drive the friends around the village. Only appears in Season 4 episodes. When he gets no fuel, he stays in the sun to get more fuel. He can be playful sometimes. The Narrator The Narrator is voiced by Goo Ja-hyeong (James Bondy in English). He often tells about what Pororo and his friends are doing today. Minor characters Eddy's Robots : Many different types of Robots other than Eddy. In Season 3, he built a new Robot named Rody who joined the friends. : A friendly green dragon who lives in Porong Porong Forest. He didn't appear in Season 3 in favour of a new dragon named Tongtong. He met Petty in "Petty's Secret Friend". He also appeared in 2 singalong episodes, "Mommy Pig, Baby Pig", and "Blue Land". Steggo : A metal Stegosaurus who is often seen with Dragon. He didn't appear in Season 3. Shark : A not so friendly Shark who swims in the waters of Porong Porong Forest. It is odd to have Sharks in the cold. He is seen chasing Pororo in the opening titles of Season 3. He is also seen in Season 2, Season 3, and one of the singalong episodes, "The Whale Song".
Aliens : Two blue aliens who live on the Moon and sometimes fly down to Earth in their Flying Saucer ship. They did not appear in Season 3 in favour of Pipi and Popo. Whale : A friendly Whale who helps people in danger. The whale saved Pororo from danger. He did not appear in Season 2 and Season 3 (except Pororo's Sing-a-Long). Fish : Not friendly. They hate people who swim under the water.
해외문화홍보원에서 유투브에 업로드한 “Pororo Goes to Korea” 의 영어로 된 동영상 (14분 50초)을 상영한다. 주소는 다음과 같다: Video Ref. 12 뽀로로가 한국에 왔어요 Pororo goes to Korea http://youtu.be/L1Bwy57ZoLM
필라델피아 미술박물관 | Treasures from Korea - Arts and Culture of the Joseon Dynasty 개요 미국에서 접하기 어려운 한국미술전시회에 견학한다.
시간 관람시간 2시간
준비사항 전시일정에 따른 관람일 확정, 참가 인원 확정, 버스 예약
내용 문화교실에서 진행한 견학은 2014 년 3 월에 있었다. 소개한 “조선미술대전”에 대한 설명은 아래와 같다.
필라델피아 미술박물관에서 보도자료를 통해
2013 년 12 월 9 일 보도자료 http://www.philamuseum.org/press/releases/2013/997.html
미국 최초로 조선시대 미술 개괄 전시를 순회합니다. 한국 국립중앙박물관, 미국 필라델피아미술관(PMA), 로스앤젤레스카운티미술관(LACMA), 휴스턴미술관(MFAH)은 조선시대(1392-1910)의 미술과 문화를 종합적으로 조망하는 미국 최초의 전시회, <조선미술대전 (Treasures from Korea: Arts and Culture of the Joseon Dyansty, 1392-1910)>를 개최합니다. 이 전시는 필라델피아(2014 년 3 월 2 일 - 5 월 26 일)를 시작으로, 로스앤젤레스(2014 년 6 월 29 일 - 9 월 28 일)와 휴스턴(2014 년 11 월 2 일 - 2015 년 1 월 11 일)에서 차례로 열릴 예정입니다.
미국 관객들에게 처음으로 선보이게 됩니다. 화려한 왕실 소용의 병풍화로부터 사대부의 서예 및 한글 삽화책까지, 또한 조선시대 여러 사회 계층의 삶과 문화를 엿볼 수 있는 작품들을 비롯하여, 조선 도자 예술의 정수를 보여주는 각종 도자기 그릇과 기물 등 실로 다양한 작품들이 역사적인 미국 방문을 앞두고 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라 19 세기 말 “은자의 왕국”으로 불리던 조선과 서양의 역동적인 조우를 상징하는 문화, 예술품 등은 미국 관람객들의 특별한 흥미를 불러일으킬 것입니다. 수준 높은 회화, 공예, 조각, 가구, 복식, 사진 등을 총망라하는 이번 전시가 조선의 드높은 예술적 성취를 알리는데에 큰 역할을 할 것입니다.
전례없는 한미 양국의 대규모 문화 교류 사업으로 기획된 <조선미술대전>에는 한국 국립중앙박물관의 소장품을 주축으로하여, 양국의 주요 기관 및 개인 소장품이 함께 전시될 것입니다. 본 교류의 일환으로 2013 년에는 필라델피아미술관, 로스엔젤레스카운티미술관, 휴스턴미술관, 테라재단 (Terra Foundation for American Art)의 소장품으로 구성된 <미국 미술 300 년 전 (Art Across America)>이 서울의 국립중앙박물관과 대전 시립미술관에서 열렸습니다. 이 두 교류전이 한미 양국의 친선을 강화하고, 관람객들의 상호 문화 이해도를 높일 것으로 기대합니다.
조선은 27 대의 왕이 518 년 간 통치한, 세계에서 가장 오래 지속된 유교 국가로, 문화 그 자체만으로도 매우 흥미로울 뿐 아니라, 현대 한국인의 사고방식 및 사회 규범 등 근현대 한국 문화에 지대한 영향을 끼친 중요한 시기이기도 합니다. 본 전시는 조선 사회의 예술적 성취와 역동성을 잘 드러내는 다섯 가지 핵심 주제 (조선 왕실의 미술과 문화, 조선의 사회, 유교와 제례 문화, 조선 불교의 지속과 변천, 근대의 조선)로 구성됩니다. 이를 통한 조선의 미술 및 문화 탐구가 미국의 관람객들에게 한국을 이해하는 첫 걸음이 되기를 바랍니다.
조선미술대전>을 통하여 한국의 국보, 보물 등 지정 문화재를 포함한 150 점 이상의 작품이 소개될 예정이고, 이 중 다수가
Moon Jar, Early 18th century. Porcelain, Height 16 1/8 inches (41 cm). National Museum of Korea, Seoul. Treasure No. 1437.
Courtier’s Official Robes, Late 19th century. Silk red robe length: 35 13/16 inches (91 cm); blue inner robe length: 48 13/16 inches (124 cm). Dangook University Seok Juseon Memorial Museum, Yongin.
Sun, Moon, and Five Peaks, Artist/maker unknown, Joseon Dynasty (1392-1 910), 19th century, Eight-fold screen; colors on paper, 82 11/16 × 217 7/16 inches (210 × 552.3 cm), Private Collection
Ten Longevity Symbols, 18th century. Artist/maker unknown. Ten-fold screen; colors on paper, Overall 98 3/4 × 232 13/16 inches (250.8 × 591.3 cm). Private Collection.
Seal of King Yeongjo (r. 1724–1776), 1890. Artist/maker unknown. Gold plated tin, 3 3/4 × 4 inches (9.5 × 10.2 × 10.3 cm)
× 4 1/16
Scholar's Accoutrements, 19th century. Artist/maker unknown. Ten-fold screen; colors on silk, Overall 78 1/4 × 154 3/4 inches (198.8 × 393 cm). Korea (National Museum of Korea, Seoul).
Portrait of Yi Jae (1680-1746), Artist/maker unknown, Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), Late 18th century, Hanging scroll; ink and colors on silk, 38 1/2 × 22 3/16 inches (97.8 × 56.3 cm), National Museum of Korea, Seoul
Śākyamuni Assembly, 1653.Hanging scroll; colors on hemp, 39 3/16 × 25 7/16 feet (12 × 7.8 m). Hwaeomsa, Gurye. National Treasure No. 301.
Royal Protocol for the Royal Wedding of Queen Jeongsun, 1759. Book; ink and colors on paper, 18 9/16 x 13 5/16 inches (47.1 x 33.8 cm). Korea (National Museumof Korea, Seoul).
Military Costume (Dongdari), 19th century. Silk, length: 45 11/16 inches (116 cm). Dangook University Seok Juseon Memorial Museum, Yongin.
The Pilgrim’s Progress, 1895. Printed book; ink on paper, 9 1/2 × 6 15/16 inches (24.2 × 17.7 cm). Hwabong Book Museum, Seoul
학습자료 PPT 10 조선미술대전 전시작 Treasures from Korea: Arts and Culture of the Joseon Dyansty, 1392-1910 Image files https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYM1dvdG1fRThJVEE/view?usp=sharing
도움말 전시작품들의 이미지는 구글 이미지 검색으로 고화질 파일을 다운 받을 수 있다. 견학 전이 나 후에 전시 작품들을 슬라이드 쇼로 감상하면서 작품의 특징을 한번 더 학습하면 효과가 크 다. 구글 이미지를 검색한 후 “Search tools”를 통해 사이즈가 큰(Large) 것을 검색하면 고해상 도의 이미지 파일이 검색되므로 이를 다운받아 예습이나 복습의 학습자료로 쓰면 좋다.
Report & Media 8 한국일보 2014년 4월 7일 보도 “찬란한 미술품에 자녀들 감탄” http://www.koreatimes.com/article/847894
한국 명장명품전 | Korean Art Masterpiece Exhibition 개요 2013년 7월15일부터 28일까지 서울 종로구 효자동 청와대 사랑채에서 대한민국명장회(회장 최 창묵)와 한국산업인력공단(이사장 송영중)이 개최한 「대한민국명장 명품전」을 개최했다. 내 외국인 관광객이 많이 찾는 청와대 사랑채에 공예분야 대한민국명장의 작품 전시회를 개최하 여 대한민국의 전통과 문화를 널리 알리는 것에 목적을 둔 본 전시회 전시품을 찍은 사진들을 보면서 미국의 작품과 다른점을 이해한다.
시간 20분
준비사항 전시회 작품 사진 슬라이드, 빔프로젝터 PPT 11 한국 명장명품전 Korean Art Masterpiece Exhibition https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYeGZNc0dTN2xaSzA/view?usp=sharing
미국에서 보기 힘든 나전칠기에 대해 설명을 해 준다.
한복 종이접기 | Hanbok Paper Folding 개요 한국 고유의 의상인 한복의 아름다움을 감상하고 종이접기로 여자한복을 만들어 본다.
시간 30분
준비사항 다양한 아름다운 한복 슬라이드, 종이, 가위, 풀 PPT 12 아름다운한복 Beautiful Hanbok https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYTFFkT25MODdRNGc/view?usp=sharing
내용 종이접기 활동에 앞서 아름다운 한복의 사진들을 보여주면서 참가자의 관심도를 높인다.
천안쌍용초등학교 홍은진 교사는 종이접기의 교육적인 가치에 대해 “창의적인 종이접기를 통 한 교과지도의 실제”3에서 다음과 같이 말했다.
창조성과 창작력의 계발 주의집중력 향상 손 끝의 운동신경 발달 수학적, 기하학적 개념 체험 색채 감각, 미적 정서 함양 디자인의 한 영역
한복 종이접기를 순서대로 그림으로 표현하자면 아래와 같다. ( http://blog.daum.net/_blog/BlogTypeView.do?blogid=0N2gd&articleno=7898068 )
사진으로만 보는 것보다 동영상을 천천히 재생하면서 따라해 보는 것도 효과적이다. 동영상 자료이다. Video Ref. 13 한복 종이접기 Paper folding - Hanbok http://youtu.be/qBom1FsyL28
문화형태 | Cultural Style
창덕궁 처마
돌 | The First Birthday 개요 돌상을 차리고 돌잡이를 시연하여 한국인들의 돌에 대한 그 풍습을 이해한 다.
시간 30분
준비사항 돌상 (한국음식점에서 대여), 돌잡이 물건 (실, 돈, 연필, 쌀 등), 돌복입은 아기
진행 돌잔치의 분위기가 나도록 앞에는 돌상을 차리고, 벽에는 돌쟁이 아기 사진들을 건다. 돌상 재료는 한국음식점에서 대여했다. 여러 어른 앞에서 아이 앞에 물건을 늘어놓고 아이가 집게 하는 풍속이 있고, 이렇게 물건을 잡게 하는 풍속이 돌잡이다. 전통적으로 놓여졌던 직업들을 상징하는 물건들 외에도 현대의 직업의 다양화에 따라 여러 새로운 종류의 물건을 돌잡이 때 에 놓아두기도 한다. 실,국수 : 장수한다. 대추 : 자손이 번성한다. 쌀 : 유복한 재산가가 된다. 떡 : 튼튼하고, 복이 많다. 돈 : 부(富)를 많이 모은다. 활과 화살(남아) : 무인이 된다. 칼 : 음식 솜씨가 좋은 사람이 된다. 자, 바늘 : 손재주가 뛰어난 사람이 된다. 자(여아) : 바느질 도구로 길쌈에 능하다. 책, 먹, 벼루, 붓, 종이, 연필 :문장가가 되거나 공부를 잘한다. 재미있는 진행을 위해 아기에게 돌복을 입혀 돌잡이를 시연한다. 그에 앞서 돌이란 한국인에 게 어떤 의미가 있는지 진행자가 하기 내용을 간추려 설명해준다. 참고 사이트: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_birthday_celebrations Dol (doljanchi, or tol) is probably one of the best-known of the Korean birthday celebrations. Dol is celebrated for the first birthday of a child. When Korea had little medicinal knowledge, many newborns would die from childhood diseases or because of Korea’s seasonal temperature differences. When a child lived to be a year old during that period, it was a very joyous occasion. [1]
The first part of the dol celebration is prayer. Traditionally, Koreans would pray to two of the many Korean gods: Sanshin (the mountain god) and Samshin (the birth goddess). Koreans would prepare the praying table with specific foods: a bowl of steamed white rice, sea-mustard soup (miyeok-guk) and a bowl of pure water. Layered red bean rice cakes (samshin siru) were placed next to the prayer table. The rice cakes were not shared outside the family; it was believed that sharing this particular item with people outside the family would bring bad luck to the child. After everything on the praying table was ready the mother (or grandmother) of the child would pray to Sanshin and Samshin, placing her hands together and rubbing her palms. She would ask for her child's longevity, wish luck to the mountain god, and give thanks to the birth goddess. After she finished her prayer, she bowed to Samshin several times. Women were the only ones allowed to participate in this ceremony; men were forbidden to be part of the praying. When the praying ceremony commenced depended on the region. People from Seoul would pray in the early morning of the child's birthday; other regions prayed the night before. Today this part of the celebrations is usually skipped, because Muism (the religion that worshiped the Korean gods) is rarely practiced. [2] Before the main part of the celebration, the baby is dressed in very colorful, ornate clothing called dol-bok. The dol-bok that the child wears differs according to the childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sex. A boy would traditionally wear a pink or striped jogori (jacket) with purple or gray paji (pants), a striped durumagi (long jacket), a blue vest printed with a gold or silver pattern or a striped magoja (jacket), a jonbok (long blue vest) with a gold or silver pattern, a bokgun (black hat with long tail), and tarae-busun (traditional socks). A girl would wear a striped jogori, a long red chima (skirt), a gold-and-silver printed jobawi (hat) and tarae-busun. In addition to their dol-bok, boys and girls would wear a long dol-ddi (belt that wraps around the body twice) for longevity and a dol-jumuni (pouch) for luck. The dol-jumuni would be made of fine silk, with a thread to open and close it. Buttons were not used in the dol-bok, to symbolize longevity. [3] The Toljabee is the main celebration of Tol. A large table is prepared with over a dozen different types of rice cakes or ddeok (the main food). Some types of ddeok are paekseolgi (white steamed rice cakes), susu-kyongdan (rice cakes coated with rough red bean powder), mujigae-ddeok (rainbow-colored steamed rice cakes) and gyep'i-ddeok (puffed-air rice cakes). Along with the deeok, fruit is also served; the fruit on the table varies, depending on the season. There is also a bowl of rice and various other foods placed on the table. Food is not the only thing on the table, however; there is also a large spool of thread, a brush, a Korean calligraphy set, a pencil, a book, money (10,000-won bills) and a bow and arrow (or a needle, ruler and pair of scissors for girls). After the table is set, the parents sit the baby on a traditional Korean mattress (bolou) and Korean cushions (bangsuk). This is done so that relatives can get better pictures of the infant. There is also a traditional screen in the background. The toljiabee then begins. The baby picks up various items on the table that attracts him or her. The items that the child picks up are said to predict the childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future.
If the child picks up the thread, the child will have a long life. A child who picks up the pencil, book or calligraphy set is forecast to be a good scholar. A child who picks the rice, rice cakes, or money will become rich; some say that choosing the rice (or a rice cake) means the child is unintelligent, or that they will never be hungry. If the ruler, pair of scissors or needle is chosen, it is said that the child will be dexterous. If the child chooses the knife, they will become a good chef. [4]
동영상 Class Video 9 돌 The First Birthday, Dol http://youtu.be/oLjw69FTbas
서울 | Seoul 개요 한국의 수도 서울에 대한 특징을 간접 경험해 본다.
시간 30분
준비사항 서울에 대해 설명한 파워포인트, 빔프로젝터, 스피커
진행 서울을 여행해 본 경험이 있는 강의자가 하기 항목에 관하여 동영상을 보여주면서 설명해 준 다. 미국에서 태어난 한인 2세 청소년 조홍식 (John Cho) 군이 서울을 여행하고 와서 입양아 및 다문화 가정을 대상으로 서울을 소개했다. 동영상은 파워포인트 내에 포함되어 있다. 1) 과거의 서울 2) 현재의 서울 3) 서울의 볼거리 63 빌딩 롯데월드 – 자이로드롭 간접경험하기 청와대 서울의 지하철 – 지하철 간접 경험하기 PPT 13 서울 Seoul https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYVDViY0FrWHhya2M/view?usp=sharing
씨름 | Ssireum: Korean Wrestling 개요 한국 고유의 민속놀이인 씨름에 대해 이해하고, 일본의 스모, 서양의 레슬링 경기사진을 보여줌으로써 경기모습을 비교할 수 있도록 한다.
시간 30분
준비사항 프리젠테이션 PPT 파일, 씨름 동영상, 스피커, 빔프로젝터 PPT 14 씨름 Ssireum https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYVUk3cVFRbTZjVXM/view?usp=sharing
진행 준비한 프리젠테이션 슬라이드를 보면서 씨름에 대한 설명을 한다. 아래를 참고한다.
씨름에 대한 요약은
Ssireum (Hangul: 씨름)4 or Korean wrestling is a folk wrestling style and traditional national sport of Korea. In the modern form each contestant wears a belt (satba) that wraps around the waist and the thigh. The competition employs a series of techniques, which inflict little harm or injury to the opponent: opponents lock on to each other's belt, and one achieves victory by bringing any part of the opponent's body above the knee to the ground Etymology Historically, with the introduction of Chinese culture, there have been other terms for "wrestling" in Korean used alongside ssireum, such as gakjeo (각저:角抵), gakhui (각희:角戱), gakryeok (각력:角力), gakji (각지:角支), chiuhui (치우희:蚩尤戱), sangbak (상박:相撲), jaenggyo (쟁교:爭交).[2] Gak (각:角), a commonly used prefix, seems to have originated from the combative act performed by horned animals such as oxen when competing against one another for the superiority of physical strength. History Ssireum first gained widespread popularity during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). Evidence of this is shown through the genre pictures of Kim Hongdo (see the above picture, Sangbak (상박:相撲)). In traditional life, Ssireum was a popular activity on the Korean holiday of Dano, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, and tournaments are held in the summer and autumn. Ssireum competitions were also held on other days such as the Third Day of the Third Moon, the Eighth day of the Fourth Moon, Buddhist All Souls’ Day, etc.[citation needed]. The traditional prize for winning a tournament was an ox, a valuable commodity in agriculturally-oriented society, which symbolized the strength of the contestant[citation needed]. The modern sport has developed in the 20th century. The first modern competition was held in 1912 at the Dansongsa theater in Seoul[citation needed]. Korean wrestling has been referred to as ssireum since the 1920s[citation needed]. The Pan Chosun Ssireum Federation was founded in 1927. Since 1947 the competition organised by the Ssireum Federation has been called the National Ssireum Championship Contest. Weight classes were introduced at the 12th National Ssireum Championship Contest, and revised in 1967[citation needed]. There are two traditional styles of Ssireum: a "right sided" style predominant in parts of the Gyunggi province, and Honam province of southern Korea, and a "left side" style favoured in Hamgyung province, Gyungsang province and Choonchong province. The difference depended on the way 4
the satba was fastened[citation needed]. In 1994, the Korean Ssireum federation, chaired by Hong sup Kim, proposed the unification of Ssireum in a single style and left sided Ssireum was adopted as the official style to be used by all competitors. Video Ref. 14 진짜 사나이 씨름 The Real Man ‘Ssireum’ http://youtu.be/Acg7FJzP-wM Video Ref. 15 한국학교 학생들 씨름 경기 동영상 (제1회 역사문화체험학교) Korean School Students’ Ssireum Competition http://youtu.be/AC7RU8fmTGk
동영상 Class Video 10 Korean Wrestling Ssireum http://youtu.be/Omvl7jr_J_8
도움말 한국학교 재학중인 학생을 강사로 초대하였다. 강의 준비를 통해 강사 자신이 배우는 것이 많고, 입양아들은 같은 학교 재학생이므로 친근감이 있어 분위기가 좋다. 씨름 동영상의 경우, 학교 학생들 경기를 보여주니 집중도가 더 좋아지는 것을 보았다. 시간이 되면 샅바를 메 보 는 시간을 가지면 좋다.
한옥 | Taking a tour into the Korean Traditional House: Hanok 개요 한국 전통 집인 한옥의 모습 및 장점을 이해한다. Hanok, an architectural term describing Korean traditional houses, is one of Korea’s many unique traditions of the past; however, even today Hanok stands as Korea’s valued cultural icon and national treasure. Hanok embraces scientific innovation and harnesses the natural world through its unique features including the heating system called ondol and aesthetic design. Through its ingenious architecture, Hanok gives people a glimpse into Korea’s much appreciated culture. Learn all about Hanok, Korean traditional houses To teach students about Hanok and its unique qualities To compare Hanok to Korean houses today
시간 30분
준비사항 프리젠테이션 PPT 파일, 스피커, 빔프로젝터
진행 준비한 프리젠테이션 슬라이드를 보면서 기와집, 초가집, 궁궐의 다른 모습을 비교해 본다. 뒤로는 산을 등지고, 앞으로는 물을 마주하며 남쪽으로 짓는 것을 이상적으로 보는 배산임수(背山臨水)의 원칙을 지키는 것이 보통임을 말해준다. 한옥에 쓰이는 건축 재료 (짚, 창호지, 나무, 흙)을 사진으로 보여주면서 자연친화적인 한옥의 장점을 설명한다. 한옥에서 쓰이는 온돌시스템에 대해 설명해준다.
발표 후에는 종이접기로 한옥을 만들어 본다.
한옥에 대한 영어 설명은 아래와 같다:
Hanok5 Hanok is a term to describe Korean traditional houses. Korean architecture lends consideration to the positioning of the house in relation to its surroundings, with thought given to the land and seasons. The interior structure of the house is also planned accordingly. This principle is also called Baesanimsu (Korean: 배산임수; Chinese: 背山臨水), literally meaning that the ideal house is built with a mountain in the back and a river in the front, with the ondol heated rock system for unique heating system of South Korea[1] during cold winters and a wide daecheong (대청) front porch for keeping the house cool during hot summers.
Houses differ according to region. In the cold northern regions of Korea, houses are built in a closed square form to retain heat better. In the central regions, houses are 'L' shaped. Houses in the southernmost regions of Korea are built in an open 'I' form. Houses can also be classified according to class and social status. The environment-friendly aspects of traditional Korean houses range from the structure's inner layout to the building materials which were used. Another unique feature of traditional houses is their special design for cooling the interior in summer and heating the interior in winter. Since Korea has hot summers and cold winters, the 'Ondol (Gudeul),' a floor-based heating system,[6] and 'Daecheong,' a cool wooden-floor style hall were devised long ago to help Koreans survive the frigid winters and to block sunlight during summer. These primitive types of heating and air-conditioning were so effective that they are still in use in many homes today. The posts, or 'Daedulbo' are not inserted into the ground, but are fitted into the cornerstones to keep Hanok safe from earthquakes.
발표 시 아래와 같은 시각 자료를 활용한다. PPT 15 한옥/온돌 Hanok/Ondol https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYNzgwN3ZHcW0tUHc/view?usp=sharing
동영상 Video Ref. 16 한국 전통 집, 한옥 Hanok, The traditional Korean house http://youtu.be/kJ21SchGpsQ
Activities For a fun, engaging way to reinforce the material taught through the lecture, students could make their own origami houses. Demonstrate how to fold the origami paper into a house Design the origami house by drawing in: o Roof tiles o Windows o Door o Ondol o Interior features o Be creative!
Origami House Instructions: o http://www.origami-instructions.com/origami-house.html
Materials Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to organize the basic outline of the lesson. In the presentation include
Exterior and Interior photos of Hanok Video clips
Video Ref. 17 한옥은 우리집 Hanok, A Friendly House of Korea (7:56) http://youtu.be/qJdP8AtwnNk
For the activity, prepare the following:
Origami paper Markers/Crayons/Colored Pencils
Additional Video Clips: Video Ref. 18 한옥 - Hanok Korean Traditional Houses (25:57) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IsEbg-LBzo&spfreload=10 Video Ref. 19 한국 문화 아이콘 한옥 100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep17 Hanok (13:12) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BnYTQBlctg&spfreload=10 Other Resources 2. View the Korean House, Hanok exhibit for high quality photos a. https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/exhibit/korean-house-hanok/gQR542M5?hl=en&pos ition=0%2C-1Link: 3. A tourists’ perspective of Hanok a. http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/CU/CU_EN_8_1_3_1.jsp 4. CNN article: 5 reasons to stay at a hanok while traveling to Korea a. http://travel.cnn.com/seoul/visit/5-reasons-stay-hanok-while-traveling-korea-813242
PPT 16 한옥 II Korean Traditional House https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYZV9RTjNsdzJvZU0/view?usp=sharing
전통혼례 | Traditional Wedding 목적 전통혼례의 신랑, 신부를 체험 하면서 전통 혼례복을 입어보 고 식순을 익힌다. 혼례식을 보는 사람들은 한국 전통혼례 의 과정을 이해하고 서양 혼례 식과의 차이를 안다.
시간 장보기, 음식 준비, 식장 데코 레이션 3시간, 리허설, 스텝진 식사 90분 혼례식 60분 피로연 80분
장소 61 Cooper Rd., Voorhees, NJ 08043 혼례식 & 공연: 열방교회 (ANC: All Nations Church) 예배당 앞 주차장 피로연 – 식사: 친교실 및 야외 테이블
준비 소요시간(분) 60
제목 장보기
음식재료, 필요 물품 쇼핑
음식 준비
혼례식 환경
데코레이션: 배너, 전통혼례 글자, 메뉴판, 풍선 음향 시스템 테스트 필요 물품 배치: 병풍, 식탁, 돗자리 등
혼례식 등장인물 식순에 따라 리허설 사회자 (국/영문) 진행 연습 신랑 신부, 수모, 기러기 아범, 주례 모두 연습
스텝진 식사
스텝진은 미리 식사를 마친다
손님 맞이
주차요원 배치 안내 데스크 배경음악
손님 안내
서로 인사 나누기
사물놀이 공연
단체 사진
청사초롱 21개 전통혼례 글씨 한국학교 배너
수제천, 사랑가 CD Player
대례상 관련물품
마이크, 스피커 병풍, 연지곤지 큰 테이블 방석 2 교자상 청, 홍 기러기보 청, 홍 보자기, 상보 흰수건 2 소반 2 돗자리 3 청홍양초 긴 것, 촛대 2 목기러기 한 쌍 소나무 대나무 3가지씩, 도자기 2 (호리병 스타일) 술잔과 받침, 작은 술 주전자 2 목 쟁반5(또는 백자 면기) 표주박 한 쌍. 흰접시(대) 고천문 두루마리 암탉 한 마리, 수탉 한 마리 쌀 한 바가지, 팥 한 봉지, 대추 한 봉지, 밤 한 봉지, 술 (물), 수박&흰 접시, 사과4 배4
PPT 17 전통혼례매뉴얼 Traditional Wedding Manual https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYazQwRGUxbWdQd3c/view?usp=sharing
진행 식전 사물놀이 공연 공연 전에 별달거리 소리 같이 외워주도록 요청하고 어이어이 쿵따쿵 설명한다. 순서
장단 일채
징 칠 때 모두 인사
덩-덩-덩-덩-덩덩덩덩 더더더더더더더더 보통 빠르게
덩덩 덩덩 더더덩덩덩~딱 3.
마지막에 상쇠 점차 손 올림
느리게4회, 중간4회, 빠르게8회
(덩덩 쿵따쿵) 4.
상쇠 손 내려오면서 4회 (덩덩 덩따쿵따x3 더덩더덩 덩따쿵따 덩따 쿵따다쿵따다쿵따)
4회 (덩따다 쿵따다다 더덩따다 쿵따다다)
아주 느리게
4회 (덩따다다 쿵따쿵x2 덩따다쿵따다x3
보통 빠르게
덩덩덩) 7.
이채 8회
4회 보통 빠르게 덩덩덩따쿵 덩따쿵따쿵따쿵 덩따쿵 쿵따쿵 덩따쿵따쿵따쿵
느리게 3회 멘트 빠르게 2회
하늘 보고 별을 따고 땅을 보고 농사 짓고. 올해도 대풍이요 내년에도 풍년일세. 달아달아 밝은 달아 대낮같이 밝은 달아. 어둠 속에 불빛이 우리들을 비춰 주네. 10. 11.
어이 어이 쿵따쿵 (사람들과 함께 호흡한
어이어이 중단 후 빠른 2채
징 칠 때 모두 인사
전통혼례 식순 및 의미 신랑 입장 (W/ 기러기 아범) 신부 입장 (W/ 수모 2명) 신랑, 신부 맞절 (상견례): 신랑 신부가 처음 만나 인사하는 예식 손 씻기: 몸과 마음을 청결히 하고 순결하게 살겠다는 약속 맞절: 백년해로 서약의 의미 합근례: 신랑, 신부 각자 자기 잔에 술 합환주 (표주박): 신랑 신부 술잔 교환. 부부 화합의 의미 표주박은 그 짝이 세상에 하나밖에 없고 둘이 합쳐져 온전한 하나가 됨을 의미 8. 고천문 낭독 (주례): 하늘에 혼례의 성사를 고하고 앞날 축원 9. 하객에 큰절 10. 닭 날리기: 다남과 다산을 기원 11. 성혼 행진 (신랑이 신부 업고) 하객은 쌀과 팥 던지기 (쌀: 부, 팥: 액막이) 음 악: *수제천 (정악) *사랑가 (판소리 춘향전의 일부) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
전통혼례 절차 설명 사회: 안녕하세요? 오늘은 우리 조상들이 어떻게 결혼식을 했는지 자세히 알아보는 시간이 되겠습 니다. 여러분이 텔레비전이나 인터넷을 통해 보았을 수도 있는데 오늘은 여러분이 결혼식의 하객 이 되어 실제로 우리의 전통 혼례식을 경험해 보겠습니다. EN: Hello everyone? Today we will learn the process of the wedding ceremony of our ancestors. You may have seen the traditional wedding ceremony from TV or the internet, but you will be experiencing firsthand as a guest. 사회: 한국의 전통혼례에는 5단계의 예식이 있습니다. 먼저 초례상에 대해 설명을 해 드리겠습니다. 소나무와 대나무는 늘 푸른 상록수로 변함없는 부부의 사랑과 곧은 절개를 의미합니다. EN: There are five steps in Korean Traditional Wedding. First of all, let me explain about the items that go on 초례상, The Pine tree and bamboo: These trees represent the everlasting love with integrity and fidelity. 사회: 청홍 초는 신랑과 신부의 앞날을 밝히는 의미 입니다. EN: These red and blue candles illustrate prayer and hope for the bright future of the couple. 사회: 청홍 실은 음과 양의 결합을 의미합니다. EN: The red and blue thread represents harmony: the harmony of yin and yang. 사회: 밤은 심어서 싹이 나서 나무가 자라도 씨앗이 된 밤이 썩지 않고 남아 있습니다. 이처럼 자신 의 조상과 뿌리를 잊지 말라는 의미입니다. EN: Once the chestnut is planted it does not change its form, which is why you will found this on the 초례상. Not to forget the root of ancestor. 사회: 대추는 한 나무에서 가장 많은 열매를 얻으며 벌레가 과육을 먹어도 씨앗이 떨어지지 않고 끝까지 남아 여뭅니다. 그러므로 자손이 풍성하고 모두가 천수를 누리라는 의미입니다. EN: Jujubes present blessings in descendant and long-life. 사회: 쌀은 평생 먹을 복이 많고 부자가 되라는 의미이고, 팥은 팥의 붉은 색이 액을 막아준다는 의 미가 있습니다. EN: The rice represents prayers and wishes for the wealth and prosperity of couple. And the red color of the red beans stands for bringing good luck and preventing misfortunes. 사회: 암탉은 다산을 의미하며 수탉은 먹이를 먹을 때 반드시 암탉과 병아리를 불러서 같이 먹습니 다. 이처럼 아내와 자식들에 대한 책임감을 의미합니다. EN: The hen symbolizes prolificacy, and Rooster represents strong responsibility for his wife and offspring. He calls out his wife and children to feed them. 혼례식 진행 스크립트 사회: 그럼, 신랑 랍과 신부 캐런의 혼례식을 시작하겠습니다.
주례: 전안례 사회자: 첫번째 절차로 전안례가 있습니다. 전안례는 나무 기러기를 신부측에 올리는 예입니다. 기 러기의 의미는 새끼를 많이 낳고 차례를 지키며 짝을 잃었을 때에도 배우자를 다시 구하지 않고 절 개를 지킨다는 뜻입니다. EN: This first step is전안례, Groom gives a pair of geese to the bride, when the groom comes to the bride’s house. The pair of geese represents feat and fidelity. It also means that they keep in order in a family and don’t marry again even when one loses his or her spouse. - 청사초롱을 든 동자 둘이 앞장선다. - 신랑과 그 오른쪽 뒤에 기러기 아범이 기러기를 안고 들어온다. (기러기 머리는 왼쪽) 주례: 서수안 사회자: 신랑은 기러기 아범에게서 기러기를 받으십시오. EN: Groom takes the pair of geese from 기러기아범. - 신랑에게 기러기 전달- 머리가 왼쪽으로 가게 받는다.(북쪽을 향해 선다) 주례: 치안우지 사회: 기러기를 상에 내려 놓습니다. EN: Groom puts the geese on the table. 주례: 서면복 사회: 신랑은 기러기를 소반에 놓고 두 번 절하고 일어납니다. EN: Groom bows twice. 주례: 헌안 사회: 수모는 기러기를 초례상에 올립니다. EN: The helper puts the pair of geese on 초례상. -수모가 기러기를 들어 초례상에 머리가 서쪽으로 가게 올린다. 주례: 교배례 사회: 옛날에는 신랑과 신부가 결혼식 날 처음으로 만났습니다. 그래서 이 교배례는 신랑 신부가 처음 만난 인사를 하는 예식입니다. EN: In the old days, the bride and the groom would meet for the first time on their wedding day. So this step, 교배례is when they would first greet each other. 주례: 서지말석 사회: 신랑은 초례상 앞에 섭니다. EN: Groom stands in front of 초례상. 주례: 무도부출 사회: 신부 입장해 주십시오. EN: The meaning of 무도부출 is calling out the bride to enter the room. 주례: 서동부서 사회 : 신랑은 동쪽에, 신부는 서쪽에 서십시오. EN: 서동부서, Groom stands on the east side and bride goes to west side. 주례: 시자 진관진세 사회: 수모는 대야와 수건을 신랑과 신부 앞에 준비해 주시고 신랑은 남쪽을, 신부는 북쪽을 향해 손을 씻습니다. 손을 씻는 의미는 몸과 마음을 깨끗이 한다는 뜻입니다. EN: Helpers prepare two bowl of water for the bride and gloom to wash hands. The meaning of washing hands is to clean their body and spirit. 주례: 부선 재배, 서답일배 사회: 신부는 먼저 신랑에게 두 번 절하고 신랑은 답으로 신부에게 한번 절합니다. 신랑 신 부가 서로에게 절하는 횟수가 다른 이유는 음양의 이치에 따라, 음은 짝수로 신부를, 양은 홀수로 신랑을 나타내어, 신부는2, 신랑은 1이 되기 때문입니다. EN: The bride bows twice, while the groom bows once. The reason why the number of bowing is different between bride and gloom is based upon the rule of yin and yang. According to the yin and yang, yin accounts for even number, for instance, #2, representing the number of the bride’s bows; meanwhile, yang odd number, for instance, #1, the groom’s bows. -신랑 신부 절한다. 주례: 합근례 사회: 합근례는 신랑 신부가 표주박에 술을 나눠 마시므로 부부가 되었음을 알리는 예식입니다. 표주박을 반으로 가르면 이세상에 그 짝은 단 하나뿐이며 그 둘이 합쳐야만 온전한 하나를 이루게
되는 의미가 있습니다. EN: Third, 합근례: is declaring husband and wife by having the couple drink a sip of alcohol with gourd dipper. Drinking alcohol with a cup of gourd dipper includes the meaning of becoming husband and wife. When the gourde is split into two pieces, the other part is the only one in the world. So, only when the two parts come together, they become one perfectly. 주례: 침주이진 사회: 수모는 술을 따라 올리고 신랑 신부는 잔을 눈높이로 들어 하늘에 맹세하고 땅에 부어 맹세 합니다. EN: Bride and groom promise their marriage to the Heaven and the earth. 주례: 우침주이진, 서부우각거음 사회: 수모는 신랑 신부에게 다시 술을 따라 올리고 신랑 신부는 잔을 가슴 높이로 들어 언약을 표 한 후 마십니다. EN: Bride and groom promise their marriage to each other. 주례: 우취근분치 서부지전, 우침주 사회: 수모는 표주박을 신랑과 신부 앞에 놓고 술을 따릅니다. 신랑과 신부는 잔을 들어 받은 후 입에 대었다 뗍니다. (안주 먹는 것은 생략함) 주례: 서부각환배이진 사회: 신랑과 신부의 표주박 잔을 서로에게 바꾸어 줍니다. EN: Bride and groom exchange the gourd dippers. 주례: 서부거음 사회: 신랑과 신부는 잔을 들어 마시므로 둘이 하나가 되었음을 나타냅니다. EN: As the bride and groom drink the exchanged alcohol in guard dippers they become one. 주례: 고천문 주례: (고천문 낭독) 이천열넷 째 해 유월 스무 여드렛날, 신랑 랍과 신부 캐런이 백년가약을 맺었음을 하늘에 고합니다. 하늘은 두 사람의 혼인을 허 하시옵고 백년해로 할 수 있도록 도우소서. 사회: 고천문은 하늘에 두 사람의 결혼을 알리고 하늘로부터 새로운 부부의 축원을 비는 제문입니 다. EN: Fourth, 고천문: This procedure informs God of the marriage and asks for the blessing the couple. EN: On June 28, 2014. We inform the heaven of that 랍 and 캐런 just became husband and wife. Dear Heavenly God, please allow them to marry and to live well for ever and ever. 주례: 철상 사회 : 예식을 마치고 상을 물리는 마지막 절차입니다. 수모는 암탉과 수탉을 날려주시고 하객들은 새신랑과 신부가 행진을 할 때 쌀과 팥으로 축복해 주 십시오. EN: Fifth, last, 철상: 철상 is the last stage of the wedding. Guests throw rice and red beans to the marching couple to bless them. -수모는 닭을 날린다 -신랑은 신부를 업고 퇴장한다. -하객들은 쌀과 팥을 신랑 신부에게 뿌린다. (“잘 사세요~”) * 모두 초례상 앞으로 나와 단체 사진 촬영 후 손을 잡고 둥글게 서서 강강술래를 한다.
피로연 강강술래 종류
담당자 진행자가 강강술래를 하는 동안 어떤 말
비고 모두가 둥글게
을 해야 할지 미리 준비한다. 강강술래를 할 동안 어울리는 음악도 미리 준비한다. 진행자가 전통음악에 맞춰 강강술래를 진행시킨다. 모두 손잡고 원을 만들어 빙빙 돌다가 가운데 선 진행자의 지시에 따라 안으로 들어왔다 가 밖으로 나간다. 다시 반대로 돌다가 동대문을 만들어 한 명씩 나가면서 마무리한다.
혼례식 동영상 Class Video 11 전통혼례식 Traditional Wedding http://youtu.be/agFpAbeCAfA Class Video 12 전통혼례 사진모음 Traditional Wedding Photos http://youtu.be/fSIaXeVLqUU
도움말 전통혼례와 같은 행사는 미국의 일상에서 볼 수 없는 특별한 행사이므로 지역사회의 뉴스가 될 수 있다. 행사 전후에 보도자료를 기자들에게 보내어 매스컴을 통해 보도하면 행사 주최 조직의 홍보 뿐 아니라 한국 문화의 홍보가 될 수 있다. 이번 행사에 사진 작가도 초대하여, 사진 작가가 전통혼례를 작품으로 출품, 수상하는 좋은 소식도 있었다. 전통혼례 보도 기사: Report & Media 9 썬데이토픽 2014년 7월 8일 보도 “남부뉴저지통합한국학교 입양 아 문화교실 전통혼례식” http://m.blog.naver.com/sundaytopic/220054493959 재외동포사진전 수상 기사: Report & Media 10 한국일보 2014년 8월 26일 보도 “‘재외동포사진 공모전’ 미주한인 4명 수상” http://www.koreatimes.com/article/871274
Report & Media 11 한국일보 2014년 7월 1일 보도 “입양아 위한 한국 전통 혼례식 소개” http://sf.koreatimes.com/article/862163
추석 | Korean Thanksgiving Day: Chuseok Overview Chuseok, also known as Korean Thanksgiving Day, is one of the most important and festive holidays in Korea. Chuseok lasts for three days during which family members gather together to eat food, honor ancestors and celebrate the special harvest season.
Objectives Learn about the traditions of Chuseok To teach students the importance of Chuseok To discover how Koreans celebrate Chuseok To compare Chuseok with Thanksgiving in America
Duration Presentation 60 min
Activities Students will participate in supplementary activities to the lesson to develop a stronger understanding of Chuseok and its importance to not only the Korean people, but also the Korean culture. Watch a video to learn about the fundamental aspects of Chuseok Learn how to both write and say Korean words that relate to Chuseok
Materials Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to organize the basic outline of the lesson. In the presentation include: PPT 18 한국의 명절한가위 Kotean Thanks Giving Day “Chuseok” https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYVVF0VkxEY3k3NEU/view?usp=sharing
Chuseok video Video Ref. 20 추석 Chuseok (9:04) http://youtu.be/4e9N9IAGKYU Slides that briefly answer these questions: o What is Chuseok? Date Origin History o What do people do on Chuseok? Food
Games Dances Moon Watching Ancestor’s Burial
More videos for reference: Video Ref. 21 한국 추석 명절 Korea Today – Korea’s Chuseok Holiday (4:13) o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkySuOoQO_Q&spfreload=10 Video Ref. 22 강강술래 (김미숙하나무용단) aka kangkangsullae– Korean Women’s Circle Dance (6:58) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrrOY2mo0Ic&spfreload=10 Other Resources For information on the customs of Chuseok, reference the following links: b. A detailed explanation of ‘Chuseok’ i. http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/09/a-detailed-explanation-of-chuseok-1 c. Chuseok – Korean Thanksgiving Day i. http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/SI/SI_EN_3_6.jsp?cid=811650 PowerPoint Presentation:
추석(chuseok) = 한가위(hangawii)
What is Chuseok?
Lunar Calendar: August 15 (Solar Calendar: Early October), Full moon, Fall Weather Korea’s biggest holiday (Korean Thanksgiving Day) Originated from Silla Dynasty (2000 years ago)
What we do on Churseok?
Family gatherings (usually at Grandparent’s house) Foods we eat: songpyun (rice cake), fruits newly harvested, new rice crop Ancestor memorial service Games: Circle dance, Wrestling, Moon watching
추석에 관한 동화를 읽어주면서 아이들의 관심을 모은다.
Chuseok6 Origins Historically and according to popular belief, Chuseok originates from gabae (hangul:ę°&#x20AC;ë°°). Gabae started during the reign of the third king of the kingdom of Silla (57 BC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; AD 935), when it was a month-long weaving contest between two teams. Come the day of Gabae, the team that had woven more cloth had won and was treated to a feast by the losing team. However, it is also said that Chuseok marks the day Silla won a great victory over the rival kingdom of Baekje. It is believed that weaving competitions, archery competitions, and martial arts demonstrations were held as part of the festivities. Many scholars also believe Chuseok may originate from ancient shamanistic celebrations of the harvest moon. New harvests are offered to local deities and ancestors, which means Chuseok may have originated as a worship ritual. In some areas, if there is no harvest, worship rituals are postponed, or in areas with no annual harvest, Chuseok is not celebrated.[citation needed]
Traditional customs Another table with many traditional food offerings on it. In contemporary South Korea, on Chuseok, there is a mass exodus of South Koreans from large cities as they return to their hometowns to pay respects to the spirits of their ancestors.[citation needed] People perform ancestral worship rituals early in the morning.[citation needed] Then, they visit the tombs of their immediate ancestors to trim plants and clean the area around the tomb, and offer food, drink, and crops to their ancestors.[citation needed] Harvest crops are attributed to the blessing of ancestors.
Charye It is one of the ancestral memorial rites that have been done for thousand years in Korea.[6] It is done in the morning of Chuseok, and family hold a memorial service for their ancestors, usually honoring four generations back. The meaning of Charye is to return their favors and honor them. It is due to a belief that Koreans do not believe that a person is really dead when they physically die. They believe their spirits are still alive and protect the descendants, so they honor their ancestors by preparing special foods for them. Also, it is important to know how to arrange the foods of Charye on the table: on the north, rice and soup are placed; and, fruits and vegetables are on the south. On the west and in the middle, meat dishes are served; and, on the east, rice cake and some drinks such as makgeolli or soju are placed. The details may vary from each region.
Seongmyo and Beolcho Seongmyo and Beolcho are also done around Chuseok week. Seongmyo is a visiting to ancestral grave sites and Beolcho is the activity to remove weeds around the grave. It is to clean their ancestor's site.
Food Songpyeon 6
One of the major foods prepared and eaten during the Chuseok holiday is songpyeon (송편),a Korean traditional rice cake which contains stuffing made with healthy ingredients such as sesame seeds, black beans, mung beans, cinnamon, pine nut, walnut, chestnut, jujube, and honey. When making songpyeon, steaming them over a layer of pine-needles is critical. The word “song”(송) in songpyeon means a pine tree in Korean. The pine needles not only contribute to songpyeon’s aromatic fragrance, but also its beauty and taste[10][9] Songpyeon is also significant because of the meaning contained in its shape. Songpyeon’s rice skin itself resembles the shape of a full moon, but once it wraps the stuffing, its shape resembles the half-moon. Since the Three Kingdoms era in Korean history, there was a Korean legend saying that these two shapes ruled the destinies of the two greatest rival kingdoms, Baekje and Silla. During the era of King Uija of Baekje, an encrypted phrase, “Baekje is full-moon and Silla is half moon”, was found on a turtle’s back and it predicted the fall of the Baekje and the rise of the Silla. The prophecy came true when Silla defeated Baekje in their war. Ever since, Koreans started to refer to a half-moon shape as the indicator of the bright future or victory.[10] Therefore, during Chuseok, families gather together and eat half-moon shaped Songpyeon under the full-moon, wishing themselves a brighter future. Hangwa Another popular Korean traditional food that people eat during Chuseok is Hangwa. It is an artistic food decorated with natural colors and textured with patterns. Hangwa is made with highly nutritious ingredients, such as rice flour, honey, fruit, and roots. People use edible natural ingredients to express various colors, flavors, and tastes. Because of its decoration and nutrition, Koreans eat Hangwa not only during Chuseok, but also for special events, for instance, weddings, birthday parties, and marriages. The most famous types of Hangwa are Yakgwa, Yugwa, and Dasik. Yakgwa is a medicinal cookie which is made of fried rice flour dough ball and Yugwa is a fried cookie that also refers as a “flower of Hangwa”. Dasik is a tea cake that people enjoy with tea.[citation needed] Others Other foods commonly prepared are japchae, bulgogi, and fruits.
Folk games A variety of folk games are played on Chuseok to celebrate the coming of Autumn and rich harvest. Village folk dress themselves to look like a cow or a turtle, and go from house to house along with a Nongak band playing music. Other common folk games played on Chuseok are archery and Ssireum (Korean Wrestling). Folk games also vary from region to region.
Ssireum Ssireum is the most popular Korean sport played during Chuseok, and contests are usually held during this holiday. Scholars have found evidence for Ssireum’s existence back during the Goguryeo Dynasty era, Ssireum is assumed to have five-thousand years of history. Two men wrestle with each other while holding tight to their opponent's satba, red and blue band. A player loses when their upper body touches the ground. The ultimate winner becomes 'Cheonha Jangsa', 'Baekdu Jangsa', or 'Halla Jangsa'; these all mean “the most powerful”. The winner gets a bull and a 1 kg of rice as the prize.[12] Due to its popularity among both the young and the old, Ssireum contests are being held more frequently, not limited on the important holidays.
Ganggangsullae The Ganggangsullae dance is a traditional folk dance performed under the full moon in the night of Chuseok. Women wear Korean traditional dress, hanbok, make a big circle by holding hands of each other, and sing a song while they are going around a circle. Its name, Ganggangsullae came from the refrain repeated after each verse, so there is no actual meaning to it. The dance has originated in Southern coastal area during the Joseon dynasty. To watch a video clip about Ganggangsullae dance, click here.[clarify] For other folk games, they also play the Korean plank, a traditional game women play on a wooden board.
동영상 http://youtu.be/3mHRNYnhBZ4
태권도 | Taekwondo 개요 태권도는 어린이들의 체력을 강화할 뿐 아니라 상대방에 대한 예의와 규율을 배우면서 올바른 가치관을 갖게 해주는 데에도 도움이 된다.
시간 30분
준비사항 태권도를 가르칠 수 있는 사범
진행 사범님의 진행에 따라 태권도를 실습한다. Attention “ONE sir, TWO sir, THREE sir, FOUR sir, FIVE sir, SIX sir, SEVEN sir, EIGHT sir, NIGHT sir, TEN sir, THANK YOU Sir!” Warm up time 사범: (목을 돌리면서) “ONE, TWO” 학생: (목을 돌리면서) “THREE, FOUR” 사범: 학생:
(팔을 돌리면서) “ONE, TWO” (팔을 돌리면서) “THREE, FOUR”
사진과 같이 발을 바꿔가면서 몸을 푼다. 넘어지지 않고 사범은 “SWICH!”하면서 발을 잘 바꾸도록 유도한다.
앉아서 양 무릎을 벌려 바닥에 닿도록 한다. 사범은 돌아다니며 학생의 양 무릎을 누른다.
누워서 무릎을 세우고 양 손을 위로들어 바닥에 위치한 다음 아래와 같이 허리를 올린다.
큰 소리로 “하이야!”를 외치며 지르기를 한다. 사범은 돌아다니며 주먹이 돌처럼 딱딱한지 만져본다.
어린이들에게 사범의 배를 “하이야!” 소리와 함께 쳐 보도록 한다.
사범의 발차기 시범을 보고 따라하도록 한다.
사범은 어린이의 눈높이 만큼 손을 올리고 어린이가 발을 차서 손에 닿을 수 있도록 시킨다.
어린이들이 멀리 서 있고, 사범은 앉는다. 어린이는 달려가서 jump kick 으로 사범의 배를 찬다.
한복 | Hanbok 개요 한국 고유의 옷인 한복을 보고 직접 입어보면서 한복의 아름다움을 감상한다.
시간 30분
준비사항 다양한 종류의 남자, 여자, 성인, 아동 한복, 옷고름 매기 동영상, 한복 플래시몹 동영상 PPT 자료: PPT 19 한복, 옷고름매기, 한복 플래시몹 Hanbok https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYNmJrUGtNYW1yOUU/view?usp=sharing
진행 슬라이드를 보면서 기본적인 한복의 구성요소에 대해 말한다. 아래와 같다:
한복에 대한 영어요약 자료는
Hanbok7 Basic Composition and Design Traditional women's hanbok consists of jeogori, a blouse shirt or a jacket and chima, a wrap-around skirt, which is usually worn full. The ensemble is often called chima jeogori. Men's hanbok consists of jeogori and baji which means pants in Korea. The baji[4] were baggy pants in traditional men's hanbok. Jeogori Jeogori and chima Jeogori is the basic upper garment of the hanbok, which has been worn by both men and women. It covers the arms and upper part of the wearer's body.[5][6][7] The basic form of a jeogori consists of gil, git, dongjeong, goreum and sleeves. Gil (길) is the large section of the garment in both front and back side and git (깃) is a band of fabric that trims the collar. Dongjeong (동정) is a removable white collar placed over the end of the git and is generally squared off. The goreum (고름) are coat-strings that tie the jeogori.[4] Women's jeogori may have kkeutdong (끝동), a different colored cuff placed at the end of the sleeves. There are two jeogori that may be the earliest surviving archaeological finds. One from a Yangcheon Heo Clan tomb is dated 1400-1450,[8] while the other was discovered inside a statue of Buddha at Sangwonsa Temple (presumably left as an offering) that has been dated to the 1460s.[9] The form of Jeogori has changed over time.[7] While men's jeogori remained relatively unchanged, women's jeogori dramatically shortened during Chosŏn dynasty, reaching its shortest length at the late 19th century. However, due to reformation efforts and practical reasons, modern jeogori for women is longer than its earlier counterpart. Nonetheless the length is still above the waist line. Traditionally, goreum were short and narrow, however modern goreum are rather long and wide. There are several types of jeogori according to fabric, sewing technique, and shape.[7][8] Chima Chima refers to "skirt" which is also called sang (裳) or gun (裙) in hanja.[5][6][7] The underskirt, or petticoat layer is called sokchima. According to remaining murals of Goguryeo, and an earthen toy excavated from the neighborhood of Hwangnam-dong, Gyeongju, Goguryeo women wore a chima with jeogori over it, covering the belt.[10][11]
Although striped, patchwork and gored skirts are known from the Goguryeo[6] and Jeoson periods, chima were typically made from rectangular cloth that was pleated or gathered into a skirt band.[12] This waistband extended past the skirt fabric itself and formed ties so that the skirt could be fastened around the trunk of the body.[13] Sokchima was largely made in a similar way to the overskirts until the early 20th century when straps were added,[14] later developing into a sleeveless bodice or 'reformed' petticoat.[15] By the mid-20th century, some outer chima had also gained a sleeveless bodice, that was then covered by the jeogori.[16][16] Baji[edit] Baji refers to the bottom part of the men's hanbok. It is the formal term for 'pants' in Korean. Compared to western style pants, it does not fit tightly. The roomy nature of the cloth is due to a design aimed at making the cloth ideal for sitting on the floor.[17] It performs similar role today for modern trousers, but Baji is commonly used in Korea for any kinds of pants. There are two in front of baji, and a person can tighten up whenever needed. Baji are classified as unlined trousers, leather trousers, silk pants, cotton pants according to dress, sewing way, embroidery and so on.
동영상 Class Video 13 한복 Hanbok http://youtu.be/duTrHb5bVpw
한국 문화유산 | Uncovering Korean Cultural Heritage Overview From Changdeokgung Palace in Seoul to the volcanic island in Jejudo, several places in Korea that have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. These designations are of outstanding universal value to humanity, and therefore have been inscribed on the World Heritage List to be protected for future generates to appreciate and enjoy.
Objectives Delve into the history and culture of Korean Heritage To learn about World Heritage To focus specifically on Korean World Heritage sites To be able to explain the significance of Korean Cultural Heritage
Duration Presentation 60 min
Materials Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to organize the basic outline of the lesson. In the presentation include:
Essential Questions: o What is World Heritage? o Why is World Heritage important?
Divide presentation into 4 categories: o Culture o Memory o Natural o Intangible
*Include World Heritage Sites of Korea by referencing this link: http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/kr Video clip Video Ref. 23 유네스코 세계 문화유산 UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Korea (3:04) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHX3ZOOa-ks&spfreload=10 Other Resources 5.
For photos to include in the presentation, refer to this link a. Korean UNESCO World Heritage Sites Photo Gallery i. https://www.flickr.com/photos/j-fish/galleries/72157632467627708/ PowerPoint Presentation: PPT 20 우리문화유산Korean Cultural Heritage https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYZDZFRTlkUEtBRVU/view?usp=sharing
음악 | Music
사물놀이 | Samulnori 개요 사물놀이 각 악기의 소리를 구분하고, 기본 장단을 칠 수 있다.
시간 30분
준비사항 꽹과리, 장구, 북, 징 참석자 수 대로 준비하고, 악기가 부족할 경우 소고 여유분을 준비하여 함께 연습할 수 있도록 한다. PPT 21 사물놀이Samulnori https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYYXBqVjgtVlhBNEE/view?usp=sharing
진행 사물놀이란 무엇인지 이야기 해 주고, 각 악기의 소리가 나타내는 자연의 소리를 매치해 본다.
사물놀이에 대한 영어 설명은 하기를 참고한다. Samul nori is a genre of traditional percussion music originating in Korea. The word samul means "four objects" and nori means "play"; samul nori is performed with four traditional Korean musical instruments: Kkwaenggwari (a small gong) Jing (a larger gong) Janggu (an hourglass-shaped drum) Buk (a barrel drum similar to the bass drum) The traditional Korean instruments are called pungmul. Samul nori has its roots in Pungmulnori (literally "Korean traditional percussion instruments playing"), a Korean folk genre comprising music, acrobatics, folk dance, and rituals, which was traditionally performed in rice farming villages in order to ensure and to celebrate good harvests. Specifically, samul nori music derives from utdari pungmul (the gut, or shaman ceremony rhythm of the Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong provinces of South Korea), as well as the genres of Yeongnam folk music and Honam udo gut, combined with more contemporary improvisations, elaborations, and compositions.[3] Such nong-ak is steeped in traditional animism and shamanism, but also shows influences from Korean Buddhism. While nong-ak often features the use of wind instruments, samul nori only features the aforementioned four percussion instruments. Each of the four instruments represents a different weather condition: the janggu represents rain, the kkwaenggwari thunder, the jing the sounds of the wind, and the buk clouds. The idea of yin and yang is also reflected in these instruments: the buk and janggu (leather) represent the sounds of the earth, while the jing and kkwaenggwari (metal) represent sounds of the heavens. Although generally performed indoors, as a staged genre, samul nori depicts the traditional Korean culture, an agricultural society rooted in the natural environment.[citation needed] Samul nori is characterized by strong, accented rhythms, vibrant body movements, and an energetic spirit. 기본장단8 인사 장단
장구의 장단부포 및 연주요령은 아래와 같다. 무리 없이 잘 하면 4~7 번으로 진행한다.
1~3 번 덩쿵따를 기본박자로 계속 연습을 시키고,
기본장단 일채, 이채, 삼채를 연습한다.
기본 연습 후에는 사물놀이 수업에서 언제나 등장하는 별달거리를 진행한다.
한국예술 가곡 소개 | An Introduction to Korean Art Songs 개요 성악가를 초빙하여 한국의 가곡을 감상하면서 서양의 음악과 다른 점이 무엇인지를 느끼도록 한다.
시간 30분
준비사항 반주를 위한 피아노, 공연을 위한 무대
진행 연주할 노래를 소개하고 해당 노래를 부르는 식으로 청중과 계속적인 커뮤니케이션을 하며 공 연한다. 설명 중 질문을 받는다.
By Jung S. Dirkes, Mezzo Soprano | 배정숙 Korean art songs are called, hangook yaesool gagok (한국예술 가곡). These songs came to be during the early 20th century, being influenced by different Western influences, especially during the time of the Korean Empire (1897-1910) under King Gojong, and the proceeding Japanese occupation and rule (1910-1945), as the country was forced upon to the international stage. Some of the other cultures’ art songs that influenced the development of the hangook yaesool gagok are: The Italian canzone. Opera was born in Italy around 1600, and their passion and spirit for music and beauteous singing are evident in the canzone. The German Lied. There is an accepted “birthday” of the German Lied – October 14, 1814, the day Franz Schubert composed Gretchen am Spinnarade. Schubert incorporated the lyricism and poetry of the German Romantics, and progressive, expressionistic piano accompaniment to create a new form of popular songs accepted by the growing middle class. The French mélodie. The mélodie emerged during the middle of 19th century, as a response to the German Lied – it is the French Romanticism at work in a concise, precise, and understated form, opposed to the Lied which could be long and uninhibited. The Korean art songs are closest to the German Lied in their structure and content; but the early songs’ focus is generally on expressing the inner emotions of frustration, longing, and captivity, between individuals or of the community, especially under the reign of the Japanese occupation, rather than the Western notions of High Romanticism.
신 아리랑 (김동진) | New Arirang (Dong Jin Kim) 아리랑 아리랑 아라리요 아리랑 고개로 넘어 간다 기다리는가 기러긴 달밤을
싸리문 여잡고 줄져간다
모-란-꽃~ 필-적-에~ 정다웁게 만나니 흰- 국-화~ 시-들- 듯- 시들어도 안오네 서-산-엔~ 달-도- 지고 홀로 안타까운데 가--슴-에얽-힌- 정~ 풀어볼길- 없어라 아리랑 아리랑 아리랑~ 초가집 아리랑
아~리랑 아라리요 고개로 넘어간다 아리랑~
삼간에 저 산 밑에 짓-고 흐르는~ 시내처럼 아~리랑 아라리요 아리랑 고~개로 넘어간다
신 아리랑(양명문 시 김동진 곡) Arirang Arirang Arariyo - Crossing over Arirang Pass She holds the door ajar, anxiously waiting for him Migrating birds are flying beyond the moonlight My love for him is like a peony's bloom in spring My heart becomes the wilting white mums and the moon is fading to the mountain west My heart is lonely. When will he come? I miss him, I miss him Arirang Arirang Arariyo - Crossing over Arirang Pass Arirang Arirang Arariyo - Crossing over Arirang Pass I want to build my home under that mountain and live like a flowing stream. § Arirang translates as, “long pass.” Each local province had its own, “Arirang.”
사월의노래 (김순애) | Song of April (Soon Ae Kim) 1. 목련꽃 그늘 아래서 베르테르의 편질 읽노라 구름꽃 피는 언덕에서 피리를 부노라 아 멀리 떠나와 이름없는 항구에서 배를 타노라 돌아온 사월은 생명의 등불을 밝혀 든다. 빛나는 꿈의 계절아 눈물이 어린 무지개 계절아 2. 목련꽃 그늘 아래서 긴 사연의 편질 쓰노라 클로버 피는 언덕에서 휘파람 부노라 아 멀리 떠나와 깊은 산골 나무 아래서 별을 보노라 돌아온 사월은 생명의 등불을 밝혀 든다. 빛나는 꿈의 계절아 눈물이 어린 무지개 계절아 박목월 작사, 김순애 작곡
Under the shade of blossoming magnolias Reading, “Letters of Young Werther” I play the flute on the hill under the beautiful clouds Ah! To be so far away, on a ship from the harbor with no name I lift up the light of life from April’s return It is the season of the shining dreams It is the season of rainbows from tears I write a long letter under the shade of blossoming magnolias I whistle on top of the clover hill Ah! To be so far away, deep in the mountain woods I see the stars I lift up the light of life from April’s return It is the season of the shining dreams It is the season of rainbows from tears § Soon Ae Kim composed this song at end of the Japanese occupation. The magazine, Student Word, commissioned this song to calm the tumultuous emotions during the struggle against the Japanese occupation.
님이 오시는지 (김규환) | When My Lover Comes (Kyu Hwan Kim)
Waiting for him to appear on the moonlit way Is it his steps I hear, the wind through the reeds? Is it his song I hear, of the running stream? My heart is alone, endlessly drifting Though I do not know whether the morning will appear The wind keeps blowing. The wind keeps blowing. The season of dreaming lilies has passed I wait for him to appear on the moonlit way With the sounds of the bedraggled, grass-stained skirt. And the scattered smell of the flowers I wait for him, wondering, And my heart is afraid and endlessly wandering Whether the morning will appear § Kyu Hwan Kim composed this song in May of 1966, while he was working at KBS as a choir music arranger.
비목 (장일남) | Wooden Cross (Il Nam Chang)
The gunpowder smoke sweeps across a sunny hillside, A wooden cross stands atop the tomb of the nameless soldier, struck by the wind and the rain. I long for my childhood friends, left at home far away, As I see the smeared moss on that wooden cross.
in a deep vale.
The cries of a musk-roe deer echo in the vale, while the night rides on the streaming moonlight. The lonely silence of the wooden cross on the tomb is worn away by the wailing, The distant memories of innocent days past come piece by piece, rending my heart And are turned to stone, stacking on top of each other. § This song was composed in 1969 to memorialize the nameless soldiers who died during the Korean War.
산촌 (조두남) | The Mountain Village (Doo Nam Cho)
I hear the sound of the cart turning around the mountain trail The water-carrying girl looks as beautiful as a flower. Gently pushing and opening the garden gate I view the fields Under the glowing morning light I see the plentiful harvest. Yah-ah ~ Under the aroma of the flowering garden flowers in town, No one can refuse to live in this mountain village - a thousand years times ten thousand. § This song is in the key of D minor, and is very similar to traditional Korean music with a goot georee rhythm.
눈 (김효근) | Snow (Hyo Gun Kim) 조그만 내작은 내작은 새하얀
산길에 흰눈이 곱게 쌓이면 발자욱을 영원히 남기고 싶소 마음이 하얗게 물들때까지 산길을 헤매이고 싶소
외로운 겨울새 소리 멀리서 들려오면 내 공상에 파문이 일어 갈길을 잊어버리오 가슴에 새겨보리라 순결한 님의 목소리 바람결에 실려 오는가 흰눈되어 온다오 저멀리 숲사이로 내마음 달려가나 아 겨울새 보이지 않고 흰 여운만 남아있다오 눈감고 들어보리라 끝없는 님의 노래여 나 어느새 흰눈되어 산길 걸어간다오 김효근 작사, 작곡 When the white snow gently falls on the small mountain path I want to leave my little footprints forever Until my small heart is washed white And wander that white, mountain road When I hear the sound of a lonely winter bird It stirs me so that I forget where to go It is etched in my heart, that pure voice of my sweetheart Coming with the wind. No, it is falling with the snow. Though I run far into the woods, away from my heart I cannot find that winter bird, only the invisible and the white So I close my eyes and listen to that eternal song And I become one, as I walk down that snowy mountain path § This song won 1st place during the Korean College Students’ Music Competition in 1991.
PPT 22 가곡 Korean Art Songs https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYMXdTNFMwb1lSTDg/view?usp=sharing
Class Video 14 가곡 Korean Art Songs http://youtu.be/V6KvYNJF6YA
Report & Media 12 Reported on December 20, 2014
Today, Ms. Eun Joo Kang prepared a special performance for the Korean Culture Class. Greeting the audience of families with a heartfelt, warm smile, Ms. Kang explained the agenda for the day. To start off the class, Ms. Kang performed a three minute long solo recital that featured Korean traditional dance movements along with instrumental sounds from the Book (북). Afterwards, Ms. Angela Jung, through a powerpoint presentation, showed the class the various different Korean traditional instruments including the Sogo (소고), Jing (징), Kwaengwari (꽹과리) and Janggoo (장 구). Ms. Jung also played a couple minutes of Korean dance videos, which allowed the members of the audience to gain a better grasp of the topic. The class laughed and watched in awe as Ms. Jung shared with them a video of a 36-month old child playing the Jing (징) while dancing along confidently and even, although hard to believe, quite professionally. Soon after, Ms. Kang made her way back out in front of the audience with a new instrument called the Sogo (소고), which she explained can be used for not only intricate, complicated performances, but for simple ones as well. This assured the children and their parents that they could easily master the dance too with a little bit of practice and guidance. With this new imbued excitement, the class members received their own Sogo (소고) to use in accompaniment to the dance that they would soon become masters of. Ms. Kang then taught the class a few basic dance moves; after repeating these moves a couple of times, the children performed what they had learned in front of their parents. Next to perform was special guest Ms. Jung Sook Dirkes who sang Korean art songs for the class. Before singing, Ms. Dirkes provided the class with a brief background of the songs and their origins. Ms. Sook first sang the famous Korean song called “Arirang.” With powerful vocals and a graceful disposition, Ms. Dirkes shared captivating, sweet melodies. The next song was called “Storm of April.” Immediately following, Ms. Sook sang “When My Love Comes,” which is about women who are waiting for their loves. Ms. Dirkes said, “It is a beautiful song.” Truly, the lyrics conveyed a sense of longing and waiting that seemed sad at first but was still very much hopeful in the end. The third song called Wooden Cross also stands for the nameless tomb. Ms. Sook said, “This song is very sad and it is about the soldiers,” who often leave this world unrecognized. To liven the mood a little bit, Ms. Sook said that the next song called “굿거리 장단” would be more rhythmic and festive. The fifth song was titled “Boribat (보리밭)” which translates to barley field. The very last song to conclude the recital was the song called “Snow,” which was both soothing and calm, touching the audience with a tender, cozy tone. Finally, before departing, everyone shared an early Merry Christmas and Happy New Years Greetings! Sonia Kim (김소진)
케이팝 | The Beginner's Guide to KPOP 개요 한류의 중요한 일부인 케이팝에 대해 이해한다. 주요 케이팝 그룹을 소개하고 액티비티로는 케이팝 댄스를 배운다. Welcome to the K-pop world. Tracing back to the 1900s with the first rise of the Korean Wave (hallyu), K-pop has developed into not only a national, but also an international phenomenon. With thousands of fans across many nations, K-pop has the power to bring together all different people who have a shared love for music.
Objectives Discover and explore the K-pop world. To teach students the importance of K-pop to Korea’s modern culture To engage in various interactive activities such as singing and dancing To discuss K-pop’s role on an international level
Duration 90 min Presentation 60 min Activities 30 min
Activities To learn more about K-pop, students will actively participate by listening to the lecture, absorbing the information and applying the material through physical activities. Listen to music by different K-pop groups (boy groups, girl groups, solo artists, etc.) Learn step by step dance movements to K-pop songs Conduct a discussion regarding K-pop’s history and significance in today’s culture.
Materials Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to organize the basic outline of the lesson. In the presentation include: Video clips (approx. 3-5 minute) Use YouTube to find video clips. Here is a list of different channels that showcase eclectic types of K-pop music: 1. 2. 3.
YGEntertainment SMTOWN Jypentertainment
Sample clips: Video Ref. 24 KPOP 인피니트 Boy group: Infinite – The Chaser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTXmhKapmCI Video Ref. 25 KPOP 소녀시대 Girl group: SNSD – Gee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7mPqycQ0tQ&spfreload=10) Video Ref. 26 KPOP 아이유 Solo artist: IU – Good Day (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeqdYqsrsA0&spfreload=10) Other Resources
For information on the history of K-pop, reference billboard’s article called The Root of K-pop: The Influences of Today’s Biggest Acts. a. Link: http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/k-town/5638224/the-root-of-k-pop-the-influencesof-todays-biggest-acts
Keep up with K-pop in the news at allkpop.com
PPT 23 케이팝 KPOP https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYbmpDSWpzclhuQkU/view?usp=sharing PowerPoint Presentation:
Class photos:
동영상 Class Video 15 케이팝 KPOP https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYbmpDSWpzclhuQkU/view?usp=sharing
음식 | Cuisine
갈비 | Kalbi Video Ref. 27 갈비 How to Make KBBQ L.A. Kalbi http://youtu.be/EnP2j1caRVs
Ingredients 5 pounds Korean style beef short ribs* 1 cup brown sugar, packed 1 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup mirin ( rice wine) 1 small onion, peeled and finely grated 1 small Asian pear, peeled and finely grated 4 tablespoons minced garlic 2 tablespoons dark sesame oil 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 green onions, thinly sliced (optional)
Directions Sprinkle brown sugar over beef and mix well to evenly coat. Let sit at room temperature for 10 minutes while preparing marinade. In a bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients. Transfer beef into a large sealable freezer bag (you may need 2). Add marinade, press out excess air from bags, and seal. Turn bag over several times to ensure beef is evenly coated. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours but preferably overnight. Heat gas or charcoal grill to medium-hot. Drain excess marinade off beef. Grill short ribs, turning once, to desired doneness, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Garnish with thinly sliced green onions, if desired. Serve whole pieces as a main course or cut into smaller pieces, using kitchen shears, for a starter or party nibble. * NOTE: Korean-style short ribs can be found at most Asian markets. The cut, also known as "flanken," refers to a strip of beef cut across the bone from the chuck end of the short ribs. Unlike American and European-style short ribs, which include a thick slice of bone-in beef, Korean-style short ribs are cut lengthwise across the rib bones. The result is a thin strip of meat, about 8 to10 inches in length, lined on 1 side with 1/2-inch thick rib bones. The thin slices make for fast cooking on the grill. A viewer, who may not be a professional cook, provided this recipe. The Food Network Kitchens chefs have not tested this recipe and therefore, we cannot make representation as to the results.
Recipe courtesy Judiaann Woo Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/kalbi-korean-barbequed-beef-short-ribs-recipe.html?oc=linkback
김밥 | Kimbap Video Ref. 28 김밥 How to Make Korean Kimbap Rolls http://youtu.be/-xpcwY-KkgI
Ingredients Ingredients: (serves 2-3 : 5 rolls) 5 sheets of gim (seaweed paper), roasted slightly 4 cups cooked rice (the recipe is here, but make with 2 cups of short grain rice instead of 1 cup) ½ pound beef skirt steak (or tenderloin, or ground beef) 1 large carrot, cut into matchsticks (about 1 ½ cup) 5 strips of yellow pickled radish (use pre-cut danmuji or cut into 8 inch long strips) 8 to 10 ounces spinach (1 small bunch), blanched, rinsed in cold water, and strained 3 eggs 3 garlic cloves 2 teaspoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon brown (or white) sugar 1½ teaspoon salt 2½ tablespoons sesame oil vegetable oil
Directions Rice: Place freshly made rice in a large, shallow bowl. Gently mix in ½ teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons sesame oil over top with a rice scoop or a wooden spoon. Let it cool down enough so it’s no longer steaming. Cover and set aside. Spinach: gimbap spinach Combine the blanched spinach, 2 minced garlic cloves, ½ teaspoon salt, and 2 teaspoons sesame oil in a bowl. Mix well by hand and put it on a large platter with the sliced yellow pickled radish. Carrots: Combine the carrot matchsticks with ¼ teaspoon salt. Mix well and let it sweat for 5 to 10 minutes. Heat a pan and add a few drops vegetable oil. Squeeze out excess water from the carrot, then saute for about 1 minute. Put it on the platter next to the spinach. gimbap carrot Steaks: Trim the fat from the skirt steaks and slice into ¼ inch wide, 3 to 5 inch strips. Put the strips into a bowl. Add 2 teaspoons soy sauce, 1 minced garlic clove, ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper,1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon brown (or white) sugar, and 2 teaspoons sesame oil. gimbap seasoned beef Mix well by hand. Set aside, and let them marinate while we do the egg strips. Eggs:
Crack 3 eggs in a bowl and add ¼ teaspoon salt. Beat it with fork and remove the stringy chalaza. Drizzle a few drops of oil on a heated 10 to 12 inch non-stick pan. Wipe off the excess with a paper towel so only a thin sheen of oil remains. Turn down the heat to low and pour the egg mixture into the pan. Spread it into a large circle so it fills the pan. gimbap egg filling When the bottom of the egg is cooked, flip it over with a spatula. Remove from the heat and let it cook slowly in the hot pan for about 5 minutes, with the ultimate goal of keeping the egg as yellow as possible, and not brown. Cut it into ½ inch wide strips. Put it next to the spinach on the platter. kimbap fillings Class Video 16 김밥만들기 Kimbap http://youtu.be/ZmfXOG2Bdpc
Finish steaks: Heat up a pan over medium high heat and cook the marinated beef, stirring it with a wooden spoon until well cooked. beef filling for gimbap Set aside. Let’s roll gimbap! Place a sheet of gim on a bamboo mat with the shiny side down. Evenly spread about ¾ cup of cooked rice over top of it, leaving about 2 inches uncovered on one side of the gim. Place beef, carrot, yellow pickled radish strip, a few egg strips, and spinach in the center of the rice. gimbap making Use both hands to roll the mat (along with gim and rice) over the fillings, so one edge of the rice and gim reaches the opposite edge. This centers the fillings in the roll, so they’ll be nicely in the middle when you slice it. Grab the mat with both hands and and press it tightly as you continue rolling the gimbap. Push out the mat as you roll, so it doesn’t get wrapped in the gimbap. rolling gimbaprolling gimbap rolling gimbap Remove the roll from the mat at the end and set the finished roll aside with the seam down, to seal it nicely. Repeat 4 more times with the remaining ingredients. Put some sesame oil on the finshed rolls and sprinkle some sesame seeds over top. Cut each roll into ¼ inch bite size pieces with a sharp knife, occasionally wiping it with a wet paper towel or cloth to clean the starch off and to ease cutting. Gimbap rolls Put it on a plate and serve immediately or pack it in a lunchbox.
Read more at: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/kimbap
김치전 | Kimchijeon Video Ref. 29 김치전 http://youtu.be/7_tl2xLixGw How to Make Kimchi Jeon
Ingredients ½ cup Korean pancake mix (pajun mix) 2 tbsp kimchi juice, optional ¾ cup (180 ml) cold water ½-⅔ cup chopped well-fermented kimchi vegetable oil, for pan frying Soy dipping sauce 2 tbsp soy sauce 1½ tbsp rice vinegar ¼-½ tsp Korean chilli powder (Kochugaru) 1 tbsp chopped green onion (shallots), optional
Directions The following recipe has been tested and edited by SBS Food and may differ slightly from the podcast. In a bowl, place pajun mix, kimchi juice (if using) and water, lightly mix using chopsticks or a fork, being careful not to over mix or the pancakes will be rubbery. Add kimchi to the mix. The batter should have a crepe batter consistency, similar to pouring cream. Heat a large frypan over medium heat with 2 tbsp of oil. Ladle ½ cup of batter into the pan and spread out batter thinly. Fry for 5-7 minutes until crisp on either side, turning over once. The pancake should take about 2-3 minutes to cook and crisp. Place pancake on a plate with paper towel to drain oil. Repeat with remaining oil and batter and serve with soy dipping sauce. Note • If not using pancake mix (pajun mix), substitute with ½ cup plain flour, 1 tbsp of rice flour, half a beaten egg, ⅛ tsp salt and ¼ tsp soy sauce. Photography by Alan Benson. Styling by Michelle Noerianto. Food preparation by Nick Banbury Read more at: http://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/kimchi-pancake-kimchijeon
냉면 | Cold Noodle Video Ref. 30 냉면 Korean Cold Noodles Naengmyeun Recipe
Ingredients ½ package of buckwheat noodles water shiitake mushrooms kelp dried anchovies mustard powder cucumber salt sugar vinegar pear egg young summer radish kimchi
Directions A package of Korean buckwheat noodles usually comes with soup powder packet. If you want to make a quick broth, you can simply mix the soup powder with cold water. If you want to make homemade stock, this is how I do it. Make stock for mul-naengmyeon: Boil 8 cups of water with 3-4 shiitake mushrooms, a 4 inch piece of dried kelp, and 8-10 dried anchovies with the heads and the intestines removed for 20 minutes over hight heat. Lower the heat to low and cook another 20 minutes. Cool it down and keep it in the refrigerator. Prepare toppings: Mustard paste (optional): Mix 1 tbs of mustard powder and ½ tbs water. Put it in a warm place to ferment it for 5 minutes. Set aside. Cucumber: Slice ½ cup’s worth of cucumber into thin strips. Add a ½ pinch of salt, ½ ts of sugar, and ½ ts of vinegar. Mix it up and and set it aside. Pear: Slice ½ cup’s worth into thin strips. You can use either Korean pear or bosc pear. Soak it in water and add ½ ts sugar so it doesn’t change color. Set it aside. Egg: Hardboil an egg, cut it in half, and set it aside. Make the noodles:
Put a half package of buckwheat noodles into a big pot of boiling water. Stir them with a wooden spoon so that the noodles donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stick to each other. Keep boiling for about 3-5 minutes until cooked. When the noodles are cooked, move the pot to the sink and pour cold water over them. Drain some of the water out and pour more cold water over them again. This will help the noodles get chewier. Rinse and drain the noodles a couple of times until not slippery. Put the noodles into a basket or colander. Put it all together: For each serving you need to make, mix 2 cups of stock in a bowl with 2 ts vinegar, 1 ts salt, and 2 ts sugar. Add more vinegar to taste. Add 5-7 ice cubes to make it even colder. Place noodles in a bowl and add the cold broth, cucumber, pear, mustard paste, and egg on top. Serve cold. If you have kimchi juice or young summer radish kimchi, add some to the noodle soup. It will taste even better! Read more at: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/naengmyeon
ë§&#x152;ë&#x2018;? | Mandoo
Ingredients 1/4 pound ground beef 3 ounces vegetable oil 3 ounces minced Spanish onion 3 ounces shredded cabbage 2 ounces roughly chopped bean sprouts 1 scallion, finely chopped 4 ounces firm tofu, mashed to a fine consistency 1 1/2 tablespoons hoisin 1 1/2 tablespoons salt Dash pepper 24 wonton skins 1 egg beaten Oil, for frying Vinegar-Soy Sauce (Ch'o kanjang) for dipping: 8 tablespoons soy sauce 6 tablespoons rice vinegar 2 teaspoons granulated sugar 2 teaspoons green onion, finely chopped 2 teaspoons sesame seeds, toasted
Directions Heat wok over medium-high heat, add 2 ounces of oil and stir-fry meat until brown, mashing with a fork to break into small pieces. Drain off fat and set meat aside. Wash pan and dry thoroughly. Heat 1 ounce of oil over high heat for 1 minute. Add onions and saute for 2 to 3 minutes or until limp. Add cabbage and continue to cook, stirring frequently, for another 2 to 3 minutes or until cabbage is crisp-tender. Add bean sprouts, scallions, and tofu, mix well and cook for 1 to 2 minutes more. Remove pan from heat and pour cooked mixture into a colander to drain excess liquid. In a large bowl, combine meat, vegetables, hoisin, salt, and pepper and mix well. Place 1 wonton skin on a flat surface. Cover remaining skins with a slightly damp kitchen towel (not terry cloth) so they won't dry out. Brush the edges of skin with a beaten egg. Place about 1 teaspoon of filling mixture just above the center of skin. Fold skin in half over filling to form a triangle and press edges together to seal. Repeat with remaining skins.
Recipe courtesy Chris Young
Fill and preheat fryer to 375 degrees F. and deep-fry dumplings until golden brown. Serve immediately with vinegar-soy dipping sauce.
Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/korea n-dumplings-mandu-recipe.html?oc=linkbac k
For vinegar-soy sauce: Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Stir to dissolve sugar.
미역국 | Seaweed Soup Video Ref. 31 미역국 Korean Beef Seaweed Soup Recipe http://youtu.be/7K2rbAiRFy4
20 g dried seaweed (0.7 oz) 130 g beef(shank or brisket), diced or sliced (4.5 oz) 3 tablespoons soy sauce for soup (45ml) 1 tablespoon sesame oil (15ml) 1.5 litres drinking water (6 & 1/3 cups US) 1 clove of garlic, minced Salt for seasoning
First, soak the seaweed in the cold water for about 1 hour. Then, wash and drain it. And cut them in 2-inch (5cm) pieces. Do you know? One gram of seaweed has your daily iodine needs. And also it has a lot of calcium in it, which is higher than broccoli. In a soup pot, add in 1 tablespoon of sesame oil and 1 clove of garlic. Today I am using blended garlic at home, which is reserved in the freezer. Then add in the 130g of beef. Beef brisket and shank are fine with this soup. It should be diced or sliced in this size. And add in 2 tablespoons of soy sauce. There are many soy sauces. I prefer Korean soy sauce for soup, which I used today. On medium heat, sauté until the beef is cooked. Then add in the seaweed and sauté for another 3 minutes.
Recipe courtesy Eugenie Read more at: http://eugeniekitchen.com/korean-beef-seaw eed-soup-recipe/
Pour in the water and add in 1 tablespoon of soy sauce. Then bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Taste it and add salt if you need to. Today I am adding ½ teaspoon of salt.
비빔밥 | Bibimbap Video Ref. 32 비빔밥 How to make Bibimbap http://youtu.be/eRyzxFz2Lok
개요 한국 전통음식인 비빔밥을 소개하고 식사를 하면서 맛을 경험해 본다.
시간 90분 (프리젠테이션 15분, 식사 시간 75분) 그 외 준비시간 90분
준비사항 음식 재료: 계란, 콩나물/숙주, 당근, 시금치, 고사리, 고기, 도라지, 버섯, 고추장, 참기름, 간장, 후추, 마늘, 김 비빔밥에 대한 PPT PPT 24 비빔밥 Bibimbap https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6VfRozwHAaYT3BqV3FhM1o5V1U/view?usp=sharing
진행 90분 전 도착해서 계란 후라이, 다진고기 볶음 등 부페 형식으로 준비해 놓는다. (90분) 비빔밥에 대한 프리젠테이션을 아래 자료를 사용하여 진행한다. (15분)
‘비빔밥’의 의미 Bibim is Korean word of mixing and Bap means cooked rice. Original name : Flower Dish(花飯) crazy mix dish (骨同飯)
비빔밥에 나타난 음식재료의 화려한 색깔을 보여주어 청중으로 하여금 호기심을 유발시킨다. 다 만들어진 비빔밥의 다양한 사진을 보여준다. 조리법 Ingredient:½ Carrot(Julienned), cooked baby spinach, ½ small white onion sautéed, *Cut all vegetable in long strips Sunny side egg or scrambled egg 불고기 조리법 Shaved beef : 1Lbs Marinade(at least 1hour): ½ Cup soy sauce, 2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic, 3 tablespoons light brown sugar , 1/2 small white onion sliced , 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil Stir to fry marinade beef 비빔 고추장 조리법 4 tablespoons Go-chu-chang (available at any Korean grocery) 1 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons sesame oil Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix well. 비빔 간장 조리법 ½ C Soy Sauce 1Table spoon of crushed garlic 3 green onions – Chopped 비빔밥을 만드는 방법을 보여준 후 어린이들과 직접 만들어 먹어본다.
불고기 | Bulgogi Video Ref. 33 불고기 Korean BULGOGI BBQ Beef http://youtu.be/IJXdHAGqxhA
Ingredients 1 pound beef tenderloin, boneless 1 tablespoon sesame seeds 3 scallions, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 teaspoons rice wine vinegar 1 1/2 tablespoons water 3 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons oil 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced 1 tablespoon garlic, minced 3 carrots, peeled and sliced on diagonal 1/4 cup water 1/4 pounds snow peas
Directions Wrap beef in plastic wrap and freeze until firm (but not rock hard). Once firm, slice beef thinly across the grain. Place in baking dish. In a small skillet toast sesame seeds. To create marinade, in small bowl combine scallions, garlic, vinegar, water, soy sauce, sugar, sesame oil and pepper. Stir well. Pour marinade over beef. Let sit for 30 minutes In separate skillet heat oil. Add ginger and garlic and cook until aroma is released. Add carrots and 1/4 cup water. Simmer until carrots are tender, about 2 minutes. Add snow peas and simmer until tender, about 2 minutes. Remove beef from baking dish and grill until brown around edges, about 30 seconds per side. Add vegetables to beef. Stir and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve with boiled white rice. Recipe Courtesy of Food Network Kitchens Read more at: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/korean-grilled-beef-bul gogi-recipe.html?oc=linkback
양념치킨 | Fried Spicy Chicken Video Ref. 34 양념치킨 Fried Spicy Chicken http://youtu.be/3iXUWiAUFu4
Ingredients 3 pounds (about 1.5 kg) of chicken chunks salt ground black pepper potato starch powder flour sweet rice flour egg baking soda canola oil (or vegetable oil) garlic ketchup hot pepper paste rice syrup apple vinegar
Read more at: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/yangnyeo m-tongdak
*tip: If your skillet is not large enough to fry all the chicken at once, divide it into batches like I do in the video.
Directions Rinse chunks of chicken in cold water. Drain. *tip: You could use chicken wings, too. About 24 wings will be 3 pounds. Add 1 ts ground black pepper and 1 ts kosher salt. Add ½ cup potato starch powder, ¼ cup all-purpose flour, ¼ cup sweet rice flour, 1 ts baking soda, and 1 egg. Mix well by hand and completely coat the chicken. Put 6-7 cups of canola oil in a wok or frying pan and heat it up. After it’s heated for about 7-8 minutes, test if the oil is ready by dipping a sample chunk of chicken into the oil. If the oil bubbles, it’s the right temperature to start frying. Fry them using the double-frying method: Fry the chicken chunks for 10 minutes over high heat. Take them out of the oil and shake them off in a strainer. Let them sit for a few minutes. Fry them again for another 10 minutes until all pieces look golden brown and are crunchy outside. While you are frying, you can make the sauce: Put 1 tbs canola oil and 4 cloves of minced garlic into a heated pan, Add 1/3 cup tomato ketchup, 1/3 cup rice syrup, ¼ cup hot pepper paste, 1 tbs apple vinegar and simmer the mixture for about about 7 minutes. Keep your heat low and be sure not to burn the sauce. Turn off the heat and wait until the chicken is done. Chicken is done? Then coat your chicken with the sauce: Reheat the sauce. Put the freshly fried chicken into the sauce and gently mix it up with a wooden spoon. Sprinkle some roasted sesame seeds over top and serve hot or warm.
잔치국수 | Banquet Noodle Soup Video Ref. 35 잔치국수 Banquet Noodle Soup http://youtu.be/Q2cFru7Rh9Y
Ingredients 4-5 cups of myulchi broth or sagol broth (click the links for the recipes) Water 1 egg, beaten Vegetable oil, preferably grape seed oil 1/3 zucchini, julienned 1/3 medium carrot, julienned 3 shitake mushrooms, fresh or dried 1 scallion, finely chopped 1/4 cup kimchi (김치), cut into small pieces Gim (김, toasted seweed), crushed for garnish 240g or about 1/2 pound of somyun (소면, thin Korean wheat noodles)
Directions Make 4-5 cups of myulchi broth Mix all the ingredients for the spicy sauce. If you are using dried shitake mushrooms, soak it in warm water for about 10-15 minutes until they are fully plumped. Slice them thinly. Boil about 5 cups of water. In the meantime, spread about 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil evenly around in a small skillet. I used a paper towel to coat the skillet evenly. Add a pinch of salt in the egg. On low heat, pour in the beaten egg and spread it out thinly and evenly. Cook very slowly on low heat until the top surface of the egg is fully cooked without burning the bottom. You probably want to use a well-seasoned skillet or a non-stick pan. Gently remove the egg trying not to tearing it, fold it into half, and cut it across into thin strips. If you accidently tear the egg, which I do often, don’t worry since it is cut into thin strips anyways. This is called dalgyal-jidan (달걀지단) in Korean. Sauté the zucchini, carrots and mushrooms separately with vegetable oil. I didn’t have any mushrooms today and used grape seed oil to sauté the vegetables. Place each of the vegetables on a dish for later use. When the water in step 3 boils, add the noodles and stir. One serving of somyun is as the picture below when held between your thumb and index finger. When the water comes to a boil again, add about 1/2 cup of cold water and stir. Repeat this process once more. This insures that the somyun (소면, Korean thin noodles) stays firm and chewy. It should take about 7-8 minutes from the time you add the noodles. When the noodles are done cooking, quickly rinse them in
cold water several times to stop the cooking process. Divide them into 2 parts, and place them into 2 separate bowls. Add the sautéed vegetables, dalgyal-jidan (달걀지단, egg strips), kimchi (김치) and crushed gim (김) individually in a circle on top of the noodles. Place a tablespoon or so of the spicy sauce in the middle if you are using it. Gently pour in hot myulchi broth on the side so the placements of the garnishes are not disturbed. Read more at: http://gangnamkitchen.com/2013/03/18/janchi-guksoo-%EC %9E%94%EC%B9%98%EA%B5%AD%EC%88%98-banqu et-noodle-soup/
잡채 | Japchae Video Ref. 36 잡채 Korean JapChae Recipe (Glass Noodle) http://youtu.be/L0wMSk8MVis
HoneysuckleCatering) Ingredients 4 ounces beef, filet mignon (or pork shoulder), cut into ¼ inch wide and 2½ inch long strips 2 large dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked in warm water for 2 to 3 hours, cut into thin strips 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons sugar 2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons sesame oil 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds 1 large egg 4 ounces spinach, washed and drained 4 ounces of dangmyeon (sweet potato starch noodles) 2 to 3 green onions, cut crosswise into 2 inch long pieces 1 medium onion (1 cup), sliced thinly 4 to 5 white mushrooms, sliced thinly 1 medium carrot (¾ cup), cut into matchsticks ½ red bell pepper, cut into thin strips (optional) ground black pepper salt vegetable oil
Directions Marinate the beef and mushrooms Put the beef and shiitake mushrooms into a bowl and mix with 1 clove of minced garlic, 1 teaspoon sugar, ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper, 2 teaspoons soy sauce, and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil with a wooden spoon or by hand. Cover and keep it in the fridge.shiitakejapchae seasoning Make the egg garnish (jidan): Crack the egg and separate the egg yolk from the egg white. Remove the white stringy stuff (chalaza) from the yolk. Beat in a pinch of salt with a fork. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to a heated nonstick pan. Swirl the oil around so it covers the pan, and then wipe off the excess heated oil with a kitchen towel so only a thin layer remains on the pan. To keep the jidan as yellow as possible, turn off the heat and pour the egg yolk mixture into the pan. Tilt it around so the mixture spreads thinly. Let it cook using the remaining heat in the pan for about 1 minute. Flip it over and let it sit on the pan for 1 more minute.japchae egg garnish Let it cool and slice it into thin strips. Prepare the noodles and vegetables:japchae vegetables Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add the spinach and blanch for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then take it out with a slotted spoon or strainer. Let the water keep boiling to cook the noodles. Rinse the spinach in cold water to stop it from cooking. Squeeze it with your hands to remove any excess water. Cut it a few times and put it into a bowl. Mix with 1 teaspoon soy
Read more at: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/japchae
sauce and 1 teaspoon sesame oil. Put it into a large mixing bowl. Put the noodles into the boiling water, cover and cook for 1 minute. Stir them with a wooden spoon so they don’t stick together. Cover and keep cooking for another 7 minutes until the noodles are soft and chewy. Strain and cut them a few times with kitchen scissors. Put the noodles into the large bowl next to the spinach. Add 2 teaspoons sesame oil, 1 teaspoon soy sauce, and 1 teaspoon sugar. Mix well by hand or a wooden spoon. This process will season the noodles and also keep the noodles from sticking to each other. Heat up a skillet over medium high heat. Add 2 teaspoons vegetable oil with the onion, the green onion, and a pinch of salt. Stir-fry about 2 minutes until the onion looks a little translucent. Transfer to the noodle bowl. Heat up the skillet again and add 2 teaspoons vegetable oil. Add the white mushrooms and a pinch of salt. Stir-fry for 2 minutes until softened and a little juicy. Transfer to the noodle bowl. Heat up the skillet and add 1 teaspoon vegetable oil. Add the carrot and stir-fry for 20 seconds. Add the red bell pepper strips and stir-fry another 20 seconds. Transfer to the noodle bowl. Heat up the skillet and add 2 teaspoons vegetable oil. Add the beef and mushroom mixture and stir fry for a few minutes until the beef is no longer pink and the mushrooms are softened and shiny. Transfer to the noodle bowl.japchae beef Mix and serve: Add 1 minced garlic clove, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 tablespoon sugar, ½ teaspoon ground black pepper, and 2 teaspoons of sesame oil to the mixing bowl full of ingredients. Mix all together by hand.japchae (잡채) Add the egg garnish and 1 tablespoon sesame seeds. Mix it and transfer it to a large plate and serve.
제육볶음 | Fried Spicy Video Ref. 37 제육볶음 Korean spicy stir-fried pork http://youtu.be/uE22T4Mlv0I
Ingredients Meat 800g Korean pork belly slices (Samgyeopsal) Marinating sauce (mix these in a bowl well.) 4 Tbsp gochujang 2½ Tbsp soy sauce 1½ Tbsp sugar (I used raw sugar) 1 Tbsp minced ginger 1 Tbsp minced garlic 2 Tbsp rice wine 1 tsp Korean chili powder 60g grated/blended apple 60g grated/blended onion 4 sprinkles of ground black pepper Vegetables & others
Directions 1. Rinse the meat in running cold water. 2. Cut the meat into mouthful size pieces (4 to 5cm length). 3. Put the meat in a big bowl and add the marinating sauce. Mix them well. 4. Marinate the meat for minimum 30 mins to 1 hour. (Though I marinated my meat overnight to deepen the flavour and tenderness.) 5. While the meat is marinating, prepare the vegetables. – You don’t have to follow the exact same style cut as I did below. Rinse the perilla leaves in cold water. Stack the leaves on top of each other and fold the leave into half and slice them into a few strips. Clean the onion skin, rinse and thin slice it. Clean, peel the carrot skin and thin slice it diagonally. Clean, rinse the cabbage and thin slice it. Jeyuk-bokkeum (Korean Spicy Pork Stir-Fry) before cooking up
10 perilla leaves ½ large onion (90g) 2 small carrots (100g) 1/4 small cabbage (320g) – you can reduce the amount of cabbage to increase the spiciness. 16 Korean rice cakes (150g)
6. Separate the rice cakes (if they are stuck to each other). If they were kept in the fridge, soak them in warm/hot water for 5 to 10 mins to soften. 7. Heat the wok on high heat and add some oil. Add all the prepared ingredients together and stir them occasionally (every 30 seconds to 1 min).
Read more at: http://mykoreankitchen.com/2013/04/18/jey uk-bokkeum-korean-spicy-pork-stir-fry/
Jeyuk-bokkeum (Korean Spicy Pork Stir-Fry) cooking in the wok 8. Once all ingredients are cooked serve them on a plate. Enjoy!