Treasures Supplement 1st Grade Unit 4

Page 1

4 U n i t


Activity Supplement K e l l y Te n k e l y 2 0 1 0 h t t p : / / i l e a r n t e c h n o l o g y. c o m

P a g e s



Week 1

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- Pelican was Hungry

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


http:// picture-hunt/long-o/ load.htm?f

Long-o picture hunt

Students read sentence, identify Long-o word and click on the picture of the word.

Identifying, decoding, and comprehending Long-o words.


http:// make-a-word/long-o/ load.htm?f

Make a Word: Long-o

Students view pictures and drag the correct letters to make the long “o� word.

Identifying, decoding, and comprehending Long-o words.


Robot and Mr. Mole worksheet Page 49 of Starfall Level 1 journal.

o-e words, matching pictures to words.

Comprehension /Phonics

Robot and Mr. Mole worksheet Page 50 of Starfall Level 1 journal.

Sentence Completion with Long-o words

Comprehension /Phonics

Robot and Mr. Mole worksheet Page 52 of Starfall Level 1 journal.

Match Long-o words to pictures

Comprehension /Phonics

Robot and Mr. Mole worksheet Page 53 of Starfall Level 1 journal.

Silly sentences with Long-o words.

Long-o and silent-e story

Hearing and identifying Long-o CVCE words

Phonemic Awareness

http:// long-o/lo/load.htm?f

Robot and Mr. Mole

Week 1

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- Pelican was Hungry

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


http:// activities.macmillanm OralLanguageActiviti es/main1.php? activityID=410

Comprehension Activity 1

Students work with a partner to match pictures of birds with their behavior.

Reinforcement of ideas from “Pelican was Hungry”. Observation and making connections.

Vocabulary/ word recognition

http:// activities.macmillanm OralLanguageActiviti es/main1.php? activityID=411

Vocabulary Activity 2

Students drag vocabulary words to the matching picture.

Vocabulary building for “Pelican was Hungry” story.


http:// /spelling-gamesvocabularygames.html? listId=1866558

Spelling City Games

Students practice Spelling words for Unit 4 Week 1 with word search, matching games, hangman, alphabetize, unscramble, audio word match, missing letter, sentence unscramble, and crossword

Spelling words with o_e pattern.

Vocabulary/ Comprehension


Flipchart: Vocab building Unit 4 Week 1

Making connections with prior knowledge, monitoring, making inferences.

Grammar/ Spelling


Flipchart: 1st Morning Message Unit 4

Sentence order, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, high frequency words

Week 2

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- June Robot Cleans Up

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Phonemic Awareness

http:// long-u/lu/load.htm?f

Dune Buggy

Long-u and silent e story

Hearing and identifying long-u CVCE words


http:// make-a-word/long-u/ load.htm?f

Make a Word: Long-u

Students view pictures and drag the correct letters to make the long “u” word.

Identifying, decoding, and comprehending silent-e Long-u words.

Center Activity/ IWB

Center Activity/ IWB

Phonics/ Comprehension

Corresponding worksheet

Dune Buggy u-e words match the words to pictures. Page 55 of Starfall Level 1 Journal

Identifying, decoding, and comprehending silent-e Long-u words.

Comprehension /Phonics

Corresponding worksheet

Sentence completion with long-u words. Page 56 of Starfall Level 1 Journal

Sentence Completion with Long-u words


Corresponding worksheet

Contractions with “will” and “have” Page 57 of Starfall Level 1 Journal

Students complete contractions by adding apostrophe.

Every Day is Earth Day: Recycling

Students demonstrate understanding of recycling by sorting plastic, paper, and cans.

Students build background knowledge to make connections to reading.

Background knowledge/ Comprehension

http:// holiday/earthday/ load.htm?f

Center Activity

Week 2

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- June Robot Cleans Up

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


http:// m/spelling-gamesvocabularygames.html? listId=1866558

Spelling City Games

Students practice Spelling words for Unit 4 Week 1 with word search, matching games, hangman, alphabetize, unscramble, audio word match, missing letter, sentence unscramble, and crossword

Spelling words with o_e pattern.

http:// activities.macmillan OralLanguageActivi ties/main1.php? activityID=390

Activity 1: Sort the pictures

Students work with a partner to sort pictures of items that can and cannot be recycled.

Students demonstrate understanding of reusable materials.

http:// activities.macmillan OralLanguageActivi ties/main1.php? activityID=391

Activity 2: Make connections about new uses for recycled materials

Students work with a partner to connect garbage with a new use.

Students demonstrate and discuss understanding of reusable materials.

Oral Language/ Comprehension

Oral Language/ Comprehension

Center Activity

Center Activity/ IWB

Center Activity/ IWB

Week 3

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade-Stormy Weather

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained



Swap it! Vowel Pair Playing Cards

Students practice ay, ai long-A vowel combinations

Hearing and identifying long-u CVCE words

Oral Language Activities/ comprehension

http:// activities.macmillanm OralLanguageActiviti es/main1.php? activityID=447

Match the picture to its correct category.

Students view pictures and drag them to the correct category.

Students demonstrate their understanding of weather occurrences.

Oral Language Activities/ comprehension

http:// activities.macmillanm OralLanguageActiviti es/main1.php? activityID=448

Catch the picture.

Students catch pictures with an umbrella.

Students demonstrate understanding of storms.

Comprehension /background knowledge

http:// www.theweatherchann

The Weather channel Kids!

Students can visit the weather center to learn about different weather occurrences and find out what their local forecast will be.

Students build background knowledge to make connections to their reading.

Comprehension /background knowledge

http:// kids/weather/sim/ game.htm

Interactive Weather Maker

Students can change the humidity and temperature to change the weather.

Students build background knowledge to make connections to their reading.


http:// ktenkely

Spelling City

Students practice spelling words with ay, ai

Spelling long-A words with ai, ay

Week 4

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- Meet Ben Franklin

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


http:// com/Language? Topic=Long+E +Sounds&Activity=ex plore Center Activity

Long “e” Word Builder game iKnow

Students create Long “e” words to match the pictures following the “ee” and “ea” spelling pattern.

Students identify and construct long “e” words spelled “ee” and “ea”

http:// com/Language? Topic=Long+E +Sounds&Activity=w ordsearch Center Activity

Long “e” Word Search

Students search for long “e” words spelled “ea” in a word search. When the word is found, the “ea” words

Students identify long “e” words spelled “ea”

http:// com/Language? Topic=Long+E +Sounds&Activity=m atch

Match the Word to its picture.

Students match the long “e” words to the corresponding picture.

Students identify and match long “e” words.

Students practice spelling words with e, ee, ea

Spelling long-e words with e, ee, ea



Center Activity


http:// ktenkely

(When it asks students to register, they should click, “Maybe Later” button.)

(When it Asks students to register, they should click “Maybe Later” button.)

(When it asks students to register, they should click, “Maybe Later” button.)

Spelling City

Week 4

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- Meet Ben Franklin

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained

Phonics grade_k_1/longe.htm Center Activity

Long E picture hunt

Students drag all of the pictures that have the long “e” sound into the box.

Students identify long “e” sounds and pictures.


http:// schools/ wordsandpictures/ longvow/poems/ fpoem.shtml

Long ee and ea vowel poems with animation.

Students listen to and watch a poem about long “e” both ee and ea. When the poem is over, students can find the long e words.

Students listen to and identify long e words in the poems. Both ee and ea words.


Comprehension /Vocabulary

http:// activities.macmillanm OralLanguageActiviti es/main1.php? activityID=418 Center Activity

Activity 1: Scientists

Students Catch the pictures of items that would help a scientist study.

Students identify tools that scientists use to build science vocabulary.


http:// activities.macmillanm OralLanguageActiviti es/main1.php? activityID=419 Center Activity

Activity 2: Scientists

Students learn about scientists and the objects in everyday life that we have because of scientists.

Students identify objects that scientists have helped to create, using clues from the reading this week.

Week 4

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- Meet Ben Franklin

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


http:// student


Students learn to summarize a text through an interactive activity. Students should click on the speaker to have the story read to them.

Students learn to identify key elements and condense important information into their own words to solidify meaning

Students listen to a song about using the summarizing reading strategy.

Students learn about using the summarizing reading strategy by listening to a song.

(Drag the flashlight into the book)

Center Activity



http:// downloads/ sum_Summarizing.m p3 IWB with speakers

Summarizing song

http:// students

Inferring (drag the magnifying glass into the book)

Students learn how to use the inferring reading strategy by completing an interactive activity.

Students think about and search the text and sometimes use prior knowledge to construct meaning beyond what is literally stated.

Inferring Song

Students listen to a song about using the inferring reading strategy.

Students learn about using the inferring reading strategy by listening to a song.

(Lyrics attached)

Center Activity


http:// downloads/ in_Inferring.mp3 IWB with speakers

Week 5

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- Little Rabbit

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


http:// student


Students learn to summarize a text through an interactive activity. Students should click on the speaker to have the story read to them.

Students learn to identify key elements and condense important information into their own words to solidify meaning

(Drag the flashlight into the book)

Center Activity


http:// downloads/ sum_Summarizing.m p3 IWB with speakers

Summarizing song

Students listen to a song about using the summarizing reading strategy.

Students learn about using the summarizing reading strategy by listening to a song.


http:// schools/ wordsandpictures/ longvow/poems/ flash/fpoem8.shtml

I Spy a Little Fly long vowel poem.

Students listen to a poem and identify the long /e/ spelled “y”. Students play a game to find all of the “y” words in the poem.

Students listen to and identify long /e/ sound spelled “y”.

Starfall story: My Family

Students listen to and read a story identifying Y as / ee/ and Y as /igh/ (Click on any word in the story to have it phonetically read to you).

Students hear and identify Y as /ee/ and /igh/.

IWB with Speakers

Phonemic Awareness

http:// y-as-e/y-as-e/ load.htm?f Center Activity/IWB

Week 5

TREASURESUNIT 4 First Grade- Little Rabbit

Focus/ Essential Learning

Web Address

Activity Name


Skills Gained


http:// picture-hunt/y-as-e/ load.htm?f

Starfall- Picture Hunt with Y as long e.

Students read sentences that contain a variety of Y as long e words. Students click on the picture of the word in the illustration to color it in.

Students identify, decode, and comprehend Y as /ee/ words.


Starfall- Writing Journal 1 Page 85 Phonics: y as /ee/ and y as /igh/

Students read each word out loud (my, tiny, silly, very, baby, why, family, try, daddy) and color the word red if the y sounds like a long i. Color it blue if the y sounds like a long e.

Students identify and decode y as /ee/ and y as /igh/ words.

Phonics/ Comprehension

Starfall- Writing Journal 1 Page 88 Picture hunt.

Students look a the picture and circle the things that end with the letter y, using the word bank to help them.

Comprehension: students match y as / ee/ and y as /igh/ words to pictures.

Phonics/ Comprehension

Starfall- Writing Journal 1 Page 89 Make a silly sentence.

Students make silly sentences using the word bank of words that end in y from page 88 in Starfall Journal.

Students identify Y as / ee/ and /igh/ words and use them in a sentence.

Spelling City Games

Students play a variety of spelling games to practice the /ee/ as Y words.

Students learn to spell /ee/ as Y words.

Center Activity/IWB

Spelling City

http:// ktenkely Center Activity

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