4th Grade Student Friendly

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RL 4.1

I can refer to examples and details in something I am reading when explaining what the reading said exactly. I can also draw inferences about what I am reading. RL 4.2

RL 4.3

I can describe a character, setting or event in a story or drama. I can pull out specific examples from the story or drama to support my description. (character’s thoughts/words/actions)

RL 4.4

I can figure out the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. I can also figure out words and phrases that refer to characters in mythology (Herculean).

RL 4.5

I know the differences between poems, drama and prose. I know the elements of poems (verse, rhythm, meter), drama (casts of characters, settings, descriptions, dialogue, stage directions).

RL 4.6

I can compare and contrast the different points of view that stories are narrated from. I know the difference between first and third person narration.

Reading Literature

I can tell what the theme of a story, drama or poem is because of the details in the text. I can summarize a story, drama or poem.

I can make connections between text stories or dramas and a visual or oral presentation of the same story or drama. I can tell where each version reflects description and directions from the text. RL 4.9

I can compare and contrast stories, myths, and literature from different cultures that have similar themes, topics and patterns of events. (opposition of good and evil)

RL 4.10

I can read and understand stories, poems and dramas that are written for fourth grade students.

Reading Literature

RL 4.7

I can refer to details and examples in a text when I am explaining exactly what a text says. I can also use details and examples when I make inferences (assumptions) about the text.

RI 4.2

I can pick out the main idea of a text and explain how the details support it. I can summarize what I read.

RI 4.3

I can explain events and ideas that I have read about in history. I can explain procedures, ideas, and concepts that I have read about in science. I can include what happened and why based on what I read in the text.


RI 4.1

RI 4.4

When I read, I can figure out the meaning of scientific, historical and mathematical words.

I can describe the structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text. (chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution)

RI 4.6

I can compare and contrast a firsthand account (someone who was there) and secondhand account (someone who was related to the event) of an event or topic. I can describe the differences of viewpoint and information that is provided. RI 4.7

I can use illustrations, maps, photographs, graphs, timelines, animations, interactive apps or websites, diagrams and charts to explain how the information adds to the text I am reading.

RI 4.8

I can explain how an author is using reasons and evidence to support points they are making in a text.

RI 4.9

I can use information from two texts that are on the same topic to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.


RI 4.5

RI 4.10

I can read and understand history, social studies, science and informational reading that was written for a fourth grade student. RF 4.3.a

RF 4.4.a

I can read and understand things written for a fourth grade student.

RF 4.4.b

I can read poetry out loud using good rate and expression.

RF 4.4.c

I can correct myself if I read a word wrong. I can use the context of the sentence or paragraph to make sure I am reading the correct word.

Foundational Skills

I can figure out how to say a word with multi syllables that I haven’t seen before by using what I know about letter sounds, word patterns, roots, prefixes and suffixes.

W 4.1.a

I can introduce the topic I am writing about, state my opinion and support my opinion with reasons. I can group my related ideas. W 4.1.b

I can list facts that support my opinion on a topic.

I use linking words and phrases (for instance, in order to, in addition to) to connect my reasons to my opinion.

W 4.1.d

When I write, I include a conclusion sentence or paragraph to wrap up my opinion piece.

W 4.2.a

I can introduce a topic, group information that is related together in paragraphs and sections, and include illustrations or multimedia to help others understand my writing.

W 4.2.b

I can write about a topic using facts, definitions and details, quotes and other information and examples about the topic.


W 4.1.c

W 4.2.c

I use linking words to connect ideas in my writing. (another, for example, also, because).

W 4.2.d

I can use specific words and vocabulary to help me explain a topic.

I include a concluding sentence or paragraph to finish my writing that is related to the information presented in my writing. W 4.3.a

I can write a story that begins by setting up a situation, introducing a narrator or characters, and then has events that tell the story. W 4.3.b

I use dialogue (characters speaking to each other) and description to help me write about events in my story and show how characters react to situations.

W 4.3.c

I use transitional words and phrases to help my readers understand a sequence of events in my story.


W 4.2.e

W 4.3.d

I can use words phrases and sensory details (details that appeal to the senses-taste, touch, smell, sight, hear) to help show what is happening in my story.

W 4.3.e

I can write an ending to my story.

I can write so that others can understand my ideas. I can write for different purposes, audiences, and tasks (blog post, story, report, letter, etc.). W 4.5

With help from my teacher and friends, I can strengthen my writing by planning, revising and editing.

W 4.6

With help from my teacher, I can use technology to help me with researching, publishing my writing, and collaborating with others. I can type one page of writing.

W 4.7

I can do short research investigation projects that help me understand a topic better.


W 4.4

W 4.8

I can remember information from experiences I have had, things I have seen, or things I have read. I can take notes, categorize information and list sources I have used.

I can write reflections about literature I have read. I can describe character, settings, and events. I can use specific examples from the story. W 4.9.b

I can analyze and research using text. I can write about how an author uses reasons and evidence to support their points or opinions. W 4.10

I can write for different audiences and purposes. I can write for research, creatively, or as a response. I can revise and edit my writing.


W 4.9.a

SL 4.1.a

I can be prepared for class or group discussions by reading about or researching a topic beforehand. I can contribute to discussions and build on other’s ideas. SL 4.1.b

SL 4.1.c

I can ask and answer questions to make sure I understand what others are saying. I can make comments that contribute to the discussion. SL 4.1.d

I can think about the ideas that were discussed and explain my own ideas and understanding as a result of the discussion. SL 4.2

I can summarize information I have heard, watched, or discussions that I participated in.

SL 4.3

I can talk about the reasons and evidence a speaker gave to support their topic or the points they made.


I can follow rules that a group has agreed on for discussions. I can wait my turn to speak and listen to others respectfully.

I can tell a story, report on a topic or text, or talk about an experience I have had. I can use facts, descriptive details and speak clearly. SL 4.5

I can use audio recordings and visuals when I give presentations. I know that these can make what I’m speaking about more interesting. SL 4.6

I know that there are times when I need to present my ideas more formally (presenting in front of a large group) and when it is okay to present my ideas more informally (small group discussion).


SL 4.4

L 4.1.a

I can use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why).

L 4.1.b

I can use verb tenses to show present, past, future (I am walking, I was walking, I will be walking).

L 4.1.c

L 4.1.d

I know how to put adjectives in the correct order in a sentence (a small red bag) instead of (a red small bag).

L 4.1.e

I can use prepositions to make prepositional phrases (about, above, across, after, against, along, among, around, at, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, during, except, inside, like, near, out, outside, over, past, since, toward, until, with).

L 4.1.f

I can speak and write in complete sentences. I can correct mistakes I made in a sentence.


I know how to use verbs (shall and should, will and would, may and might, can and could, must) to show different conditions.

L 4.1.g

I can correctly use homophones (words that sound the same but mean something different like to, too and two or their and there).

L 4.2.a

I can use correct capitalization when I write.

L 4.2.b

L 4.2.c

I can use commas before coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, yet, for, nor, so) in a compound sentence.

L 4.2.d

I can spell fourth grade level words correctly. I can use dictionaries and spellcheck if I need to check my spelling.

L 4.3.a

I can use words and phrases to help me explain my ideas.


I can use commas and quotation marks to show that someone is speaking.

L 4.3.b

I can use punctuation to help me make a point.

L 4.3.c

I know when to use formal language (when I’m presenting ideas to a group) and when to use informal language (when I’m in a small group discussion).

I can figure out the meaning of a word I don’t know by using clues in the sentence or paragraph.

L 4.4.b

I can use Greek and Latin prefixes, suffixes and roots to figure out the meaning of a word (telegraph, photograph, autograph).

L 4.4.c

I can use dictionaries, glossaries and thesauruses to figure out the meaning of words.

L 4.5.a

I can explain the similes and metaphors I read. (Pretty as a picture.)


L 4.4.a

L 4.5.b

L 4.5.c

I can show that I understand words by comparing them to their opposites (antonyms) and words with similar meanings (synonyms).

L 4.6

I can use fourth grade level words correctly including words that describe emotion, scientific words, historical words, and mathematical words.


I can explain common idioms, adages and proverbs.

I can compare multiplication equations to word problems that represent a multiplication equation. (35= 5x7 is the same as “35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7 times as many as 5.�)

OA 4.2

I can multiply or divide to solve word problems. I can use drawings and equations to show the problem. I know that 5x7 is the same as 7x5 because of the multiplicative comparison rule.

OA 4.3

I can solve word problems that have multiple steps that include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I can write equations with a letter standing for the number I don’t know.

OA 4.4

I can find factor pairs for numbers from 1 to 100. I know that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. I can tell if a number is prime (can be divided evenly only by 1 or itself) or if it is composite (a number with more than 2 factors).

OA 4.5

I can create number or shape patterns that follow a rule. I can describe the rule and the results of the rule.

Operations/Algebraic Thinking

OA 4.1

NBT 4.1

NBT 4.2

I can read and write multi digit numbers using number names (three thousand four hundred fifty three), base ten numerals (3,453), and expanded form (3000+400+50+3). I can compare numbers using <, >, or = NBT 4.3

I can use what I know about place value to round a number to any place (thousands, hundreds, tens, or fives).

NBT 4.4

I can add and subtract multi-digit numbers.

NBT 4.5

I can multiply a number up to four digits by a one digit number. I can multiply two two-digit numbers. I explain my work using illustrations, equations, area models, etc.

NBT 4.6

I can divide using four digit dividends and one digit divisors. I can find the quotients (whole-number answers) and remainders when I divide this way. I explain my work using illustrations, equations, area models, etc.

Numbers/operations in base ten

I know that adding a 0 to the end of a number represents ten times more. For example 7x10= 70, 70x10=700 or 700/70=10

NF 4.1

I can explain why the fraction a/b is equivalent to the fraction (n x a)/(n x b) by using fraction models. I can explain how the number and size of the parts are different even though the two fractions are the same size.

I can compare fractions with different numerators (top numbers) and different denominators (bottom number) by creating common numerators or denominators or by comparing a well known fraction like 1/2. I can compare using <, >, =

NF 4.3.a

I know that adding and subtracting fractions is actually joining and separating parts of a whole fraction.

NF 4.3.b

I can break down a fraction into the sum of fractions with the same denominator. (3/8= 1/8 + 1/8 +1/8 or 3/8= 1/8 + 2/8). I can show why this is true using visuals.

NF 4.3.c

I can add and subtract mixed numbers that have the same denominators. I can replace mixed numbers with an equivalent fraction.

NF 4.3.d

I can solve word problems that ask me to add or subtract fractions that have the same denominators.

Numbers/operations fractions

NF 4.2

NF 4.4.a

I know that a fraction a/b is a multiple of 1/b. I can show 5/4 as the product of 5 x (1/4).

I can multiply a fraction by a whole number. I know that 3 x (2/5) is the same as 6 x (1/5), when I multiply this I would get 6/5 as the product. (n x (a/b) = (n x a)/b)

NF 4.4.c

I can solve a word problem that asks me to multiply a fraction by a whole number.

NF 4.5

I know that a fraction with a denominator of 10 is an equivalent fraction with a denominator of 100. 3/10 = 30/100. 3/10 + 4/100= 34/100

NF 4.6

I know how to write fractions with denominators of 10 or 100 as decimals. 62/100 = .62

NF 4.7

I can compare two decimals to the hundredths place by using <, > and = symbols.

Numbers/operations fractions

NF 4.4.b

MD 4.1

I know how different sizes of measurement compare (km, m, cm); (kg, g); (lb, oz); (l, ml); (hr, min, sec); (in, ft, mile). I can make a table of equivalent units (1 ft is 12 times longer than 1 inch).

I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve word problems about distances, time intervals, liquid volumes, masses of objects, and money. I can use diagrams like number lines to show measurement scale. MD 4.3

I can find the area and perimeter for rectangles in math problems and apply it to the real world.

MD 4.4

I can make a line plot to show measurements in fractions of a unit. I can solve addition and subtraction fraction problems by using the line plot.

MD 4.5.a

I know that angles are measured based on a 360* circle with the center at the shared endpoint of 2 rays.

MD 4.5.b

I can measure angles in degrees using a protractor.


MD 4.2

MD 4.6

I can draw angles to a specific measure.

MD 4.7

I know that an angle is additive and can be broken into separate parts. I can solve addition and subtraction problems to find unknown angles on a diagram. G 4.1

G 4.2

I can classify two-dimensional figures based on if they have parallel or perpendicular lines, or angles of a specific size. I know what a right triangle is.

G 4.3

I can find a line of symmetry in a two dimensional figure. I know that if I folded the figure in half, it would fold into matching parts.


I can draw points, lines, line segments, rays, angles (right, acute, obtuse), and perpendicular and parallel lines.

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