iLearn No. 2

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>>The education magazine for Mac users<<

iLearn Spring 2009 NO 2.





Learning Made Mobile >> How iPods can revolutionize learning <<


Apps 4 Learning

The best FREE iPod applications for education

>> Digital Storytelling Students tell a story using PhotoBooth and iMovie.

21st Century Literacy What it is and how it can transform your classroom


iPods to Choose From Find out which iPod is right for your classroom

<<Lesson Plans>>

<<Managing a Computer Lab>>

<<Recording with iPods>>

iLearn Technology An edublog about integrating technology into the classroom

iLearn Technology is an edublog written by technology specialist Kelly Tenkely. It is dedicated to providing classroom teachers with practical tips for integrating technology into the classroom daily. All of the resources are free to use and simple to implement.




Spring 2009

28 Language Arts apps

32 Geography apps

4 21st Century Literacy

33 History apps

Transform your classroom with a constructivist approach to teaching and learning

34 Productivity apps

37 Art apps

38 Miscellaneous education apps

3 Note From the Editor

8 Which iPod is best for your classroom? A side by side comparison of Apple’s iPods

40 Lesson Plan Digital storytelling with PhotoBooth 45 Lesson Plan iVerb create an action verb poster in Pages

14 Mobile Learning The benefits of using iPods in education 18 Recording with the iPod

20 The best FREE applications for education The very best FREE iPod applications for learning

21 Math apps

26 Science apps


54 Managing a Computer Lab Ideas for organizing your computer lab for optimal use * Images from http:// and * Written and Edited by Technology Specialist Kelly Tenkely * * *

Kelly Tenkely 2009






I can still vividly remember the beginning of the space unit in first grade. One Monday morning we walked into the classroom to find all of our desks pushed out of the way and a giant spaceship in the middle of the classroom. The lights were dimmed and glowing stars had been stuck all over the ceiling and the walls. The spaceship had flashing lights, made spaceship sounds, and was surrounded by purple rocks. You have never seen 6 and 7 year olds so excited about learning. As we sat in a circle around the spaceship we were each handed a purple playdough space rock. I remember discussing where we thought the space rock may have come from based on clues from around the room. One student spotted the Space Rock book by Susan Schade and Jon Buller. Each student received a copy of the Space Rock leveled reader and we read it together. As we read we made more predictions about where our purple space rocks had come from. Even the most reluctant readers in our class were excited about reading that Monday morning. This was the grand kick off for our unit on space (which was equally memorable). I wonder if our students can pick out a lesson that we have taught with such fondness? This issue of iLearn takes a look at learning and the use of iPods in the classrooms. I hope you find some great ideas that will stand out in your student’s minds someday.


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st 21

Century Literacy and the constructivist classroom The introduction of technology into our daily lives has skewed the way that we view our world, the way that we work, the way we communicate, and now has us reworking what it means to be literate.

Traditionally, schools have focused on the three Rʼs: reading, ʻriting, and ʻrithmetic. The literacy portion of these skills being reading and writing. Literacy is expanding in the 21st century with a new set of essential skills that students must gain to be considered literate. Before any discussion about 21st century literacy can develop, we have to begin with a closer look at teaching and learning.

The traditional classroom When you think about school, does a vision of a traditional classroom come to mind? One that has a teacher at the front of the classroom lecturing while students sit passively at their desks taking notes, or “The biggest enemy simply “taking it all in”? This is what the school scape has looked like for centuries with few exceptions. 21st century to learning is the literacy does not fit well into this traditional classroom talking teacher.” model. In fact, I would argue that teaching 21st century literacy skills with 21st century technology will feel forced John Holt and unnatural in this environment. This is due, in part, to the way that technology invites us to explore, to question, to discover new ways to do things, to create. Technology may be found in the traditional classroom but it is going to be in the form of slide show presentations that are taking the place of the chalkboard. While this may be more visually appealing, the role of the teacher and the student remains the same. In the traditional classroom, the primary job of a student is to absorb the information > iLearn


“I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they learn.” - Albert Einstein

the teacher is giving them and then regurgitate it back in the form of worksheets, reports, quizzes, and tests. The teacher is the center of the classroom.

The constructivist classroom

So, if the traditional classroom isnʼt the right framework for 21st century literacy, what kind of classroom does it need to thrive? A project-based, constructivist classroom. Constructivism is not a new educational philosophy, but it is being pushed to the forefront of education once again with the emergence of 21st century literacy skills. Constructivism is an idea coined by John Dewy who believed that students learn best when they build critical thinking and problem solving skills instead of memorization. Unlike a traditional classroom, this classroom believes that students learn best when they construct their own knowledge. Instead of being given a fact to memorize, students explore and discover learning and new information. Project based learning emphasizes activities that may take longer to complete (instead of short worksheets), they are often interdisciplinary with real world issues and practices. This type of learning context is unique in that it motivates the student by engaging them in their own learning. They are not passive observers of learning, rather participants. The constructivist classroom has students asking questions, debating ideas, making predictions, planning, designing, analyzing, discovering, communicating, and creating. It is active. It requires something of students. Students are encouraged to investigate and ask questions. The classroom becomes a learning community. This classroom lends itself naturally to the integration of technology and building of 21st century literacy skills. With the proper backdrop, we can successfully prepare our students to be literate in the 21st century.

21st century literacy 21st century literacy skills are those skills that students need to thrive in the world they find themselves in. These skills include creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration, initiative, productivity, and responsibility. The traditional classroom worked well in a world where the 3 Rʼs were enough, where information was not so readily available and one had to rely on an ʻexpertʼ to learn something. Many of our students have grown up in a world where the Internet and cell phones have ʻalways beenʼ. Information is readily available at their fingertips at all times. Students today donʼt understand the purpose of memorizing countless dates, names, and facts. As one student challenged me, “why do I have to memorize the exact date of the Battle of Bull Run? If I ever need to know the exact date I can just Google it.” You know what? He is absolutely right! We shouldnʼt be teaching our students how to memorize and regurgitate facts that we tell them are important. They should be > 5





















discovering knowledge and we should be guiding The illiterate of the them in that discovery and exploration. Googling the 21st century will not be Battle of Bull Run is an excellent solution if students know how to think critically about the information they those who cannot read and find. Context is key. They may not need to write but those who memorize exact dates but they do need to have cannot learn, unlearn, context for what they are learning so that when they and relearn. stumble upon a Wikipedia ʻfactʼ that says the Battle of Bull Run took place in 1998, they can think critically Alvin Toffler about and question that ʻfactʼ. These new literacies are those that will keep our students competitive in our increasingly global society. Being literate has become so much more than just learning how to read and write. A combination of visual, audio, and textual elements have become the norm, literacy requires students to be fluent in decoding and creating each. Students must be able to speak, write, read, and express ideas creatively while communicating them in new ways. 21st century literacy encourages student interaction with a community of learners, learning should not take place in a vacuum. Because we are preparing students for a world that doesnʼt yet exist with the exponential growth of information and global economies; we need students who can think critically, problem solve, collaborate, and act creatively. The cornerstone of 21st century literacy is promoting self directed learners. Many believe that 21st century literacy is all about technology. Technology is a piece of this literacy, but it isnʼt the most important piece. Simply injecting technology into a classroom is not going to give us smarter students. Our students have a natural propensity toward discovery. We need to tap into this curiosity and discovery behavior. If we merely view our students as receivers of information, then technology really doesnʼt make any difference to the educational environment. We need to see students as learners and creators, only then will technology begin to lead toward 21st century literacy.

Mrs. Hebert, Mrs. Graybill, Mrs. Nelson, Mr. Austin, Mrs. Onesty, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Yansak. These are the teachers who shaped me as a lifelong learner. I grew up in the 20th century and yet I had some incredible teachers who taught me those skills that we now consider 21st century literacies. These teachers didnʼt just impart knowledge. These educators were masters, engaging me in my learning. They taught me how to think, how to question, how to be creative. Rest assured, you can be an amazing teacher without using technologies if you are fostering students as learners. But, also know that any teacher who is not using appropriate technologies is not fully preparing students for their future. It is our job to take an honest look at our classrooms and ask: are we preparing our students to be literate members of society? << iLearn


21st Century Skills Learn Question

Critical Thinking Discover


Create Innovation

Problem Solving

Express Ideas Creatively

Present ideas using various forms of media and Web 2.0 tools

Collaborate Team Work 7

Develop cross-cultural awareness



IS BEST FOR YOUR CLASSROOM? With four iPod models to choose from, find the one that will best meet your classroom needs.

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While the iPod shuffle is the smallest of the iPods, its portability, price, and clip anywhere feature make it an attractive option for many classrooms. The shuffle is perfect for reading buddies, lecture review, and vocabulary practice. The low price makes the shuffle a great introductory iPod for the classroom.







Battery Life

Up to 10 hours of music playback


None, the iPod shuffle doesn’t have a display, instead it has a VoiceOver feature that tells the song title, artist names, and names of playlists. The controls for the shuffle are found on the earbuds.

Charge Time

3 hours for a complete charge, 2 hours for a fast charge (80% capacity)

Audio Support

ACC, Protected ACC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible formats 2,3, and 4, Apple Lossless, WAV, and AIFF



iPod shuffle 9


Don’t let the small size of the nano fool you, this little iPod can do some amazing things! The nano has a built in accelerometer, video, audio, photos, slideshows, and games. Spoken menus allow visually impaired students to use the nano with ease. When captions are present in videos, they can be viewed in a legible, high contrast white on black font. The nano can be used for portable learning in any subject, educational games and quizzes are available. The slideshow capabilities make it perfect for content review of any kind.










Battery Life

Up to 24 hours of music playback and 4 hours of video playback


2 inch color LCD with LED backlight

Charge Time

3 hours for a full charge or 1.5 hour for a fast charge (80% capacity)

Audio Support

ACC, Protected ACC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible formats 2,3, and 4, Apple Lossless, WAV, and AIFF

Photo Support

Syncs iPod-viewable photos in JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PSD, and PNG formats

Video Support

H.264, .mp4, .mov, .m4v, MPEG-4 video


1.3 oz

iPod nano iLearn


The classic is the bulkiest of the iPods (if 4.9 oz can be considered bulky). The classic has many of the features that make the nano great including audio, video, photos, slideshows, and games and quiz capabilities (iQuiz comes loaded). The added bonus for the classic? A bigger video screen, and significantly more storage. You could load the classic with a years worth of learning material for students. The classic’s size makes it more comfortable for viewing slideshows and text than the nano.







Battery Life

Up to 36 hours of music playback; up to 6 hours of video playback


2.5 inch color LCD with LED backlight

Charge Time

4 hours for full charge, 2 hour fast charge (80% capacity)

Audio Support

ACC, Protected ACC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible formats 2,3, and 4, Apple Lossless, WAV, and AIFF

Photo Support

Syncs iPod-viewable photos in JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PSD, and PNG formats

Video Support

H.264, .mp4, .mov, .m4v, MPEG-4 video


4.9 oz

iPod classic 11


“The funnest iPod ever!” said Steve Jobs in the release keynote of the iPod Touch (expect ‘funnest’ to be added to the dictionary in the near future). The touch is the funnest iPod with its inclusion of a multi-touch display, Internet, wifi access, accelerometer, video, audio, calendar, photos, calculator, weather, notes, and (drum roll please) apps! The applications available for the touch are ever expanding and have the potential for interactive mobile learning that is unmatched.













Battery Life

Up to 36 hours of audio playback and up to 6 hours of video playback


3.5 inch widescreen multi-touch display. The most interactive of the iPods.

Charge Time

4 hours for a complete charge, 2 hours for a fast charge (80% capacity)

Audio Support

ACC, Protected ACC, MP3, MP3 VBR, Audible formats 2,3, and 4, Apple Lossless, WAV, and AIFF

Photo Support

Syncs iPod-viewable photos in JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PSD, and PNG formats

Video Support

mP4, . mov files, MPEG 4, and H.264 video.


4.05 oz.

iPod touch iLearn


A p p l e Learning Interchange Content ALI features educator created lessons and activities that boast movies, images, and podcasts. Find special collections from content providers. Search collections by topic or by the technology used. Network Join ALI’s social network for educators where you can meet with colleagues from around the world and find peers with a variety of content areas. Collaborate Use ALI’s web 2.0 tools to engage with others, create your own groups, share content, news, polls, and conversations. 13


Mo bile

6 amazing ways that the iPod takes learning mobile


iPods introduce an incredible dynamic to learning...mobility. No longer are students constrained to the four walls of the classroom or the hours of the school day. Today kids can take their learning with them, making it possible to carry around an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) right in their pocket! Students can learn in a manner that meets their specific needs at their specific level. What other learning tool allows struggling students to pause, stop, rewind, and replay instruction as needed? What other learning tool makes it possible to reach each student and address their iLearn

individual needs simultaneously? In addition to increased learning, using iPods as a learning tool proves to be highly motivating and exciting for the students using them. Get ready to revolutionize the way that your students learn with 6 ways that the iPod take learning mobile.

1. Podcasts What they can do: Podcasts are perhaps the most popular use for iPods in education. Podcasts can serve many purposes from acting as a reading buddy for a struggling > 14

reader, to re-instructing a student on a new math concept, elaborating on difficult science concepts, or recording a lesson for an absent student to review later. One of the most useful features of the podcast is the ability to catalogue them, building a library that can be added to and used from year to year. Parents, volunteers, and students can help record these podcasts taking some of the work load off of the classroom teacher. Podcasts can be shared among teams, grade levels, and with a wider audience on iTunes. Why: Teachers can personalize instruction by syncing student iPods with the saved library content that meets their specific learning needs throughout the year. Students can record and play back a podcast of themselves reading or speaking to improve fluency, annunciation, or to practice a foreign language. The immediate feedback is perfect for struggling readers and students in speech therapy. How: Podcasts can be recorded by phone, using software, or using a voice recorder connected to the iPod. Recording by phone is simple with free online services such as Gabcast http:// or phone. This is a handy option for teachers who may not be comfortable with computers, or parents who want to help from work or home. GarageBand has the ability to make the most impressive podcasts providing the ability to include pictures, sound effects, jingles, and more. GarageBand is the option to use for 15

podcasts that will be used regularly year after year. Recording directly to the iPod is a nice option for students and teachers. Using a third party voice recorder, students and teachers can record directly to the iPod and immediately replay the recording. Third party recorders can be purchased for $10- $40 and are easy to use. (See page 18 for recorders) iTunes U is an outstanding resource for k-12 learning, the podcast library is constantly growing with ready made educational content and can be downloaded for free.

2. Slideshows What they can do: The Nano, Classic, and Touch iPods have the ability to play slideshows. Students can practice sight words or a foreign language through a slideshow that displays the word with audio. Read along stories can be created in a slideshow format to guide struggling readers. Teaching can be recorded and combined with the slideshow that accompanied it for review or to be sent home with students who were absent. Customized flash card sets can be created in Keynote or GarageBand for students to practice with anywhere. Why: These iPods add an additional layer of personalized learning and are the perfect companion for visual learners. Learning is enhanced when audio is blended with a visual counterpart. >

How: Slideshows can be created using iPhoto, GarageBand, or Keynote. Website Tar Heel Reader also has the ability to create e-book/ slideshows that can be downloaded onto the iPod. Tar Heel Reader has easy readers that can be speech enabled. There are hundreds of easy readers to download, but the site also allows teachers and students to create their own readers.

3. Videos What they can do: The video iPods can play mp4, .mov, m4v, and MPEG-4 video formats. Videos can be used for everything from math simulations and science experiments to phonics songs and tutorials. Illustrate lessons with a mashup of videos that accompany teaching. Step by step instructional videos can be created for special needs students who benefit from having processes broken down again and again. Why: Videos can be used to customize any lesson. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, a video is worth a million or more. Videos help students understand difficult concepts that a picture can始t do justice to. How: There is an incredible number of educational videos on video sharing sites like YouTube. Because these videos play using Flash, they have to be downloaded and converted into an iPod ready format. These videos can be made iPod ready easily using conversion tools like http://,, http://,, or You can create your own videos, or create a mashup of videos using iMovie or 16

4. Text Files & e Books What they can do: The Nano, Classic, and Touch have the ability to view text files, and e-books. E-books are most readily available for the Touch but if you can convert the e-book into a text file, it can be displayed on the Nano or the Classic as well. E-books allow students to carry around several books with them everywhere they go. Many e-book readers for the Touch provide extra features such as highlighting, annotations, and include an integrated dictionary. Font sizes and type can be adjusted to fit the needs and preferences of the student. Some e-books include animated images or multimedia clips. iPods allow for e-books to be read in low light or in the dark. Many e-books are free or can be purchased for a lower price than their traditional counterparts. Why: E-books can make reading less overwhelming for a struggling or reluctant reader. It can be daunting to hold a 200 page book in your hands. With an e-book, students read one small page at a time without being reminded of how far they have to go. E-books are highly portable making it easy for students to read on the go and when they have snipits of time (waiting in line with mom at the grocery store). Classroom lecture notes can be saved as a text file to be read and reviewed by students anywhere. >

How: E-books are easily found. has a great selection of kids e-books including Junie B. Jones, Magic Treehouse, Harry Potter, and Twilight. eReader is a Barnes and Noble company. Most books are for sale but they do have a selection of free e-book classics. has 35 free classics as well as a free dictionary of world history, an English to Spanish dictionary, and English dictionary. is a collection of free e-books. There are 1,678 young reader e-books that are available in multiple file formats. Audio books are also available for free on Many Books. has text and books that can be downloaded to the iPod for free. Text on Phone has approximately 3,000 free e-books. In order to view e-books on the Nano or Classic, they must first be converted to a text file. allows you to convert e-books into text files that can be viewed in iPod notes. Register at and RSS feeds can be converted into iPod notes as well. Software can be purchased to create your own e-books. e-book Studio for Macs ($29.95) is one such software. With ebook Studio for Macs, e-books can be created that can be read using the eReader application on the Touch. The software makes it easy to design the navigation of a document, format it, add images, and cut and paste from other text documents. Speakaboos is a reading site for primary students. offers free downloads of an interactive e-story book for the iPod. Additionally, interactive e-books can be purchased from Speakaboos. 17

5. Internet What it can do: The iPod Touch is the only iPod with an Internet browser. The Touch can connect automatically to a WiFi network within range. Why: Increasingly, websites are creating a mobile version of their site to be viewed on mobile devices like the iPod. Having a portable Internet connection makes it easy for students to research, play educational learning games, and create everywhere. Google Docs now has a mobile version where students can navigate through their folders and view their word processing documents, and spreadsheets. Sites like Zoho even have mobile, browser-based database software allowing students to collect data on the go (science teachers rejoice). How: The Touch comes with the Internet browser Safari. Many websites now have a mobile version some of the best are,, http:// Websites like allow you to squeeze any webpage into a iPod friendly form within the Safari iPod browser.

6. Applications What they can do: Applications take advantage of the iPod Touch features including the multi-touch, accelerometer, 3-D graphics, and sound. They can do everything from transforming the Touch into a tape measure to quizzing students on math facts through fun, interactive games. Why: Applications make learning highly engaging for students. Many educationally >

related applications are free making them easy to use in the classroom (no waiting on special application funding!). Each application has something unique to add to education. How: Check out Application article starting on page 20 for free applications to use in your classroom. Applications can be downloaded from iTunes and synced with the Touch, or downloaded from the App Store directly to the Touch. <<

Recording with the iPod Add functionality to your classroom iPods with a voice recorder. With different price points and compatibility, there is a voice recorder for every classroom.


Griffin iTalk Pro

Macally iVoicePro

$ 20


Belkin iPod Voice Recorder

Switcheasy Thumb Tack Voice Recorder



DLO VoiceNote

Griffin SmartTalk



just released

Pickinʼ Stix Itʼs modern twist on a timeless favorite. Enjoy the classic game of Pick-Up-Sticks adapted for your iPhone or iPod Touch. “If they can figure out a way to get a kid to give the iPhone back to you after youʼve let them play a while, theyʼll have it made! - Head to the iTunes App Store today and pickup Pickinʼ Stix.



the best FREE apps for education

Math 21

AFactor Tree- A guide to prime factorization and its use in finding the least common multiple, greatest common factor, or greatest common divisor. Topics include: building factor trees, prime factorization, Finding the LCM, GCF, or GCD. Perfect for homework help and self directed study.

ArithmeTick Lite- A math flash card game. Solve addition problems against the clock before time runs out.

Basic Math- A drill and practice app that helps build math foundational skills including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Varying degrees of difficulty for students under the age of 12.

Guess It- a great little app to help students understand numbers and greater than or less than concept. Student guess a number and are told if the number guessed is to high, low, or the same.

iMath Test Lite- A practice app for math basics.

Math Drills Lite- A graphically rich app that helps students learn basic math skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students can explore solutions to problems using number lines, wooden blocks, facts, and hints.

Math 22

Ruler- Use the Touch as a ruler. Measure an object by placing it on the screen or right next to it. Students can switch between centimeters and inches. The ruler always saves the last measurement.

miTables Lite- A fun way for students to learn multiplication tables. Provides a flash card type environment for students to practice multiplication. Any incorrectly guessed problems are repeated.

Pop Math Lite- This is an excellent game for students to practice their basic addition facts. Students pop bubbles with numbers and matching fact. As students progress through levels, numbers increase.

Sudoku (Free)- Number puzzles with four different skill levels. Provides students with immediate feedback with incorrect answers in red.

TanZen Lite- Solve classic tangram puzzles by combining seven geometric pieces into a shape. This version comes with 36 puzzles to solve with varying difficulty levels.

Tell Time LT- Three different clock faces are displayed and a time is spoken aloud, students choose the clock face with the matching time. Choose from analog or digital clocks.

Math 23

To Roman Converter- Convert an Arabic number to a Roman numeral with this app. Conversion goes from -4000 to 4000. The app converts in both directions.

HiCalc Lite- This app includes an arithmetic, trigonometry, and tip calculator. It supports string mode, fraction mode, precision to 31 digits, history for saving expressions, complex numbers, and smart input for complicated expressions.

Quick Graph- A graphic calculator that allows students to plot equations. It can plot 2D and 3D equations using all of the standard graphic coordinates. Up to 3 equations can be visualized simultaneously. There is a library for commonly used equations, pinch to zoom, drag to rotate or move, and shake to reset view to original state.

TapeMeasure!- This app displays a tape measure across the screen. Switch between inches and centimeters by shaking the iPod. A simple application for measuring.

Dominosa Lite- A dominos logic puzzle app. Puts students problem solving skills, logic, and pattern recognition to the test.

Peg Jump- A virtual version of the wooden puzzle game. Start with one empty hole and jump other pegs to remove pieces. The goal is to have only one peg remaining.


123始s Free- Students practice counting to 10 in English. Listen to each number as it is viewed on the screen.

Math Match Lite- Helps students practice basic addition, success is rewarded with cute animal pictures and a fortune.

Crazy Math Challenge LiteCombine numbers and operators to match the goal number before time runs out. Add, multiply, divide, and subtract to get to the goal number.

Mathemagics Lite- Students learn to multiply, divide, and square at lightning fast speed by practicing tricks of mental math calculation. Master these 3 tricks: square numbers in the 50始s, quickly multiply by 11, and quickly divide by 5. Also trains the brain to break down problems into smaller more manageable pieces.

Formulus Free- A simple to navigate collection of formulas for algebra, geometry, derivatives, graphing, hyperbolics, integrals, limits and continuity, matrices, series and sequences, trigonometry, and vectors.

miTables Lite- Learn multiplication tables with these interactive flash cards.



Lemonade Tycoon- Students learn how to run a lemonade empire by choosing the location, recipes, advertising, staff, and control the weather for success.


Brain Thaw Lite- A puzzle game that will keep students on their toes. Students play Newton, the cleverest penguin in the land who loves to snack on digits. Eat the right numbers to solve each puzzle according to a given math rule. Great for improving mental arithmetic.

Math Quizzer- An interactive way to learn and boost skills in addition, subtraction, multiplication , and division.


Prism Lite- Simulates lasers going through prisms using Snell始s law. By moving the light source, students can calculate entry and exit angles. Choose different environments and shapes to test.

Pet Earth Lite- Students take care of the earth by fixing disasters and finding polluters. They can buy or earn trees and plant them on Pet earth. This app has ads, the revenue goes toward planting real trees world wide.

Formul8 Lite- Includes the most used formulas for Algebra, Calculus, Science, and Chemistry. Formu8 also converges formulas with facts.

iSolarSystem Clock- A representation of the solar system with an analog clock.

PVme My Solar EnergyTransforms the Touch into a solar power calculator that estimates the solar PV system wattage size needed to lower a electricity bill based on Kilowatt-Hours and location.

Stars- Displays the 88 constellations in the sky. Touch the screen and watch the universe move. A handheld planetarium!


Science 27

Meteors Lite- Particles are attracted to a black hole, add different elements to the simulation to see planets get formed and planets grow. Particles react to each other. A physics engine tracks individual particles for a realistic simulation.

ez Units- An easy to use unit converter. Supporting units include: area, length, pressure, temperature, volume, and weight. Big number pad interface and shake to clear function make this app simple to use.

Planets- Identify planets in the sky, and predict when a planet will be visible. Facts about the solar system include location of sun, moon, planets; rise and set times of sun and moon; civil, nautical, and astronomic twilight times; current and future moon phases; miscellaneous planetary information; and rotatable globe showing day and night.

Units- Easily convert area, currency, energy, temperature, time, length, weight, speed, pressure, power, volume, and data storage. Units also has a built in ruler.

Language arts

ABC Match- A matching game that will help student learn letters and sounds of the alphabet. Choose uppercase letters for the tiles, or upper with lowercase pairs.

ABCpaint Lite- This app lets students 驶paint始 letters. This is great practice for forming letters.

Blanks- This application helps students learn new English words. It displays a definition and offers 4 choices as an answer. Select the choice by dragging it onto the hole in the 驶paper始.

BookShelfLT- Carry up to 10 books at a time in this ebook reader. Supports ebooks in plain text, HTML, Palm, FB2, and several other formats.

eReader- An ereader that lets students download and read ebooks. This app lets you upload personal content or ebooks from any website. Customize the reader to fit student preferences of text size, page flip, etc. Hold down on a word to look it up in the dictionary, highlight or add a note.

iThesaurus- A thesaurus app with access to over 140,000 different words and ability to access definitions as well. Contains both synonyms and antonyms.


Language arts More than 275,000 definitions and 80,000 synonyms. No internet connection needed. The app also features audio pronunciations, similarly spelled words, and word of the day.


Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen- A collection of 132 fairy tales including: The Angel, The Bell, The Emperor始s New Clothes, The Fir Tree, The Happy Family, The Little Match Girl, The Little Mermaid, The Nightingale, The Princess and the Pea, and many more.

Idiom Dictionary- A browsable idiom dictionary for English as a second language students or any student.

ICDL Books for Children- A collection of 4 books from the International Children始s Digital Library that are beautifully illustrated. Two books from the US, one from Palestine, and one from Mongolia each in English.

iFlash- a flash card stack for students learning to read. Contains flash cards for the alphabet, numbers, and simple word blends teaching students how to sound out words and recognize patterns.

Word Scramble- Find words in a jumbled grid (like a word search).

Language arts

PocketPhonics Lite- Teaches six letter sounds, visually demonstrates how to write each letter and encourages students to trace with their finger, and a words game that teaches how to sound out and spell over 20 frequently used words. (The full paid version of this app is worth it!)

Kindle for iPhone- Read Kindle books using the Touch. Allows students to adjust text size, add bookmarks, and view annotations.

Stanza- Read ebooks on the Touch. Purchase books or download one of 50,000 free classics and recent original works from Project Gutenberg. Students can have all their reading for the year in this application!

SightWords Free- A collection of high frequency words flash card app. Memorizing sight words is a great complement to learning words phonetically and using phonics techniques.

Spel it Rite- Trains students ability to recognize misspelled words. The object is to identify as many typos as fast as possible. Contains 304 of the most commonly misspelled words.

Spell It 2-3-4-5 (Lite)- An app that teaches students how to spell 2-5 letter words. Practice and quiz mode, each word is spoken and used in a sentence, each letter is spoken as typed. 30

Language arts 31

Alice in Wonderland- Read this Lewis Carroll classic with the iFlow reader.

Shakespeare- Full high quality text of 40 plays. Searchable concordance makes it easy to search the complete works.

Audiobook- Treasure Island- A full unabridged audiobook of Robert Louis Stevensonʼs Treasure Island. Full text of the novel scrolls in sync with the narration for easy reference.

Word Families Free- Contains 10 commonly used word families. Students can press the “say the word” button to listen to the word as they read it.


All The Countries- Application with detailed information about all the countries of the world. Information includes: flag, current ruler, area, population, capital, religion, literacy rate, economy, and government.

Compass Free- A measuring instrument that indicates the cardinal points under the sunlight.

Countries LE (Europe)European countries fact book with capitals and flags quiz game. Facts about geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, flags and maps, and quizzes.

Google Earth- Students can hold the whole world in their hands. Explore the same imagery available in the desktop version. Tilt iPod to adjust view, browse thousands of geo-located photos from around the world. View geo located Wikipedia articles.

GPS Tracker- A free real-time GPS tracking service. Use it to track iPod online with Google Maps, positions are updated every 5 seconds. Record up to 100,000 positions.

States&Capitals Free- An easy way to learn the first 13 states and capitals. This app has flash cards for each of the original 13 states with its capital and flag, voice pronunciations for each state and capital, and a link to Google Maps for each state. 32


Constitution- Students can access the US Constitution in its entirety including the Preamble to the Bill of Rights.

History Maps of World- View 20 high quality historical maps of the world.

Today in History Lite- Learn about notable events that happened each day. Hundreds of entries every day with Wikipedia links for each entry. An internet connection is required.

USA Factbook Free- US facts for all 50 states, facts about the country in general, maps of the US including names, highways, ancestry, territorial acquisitions, topographical, and music maps.

Today始s History Lite- Displays what happened on today始s date in history. The app changes each day.



Speller- Free Spell CheckerStudents can check the spellings of English words and come up with suggestions for misspelled words. The customizable dictionary lets you choose from American, British, or Canadian English.

TextFree Lite- Send free texts from the Touch to any US mobile phone. This could be used as a 驶clicker始 to make lessons interactive with immediate feedback from students during learning.

Skype- Free calls and instant messages to anyone else on Skype. Use for classroom to classroom collaboration, expert to classroom communication, or in a classroom setting as a clicker to make lessons interactive with immediate feedback from students. Students could text their answers during a lesson to a teacher account.

myHomework- Allows students to keep track of homework, classes, projects, and tests. Quickly enter a class schedule and use it to further organize homework assignments. Late assignments show up in red and next day assignments are marked in orange.

Response Ware- A response technology that allows students to use the touch to respond to interactive Turning Point polling questions that are presented during a class through Wi-Fi.

Smart Time Class ScheduleHelps students organize and prioritize tasks, assignments, and appointments in a simple day view.


Productivity 35

Whiteboard: Collaboration- A collaborative drawing tool that allows 2 Touch devices to create pictures together over Wi-Fi. The peer to peer networking feature also enables some multiplayer games like Connect 4, Tic-TacToe, Dots, and more.

Animoto Videos- Transforms pictures on the Touch into music videos.

BlogWriter Lite- Blog from the Touch to services such as Google Blogger, WordPress, and MetaWeblog enabled blogs. The lite version limits to text blog only.

Documents Free- Allows students to edit and manage spreadsheet and text files from the Touch. Files can be synchronized to Google Documents account and opened on a Mac or PC using any major office suite.

Evernote- This app lets students take text notes, photo notes, or audio notes that sync with Mac, PC, or web. All notes include geolocation information for mapping and search.

iSpreadsheet Free- Allows students to edit spreadsheets with Google Docs integration. Manage both online and offline worksheets, execute complex arithmetic formulas, unlimited rows and up to 26 columns, cell formatting, column resizing, copy and paste, fluid graphics, and familiar interface.


iTalk Recorder- A voice recorder application, when combined with a Apple stereo headset turns the Touch into a voice recorder. Recordings are saved for replay on the Touch or use iTalk Sync to drag and drop high quality AIFF files to computer.

Fliq Tasks- All in one task management app that lets students manage their school life. Sort tasks by due date, priority, name, or category. Send tasks to iCal over Wi-Fi.

Google Mobile App- The fastest way to search Google. Search by voice, tap suggested web search queries that appear as a student types, search history, finds the current location.

Files lite- Students can store and view documents on the Touch, transferring from any Mac or PC. Storage limit of 200 MB. View most common file types including Microsoft Office, PDF, image, movie, and audio files.

Fliq Docs- Send, receive, view, organize and share files with other Fliq users over Wi-Fi. View file types including Microsoft Office, iWork documents, Adobe PDF, text files, web pages, photos and image files, music and audio files, and videos.

Fliq Notes- A note taking app that lets students create and categorize notes and memos and send to other Fliq users. Search notes for any word or term, sort by name, date or category.



Art Lite- A fact book and quiz game of great artists and their masterpieces. Features Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cezanne, Rembrant, and Vincent van Gogh. View more than 100 works of art in a slideshow.

Art Puzzle LITE- 3 applications in one, an art puzzle, art quiz, and art wallpapers. A collection of famous art masterpieces, information about every painting, 4 levels of difficulty.

iDoodle2 lite- A drawing application for the Touch. Draw in an array of colors. Replay drawings and save to the photo library.

Pocket Artist Lite- Create realistic oil paintings out of any image. The app emulates the whole painting process and animates it for students. Save paintings or send them as emails.

Art Gallery- View over 7,500 pieces of art, save art to the photo album, view in landscape or portrait mode. Search for an artist, title, or date.



Better Brain Lite- Practice a challenging memory task while simultaneously remembering audio and visual elements. Improve fluid intelligence while building reasoning and problem solving skills.

Brain Tuner Lite- An app to get the brain in shape with a math game. Similar to the popular brain age type game.

Brain + Get Smarter!- Spend 5 minutes a day to improve memory and the ability to count numbers. One training mode with 200 levels.

Free Translator- An application that provides an interface for the Touch to the free Google Translate for a variety of languages.

USA Today- The latest news stories, sports scores, and weather from USA Today. Browse headlines and read stories from news, money, sports, life, tech, and travel.

Vocab Wiz SAT VocabularyFeatures 200+ frequently tested SAT vocabulary words. Flash cards, audio pronunciations of all the words and definitions, example sentences demonstrating proper usage of each word with a play and quiz mode.


Apple iPod Learning Lab Sync and charge multiple iPod players at one time!

Learning labs include: • 20 silver 80GB iPod Classic players • A Bretford PowerSync Cart for iPods • A Getting Started Guide for iPod and iTunes. Or build your own custom Learning lab! Visit for more details and pricing quotes

Features: Bretford Power Sync Cart for iPod • Sync up to 20 iPod or iPod nano players at once • Charge up to 40 iPod or iPod nano players at once. • Two drawers, each with 20 padded compartments. • Charging status light indicators on each compartment. • Roll up doors and reprogrammable combination lock for theft protection.

Featured Blogs edu.Mac.nation A site dedicated to sharing news, information, and tutorials related to Apple products and software. Find news and tutorials on the iPod, software, hardware, and Apple in education.

Learning in Hand An educator’s resource for using iPods, and other handheld devices, in education. Find useful software collections, the best web links, complete lesson plans, tutorials, and an informative blog. 39


D i g i t a l Storytelling with

Photo Booth

Photo Booth makes it simple for students (k-12) to tell their stories digitally. 40

Lesson: Digital Storytelling Materials: • Drawing software (Skitch, Kerpoof Doodle, Shidonni, Tux Paint, Kid Pix, etc.) • Photo Booth (version 2.0.2 or newer) • Pages Digital Storytelling Storyboard template • iSight camera or webcam • Microphone • A piece of student writing ready to be published • iMovie (optional) • Internet access (Fliggo account • Digital Storytelling Rubric created with DigiTales evaluating/scoring_guide ISTE Standards Met: • 1. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: • a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. • b. create original works as a means of personal expression. • 2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. • b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats. • 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students: • b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. • 6. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: • a. understand and use technology systems. • b. select and use applications effectively and productively. • d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. 41

Technology Skills: digital drawing, typing, basics of Photo Booth, screen shot short cut, recording video, uploading to a website, basics of iMovie (optional) Overview: Students will take a piece of original writing and turn it into a digital story with a mixture of student created art, video, and student narration using Photo Booth. Students will ‘illustrate’ their digital story background using a computer drawing program such as Skitch, Kid Pix, Tux Paint,, or Introduction: Give students an overview of the lesson. Introduce students to the various tools they will be using to turn their original piece of writing into a digital story (drawing program, Photo Booth, Fliggo, and iMovie). Students will be creating artwork that acts as the background of their digital story. Next, students will record themselves telling their stories using Photo Booth with the picture they created showing behind them. Finally, students will share their digital story by uploading to a video sharing website (Fliggo). Instructional Input: Students will open the Pages digital storytelling template to create a storyboard for their digital story. Students will type their story onto the story board. This is where students will decide how many illustrations they will create for their digital story. Save the updated storyboard. Students will create illustrations for their digital story. The illustrations can be created in programs such as Skitch (, Tux Paint (, Kerpoof Doodle (, or Shidonni ( As students complete their illustrations, they should take a screen shot of their drawing to save the picture file to the desktop. To take a screen shot, students will hold down the command, shift and 4 key and drag the mouse to ‘take a picture’ of the screen. Students will repeat these steps until they have created backgrounds for each scene of their digital story. Students will drag and drop the picture files from their desktop to the appropriate spot on their storyboard. Students can print out a copy of the storyboard to use as a script or open Photo Booth next to their storyboard. In Photo Booth, students will choose the video capturing option. In “Effects” students will choose the fourth set of effects which allows them to drag backdrops into Photo Booth. Students will drag the pictures they created to Photo Booth. Each backdrop represents another scene of the digital story movie. Students will choose their first backdrop effect and record themselves telling their story. For each new scene, they will stop recording, choose their next backdrop illustration, and start recording again. (a stand microphone is helpful to capture student reading.) Students will drag their completed video recordings from Photo Booth onto the desktop. These videos can be uploaded directly to a video sharing site like Fliggo ( or imported into iMovie and edited together into one video with additional effects, titles, sound effects, etc. 42

Differentiation of Instruction: This digital storytelling lesson is appropriate for students from kindergarten through twelfth grades. In the primary grades, students should only create one background and record their story as one video. The final video clip can be uploaded directly to a video sharing site. For secondary, middle, and high school students, you may choose to have them create multiple backgrounds and “scenes” for their digital story. These scenes can be imported into iMovie to create one video. Extension Activities: Students can import their digital story into iMovie and add video and sound effects, titles, and transitions to their story. Assessment: Students will be assessed based on the Digital Storytelling Rubric created using DigiTales. DigiTales has scoring guides based on what kind of writing led to the digital story, and what personal expression traits you want to grade. Use the DigiTales scoring guide to create a custom rubric that will best fit your needs. evaluating/scoring_guide.php

Digital Storytelling Web Tools • • • • • • 43

Engaging and Comprehensive Training Learning to use Apple products for teaching and learning just got easier with Apple Media Series. Now K-12 educators and students can access engaging how-to videos and follow step-by-step guides to learn to use Apple products. Practicing a product’s features with the included media helps build skills quickly and enables success when integrating into curriculum and learning projects. The Perfect Companions for iLife ’08 and iWork ’08 Apple Media Series: iLife ’08 for the Classroom provides just-in-time learning on the suite of tools that comes with every Mac: iPhoto, iMovie, GarageBand for podcasting, iDVD, and iWeb. With these digital authoring tools, educators can design learning activities that empower students to create and share media-rich digital projects. Apple Media Series: iWork ’08 for the Classroom offers comprehensive training for the compelling publishing and presentation tools in iWork ’08: Pages for producing professional looking documents, Numbers for creating spreadsheets, tables, and charts, and Keynote for developing high-quality presentations. Educators and students will be able to use these powerful productivity tools to better share and communicate information, ideas, and projects. Learning iLife ’08 and iWork ’08 has never been easier, more effective, or more affordable.

Buy now on the Apple online store, or call 800-800-2775 to speak with an Apple Education representative. 44

iVerb Students learn about action verbs by creating a poster in Pages


Lesson: iVerb Materials: • Stock photos of actions in a shared folder • Pages • Internet access and h4QEzJe6_ok/Grammar-Rock-Verb/0/ • Optional: projector/interactive whiteboard ISTE Standards Met: • 1. Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: • a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. • b. create original works as a means of personal expression. • 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making: Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students: • b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project. • 6. Technology Operations and Concepts: Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: • a. understand and use technology systems. • b. select and use applications effectively and productively. • d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. Technology Skills: importing images, digital drawing, following digital directions, basics of Pages software Overview: Students will demonstrate their understanding of action verbs by creating an iVerb poster displaying an action in Pages. Introduction: Introduce students to action verbs. Watch the School House Rock grammar video “Verbs”. Encourage students to think of as many action words as they can, list these on a whiteboard or chart paper. 46

Instructional Input: Students will be following step-by-step online directions to complete this project. They can choose to view the directions with audio and images or text and images. Before students begin the project, show them the iPod video commercial on http:// Explain to students that they will be using this commercial as inspiration to make an iVerb poster. Lead students through the iVerb website paying special attention to the video instructions or step-by-step instructions. Students can choose which instructions to follow based on individual learning needs. Directions for creating the iVerb poster: 1. Open Pages and choose the Blank Page Template.

2. Choose a picture from the iVerb picture pages. Drag the picture from the Internet and drop it on the blank Pages page.


Directions for creating the iVerb poster continued: 3. Resize the picture so that it fills the page. (It is easier to trace if the image is bigger.) 4. Choose the tracing tool from the Objects button.

5. Start tracing around your object, be very careful to only click your mouse once, if you click twice, you will have to start over.

Sometimes the tracing will cover up the picture so that you can’t see where to click next, keep going. Click where you think the next part of the picture is.


Directions for creating the iVerb poster continued:

6. Click on “Colors” in the tool bar. Choose black, drag and drop the black on top of the picture you just traced.

7. Click on the original picture and press the “delete” key. All that should be left is the picture that you traced.


Directions for creating the iVerb poster continued: 8. Click on “Objects� in the toolbar and select the square shape.

9. Stretch the square so that it covers the picture you just traced.

10. Choose a bright color from the crayon box. Drag and drop onto the square.


Directions for creating the iVerb poster continued: 11. Select you square by clicking on it. Click on “Arrange” in the menu bar, select “Send to Back”. The square should layer behind your picture.

12. Select “Object” in the toolbar and click on “text”. Type your iVerb word in the text box. (For example: iJump, iSkate, iSing) Click on the “Font” button in the toolbar and change the size and font of your text. Change the color of the text to white.

13. Print out your finished poster.


Differentiation of Instruction: Allow students to choose the directions they will follow on Students who struggle with reading instructions can use the video instructions, pausing as needed. Extension Activities: Instead of creating outlines of a stock action photo, allow students to take a picture of themselves in PhotoBooth to trace. Students can take their own action shot for the iVerb lesson. Students could also use a picture of themselves as the basis for an auto bio poem (iName). These short bio-posters are excellent for a beginning of the year getting to know you project. Assessment: Students will be assessed on the completed poster. Did students follow all directions? Did they choose a picture that showed an action word?

Post student posters around the classroom to reference during grammar instruction.








Managing a Computer Lab Helpful tips and tricks for keeping your computer lab organized

Computer labs can be difficult to set up as both functional and appealing workspaces. The number of students and variety of age levels make it a challenge to set up so that it will meet the variety of needs. Here are my solutions for creating a lab that works. 1. Assign each student to a computer workspace. This makes it easy to take 53

attendance, keep students accountable for their use of the equipment, and makes it easier to get to know your students. I use little 3-M clips on each computer to hold a student name tag. These make it easy to see where students are sitting. On the back of student name tags, are student usernames and passwords. This is

important for younger students who may struggle with remembering a username and password from week to week. I also use these name tags as a behavior chart. If students are following directions and on task I put a sticker on the name tag. At the end of the semester I send name tags home for parents to see. iLearn







Display student work

Student name tags

MacBook box drawer


2. Use the materials that you 3. Create bulletin boards 4. Create a timeline of have. A few years ago the that support student technology. In my lab, I school bought a new learning in the computer have a history of Apple. MacBook lab. As we were lab. The bulletin boards This gives students a unpacking computers I should be entertaining as visual of just how far noticed how nice the boxes well as contain important technology has come. they came in were. I cut information like Internet Involve students in the top off of the boxes and safety, tips for blogging, creating the new additions labeled the handle of the frequently visited to the timeline. box with the seat number. websites, typing 5. Display student work. Students use these as guidelines, and student Students take a lot of pride drawers underneath the created work. There aren’t in what they are creating computers. These drawers a lot of ready-made in class. Give them the make for easy access to bulletin board sets for opportunity to have their rubrics, pencils, flash technology, be creative and creations recognized. In drives, headphones, and come up with boards that my lab I have a score CD’s. work for your classroom. iLearn








board for grains of rice earned by each class on, a hall of fame board for my Typing Olympics winners, and iVerb posters. 6.

How to Grow a Blog

Oh The Places We’ll Go On The Internet Super Highway


Use Your Netsmartz Internet Safety Rules

Free Rice Score Board

Typing Olympics

Watch Out for the Webville Outlaws

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.