Student Friendly 6th

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RL 6.1

I can tell others about what I read including exact quotes and citing specific examples. I can make inferences about what I read.

I can tell what the themes or main ideas of what I am reading are. I can explain how details support that theme or main idea. I can summarize without including my own opinions.

RL 6.3

I can tell about how a story develops and how the characters in the story respond or change throughout the story. I can talk about how the characters change as they move toward resolution.

RL 6.4

I can figure out the meaning of words and phrases I don’t know including figurative and connotative meanings (symbolic or added meaning). I can tell about the effect that word choice has on meaning and tone. RL 6.5

I can think about and explain how a sentence, chapter or scene helps tell the story. I can explain how it adds to the development of the story’s setting, theme or plot.

RL 6.6

I can explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a story, poem or drama.

Reading Literature

RL 6.2

I can compare and contrast a story, drama or poem I have read to viewing (or listening to) a video or live version (drama) of the text. I can contrast what I see and hear when I read to what I perceive is happening when I listen or watch. RL 6.9

I can compare and contrast different kinds of text (stories and poems, historical novels and fantasy stories) that have similar themes or topics.

RL 6.10

I can read and understand stories, poems and dramas that are written for sixth grade students.

Reading Literature

RL 6.7

I can quote what I read when I am explaining exactly what a text says. I can also quote what I read to support my inferences (assumptions) about the text.

RI 6.2

I can pick out the main idea in what I read. I can tell how the main idea is revealed through details. I can summarize what I read without including my own opinions.

RI 6.3

I can explain, in detail, how a main individual, main event, or main idea is introduced, illustrated with details, and elaborated on in what I read.


RI 6.1

RI 6.4

When I read, I can figure out the meaning of words and phrases because of the way they are used in a text. I know when authors are using words figuratively, connotatively, or technically based on how they are used. RI 6.5

I can look at how a specific sentence, paragraph, chapter or section fits into the structure of a text. I can see how it adds to the development of ideas.

I can determine an author’s point of view or purpose in their writing. I can explain how the point of view is revealed in the text.

RI 6.7

I can use what I read, images, videos, charts, diagrams, etc. to help me fully understand a topic.

RI 6.8

I can identify arguments or claims made in a text that are supported by facts and evidence. I can identify arguments or claims made in a text that are opinion.

RI 6.9

I can compare and contrast the way that different authors present the same event.


RI 6.6

RI 6.10

I can read and understand history, social studies, science and literary non-fiction that was written for a sixth grade student. W 6.1.a

I can make a claim (argument) and organize the reasons for my claim and the evidence that supports my claim.

W 6.1.b

I can support my claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence. I use reliable sources to back up my evidence and show that I understand a topic.

W 6.1.c

W 6.1.d

I can use a formal writing style to present my claims.

W 6.1.e

I can provide a concluding statement or section to my claim or argument.


I can use words and phrases to help others understand the relationships in my claims and reasons.

W 6.2.a

I can write a paper that informs people about a topic or explains something. I can introduce my topic, organize ideas, concepts and information using definitions, compare/contrast and cause/effect. I can use headings, charts, tables and multimedia to help others understand.

W 6.2.b

I can strengthen my topic by adding relevant facts, definitions, details, quotes and other information and examples.

W 6.2.c

I can use transitions in my writing to help others understand the link between ideas.

W 6.2.d

W 6.2.e

I can use a formal writing style to present my ideas.

W 6.2.f

I can provide a concluding statement or section to the information I have presented.


I can use specific words and vocabulary to help explain the topic.

W 6.3.a

I can write a story about real or make believe experiences. I can grab my reader’s attention by building context, introducing a narrator and characters, and organizing my story in a way that makes sense.

W 6.3.b

I can use dialogue (characters talking to each other) and description to help show what events are happening in my story and what is happening to the characters.

W 6.3.c

I can use a lot of different transition words and phrases to help show what order things happen in and to show different times or settings in my story.

I can use words and phrases to help my reader experience senses (taste, touch, feel, smell, see). I can use descriptive words to help my reader get a picture of what is happening.

W 6.3.e

I can provide an ending to my story that helps wrap up the events in the story.

W 6.4

I can write clearly so that others can understand my ideas. I can use the correct organization and style depending on what I am writing and who I am writing for.


W 6.3.d

W 6.5

With some help from teachers and my friends, I can make my writing better by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or trying a new approach.

W 6.6

I can use technology (iPad, internet, computer, etc.) to publish my writing. I can interact and collaborate with others (blog, edu 2.0) using technology. I can type 3 pages in one sitting.

I can do short research projects to answer a question. I can use a variety of books, websites, videos, etc. to do my research.

W 6.8

I can find relevant information for a research project by searching in books, videos, audio, websites, etc. I can decide if the source I am using is credible (truthful). I can quote and paraphrase without plagiarizing. I can create a bibliography for the sources I have used.

W 6.9.a

I can apply 6th grade reading standards to literature. I can reflect on literature that I read. I can do research about literature I read to learn more.

W 6.9.b

I can apply 6th grade reading standards to non-fiction literature that I read. I can reflect on what I read and do research about literature to learn more.


W 6.7

I can write for longer time frames (time for research, reflection and revision) and shorter time frames (in one sitting). I can write for different tasks, purposes and audiences.


W 6.10

SL 6.1.a

I can be prepared for class or group discussions by reading about or researching a topic beforehand. I can contribute to discussions and build on other’s ideas and reflect on the ideas being discussed. SL 6.1.b

SL 6.1.c

I can ask and answer questions to contribute to a discussion. I can make comments that contribute to the discussion including details about the topic or issue being discussed.

SL 6.1.d

I can think about the ideas that were discussed and explain my own ideas and understanding as a result of the discussion. I can reflect on and summarize what was discussed.

SL 6.2

I can summarize information I have heard, watched, read or discussions that I participated in. I can explain how the information adds to a topic or issue I am studying.

SL 6.3

I can talk about the reasons and evidence a speaker gave to support their topic or the points they made. I can separate claims a speaker makes that are not supported by evidence, from claims that are supported by evidence.


I can follow rules that a group has agreed on for discussions. I can help set specific goals and deadlines and assign roles of each group member.

I can present arguments (claims) by ordering my ideas with relevant descriptions, facts and details in a way that helps others understand the main ideas. I can use eye contact, good volume levels and clear pronunciation of words when I present.

SL 6.5

I can use graphics, images, music, sound and video to help me present my ideas clearly.

SL 6.6

I can make changes to the way I present and speak based on the conditions and audience.


SL 6.4

L 6.1.a

I can use subjective pronouns (the subject-who). I can use objective pronouns (object of sentence). I can use possessive pronouns (to show who it is happening to).

L 6.1.b

L 6.1.c

I know when a pronoun is used incorrectly with a number or person. I can correct these kind of mistakes.

L 6.1.d

I know that there are times when the pronoun I use is unclear because the noun I am referring to wasn’t mentioned.

L 6.1.e

I can come up with strategies to correct my use of pronouns in writing and speaking.

L 6.2.a

I can use commas, parentheses or dashes to show a break in thought.


I can use intensive pronouns (myself, ourselves).

L 6.2.b

I can use correct spelling in my writing.

L 6.3.a

I can mix up the kinds of sentences that I use to help my reader understand meaning, hold interest and add style.

L 6.3.b

L 6.4.a

I can figure out the meaning of a word I don’t know by using the overall meaning of the sentence or paragraph as a clue.

L 6.4.b

I can use common Greek or Latin prefixes, suffixes, or roots as clues to the meaning of a word. (Audience, auditory, audio, audible.)


When I write, I can keep my style and tone consistent.

L 6.4.c

I can use dictionaries, thesauruses, and glossaries to find out how to pronounce a word, find the part of speech or find out the meaning of a word.

L 6.4.d

I can figure out the main meaning of a word by using clues in the sentence or paragraph of what I am reading or by using the dictionary.

L 6.5.a

L 6.5.b

I can tell what words mean by using the link between the words (cause/effect words, part/whole words, item/ category words).

L 6.5.c

I can explain the difference between words that have similar definitions but subtle differences (economical, stingy, thrifty, scrimping).

L 6.6

I can use sixth grade level math, science, economic, social studies, history and technical words and phrases correctly. I can use my understanding of words to help me understand other work I am doing in my class.


I know what different figures of speech mean because of the way they are used in what I am reading. (Personification)

I know what a ratio is. I can describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. (For every vote candidate A received, candidate C received nearly three votes.)

RP 6.2

I know that a unit rate of a/b is related with a ratio a:b. I can use rate language when I talk about a ratio relationship. (We paid $75 for 15 hamburgers, which is a rate of $5 per hamburger.)

RP 6.3.a

I can make tables of equivalent ratios. I can relate quantities with whole-number measurements. I can find the missing values in the tables. I can graph the table values on a coordinate plane. I can use a table to compare ratios. RP 6.3.b

I can solve unit rate problems that include pricing or speed. (If it took 7 hours to mow 4 lawns, then at that rate, how many lawns could be mowed in 35 hours?)

RP 6.3.c

I can find the whole number if I am given a part and a percent. I can find a percent of a number as a rate per 100. (30%=30/100)

RP 6.3.d

I know how to use ratios to convert measurement units. I can change units the way I need to to multiply or divide a quantity.

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

RP 6.1

NS 6.1

I can divide fractions. I can solve word problems that ask me to divide fractions by fractions. [(a/b) divided by (c/d) = (ad/bc)]

NS 6.2

I can divide multi-digit numbers correctly.

NS 6.3

NS 6.4 I know how to find the greatest common factor of 2 whole numbers that are less than 100. I know how to find the least common multiple of 2 whole numbers less than 12. I know how to use the distributive property to show a sum of two whole numbers that have a common factor as a sum of two whole numbers that have no common factor. (36=8 as 4(9+2).

NS 6.5

I know that positive and negative numbers describe opposite directions on a number line. I can use positive and negative numbers to represent real world situations like temperature, elevation, credits/debits, and positive/negative electric charge.

NS 6.6.a

I know that a negative number represents any number to the left of 0 on a number line. I know that a positive number represents any number to the right of 0 on a number line. I know that the opposite of a positive number is it’s negative number.

The Number System

I can add, subtract, multiply multi-digit decimals correctly.

NS 6.6.b

I know how to find a positive or negative number on a coordinate plane (graph). I know that when two ordered pairs have the same number but different signs, the location on a graph is a reflection across the axes.

I can find the position of numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line. I can find and plot pairs of integers (positive and negative numbers) on a coordinate plane.

NS 6.7.a

I can show greater than (>) and less than (<) on a number line. I can explain that if a number is greater, it will be located to the right of a number that is less than on a number line.

NS 6.7.b

I can explain how to order rational numbers in the real world. (I can explain why -3*F is warmer than -7*F.)

NS 6.7.c

I know that the absolute value of a rational number is it’s distance from 0 on the number line. I can show how absolute value is used in the real world. (For an account balance of -30 dollars, write |-30| =30 to describe the size of the debt in dollars.) NS 6.7.d

I can recognize and tell the difference between absolute value and order of numbers. (I can recognize that an account balance less than -30 dollars represents a debt greater than 30 dollars.)

Number Systems

NS 6.6.c

NS 6.8

I can solve real-life and math problems by graphing points in a coordinate plane. I can use what I know about coordinates and absolute value to find distances between points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. EE 6.1

EE 6.2.a

I can write expressions that use numbers and letters that represent numbers.

EE 6.2.b

I know what different parts of an expression are. I know the names of the mathematical terms (sum, term, product, factor, quotient, coefficient).

EE 6.2.c

I can solve expressions that have known values for their variables. I can do this by using what I know about addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, order of operations and exponents. (Use the formulas V=s3 and A=6 s3 to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length s=1/2).

EE 6.3

I can use what I know about order of operations and the distributive property to create equivalent expressions. 3(2+x) to create the equivalent expression 6+3x.

Expressions and Equations

I can write and explain numbers with exponents.

EE 6.4

I can tell when two expression are equivalent. (y+y+y = 3y)

I know that when I am solving an equation or inequality, I am really answering the question: Which values from a set make the equation or inequality true? I can use substitution to find out whether a number makes an equation or inequality true.

EE 6.6

I can use variables to represent numbers and when I write expressions. I know that a variable just represents an unknown number.

EE 6.7

I can solve real-life and math problems by writing and solving equations: x + p = q and px = q.

EE 6.8

I can write inequalities using the symbols x > c or x < c. I know that these kinds of inequalities have many solutions. I can show these inequalities on a number line.

EE 6.9

I can use variables to show two quantities that change in relationship to one another. I can write an equation to express a dependent variable in terms of the independent variable. I can use a graph and table to show this relationship.

Expressions and Equations

EE 6.5

G 6.1

I know how to find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals and polygons by turning them into rectangles or breaking them into triangles and other shapes.

G 6.2

I can find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fraction edge lengths. I can do this by packing it with unit cubes of the unit fraction edge lengths. I can show that the volume is the same as multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. V=lwh (Volume= length x width x height) and V=bh (Volume = base x height).

I can draw polygons in a coordinate plane when I am given coordinates for the vertices. I can use coordinates to find the length of a side of joining points with the same first coordinates or the same second coordinate.

G 6.4

I can create three dimensional figures using nets that are made of rectangles and triangles. I can use the nets to find the surface area of the figures.


G 6.3

SP 6.1

SP 6.2

I know that data collected to answer a statistical question has a distribution that can be described by its center, spread and overall shape.

SP 6.3

I know that a measure of center for a numerical data set summarizes all of its values with just one number. I know that a measure of variation describes how its values vary with one number.

SP 6.4

I can show numerical data in plots on a number line, dot plot, histogram and box plot.

SP 6.5.a

I can summarize numerical data sets by reporting the number of observations.

SP 6.5.b

I can summarize numerical data sets by describing the quality being investigated. I can include how it was measured and the units of measurement.

Statistics and Probability

I know that a statistical question know that there will be variability (differences) in the data and accounts for it in the answer. (How old am I? is NOT a statistical question. How old are the students in my school? IS a statistical question because we know there will be differences in students’ ages.)

I can summarize numerical data sets by giving measures of center (median or mean) and variability (interquartile range or mean absolute deviation). I can describe the overall pattern and surprising deviations.

SP 6.5.d

I can summarize numerical data sets by relating the choice of measures of center and variability to the shape of the data distribution and the context that the data was gathered in.

Statistics and Probability

SP 6.5.c

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