Kube Publishing Children's Books Catalogue 2016-2017

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KUBE PUBLISHING Children’s Books Catalogue 2 0 1 6 – 2 0 17 K KUBE PUBLISHING

Books Catalogue 2016–2017 KUBE PUBLISHING PUBLISHING


Kube Publishing ube is an independent publishing house that publishes general interest, academic and children’s books on Islam and the Muslim experience. Inspired by our Islamic faith, Kube is committed to serving Muslim communities worldwide by publishing innovative, relevant and authentic books. In today’s ever changing world, Kube seeks to enable Muslim spiritual, cultural, intellectual and creative expression in ways that are engaged and exciting, traditional and modern. Set up in 2006, Kube Publishing established its imprint, which focuses on history, biography, lifestyle and gift books; among its noted titles are Islam in Victorian Britain, The Muslim 100, and A Journey Through Islamic History. Kube aims to tackle contemporary issues and promote the best new authors, in ways that engage Muslims of the West. In 2011, Kube moved into digital publishing, and, in 2013, established two new imprints, Kube Academic and Kube Publishing Children’s Books, the latter with a focus on teen fiction. Kube also took responsibility for the trusted Islamic Foundation imprint, established in 1973, which focuses on Qur’an, Hadith and sirah, Children’s Publishing and Islamic Economics. Among its important publications have been the Qur’an commentaries of Abu’l A‘la Mawdudi, Sayyid Qutb and Abdul Majid Daryabadi, the sirahs of Zakaria Bashier and Adil Salahi, and Tariq Ramadan’s To Be a European Muslim. Several of its ground-breaking titles on Islamic Economics have won international awards.


Ordering Direct Sales: +44 (0)1530 249 230 Email: sales@kubepublishing.com By fax: +44 (0)1530 249 686 By post: MCC. Ratby Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire, LE67 9SY Online: www.kubepublishing.com / www.islamic-foundation.com Visit our website www.kubepublishing.com for further details of our titles. Prices and release dates

The Islamic Foundation

Although every effort has been made to provide accurate details, prices and dates are may differ from those listed.


The Islamic Foundation



Prices and release dates Although every effort has been made to provide accurate details, prices and dates are may differ from those listed. Visit our website www.kubepublishing.com for further details of our titles. Ordering Direct Sales: +44 (0)1530 249 230 Email: sales@kubepublishing.com By fax: +44 (0)1530 249 686 By post: MCC. Ratby Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire, LE67 9SY Online: www.kubepublishing.com / www.islamic-foundation.com he Islamic Foundation, founded in 1974, published its first children’s book in 1976. Now under the care of Kube Publishing, The Islamic Foundation imprint continues to publish Muslim stories and children’s books on Islam for every child, of any belief or age. Among its well-known books are the ‘I Can Series’, Marvellous Stories from the Life of Muhammad and Cinderella: An Islamic Tale. Among its authors are Khurram Murad, Dawud Wharnsby and the award-winning Mehded Maryam Sinclair. In 2013 the Kube Children’s Books imprint was created with a focus on teen fiction. Its second book, She Wore Red Trainers by Na’ima B. Robert, was widely praised and marked our first foray into YA literature. Although we are only a small publisher, we have grand goals: to tell stories that reflect the diversity of experiences in the Muslim community, to inspire cultural and spiritual creativity, to instil a love of literature in children and to encourage a better understanding of Islam.


Ku be P u blish ing Th e isl amic fo u ndat io n




Forthcoming Books


Recently Released


Islamic Studies


Qur’an, Hadith and Sirah


Islamic Stories


Picture Books


Fiction Books


Non-Fiction Books


Poetry and Anthology





Ali Gator


Tughra Books


Seerah Foundation


U K Is la mi c A c a d e my ( UKI A)


F rie n ds o f A l - A q s a


Other Publishers


Forthc om ing Books Hassan and Aneesa Love Ramadan Yasmeen Rahim, illustrated by Omar Burgess It is the night before Ramadan and Hassan and Aneesa are excited for it to begin. In Ramadan they will read the Qur’an, give charity, share food with neighbours and try to observe their first fast. Follow them on the first day of Ramadan and find out why Hassan and Aneesa love it when the holy month arrives. The Hassan and Aneesa series is designed to introduce young children to a range of new places and practices. They are colourfully designed and simply written and will guide children through a range of new experiences.

My Special Angels The Two Noble Scribes Razana Noor, illustrated by Omar Burgess Beside every person’s shoulder, there are two angels. Muslims know them as the Kiraman Katibin (the noble scribes). They write down your deeds, good and bad, from a person’s first day to their last. Inside this book you will find out all about them, and how to turn those bad deeds into good ones, beside a small boy with a big heart. £4.99 | 24pp | Hardback | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-645-3

£2.50 | 24pp | Paperback | Age 2+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-642-2 On er I go,

Did you know, wherev There are TWO

ANGELS who follow?

eo n LEF my T, on

eo n RIG my HT

To see the other books in this series go to page 21.


They don’t let me

out of their sight!

F or thc om ing B ooks

Zak and His Little Lies J. Samia Mair, illustrated by Omar Burgess All About Wudu (Ablution) Activity Book Ay enur Güne , illustrated by Ercan Polat Find out about the different parts of wudu (ablution) with this fun sticker, activity book. Features dot-to-dot drawings, colouring fun, puzzles to solve and over 60 stickers to stick. Introduces children to the way Muslims wash before prayer and the main parts involved in it, including making an intention and wearing clean clothes.

Zak and his sister are racing home. Zak keeps crashing into things but he wants to win and leaves the mess behind. He loses the race, ignores the mess and arrives home second, unhappy, only to find his Mum on the phone looking angry. Zak lies his way out of trouble but soon finds out how wrong his actions are. £5.99 | 32pp | Hardback | Age 4+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-627-9

Praise for Zak and His Good Intentions: £2.99 | 32pp | Paperback | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-681-1

“THE best book for Muslim children. ... based on a hadith/ayat that presents real life situations with great writing and great illustrations.” – Dr. Freda Shamma “[a] well-written book that imparts a sound Islamic lesson in a way that appeals to children ... a high quality Islamic book that I would recommend” – Readlittlemuslims.com


Forthc om ing Books

Musa: Prophet of Allah Mehded Maryam Sinclair

I Wonder About the Qur’an (Book Four) Ozkan Oze Have you ever wondered why the Qur’an is in Arabic, why it was revealed over 23 years or how people can be so sure it has never been changed? You might want to know some miracles of the Qur’an, or to read about the science in the Qur’an. All of this, and much more, is explored inside. £4.99 | 128pp | Paperback | Age 9+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-513-5


To see the other books in this series go to page 8.

This faithful work will stun and inspire those who read it. Leaving them in awe of Prophet Musa’s vast prophethood and closer to his story, as set out in the Qur’an, than ever before. Musa: Prophet of Allah is a chronicle of his life and times based upon the Qur’an. It narrates his fateful story: fleeing the clutches of Firaun before returning with a divine command to free his people from slavery and deliver them to freedom. The distinguished storyteller, Mehded Maryam Sinclair offers new insights based on the archaeology of Egypt and captures all the incidents of this powerful and dramatic tale: Asiya (Firaun’s wife) rescues Musa, the light in the desert, the plagues, the splitting of the Red Sea, the commandments from Allah, and the meeting with al-Khidr. “I have chosen you, Musa, so hearken well to what is being inspired. “Verily I am truly Allah, and no god is there but Me...” Qur’an (Ta Ha 20:13-14) £5.99 | 192pp | Paperback | Age 11+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-686-6

with colour stickers

Ramadan and Fasting Activity Book Ay enur Güne , illustrated by Ercan Polat

All About Prayer (Salah) Activity Book Ay enur Güne , illustrated by Ercan Polat

Discover what makes Ramadan such a special time of year for Muslims with this fun sticker activity book. Features dot-todot drawings, colouring fun, puzzles to solve and over 60 stickers to stick. Introduces children to the basics of fasting, including who doesn’t have to, when you do and do not eat, and the importance of family and friends in Ramadan.

Find out about the Muslim prayer with this fun sticker activity book. Features dot-to-dot drawings, coloring fun, puzzles to solve and over 60 stickers to stick. Introduces children to the way Muslims prepare for prayer and the main parts involved in performing it, including calling adhan, facing the Kaaba and reciting words from the Qur’an.

£2.99 | 32pp | Paperback | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-615-6

£2.99 | 32pp | Paperback | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-610-1

R ec entl y R el e as e d

with colour stickers


R e ce n tl y R el eas ed Includes A3 poster

We’re Off to Pray Sana Munshey, illustrated by Eman Salem Follow a young boy as he prepares to pray, only to be distracted by his friends who come to play. In rhyming verses, see how good it feels to pray and then go to play. “We hear the adhan, it’s time to pray, ‘Allah is Great!’ Rise up, don’t delay! “How do we do it? That’s easy you see, Our Prophet taught us, ‘Pray just like me.’” £4.99 | 32pp | Hardback | Age 5+ 978-0-86037-529-6

I Wonder About the Prophet Ozkan Oze Have you ever wondered what the Prophet Muhammad believed before he became a prophet, why he is so important or why he is praised so often? You might wonder how he treated animals and children or if he performed miracles. The I Wonder series give young readers answers to the BIG questions they have about Islam in brilliant little books. Written in a friendly and accessible style for today’s youth, these are essential companions for questioning young minds. £4.99 | 160pp | Paperback | Age 9+ 978-0-86037-508-1


R ec entl y R el e as e d

Team Spirit: The Victory Boys Jamal Orme

She Wore Red Trainers Naima B. Robert

As Shabab Al-Nasr prepare to defend their trophy, in walks Amir, a player good enough to win it on his own! But is he ready to become one of the team? Can the Victory Boys find that winning team spirit once more?

When Ali first meets Amirah, he notices everything about her – her hijab, her long eyelashes and her red trainers – in the time it takes to have one look, before lowering his gaze. And, although Ali is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and exploring his identity as a Muslim, and although Amirah has sworn never to get married, they can’t stop thinking about each other.

£4.99 | Paperback | 160pp | Age 9+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-620-0

“it speaks vividly to conflicts of freedom... and faith.” – Publishers Weekly “Na’ima B. Robert raises issues which are highly relevant to Muslim youth, successfully imparting advice, defining Islamic law, and explaining some of the wisdoms behind the rules.” – Katie Holden, The Muslim View £6.99 | Paperback | 272pp | Age: 14+ YA Fiction ISBN: 978-1-84774-065-6


Is l am ic S tu d ies

New Title

ebook available

I Wonder about Allah (Book One) Ozkan Oze

I Wonder About the Prophet Ozkan Oze

Have you ever wondered about Allah? Have you ever wanted to ask why Allah created the universe and humans? Why some people are beautiful, ugly, disabled or ill. These questions, and many more, are explored inside.

Have you ever wondered what the Prophet Muhammad believed before he became a prophet, why he is so important or why he is praised so often? You might wonder how he treated animals and children or if he performed miracles.

£4.99 | Paperback| 128pp | Age: 9+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-592-0

£4.99 | 160pp | Paperback | Age 9+ 978-0-86037-508-1

ebook available

I Wonder about Allah (Book Two) Ozkan Oze

Islam for Children Ahmad von Denfer

Have you ever wanted to ask how Allah will bring dead people back to life? Why Allah created the universe or why He made the Earth and humans? These questions, and many more, are explored inside.

A simple overview of Islamic beliefs, practices, manners, and stories of the Prophets* for children, told through stories in an engaging, child-friendly way. Includes puzzles, colouring and activity pages.

£4.99 | Paperback| 136pp | Age: 9+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-503-6


ebook available

£3.95 | Paperback | 176pp | Age: 5+ Illustrations: 61 ISBN: 978-0-86037-085-7

Is l am ic S tu d i es

ebook available

The Children’s Book of Islam: Part One (Revised edition) M.M. Ahsan A simple overview of the articles of faith and five pillars, suitable for use by parents and teachers as the basis of lessons and discussions with children from five years onwards. £2.99 | Paperback | 56pp. | Age: 5+ ISBN: 978-0-95039-541-8

ebook available

The Children’s Book of Islam: Part Two M.M. Ahsan A more detailed explanation of the five pillars of Islam, suitable for discussion with children from eight years onwards. £2.99 | Paperback | 72pp | Age: 8+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-037-6

What Do We Say? A Guide to Islamic Manners Noorah Kathryn Abdullah An introduction to the twelve most common supplications and expressions used by Muslims in everyday life, presented in an appealing way for young children. Arabic with guide to English pronunciation. Revised edition 2000. £4.50 | Hardback | 24pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 16 ISBN 978-0-86037-350-6

What Should We Say? A Selection of Prayers for Daily Use Compiled by A. R. Kidwai & F. M. D’Oyen This sequel to ‘What Do We Say?’ presents forty supplications from authentic hadith collections and the Qur’an in simple English, for everyday situations from waking and eating, to studying or travelling. Arabic and English with brief explanation and guide to pronunciation. £4.50 | Hardback | 36pp | Age: 8+ ISBN 978-0-86037-267-7


Is l am ic S tu d ies Islamic Manners Activity Book Kube Publishing Learn the correct Arabic du‘as and expressions for various situations while having fun! 60+ pages of imaginative activities, puzzles, word searches, colouring pages, dot-to-dot and matching cards that will occupy and entertain children for hours. £2.99 | Paperback | 60 pp | Age: 5+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-463-3

with colour stickers


with colour stickers

Mosques of the World Activity Book Ay enur Güne , illustrated by Ercan Polat Travel around the world’s most famous mosques with this fun sticker, activity book. Introduces children to mosques from Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, China, and more. £2.99 | 32pp | Paperback | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-539-5

with colour stickers

Makkah and Madinah Activity Book Ay enur Güne , illustrated by Ercan Polat

All About Prayer (Salah) Activity Book Ay enur Güne , illustrated by Ercan Polat

Explore the wonders of Makkah and Madinah with this fun sticker activity book. Features dot-to dot drawings, colouring fun, puzzles to solve and over 60 stickers to stick.

Introduces children to the way Muslims prepare for prayer and the main parts involved in performing it, including calling adhan, facing the Kaaba and reciting words from the Qur’an.

£2.99 | 32pp | Paperback | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-544-9

£2.99 | 32pp | Paperback | Age 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-610-1

Rendered into contemporary, highly readable English with explanatory notes, glossary and a guide to further reading, this translation of Juz Amma is highly recommended for homes, schools, libraries and madrasahs. £5.99 | Paperback | 236pp | Age: 8+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-233-2

In the Prophet’s Garden: A Selection of Ahadith for the Young Compiled by Fatima M D’Oyen and Abdelkader Chachi

Q u r ’an, H ad ith and Si rah

The Qur’an in Plain English: Part 30 (Revised Edition 2009) Iman Torres – Al Haneef

A thematically arranged anthology of 200 of the Prophet Muhammad’s sayings in simple translation, taken from authentic collections and chosen for suitability for children and teens. Arabic included and photo illustrations from nature. £8.95 | Paperback | 132pp | Age: 8+ ISBN 978-0-86037-372-8

ebook available

The Spider and The Doves. The Story of Hijra Farah Morley

Marvellous Stories from the Life of Muhammad Mardijah Aldrich Tarantino

This is the re-telling of a classic story from the Prophet’s life. It weaves a tale that shows how even the smallest of us can have a great destiny.

A lively and interesting account of key events in the Prophet’s life, told in 18 brief chapters. Black-and-white illustrations.

£4.50 | Hardback | 32 pp | Age: 4+ Colour Illustrations ISBN: 978-0-86037-449-7

£3.95 | Paperback | 120pp | Age: 8+ Illustrations: 19 | ISBN: 978-0-86037-103-8


Is l am ic S tor ies The Persecutor Comes Home: The Story of Umar Khurram Murad The dramatic story of the conversion and transformation of the great Caliph and Companion, Umar ibn al-Khattab. Advanced vocabulary. £3.95 | Hardback | 48pp | Age: 10+ Colour Illustrations: 22 ISBN: 978-0-86037-496-1


Call to Prayer: The Story of Bilal Edoardo Albert A fictionalized account of a young boy who befriends Bilal ibn Rabah, the first Muezzin of Islam, and questions him about the call to prayer, his faith, and his experience of being in the company of the blessed Prophet*. £3.95 | Hardback | 26 pp | Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 8 ISBN: 978-0-86037-456-5

The Kingdom of Justice: Stories from the Life of Umar Khurram Murad

Love Your Brother, Love Your Neighbour Khurram Murad

Stories emphasizing the qualities of justice and mercy as exemplified during the rule of the second Caliph. Advanced vocabulary.

Six inspiring accounts, based on true stories, that demonstrate the value of love, sacrifice, respect, charity, compassion and kindness to all people.

£3.95 | Hardback | 60pp | Age: 10+ Colour Illustrations: 30 ISBN: 978-0-86037-437-4

£2.50 | Paperback | 32pp | Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 6 ISBN: 978-0-86037-115-1

Is l am ic S tor ies

Love all Creatures M.S.Kayani Five anecdotes from the life of the Prophet* and his Companions which illustrate Islamic teachings on kindness to animals. £2.50 | Paperback | 32pp Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 8 ISBN: 978-0-86037-077-2

A Time to Speak: Anecdotes from Sadi Shirazi Ashraf abu Turab, Zia Sardar Classic fables and moral tales of the Persian master of verse. £1.95 | 32pp | Age 8+ ISBN: 9780950395432

Stories of the Broken Idol and the Jewish Rabbi Khurram Murad Recounts the conversion stories of two Companions: ‘Amr ibn al-Jamuh and ‘Abdullah ibn Salam. £2.50 | Paperback | 28pp Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 8 ISBN: 978-0-86037-151-9

The Brave Boy M.S. Kayani and Khurram Murad

The Courageous Children Ayesha Abdullah Scott

Inspiring stories from the childhood and youth of the great Caliph and Companion, Ali ibn Abu Talib.

Six stories based on original sources illustrate the tremendous dedication and bravery of the young Companions of the Prophet in defending Islam.

£2.50 | Paperback | 36pp | Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 7 ISBN: 978-0-86037-112-0 PB

£2.50 | Paperback | 40pp | Age: 10+ Colour Illustrations: 8 ISBN: 978-0-86037-194-6


Is l am ic S tor ies

Love at Home Khurram Murad Eleven charming short stories from early Islamic history which highlight the mutual love and respect that should characterize family life. £2.50 | Paperback | 48pp | Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 8 ISBN: 978-0-86037-122-9 PB The Longing Heart: The Story of Abu Dhar Khurram Murad The story of how a young man from a notorious tribe yearned to meet the new Prophet* who had announced God’s message to the people of Makkah. £2.50 | Paperback | 28pp | Age: 10+ Colour Illustrations: 6 ISBN: 978-0-86037-138-0

The Wise Poet: The Story of Al-Tufayl bin ‘Amr Khurram Murad The poet and tribal chief al-Tufayl discovers that even the best poetry cannot compare with the Qur’an. £2.50 | Paperback | 24pp | Age: 10+ Colour Illustrations: 7 ISBN: 978-0-86037-150-2


The following titles in the Muslim Children’s Library are also available on CD & as a complete Album: £5.95 Each CD1: Love at Home. A Great Friend of Children. CD2: Stories of the Caliphs. Love All Creatures. CD3: The Persecutor Comes Home. The Brave Boy. CD4: The Long Search. The Longing Heart. CD5: The Kingdom of Justice. Love Your God. CD6: Love Your Brother, Love Your Neighbour. The Desert Chief. CD7: The Wise Poet. Stories of the Broken Idol and the Jewish Rabbi. Complete Album containing all the above titles: Khurram Murad, M. S. Kayani, Arshad Gamiet & Thumama Ibn Uthal Narrated by Zia Mohyeddin Heartwarming stories, based on the life of the Prophet Muhammad* and the early Muslims, make learning about the heroes of Islam enjoyable and fun! Includes sound effects and nasheeds to capture the attention and imaginations of young children. The Box set is £30.00

Pic tu r e Books

New Lower Price

New Lower Price

Hurayrah the Cat: The Snake Catcher Farah Morley, illustrated by A. Nyerges

Zak and His Good Intentions J. Samia Mair, illustrated by Omar Burgess

In Madinah a small tabby cat, Hurayrah, has lost his friend. The lonely Hurayrah sets out to find him and is soon bounding above the market, scaling the mosque wall and asking his friend Kaswa, the camel, for help.

Zak and his sister Hana decide to see how many good deeds they can do in one day. However, everything is going wrong for Zak. But, after his misadventures, Zak realises that it is his good intentions that count.

£4.99 | 36pp | Hardback (full colour) Age 3+ | ISBN: 978-0-86037-586-9

£4.99 | 36pp | Hardback (full colour) Age 4+ | ISBN: 978-0-86037-581-4

Assalamu Alaykum M S Kayani

Ali and the Spider Rawaa El-Magazy

Guidance for young children on how to offer greetings of peace to family members, friends and acquaintances.

Ali learns to overcome his fear of spiders when he learns how a humble spider helped to save the life of the beloved Prophet Muhammad*

£4.50 | Hardback | 22pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 11 ISBN: 978-0-86037-347-6

£4.50 | Hardback | 18pp | Age: 5+ Colour Illustrations: 13 ISBN: 978-0-86037-325-4


P ic tu r e Books We’re Off to Make ‘Umrah Sana Munshey

My Mum is a Wonder Michele Messaoudi

Discover the joys of ‘Umrah, step by step, in rhymed verse with charming illustrations. Includes poster and paper dolls

A young boy’s warm account of his mother’s daily work brings into focus the strong bonds, joys and sacrifices of Muslim family life.

£4.99 | Hardback | 32 pp | Age: 3+ Includes A3 poster activity ISBN: 978-0-86037-458-9

£4.50 | Hardback | 24pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 16 ISBN: 978-0-86037-298-1

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We’re Off to Pray Sana Munshey, illustrated by Eman Salem

Muslim Nursery Rhymes with Audio CD Mustafa Yusuf McDermont

Follow a young boy as he prepares to pray, only to be distracted by his friends who come to play. In rhyming verses, see how good it feels to pray and then go to play.

Fifteen traditional English nursery rhymes, adapted with Islamic themes.

£4.99 | 32pp | Hardback | Age 5+ Includes A3 poster activity ISBN: 978-0-86037-529-6




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CD .


New Title

£6.95 | Hardback | 29pp | Age 3+ Colour Illustrations: 16 ISBN: 978-0-86037-563-0 £4.99 | CD only in clear wallet

Pic tu r e Books

Cinderella: An Islamic Tale Fawzia Gilani Illustrated by Shireen Adams Follow the trials and tribulations of the sweet, gentle and pious Zahra when her parents die and she is left with an uncaring stepmother. A well-crafted Islamic version of the classic Cinderella story, in which faith, goodness and prayer are rewarded in the end. £5.95 | Hardback | 44 pp |Age: 5+ Full Colour Illustrations ISBN: 978-0-86037-473-2

Snow White: An Islamic Tale Fawzia Gilani Illustrated by Shireen Adams Involving the power of a djinn, poisoned dates, seven dwarf sisters-in-faith and a mysterious old peddler woman in the woods wearing a face veil, this lyricallytold story offers a unique twist on this fairy tale. £5.95 |Hardback | 40pp | Age 5+ ISBN: 978-086037-526-5

Amira’s Totally Chocolate World J.S Mair Amira is amazed to discover that the entire world has been changed to chocolate, in answer to her bedtime prayers! But her initial delight starts to fade as she begins to miss the beautiful variety of colours in nature. £4.50 | Hardback | 24 pp |Age: 4+ Colour Illustrations: 13 ISBN: 978-0-86037-408-4

The Perfect Gift J.S Mair Sarah is sad because she cannot find an Eid gift for her mother, so she takes a walk along the secret path in the woods that always makes her feel better. There she finds the first flower of spring -– Allah’s perfect gift to the world. A gentle introduction to learning to appreciate Allah’s handiwork in the simple wonders of the natural world. £4.50 | Hardback | 28 pp | Age: 5+ Colour Illustrations: 24 ISBN: 978-0-86037-403-9


P ic tu r e Books

‘Allah the Maker’ Series Delightful accounts of the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, encouraging children to give thanks to our Creator. £4.50 Each | Hardback Allah Gave Me Two Eyes to See… Fatima M. D’Oyen 32pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 16 ISBN: 978-0-86037-366-7 Allah Gave Me a Tongue to Taste… Ayesha Jones 32pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 12 ISBN: 978-0-86037-338-4 Allah Gave Me a Nose to Smell… Rizwana Qamaruddin 32pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 14 ISBN: 978-0-86037-333-9 Allah Gave Me Two Ears to Hear… Amrana Arif 32pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 16 ISBN: 978-0-86037-353-7 Allah Gave Me Two Hands and Feet Raana Bokhari 32pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 12 ISBN: 978-0-86037-348-3


This set of colourful, beautifully illustrated board books introduces basic concepts of Islamic practice to young children while helping to strengthen their confidence and identities as Muslims.

Pic tu r e Books

‘I Can...’ Series

£4.95 Each | Boardbook I Can Make Du‘a Anywhere! Yasmin Ibrahim 15pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 11 ISBN: 978-0-86037-324-7 I Can Pray Anywhere! Aisha Ghani 15pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 11 ISBN: 978-0-86037-339-1 I Can Read The Qur’an (Almost) Anywhere! Yasmin Ibrahim 15pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 11 ISBN: 978-0-86037309-4 I Can Say Bismillah Anywhere! Yasmin Ibrahim 15pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 11 ISBN 978-0-86037314-8 I Can Wear Hijab Anywhere! Yasmin Ibrahim 15pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 11 ISBN 978-0-86037319-3


P ic tu r e Books

‘Hilmy the Hippo’ Series

Important lessons on faith and character for young children, taught through animal stories, by Rae Norridge. Hilmy the Hippo Learns about Creation

Hilmy the Hippo Learns About Vanity

Hilmy finds the answers to the many questions he asks his friends about creation.

A wise elephant teaches Hilmy the truth about caring too much about appearances.

£4.50 | Hardback | 24pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 12 ISBN: 978-0-86037-313-1

£4.50 | Hardback | 24pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 12 ISBN: 978-0-86037-398-8

Hilmy the Hippo Learns about Death

Hilmy the Hippo Becomes a Hero

When Hilmy’s friend the blue dragonfly dies, he seeks the answer to his question, ‘What happens to us after death?’ £4.50 | Hardback | 24pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 12 ISBN: 978-0-86037-460-2

Hilmy the Hippo Learns to Share Hilmy sets out on an adventure and discovers the joys of sharing. £4.50 | Hardback | 29pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 15 ISBN: 978-0-86037-585-2


Hilmy learns to deal with bullying and to take action when others need help. £4.50 | Hardback | 24pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 12 ISBN: 978-0-86037-343-8

Hassan and Aneesa Go to Masjid Yasmeen Rahim Illustrated by O. Burgess

Hassan and Aneesa Go to Madrasa Yasmeen Rahim Illustrated by O. Burgess

Hassan and Aneesa are going to masjid. At masjid they will make wudu, visit the prayer hall, listen to the adhan and perform a prayer.

Hassan and Aneesa are going to Madrasa to learn about Islam.

Pic tu r e Books

This series is designed to introduce young children to a range of Muslim places. Colourfully designed and simply written, these books will guide children through a number of new experiences.

£2.50 | Paperback | 20 pp | Ages 2+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-459-6

£2.50 | Paperback | 28 pp | Ages 2+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-521-0

Thank You, O Allah! Ayesha Bint Mahmood Poetic reflections on Allah’s never-ending blessings, inspiring gratitude to the Creator. Colourful, collage illustration. £4.50 | Hardback | 24pp | Age: 3+ Colour Illustrations: 19 ISBN: 978-0-86037-335-3

5 Pillars of Islam (Let’s Learn About Series) Anwar Cara Written in simple, rhyming language and accompanied with bold, colourful illustrations this book is perfect to introduce young children to the most important acts in Islam: the Five Pillars. £4.99 | 16pp | Board Book | Age 1+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-574-6


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The Victory Boys Jamal Orme

Team Spirit: The Victory Boys Jamal Orme

Junayd and his friends dislike madrasa, and older brother Saleem is heading nowhere. That is, until the Imam of the mosque starts a club outside of his comfort zone. But can faith and football flourish side-by-side?

As Shabab Al-Nasr prepare to defend their trophy, in walks Amir, a player good enough to win it on his own! But is he ready to become one of the team? Can the Victory Boys find that winning team spirit once more?

£4.99 | Paperback | 112 pp | Age: 10+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-414-5

£4.99 | Paperback | 160pp | Age 9+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-620-0

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The Muslim All-Stars: Helping the Polonskys Khaleel Muhammad An elderly man is desperate for help. His house needs clearing before his wife returns home from a major operation. The Muslim All-Stars come together to do the work but with time running out and a bigger mess than you can imagine to clear – can they succeed?


£3.99 | Paperback | Age: 7+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-454-1

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The Hijab Boutique Michelle Khan Farah is given an assignment to bring in something representing her mother to talk about for ‘International Women’s Day’ in front of the whole class. What can her modest, humble mother possibly have that is worth sharing with her classmates? £2.99 | Paperback | Age: 8+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-468-8

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The Great Race to Sycamore Street J. Samia Mair

The Colour Blind Boy Mohammed Yaseen

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The boy at the back of the classroom was the only child not staring at Abdullah. Who was he? £3.95 | Hardback | 30pp | Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 18 ISBN: 978-0-86037-384-1

£5.99 | Paperback | 160pp | Age 8+ ISBN: 978-1-84774-057-1

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A School Girl’s Hero Umm Aamina

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For days Anum didn’t know who to write about for her school English competition, ‘Who I Aspire to Be Like’. Then an inspiration came to her. What would her peers think of her role model, who was so different from the pop stars and sports heroes they had chosen?

£3.75 | Paperback | 112pp | Age: 10+ Colour Illustrations: 11

£3.95 | Hardback | 28 pp | Age: 8+ Colour Illustrations: 22 ISBN: 978-0-86037-421-3

ISBN: 978-0-86037-357-5


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She Wore Red Trainers Naima B. Robert

When Wings Expand Mehded Maryam Sinclair

When Ali first meets Amirah, he notices everything about her – her hijab, her long eyelashes and her red trainers – in the time it takes to have one look, before lowering his gaze. And, although Ali is still coming to terms with the loss of his mother and exploring his identity as a Muslim, and although Amirah has sworn never to get married, they can’t stop thinking about each other.

Writing on the pages of her journal, Nur, a teenage girl in Canada, charts the onset and advance of her mother’s cancer. But with the legacy of her mother’s love, her family’s support, and the guidance of her faith, she manages to overcome the searing pain and use her new found strength to bring joy in to the lives of others. Showing that after death wings can expand.

Can Ali and Amirah ever have a halal ‘happily ever after’?

“a novel that is as gentle and beautiful as the butterflies that flutter across its cover and through its pages.” – The Salafi Feminist

“a gentle, sensitive well paced love story” – The Independent

“the book had me weeping as I read its final pages” – Browngirl Magazine

“An intriguing teenage romance” – Booktrust

“This book does a marvelous job of teaching children a difficult but important fact: the inevitability of death and the return to God.” – Sarah Farrukh, altmuslimah

“a beautifully engaging read” – SISTERS Magazine £6.99 | Paperback | 272pp Age: 14+ | YA Fiction ISBN: 978-1-84774-065-6


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Winner of a Muslim Writers Award 2011 £5.99 | Paperback | 224pp | Age 11+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-499-2

Non-F ic tion B ooks

Imam al-Ghazali: A Concise Life Edoardo Albert

Ibn Sina: A Concise Life Edoardo Albert

In this short biography you will discover how Al-Ghazali rose from his humble background as a fatherless young boy from a small town, to become a successful student, a great teacher and the most famous thinker on Islam of his time.

Ibn Sina, who is referred to as Avicenna in Latin, was a true polymath. Born in the tenth Century his passion for knowledge was unbound. He wrote books of philosophy that are still argued over today and set down medical treatments that continue in use. As such, Ibn Sina is often referred to as the most brilliant Muslim thinker in Islam’s Golden Age.

£4.99 | Paperback | 104pp | Age: 12+ ISBN: 978-1-84774-030-4

£4.99 | Paperback | 104pp | Age 12+ ISBN: 978-1-84774-045-8 The War Within Our Hearts Habeeb Quadri and Sa’ad Quadri A book written by young Muslims for young Muslims addressing issues they can relate to, such as drugs, dating, and music, in a language that is their own. With an introduction by Imam Zaid Shakir. £5.99 | Paperback | 204 pp | Age: 14+ ISBN: 978-1-84774-012-0 ebook available


P oetry an d Anthol og y

Dawud Wharnsby Books

Read, listen and sing along to the timeless poetry of faith and peace in these songbooks by Dawud Wharnsby. Each book includes a free audio CD to keep children and adults inspired and absorbed for hours.

A Picnic of Poems: In Allah’s Green Garden Dawud Wharnsby A collection of 30 poems to keep the young and ‘young at heart’ entertained for hours. These poems cover a number of topics including: Motherhood, Daily Prayer, Baby siblings, the Animal Kingdom, Bullying, Mosques, Ramadan, Appreciating nature and more. £9.99 | Hardback | 44 pp Age 5+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-444-2

Colours of Islam Dawud Wharsnby

A Whisper of Peace Dawud Wharnsby

Revisit the classic nasheeds by Dawud Wharnsby, beautifully illustrated and presented in hardback with a Free audio CD. Sing along to nasheeds including: Sing children of the world, The story of Ibrahim, Colours of Islam, Wings against my window and more.

Poems about peace, nature, God, animals, loving the Qur’an and more from the wellknown singer and Muslim convert, Dawud Wharnsby. Full of uplifting messages and faithful ideas, this collection will inspire and inform children of all faiths and none.

£9.99 | Hardback | 44pp Age 5+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-591-3

£9.99 | Hardback | 44pp Age 5+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-534-0

For Whom the Troubadour Sings Dawud Wharnsby Dawud Wharnsby’s unconventional yet masterfully written lyrics challenge paradigms of how we see our lives in relation to others. This pocket-sized volume brings together two decades of the lyrics that have inspired young and old of all faiths the world over, in addition to some of his previously unpublished poetry.


£6.99 | Paperback | 184pp | Age: 14+ | ISBN: 978-1-84774-011-3

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£4.50 | Hardback | 32 pp Age: 3+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-472-5 Our Grandma Zaynab Dawood £4.50 | Hardback | 29pp Age: 3+ ISBN: 978-0-860374-00-8

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Our Granddad Maryam Ahmed

A Great Friend of Children M.S. Kayani

£4.50 | Hardback | 29pp Age: 5+ ISBN: 978-0-860374-05-3

£3.95 | Hardback | 48pp Age: 5+ ISBN 978-0-86037-432-9

Hannah and Her Grandma Deborah A. Woodthorpe £5.95 | Hardback | 32pp | Age: 8+ ISBN: 978-0-86037-440-4

Stories of the Caliphs Khurram Murad and M.S. Kayani

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Al i G ator

Let’s Think About… series Teaches children to think about the many blessings Allah has bestowed upon them and encouraging them to be thankful.

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Let’s Think About... Allah’s Daily Blessings There are blessings from Allah in every day and every night, we just have to see them. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-230-6

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Let’s Think About... Allah’s Animal Planet From the fish in the sea to the birds in the sky, the wonders of Allah’s Animal Planet are all around us. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-231-3

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Let’s Think About... Allah’s One Big Family Allah in his wisdom has made us all different tribes & people so that we may know one another. We may seem different, but we are truly all the same. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-229-0

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Let’s Think About... Allah’s Great Garden Allah’s plan is perfect, just some sun and rain to make a small seed grow into the biggest tree, mashallah. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-232-0


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Akhlaaq Building Series Introducing children to good manners and character with Saaliha and Ali, following the best example, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

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New Title

Respecting Your Mother Be good to your mother and father and Allah will give you the best of rewards. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-235-1

Caring For Orphans The orphans were so happy that Saaliha and Ali had come to visit them. Now Saaliha and Ali have new friends. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-236-8

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New Title

Forgiving Others Ali’s friend Faisal shows him that good friends always forgive each other. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-233-7


Controlling Your Anger Controlling your anger isn’t that difficult, Saaliha does it, and you can too. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 978-1-92177-234-4

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Helping Others Ali like most young boys likes to run around, but sometimes he falls over and hurts himself. Lucky for Ali he has a caring big sister in Saaliha who helps him in so many ways. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772146

Keeping Promises Saaliha promises her friend Mariam that she will come to her house to study, when her other friend Zarina invites her to come and play with her new doll house. It’s not always easy to keep promises, but Saaliha does, and her friends love that about her. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772139

Sharing What You Love Ali doesn’t want to share his new bike, but soon realizes it’s more fun when you share what you love. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 9781921772153

Studying Hard Good study habits get good results. Learn to study well and the results will come. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback 9781921772160


Al i G ator Princess Rasheeda and the Perfect Present When Princess Rasheeda gave a necklace to Hakeem, everybody laughed at her. But when an intruder shoots an arrow at Hakeem, no one is laughing anymore. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback |Age 4+ | 9781921772122 Gift pack available (limited stock) | £4 | Includes book, bookmark, badge and tasbih beads

Princess Adila and the Circus Tickets Princess Adila is going to the circus with her good friend Abeeda, when her cousin Prince Umar arrives for a surprise visit and wants to go to the circus too. What will Pricess Adila do? £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback |Age 4+ | 9781921772092 Gift pack available (limited stock) | £4 | Includes book, bookmark, badge and tasbih beads

Princess Haleema and the Ring Queen Aisha must choose one of her three daughters to be the next Queen. So she asks them all a very important question. Whose answer will be the right one? £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback |Age 4+ | 9781921772115 Gift pack available (limited stock) | £4 | Includes book, bookmark, badge and tasbih beads

Princess Latifa and the Angry Spider As Princess Latifa and her friends walked through the woods, one of them fell into a spider’s web and was bitten. What can Princess Latifa do to help her friend get better? £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback |Age 4+ | 9781921772108 Gift pack available (limited stock) | £4 | Includes book, bookmark, badge and tasbih beads

Princess Series Gift Pack (Set 1) 4 Books (Princess Latifa, Princess Haleema, Princess Adila, Princess Rasheeda) ONLY £12 4 bookmarks and 4 badges. EACH


Princess Series Gift Pack (Set 2) 4 Books (Princess Aziza, Princess Noura, Princess Karima, Princess Shahida) 4 bookmarks and 4 badges.

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Princess Aziza and the Purple Orchid Princess Aziza must find the purple orchid to help cure her sick mother. But can she find it and bring it home in time to save her mother? £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772009

Princess Noura and the Monster in the Sky One day Princess Noura helped a firefly get back to the forest. On her way back to the castle, two robbers jumped out in front of her. Princess Noura was scared as nobody was near enough to help. What would happen next? £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772016

Princess Shahida the Witness One day Princess Shahida dressed herself as a flower seller and went to the market and saw a band of masked horsemen ride through the market breaking everything in their way. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772030

Princess Karima and the Giant Eagles One day a disastrous earthquake hits the kingdom. Princess Karima and the royal soldiers go to help the people in need. However, their march is stopped by a broken bridge. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772023

Captain Alif and the Stormy Sea On his maiden voyage Captain Alif and his crew are caught in the middle of a stormy sea. “All crew on deck” yells Captain Alif. It’s time for everyone to be brave and to work together as a team. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772047 Gift pack available (limited stock) | £4 | Includes book, bookmark, badge and tasbih beads


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Princess Colouring and Activity Books The best-selling Princess Series is now available as colouring and activity books. Each book contains the whole story to colour in, plus a fun activity on each page to complete.

Princess Adila and the Circus Tickets Princess Latifa and the Angry Spider £1.99 | 16pp | Paperback | 9781921772221 £1.99 | 16pp | Paperback | 9781921772238 CK Gift Pack Available | £3.50 GIFT PA book, Gift Pack Available | £3.50 ES a INCLUD stickers, badge, nd purse a ih tasb

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Allah’s Gifts There are so many gifts that Allah has given us, such as seeing & hearing. Shukr (gratitude) is an important characteristic for any young Muslim to develop. This book stimulates young minds to think about the many wonderful gifts that Allah has given us. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772283

Allah Tells Me In the Qur’an Allah Tells Me what I must do to be a good Muslim. This book inspires young hearts to love Allah learn the 5 pillars of Islam. £2.99 | 24pp | Paperback | 9781921772269

My Little Prayer Mats are perfect gifts to encourage children to pray. Padded for extra comfort the mats feel soft and springy Þ Machine Washable Þ Hand-made Þ Size: 84 x 45cm Þ Prayer mats are only £12 each.

My Little Prayer Mat – Rocket

My Little Prayer Mat – Rainbow

My Little Prayer Mat – Road

My Little Prayer Mat – Rose

n Five fguns i s e d ble availa

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My Little Prayer Mats Crafted with care, love and Islamic attention

My Little Prayer Mat – Kaaba

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Tu g hr a

The Age of Bliss Reach for the Stars! – “My Companions are like the stars; whoever among them you use for guidance, you will be rightly guided.” (Hadith) The Prophet Muhammad Mustafa Erdogan Living a life of perfection and changing the course of history, Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, set the best example for all human beings to come until the Last Day. £5.49 | 136pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843829 New Title

Khadija bint Khuwaylid Mehmet Buyuksahin The beloved first wife of Prophet Muhammad was his loyal supporter, trusted companion and source of comfort for the Prophet (pbuh). £3.99 | 86pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843751 New Title

Aisha bint Abu Bakr Omer Yilmaz Aisha bint Abu Bakr is one of the best examples for Muslims to look to for inspiration and her story sheds light on the life of the early Muslims and the Messenger of God. £3.99 | 64pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843768 New Title

Fatima bint Muhammad Omer Yilmaz Fatima was the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad and his most beloved. She resembled her father in both looks and mannerisms and was said to be the person closest to him. £3.99 | 72pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843775

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Hassan and Husayn ibn Ali Omer Yilmaz This book is as much about Prophet Muhammad as it is about his grandsons, Hasan and Husayn, for truly, they were inseparable. £3.99 | 72pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843782


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Umar ibn al-Khattab Zekeriya Ulasli This book brings to life the events of Umar’s life and his unique character, offering insight into the one whom the beloved Prophet named “Faruq” (the person who can see the difference between right and wrong). £3.99 | 86pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843720

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Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Ruhi Demirel This book brings to life the remarkable character of Abu Bakr from his birth onwards through the early years of Islam. £3.99 | 88pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843713 New Title

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Uthman ibn Affan Ruhi Demirel A wealthy merchant, Uthman constantly donated his wealth, enlarging the Medina mosque, buying a well for the people, feeding and equipping the army and helping the poor and needy. £3.99 | 80pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843737 New Title

Ali ibn abi-Talib Zekeriya Ulasli Ali ibn Abi Talib was the first child to accept Islam, and the third Muslim after Khadija and Abu Bakr. £3.99 | 80pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843744 New Title

Khalid ibn al-Walid Omer Yilmaz This book charts Khalid ibn al-Walid’s career as an illustrious and successful warrior, first against the Muslim army, and later as leader of the Muslim army. £3.99 | 80pp | Paperback | ISBN: 9781597843799 New Title


Tu g hr a 40 Hadiths for Children Adem Garip A colorful compilation of 40 hadith. Each hadith is followed by an explanation and an illustration of the theme of the saying. Sure to be a favorite among children ages 5+ £5.99 | 84pp | Paperback (full colour)


33 Hadiths for Young Readers Ismail Gökçe A wonderful compilation of the sayings of the blessed Messenger, specifically chosen for young people. Each hadith Includes a detailed commentary. Suitable for children ages 9+ £5.99 | 96pp | Paperback (full colour)

No Room for Doubt: Selective Essays for Youth Abdullah Aymaz £3.99 | Ages 12+ | 82pp| Paperback 9781597842488

100 Hadiths for Children Erol Ergün This book presents 100 hadiths compiled under five headings: morals and etiquette, daily life, worship, knowledge, charity and compassion. Sure to be a favorite among children ages 7+ £6.50 | 112pp | Paperback (full colour)

Tales from Rumi: Mathnawi Selections for Young Readers Al Fuat Bilkan £5.99 | Ages 9+ | 160pp | Hardback 9781597841245

The Prophet’s close companions lived extraordinary lives, supporting the Prophet and putting into practice everything he said or did. This series introduces these exemplary figures and sheds light upon their interactions with the Prophet and personal achievements.



Tu g hr a

Companions of the Prophet Series




Tarık Ünal


Khadija: The First Muslim and the Wife of the Prophet Muhammad Dr. Resit Haylamaz £5.99 | Ages 11+ 112pp | Paperback 9781597841214

Abu Bakr: The Pinnacle of Truthfulness Resit Haylamaz £5.99 | Ages 11+ 175pp | Paperback 9781597842501

Umar Ibn al-Khattab: Exemplary of Truth and Justice Tarik Unal £5.99 | Ages 11+ 172 | Paperback 978-1-59784-281-5

Uthman Ibn Affan: Bearer of Two Pure Lights Ferruh Akin £4.99 | Ages 11+ 100pp | Paperback 9781597842679

Ali ibn Abi Talib: The Hero of Chivalry Resit Haylamaz £5.99 | Ages 11+ 160pp | Paperback 9781597842532

Zayd: The rose that Bloom in Captivity Resit Haylamaz £4.99 | Ages 11+ 88pp | Paperback 9781597842471


Tu g hr a The Young Person’s Guide to Living Islam Asli Kaplan £7.99 | 12+ | 160pp Paperback (full colour) 9781597842495

The Young Person’s Guide to Understanding Islam

The Young Person's Guide to Nourishing Faith

Asli Kaplan £7.99 | 12+ | 200pp Paperback (full colour) 9781597842518

Asli Kaplan £8.99 | 12+ | 198pp Paperback (full colour) 9781597842808

I Am Learning the Ablution and Daily Prayers Umit Yildirim Follow Murad, a young boy living in a pretty town, who He likes to play with his friends near the fountain of the mosque. One day Khalil Hodja calls them to come inside and teaches them something new. £5.50 | 72pp | Paperback (full colour) Age 5+ | 9781597842839



Asl Kaplan is an educationalist and a staff writer for Kaynak Publishing Group.



Wudu and Salah: Ablution and Daily Prayers Orhan Sezgin A brilliant little book that will help children learn about the ablution and daily prayers, along with teaching them what to do and what to say. £3.50 | 32pp | Paperback (full colour) Age 6+ | 9781597842860

My Mummy›s Tummy Suzanne Stone £4.95 | 24pp | Ages 4+ | Board Book 9780907052562

Allah Lets us have Fun Suzanne Stone £3.95 | 20pp | Ages 4+ | Hardback 9780907052470

Time to Pray Suzanne Stone £4.95 | 12pp | Ages 4+ | Board Book 9780907052456

Time for Isha’a Suzanne Stone £1.99 | 24pp | Ages 4+ | Paperback 9780907052531

S eer ah F ou ndati on

ONE Suzanne Stone £4.95 | 12pp | Ages 2+ | Board Book 9780907052579

The Jolly Jamat Suzanne Stone £2.99 | 16pp | Ages 4+ | Paperback 9780907052517

A Day with the Dinosaurs Shirin Shamsi £2.99 | 32pp | Ages 4+ | Paperback 9780907052104

Encyclopaedia of Seerah for Children Vol 1 Afzalur Rahman £5.99 | 100pp | Ages 11+ | Hardback 9780907052500


U K Is lam i c Acad em y ( UK IA) 42

Muhammad The Last Prophet: A Model for All Time Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi £5.25 | Ages 11+ 215pp | Paperback 9781872531106

Muhammad The Beloved Prophet: A Great Story Simply Told Iqbal Ahmed Azami £3.95 | Ages 9+ 99pp | Paperback 9781872531397

Stories of the Prophets Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi £5.25 | Ages 7+ 179pp | Hardback 9781872531090

The Minaret Speaks Sayed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi £3.95 | Ages 7+ 32pp | Hardback 9781872531168

Stories from Islamic History Sayed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi £4.95 | Ages 7+ 80pp | Hardback 9781872531144

A Starlight View of Islam’s Past Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi £4.95 | 32pp Ages 7+ | Hardback 9781872531151

UK Islamic Academy Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi

The Great Miracle: The story of the Prophet Isa £4.95 | Ages 6+ 64pp | Hardback 9781872531175

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The Drowned Army: The victory of the Prophet Musa £4.95 | Ages 6+ 80pp | Hardback 9781872531038

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UK IA and F r iends of Al -Aqs a

Stories of the Prophets

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Prophet Ibrahim £3.99 | Ages 4+ Paperback 9780953653072

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Guidance and Advice A Muslim Girl’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes Rayhana Khan Taha £1.95 | Ages 7+ | 32pp Paperback | 9781842000659

Islam for Younger People Ghulam Sarwar The Muslim Education Trust £2.50 | 64pp | Paperback 090726140X

A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes Sami Khan Taha £2.25 | Ages 7+ | 48pp Paperback | 9781842000721

Islam Beliefs and Teachings Ghulam Sarwar The Muslim Education Trust £5.00 | 240pp | Paperback 9780907261452

Picture Books At the Masjid Learning Series Box set of 4 full colour board books

New This series includes: “Numbers at the Masjid” – learn numbers while touring a masjid (mosque). “Shapes at the Masjid” – the most common shapes seen at a masjid; “Colours at the Masjid” – basic colours mostly likely to be seen at a masjid; “Opposites at the Masjid” – basic opposites to be found at a masjid. £10 | 40pp | Board Books ISBN: 978-0-98110-215-3


History of Masjid Al-Aqsa Abu Huzayfa Friends of Al-Aqsa £3.99 | Ages 4+ Paperback | 0953653056 To Catch a Bug Nabeel Akbar Kids will be Kids £3.95 | Ages 3+ | 24pp Hardback 9780980938210 Adam and the Tummy Monsters Zanib Mian Sweet Apple Publishers £2.50 | 20pp | Ages 4+ Paperback | 9780956419606 Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns Hena Khan £10.99 | Ages 2+ | 32pp Hardback 9780811879057

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