Lessons From Surah al-Kahf - Yasir Qadhi

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Lessons from Surah al-Kahf First published in England by Kube Publishing Ltd Markfield Conference Centre, Ratby Lane, Markfield, Leicestershire, LE67 9SY, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1530 249230 Fax: +44 (0) 1530 249656 Email: info@ kubepublishing.com Website: www.kubepublishing.com Pearl from the Qur’an Copyright Š Dr Yasir Qadhi 2020 All rights reserved. The right of Dr Yasir Qadhi to be identified as the author and translater of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. cip data for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-84774-132-5 casebound ISBN: 978-1-84774-131-8 paperback ISBN: 978-1-84774-133-2 ebook

Cover Design by: Jannah Haque Typesetting by: nqaddoura@hotmail.com Printed by: Mega Basim, Turkey


L Transliteration Table


1. Introduction and Blessings of Surah Al-Kahf 1 2. Circumstances of Revelation, Features and the Opening Verses


3. Speaking False of Allah and Comforting the Prophet


4. Introduction to the People of the Cave


5. Sleeping for 300 Years in the Cave


6. The Promise of Allah and the Seven Sleepers


7. Etiquette of Saying Insha’allah


8. The Qur’an and Companions as Protection


9. The Man with the Two Gardens I


10. The Man with the Two Gardens II


11. The Criminal’s Book of Deeds


12. The Day of Judgement and the Futility of Shirk and Argumentation


13. The Story of Musa and Khidr  I: An Introduction to Musa, Yusha[ and Khidr 123 14. The Story of Musa and Khidr  II: The Incidents of the Boat and the Boy



lessons from surah al - kahf

15. The Story of Musa and Khidr III: Khidr Builds

a Wall and Explains His Actions on the Boat


16. The Story of Musa and Khidr  IV: Khidr Explains the Incidents of the Boy and the Wall


17. The Story of Dhu Al-Qarnayn  I: The Righteous King and his Early Travels


18. The Story of Dhu Al-Qarnayn  I: Ya’juj and Ma’juj and the Ten Major Signs of the

Day of Judgement


19. The Day of Judgement and the Greatest Losers


20. Paradise and the Conclusion of Surah Al-Kahf 207 21. Recap, Main Points and the Lessons of Surah Al-Kahf







Transliteration Table

L Arabic Consonants Initial, unexpressed medial and final: ‫’ ء‬   ‫ ا‬a ‫ د‬d ‫ ض‬d ‫ ك‬k ‫ ب‬b ‫ ذ‬dh ‫ ط‬t ‫ ل‬l

‫ ت‬t ‫ ر‬r ‫ ظ‬z ‫ م‬m ‫ ث‬th ‫ ز‬z ‫ ن [ ع‬n ‫ ج‬j ‫ س‬s ‫ غ‬gh ‫ هـ‬h

‫ ح‬h ‫ ش‬sh ‫ ف‬f ‫ و‬w ‫ خ‬kh ‫ ص‬s ‫ ق‬q ‫ ي‬y

With a shaddah, both medial and final consonants are doubled. Vowels, diphthongs, etc.

Short: a ‫ ــِـ ــَـ‬i ‫ ــُـ‬u

Long: a ‫ ـِـي ــَـا‬i  ‫ ـُـو‬u Diphthongs: ‫َـو‬ ْ ‫ ــ‬aw ‫َـى‬ ْ ‫ ـ‬ay


1 Introduction and Blessings of Surah Al-Kahf

L The Virtues of Surah al-Kahf Surah al-Kahf is among the earliest revelations received by our Prophet f. In a hadith narrated by [Abdullah ibn Mas[ud, the Prophet f states: ‘Surah Bani Isra’il, al-Kahf, Maryam, Ta Ha and al-Anbiya’ are amongst my first earnings and my old property, and (in fact) they are my old property.’1 The surah summarizes for us the gist of Islam; its main theme is that Allah S will protect us from all trials. Told through a series of stories that illustrate specific trials, it teaches that Allah S will protect the believer at times of severity. Here we will focus on four stories detailed in al-Kahf that represent the crux of the surah: 1. The People of the Cave: The fir st of t he st or ies is t hat of the young men who sought refuge in the cave, and it is from this story that Surah al-Kahf derives its name. The trial illustrated in this surah is that of the fitnah (trial or testing) of religion; when people persecute others because of their belief in Allah S. The people of the cave Sahih al-Bukhari, 4994.



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were one such group of young men who believed in Allah S, for which the king of the land wanted to kill them. As a result, they fled and sought protection in a cave and Allah S protected them. 2. The Man with T wo Gardens: This second story illustrates the fitnah of money and the consequences of being mentally consumed by it. The story explores what happens when money causes one to become arrogant, and the solution presented for this trial is to realize that the dunya is temporary, that Allah S gives and we do not give, and that all we have will eventually be taken away. 3. Musa and Khidr: The third story is the famous account of Musa a and Khidr a. The main fitnah here is that of false knowledge. If knowledge does not lead to humility, then it too can become a fitnah. Knowledge can lead to arrogance if it is misused or abused. Of course, Musa a overcomes this fitnah and, in his humility and humbleness, he learns from somebody other than himself and rises because of it. 4. Dhu Al -Qarnayn: The final story is that of Dhu alQarnayn, and in this story is illustrated the fitnah of power, including the fitnah of kingship and the control of people. Allah S mentions that He tested Dhu al-Qarnayn with this fitnah, who overcame it by being aware that Allah S is Malik al-Mulk; the One who is the ultimate king. It is these four major fitnahs, detailed through the four major stories in Surah al-Kahf, that we will study and learn from. The Blessings of Surah al-Kahf There are numerous Ahadith that detail the blessings of Surah al-Kahf, and here we will explore a few of them. Prominent among them is the hadith of the famous companion, al-Bara’ ibn [Azib, who narrates: 2

Introduction and Blessings of Surah Al-Kahf

A man was reciting Surah al-Kahf and his horse was tied with two ropes beside him. A cloud came down and spread over that man, and it kept on coming closer and closer to him till his horse started jumping (as if afraid of something). When it was morning, the man came to the Prophet f, and told him of that experience. The Prophet f said, ‘That was al-sakinah (tranquillity), which descended because of (the recitation of) the Qur’an.’2 Ibn Hajar al-[Asqalani explains that al-sakinah referred to here are the angels, because wherever angels go, peace and tranquillity descends. Such is the beauty of Surah al-Kahf that it is this peace and tranquillity that descended upon its recitation. It has been previously mentioned that Surah al-Kahf is one of the earliest revelations, revealed in the first or second year of the Prophet’s f da[wah. The reason for this early revelation is that this surah fortifies the believer with iman. It teaches that no matter what is happening, Allah S will take care of you. Another blessing of Surah al-Kahf is that it protects against the fitnah of Dajjal. As reported in the hadith of Abu al-Darda’ t, the Prophet f said: ‘He who memorizes the first ten verses of Surah al-Kahf will be protected from the trial of the Dajjal. In another narration, it is the last ten verses of Surah al-Kahf.’ 3 In another lengthy hadith on the authority of al-Nawwas ibn Sam[an, the Prophet f mentioned the fitnah of Dajjal and stated: If he comes forth while I am among you I shall be the one who will dispute with him on your behalf, but if he comes forth when I am not among you, then every man

Sahih al-Bukhari, 5011. Sahih Muslim, 809.

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must dispute on his own behalf, and Allah will take my place in looking after every Muslim. Those of you who live up to his time should recite over him the opening verses of Surat al-Kahf, for they are your protection from his trial. We asked: How long will he remain on the Earth? He replied: Forty days, one like a year, one like a month, one like a week, and rest of his days like yours. We asked: Messenger of Allah, will one day’s prayer suffice us in this day which will be like a year? He replied: No, you must make an estimate of its extent. Then Jesus son of Mary will descend at the white minaret to the east of Damascus. He will then catch him up at the gate of Lud and kill him.4 We learn, therefore, that the beginning of Surah al-Kahf—and in another hadith the first ten verses of the surah—is a protection from the fitnah of Dajjal. A further blessing of Surah al-Kahf is that our Prophet f has taught us that: ‘Whoever reads Surah al-Kahf on the day of Jumu[ah shall have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.’5 Similarly, Abu Sa[id al-Khudri narrates that whoever recites Surah al-Kahf as it was revealed, i.e. recited with proper tilawah (recitation), with tajwid (the art of Qur’an recitation) and khushu[ (humility), should they meet Dajjal they will be saved from being overpowered by him. This is the first blessing detailed in this hadith about Surah al-Kahf. The second blessing detailed in this particular hadith is that whoever recites the surah on Friday will have a light shining from them to Makkah. The hadith therefore shows us that Al-Jami[ al-Sahih of al-Tirmidhi, 2190; Sunan Abu Dawud, 4321. Mustadrak al-Hakim, 2/399.

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Introduction and Blessings of Surah Al-Kahf

the light emanating as a result of reciting this surah is so powerful that it illuminates all the way to Makkah. In yet another, slightly weaker, version it is reported that whoever recites Surah al-Kahf on a Friday will have all of their minor sins forgiven until the following Friday. Thus, the virtues of reciting this surah on Friday is clear. Protection from Dajjal The protection from Dajjal is evidently a significant blessing of Surah al-Kahf. The fitnah of Dajjal will be the worst fitnah mankind will ever witness, as Jabir t narrates: The Prophet Muhammad f said: There is no fitnah that will arise before the Final Hour greater than the fitnah of Dajjal, and there has been no prophet in the past, except that they warned their people, and indeed, I am about to inform you that of which no prophet has informed before. Then he placed his hand on his eye and said: I bear witness that Allah Ta[ala is not one-eyed.6 There is no fitnah that will cause more destruction, wreak more havoc, kill more people, and cause more bloodshed than that of Dajjal. As we learn from our traditions, Dajjal will come and claim to be God on earth, but the hadith tells us that he even looks imperfect—one of his eyes will be infested—and Allah, exalted is He, is not imperfect in any way. He will be given what will appear as miracles that will fool mankind into thinking he is divine. These apparent miracles will include the ability to stop and start the rain from falling. Even though it shall be a

Mustadrak al-Hakim, vol. 1 p. 76.



lessons from surah al - kahf

time of severe drought and hunger, the Dajjal will be able to make rain fall and plants grow such that people can eat, and accordingly his followers will flourish. As for those who reject him, Dajjal will be able to kill them, and the trials on Muslim believers from Dajjal will be more severe than any other. In the face of such tribulations, what is the relevance of Surah al-Kahf? If we consider the beginning of the surah, the first ten ayahs relate the story of the people of the cave, fleeing persecution from the king for their beliefs. These men fled seeking Allah’s S protection and were granted it. In the context of Dajjal, he will be that murderous king and the believers will be the men fleeing persecution. Indeed, our Prophet f has said: ‘There will come a time when the best property of a Muslim will be sheep, which he will take to the tops of mountains and the places of rainfall so as to flee with his religion from the afflictions.’7 This is exactly what these young men did, and what Muslims will do in a later time. Furthermore, among the tribulations that Dajjal will bring will be his ability to control food and water. Those who believe in him will be fed and those who do not, Dajjal will stop their sources of sustenance and cause the earth to dry up beneath them. In such a context, Allah S explicitly teaches us in Surah al-Kahf: ‘In the ultimate, We shall reduce all that is on the earth to a barren plain.’8 Allah S thus teaches that He is the one who controls the earth and it is to Him that we must turn for sustenance, not to Dajjal. Furthermore, Surah al-Kahf teaches us that the dwellers of the cave sought Allah’s S aid and He paved a way out for them. In some traditions, it is also mentioned that people will seek protection in the caves and

Sahih al-Bukhari, 7088. Surah al-Kahf 18: 8.

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Introduction and Blessings of Surah Al-Kahf

mountains from Dajjal, thus resembling the young men and the cave mentioned in the beginning of the surah. The tenth verse of the surah concludes in a manner that is perfect and optimistic, with the prayer of the young men: ‘Our Lord! Grant us mercy from Yourself and provide for us rectitude in our affairs’9 It is notable that it is at this tenth verse that the verses of protection conclude. The eleventh verse goes on to relate the slumber that Allah S bestowed on the young men as the manner in which they were saved. Yet this will not be the manner in which those fleeing Dajjal will be saved. As the Prophet f has taught us, it will be the arrival of [Isa ibn Maryam a that will herald the salvation of the Muslims.10 And thus we conclude at the tenth verse, a verse of du[a’ (supplication) which teaches us that the dwellers of the cave prayed to Allah’s S for help and He accepted their du[a’.


Surah al-Kahf 18: 10. Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet f said: ‘There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus a. He will descend (to the earth). When you see him, recognize him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.’ (Sunan Abu Dawud, 4324)




2 Circumstances of Revelation, Features and the Opening Verses



e have established that the primary theme of Surah alKahf is that Allah S will protect those who turn to Him for protection. This theme ties in with the title of the surah; al-Kahf, meaning the cave, is a symbolic place of protection. Like the cave of Hira’ and the cave of Thawr, where Allah S protected the Prophet f, so the title of the surah reflects its primary theme in literal terms in addition to being a reference to the story of the people of the cave. In this chapter we will explore the circumstances of the revelation of this surah and consider the first few verses of the surah. Circumstances of Revelation Ibn Kathir and al-Tabarani mention in their respective tafsirs (commentaries) that the reason Surah al-Kahf was revealed was in response to specific questions raised by the Quraysh. The Quraysh had never heard of a prophet from any previously revealed Divine Book until the Prophet f began preaching. They therefore asked some of their elders to approach the


Circumstances of Revelation, Features and the Opening Verses

Jewish community in the city of Yathrib (later to be renamed Madinah) and asked them what a prophet is and what are the signs of a true prophet. Accordingly, a delegation from the Quraysh went to Yathrib where they spoke to the Jewish community there, stating that a man among the Quraysh is claiming to be a prophet, so how should the Quraysh know whether he is true or not. The Jews told them to test the Prophet f with three questions: 1. What is the story of the young men who fled seeking Allah’s S protection (i.e. the people of the cave)? 2. What is the story of the king whom Allah S blessed with the east and west (i.e. Dhu al-Qarnayn)? 3. What is the ruh (i.e. soul)? The Jews added that the Prophet f should know the answers to the first two questions, but not the third question as no one knows what the ruh is apart from Allah S. The delegation of Quraysh then returned to Makkah, and the questions were posed to the Prophet f. Our Prophet f had become accustomed to Jibril a coming down at a certain time of the week, and in this instance it was the following day. Therefore, expecting Jibril’s a arrival at the usual time, the Prophet f responded to the Quraysh that they should wait until the following day when he will be able to give them the answers to their questions. He was confident in Jibril’s a arrival and did not say insha’Allah. However, instead of coming the following day, Jibril delayed his visit; in some reports he came three days later and in other reports it was fifteen days later. The Quraysh were pleased at the delay, given it undermined the Prophet f. When Jibril a did come, he came with Surah al-Isra’, which is also known as Surah Bani Isra’il, and Surah al-Kahf. In these 9

lessons from surah al - kahf

surahs were the answers to the questions. The account of the young men of the cave is at the beginning of Surah al-Kahf and that of Dhu al-Qarnayn is at the end. As for the question of the ruh, it is found in Surah al-Isra’. Allah S states in verse 85: ‘They ask you about “the spirit”. Say: “The spirit descends by the command of my Lord, but you have been given only a little knowledge.”’ This means we don’t know what the ruh is. To this day we cannot scientifically prove that there is a ruh and it is beyond our understanding. Notable Features and Verses 1–3 There are some interesting features of Surah al-Kahf that connect it both to Surah al-Isra’ and the wider Qur’an. According to some Quranic scholars, if one were to count the words of the Quran, the word that occurs in the exact middle of the entire Qur’an is found in Surah al-Kahf, and the word itself is wa-l-yatalataf, from the noun latif. To be ‘latif ’ has multiple meanings, including to be discrete and to be merciful and kind. Also notable is that because it is the middle of the Qur’an, the surah begins with the exact same opening with which the Qur’an begins. Just as Surah al-Fatihah begins with alhamdulillah, so Surah al-Kahf begins with alhamdulillah in its very first verse:

$‫ ِعوَ َجا‬/ُ َّ‫عَل ل‬c َ‫ ي‬c َ‫وَل‬

1#d d‫ال‬

1#$‫ ِع َو َجا‬/ُ َّ‫عَل ل‬c َ‫ ي‬c َ‫كتتَ^بَ وَل‬ ِ c‫لأ‬e ‫ ِد ِه‬c َ‫ى َأنَلَ ع َتَل عت‬d ِ َّ‫ل‬e‫م مُد ِ َّ ِلل‬c ‫ َح‬c‫لأ‬e

Praise be to Allah Who has revealed to His servant the Book devoid of all crookedness; (al-Kahf 18: 1) Furthermore, we see that the end of Surah al-Isra’ is very directly linked to the beginning of Surah al-Kahf. The end of al-Isra’ calls upon the reader to praise Allah S, who has no son:

‫ َشيِيكٌ ِف‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫ذ وَلَ ًا وَل‬c‫ يتَ َّ ِخ أ‬c َ‫لَّ ِي ل‬e ‫ مُد ِ َّ ِلل‬c‫ َحم‬c‫لأ‬e ِ‫وَ ق مُلي‬ 1 1#‫ يِريًا‬c‫هُ تتَكأ‬c‫ل ّ ُِّل> وَ ك يَِّب‬e ‫ وَ ِ ٌّل مِّ َن‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫كِ وَل‬c‫مُلأ‬c‫لأ‬e ‫كتتَ^بُ َل‬ ِ c‫لأ‬e َ‫َذ^لِكت‬

3#‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬


4#‫للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‬e ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو ا‬e َ‫وَنيُ ِذر‬

‫كتتَ^بَ وَلَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬ع َو َجا‪1#$‬‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬ح ‪c‬م مُد ِ َّ ِلل‪e‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى َأنَلَ ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬د ِه ‪e‬لأ‪ِ c‬‬ ‫‪Circumstances of Revelation, Features and the Opening Verses‬‬

‫وَلَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬عوَ َجا‪$‬‬

‫ال‪1#d d‬‬

‫وَ ق مُليِ ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حم‪ c‬مُد ِ َّ ِلل ‪e‬لَّ ِي لَ ‪ c‬يتَ َّ ِخ أ‪c‬ذ وَلَ ًا وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪َ /‬شيِيكٌ ِف‬ ‫َكنلََّلَُ‪ /‬عوَ َ ِتَل ٌّلعتَ ‪c‬مِّ ِدَن ِه‪ee‬لأ‪c‬ل ّ ُِّل> ِ‬ ‫‪ee‬لأ‪c‬لأ‪c‬مَُحل ‪c‬م مُأ‪c‬كِد ِ َّوِللَلَ‪e‬لَّ‪ِ c‬ي ُ ‪d‬ى َأ‬ ‫ك ِتعوَ َج‬ ‫كوَتك يَِّب‪c‬تَ^بَهُ تتَكأ‪c‬وَلَ يِ ‪c‬رييًَا ‪c‬ع‪َ1 1#‬ل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬ع َو َجا‪َ 1#$‬وذَلَ^ل ‪ c‬يَِكتَ ‪c‬ع‪e‬لأ‪َc‬ل لَّ ُِ‪/‬‬ ‫تَ^بُا‪ $‬ل‬

‫‪And say: ‘All praise be to Allah Who has neither taken‬‬ ‫‪to Himself a son, nor has He any partner in His‬‬ ‫‪kingdom, nor does He need anyone, out of weakness,‬‬ ‫‪to protect Him.’ So glorify Him in a manner worthy‬‬ ‫)‪of His glory. (al-Isra’ 17: 111‬‬

‫وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‪4#‬‬

‫ال‪d‬م ‪ِ1#^َّd‬كثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‪3#‬‬

‫وَ ق مُليِ ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حم‪ c‬مُد ِ َّ ِلل ‪e‬لَّ ِي لَ ‪ c‬يتَ َّ ِخ أ‪c‬ذ وَلَ ًا وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪َ /‬شيِيكٌ ِف‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪#‬‬ ‫‪ِ /ُSurah‬ع َو َجا‪$‬‬ ‫‪al-Kahf‬يًَا ‪c‬ع‪َ1 1#‬ل لَّ‬ ‫‪begins‬ك يَِّب‪c‬تَ^بَهُ تتَكأ‪c‬وَلَ يِ ‪c‬‬ ‫كوَت‬ ‫‪c praise‬مِّ ِدَن ِه‪eein‬لأ‪c‬ل ّ ُِّل> ِ‬ ‫َكنلَّ‪َof‬لَُ‪ /‬عوَ َ ِتَل ٌّلعتَ‬ ‫‪dAllah‬ى َأ‬ ‫‪ee seen‬لأ‪c‬لأ‪c‬مَُ‪as‬حل ‪c‬م مُأ‪c‬كِد‪َّ ِ S,‬وِللَلَ‪e‬لَّ‪ِ c‬‬ ‫ك ِتعوَ َج‬ ‫‪َ Accordingly,‬وذَلَ^ل ‪ c‬يَِكتَ ‪c‬ع‪e‬لأ‪َc‬ل لَّ ُِ‪/‬‬ ‫ري‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫تَ^بُا‪$‬رسل‬ ‫تويحد‬ ‫‪above, and warns against those who claim He has a son:‬‬ ‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِيدًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُؤ‪c‬مِ ِ تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو تَن‬ ‫ال‪1#d d‬‬ ‫‪e‬ولَنيُصِذَّ^رَلِ‪e‬لَّ ِح تَني ق‬ ‫تَ^تَِال أَُو اْ َّن‪e‬تَّلَ ُ َخ ‪c‬م َذأ ‪ec‬للََّج ًُا و َ​َلَح ًَاسن‪ً4#‬ا‪2#‬‬ ‫ومَنيَُّ^ ِ ِذكرَثِ ‪e‬لَّ تَنيِ فِ تَنيِهق َأَباَلُوداًااْ ‪e‬ت‪َّ3#‬خ‬ ‫…‬ ‫‪‘Allah‬‬ ‫وَ‪to‬ق مُليِ ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬ح‬ ‫‪ِ and‬ف‬ ‫‪also‬شيِيكٌ‬ ‫‪َُ warn‬ك‪to‬لَّ ُ‪َ /‬‬ ‫‪ًthose‬ا وَلَ ‪ c‬ي‬ ‫‪ِ who‬خ أ‪c‬ذ وَلَ‬ ‫‪ say:‬لَ ‪ c‬يتَ َّ‬ ‫ِي‬ ‫‪ِ َّhas‬لل ‪e‬لَّ‬ ‫‪taken‬م‪ c‬مُد ِ‬ ‫)‪Himself a son,’ (al-Kahf 18: 4‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪#‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c‬ممَُّ^ل ِكأ‪c‬كِ وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪ /‬وَ ِ ٌّل مِّ َن ‪e‬ل ّ ُِّل> وَ ك يَِّب‪c‬هُ تتَكأ‪ c‬يِريًا‬ ‫كتتَ^بُ رسل‬ ‫تويحد‪e‬لأ‪ِ c‬‬ ‫َذ^لِكتَ‬ ‫‪first three‬ثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَد‬ ‫‪al-Kahf’s‬اًا‪ We will now take a closer look at Surah3#‬مَّا لَ ُم بيِهِ\ مِ ‪c‬ن عِلأ‪ ٍ c‬وَل‬ ‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِيدًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُؤ‪c‬مِ ِ تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو تَن‪verses:‬أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِإ‬ ‫مدحن‪e‬تَّلَعُ َ​َخ ‪c‬متَلَذأعتَ ‪ec‬للََّجِد ًُا ِهو‪e‬لأ‪َ​َ c‬لَح ًَاسن ِ‪4#‬‬ ‫‪ e‬أ‪c‬ولَنيُح ‪c‬صِذَّ^ مُرَدلِ َّ‪e‬لَّ ِللِح‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني ق‬ ‫كًا‬ ‫تَ^تَِ‪d‬ىال َأأَُوناَْلَ​َّ‬ ‫شركت‪2#‬تَ^بَ وَلَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬ع َو َجا‪ 1#$‬ومَلَ​َنيَُّ^ ‪ِ ِ c‬ذيَكرَ‪c‬ثِع‪e‬لَّ تَنيَِلفِلَّ تَنيِهُ‪/‬ق َأَباَِلعُووَداًااْ َج‪e‬ت‪3#‬ا‪َّ$‬خ‬ ‫الْ َ مْد‬ ‫‪Praise be to Allah Who has revealed to His servant the‬‬ ‫)‪ Book devoid of all crookedness; (al-Kahf 18: 1‬ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع نَّ ‪c‬سَك‬ ‫رس‬ ‫تويحد بيِ​ِثيِهِ\أَمِ َس ‪c‬فناًاع‪ِ6#‬لأ‪ ٍ c‬وَل‬ ‫تَمَاَّ^ر ِكَكتَثِ ‪e‬لَّتَني فِ​ِىِهنَأَبَ​َّلَداًا‪e‬لأ‪c ُ 3#c‬ر ق َا تَن ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دهِ\ لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‪َ c‬ع^ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذريًا‪e 1#‬ملال‪d‬أ‪َّc‬ا‪َ d‬حلَ‪1#‬دُم‬ ‫وَقَ يِقّممُليًِا ِ‪ّe‬للأ‪ُc‬ن َحِذم‪c‬رَ بمَُدأ‪َّ ِ c‬س ِللًا ‪e‬لََّشدِيدًا مِ‬ ‫ِيّنلَلَّ‪ُ c‬يتَن‪ُ َّ c‬ه ِخوَ يأ‪ُc‬ذب ِرّوَلَ َتَش ًا‪e‬لأ‪c‬ومَُلَؤ ‪cc‬مِي ِ ُ تَنيَك لَّ‪e‬لَّ ُِ‪ َ /‬تَنيشيَ ‪c‬مَيِيكٌلُو ِ تَنف أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِإ‬ ‫‪2#‬‬ ‫مدحنُ‪/‬لَوَُ ‪ِ c‬م أٌّل ‪c‬مَِّج َنًا ‪َ e‬حل ّ َِسُّل>نًا‬ ‫تَ^تَِكأَلَّ َّ‬ ‫ا‪ee‬لْلأ‪c‬مَُحلصمَّ^أ‪c‬كِْدلِ وَلَح‬ ‫كقَاتلُو اْ ‪e‬‬ ‫َوذَنيُ^ل ِذِكتَرَ ‪e‬لأ‪ec‬لَّ ِ تَني‬ ‫شرك‬ ‫يِ‬ ‫تَكأ‪c‬‬ ‫ت‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪#‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫ًا‬ ‫ري‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫َب‬ ‫يِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ك‬ ‫و‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫تَ^بُت‪e‬لَرَّخل‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪ِ an unerringly Straight Book, meant to warn of a stern‬إنَّا تَجَلأ‪َ c‬ا مَا ع َتَل أ‪c‬‬ ‫‪ punishment‬ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع نَّ ‪c‬سَك‬ ‫‪to‬مُن‪proclaim,‬‬ ‫‪ْfrom‬ا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‪c‬لِ ِ\‬ ‫‪ِ Allah,‬دنَا ف َ ‪c‬أتمُو‬ ‫‪َand‬ا ع َتَل عتَ ‪c‬‬ ‫َي ِّم‪to‬مَّا نَ َّ أ‪c‬ل‬ ‫‪those‬ك ُت ‪c‬م ِف ر ‪ٍ c‬‬ ‫وَِإن‬ ‫تَومَنيَُ‪َe‬اَّ^ ‪c‬رد ِ ِذكعَكتَرَثُِو اْ‪e‬لَّتَنيِ مُفِ َش تَنيِىَِهدقا‪d‬نَ​َأَباَءَلَّلَكُوداًااُْم‪ee‬لأ‪c‬ت‪3#‬مَُِّ ‪c‬ر َّنخق َا َذد تَُون‪e‬للَّعيِن ُ َتَلو‪e‬للََّلَعتَِ ‪ًc‬اإ ِد‪ِ4#‬نهِ\كلُِن َتُ ُك ‪c‬مو تَن لِصلأ‪َ ^َc‬ع ِد^قِ َل ِم تَني‪ #‬تَني‪23‬نَ ِذريًا‪e 1#‬ملأ‪c‬مَّاَّ^ َحلَ ِكدثُِم بيِ​ِثيِ تَنيهِ\فِأَمِ َِسه ‪c‬فنأَباًاَعد‪ِ6#‬لأ‪c‬اًا ٍ‪3#‬وَل‬ ‫وَ ِإنَّا لَجتَ^ ِعلُو تَن مَا عتَل‬ ‫أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِإ‬ ‫‪11‬‬ ‫الْ َحمْد مدح‬ ‫شرك ِّم َن ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حرَا ِم إِلَ ِإنَّا تَج‬ ‫تويحدَلأ‪َ c‬ا مَا ع َتَل أ‪ec‬لَر‬ ‫رس‬ ‫ب‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫بيِ‬ ‫‪c‬لً‬ ‫ل‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ\‬ ‫ه‬ ‫د‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َى‬ ‫َس‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫ُسب‪c‬حتَ^ َ‬ ‫كنمُن‪e‬لَُّت ِ ‪c‬م ‪ِd‬ى أف ر ‪ٍَ c‬ي ِّممَّا نَ َّ أ‪c‬لَا ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دنَا ف َ ‪c‬أتمُو ْا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‪c‬لِ ِ\ فوَ​َلَق َ​َاللُو اَّْكتَ ‪e‬تَّب َ​َ^خ َذ ِخ‪ٌ e‬عرلَّ نَّ ‪c c‬حس َمَك^ن‬ ‫‪e‬قَلوأ‪ c‬يِّمَم ‪ًc‬ا‬ ‫َِإنس ِ ّل يِجُندِذرَ أ‪c‬بَ‪e‬لأ‪ c‬أ‪c‬سًاَقَا َش‪e‬لَّدِيدِىًا مِبَ^ّنرَلَّ ُ أ‪c‬كن‪c‬ن ُهتَاوَ يَُحبو ِرّ‪c‬لَ َتَشُ‪e/‬لأ‪ِc‬نمُمُ يِؤيَ‪c‬مِه ُِ‪ِ /‬تَمني ‪ec‬لَّن ِ ءَا تَيني يَ​َ^تِ ‪َc‬ا‪Pd‬مَلإِنَُّوه تَُ‪/‬ن‬



‫كتتَ^بَ وَلَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬ع َو َجا‪1#$‬‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬ح ‪c‬م مُد ِ َّ ِلل‪e‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى َأنَلَ ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬د ِه ‪e‬لأ‪ِ c‬‬ ‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِي‪-‬دًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُؤ‪c‬مِ ِ تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو تَن‬ ‫ع‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫يَ‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪#‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫‪$‬‬ ‫ج‬ ‫َ‬ ‫و‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُ‪/‬‬ ‫لَّ‬ ‫َل‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫َلَ‬ ‫و‬ ‫تَ^بَ‬ ‫كت‬ ‫كتتَ^بَ وَلَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬ع َو َجا‪ 1#$‬وَلَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬عوَ َجا‪ $‬قَ يِّمًا‪e‬لأ‪ّ ِ c‬ل َحُن ‪c‬م ِذ مُرَد ِبَ​َّأ‪ِ c‬للس‪e‬لَّ ًِا َ ‪d‬شى َأدِينَلَدًاع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬قَد يِّ ِهم‪e‬لأ‪ًc‬ا ِ‬ ‫وَلَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬ح ‪c‬م مُد ِ َّ ِلل‪e‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى َأنَلَ ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬د ِه ‪e‬لأ‪ِ c‬‬ ‫‪lessons from surah al kahf‬‬

‫‪e‬لصَّ^لِحتَ^تِ أَ َّن لَ ُ ‪c‬م أ ‪َc‬جًا َح َسنًا‪2#‬‬

‫‪who believe and work righteous deeds, the tiding that‬‬

‫وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّخَذ‬

‫‪ِ theirs‬ي لَ ‪ c‬يتَ َّ ِخ أ‪c‬ذ وَلَ ًا وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪َ /‬شيِيكٌ ِف‬ ‫)‪ be a good reward (al-Kahf 18: 2‬وَ ق مُليِ ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حم‪ c‬مُد ِ َّ ِلل ‪e‬لَّ‬ ‫‪ shall‬وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪ /‬وَ ِ ٌّل مِّ َن ‪e‬ل ّ ُِّل> وَ ك يَِّب‪c‬هُ تتَكأ‪ c‬يِريًا‪1 1#‬ال‪1#d d‬‬ ‫ال‪1#d d‬‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُلأ‪c‬كِ‬ ‫وَ ق مُليِ ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حم‪ c‬مُد ِ َّ ِلل ‪e‬لَّ ِي لَ ‪ c‬يتَ َّ ِخ أ‪c‬ذ وَلَ ًا وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪َ /‬شيِيكٌ ِف‬ ‫وَ ق مُليِ ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حم‪ c‬مُد ِ َّللِ ‪e‬لَّ ِي لَ ‪ c‬يتَ َّ ِخ أ‪c‬ذ وَلَ ًا وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪َ /‬شيِيكٌ ِف‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُلأ‪c‬كِ وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪ /‬وَ ِ ٌّل مِّ َن ‪e‬ل ّ ُِّل> وَ ك يَِّب‪c‬مهَُّ^تتَكأ‪ c‬يِ ِكريثًِا‪ 1 1#‬تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا َذ^لِكتَ ‪e‬لأ‪ِ c‬كتتَ^بُ َل ر ‪َ! َ c‬ي فِ‪e‬لأ‪! ِ c‬همُلهُأ‪c‬كِدًىو لَلَِّلأ‪cc‬مُيتَّ ُقَِك تَنيلَّ ُ‪2#/‬وَوَنيُِ ٌّل ِذرَمِّ َن‪e‬لَّ ِ‪e‬ل تَّنيُِّل>قَالوَُوكاْ يِّ‪َe‬ب‪c‬تَّهُ َتختَكأ‪َ c‬ذيِري‪e‬للًَّا ُ‪1#‬مو‪َّ1‬اَلَ ًالَ‪ُ4#‬م بيِهِ\ مِ ‪c‬ن َذ^علِلأ‪ِc‬كتَ ٍ ‪e‬لو َ​َل‬ ‫أ‪c‬ك‬


‫)‪wherein they shall abide for ever; (al-Kahf 18: 3‬‬

‫وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‪4#‬‬

‫الْ َحمْد مدح‬

‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‪3#‬‬


‫وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‪4#‬‬

‫أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُوملَّ^ُو ِكثِ تَن تَنيِ فِ َِّهإ‬

‫‪The surah begins in praise of Allah S who sent down to His‬‬ ‫‪َ (servant),‬شدِيدًا مِ‬ ‫‪ the Prophet f, a book, the Qur’an, in which He‬قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا‬ ‫‪ّ[abd‬ن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُؤ‪c‬مِ ِ تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُون‬ ‫تويحد‬ ‫‪ crooked‬ا’لرخة‬ ‫‪ nor incorrect.‬رساةل‬ ‫تويحد‬ ‫‪Allah S further‬‬ ‫‪َhas‬جًا َح َسنًا‬ ‫‪not‬لَ ُ ‪c‬م أ ‪c‬‬ ‫‪made‬تَ^تِ أَ َّن‬ ‫‪eanything‬لصَّ^لِح‬ ‫‪ is straight and firm,‬قَ يِّمًا ِ ّل‬ ‫‪that‬مِّن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُؤ‪c‬مِ ِ‬ ‫‪the‬سًا َشدِيدًا‬ ‫‪ُBook‬ن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬‬ ‫‪ establishes‬تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو تَن‬ ‫‪He‬وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُ‬ ‫‪that‬ؤ‪c‬مِ ِ تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ‬ ‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِيدًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه‬ ‫‪ such‬تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو تَن‬ ‫‪َabout‬جًا َح َسنًا‬ ‫تَ^تِ أَ َّن لَ ُ ‪c‬م أ ‪c‬‬ ‫‪severe‬لِح‬ ‫‪َ punishment‬ذ ‪e‬للَّ ُ وَلَ‪e‬ل ًاصَّ^‬ ‫‪may warn‬‬ ‫‪the‬‬ ‫وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني‬ ‫‪e‬لصَّ^لِحتَ^تِ أَ َّن لَ ُ ‪c‬م أ ‪َc‬جًا َح َسنًا‬ ‫‪ that is coming from‬وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َّ^‬ ‫م‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اًا‬ ‫د‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫أ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫فِ‬ ‫ني‬ ‫تَ‬ ‫‪Him and give glad tidings to the believers who do good deeds‬‬ ‫‪that they will have much‬‬ ‫‪and rewards.‬‬ ‫‪blessings‬هيِ ‪c‬م‪P‬مَّ^ ِك‬ ‫كثَِبُ تَني فَِت‪ِ c‬هك َأَلِبَمَد ًاًا‬ ‫مَّا لَ ُم بيِهِ\ مِن‬ ‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ا‬ ‫‪d‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ل‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َل‬ ‫َ‬ ‫و‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ِلأ‪c‬‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ\‬ ‫‪indicates praise. There‬مَّا لَ ُم بيِه‬ ‫ِن‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫ُجُ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫خ‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ة‬ ‫شرك‬ ‫‪ ) is a beautiful word that‬الْ َحمْد ( مدح‬ ‫‪Hamd‬‬ ‫أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن ي‬ ‫‪ُlanguage‬و تَن ِ َّإ َك ِذبًا‬ ‫;‪ that indicate praise‬أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو ل‬ ‫‪are many words in the Arabic‬‬ ‫شرك‬ ‫الْ َحمْد مدح‬ ‫الْ َحمْد مدح‬ ‫‪ِmadh‬ى نَ‪َّis‬لَ ‪e‬لأ‪c ُ c‬ر ق َا تَن‬ ‫) شرك ( ‪ ) meaning ‘to praise’ and there is shukr‬تَ( َارَكتَ ‪e‬لَّ‬ ‫‪there‬ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دهِ\ لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‪c‬عَ^ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذريًا‬ ‫‪meaning‬‬ ‫‪thanks‬‬ ‫ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ‬ ‫‪ word madh means‬ف‬ ‫‪ُ give‬و اْ بيِ‬ ‫‪َThe‬لَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع نَّ ‪c‬س‬ ‫‪to‬هَ^ذَا‬ ‫ِن لَّ ‪ c‬يُ ‪c‬مِ‬ ‫‪َand‬اثَ^ر ِ ‪c‬يِه إ‬ ‫‪َgratitude.‬كتَ ع َ ‪d‬تَل ء‬ ‫‪ flatter,‬تَن لِلأ‪c‬‬ ‫‪and‬تَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دهِ\ لِ َ ُكو‬ ‫‪c often‬ر ق َا تَن ع َ‬ ‫‪ِ madh‬ى نَ َّلَ ‪e‬لأ‪ُ c‬‬ ‫‪out‬اًا ‪ is done‬تَ َارَكتَ ‪e‬لَّ‬ ‫‪to‬عَ^ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذريًا‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حدِثيِ أَسَف‬ ‫‪ِ c to‬دهِ\ لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‪c‬عَ^‬ ‫تَ َارَكتَ ‪e‬لَّ ِى نَ َّلَ ‪e‬لأ‪c ُ c‬ر ق َا تَن ع َتَل عتَ‬ ‫‪َ wanting‬ل ِم‪ of‬تَني نَ ِذريًا‬ ‫‪َ the‬حد‪ِof‬ثيِ أَ َسف‬ ‫‪e sense‬لأ‪c‬‬ ‫‪impress the person to whom it is directed. One can do madh to‬‬ ‫‪ of someone, and it could therefore be insincere‬وَِإن ك‬ ‫‪the‬ف ر ‪ٍَ c‬ي ِّم‬ ‫‪gain‬مَّا نَ َّ أ‪c‬لَا ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دنَا ف َ ‪c‬أتمُو ْا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‪c‬لِ‬ ‫‪favour‬مُن ُت ‪c‬م ِ‬ ‫ِإنَّا تَجَلأ‪َ c‬ا مَا ع‬ ‫‪ِ done in response to‬إنَّا تَ‬ ‫‪c could‬ح وَس‪cُ eَit‬ندع تَعُوم‬ ‫َي َأ‬ ‫‪be‬لُو مُ ‪َc‬ه أ ُّ ُ ‪c‬‬ ‫‪true.‬لَّ َا لِ َ ‪c‬ب‬ ‫‪Shukr‬ر يِ‪c‬ض يِز نيتَ ًة‬ ‫‪only‬جَلأ‪َ c‬ا‪ is‬مَا ع َتَل أ‪eَ c‬ل‬ ‫‪ and‬يِن ‪e‬للَّ ِ إِن كُنتُ ‪c‬م صَ^ ِدقِ تَني‬ ‫‪ false,‬مِّن دُو‬ ‫‪or‬اَْلاً مُ َش َدا‪d‬ءَكُم‬ ‫‪ good‬ف َ ‪c‬أت‪a‬مُو ْا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‪c‬لِ ِ\‬ ‫‪َdone‬ا ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دنَا‬ ‫‪ٍَ to‬ي ِّممَّا نَ َّ أ‪c‬ل‬ ‫‪you.‬ف ر ‪c‬‬ ‫‪َِresponse‬إن‪In‬كمُن ُت ‪c‬م ِ‬ ‫و‬ ‫‪ِّ doing‬م‪c‬لِ ِ\‬ ‫‪ْ us‬ا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن‬ ‫‪good‬عتَ ‪aِ c‬دنَا ف َ ‪c‬أتمُو‬ ‫وَِإن كمُن ُت ‪c‬م ِف ر ‪ٍَ c‬ي ِّممَّا نَ َّ أ‪c‬لَا ع َتَل‬ ‫‪to someone‬‬ ‫‪exchange.‬ن َّا ل َ‪an‬‬ ‫‪ِ turn,‬دقِ تَني‬ ‫‪we‬كُنتُ ‪c‬م صَ^‬ ‫‪esay‬للَّ ِ إِن‬ ‫‪shukran,‬دُو يِن‬ ‫‪ُand‬وزاًْا مُ َش َدا‪d‬ءَكُم مِّن‬ ‫وَ ِإنَّا لَجتَ^ ِعلُو‬ ‫وَ‪c e‬دعُو اْ مُ َش َدا‪d‬ءَكُم مِّن دُو يِن ‪e‬للَّ ِ إِن كُنتُ ‪c‬م صَ^ ِدقِ تَني‬ ‫جتَ^ ِعل‪ُis‬و تَن مَا عتَلَي‪c‬‬ ‫‪َshukr‬ا َص‬ ‫وَ ِإ‬ ‫‪so‬عِي ودًاَ‪c e‬د ُع ُ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫‪َHowever,‬سَى بيِ َب‪ِ c‬دهِ\ َل‪c‬لً ِّم َن ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حرَا ِم إِل‬ ‫‪hamd‬سب‪c‬حتَ^ َن ‪e‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى أ ‪c‬‬ ‫‪is completely different to shukr and madh.‬‬ ‫‪e solely because the one that you are praising‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬‬ ‫‪^َHamd‬رَ أ‪c‬كنتَا َحو‪c‬لَ ُ‪ /‬لِنمُ يِ يَهُ‪ِ /‬م ‪c‬ن ءَايَ^تِ َا‪ Pd‬إِنَّه‬ ‫‪ to‬أ‪ec‬ل أ‪َisc‬قَا ‪e‬لَّ ِى ب‬ ‫‪praise‬س يِج ِد‬ ‫م‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫س‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫ب‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫بيِ‬ ‫ِلَ‬ ‫إ‬ ‫م‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ح‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫د‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫يِ‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫َ‬ ‫م‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪c‬لً‬ ‫ل‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ\‬ ‫ه‬ ‫د‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُسب‪c‬حتَ^ َن ‪e‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى أ ‪َc‬سَى‬ ‫‪ِّ and‬م َن ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد‬ ‫ُسب‪c‬حتَ^ َن ‪e‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى أ ‪َc‬سَى بيِ َب‪ِ c‬دهِ\ َل‪c‬لً‬ ‫وَ قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬‬ ‫‪esimultaneously‬رلَّ ‪isc‬حمَ^‪ُ it‬ن وَلَ ًا‬ ‫‪ebroader‬لأ‪َ c‬حرَا ِم إِلَ وَ قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ‬ ‫‪is worthy‬‬ ‫‪that‬وَ ‪َّ e‬سل‬ ‫‪of‬مِي ُع ‪e‬ل َ ِأ‪c‬بريُ‬ ‫‪ praise. So‬هُ‬ ‫‪P‬‬ ‫‪ِ more‬م ‪c‬ن ءَايَ^تِ َا‪ d‬إِنَّهُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪َspecific.‬حو‪c‬لَ ُ‪ /‬لِنمُ يِ يَهُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪ broader‬أ‪ec‬ل أ‪َisc‬قَا‪eIt‬لَّ ِى بَ^رَ أ‪c‬كنتَا‬ ‫‪e because it has nothing‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد‬ ‫‪do‬يَهُ‪ِ to/‬م ‪c‬ن ءَايَ^تِ َا‪ Pd‬إِنَّهُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪with‬و‪c‬لَ ُ‪ /‬لِنمُ يِ‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد أ‪ec‬ل أ‪َc‬قَا ‪e‬لَّ ِى بَ^رَ أ‪c‬كنتَا َح‬ ‫لَّ تَ ‪c‬د يِجئ‪c‬تُ ‪c‬م شَي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫ش‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫ج‬ ‫يِ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ًّا‬ ‫د‬ ‫إ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ًا‬ ‫‪E‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫د‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫تَ‬ ‫لَّ‬ ‫‪are‬وَ ‪َّ e‬سلمِي‬ ‫‪ُyou‬ع ‪e‬ل َ ِأ‪c‬بريُ‬ ‫‪ praising might have done for you.‬هُ‬ ‫‪what the one that‬‬ ‫هُوَ ‪َّ e‬سلمِي ُع ‪e‬ل َ ِأ‪c‬بريُ‬ ‫تتَكَا ُد ‪َّ e‬سلمَ^وَ^‬ ‫‪ also‬تَهدًّا‪And it is‬‬ ‫‪^َthat‬تُ يتَ َ‬ ‫‪more‬خ ُّر ‪e‬لأ‪ c‬يِجبَالُ‬ ‫‪ specific‬أ‪eَ c‬لر ُ‪c‬ض َوتَ ِ‬ ‫‪ََّ in‬ف ‪c‬ر تَن مِ ‪ُ c‬ه َوتَشنَقُّ‬ ‫‪ُ you‬د ‪َّ e‬سلمَ^و‬ ‫‪ have to praise the‬تتَكَا‬ ‫‪one being praised solely because he deserves that praise due‬‬ ‫أَن تَدعتَو‪ c‬اْ لِرلَّح‬ ‫أَن تَدعتَو‪ c‬اْ لِرلَّ ‪c‬حمَ^نِ وَلَ ًا‬ ‫‪to internal characterstices that he possesses, and not due to‬‬ ‫وَ مَا يَنب‪ c‬يَِغ لِرلَّح‬ ‫‪ًto‬ا‪anything he has done‬‬ ‫‪َWhile‬غ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح‬ ‫‪َ or‬ذ وَلَ‬ ‫‪َfor‬ن يتَ َّ ِخ‬ ‫‪you.‬مَ^نِ أ‬ ‫‪ shukr is in response‬وَ مَا يَنب‪ c‬يِ‬

‫‪2#‬تَ َارَكتَ ‪e‬لَّ ِى نَ َّلَ‬


‫‪2#‬‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c ُ c‬ر ق َا تَن ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دهِ\ لِ َ ُكو‪ 4#‬تَن لِلأ‪َ c‬ع^ َل ِم تَ‬ ‫ني ن َ ِذريًا‪3# 1#‬‬ ‫‪3#‬‬ ‫‪5#‬‬

‫ف َلَ َلَّكتَ‪ 2#‬بَ^ ِخ ٌع نَّ ‪c‬سَكتَ‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حدِثيِ أَ َسفاًا‪6#‬‬

‫ِإنَّا تَجَلأ‪َ c‬ا مَا ع َتَل أ‪eَ c‬لر‪c‬ض‬ ‫‪1#‬‬

‫وَِإن كمُن ُت ‪c‬م ِف ر ‪ٍَ c‬ي ِّممَّا نَ َّ أ‪c‬لَا ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دنَا ف َ ‪c‬أتمُو ْا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‪c‬لِ ِ\‬ ‫وَ‪c e‬دعُو اْ مُ َش َدا‪d‬ءَ‪1#‬كُم مِّن دُو يِن ‪e‬للَّ‪ ِ6#‬إِن كُنتُ ‪c‬م صَ^ ِدقِ تَني‪23#‬‬ ‫وَ ِإنَّا لَج‪#‬تَ^‪ِ 1‬علُو تَن مَا عتَلَي‪c‬‬ ‫‪7#‬‬



‫ُسب‪c‬حتَ^ َن‪e23#‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى أ ‪َc‬سَى بيِ َب‪ِ c‬دهِ\ َل‪c‬لً ِّم َن ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c8#‬س يِج ِد ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حرَا ِم إِلَ وَ قَال‪ُ#‬و‪ 23‬اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬رلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^ن‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد أ‪ec‬ل أ‪َc‬قَا ‪e‬لَّ ِى بَ^رَ أ‪c‬كنتَا َحو‪c‬لَ ُ‪ /‬لِنمُ يِ يَهُ‪ِ /‬م ‪c‬ن ءَايَ^تِ َا‪ Pd‬إِنَّهُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪ 1#‬لَّ تَ ‪c‬د يِجئ‪c‬تُ ‪c‬م َشي‪ًEc‬ا إِدًّا‪89#‬‬ ‫‪88#‬‬ ‫هُوَ ‪َّ e‬سلمِي ُع ‪e‬ل َ ِأ‪c‬بريُ‪1#‬‬ ‫‪89#‬‬ ‫‪1#‬‬ ‫تتَكَا ُد ‪َّ e‬سل َم^وَ^تُ يتَ َ ََّفر‪c‬ن‬ ‫‪90#‬‬ ‫أَن تَدعتَو‪ c‬اْ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^نِ وَل‬ ‫‪91#‬‬ ‫‪92#‬‬ ‫وَ مَا يَنب‪ c‬يَِغ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^نِ أَن‬ ‫‪12‬‬



‫مَلُو تَن‬c َ‫لَّ ِ تَني ي‬e ‫مِ ِ تَني‬c‫مُؤ‬c‫لأ‬e ‫ ُه وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش‬c‫سًا َشدِيدًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‬c‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‬ َ ‫َجًا َح‬c ‫م أ‬you of some kind2#or‫سنًا‬ because ‫ل‬e c ُ َ‫ َّن ل‬hope َ‫حتَ^تِ أ‬forِ ِ‫ل‬c‫لأ‬e^َّ‫ ِه‬a‫ ِصد‬c َ‫عت‬return, ‫تَّخ‬e ْ‫لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو ا‬e َ‫ًاوَنيُ ِذر‬to‫ قَ يِّم‬a favour ‫ى َأنَلَ ع َتَل‬d ِ َّ‫ل‬e‫م مُد ِ َّ ِلل‬c ‫ َح‬c‫لأ‬e ‫سًا َشدِيدًا‬c‫ قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‬$‫ ِعوَ َجا‬/ُ َّ‫عَل ل‬c َ‫ ي‬c َ‫ وَل‬1#$‫ ِع َو َجا‬/ُ َّ‫عَل ل‬c َ‫ ي‬c َ‫كتتَ^بَ وَل‬ Circumstances of Revelation, Features and the Opening Verses

‫ ٍ وَل‬c‫ن عِلأ‬c ِ‫مَّا لَ ُم بيِهِ\ م‬ ‫م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِإ‬P c ِ‫وَ^هِهي‬c‫أَف‬

‫سَك‬c َّ‫ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع ن‬ 6#‫ َحدِثيِ أَ َسفاًا‬c‫لأ‬e

hamd is done because the one you are praising is worthy of that hamd. Surah al-Kahf begins with d Alhamdulillah: All praise is due d‫ال‬ to Allah S. Why is He worthy of ‫ف‬praise? states, ِ ٌ‫ َشيِيك‬/ُ َّ‫َك ل‬As ُ ‫ ي‬c َ‫وَل‬the ‫ذ وَلَ ًا‬c‫ أ‬verse ‫ يتَ َّ ِخ‬c َ‫ِي ل‬ َّ‫ل‬e ِ‫ مُد ِ َّلل‬c‫ َحم‬c‫لأ‬e ِ‫وَ ق مُلي‬ because Allah S has revealed upon His [abd, the > Prophet f, ‫ يِريًا‬c‫هُ تتَكأ‬c‫ل ّ ُِّل وَ ك يَِّب‬e ‫ وَ ِ ٌّل مِّ َن‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫كِ وَل‬c‫مُلأ‬c‫لأ‬e ‫مُتَّقِ تَني‬c‫َي فِ ِ !ه هُدًى لِّلأ‬ ! َ c ‫كتتَ^بُ َل ر‬ ِ c‫لأ‬e َ‫َذ^لِكت‬ the Book which is the Qur’an. So powerful is the miracle and blessing of the Qur’an that has been brought down for the َ‫للَّ ُ وَل‬efact ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫ا‬He ‫لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو‬e َ‫وَنيُ ِذر‬ ^َّ‫ م‬Allah S for it.‫ ًا‬In َ‫فِ ِه أَب‬to‫ ِكثِ تَني‬praise world that it behoves ‫داًا‬us mentions this in other verses as well; Surah al-Furqan begins:

‫لَر‬ec‫ َا مَا ع َتَل أ‬c‫ِن تَجَلأ‬ ‫ِإنَّا‬c ‫م‬


3#‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬ 1 1#



‫ مدح‬4# ‫الْ َحمْد‬





1#‫ َع^ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذريًا‬c‫ ِدهِ\ لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‬c َ‫مَتَنلُوع تَن َتَل عت‬c َ‫ر قتَنيَاي‬c ِ َُّ‫ل‬ec‫لأ‬e‫مِ ِ تَني‬cَ‫نَمُؤَّل‬c‫لأ‬e‫لَّوَيُب ِرّ َتَشِى‬e‫ ُه‬c‫سًا َشدِيتَدًاَامِرّن لََّكتَ ُ ن‬c‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‬ 2#


‫َجًا َح َسنًا‬c on ‫م أ‬c ُ َ‫لصَّ^لِحتَ^تِ أَ َّن ل‬e ‫للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‬eis‫ َخ َذ‬He َّ‫ت‬e ْ‫الُو ا‬Who َ ‫لَّ ِ تَني ق‬e َ‫ ِذر‬sent ُ‫ وَني‬down this Criterion Most blessed His servant, to be a warner to all mankind; (al-Furqan ‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬ َ ‫ ك‬c‫ كَبُ َت‬P‫م‬c ِ‫ئِهي‬d‫ ٍ و َ​َل ِ َلبَا‬c‫ن عِلأ‬c ِ‫مَّا لَ ُم بيِهِ\ م‬ ُ‫خرُج‬25: c َ‫لِمَ ًة ت‬1)

\ِ ِ‫ل‬c‫ُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‬5#‫أ َّتإمُو َْاك ب ِيِذبًاس‬c َِ‫يَ مُو ِلدنُوَا تَنف‬c ‫متَلإعتَِن‬P c ِ‫وَ^عهِ َهي‬c‫لأَفَا‬c‫ ٍَي ِّممَّا نَ َّ أ‬c ‫م ِف ر‬c ‫وَِإن كمُن ُت‬ 23#‫م صَ^ ِدقِ تَني‬c ُ‫للَّ ِ إِن كُنت‬e ‫ءَكُم مِّن دُو يِن‬d‫دعُو اْ مُ َش َدا‬c eَ‫و‬ ‫وَ ِإنَّا لَجتَ^ ِعلُو تَن مَا عتَل‬


Here Furqan, or ‘Criterion’, refers to the Qur’an. And so, Allah ‫شرك‬ ‫الْ َحمْد مدح‬ S is praised for having revealed this miraculous Book. ‫ ُو اْ بيِهَ^ذَا‬In ِ‫م‬c ُ‫ ي‬c َّ‫ل‬the ‫ِن‬opening ‫يِه إ‬c ِ ‫تَل ءَاثَ^ر‬d َ ‫ ع‬verse َ‫سَكت‬c َّ‫ ِخ ٌع ن‬of ‫ ف َلَ َل‬al-Kahf, Allah S mentions ^َ‫َّكتَ ب‬Surah ^َ‫ع‬c‫ ِدهِ\ لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‬c َ‫ن ع َتَل عت‬.َ‫ َا ت‬Many ‫ر ق‬c ُ c‫لأ‬e َ‫لَّ ِى نَ َّل‬e َ‫تَ َارَكت‬ ‫‘ريًا‬ala ‫ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذ‬abdihi ‫أَ َسفاًا‬the ِ‫ َحدِثي‬Book: c‫لأ‬e who is the recipient of have translated [abd as ‘slave’, but the real meaning here is not ‫ ِإنَّا تَج‬highest praise for any person َ ‫ح‬c ‫َي َأ‬ ً‫س ُن تَعمَلا‬slave c ُ ُّ ‫َه أ‬cbut ُ‫بلُو م‬c َ ِ‫‘َا ل‬worshipper’. َّ‫ض يِز نيتَ ًة ل‬cِ‫لر ي‬eَ c‫ َا مَا ع َتَل أ‬c‫َلأ‬The is to be a worshipper of Allah S; this is the highest maqam \ِ ِ‫ل‬c‫أتمُو ْا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‬c َ ‫ ِدنَا ف‬c َ‫لَا ع َتَل عت‬c‫ ٍَي ِّممَّا نَ َّ أ‬c ‫م ِف ر‬c ‫وَِإن كمُن ُت‬ or status a person can reach, as no human will be exalted ِ ^َ‫م ص‬c ُ‫كُنت‬S. ‫للَّ ِ إِن‬eThe ‫ّن دُو يِن‬more ِ‫ءَكُم م‬d‫دعُو اْ مُ َش َدا‬c eَ‫و‬ c‫وَ ِإنَّا لَجتَ^ ِعلُو تَن مَا عتَلَي‬in front of‫دقِ تَني‬Allah ‫ج زًا‬ ُ ُ ‫ َا َصعِيدًا‬themselves until they humble humble we are in front of Allah S, the more honoured we are. And the one who has attainedَ‫إِل‬the ‫ َحرَا ِم‬c‫لأ‬eheight ‫س يِج ِد‬c َ‫م‬c‫لأ‬e ‫ َن‬of ‫لً ِّم‬chumility ‫ ِدهِ\ َل‬c‫َسَى بيِ َب‬c ‫ى أ‬d inِ َّ‫ل‬e ‫حتَ^ َن‬c‫ُسب‬ ‫حمَ^ ُن وَلَ ًا‬c َّ‫رل‬e ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫وَ قَالُو ا‬ front of Allah S is our Prophet f. When Allah /ُ‫ إِنَّه‬Pd‫ن ءَايَ^تِ َا‬c ‫ ِم‬/ُ‫ لِنمُ يِ يَه‬/ُ َ‫ل‬c‫ َحو‬S ‫كنتَا‬c‫رَ أ‬says ^َ‫لَّ ِى ب‬e‘My ‫َقَا‬c‫ل أ‬ec‫س يِج ِد أ‬c َ‫م‬c‫لأ‬e [abd’, this is the highest ‫ًا إِدًّا‬Ec‫ َشي‬praise ‫م‬c ُ‫ت‬c‫د يِجئ‬c َ‫ لَّ ت‬He can give to any creation. ُ‫بري‬c‫ل َ ِأ‬e ‫ َّسلمِي ُع‬e َ‫هُو‬ By identifying the Prophet f thus, He is saying this is My ‫ًّا‬worshipper ‫ يِجبَالُ تَهد‬c‫لأ‬e ‫ض َوتَ ِخ ُّر‬cُ ‫لر‬eَ c‫ أ‬who ُّ‫ ُه َوتَشنَق‬c ِ‫م‬has ‫ر تَن‬c ‫يتَ َ ََّف‬worshipped ُ‫ َّسلمَ^وَ^ت‬e ‫ تتَكَا ُد‬Me the way that nobody else has worshipped ‫ وَلَ ًا‬Me. ِ‫حمَ^ن‬c َّ‫ اْ لِرل‬c‫أَن تَدعتَو‬



7# ‫ح َم^ن‬c َّ‫رل‬e ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫ َحرَا ِم إِلَ وَ قَالُو ا‬c‫لأ‬e ‫س يِج ِد‬c َ‫م‬c‫لأ‬e ‫لً ِّم َن‬c‫ ِدهِ\ َل‬c‫َسَى بيِ َب‬c ‫ى أ‬d ِ َّ‫ل‬e ‫حتَ^ َن‬c‫ُسب‬ /ُ‫ إِنَّه‬Pd‫ َا‬8#ِ‫ن ءَايَ^ت‬c ‫ ِم‬/ُ‫ لِنمُ يِ يَه‬/ُ َ‫ل‬c‫كنتَا َحو‬c‫ِى بَ^رَ أ‬23# َّ‫ل‬e ‫َقَا‬c‫ل أ‬ec‫س يِج ِد أ‬c َ‫م‬c‫لأ‬e #‫ًا إِدًّا‬Ec‫م َشي‬c ُ‫ت‬c‫د يِجئ‬c َ‫لَّ ت‬ 1# ُ‫بري‬c‫ل َ ِأ‬e ‫ َّسلمِي ُع‬e َ‫هُو‬ 88# ‫ َّسل َم^وَ^تُ يتَ َ​َفَّر‬e ‫تتَكَا ُد‬ 89# 1# ‫ح َم^نِ و‬c َّ‫ اْ لِرل‬c‫َن تَدعتَو‬90#‫أ‬ 91# ِ‫ح َم^ن‬c َّ‫ يَِغ لِرل‬c‫وَ مَا يَنب‬ 92#‫حمَ^نِ أَن يتَ َّ ِخ َذ وَلَ ًا‬c َّ‫ يَِغ لِرل‬c‫وَ مَا يَنب‬ 13

‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِيدًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه وَ يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُؤ‪c‬مِ ِ تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو تَن‬ ‫تَ^تِأَباَل أَُوداًااْ َّن‪e‬ت‪َّ3#‬لَ ُ َخ ‪c‬م َذأ ‪ec‬للََّج ًُا و َ​َلَح ًَاسن‪ً4#‬ا‪2#‬‬ ‫مومَّاَنيَُّ^ لَ ِ ِذكرَثُِم بيِ‪e‬لَّ تَنيِهِ\فِ متَنيِهق‪َ c‬نأَباَلعُودِلأ‪c‬اًااْ ٍ‪e‬ت‪َّ3#‬و َخَلَذ‬ ‫‪e‬ولمَنيَُّ^ص ِذكَّ^رَثِلِ‪e‬لَّ تَنيِحفِ تَنيِهق‬ ‫‬‫أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِ َّإ‬ ‫‪Indeed, our Prophet f is referenced 3#‬‬ ‫‪[abd‬داًا‪as‬‬ ‫‪most‬الْمَّ^َحم ِك‬ ‫‪the‬ثِْد تَ‪in‬ني فِ ِه أَبَ‬ ‫تويحد بيِهِ\ مِ ‪c‬ن عِلأ‪ ٍ c‬و َ​َل‬ ‫‪ honoured‬مَّا لَ ُم‬ ‫شرك‬ ‫مدح‬ ‫رس‬ ‫‪places in the Qur’an. For example, in Surah al-Furqan‬‬ ‫‪ describing‬تَن‪when‬فأَف‪َc‬لَ َولَ^هَِّكتَهيِ ‪P c‬مبإَ^ِن ِخيَ ٌعمُو لنَُّو‪ c‬تَسن َِكتَ َّإ‬ ‫‪being‬يُب ِرّ َتَش ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مُؤ‬ ‫‪ّrevealed:‬ن لَّ ُ ن‪ُ c‬ه وَ‬ ‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِيدًا مِ‬ ‫‪cQur’an‬مِ ِ‪ the‬تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو‬ ‫مدحن‪e‬لأ‪ُ c‬لَ ُ ‪c‬ر ق‪c‬مَاأ تَن ‪c‬عَج ًَاتَل َحعتَ ‪َc‬سنِدًا‬ ‫تَ^تِ َّلَأَ َّ‬ ‫اتَ‪e‬لْل َا َحرصمَّ^َكتَْدلِ‪e‬لَّحِى نَ‬ ‫شركهِ\‪2#‬لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‪َ c‬ع^ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذريًا‪e 1#‬ولأ‪َc‬نيُ َح ِذدرَِثيِ‪e‬لَّ ِ أَ تَ َنيس قفَااًالُو‪6#‬اْ ‪e‬تَّخَذ‬ ‫‪ Most blessed is He Who sent down this Criterion on‬ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع نَّ ‪c‬سَكتَ‬ ‫‪His servant, to be a warner to all mankind; (al-Furqan‬‬ ‫‪6#‬‬ ‫اًا‬ ‫ف‬ ‫س‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِثيِ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ح‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫تَمَاَّ^ر ِكَكتَثِ ‪e‬لَّتَني فِ​ِىِهنَأَبَ​َّلَداًا‪e‬لأ‪c ُ 3#c‬ر ق َا تَن ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دهِ\ لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‪َ c‬ع^ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذري)‪ً1‬ا‪ِ 25:1#‬إمنَّا لَ تَُم‬ ‫جَلأ‪c‬بيِهَاِ\ممَِا ‪c‬عن َعتَلِلأ‪ ٍ c‬أ‪eَ c‬لورَ​َل‪c‬ض‬ ‫‪ِ where‬ف ر ‪ٍَ c‬ي ِّمم‬ ‫‪ٍ Surah‬ة ِم‪ّin‬ن ِّم‪c‬لِ ِ\‬ ‫‪al-Baqarah‬مُو ْا بيِسُو َر‬ ‫‪َّmoment‬ا نَ‪ َّ a‬أ‪c‬لَا‪at‬ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دنَا ف َ ‪c‬أت‬ ‫‪Allah‬كمُن ُت ‪c‬م‬ ‫‪ S is‬وَِإن‬ ‫‪Similarly,‬أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِ َّإ‬ ‫‪f:‬‬ ‫‪Prophet‬ني‪ِ defending the23#‬إوَنَّاِإنَّا تَلَجَلأ‪c‬جتَ^َا ِمعلَاُوع َ تَنتَلمَاأ‪eَ c‬لعتَرلَي‪cc‬ض‬ ‫شرككُنتُ ‪c‬م صَ^ ِدقِ تَ‬ ‫مدح مِّن دُو يِن ‪e‬للَّ ِ إِن‬ ‫الْوَ‪َ e‬ح ‪c‬دمعْدُو اْ مُ َش َدا‪d‬ءَكُم‬ ‫وَِإن كمُن ُت ‪c‬م ِف ر ‪ٍَ c‬ي ِّممَّا نَ َّ أ‪c‬لَا ع َتَل عتَ ‪ِ c‬دنَا ف َ ‪c‬أتمُو ْا بيِسُو َر ٍة ِمّن ِّم‪c‬لِ ِ\ ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع نَّ ‪c‬سَكتَ‬ ‫جتَ^ أَِعل َسُوفاًا تَن‪6#‬مَا عتَلَي‪c‬‬ ‫تَو ُسَ‪َe‬اب‪c c‬ردعَكتَحُوتَ^اْ‪e‬لَّ مَُن َش‪e‬لَِّىَد ِا‪d‬نَءَ​َّلَ‪d‬كى أُم‪e‬لأ‪cc‬مَُِس ‪c‬رّنق َاَىد تَُونبيِ َعب‪c‬يِن َ ِدتَله‪e‬للَِّ\عتَِ ‪َ c‬إل ِد‪c‬لًِنهِ\كلِ ُِّنم َتُ ُك ‪َc‬منو ‪ e‬تَلأ‪c‬ن لِمَصلأ‪c ^َc‬سَع ِد^ يِقِج َل ِمد تَني‪e‬لأ‪ #c‬تَني‪23‬نَح ِرذَاري ِمًا إ‪ِ1#‬لَ ‪e‬وَلأ‪ِc‬إن َحَّا لَ‬ ‫ِثيِ‬ ‫د‬ ‫م‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ح‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫‪ If you are in any doubt whether it is We Who have‬وَ قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬رلَّ ^ن‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ‬ ‫‪ِthen‬ى بَ^رَ أ‪c‬ك‬ ‫‪this‬ءَايَ^تِ َا‪ Pd‬إِنَّهُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪ِ Book‬م ‪c‬ن‬ ‫‪cOur‬لَ ُ‪to/‬لِنمُ يِ يَهُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪servant,‬نتَا َحو‬ ‫‪َproduce‬قَا ‪e‬لَّ‬ ‫‪c just‬س يِج ِد أ‪ec‬ل أ‪c‬‬ ‫‪revealed‬‬ ‫‪89‬‬ ‫‪#‬‬ ‫‪ِsurah‬لَ‪ a‬لَّ تَ ‪c‬د يِجئ‪c‬تُ ‪c‬م َشي‪ًEc‬ا إِدًّا‬ ‫‪like‬‬ ‫س‪it,‬‬ ‫‪and‬‬ ‫‪call‬‬ ‫‪all‬‬ ‫‪your‬‬ ‫‪supporters‬‬ ‫‪and‬‬ ‫‪seek‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫ب‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫بيِ‬ ‫إ‬ ‫م‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َا‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ح‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫د‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫يِ‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫َ‬ ‫م‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪c‬لً‬ ‫ل‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ\‬ ‫ه‬ ‫د‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َى‬ ‫َس‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ى‬ ‫‪d‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪e‬لَّ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫َ‬ ‫تَ^‬ ‫ح‬ ‫أ‪c‬ب‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫م‬ ‫سل‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫ِي‬ ‫‪1#‬‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ري‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫هُ ُسوَب‪e c‬‬ ‫‪ِ in it the support of all others save Allah. Accomplish‬إوَنقَّاَال تَُو اْج‪َe‬لأ‪c‬تََّا َخم َ​َاذ ‪e‬ع َرلَّتَل ‪c‬ح أ‪َ c‬م َ‪e‬لر^ن‪c‬ض‬ ‫‪c are‬نُو َرء ٍةَاي‬ ‫‪e‬لوأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬‬ ‫‪ِyou‬مَ^تِ َّن‪if‬ا‪ِّ Pd‬إِمنَّ‪c‬لِهُ‪/‬‬ ‫‪truthful.‬مُو ْا ِب يِم‬ ‫‪َ(al-Baqarah‬حتَلو‪c‬لَعتَ ‪ِ /ُc‬لدنِنمُ يَِا يَف َ ‪c‬أهتُ‪/‬‬ ‫كمُن أ‪ُ c‬ت‪e‬ل أ‪c c‬م َِقَاف)‪23‬ر‪e‬لَّ ‪ٍَ 2:c‬يِى ِّمبمَ^َّارَنَ َّ أ‪c‬ك أ‪c‬لنَاتَا‬ ‫َِإنس يِج ِد‬ ‫‪ this‬تتَكَا ُد ‪َّ e‬سل َم^وَ^تُ يتَ َ ََّفر‪c‬ن‬ ‫س‬ ‫ِ\‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ع‬ ‫‪Also, in Surah al-Isra’, when Allah S praises‬لَّ تَ ‪c‬د يِجئ‪c‬تُ ‪c‬م َشي‪ًEc‬ا إِدًّا‪89#‬‬ ‫‪Prophet‬ع َش‪َ e‬لدا‪َd‬‬ ‫‪f by‬وهَُ‪e‬وَ ‪c‬د‪e‬ع َّسلُو اْمِي مُ ُ‬ ‫‪ِwas‬ن ك‪ُhe‬نتُ ‪c‬م‪that‬صَ^ ِدقِ تَني‪#‬‬ ‫‪egiven,‬للَّ ِ إ‬ ‫‪ّ1#the‬ن دُو يِن‬ ‫‪ِ the‬أ‪c‬بكريُمُ مِ‬ ‫‪night‬ءَ‬ ‫‪ the greatest23miracle‬أوَ ِإَننَّا تَدلَعتَو‪c‬جاْتَ^لِ ِعرلَّلُو ‪c‬ح تَنَممَا^نِعتَلوَي‪َc‬ل‬ ‫‪journey al‬‬‫‪ [Isra’ wa al-Mi[raj:‬تتَكَا ُد ‪َّ e‬سل َم^وَ^تُ يتَ َ ََّفر‪c‬ن‬ ‫وَ مَا يَنب‪ c‬يَِغ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^نِ أَن‬ ‫ُسب‪c‬حتَ^ َن ‪e‬لَّ ِ ‪d‬ى أ ‪َc‬سَى بيِ َب‪ِ c‬دهِ\ َل‪c‬لً ِّم َن ‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد ‪e‬لأ‪َ c‬حرَا ِم إِلَ أَن تَدعتَو‪ c‬اْ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^نِ وَل‬ ‫وَ قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬رلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^ن‬ ‫‪e‬لأ‪c‬مَ ‪c‬س يِج ِد أ‪ec‬ل أ‪َc‬قَا ‪e‬لَّ ِى بَ^رَ أ‪c‬كنتَا َحو‪c‬لَ ُ‪ /‬لِنمُ يِ يَهُ‪ِ /‬م ‪c‬ن ءَايَ^تِ َا‪ Pd‬إِنَّهُ‪ /‬وَ مَا يَنب‪ c‬يَِغ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^نِ أَن‬ ‫لَّ تَ ‪c‬د يِجئ‪c‬تُ ‪c‬م َشي‪ًEc‬ا إِدًّا‪89#‬‬ ‫هُوَ ‪َّ e‬سلمِي ُع ‪e‬ل َ ِأ‪c‬بريُ‪1#‬‬ ‫تتَكَا ُد ‪َّ e‬سل َم^وَ^تُ يتَ َ ََّفر‪c‬ن‬ ‫‪14‬‬ ‫أَن تَدعتَو‪ c‬اْ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^نِ وَل‬ ‫وَ مَا يَنب‪ c‬يَِغ لِرلَّ ‪c‬ح َم^نِ أَن‬ ‫‪lessons from surah al kahf‬‬

Circumstances of Revelation, Features and the Opening Verses

Exalted is He Who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque (in Makkah) to the farther Mosque (in Jerusalem) whose surroundings We have blessed that We might show him some of Our Signs. Indeed, He alone is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. (al-Isra’ 17: 1) So in all of these occasions, when defending the Prophet f, raising his rank, and speaking of his maqam, Allah S uses the term [abd. The opening verse of Surah al-Kahf also states Allah S has revealed the ‘kitab’ ( ْ‫) كِتَاب‬, referring to the Qur’an. Kitab has two meanings to it; the first is the literal meaning that is ‘book’, and kataba, which means to write down. However, Katb, with a sukun, also means ‘a large amount’. So, the meaning of kitab is both that this book, the Qur’an, contains a large amount of wisdom and information, and that this book has been written down. The Qur’an literally means that which is read, and the kitab is that which is written down. As such Qur’an and kitab are complementary, for the Revelation is preserved both via recition and via writing. ‫ع‬c َ‫ ي‬c َ‫تَ^بَ وَل‬S $‫ ِع َو َجا‬/ُ َّ‫َل ل‬Allah ‫كت‬ ِ did c‫لأ‬e ‫ ِد ِه‬c not َ‫ى َأنَلَ ع َتَل عت‬d ِ َّ‫ل‬e‫م مُد ِ َّ ِلل‬c ‫ َح‬c‫لأ‬e The ‫ قَ يِّمًا‬verse ‫ًا َشدِيدًا‬continues: ‫س‬c‫ قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‬$‫ ِعوَ َجا‬/ُ َّ‫عَل ل‬c َ‫ ي‬c َ‫ وَل‬, meaning place any crookedness or misunderstanding in the Qur’an. This statement proves that the Qur’an and the risalah of the d d‫ال‬ Prophet f are linked. This is because Allah S has said that this ‫ َشيِيكٌ ِف‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫ذ وَلَ ًا وَل‬c‫ يتَ َّ ِخ أ‬c َ‫لَّ ِي ل‬e ِ‫ مُد ِ َّلل‬c‫ َحم‬c‫لأ‬e ِ‫وَ ق مُلي‬ is the book sent to His [abd, and so the proof of the Prophet’s ‫ يِريًا‬c‫هُ تتَكأ‬c‫ يَِّب‬which ‫ل ّ ُِّل> وَ ك‬e ‫مِّ َن‬has ‫ وَ ِ ٌّل‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫كِ وَل‬c‫مُلأ‬c‫لأ‬e ُ‫م‬c‫هُدًى لِّلأ‬be‫َي فِ ِ !ه‬ ‫تَّقِ تَني‬can ! found َ c ‫تتَ^بُ َل ر‬by‫ك‬ ِ examining c‫لأ‬e َ‫َذ^لِكت‬ f prophecy the book been revealed to him. This book is the credentials of the Rasul, i.e. the Messenger f, and is‫بَداًا‬the ‫للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‬e ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو ا‬e َ‫وَنيُ ِذر‬ ِ‫ مَّ^ ِكث‬given to him. Likewise, َ‫ تَني فِ ِه أ‬miracle the book is therefore also the credentials of Islam, preached by the Prophet f. ‫ا’لرخة‬seek those ‫رساةل‬credentials ‫ تويحد‬in the book, we find it is When we ّ‫ُه وَ يُب ِر‬verse c‫ِيدًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‬2‫سًا َشد‬c‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‬ ‫مَلُو تَن‬c َ‫لَّ ِ تَني ي‬e ‫مِ ِ تَني‬c‫مُؤ‬c‫لأ‬e ‫ َتَش‬as a book with nothing strange or misunderstood, َ ‫دِعًا َو‬/ُ‫ًاع َ​َلش لَّدِي‬c‫يَس‬c‫أ‬both ِِّ‫قَ​َج ي‬that ‫ع‬/ُ َّ‫حَلَل‬ ‫ى َأَلن‬d‫لِع‬c ^َّ​َ‫لَّصِي‬ec ‫لَلَِلل‬eَّ‫م مُد ِو‬c ‫ َح‬c‫لأ‬e ‫كًامتًا َح ِ ّل َُنس‬ c ‫أ‬c‫لأ‬e‫م‬c ‫لَِد ُ ِه‬$‫ا‬c ‫تَ^تِ َِعتَلوأَعتَ َ​َّجن‬ ‫ًاسًا َشدِيدًا قَ يِّمًا‬c‫للَّ ُِذرَو بَ​َلَأ‬e‫تَّقَ يِّ َخمًاَذ ِ ّلُن‬e.ْ‫‘لُو ا‬Qayyiman’ establishes: َ‫تَ^بَن ِذًارَوَلَب‬ ‫قَا‬$‫لَّ ِوَ َج تَنيا‬e‫ ِع‬/َُ‫عوَنيَُل لَّ ِذر‬c َ‫ ي‬c َ‫ ) قَ يِّمًا ( وَل‬$‫جا‬means



1 1#







1#$‫ ِع َو َجا‬/ُ َّ‫ل‬

3#‫ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬1#^َّd‫م‬d‫ال‬ ‫ مَّا لَ ُم بيِه‬1#d d‫ال‬ ‫ِن‬ c ‫خرُجُ م‬c َ‫ كَلِمَ ًة ت‬c‫ كَبُ َت‬P‫م‬c ِ‫ئِهي‬d‫ ٍ و َ​َل ِ َلبَا‬c‫ن عِلأ‬c ِ‫ِ\ م‬15 ‫ َشيِيكٌ ِف‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫ذ وَلَ ًا وَل‬c‫ يتَ َّ ِخ أ‬c َ‫لَّ ِي ل‬e ِ‫ مُد ِ َّلل‬c‫ َحم‬c‫لأ‬e ِ‫ َشيِيكٌ ِفوَ ق مُلي‬/ 5#‫م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِ َّإ َك ِذبًا‬P c ِ‫وَ^هِهي‬c‫أَف‬ ‫ هُ ت‬c‫َيوَ فِك يِّ ِ !هَب‬ ‫كوَت ِ ٌّل‬ ‫مدح‬ 2#‫مُتَّقِ تَني‬c‫َي فِ ِ !ه هُدًى لِّلأ‬ ! َ c ‫كتتَ^بُ َل ر‬ ِ c‫لأ‬e َ‫َذ^لِكت‬ 2#‫قِ تَني‬1َّ‫مُت‬1#c‫ يًِىريلًِّالأ‬c‫شركدتَكأ‬ ! َ >‫ ُِّل‬cّ ‫ل رل‬e ‫تَ^بُمِّ َن‬ ِ /ُ َّ‫َك ل‬c‫لأ‬eُ ‫ميِكتَْد‬c ‫كِ اَلذْو^ل َ​َلَح‬c‫مُلأ‬c‫لأ‬e ‫مِ ُو اْ بيِهَ^ذَا‬c ُ‫ ي‬c َّ‫يِه إِن ل‬c ِ ‫تَل ءَاثَ^ر‬d َ ‫سَكتَ ع‬c َّ‫ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع ن‬

‫‪lessons from surah al - kahf‬‬

‫‪the book is straight and that it makes others straight. It is‬‬ ‫‪noteworthy that in these two verses Allah S negates crooked‬‬‫‪ness and affirms straightness. This is very similar to the begin‬‬‫‪ning of Surah al-Baqarah:‬‬

‫لَو ‪َc‬لَ ‪c‬يَ ‪c‬يَع‪c‬عَلَللَّ لَُّ‪ِ /ُ /‬ع َِوع َوج َا‪$‬جا‪ 1#1#$‬وَلَو ‪َc‬لَ ‪c‬يَ ‪c‬يَ ‪c‬ععَلَللَّ لَُّ‪ِ /ُ /‬ع ِوَعو َج َا‪$‬جا‪ $‬قَ يِّقَ يِمًّام ًِا ّل ِ ُّنلُن ِذ ِرَذربَأ‪c‬بَأ‪c‬سًاسًا َش َشدِيدِيدًادًا قَ يِّقَ يِمًّامًا‬

‫ال‪d d‬ال‪1#1#d d‬‬

‫‪Alif, Lam, Mim.‬‬

‫لَو ‪َc‬لَ ‪c‬ي ي ُ َُكَكلَّ لَُّ‪َ َ /ُ /‬ششيِيكٌيِيكٌ ِ ِفف‬ ‫ت يِكتَكأ‪ c‬يِريًاريًا‪1 1#1#‬‬ ‫َيفِ فِ ِ !ه ِ !ههُهُددًى لًِىّلأ‪c‬لِّلمُأ‪c‬تَّمُقِتَّقِ تَني تَني‪2#2#‬‬ ‫َيَ !‬ ‫كِ‬ ‫كتتتَ^بُتَ^بُ َ َللر ر ‪! َ c c‬‬ ‫َذ َ^ذل^لِكتَِكتَ‪e‬لأ‪ec‬لأ‪ِ c‬‬

‫‪This is the Book of Allah, there is no doubt in it; it is‬‬ ‫)‪a guidance for the pious, (al-Baqarah 2: 1‬‬

‫لَ ‪ c‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪ِ /‬ع َو َجا‪1#$‬‬

‫مَّ^ك‬ ‫ومَلَ​َّ^ ‪ِ c‬يَك ‪c‬ثِعثِ تَنيَل تَنيفِلَّفِ ِهُ‪ِ /‬هأَب ِعأَبَوَداًاد َاًاج‪3#‬ا‪ 3#$‬قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِيدًا‬

‫قَ يِّمًا‬

‫‪In these verses Allah S established that there is nothing that‬‬ ‫‪is confusing or crooked in the Qur’an, it is a guidance. First‬‬ ‫‪evil is negated, then the positive is affirmed; the Qur’an has no‬‬ ‫‪evil and is nothing but positive. As the opening verses of Surah‬‬ ‫‪al-Kahf established, the Qur’an has no [iwaj or crookedness, it‬‬ ‫‪is qayyiman, or straight, and straightening of others. It is also‬‬ ‫‪a book which warns both of a severe punishment from Allah‬‬ ‫‪S and a great reward from Him for those who believe and do‬‬ ‫ع َتَل عتَ ‪c‬و ِدَلَ ِه ‪ec‬لأ‪c‬يَ ‪c‬ع ِ‬ ‫كَلتلَّ ُ‪/‬تَ^بَ ِعوَوَلَ َج ‪c‬ا‪$‬يَ ‪c‬عَل لَّقَ يُِّ‪/‬م ِعًا َو ِ ّل َجُنا‪ِ $‬ذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشوَلَد ‪ِc‬ي يَدًا‪c‬عَل لَّ ُ‪/‬قَ يِّ ِعموًَا َجا‪ $‬قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‪c‬سًا َشدِيدًا‬ ‫قَ يِّمًا ‪good deeds.‬‬ ‫‪The nature of this reward is then clarified in verse 3:‬‬

‫تويحد‬ ‫تويحد‬ ‫ال‪1#d d‬‬

‫ا’لرخة‬ ‫ا’لرخة‬

‫رساةل‬ ‫رساةل‬

‫لَؤمُ ‪c‬ؤ‪c‬مِي ِ‪c‬مِ ُِ تَنيَك تَنيلَّ‪e‬لَّ ُِ‪e/‬لَّ ِ َ تَنيشتَنييَ ‪c‬يَ ‪c‬مَيِيكٌلمَُول ُِو تَنف تَن‬ ‫كتَقنيَاقتلَاُول اُْو اْ‪e‬‬ ‫َي ُوفَِلَو َِلَ !هًاًاهُ‪4#‬د‪ً4#‬ى لِّلأ‪c‬مُتَّقِ تَني‪2#‬‬ ‫تَ^بُتَّ‪e‬تَّ َ​َخ َلخ َذر َذ ‪ec‬للَّ َ ُ‪e‬للَّ !‬ ‫َوذَنيُو^لَنيُ ِذِكتَ ِرَذرَ‪e‬لأ‪ec‬لَّ ِ‪e‬لَّ ِ‪1#‬تَني ِ‬ ‫يَ​َح يِك ‪c‬مع مُدري َِل ًَّالَّ ِللُ‪e1#/‬لَّ ِع‪َ 1‬و ‪d‬ى َجَأا‪$‬ن‪َ#‬لَ‪1‬‬

‫ِن‬ ‫كَبَُبَُت‪َc‬ت‪ c‬كَلِكَلِمَمًَة ًةتَ تَ ‪c‬خ ‪c‬خررُجُ​ُجُمم ‪c c‬‬ ‫قيمُليِ َُك‪e‬لأ‪c‬لَّ َحُ‪/‬م‪ َ c‬مُدش ِ َّللِيِيكٌ‪e‬لَِّفِيال‪ d‬لَ‪1#c d‬يتَ َّ ِخ أ‪c‬ذ وَلَ ًا وَلَ ‪c‬ميمَّام َُّ^َّاَكلَ ِلَّلَك ُ‪/‬ثُِم َبيُِمش تَبيِنيهِ\فِهيِيكٌِ\ ِمِ ِهفمِ ‪c‬نأَبَ‪c‬نعدِلأ‪c‬عاًاال‪ٍِd d‬لأ‪3#1#ٍ c‬و َو َ​َلَل ِ َلِبَلا‪d‬بَئِا‪d‬هيِئِهيِ‪c‬م‪c P‬م‪P‬ك‬ ‫ِن‬ ‫‪(al-Kahf‬لأ‪َّ َّ c‬‬ ‫;‪ever‬ذب‬ ‫إ َكت َك ِ‬ ‫ريمًُال‪1#‬أ‪c‬كِ‪ 1‬وَلَ ‪ c‬ي َُك لَّ ُ‪ /‬وَ ِ ٌّل مِّ َذ َن^ل‪ِe‬كتَل ّ ِ‪ُّe‬ل>لأ‪c‬وَ ك يِِّكَب‪c‬هُتتتَكأ‪ c‬يِأَتَ^بُف‪c‬ريأًَاَوف‪c‬ل‪^َ1#‬و‪1‬رَ^هِ‪ c‬يَِهِ !َيهيِ ‪c‬‬ ‫‪… wherein they‬‬ ‫‪for‬‬ ‫‪ shall‬تَني‪2#‬‬ ‫‪abide‬دًى لِّلأ‪c‬مُتَّقِ‬ ‫َي فِ ِ !ه هُ‬ ‫‪! َ 5#‬‬ ‫‪5#‬ر ‪c‬‬ ‫تَ^بُ ِذًاب ًَال‬ ‫ك‬ ‫إِ‬ ‫‪ِ18:‬نيًَى ليَِّلمُوأ‪ c‬لمُمُوتَُّولقِ َذُو^ل تَ تَنينِكتَتَِ‪2#‬ن ِ‪e‬‬ ‫)‪3‬فِ‪P‬م ‪Pِ c‬م !هإ هُإِند‬

‫رساةل ‪ 3#‬ا’لرخة‬ ‫‪3# 4#‬تويحد‬ ‫ِنلَّ ‪c‬لَّ ‪c‬يُيُ‪c‬مِ‪c‬مُِو اُْو اْبيِ بيِهَ^هَ^ذَاذَا‬ ‫ؤ‪c‬مِ ِ تَني ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني يَ ‪c‬مَلُو تَن ف فَلَ َ​َلَل َلَّكتَ​َّكتَ بَ^بَ^ ِخ ِخٌع ٌعنَّ ‪c‬نَّ ‪c‬سسَكتَ​َكتَ ع َع ‪َd‬تَل ‪d‬تَلءَاءَاثَ^ثَ^رر ِ ِ ‪c‬يِه ‪c‬يِهإ إِن‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪#‬‬ ‫يِقّتَمِنم تَلًِان تَنيلِأ‪ّc‬لِلُنل‪e‬لَّأ‪َc‬ع ِذ^َرَع تَبنيَ^َلأ‪c‬يَ ‪َc‬لِمسمًَا ِملُو َ تَشني تَندتَنَنيِي نَدِذًا ِمِذريّنًاريلًَّا‬ ‫‪6#‬‬ ‫اًا‬ ‫ف‬ ‫س‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ِثيِ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ح‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪#‬‬ ‫‪6#‬‬ ‫اًا‬ ‫ف‬ ‫س‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِثيِ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ح‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫أ‪c‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫م‬ ‫َ‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫يَ‬ ‫ني‬ ‫تَ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪e‬لَّ‬ ‫ني‬ ‫تَ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪c‬مِ‬ ‫ؤ‬ ‫‪e‬‬ ‫َ‬ ‫تَش‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫رّ‬ ‫و‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫‪c‬‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫تَ‬ ‫ُو‬ ‫ل‬ ‫وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‪4#‬‬

‫‪A place of reward where they will live forever is, of course,‬‬ ‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬ ‫نيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬للَّم َُّ^و َِلَكثًِا تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬ ‫‪Jannah.‬‬ ‫‪Significantly, in these verses Allah S concisely combines‬‬ ‫‪of Islam:‬ا’لرخة‬ ‫ا’لرخةتويحد( ‪tawhid‬رساةل‬ ‫‪the three fundamentals‬‬ ‫تويحد ‪ ) and‬رساةل( ‪), risalah‬‬

‫صَّ^لِحتَ^تِ أَ َّن لَ ُ ‪c‬م أ ‪c‬وَجَنيًُا َِذحرَ َسن‪e‬لَّ ًِا‪ 2#‬تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‪4#‬‬

‫وَنيُ ِذرَ ‪e‬لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو اْ ‪e‬تَّ َخ َذ ‪e‬للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‪4#‬‬ ‫‪16‬‬

‫كم‪cP‬ب َلَُبُ‪c‬بولُكو مَُبَُت‪ c‬مُ ‪َc‬هَت‪َcc‬هأكُّأَكُلَِ ُّلِ ُمَ‪c‬مَ​َي ًة ‪َc‬أَيًةتَ َأت‪َcc‬خحر ‪c‬ح‪َُ c‬جُخس َرسم ُنُجُ​ُن ‪ c‬تَعِنمتَعممَلاًَلاً ‪7#7#c‬‬ ‫ج ‪c‬م‪َP‬لأ‪c‬هَاِ\َامكمَِامَبَُا ‪c‬عنَت‪َc‬عع َتَلك َِلأ‪c‬لِمتَلَّامٍَ أ‪ً c‬لَة أ‪َ c‬ت‪e‬لوَُمرَ‪eَc‬لبيِخررهَلِ\ يُِجُمِ ِيِ‬ ‫جئِهيَِلأ‪c‬‬ ‫‪c‬ضيِزعا‪ِd‬لأ‪cc‬ئِيِز ٍنيتَ‬ ‫ِنو ًني تَةَ ‪c‬م‪ًَ P‬لةلَّ ِ َلَّلبَاَا‪d‬ئِلَِاهيِ َلِ‪c‬‬ ‫لن‬ ‫‪c‬ضم ‪c‬‬ ‫^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‪ 3#‬مَّا لَ ُم بيِهِ\ مِ ‪c‬ن عِلأ‪ِ ٍ c‬إمنو ِإَّا َ​َّانَلَّالَ ِ تَ​َلبَ تَا‪d‬‬ ‫ه‬ ‫يِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫يِ‬ ‫ُم‬ ‫ِن‬ ‫أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِ َّإ َك ِذبًا‪5#‬‬ ‫فَا َ ‪c‬أف َت ‪c‬أمُوت ْامُو ب يِْا ب يِسُوس َرُو َر ٍة ٍة ِم ِمّنأَف‪ّc‬ن ِّوَ^مِّهِ‪c‬لِمهيِ‪c‬لِ‪P c‬مِ\إِ\ِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِ َّإ َك ِذبًا‪5#‬‬ ‫َحمْد مدح شرك أَف‪c‬وَ^هِهيِ ‪P c‬م إِن يَ مُو لُو تَن ِ َّإ َك ِذبًا‪5#‬‬

‫ َشيِيكٌ ِف‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫ذ وَلَ ًا وَل‬c‫ يتَ َّ ِخ أ‬c َ‫لَّ ِي ل‬e ِ‫ مُد ِ َّلل‬c‫ َحم‬c‫لأ‬e ِ‫وَ ق مُلي‬ 1 1#‫ يِريًا‬c‫هُ تتَكأ‬c‫ل ّ ُِّل> وَ ك يَِّب‬e ‫ وَ ِ ٌّل مِّ َن‬/ُ َّ‫ ي َُك ل‬c َ‫كِ وَل‬c‫مُلأ‬c‫لأ‬e 2#‫مُتَّقِ تَني‬c‫َي فِ ِ !ه هُدًى لِّلأ‬ ! َ c ‫كتتَ^بُ َل ر‬ ِ c‫لأ‬e َ‫َذ^لِكت‬

4#‫للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‬e ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو ا‬e َ‫وَنيُ ِذر‬

3#‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬

Circumstances of Revelation, Features and the Opening Verses

Akhirah ( ‫) ا’لرخة‬. The tawhid ‫ رساةل‬element ‫ تويحد‬is that of Allah S praising Himself, risalah that He revealed the‫ُو تَن‬book ‫ ُه وَ يُب‬c‫دِيدًا مِّن لَّ ُ ن‬f‫سًا َش‬c‫قَ يِّمًا ِ ّلُن ِذرَ بَأ‬ ‫مِ ِ تَني‬cthe ‫مُؤ‬c‫لأ‬e ‫ ِرّ َتَش‬Prophet ‫مَل‬c َ‫لَّ ِ تَني ي‬eto and Akhirah that those who reject it will be punished ‫َجًا َح َسنًا‬c ‫أ‬and ‫م‬c ُ َ‫لصَّ^لِحتَ^تِ أَ َّن ل‬e ‫للَّ ُ وَلَ ًا‬e ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫لَّ ِ تَني قَالُو ا‬e َ‫وَنيُ ِذر‬ those who accept it will be rewarded. Furthermore, the three pillars of iman have also been referenced: loving Allah S, ُ‫ كَب‬hoping P‫م‬c ِ‫ئِهي‬d‫ ٍ و َ​َل ِ َلبَا‬c‫ِلأ‬in ‫ن ع‬c ِ‫م‬Allah \ِ‫مَّا لَ ُم بيِه‬S. The verses clarify it thus;‫مَّ^ ِكثِ تَني فِ ِه أَبَداًا‬ ‫ِن‬ c ‫خرُجُ م‬c Him, َ‫ كَلِمَ ًة ت‬c‫َت‬and fearing Allah S is worthy‫ذب ًا‬of ِ ‫َّإ َك‬being ِ ‫ِن يَ مُو لُو تَن‬praised ‫م إ‬P c ِ‫وَ^هِهي‬c‫ أَف‬because we love Him, we are warned against punishment and we fear His punishment, ‫شرك‬ ‫الْ َحمْد مدح‬ and glad tidings are given of reward and we hope for Allah’s ‫مِ ُو اْ بيِهَ^ذَا‬c ُ‫ ي‬c َّ‫يِه إِن ل‬c ِ ‫تَل ءَاثَ^ر‬d َ ‫سَكتَ ع‬c َّ‫ف َلَ َلَّكتَ بَ^ ِخ ٌع ن‬ S reward. In this manner, from the fundamentals of Islam to \ِ‫ ِده‬c in َ‫ع َتَل عت‬these ‫ر ق َا تَن‬c ُ c‫لأ‬e َ‫لَّ ِى نَ َّل‬e َ‫تَ َارَكت‬ ‫ريًا‬combines ‫عَ^ َل ِم تَني نَ ِذ‬c‫لِ َ ُكو تَن لِلأ‬all ‫ أَ َسف‬compactly ِ‫ َحدِثي‬c‫لأ‬e the pillars of iman, Allah ‫اًا‬S remarkably succint opening verses. ً‫َلا‬It‫ تَعم‬is‫ح َس ُن‬cnoteworthy ‫َي َأ‬ c ُ ُّ ‫َه أ‬c ُ‫بلُو م‬c َ ِ‫ يِز نيتَ ًة لَّ َا ل‬that ‫ض‬cِ‫لر ي‬eَ c‫تَل أ‬Allah َ ‫ َا مَا ع‬c‫ تَجَلأ‬S‫ ِإنَّا‬always combines warnings with glad tidings in the same context, ‫أتمُو ْا بيِس‬c َ ‫َا ف‬we ‫ ٍَي ِّمم‬c in‫م ِف ر‬c ‫وَِإن كمُن ُت‬ \ِ ِ‫ل‬c‫ ِّم‬and ‫ُو َر ٍة ِمّن‬this ‫ ِدن‬c َ‫تَل عت‬also َ ‫لَا ع‬c‫َّا نَ َّ أ‬see these opening verses. The Qur’an always uses both together ‫م صَ^ ِدقِ تَني‬c ُ‫للَّ ِ إِن كُنت‬e ‫ءَكُم مِّن دُو يِن‬d‫دعُو اْ مُ َش َدا‬c eَ‫و‬ ‫ج زًا‬ ُ ُ ‫ َا َصعِيدًا‬c‫وَ ِإنَّا لَجتَ^ ِعلُو تَن مَا عتَلَي‬ to evoke fear and hope, akin to the carrot and stick concept, and Islam brings these two emotions together where the ‫ َحرَا ِم‬c‫لأ‬e stick/punishment. ‫س يِج ِد‬c َ‫م‬c‫لأ‬e ‫لً ِّم َن‬c‫ ِدهِ\ َل‬c‫َسَى بيِ َب‬c ‫ى أ‬d ِ َّ‫ل‬e ‫حتَ^ َن‬c‫ُسب‬ carrot/incentive is‫وَلَ ًا‬combined ‫حمَ^ ُن‬c َّ‫رل‬e ‫تَّ َخ َذ‬e ْ‫الُو ا‬with َ ‫إِلَ وَ ق‬the Humans being the weak creatures that ‫ن ءَاي‬c are, /ُ‫ إِنَّه‬Pd‫َ^تِ َا‬we ‫ ِم‬/ُ‫ يِ يَه‬we ُ‫ لِنم‬/ُ َ‫ل‬c‫و‬need ‫كنتَا َح‬c‫بَ^رَ أ‬both ‫لَّ ِى‬e ‫َقَا‬c‫ل أ‬ec‫س يِج ِد أ‬c َ‫م‬c‫لأ‬e ُ‫ت‬c‫ يِجئ‬accomplish ‫ًا إِد‬Ec‫م َشي‬c to ‫د‬c َ‫لَّ ت‬ motivational factors in ‫ًّا‬order our best works. ُ ‫بري‬c‫أ‬ ِ َ ‫ل‬e ‫ َّسلمِي ُع‬e َ‫هُو‬ A worthy final point here is that Allah S mentions the ‫ يِجبَالُ تَهدًّا‬c‫لأ‬e ‫ض َوتَ ِخ ُّر‬cُ ‫لر‬eَ c‫ ُه َوتَشنَقُّ أ‬c ِ‫ر تَن م‬c ‫ َّسلمَ^وَ^تُ يتَ َ ََّف‬e ‫تتَكَا ُد‬ Qur’an as being the ultimate criterion of Him and His Prophet ‫حم‬c َّ‫ اْ لِرل‬c‫َن تَدعتَو‬All ‫َ^نِ وَلَ ًا‬qiyama. ‫ أ‬are linked to the Qur’an, f, and of the risalah and and therefore the proof of our religion. ‫ وَلَ ًا‬Qur’an ‫مَ^نِ أَن يتَ َّ ِخ َذ‬is‫ح‬c َّ‫رل‬the ِ‫ يَِغ ل‬c‫يَنب‬ultimate ‫وَ مَا‬ This is a reality that is often lost on us, and one that we must understand. The Qur’an is the living miracle in every sense; from recitation to hearing, memorization, understanding and implementation. When asked about the proof of Islam or the proof of Prophethood, our response should be that it is the Qur’an. This reality of the Qur’an is one that, as we shall see, is frequently revisited in Surah al-Kahf.

















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