genesis Kulte c’est au départ le nom d’une boutique de produits vintages créée à Paris en 1995. Ce magasin né de l’association de trois amis, sert de laboratoire aux nouvelles tendances et besoins des clients. En 1996, alors qu’ils sont en voyage en Thaïlande, le chanteur des Beasties Boys offre sa chemise dragon à l’un d’entre eux. En 1998, conscient du potentiel du produit, ils décident de retourner en Thaïlande pour trouver le producteur de chemises. Le succès est immédiat et les stocks importés s’arrachent. Rapidement ces créateurs de tendances achètent aussi des sweat-shirts, et t-shirts sur lesquels ils appliquent les figures emblématiques de Kulte : des symboles de Kung Fu, des sérigraphies provocantes autour des séries télé des 70’s, de Degrassi High à la A-Team, de Knightrider à Starsky et Hutch, mais aussi des personnages culte tel Rocky Balboa ou encore les Z-boys....2005 sera l’année du Big-bang! Le fondateur historique de la marque, Serge Bordonaro rencontre celui qui deviendra son associé: Michel Gamet. Serge est fatigué des petites mesquineries quotidiennes du milieu de la «mode», Michel et son équipe finissent leur success-story avec la marque de glisse VOLCOM. Pour les 2 hommes il n’y a plus de doute possible; l’avenir de KULTE repose sur la fusion de leurs 2 cultures: la Mode et les Board Sports. LE STYLE L’ esprit de la marque est simple et intemporel, il séduit les clients de tous âges, adeptes de produits rares. Les fripes inspirent fortement notre styliste dans le développement d’un esprit retro mêlant les différentes époques et influences. Très simplement l’un des fondateurs dit : « nous essayons de recréer une atmosphère dans laquelle nous avons toujours baigné. Pour ma part, j’ai toujours aimé porter des fripes et me sentir à l’aise dans mes habits. Kulte répond à cette tendance en mettant au goût du jour les images fortes des décennies passées. » Les collections sont articulées autour de plusieurs axes, d’une part une série de modèles appelés « BASIC » dont les volumes simples et classiques sont reproduits d’une année sur l’autre et dont les sérigraphies changent chaque saison en fonction de la thématique, d’autre part les créations pures composées de coupes et styles modifiés tous les six mois.Cette collection représente aujourd’hui 150 pièces, mêlant l’homme et la femme dans un style dont la maturité s’accroît d’une saison sur l’autre, offrant ainsi une grande diversité de produits adaptés aux marchés du Streetwear et du Sportswear. DISTRIBUTION Le processus de distribution repose sur la recherche d’un réseau conforme à l’image véhiculée par la marque. Ainsi un travail de sélection des boutiques est effectué de manière à positionner kulte avec des marques dont l’esprit est similaire, mais aussi afin de ne pas sur représenter la marque sur une zone donnée. Désormais on compte sur notre territoire un peu moins de 150 points de vente. La présence à l’export augmente d’une saison sur l’autre, avec aujourd’hui une implantation dans de nombreux pays européens, les Etats Unis, mais aussi l’asie . In 1995, a vintage clothing store called Kulte opens in Paris. The shop is the brainchild of three friends and it becomes a laboratory where they study customers’ needs and wishes. One year later, during a trip in Thailand, one of the Beastie Boys gives his dragon shirt to one of them. Sensing the commercial potential of the product, the friends decide to returns toThailand in 1998 and find the shirt’s manufacturer. The stock they import is sold rapidly. Building on its success, the friends begin designing and selling shirts, t-shirts and sweatshirts adorned with Kung Fu symbols, fictional cult heroes like Rocky Balboa, the Z-boys, and graphics from seventies and eighties TV shows such as Degrassi, Starsky and Hutch, the A-Team and Knight Rider. 2005 when the BigBang happened! The foundator of Kulte, Serge Bordonaro met Michel Gamet. Serge is tired of the whole Fashion industry and Michel is ending 10 years of success story with the brand VOLCOM. Straight away, they both understood that the destiny of Kulte would belong to the mix of theirs 2 cultures....when Fashion meets Boardsports. THE STYLE The spirit of the brand is simple : to transcend all the seasons and attract customers who appreciate specialised products, regardless of their age. The style is deeply influenced by vintage clothing, but seeks to create a feel that is both retro and modern. «I have always loved wearing old clothes and feeling comfortable», says one of the co-founders. «At Kulte we seek to create an atmosphere that takesinthe evolution of fashion but also pays attention to the needs of modern consumers. For example , a while ago basketball shoes were worn by sportsmen only. Now everybody wears them. Kulte offers an answer for people who tend to look to the past for inspiration but also enjoy looking and feeling fresh.» The collections are divided into two : Firstly, there are the basics models that are used every season. They are simple, solid and successfull items. Secondly, there are the designs and styles that are evolving from one season to another. The global collection is composed of approximatly 150 items, for men and women. The style of the products is richer now than ever before and appeals to a wider and wider range of consumers in the streetwear - sportswear sector. DISTRIBUTION At Kulte, we pay close attention to distribution. We spend countless hours researching and locating retailers that suit the image of the brand. Stores slected as potential stockists must be on Kulte’s wavelength, and must be known to be repr sentative in their geographical area. Worldwide distribution is co-oradinated by commercial agents or distributors. In France we now have around 150 retailers, and sales overseas currently account for 30 per cent of our total turnover. 5
NOM: Serge BORDONARO AGE: 36 PARCOURS: né à Marseille (France), j’ai débuté dans un magasin de fripes et aprés quelques années, j’ai été agent sud france pour la marque Diesel. Peu de temps aprés et avec l’aide de deux amis nous avons ouvert nos propres shop vintage ( appelés Kulte ) sur Paris et Marseille. C’est aussi le nom qui sera donné à notre marque lancé en 1998. Depuis lors, je cumule les postes de directeur artistique et designer homme de la marque Kulte.
NOM: Yasmina CESCO-RESIA AGE: 31 PARCOURS: Diplomée de l’école des Beaux-Arts à marseille et aprés avoir designée ma propre ligne de prêt à porter, j’ai occupée pendant 4 ans le poste de designer femme pour la marque française de snow/skate Blacksmith. Mon goût pour le streetwear m’ a amené par la suite à rejoindre la marque Volcom alors en plein essor en europe. Aprés 2 ans sur le développement de la ligne femme, ma route à croisée celle de Serge et de son équipe. Le style de la femme Kulte est désormais entre mes mains.
NAME: Serge BORDONARO AGE: 36 BACKGROUND: Born in Marseille (France), I started working in a
NAME: Yasmina CESCO-RESIA AGE: 31 BACKGROUND: After graduating from the Fine Arts University
vintage clothing shop for a few years; after what I was a sale rep for the brand DIESEL in the south of France. I then opened my own vintage clothing store in Paris named KULTE with two old chaps. This would also become the name of the brand I set up in 1998 with the same guys. Since then I’ve been the art director for the brand and the designer of the men line. 8
in Marseille (France) and designing a creative line of Prêt à Porter, I started to work for a French surf/skate/snow brand named BLACKSMITH for whom I designed the girl line for 4 years. That’s when my carrier in the streetwear industry really began. I then joined the European VOLCOM design department where I worked for 2 years, just before I met Serge and the KULTE team. I’m now in charge of the girl line for Kulte.
interview COMMENT DEFINIRIEZ VOUS LE STYLE DE KULTE ? Kulte puise son inspiration dans la rue, le but est de créer un vêtement original mais portables tous les jours. Le vestiaire Kulte habille principalement la tranche d’age 18/30 ans. On y trouve des fringues à porter du matin au soir, du bureau à la fête déjantée, on peut mélanger et s’amuser à se créer des silhouettes très variées. L’imagerie de la marque se veut kitsch, décalée, ironique, souvent provoc’, un brin tendance, Kulte se réapproprie le passé par une importante touche retro, remise au goût du jour après transformations et remaniement stylistiques. QUELLES SONT VOS INSPIRATIONS ? Le cinéma est une des sources d’inspiration, des années 60 à nos jours ce médium nous offre autant de silhouettes cultes du héro à l’anti héro, sur lesquelles nous nous plaisons à nous appuyer à travers le thème abordé chaque saison. Vivre pleinement sa vie, voyager, faire la fête, se rendre à un concert, un festival, une expo, ou simplement marcher dans les rues peut se transformer en une belle révélation stylistique. Toute l’année nos stylistes chinent les pièces rares, décalées, ou spécifiques d’une époque révolue, dans les shops vintage et vide greniers croisés au grès de leurs voyages en Europe et dans le monde. La fripe américaine en particulier, a toujours été l’un des fils conducteurs de la marque, et ce depuis son début. L’équipe Kulte est très attentive aux dernières tendances musicales, et se plait à créer de nombreux partenariats avec des groupes, DJ’s et festivals dont la sonorité et l’imagerie semblent être en communion. COMMENT SONT DEFINIS LES THEMES DE CHAQUE COLLECTION ? Les thèmes des différentes collections se décident à chaque saison, en équipe et avec les différents graphistes free lance intervenants, en fonction de différents critères qui s’échelonnent des tendances actuelles ou préssenties, aux goûts et désirs de chacun. Le thème se situera dans une époque donnée, un mouvement, un concept chaque fois renouvelé mais qui doit impérativement coller à l’image et à l’esprit de la marque. EN QUOI LE THEME DE LA COLLECTION EN INFLUENCE-T IL LE STYLE ? L’influence du thème sur la collection est très fort et reconnaissable. Des illustrations sérigraphiées sur les tee shirts, aux coupes et tissus employés sur la ligne de prêt-à-porter, on trouve une résonance au thème choisi. Chaque saison le thème est représenté par un visuel, une affiche, un titre fort, un esprit qui s’applique du hang tag au style pur de la collection. Ces éléments permettent à Kulte de communiquer différemment sur chaque saison sans lasser sa clientèle. UN VETEMENT KULTE ? Le tailleur Courrèges de ta grand mère et l’habit de majorette 70’s de ta grand tante. La combinaison 70’s de l’employé de station service, le vieux blouson en cuir du tapé des années rebelles de ton père.
Our inspiration at KULTE is mainly coming from the street. The aim is to create an original outfit that you can wear everyday. Our lines are targeting people aged from 18 to 30. They’re a mix of casual clothes to wear during the day and of some more funky styles to wear at night, at a decadent party... We like to mix up our clothes and to create very different looks. The idea behind KULTE is to develop a playful label, made to satisfy young people who are into fashion and who also have a good sense of humour. The image of KULTE tends to be kitsch and twisted, ironic and provocative, yet still trendy. We try to appropriate things from the past; we re-design and re-customise old classic outfits to make them look fresh and new.
Cinema is an important source of inspiration for us. From the 60’s until today, films are feeding us with all kind of images, with super-heroes as well as anti-heroes. We like to use their images and play with them in the themes of our collections. Shopping wise, we hang around mainly in second hand stores, always searching for the right and rare vintage sample. American vintage clothing in particular always draw our attention, and it has had a strong influence on KULTE since the very beginning. The KULTE team is also deeply involved into electro and rock music and has partnerships with lots of different bands, labels, dj’s or musical events; all that has naturally a huge influence on our style. Living our lives everyday, travelling, partying, going to a gig, to a music festival, to an art exhibition or simply walking down the streets is certainly the main source of our inspiration. Always keep wide-awake, open your eyes and absorb as much as you can...
Each season, the theme of our collection results from various brainstorming between our in-house team and the graphic designers. The theme is a mix of the trends whilst dealing with the different tastes and backgrounds of every single member of the team. The theme can be a period of history, a cultural movement or simply a concept, but in any case, it has to relate to the spirit and the image of KULTE.
The theme has a major influence on the line especially on the tee-shirts, on which most of the designs are printed. Each season is illustrated by a poster, a hangtag, a story and a strong line that sums up the theme. Throughout collections, the themes allow KULTE to communicate in a different way without confusing the buyers as a certain logic is kept theme after theme. WHAT IS A KULTE PIECE OF CLOTHING? The 70’s Courrèges dress of your grand mother or the drum majorette dress of your antie... The 70’s suit of a petrol pump attendant or the old leather jacket of your father’s rebel years... Always 70’s though... photographer: james reeve - www.shootandscribble.com 9
Septembre 2006, l’équipe Kulte est fière de présenter son nouveau logo réalisé par l’agence H5 Bureau de création graphique spécialisé dans la musique et le luxe, H5 distille et enrichit son univers au gré de multiples collaborations. Avec une constante : marier l’élégance graphique à l’efficacité du propos.L’aventure a commencé au milieu des années 90. Ludovic Houplain et Antoine Bardou-Jacquet traînent avec le « clan des Versaillais » (Etienne de Crécy, le duo de Air, Alex Gopher...) Leur esthétique minimale et efficace colle bien avec la French Touch émergente : Etienne de Crécy leur propose d’illustrer la pochette de son album, Superdiscount (1996). Le visuel joue avec les codes du marketing et marque les esprits au point qu’elle reste une référence pour le collectif aujourd’hui. Rejoints par Hervé de Crécy, les H5 s’attellent ensuite à la pochette de The Child, le nouvel album d’Alex Gopher, dont sera tiré leur premier clip. Les H5 se créent une identité visuelle inspirée de leur travail de graphistes, d’artistes comme Paul Rand ou Saul Bass, de l’esthétique japonaise ou de la typographie tendance helvétique. Avec Rachel Cazadamont, Fleur Fortuné et François Alaux, puis Emmanuel Cossu, Mathieu Lelièvre et plus récemment Quentin Brachet, ils développent leur propre style, dopé par une rigueur à la limite de l’obsession. Accompagnateur visuel de la French Touch, le collectif est vite sollicité par des artistes de tous les styles : Zebda, Röyksopp, Goldfrapp, Massive Attack... Les « réalisateurs H5 », réunis en organisation tripcéphale (Ludo, Hervé, François) sont également demandés par la publicité, et signent les spots Audi, Areva, Citroën C4, Volkswagen Touran.L’activité publicitaire n’est pas en reste avec la création de logos, d’éléments de communication, et depuis 2002 la création de concepts publicitaires. Sobre, travaillé, le style H5 trouve naturellement sa place dans l’univers de la mode, du luxe et des parfums. La rencontre avec le graphiste Yorgo Tloupas provoque les premières collaborations : un premier carton d’invitation pour un défilé Dior Homme d’Hedi Slimane (2001), puis l’identité visuelle des parfum Higher, YSL L’homme (2006), premier parfum Post Tom Ford, Hugo Boss (2007). Artistes au travail d’artisan, les H5 ne créent que sur commande. Pourtant leur travail dépasse l’activité purement commerciale pour être présenté dans de nombreux festivals ou expositions à Paris, Londres, Rotterdam ou Tokyo, et le n°18 du Gasbook leur est consacré.
In 2006, Kulte proudly introduced its brand new logo designed by french design agency H5 H5 is a creative graphic design collective specializing in music and luxury products. H5 ‘s style evolves and grows with each new partnership. The one constant: mixing graphic elegance with efficient communication. Mid 90s: recently graduated from ESAG (the Paris School of Graphic Design, also known as Penninghen), Ludovic Houplain and Antoine BardouJacquet start hanging out with “the Versailles crowd” (Etienne de Crecy, the guys from Air, Alex Gopher…). Their minimalist and efficient esthetic sticks with the emerging French Touch: Etienne de Crecy gives them the chance to create his album cover for Superdiscount (1996). The result, a white shaded “SUPER DISCOUNT” sign on a yellow background, is reminiscent of gaudy tags on final sale items. The cover plays with the codes of our consumption society and leaves such a strong impression on the public that it remains one of the references of the collective even today. Herve de Crecy joins H5 and they start work on the cover of The Child, Alex Gopher’s new album. H5 creates itself a visual identity inspired by graphic work, artists such as PaulRand or Saul Bass, Japanese esthetics or Helvetic typography. With the arrival of Rachel Cazadamont, Fleur Fortuné and François Alaux, they develop their style, saturated with a rigor bordering on obsession. The visual collaborator of the French Touch is soon courted by artists of all styles: Zebda, Playgroup, Royksopp, Massive Attack... A three head team composed of Ludovic, Hervé, François, begin work on Audi, Areva and recently Citroën C4, Volkswagen. The collective starts off creating its first fashion show invitation for the brand, then create the visual identity of the perfume Higher (2001), followed by YSL Man, the first “post Tom Ford” perfume, and Hugo Boss. H5 develops into an advertising agency. No longer only graphic designers and art directors, the members of the collective write scripts, draw storyboards and choose directors. This new activity allows them to realize whole visual identities for products, form the design of the bottle to the press materials and television ads for Dunhill Perfume (2006). Artists with the craftsman touch, H5 only create to order. However, their work goes beyond purely commercial activity, it is represented in several festivals or exhibitions in Paris, London, Rotterdam or Tokyo. 10
kulte store paris Le 3 septembre 2006 KULTE a inauguré sa nouvelle boutique ouverte en plein coeur du quartier animé du Marais. Ce lieu est pour nous une vitrine idéale pour le marché français mais aussi pour l’international. Tous nos models y sont présentés dans une atmosphère minimaliste, contrastée par des projections de films cultes retraçant les thèmes de nos collections. Un programme de fidélisation à 2 niveaux nous permet d’ores et déjà de compter de nombreux fans parmi nos clients. ouvert 7 jours sur 7, la boutique Kulte est la première d’une longue série... On the 3rd of September 2006, KULTE opened its brand new Flagship store in the French Capital. Based in the heart of Paris, in the famous and crowded quarter of “Le Marais”, The Kulte Store is a perfect window open to the rest of the world. Presenting most of KULTE models in a minimalist atmosphere; projecting “cult movies” related to the theme of the season, the place has already many fans and VIPs members. Open 8hrs a day, 7 days a week, the Kulte store is definitely the 1st one of a long list…
kulte store 76, rue vieille du temple 75003 Paris - France +33 1 42 21 05 09 14
photographer: james reeve - www.shootandscribble.com 15
press review 2006 WAD
european fashion magazine www.wadmag.com LITTLE WHITE LIES uk magazine specialised in cinema www.littlewhitelies.co.uk
french city guide www.comingup.net
french music magazine www.magicrpm.com
french weekly music magazine www.lesinrocks.com
uk musical monthly newspaper www.feedthepigeons.com
french city guide
french fashion magazine
french football magazine www.sofoot.com
french professionnal fashion mag www.journaldutextile.com
uk professionnal fashion magazine www.drapersonline.com
spanish lifestyle magazine www.neo2.es
usa professionnal fashion mag www.dnrnews.com
uk / usa lifestyle free magazine www.viceland.com
french lifestyle magazine www.standardmagazine.com
kulte in the press LIBÉRATION
french newspaper www.liberation.fr
french architecture and travel mag www.artravel.net
french bmx magazine www.creamofbmx.com
italian fashion magazine www.collezionionline.com
french lifestyle magazine www.blast.fr
french female lifestyle magazine www.elle.fr
french musical magazine www.loisir.net
hong-kong based lifestyle free mag www.jolipunk.net
uk graphism magazine www.fusedmagazine.com
italian lifestyle magazine www.pigmag.com
uk student free magazine www.blowback.co.uk
french professionnal fashion mag www.un1que.fr
french male lifestyle magazine
american female lifestyle free mag www.lemonademag.com
french lifestyle free magazine www.reduxmag.com
spanish lifestyle magazine 17
Fall / Winter 2006 The theme is” KULTE GAMES”, “rien ne va plus” = ( mean’s everything’s going wrong, somehow ): it’s all about: irony, fun, hanging around, childhood games, video games, sexual games, old school games, all what became a part of our life & of our free time, games that became cult, winning, loosing, playing your life dangerously etc… We tried to use this theme with originality and with our special Kulte view. The inspirationis coming from different sides: First we wanted to keep our really vintagish, funky & old school style, but we wanted to make it more “classy” , and more” rock&roll” as well, we wanted to offer a large range of items.
The basics: (t-shirts/ fleece) are still treated with a deep care; We’ve choose some really subtle colors for this winter. We pushed again the graphism to be super strong, sometimes kinky, sometimes more arty. This season we are using about 150 different graphics. The basics are composed by : - cotton rib: 3 styles X 8 colors - jersey cotton: 3 styles X 6 colors - Pure ( carbonised cotton with flock arts ): 3 styles X 6 colors - We introduced a newcategory the SHEER cotton jersey
is composed by a total of: - 58 pieces for the men’s lineincluding: some heavy jackets like snorkle style, striped polos, black denim, army styles, suits, intarsia sweaters, plaid woolly old school blousons, leather blosons, hooded special fleeces, and a super nice striped urban theme etc… - 67 pieces for the girl’s lineincluding: printed girly tops, stripped polos, fitted rock & roll suits, super qualitative & stylish sweaters including some cashmere items, coats, old school blousons, leather blousons, sexy underwear etc…
we developed a lot the accessories this season, we have a total of 46 pieces including: leather & cord belts, crazy ties, leather bags & hats, army or urban canvas styles, scarfs & beanies, gloves, striped polyurethane theme, and lots of novelties !
photographer: james reeve - www.shootandscribble.com
KOST est l’outil de communication princi-
pal utilisé par l’équipe marketing de Kulte dans le but d’infiltrer divers milieux dont ils se sentent proches. L’idée de base est un simple échange de savoir faire avec des professionels de secteurs différents, pour promouvoir le travail de chacun. Les magazines ont besoin d’abonner; les groupes de musiques ont leurs fans; les labels veulent promouvoir leurs groupes; chaines de télé, cinéma, festival de musique, bar, night-club...chacun d’entre eux veut de communiquer ce qu’il fait...Quoi de mieux qu’un t-shirt pour accomplir ce job ??? En offrant la possibilté à nos partenaires de communiquer sur des t-shirts en série limité, Kulte est ainsi visible au coeur de differents réseaux. Ces Kost sont généralement utilisés par les marques comme cadeaux à la presse, VIP, clients et amis, plaçant ainsi notre marque dans les mains de «leader» d’opinions. Sur la seule année 2006, 11 000 t-shirts sur plus de 55 partenariats ont été realisés...le meilleur reste à venir !
KOST is the major marketing tool used by KULTE in
order to infiltrate various sectors we feel close to ! The idea is to exchange our “know-how” with other brands from different industries, whatever they produce, in order to promote the work of both parts. Magazines need subscribers; Bands have fans; Labels must promote their bands; Music festival, Bars, Clubs want to communicate on what they do....etc. What a better vehicle of communication than a T-Shirt ???? By offering the chance to someone to promote its own work with limited series t-shirts, we get the opportunity to see our KULTE product introduced in different areas. These Original series Tees will usually be used by the brands as gifts to give away to the Press, VIPs, Clients... etc, and as a matter of fact will be touching what we like to call “opinion leaders”. Last year we did produce around 11 000 tshirts through 55 different partenerships....the best is to come !
and t rock nly s e b yo he ring t some( wh ARIS b : y t P r share place @ and of pa k ision tclubs to o v C o t e N l A Y e p h a sim round nig he first on h band F USH with s i erg le. T E BL frenc CLUiB D d und ool peop coming eaux @ L … e E z T s I p c d u d or bly ona OHIB sona friends an osting the ober in B d Barcel R a e P r in E h an ct KULaTnd live actsod vibes witmh ber 2006,was early oille, London E H T tro djs o e d ho ! septe econ etz, Mars psyc and g k c u elec ?) booze n Paris in FA), the s f i e in M isco D et’s d some nightclub ROBOT ( es to com at ! L ti th T S PARI n DJ SHI More par ike it like l . a K e m ger JEF ty, but w h DJ a frenc and swe t o h It’s
goodies througthout the years, kulte has been known for developping original items related to the theme of each collection to be given as gifts to clients and media or sold as limited editions.
01. soccer ball / 02. beachbag / 03. fresh car / 04. slipmats / 05. travel kit / 06. golden dildo / 07. “ gousset “ watch / 08. “ kulte kiss” brewed beer / 09. minibar kit / 10. pillows / 11. bill clip / 12. magnets 37
photographer: james reeve - www.shootandscribble.com
tigersushi records partnerships
Well to settle the score, let’s tell the story this way, TIGERSUSHI is about three outstanding individuals that made a commitment to work together without talking to each other or being amiable in even the most casual way. First is Joakim, the musician and electronic producer of ‘Cotton Gun’ fame, who is always lost either in the contemplation of his ultra-limited designer sneakers or in an inner dialogue with all yesterday’s musical greats. Under the omen of CLUSTER, the BUSH TETRAS, MATERIAL or MAX BERLIN, he endlessly works at the completion of his second LP and is always racing the tide to produce his true musical masterpiece.
Then there is Charles and quite frankly we are not too sure why he shows up at the office at all. Come to think of it, we’re not even sure he knows why himself. Nevertheless, it is a verified fact that he developed this strange habit, almost like a nighttime surge, to place expensive overseas prank calls at random. Alleged victims include MORGAN GEIST, MAURICE FULTON, John TEJADA or SIMEON COXE. No one knows when the feds will finally crack on all this sleaze but, frankly, we can’t wait. And last but not least, Julien the permanently irked computer scientist. Even more hardcore than DOPPLEREFFEKT, Julien rules over a nation of semi-operating web-servers and runs from a computer breakdown to the other with some refreshing moments at the gigantic coffee reservoir we had installed for him in our IT room.
The reason why those three punters committed some of their time, sweat and passion to the building up of TIGERSUSHI is unclear. But when it reaches this level of sadness, the least you can do is to be commiserating and show some support. So if you have some spare time and find yourself accidentally wandering around the shelves of your local record store, do not purchase a single TIGERSUSHI album, be sensitive, put an end to the agony. more infos: www.tigersushi.com
kulte music compilations Deeply involved in the music from day one, KULTE is now releasing with every single new collection, a music compilation presenting french artists or foreign artists signed on French labels whom are somehow related to KULTE. You’ll understand a bit more of the KULTE culture listening to these selected tracks. Winter compilations are presenting the male side of the brand, a dark rock / electro vibe, whereas summer compilations are more atmospheric, pop/ folk oriented, to present the female side of KULTE. Each compilation is a limited edition (1000 copies)and is distributed to all our clients, sent to medias and available through KULTE‘s website. winter 2005 - 01 1. COLDER « Wrong Baby » / 2. ASWEFALL « Ride » / 3. COPYSHOP « Hard » / 4. PONI HOAX « Budapest » (radio edit) 5. PANICO « Lupita » - M.I.A. remix / 6. FATALE « Scandale » / 7. DANTON EEPROM « Thanx 4 the ride » / 8. JENNY GOES DIRTY « Amoureux Solitaires » - REMOTE remix / 9. TIM PARIS feat MIKE LADD « One man’s monument is another man’s grave » / 10. SCENARIO ROCK « Skitzo Dancer » - JUSTICE remix summer 2006 - 02 1. MAI “Snowing downtown” / 2. ASWEFALL « Between The Miles » / 3. HEY HEY MY MY « Too Much Space » / 4. SEBASTIEN SCHULLER « Sleeping Song » / 5. KELLY DE MARTINO « Radar » 6. DOUBLE U « Satisfaction » / 7. BARTH « Under the Trampoline » / 8. VEO VEO « Safe and Sound » / 9. SYD MATTERS « Fear of Heights » / 10. HYPERCLEAN « Oh ma Chérie »
albums partnerships THE STROKES “ FIRST IMPRESSIONS OF EARTH ” (RCA-2006) Equally inspired by classic tunesmiths like Buddy Holly and John Lennon as well as the attitude and angular riffs of fellow New Yorkers Television and the Velvet Underground, the Strokes were also equally blessed and cursed with an enormous amount of hype -- particularly from the U.K. music press, whose adulation for the group rivaled their fervor for Oasis in the early ‘90s. Barely in their twenties by the time their debut album, Is This It, arrived in 2001, singer/songwriter Julian Casablancas, guitarists Nick Valensi and Albert Hammond, Jr., bassist Nikolai Fraiture, and drummer Fabrizio Moretti’s success wasn’t quite of the overnight variety, but it still arrived pretty swiftly. Early in 2006, they returned with the even poppier and more polished First Impressions of Earth. more infos : www.thestrokes.com DJ CHLOE & IVAN SMAGGHE “ THE DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY ” (KILL THE DJ 2006) in the language of love, the same word is used for «genre» and «gender»; angle sorted for the cd then. «what is the genre of this cd? « asks you neighbour, «what is your gender?» asks your mum. genre, gender, genre, genre, gender, genre... And what about your family, what is their «genre»? more: who the fuck is your family? normal-not normal? whatever. we probably all reconstructed ourselves here, in this «dysfunctional family», the one who fucks genders and genres. anyway, at kill the dj, straight genre and gender have been longtime dead and buried. an absence shard by all of us in a dark and seedy club, where blondes wear a moustache with elegance, where the lady toilet attendant is a guy in mini skirt, where the sweaty run down white vest is the flag of our personal revolution. no style is style. no gender is gender. We are all dynsfunctional. more infos : www.killthedj.com FATALE “ WE ARE JALOUSE ” (PLATINUM 2005 ) These three characters provide a crazy mix between a frozen dancefloor mood and the frenzy of electropunk. When they freak out and mix their influences (Le Tigre, Bis, Depeche Mode, Adult, Fad Gadget, Madonna, Patrick C) they give birth to a new kind of music called « BPMI » which stands for Brutal Power Maximum Impact. Then, everything is about rage/dance steps/ make up/ performance outifts... Their debut maxi « Marcus Secret » released in fall 2005 with remixes from Jennifer Cardini (Minimal and rudimentary approach) and Grand Marnier (Destructured breaking electrocore version) is the perfect tune to enter their world with a métronomic and moving rythm, some soft/rough voices, a powerfull 80’s style chorus....a combination which leads to a lot of BPM. more infos : www.fatalerocks.com
REVL9N “ REVL9N ” (BECAUSE 2006) Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden, Revl9n are a two girl, one boy three-piece, whose music is as difficult to quantify, as it is joyous to listen to. Is it dark and edgy electro-pop? The new wave of post-indie dance? Deviant disco? Disco punk pop? In truth, the pleasingly unpredictable melange of sounds that Maria Eilersen, Åsa Cerderqvist and Nandor Hegedüs concoct are all these things and more. High on drama, faded glamour and cosmopolitan chic their album is a call to arms. more infos : www.revl9n.com
e.p. FANCY “ SEVENTEEN ” (DISQUES PRIMEURS 2006) The middle class suburbs of paris birthed air and Daft Punk, but now the city’s harsher fringes bring forth Fancy. The rock band that are redefining what the music of the french capital means. Formed at school in Montreuil, in the south-east of Paris, Fancy hit the stage in 2002, the MC5, TV on The Radio and The Rapture soon found they had to up their game after finding Fancy as their support band. more infos : www.myspace.com/welovefancy
Big Screen KULTE is also involved in the french cinema industry. The main partnership in 2006 was made with the film ‘chacun sa nuit’ released in september. First movie as a director of French actor Jean-Marc BARR together with Pascal ARNOLD, ‘Chacun sa nuit’ was shot in the suburds of AIX EN PROVENCE in 2005. Dealing with the ambivalent sexuality of a bunch of teenagers, and the tragedy of adult life, this drama had a large coverage in the independant cinema press.
End of November 2006, KULTE was also partner of the International Film Festival “Entrevues” taking place in Belfort (France)
Kulte s’investit aussi dans le cinéma français. Le partenariat principal a vue le jour en Septembre 2006 avec la sortie du film « Chacun sa nuit» produit par l’acteur Français Jean-Marc BARR en collaboration avec Pascal ARNOLD. Tourné à Aix-en-Provence ce film relate les ambivalences sexulelles d’un groupe d’adolescents ainsi que les déboires d’adultes tourmentés. Un scenario dramatique largement couvert par la presse spécialisée.
Fin Novembre 2006, KULTE a été partenaire du festival intenational du film de Belfort «Entrevues»
jerome coste
every season come and visit us at
USA MIGNON SHOW ROOM 3 CORPORATE PLAZA SUITE 210 92660 NEWPORT BEACH MATT COYNE : 0 013 232 730 003 matt@mignonshowroom.com
GERMANY KULTE DISTRIBUTION TRADE YARDBOSLERSTR, 27 71088 HOLZGERLINGEN PHONE : 00 49 176 241 04 406 marcus.prosch@kulteclothing.de
ENGLAND BREAD AND HONEY 205 WHITECROSS STREET - LONDON EC1Y 8QP PHONE : 00 44 20 72 53 44 55 www.breadnhoney.com
SWITZERLAND LAETITIA HAUSWIRTH Route de Valleyres 1844 Villeneuve PHONE: 0041. lh@bluewin.ch
SPAIN KULTE DISTRIBUTION PARC GVIO,BAT A3, 1 BOULEVARD DE L’OCEAN 13009 MARSEILLE FRANCE PHONE : 00 33 4 91 91 55 79 OLIVIER TARDY 00 33 619 01 36 94 otardy@hotmail.com
HOLLAND FERNANDEZ AGENCY ITALIELEI 179 - 2000 ANTWERP PHONE : 00 32 32 33 81 73 DAVID FERNANDEZ fernandez@antwerpen.be IRIS AGTERDENBOSCH ludlow.street@worldonline.nl
coming soon ....