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Printed and published by Mohamed Israth on behalf of KAL Publications Pvt. Ltd. and printed at Dinakaran Press, Plot No.170, No.10, First Main Road, Nehru Nagar, Perungudi, Chennai-600 096 and published at 229, Kutchery Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600004. Editor: Mohamed Israth
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60. °¬ø à«ô£è‚ °¬ø𣆮Ÿè£ù ꣡Á M¬ì : FeS 61. å ¼ ª õ Š ð ñ £ ø £ „ ª ê ò ™ º ¬ ø J ™ W›‚è‡ìõŸP™ â¶ à‡¬ñò£°‹? a) q =w b) q = 0 c) ΔE = q d) PΔV = 0 M¬ì : b) q = 0 62. å¼ M¬ùJ¡ ΔG âF˜°P¬ò ªðŸP¼‰î£™, ÜF™ ãŸð´‹ ñ£Ÿø‹ M¬ì : î¡Q„¬êò£ù¶ 63. W›‚è‡ìõŸÁœ ⶠ⡆«ó£H¬ò ÜFèK‚裶? a) è¬óêL™ àœ÷ ²‚«ó£¬ú ð®èñ£‚°î™ b) Þ¼‹¹ ¶¼ŠH®ˆî™ c) ðQ‚膮¬ò có£è ñ£ŸÁî™ èŸÌóˆ¬î ðîƒèñ£‚°î™ d)
M¬ì : a) è¬óêL™ àœ÷ ²‚«ó£¬ú ð®èñ£‚°î™ 64. W ö ‚ è ‡ ì õ Ÿ Á œ â ‰ î ª ê ò ™ º ¬ ø ⊪𣿶‹ ꣈Fòñ£è£¶? b) ΔH<0, ΔS>0 a) ΔH>0, ΔS>0
c) ΔH>0, ΔS<0
d) ΔH<0, ΔS<0
M¬ì : c) ΔH>0,ΔS<0 65. AŠv 膮ô£ ÝŸøL™ ãŸð´‹ ñ£Ÿø‹ M¬ì : ΔG= ΔH - TΔS 66. 2C1(g) Cl2(g)' M¬ùJ™ ΔH ñŸÁ‹ ΔS ñFŠ¹èO¡ °Pèœ º¬ø«ò M¬ì : &- ,& 67. «õF„ êñG¬ôJ¡  M¬ì : Þòƒ°„ êñG¬ô 68. H¡õ¼‹ M¬ùèO¡ êñG¬ô ñ£PLèœ 2A B ‚° K1- ‹ B 2A ‚° K2-‹ Ý°‹ âQ™ M¬ì : K1 = 1/K2 69. N2+3H2 2NH3 â¡ø êñG¬ôJ™ ÜFè Ü÷¾ Ü‹«ñ£Qò£ A¬ìŠð¶ a) ° ¬ ø ‰ î Ü ¿ ˆ î ‹ ñ Ÿ Á ‹ ° ¬ ø ‰ î ªõŠðG¬ô b) °¬ø‰î Ü¿ˆî‹ ñŸÁ‹ ÜFè ªõŠðG¬ô c) ÜFè ªõŠð G¬ô ñŸÁ‹ ÜFè Ü¿ˆî‹ d) ÜFè Ü¿ˆî‹ ñŸÁ‹ °¬ø‰î ªõŠðG¬ô
M¬ì : d) ÜFè Ü¿ˆî‹ ñŸÁ‹ °¬ø‰î ªõŠðG¬ô 70. 600 K ªõŠðG¬ôJ™ Gè¿‹ H¡õ¼‹ å¼ð®ˆî£ù õ£» êñG¬ô M¬ùJ™ KCJ - ¡ Üô° 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g) M¬ì : (mol dm-3)
71. å¼ ªõŠð‹ªè£œ êñG¬ô M¬ùJ™ T1 ñŸÁ‹ T 2 ªõŠðG¬ôèO™ êñG¬ô ñ£PLèœ K1 ñŸÁ‹ K2 âQ™ ªõŠðG¬ô T2 Ýù¶ T1 ¬õ Mì ÜFèñ£è Þ¼‚°‹ «ð£¶ (T2> T1) M¬ì : K1< K2 72. Ìxò õ¬è M¬ùJ¡ M¬ù«õè ñ£PLJ¡ Üô° M¬ì : «ñ£™ L†ì˜&1 M&1 73. Íô‚ÃÁ A÷˜¾Áõ «î¬õŠð´‹ ÜFèð†ê ÝŸø™ M¬ì : A÷˜¾Á ÝŸø™ 74. ܘqQòv êñ¡ð£†®™ àœ÷ A â¡ð¶ M¬ì : ÜF˜ªõ‡ è£óE 75. M¬ù«õè„ êñ¡ð£†®™ àœ÷ªêP¾èO¡ Ü´‚°èO¡ Ã´î™ M¬ì : M¬ùõ¬è 76. å¼ ºî™ õ¬è M¬ùJ¡ ܬóõ£›¾ «ïó‹ 10 GIìƒèœ âQ™ Üî¡ M¬ù«õè ñ£PL M¬ì : 6.932 X 10-2 min-1 77. å¼ M¬ùJ™ Ea = 0 ñŸÁ‹ 300 K ™ K = 4.2 X 105 Sec-1 âQ™ 310K ™ k ¡ ñFŠ¹ M¬ì : 4.2 X 105 Sec-1 78. à › ñ ˆ ¶ è œ è œ I ¡ ¹ ô ˆ F ù £ ™ Þ슪ðò˜„C ܬìõ¶ M¬ì : 裆«ì£«ð£óCv 79. ¹¬è (fog) Ûñ‚ è¬óêL™ àœ÷¬õ M¬ì : õ£»M½œ÷ c˜ñ‹ 80. Ûñˆ ¶èœèÀ‚è£ù ®¡ì£™ M¬÷MŸ°‚ è£óí‹ M¬ì : åO„ Cîø™ 81. ÞòŸHò™ ð󊹂 èõóŠð´î™ ...........¡ «ð£¶ ð󊹂 èõóŠð†´œ÷ ªð£¼œ ªõO«òÁAø¶ a) ªõŠðG¬ô àò¼‹ b) ªõŠð‹ °¬ø»‹ c) Ü¿ˆî‹ àò¼‹ d) ªêP¾ ÜFèK‚°‹«ð£¶
M¬ì : a) ªõŠðG¬ô àò¼‹ 82. Ûñ ñ¼‰¶èœ âOF™ à†èõóŠðì‚ è£óí‹ M¬ì : âOF™ à†èõóŠð†´ ð󊹂 èõóŠð´Aø¶ 83. Ý ™ ¬ è ¬ ù Ý ™ W ù £ è ° P Š H † ì M¬ù¹Kõî¡ Íô‹ ¬ý†óü«ùŸø‹ ªêŒ»‹«ð£¶ ðò¡ð´ˆîŠð´‹ M¬ù«õè ñ£ŸP M¬ì : °J«ù£Lù£™ ð°Fò£è A÷˜¾ø„ ªêŒòŠð†ì Pd. 84. «õFŠ ð󊹂 èõ˜îL™ ⶠîõø£ù¶?
a) e÷£ˆ ñ»¬ìò¶ b) Þ A÷˜¾Á ÝŸø™ «î¬õŠð´Aø¶ c) ð󊹂 èõ¼‹ ªð£¼O¡ e¶ ðô Ü´‚°è¬÷ «î£ŸÁM‚Aø¶ d) ð󊹄 «ê˜ñƒèœ à¼õ£A¡øù
M¬ì : c) ð󊹂 èõ¼‹ ªð£¼O¡ e¶ ðô Ü´‚°è¬÷ «î£ŸÁM‚Aø¶ 85. ð£™ñ‹ â¡ð¶ W›‚è‡ìõŸP¡ Ûñ‚ è¬óê™ a) Þó‡´ F‡ñƒèœ Þó‡´ c˜ñƒèœ b) c) Þó‡´ õ£»‚èœ å¼ F‡ñ‹ ñŸÁ‹ å¼ c˜ñ‹ d)
M¬ì : b) Þó‡´ c˜ñƒèœ 86. Ûñƒè¬÷ ÉŒ¬ñŠð´ˆ¶‹ º¬ø M¬ì : ¬ìò£LCv 87. å¼ ÃÖ‹ I¡«ù£†ìˆ¬î å¼ I¡ð°O è¬óê™èœ õN«ò ªê½ˆ¶‹«ð£¶ I¡õ£J™ ð®»‹ ªð£¼O¡ G¬ø .............. M¬ì : I¡«õF„ êñ£ù â¬ì 88. 0.01 M KCl è¬óêL¡ Gòñ è숶Fø¡ 250C 0.00014 æ‹&1 ªê.e&1 Üî¡ êñ£ù è숶Fø¡ ............... M¬ì : 140 æ‹&1 ªê.e.2 êñ£ù‹&1 89. Ývõ£™† c˜ˆî™ MF H¡õ¼‹ â ªð£¼‰î‚îò¶ ? b) NaCI a) CH3COOH
c) NaOH
d) H2SO4
M¬ì : a) CH3COOH &- 6 90. 10 M 埬ø è£ó ÜIôˆ¬î å¼ L†ì˜ è¬óŠð£Q™ è¬óˆîHø° è¬óêL¡ pH .............. M¬ì : 6 91. å¼ è¬óêL¡ pH = 2 âQ™ ÜF™ àœ÷ ¬ý†óü¡ ÜòQèœ ªêP¾ «ñ£™ / L†ìK™ .......... M¬ì : 1 X 10-2 92. 0.1 N NaOH àœ÷ è¬óêL¡ pH ..................... M¬ì : 13 93. Ý ‚ ê £ L ‚ Ü I ô ˆ ¬ î « ê £ ® ò ‹ ¬ý†ó£‚¬ê´ì¡ îó‹ 𣘂°‹«ð£¶, ðò¡ð´ˆîŠð´‹ Gøƒè£†® .......... M¬ì : Hù£™Šîh¡ 94. «ê£®ò‹ à«ô£èˆ¶ì¡ Ý™èý£™ M¬ù ¹KõF¡ M¬ù iKò õK¬ê M¬ì : 10 > 20 > 30 Ý™èý£™èœ 95. C H 3 M g I - î ò £ K ‚ è Ý ™ è ý £ ¬ ô è¬óŠð£ù£èŠ ðò¡ð´ˆî º®ò£¶. ã¡? M¬ì : CH3MgI Ý™èý£½ì¡ M¬ù¹K‰¶ eˆ«î¬ùˆ î¼Aø¶
è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
96. Ý™èý£™ + î«ò£Q™ °«÷£¬ó´ HK®¡ Ý™¬è™ °«÷£¬ó´ à‡ì£°‹ M¬ùJ™ Þ¬ìG¬ô„ «ê˜ñ‹ ò£¶? M¬ì : Ý™¬è™ °«÷£«ó£ ê™¬ð†´ 97. Ü«ò£ìç𣘋 «ê£î¬ù‚° à†ð´‹ «ê˜ñ‹ M¬ì : 2&ªð¡«ì«ù£¡ 98. Öè£v èóE»ì¡ «õèñ£è M¬ù¹K»‹ «ê˜ñ‹ â¶? M¬ì : 2&eˆ¬î™ ¹óŠ«ð¡&2&Ý™ 99. dù£¬ô Zn- ÉÀì¡ è£Œ„C õ®‚°‹ «ð£¶ A¬ìŠð¶? M¬ì : ªð¡Y¡ 100.¹«ó£I«ùŸøˆFŸ° âOî£è à†ð´‹ «ê˜ñ‹ M¬ì : dù£™ 101. âˆFL¡¬ì Üe¬ù âˆFL¡ A¬÷‚è£ô£è ñ£ŸÁõ¶ M¬ì : ¬ï†óv ÜIô‹ 102. AOêó£L½œ÷ ßK¬íò Ý™èý£™ ªî£°FèO¡ â‡E‚¬è M¬ì : 1 103. ¬ìù¬ñ†®½œ÷ M¬ùˆFøÂœ÷ ð°FŠ ªð£¼œ M¬ì : ¬ï†«ó£ AOêK¡ 104. C 2 H 5 OC 2 H 5 , CH 3 - O - CH - CH 3 ª õ O Š 𴈶‹ ñ£ŸPò‹ CH3 M¬ì : Þ¬íñ£ŸPò‹ 105. W›‚裇ðùõŸÁœ ⶠâOò ßî˜?
ªõ®‚°‹ ªð£¼œ
a) CH3 - O - C2H5
b) C2H5 - O - CH3
M¬ì : ªð󣂬ú´ 111. SŠ èóE âîÂì¡ Þ÷…CõŠ¹ Gøˆ¬î‚ ªè£´‚Aø¶ ? M¬ì : ÜC†ì£™®¬ý´ 112. eˆ¬î™ W†«ì£¬ù ÜPò àî¾õ¶ M¬ì : Ü«ò£«ì£ç𣘋 «ê£î¬ù 113. ì£ô¡v èóE â¡ð¶ M¬ì : Ü‹«ñ£Qò£ èô‰î C™õ˜ ¬ï†«ó† 114.裡Qê«ó£ M¬ù‚° à†ðì£î «ê˜ñ‹ M¬ì : ÜC†ì£™®¬ý´ 115. BaSO4 àì¡ Pd º¡Q¬ôJ™ ªð¡ ê£J™ °«÷£¬ó´ ¬ý†óü«ùŸøñ¬ì‰¶ ªè£´Šð¶ M¬ì : ªð¡ê£™®¬ý´ 116. ݙ죙 â¡ð¶ M¬ì : 3&¬ý†ó£‚C HΆ«ì«ù™ 117. LiAlH4 ä ðò¡ð´ˆF ÜC†ì£™®¬ý¬ì å´‚°‹ «ð£¶ ¬ý†¬ó´ ÜòQ ªêò™ð´‹ Mî‹ M¬ì : 輂èõ˜ ªð£¼œ 118. X â¡Â‹ «ê˜ñˆF¡ êò«ù£¬ý†K¡ có£Ÿð°‚°‹«ð£¶ ô£‚®‚ ÜIôˆ¬îˆ î¼Aø¶. X â¡ð¶ M¬ì : CH3CHO 119. H¡õ¼õùõŸÁœ ⶠܫò£«ì£ð£˜‹ «ê£î¬ù‚° à†ð´õF™¬ô? a) ÜC†«ì£d«ù£¡ b) ªð¡«ê£d«ù£¡
c) C2H5 - O -C2H5
d) C3H7 - O - C2H5
c) CH3 - CHOH
M¬ì : c) C2H5 - O - C2H5 CH3 106. ¬ìâˆF™ ßî¬ó C¬îŠðè‰î d) CH3 - CH - CH2 CH2 - CH3 èóE OH M¬ì : Hl M¬ì b) : ªð¡«ê£d«ù£¡ 107. ßîK¡ Ý‚Cü¡ ܵ M ¬ ù 120. C H 3 C O C H 3 Üì˜ H2SO4 M¬ì : ñ‰îˆ ñ»¬ìò¶ M¬÷ªð£¼œò£¶? 108. ÖJJ¡ ÜIô, è£ó ªè£œ¬èJ¡ð®, M¬ì : ªñC†®h¡ ßî˜èœ 121. ê™ç«ð£ù£™ â¡ø ܬñFŠð´ˆF M¬ì : è£óˆî¡¬ñ»¬ìò¬õ îò£K‚èŠ ðò¡ð´‹ «ê˜ñ‹ 109. W›‚è‡ì â M™Lò‹ê¡ ªî£°ˆî™ M¬ì : ÜC†«ì£¡ å¼ ê£¡Á ? 122. ⶠIè‚ °¬ø‰î ÜIôˆî¡¬ñ à¬ìò¶? a) 輂èõ˜ «ê˜‚¬è M¬ù M¬ì : C2H5OH b) âô‚†ó£¡ èõ˜ «ê˜‚¬è M¬ù 123. CH 3 CH 2 COOH ñ Ÿ Á ‹ CH 3 COOCH 3 c) âô‚†ó£¡ èõ˜ ðFh†´ M¬ù è£íŠð´‹ ñ£ŸPò‹ d) 輂èõ˜ ðFh†´ M¬ù M¬ì : M¬ù„ªêò™ ªî£°F M¬ì : d) 輂èõ˜ ðFh†´ M¬ù 124. AK‚ù£˜´ M¬ùŠªð£¼÷£™ îò£K‚è 110. ßî¬ó 裟P™ Cô ñE «ïó‹ M†´ º®ò£î ÜIô‹ ¬ õ ‚ ° ‹ « ð £ ¶ à ‡ ì £ ° ‹ M¬ì : çð£˜I‚ ÜIô‹
üùõK 1 & 15,2014°ƒ°ñ„ CI›
16 38
125. ÜIôˆF¡ õL¬ñ¬òŠ ªð£Áˆîñ†®™ â‰î õK¬ê ܬñŠ¹ êKò£ù¶? a) CH3 - CH2COOH > CH3COOH < HCCOH
126. P 2O 5 àì¡ M¬ù¹K‰¶ Íô‚ÃÁ‚ °œ«÷«ò c˜ c‚è‹ ï¬ìªðø£î «ê˜ñ‹ M¬ì : çð£˜I‚ ÜIô‹ 127. W›‚è‡ìõŸÁœ õL¬ñ I‚è ÜIô‹ b) CI3CCOOH a) CICH2COOH
M¬ì : b) Cl3 CCOOH 128. âˆFh¡ ¬ìêò¬ù¬ì có£Ÿð°ˆ¶‚ A¬ìŠð¶ M¬ì : ê‚CQ‚ ÜIô‹ 129. ¬ ï † « ó £ Ý ™ « è ¡ è O ½ œ ÷ -NO 2 ªî£°F¬ò -NH2 ªî£°Fò£è ñ£ŸÁ‹ èóE M¬ì : Sn/HCI 130. ¬ï†«ó£ eˆ«î¬ù Zn/NH4 CI è¬óê™ ªè£‡´ å´‚Aù£™ A¬ìŠð¶ M¬ì : CH3 NHOH 131. âô‚†ó£¡ èõ˜ ¬ï†«ó£ ãŸø M¬ùJ™ I辋 iKòI‚è «ê˜ñ‹ M¬ì : ªì£½M¡ 132. èê‚°‹ ð£î£‹ ð¼ŠH¡ ñíºœ÷ «ê˜ñ‹ â¶? M¬ì : ¬ï†«ó£ ªð¡Y¡ 133. Üì˜ è‰îè ÜIô‚ è¬óêL™ ¬ï†«ó£ ªð¡Y¬ù e¡ù£Ÿð°ŠH™ å´‚è‹ ªêŒî£™ ެ섫ê˜ññ£è à‡ì£õ¶ M¬ì : C6H5 - NHOH 134. ªð¡C¬ù ¬ï†«ó£ ãŸø‹ ªêŒ»‹ âô‚†ó£¡ èõ˜ èóE M¬ì : ¬ï†«ó£Qò‹ ÜòQ 135. ÜI¡èO¡ è£óŠ ð‡HŸ°‚ è£óí‹ M¬ì : ¬ï†óüQ½œ÷ îQ âô‚†ó£¡ Þó†¬ì 136. 裘¬ðôI¡ M¬ùJ™ ß´ð´‹ èKñ„ «ê˜ñ‹ M¬ì : C2H5NH2
137. æK¬íò ÜI¡ ªêò™ð´‹ Mî‹ M¬ì : ÖJ è£ó‹ 138. ⶠßK¬íò ÜI¡ ? M¬ì : ¬ìH¬ù™ ÜI¡ 139. C6H5NH2 NaNo2/HCI X. X â¡ð¶ M¬ì : C6H5N2CI 140. ⶠ¬ìò«ê£ Ý‚è™ M¬ùJ™ ß´ð죶-? a) M- ªì£½J¯¡ b) ÜQL¡ c) p- ÜI«ù£ Hù£™ d) ªð¡¬ê™ ÜI¡
M¬ì : d) ªð¡¬ê™ ÜI¡ 141. ªð¡Y¡ ¬ìò«ê£Qò‹ °«÷£¬ó¬ì c¼ì¡ ªè£F‚è ¬õˆî£™ A¬ìŠð¶ M¬ì : Hù£™ 142. å´‚°‹ ꘂè¬ó¬ò «î˜‰ªî´ b) ªê™½«ô£² a) ²‚«ó£²
c) 񣙫죲
d) °À«è£²
M¬ì : d) °À«è£² 143. ²‚«ó£C™ °À«è£²‹, çŠó‚«ì£²‹ H¬í‚èŠð†®¼Šð¶? M¬ì : C1 - C2 144. °À«è£v âîù£™ °À«è£Q‚ ÜIôñ£è ñ£ŸøŠð죶-? M¬ì : Üì˜ HNO3 145. ²‚«ó£C¡ âF˜ ²öŸC ñ£Ÿø‹ â¡ð¶ M¬ì : ²‚«ó£², °À«è£², çŠó‚«ì£ê£è C¬îî™ 146. °À«è£² + ÜC†®‚ ÜIô cKL + àô˜ «ê£®ò‹ ÜC«ì†.......................? M¬ì : ªð¡ì£ ÜC«ì† 147. Y˜¬ñòŸø 裘ð¬ù‚ ªè£‡®ó£î ÜI«ù£ ÜIô‹ M¬ì : C¬÷C¡ 148. ¹óîƒèO¡ 膴ñ£ù Íô‚ÃÁèœ M¬ì : α- ÜI«ù£ ÜIô‹ 149. ÜI«ù£ ÜIôˆFŸ°Š ªð£¼ˆîI™ô£î¶ â¶? a) Þ¼º¬ù ÜòQ b) êñ I¡ ¹œO c) ßKò™¹ˆ ñ d) NaOH è¬óêL™ è¬óò£î ñ M¬ì : NaOH è¬óêL™ è¬óò£î ñ 150. ¹óîƒèœ âîù£™ ð£F‚èŠð죶-? M¬ì : c˜
ªî£ì¼‹... è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
Question Bank
CHEMISTRY R. Annamalai
M.Sc. (Che), M.Sc. (Psy), M.Phil., B.Ed., PGT (Che)
Ans : Increases
10. Among the following which has the maximum ionisation energy?
1. Dual character of an electron was explained by
a) Alkali elements b) Alakaline elements
c) Halogens
Ans : de-Broglie
2. de-Broglic equation is Ans : λ=h/mv
3. The value of Bhor radius for hydrogen atom is Ans : 0.52 X 10-8 cm
4. Which of the following particle having same kinetic energy, would have the maximum deBroglie wave length
d) Noble gases Ans : d) Noble gases
11. The electron affinity of an atom Ans : inversely proportional to its size
12. Among the following which has higher electron affinity value?
a) Fluorine b) Chlorine c) Bromine d) lodine Ans : b) Chlornie
13. Electron affinity is expressed in Ans : KJ mol-1
a) α - particle
b) proton
c) β - particle
d) neutron
14. The bond length of CI2 molecule is Ans : 1.98
Ans : c) β-particle
5. The bond order of Oxygen molecule is Ans : 2
6. The hybridization in SF6 molecule is Ans : sp3d2
7.The intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in
a) o-nitrophenol
b) m-nitro phenol
c) p-nitrophenol
d) None Ans : a) o-nitrophenol
8. The value of C-C distance found experimentally in a saturated hydrocarbon is Ans : 1.54Å
9. On moving down the group, the radius of an ion
üùõK 1 & 15,2014°ƒ°ñ„ CI›
15. Noble gases have ........................... electron affinity Ans : Zero
16. When XA>> XB, A- B bond is Ans : Ionic
17. An element which burnt in limited supply of air to give oxide A which on treatment with water gives an acid B. Acid B on heating gives acid C which gives yellow precipitate with AgNO3 solution. A is
a) SO2
b) NO2 c) P2O3
d) SO3 Ans : c) P2O3
18. The compound with garlic odour is a) P2O3 b) P2O5 c) H3PO3 d) H3PO4
Ans : a) P2O3
19. On can draw the map of building on a glass plate by
a) HI
b) HF
c) HBr
d) HCI Ans : b) HF
Ans : Cu2 (CN)2 + (CN)2
33. Which transition element show highest oxidation state?
a) Sc
b) Ti
c) Os
d) Zn Ans : c) Os
20. Among the halogen acid, the weakest acid is
a) HF
b) HCI c) HBr
d) HI Ans : a) HF
34. The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that
21. The noble gases are unreactive because they
a) Zn and Y have about the same radius
Ans : have stable eelctronic configuration
b) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
c) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
d) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state
22. The shape of Xef4 is Ans : square planar
Ans : c) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
23. Formation of coloured ions is possible when compounds contains Ans : unpaired electrons
24. The colour of Ti(H2O)6
ion is due
35. The most common oxidation state of lanthanides is Ans : +3
Ans : d-d transistion
25. The electronic configuration of chromium is
36. Lanthanides are extracted from Ans : Monazite
Ans : 3d5 4s1
37. The Lanthanides contraction is due to
26. Paramagnetism is the property of
Ans : Imperfect shielding of 4f electron
Ans : unpaired electrons
38. Ceria is used in
27. Silver salt used in photography is
a) AgcI
b) AgNO3
d) AgBr
a) toys
Ans : d) AgBr
c) gas lamp materials
c) AgF
28. Excess of sodium hydroxide reacts with zinc to form
29. Which of the following compounds will not give positive chromyl chloride test?
39. ............................... is used in gas lamp material Ans : CeO2
40. Alloys of Lanthanides are called as Ans : Mish - metals
41. .......................... form oxocations Ans : Actinides
a) HgCl2 b) CuCI2 c) ZnCl2 d) C6H5Cl Ans : d) C6H5CI
30. Which of the ions will give colourless aqueous solution ?
d) none of the above
Ans : c) gas lamp materials
a) ZnH2 b) Na2ZnO2 c)ZnO d) Zn(OH)2 Ans : b) Na2 ZnO2
b) tracer bullets
a) Ni
b) Fe c) Cu
42. Lanthanides are separated by Ans : Fractional Crystallisation
43. The geometry of [Cu(NH3)4]2+ complexion
Ans : Square planar
d) Cu
Ans : d) Cu+
31. Choose the wrong statement regarding K2Cr2O7 a) It is a powerful oxidizing agent b) It is used in tanning industry c) It is soluble in water d) It reduces ferric sulphate to ferrous sulphate Ans : d) It reduces ferric sulphate to ferrous sulphate
32. Which compound is formed when excess of KCN is added to an aqueous solution of copper sulphate?
44. Which is not an anionic complex?
a) [Cu(NH3)4]Cl2
b) K4 [Fe(CN)6]
c) K3 [Fe(CN)6]
d) [NiCl4]2Ans : a) [Cu(NH3)4] CI2
45. The geometry of [Ni(CN)4]2- is Ans : Square Planar 4-
46. [FeF6] is paramagnetic because
Ans : F- is a weaker ligand è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
47. In [FeII(CN)6]4- the central metal ion is Ans : Fe
62. In an adiabatic process, which of the following is true?
48. Paramagnetic moment is expressed in
a) q =w b) q = 0 c) ΔE = q d) PΔV = 0 Ans : b) q = 0
Ans : BM
49. The type of isomerism found in the complexes [Co(NO2)(NH3)5]SO4 and [Co(SO4)(NH3)5]NO2 Ans : Ionisation
50. Valence bond theory does not explain the property of complex compound Ans : magnetic
51. The most penetrating radiations are Ans : γ rays
52. In the nuclear reaction, 92U238 → 82Pb206, the α and β particles emitted are Ans : 8α, 6β
53. Radioactivity is due to Ans : Unstable nucleus
54. Loss of a β-particle is equivalent to
a) Increase of one proton
b) Decrease of one neutron only
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
63. If ΔG for a reaction is negative, the change is Ans : Spontaneous
64. Which of the following does not result in an increase in the entropy?
a) crystallisation of sucrose from solution
b) rusting of iron
c) conversion of ice to water
d) vaporisation of camphor Ans : a) Crystallisation of sucrose from solution
65. In which of the following process, the process is always non-feasible?
a) ΔH>0, ΔS>0
b) ΔH<0, ΔS>0
c) ΔH>0, ΔS<0
d) ΔH<0, ΔS<0 Ans : ΔH>0, ΔS<0
66. Change in Gibb's free energy is given by Ans : ΔG = ΔH - TΔS
Ans : c) Both (a) and (b)
55. Which of the following is used as neutron absorber in the nuclear reactor?
a) Water
c) Some compound of uranium
d) Cadmium
67. For the reaction 2CI(g) → CI 2(g). the signs of ΔH and ΔS respectively are Ans : -,-
68. State of chemical equilibrium is Ans : dynamic
b) Deuterium
69. If the equilibrium constants of the following B is K1 and B 2A is K2, reactions are 2A then
Ans : d) Cadmium
Ans : K1 = 1/K2
56. The number of chloride ions that surrounds the central Na+ ion in NaCI crystal is ...............
2NH 3 the 70. In the equilibrium N 2 +3H 2, maximum yield of ammonia will be obtained with the process having
Ans : 6
57. The Bragg's equation is Ans : nλ=2d sinθ
58. An example for Frenkel defect is Ans : AgCI
59. In the Bragg's equation for diffraction of X-rays, 'n' represents Ans : Order of reflection
a) low pressure and high temperature
b) low pressure and low temperature
c) high temperature and high pressure
d) high pressure and low temperature Ans : d) high pressure and low temperature
71. For the homogeneous gas reaction at 600 K 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g) 4NH3(g) + 502(g) Ans : (mol dm-3)
60. Rutile is Ans : TiO2
61. An example of metal deficiency defect Ans : FeS
üùõK 1 & 15,2014°ƒ°ñ„ CI›
72. An equilibrium reaction is endothermic if K1 and K2 are the equilibrium constants at T1 and T2 temperature respectively and if T2 is greater Ans:K1 <K2 than T1, than
73. The unit of zero order rate constant is
86. An emulsion is a colloidal solution of
Ans : mol litre sec -1
74. The excess energy which a molecule must process to become active is known as Ans : activation energy
75. The term A in Arrhenius equation is called as Ans : Frequency factor
76. The sum of the powers of the concentration terms that occur in the rate equation is called Ans : Order
77. The half life period of a first order reaction is 10 minutes. Then its rate constant is Ans : 6.932 X 10-2 min-1
78. For a reaction, Ea = O and k = 4.2 X 105 sec-1 at 300 K, the value of k at 310K will be Ans : 4.2 X 10 sec 5
79. The migration of colloidal particles under the influence of an electric field is known as Ans : cataphoresis
80. Fog is a colloidal solution of Ans : liquid in gas
81. The Tyndall's effect associated with colloidal particles is due to Ans : scattering of light
82. In case of physical adsorption, there is desorption when
a) temperature increases
b) temperature decreases
c) pressure increases
d) concentration increases
a) tow solids b) two liquids
c) two gases d) one solid one liquid Ans : b) two liquids
87. Colloids are purified by
a) precipitaion
b) coagulation
c) dialysis
d) filtration
Ans : c) dialysis
88. When one coulomb of electricity is passed through an electrolytic solution, the mass deposited on the electrode is equal to .............................. Ans : electrochemical equivalent
89. The specific conductance of a 0.01 M solution of KCI is 0.0014 ohm -1 cm -1 at 25 O C. Its equivalent conductance is ............................. Ans : 140 ohm-1 cm2 eq-1
90. Ostwalds's dilution law is applicable in the case of the solution of ................ a)CH3COOH
c) NaOH
b) NaCI d) H2SO4 Ans : a) CH3COOH
91. When 10-6 mole of a monobasic strong acid is dissolved in one litre of solvent, the pH of the solution is ............................. Ans : 6
92. When pH of a solution is 2, the hydrogen ion concentration in moles litre - 1 is ......................... Ans : 1 X 10-2
Ans : a) temperature increases
83. Colloidal medicines are more effective because Ans : they are easily assimilated and absorbed
84. For selective hydrogenation of alkynes into alkenes the catalyst used is Ans : Pd, partially inactivated by quinoline
93. The pH of a solution containig 0.1 N NaOH solution is ............................... Ans : 13
94. For the titration between oxalic acid sodium hydroxide, the indicator used is ....................... Ans : phenolphthalein
95. Order of reactivity of alcohol towards sodium metal is Ans : primary > secondary>tertiary
96. Ethyl alcohol cannot be used as a solvent for CH3MgI because
85. For chemisorption, which is wrong ?
Ans : CH3MgI reacts with alcohol giving methane
a) irreversible
b) it requires activation energy
c) it forms mutimolecular layers on adsorbate
d) surface compounds are formed Ans : c) it forms multi molecular layers on adsorbate
97. When alcohols are converted to alkyl chlorides by thionyl chloride in presence of pyridine the intermediate formed is
Ans : alkyl chlorosulphite è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
98. A compound that gives a positive iodoform test is
113. Tollen's reagent is
Ans : 2-pentanone
Ans : ammoniacal silver nitrate
99. The compound that reacts fastest with Lucas reagent is
114. The compound that does not undergo Cannizzaro reaction is
Ans : 2 - methyl propan - 2 - ol
Ans : acetaldehyde
100. W hen phenol is distilled with Zn dust it gives
115. Hydrogenation of benzoyl chloride in the presence of Pd on BaSO4 gives
Ans : benzene
Ans : benzaldehyde
101.A compound that undergoes bromination easily is
116. Aldol is
Ans : phenol
Ans : 3-hydroxy butanal
102.Ethylene diamine is converted to ethylene glycol using
117. In the reduction of acetaldehyde using LiAIH4 the hydride ion acts as
Ans : nitrous acid
103.The number of secondary alcoholic group in glycerol is Ans : 1
104. The active component of dynamite is Ans : Nitro glycerine
105. The isomerism exhibited by C 2H 5OC 2H 5 and CH3 - O - CH - CH3 is
Ans : metamerism
106. Which one of the following is simple ether?
a) CH3 - O - C2H5
c) C2H5 - O -C2H5
b) C2H5 - O - CH3
Ans : nucleophile
118. A cyanohydrin of a compound X on hydrolysis gives lactic acid. The X is Ans : CH3CHO
119. Which of the following does not give iodoform test?
a) aceto phenone
b) benzophenone
c) CH3 - CHOH
d) C3H7 - O - C2H5 Ans : c) C2H5 - O - C2H5
107. Diethyl ether can be decomposed with Ans : HI
108. Oxygen atom of ether is Ans : Comparatively inert
d) CH3 - CH - CH2 CH2 - CH3 Ans : b) benzophenone
120. CH3COCH3 Conc.H2SO4 The product is Ans : mesitylene
121. The compound used in the preparation of the tranquilizer, sulphonal is Ans : acetone
109. Williamson's synthesis is an example of
122. Which of the following is least acidic
a) nucleophilic addition
a) C2H5OH
b) electrophilic addition
c) C6H50H
d)CICH2COOH Ans : a) C2H5OH
c) electrophilic substitution d) nucleophilic substitution reaction Ans : d) Nucleophilic substitution reaction
110. When ether is exposed to air for sometime, an explosive substance produced is Ans : peroxide
123. The Isomerism exhibited by CH3CH2COOH and CH3COOCH3 is Ans : functional
124. The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent Ans : formic acid
111. Schiffs reagent gives pink colour with Ans : acetaldehyde
112. Methyl Ketones are usually characterized by Ans : the iodoform test
üùõK 1 & 15,2014°ƒ°ñ„ CI›
125. Which order of arrangement is correct iterms of the strength of the acid
undergoes carbylamines reaction is Ans : C2H5NH2
138. Primary amine acts as Ans : lewis base
139. Which one of the following is a secondary amine?
a) aniline
126. The compound which does not undergo intermolecular dehydration with P2O5 is
c) sec.butylamine
Ans : formic acid
b) diphenyl amine d) tert.butylamine Ans : diphenyl amine
140. C6H5NH2 NaNO2/HCI X. Identify X. Ans : C6H5N2CI
127. Among the following, the strongest acid is
d) CI2CHCOOH Ans : b) CI3CCOOH 2+
128. CH 3 CH(OH)COOH H2O2/Fe product is
? The
141. which of the following will not undergo diazotisation ?
a) m-toluidine
b) aniline
c) p-amino
d) benzyl amine Ans : d) benzyl amine
129. Ethylene cyanide on hydrolysis using acid gives Ans : succinic acid 130. In nitro alkanes - NO2 group is converted to - NH2 group by the reaction with
142. When aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride is boiled, the product formed is Ans : phenol
143. Identify the reducing sugar.
Ans : Sn/HCI
a) Sucrose
b) Cellulose
131. When nitromethane is reduced with Zn dust + NH4 CI in neutral medium, we get
c) Starch
d) Glucose Ans : d) Glucose
132. The compound that is most reactive towards electrophilic nitration is Ans : Toluene
133. Which of the following compounds has the smell of bitter almonds?
a) aniline
b) nitromethane
c) benzene sulphonic acid
d) nitrobenzene
144. Sucrose contains glucose and fructose linked by Ans : C1 - C2
145. Glucose is not oxidized to gluconic acid by Ans : Conc. HNO3
146. Inversion of sucrose refers to Ans : hydrolysis of sucrose to glucose and fructose
Ans : d) nitrobenzene
134. Nitro benzene on electrolytic reduction in con. sulphuric acid, the intermediate formed is Ans : C6H5 - NHOH
135. Electrophile used in the nitration of benzene is
147. Glucose forms ............................ with acetic anhydride and sodium acetate. Ans : penta acetate
148. The amino acid without chiral carbon is Ans : Glysine
149. The building block of proteins are Ans : α-amino acids
Ans : nitronium ion
136. The basic character of amines is due to the Ans : Ione pair of electrons on nitrogen atom
137. T h e o r g a n i c c o m p o u n d t h a t
150. Proteins are not sensitive to
Ans : water
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124. º î ô £ O ˆ ¶ õ ˆ F ™ à Ÿ ð ˆ F ã ¡ ÜFèK‚èŠð´Aø¶? M¬ì : Þô£ð «ï£‚è‹. 125. Ü÷¾‚èFèñ£ù àŸðˆFJ¡ M¬÷¾ ò£¶? M¬ì : i›„C. 126. ªð£¶¾¬ì¬ñŠ ªð£¼÷£î£óˆF™ ªõŸPªðŸø Þ¼ è¬÷‚ ÃÁè. M¬ì : Yù£, AÎð£ ñŸÁ‹ Mò†ï£‹.
127. ðò¡ð£†¬ì õ¬óòÁ M¬ì : M¼Šðƒè¬÷ G¬ø¾ ªêŒ»‹ ê‚F 128. êñ & ÞÁFG¬ôŠ ðò¡ð£†®Ÿ° «õÁ ªðò˜ â¡ù? M¬ì : è£ê¡ Þó‡ì£‹ MF. 129. êñ «ï£‚° õ¬÷«è£´ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? M¬ì : Þó‡´ ð‡ìƒèO¡ ð™«õÁ ެ특èO¡ Íô‹ A¬ì‚°‹
M¬ì : ð‡ìƒèO¡ «õÁð£´. 144. MRTP ê†ì‹ â‰î ݇´ ÞòŸøŠð†ì¶? M¬ì : 1969. 145. ãT«ò£ õ†® «è£†ð£†®¡ ÝCKò˜ ò£˜? M¬ì : «ð£‹ «ð£°õ£˜‚. 146. Þô£ð & õ£ó «è£†ð£†®¡ ÝCKò˜ ò£˜? M¬ì : õ£‚è˜
130. GF G¬ô‚ «è£†®Ÿ° ñŸªø£¼ ªðò˜ â¡ù? M¬ì : M¬ô MAî «è£´(Ü) M¬ô‚«è£´.
147. ²‹H†ìK¡ Þô£ð «è£†ð£†®¡ ªðò˜ â¡ù? M¬ì : ¹ˆî£‚è «è£†ð£´.
131. ªð£¼÷£î£ó‚ «è£†ð£†®¡ Ü®Šð¬ì â´‚«è£œèœ ò£¬õ? M¬ì : ñŸø¬õ ñ£ø£F¼‚°‹«ð£¶.
148. J.B.«êJ¡ ꉬî MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. M¬ì : ÜOŠ¹, ÜîŸè£ù «î¬õ¬ò ù à‡ì£‚°‹.
132. ¹œOº¬øJ¡ õ£Œð£´èœ â¡ù? M¬ì: «î¬õ õ¬÷«è£†®¡ W›HK¾ & «î¬õ õ¬÷«è£†®¡ «ñ™HK¾.
149. 冴ªñ£ˆî «î¬õ»‹, 冴ªñ£ˆî ÜOŠ¹‹ ê‰F‚°‹ ¹œO‚° â¡ù ªðò˜? M¬ì : W¡² °Á‚°.
133. õ¼ñ£ùˆ «î¬õ ªïA›„C â¡ø£™ â¡ù? M¬ì : õ¼ñ£ùˆF™ ãŸð†ì ñ£Ÿøˆî£™ «î¬õJ™ ãŸð†ì ñ£Ÿø Ü÷¾. 134. ªð£¶„ êñG¬ô â¡ø£™ â¡ù? M¬ì : ñ£ŸøˆFŸè£ù Åö™ è£íŠðì£î G¬ô. 135. è£ôˆF¡ ðƒA¬ù ÜPºèŠð´ˆFòõ˜ ò£˜? M¬ì : Ý™Hó† ñ£˜û™ 136. G¬ôò£ù ºîh†®Ÿ° å¼ àî£óí‹ ªè£´. M¬ì : èùóè Þò‰Fóƒèœ, 膮ì‹. 137. ªð£¼÷£î£ó„ C‚èù‹ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? M¬ì : «ðó÷¾ àŸðˆFJ™ ãŸðˆFJ™ ãŸð´‹ ªêô¾ ꣘‰î ñèœ 138. ÞÁFG¬ô õ¼õ£Œ â¡ð¶ â¡ù? M¬ì : ªñ£ˆî õ¼õ£»ì¡ «ê˜‰î ôî™. 139. êñºP¾Š ¹œO â¡ø£™ â¡ù? M¬ì : Þô£ð‹, ï†ì‹ Þ™ô£ G¬ô. 140. à¬ø õ®õ õ¬÷«è£´ â¡ø£™ â¡ù-?M¬ì: F†ì õ¬÷«è£´. 141. êó£êK ªêô¬õ âšõ£Á 臂A´õ£Œ? M¬ì: TC/q 142. ªî£NŸê£¬ô â¡ø£™ â¡ù? M¬ì: ðô GÁõùƒè¬÷‚ ªè£‡ì¶. 143. ºŸÁK¬ñ «ð£†®J¡ º‚Aòñ£ù CøŠHò™¹èœ â¬õ?
150. ªð¼‚AJ¡ õ£Œð£†¬ì ⿶è. M¬ì : K=1/1 -MPC 151. ܼ¬ñŠ ð킪補¬è ⊪𣿶 è¬ìŠH®‚èŠð´Aø¶? M¬ì : ðíi‚è è£ôˆF™. 152. M¬ôJ™ ñ£ŸøI™ô£î«ð£¶ ãŸð´‹ ðíi‚è‹ â¶? M¬ì : 膴ð´ˆîŠð†ì ðíi‚è‹ 153. I¬è«õè ðíi‚èˆF¬ù ê‰Fˆî å¼ ï£´ â¶? M¬ì : ªü˜ñQ 154. õK â¡ð¶ â¡ù? M¬ì : è†ì£ò‹ ªê½ˆî «õ‡´‹. 155. ‘VAT’ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? M¬ì : ñFŠ¹ Æ´ õK (Value Added Tax) 156. GF G¬ô ÜP‚¬èJ¡ õ¬èèœ ò£¬õ? M¬ì : êñG¬ô ñŸÁ‹ êñG¬ôòŸø GF G¬ô ÜP‚¬è. 157. ªð£¶‚èì¡ â¡ð¶ â¡ù? M¬ì : ªð£¶ñ‚èOìI¼‰¶ èì¡ ªðÁõ¶. 158. êºî£ò ñ£Ÿø‹ 裵‹ ºèõ˜ ò£˜? M¬ì : ªî£N™ º¬ù«õ£˜ 159. êñÜ÷¾ àŸðˆF‚ «è£†®Ÿ° «õÁ ªðò˜ ò£¶? M¬ì : êñ àŸðˆF‚ «è£´ 160. 裊&ì‚ôv àŸðˆF ꣘H¬ù‚ ÃÁè. M¬ì : Q=bLaCb
K. Baskaran M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed.
ONE MARK QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS I. Choose the correct answer of the following:
1. The author of Wealth Definition is (a) Alfred Marshall (b) Lionel Robbins (c) Adam Smith (d) Samuelson Ans : c. Adam Smith 2. The author of 'Scarcity Definition' is (a) Adam Smith (b) Samuelson (c) Alfred Marshall (d) Lionel Robbins Ans : d. Lionel Robbins 3. The concept of Net Economic Welfare has been given by (a) Samuelson (b) Alfred Marshall (c) Adam Smith (d) Lionel Robbins Ans : a. Samuelson 4. The basic force that drives the capitalist economy is (a) Planning (b) Technology (c) Government (d) Profit - motive Ans : d. Profit - motive 5. In a socialist economy all decisions regarding production and distribution are taken by (a) Market forces (b) Central planning authority (c) Customs and traditions (d) Private sector Ans : b. Central planning authority 6.
Red tapism and corruption lead to (a) inefficiency of production (b) inequality of production (c) Absence of technology (d) Efficient use of resources Ans : a. inefficiency of production
7. The indifference curve approach was introduced by (a) Alfred Marshall
üùõK 1 & 15,2014°ƒ°ñ„ CI›
(b) (c) (d)
Question Bank
Lionel Robbins J.R. Hicks and R.G.D. Alan Adam Smith Ans : c. J.R. Hicks and R.G.D. Alan
8. Utility is (a) Social concept (b) Subjective / psychological concept (c) Political concept (d) Scientific concept Ans : b. Subjective and psychological
Single commodity consumption mode is (a) Production possibility curve (b) Law of equimarginal utility (c) Law of supply (d) Law of diminishing marginal utility Ans : d. Law of diminishing marginal utility
10. Law of demand establishes (a) Inverse relationship between price and quantity (b) Positive relationship between price and quantity (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these Ans : a. Inverse relationship between price and quantity
11. Increase of demand is shown by (a) Movement along the same demand curve (b) Shift of the demand curve (c) The highest point of the demand curve (d) Lowest point of the demand curve Ans : b. Shift of the demand curve
12. Factors determining supply are (a) Production technology (b) Prices of factors of production (c) Taxes and subsidies (d) All of these Ans : d. All of these 13. Above the equilibrium price (a) S<D (b) S>D (c) S=D (d) Non of these Ans : b. S>D
14. Time element in price analysis was
introduced by (a) J.R. Hicks (c ) Alfred Marshall
(b) J.M. Keynes (d) J.S. Mill
Ans : c. Alfred Marshall
15. In the long period (a) All factors change (b) Only variable factors change (c) Only fixed factors change (d) Variable and fixed factors remain constant Ans : a. All factors change 16. Production refers to (a) Destruction of utility (b) Creation of utility (c) Exchange value (d) None of these Ans : a. Creation of utility
17. The initial supply price of land is (a) Zero (b) Greater than one (c) Less than one (d) Equal to one Ans : a. Zero 18. Reward paid to capital is (a) Interest (b) Profit (c) Wages (d) Rent Ans : b. Profit 19. Economic cost includes explicit cost and (a) Implicit cost (b) Social Cost (d) Money Cost (c) Fixed cost Ans : a. Implicit Cost 20. Average cost is obtained by dividing (a) TC/Q (b) TFC/Q (c) TVC/Q (d) None of these Ans : a. TC/Q 21. Marginal revenue includes (a) Average revenue (b) Total production (c) Total revenue (d) None of these Ans : c. Total revenue
demand curve is (a) Upward sloping (b) Horizontal (c) Downward sloping (d) Vertical Ans : b. Horizontal 25. Profits are the reward for (b) Capital (a) Land (c) Labour (d) Organisation Ans : d. Organisation 26. The author of the concept of quasi-rent is (a) Adam Smith (b) Marshall (d) Samuelson (c) Ricardo Ans : b. Marshall 27. The author of liquidity preference theory is (a) J.M. Keynes (b) Marshall (c) Samuelson (d) Knight Ans : b. J.M. Keynes 28. Why need labour? (a) Derived demand (b) Effective demand (c) Direct demand (d) Elacity demand Ans : a. Derived Demand
29. The macro - economic thinking was revolutionized by (a) David Ricardo (b) J.M. Keynes (c) Adam Smith (d) Malthus
30. To explain the simple theory income determination, Keynes used (a) Consumption and Investment (b) Aggregate demand and aggregate supply (c) Production and expenditure (d) All of these Ans : b. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply
31. The marginal propensity to consume is
22. A firm can achieve equilibrium when
(a) (c)
(b) MC=AC (d) MR=AC
Ans : a. MC=MR
23. Most important form of selling cost is (a) Advertisement (b) Sales (c) Homogeneous product (b) None of these Ans : a. Advertisement
24. Under perfect competition, the
Ans : b. J.M. Keynes
Ans : (d)
32.Currency with the public is known as (b) M2 (a) M1 (c) M3 (d) M4 Ans : a. M1
è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
33. Monetary policy is controlled by (a) Reserve Bank (b) State Governments (c) Central Government (d) Commercial Bank Ans : a. Reserve Bank
45. Marshallian utility approach is _________ analysis
34. During inflation (a) Businessmen gain (b) Wage - earners gain (c) Salaried people gain (d) Renters gain Ans : a. Businessmen
35. Tax revenue deals with the (a) Fees (b) Kinds of taxes (d) Non-tax revenue (c) Revenue Ans : b. Kinds of taxes 36. The compulsory charge levied by the government is (a) Licence fee (b) Gifts and grants (c) Loan (d) Tax Ans : d. Tax 37. Zero based Budget every year is considered as a/an (a) Base year (b) Financial year (c) New year (d) Academic Year Ans : c. New Year
Ans : Cardinal
46. Marginal utility falls to zero, when the total utility is ________ Ans : Maximum
47. The demand curve slopes downwards due to ______ Ans : _________
48. The concept of elasticity of demand was introduced by _____________ Ans : Alfred Marshall
49. The rate of change of supply to change in price is __________ Ans : Elasticity of supply
50. __________________is the major determinant of supply Ans : Price
51. At ________ price, there is no tendency to change the price or quantity Ans: Equilibrium
52. The supply curve in the market period is a _________ line. Ans : Vertical
II. Fill in the blanks :
38. Strictly speaking, production refers to the creation of _________________
53. Land, labour are called ________ factors
Ans : Utility
39. Economics is a __________ science
Ans : Social
Ans : Sea
41. Most of the economic activities of Capitalism are centered on __________
Ans : Price mechanism
42. Production possibility curve is also known as ________
Ans : Production possibility frontier
43. The prime motive of Socialist economy is __________
54. ____________ is limited by the extent of market Ans : Division of labour
40. An example of cosmopolitan wealth is ____________
Ans : Primary
Ans : Social welfare
44. ___________ means using up of goods and services.
55. __________ is man made physical goods used to produce other goods. Ans : Capital
56. Money cost is also called ____________ Ans : Nominal cost
57. Total cost is the sum ___________ Ans : Total fixed cost and total variable cost
58. The marginal cost curve is _____________ shaped
Ans : 'U' shaped
59. When the average revenue of the firm is greater than its average cost, the firm is earning ----------
Ans : Consumption üùõK 1 & 15,2014°ƒ°ñ„ CI›
Ans : Super normal profit
60. The perfective firms are _____________
Ans : Price taker
61. Monopoly power achieved through, patent right is called ___________
Ans : Legal monopoly
Ans : Opportunity
63. Money wages are also known as _______ wages. Ans : Nominal
64. Organisation is done by the ______
65. __________ is the ratio of change in saving to a change in income. Ans : Marginal propensity save
Ans: Hyper - inflation
72. _______________ means different Sources of government income Ans : Public revenue
73. ___________ are considered as fundamental principles of taxation Ans : Canons of taxation
74. ___________ Tax is a blend of progressive tax and proportional tax Ans : digressive
Ans : Entrepreneur
62. Transfer earning refers to ________ cost
71. Galloping inflation is also known as ___________
75. When the tax liability on income falls with the increase in the tax-payer's income, it is __________ Ans : Regressive tax
66. The worldwide depression of 1930 was also caused by a ______________
76. What is the other name by which the implicit cost is known?
Ans : Falling investment
Ans : Imputed cost
67. _______________ refers to the cash holdings of the people.
77. One of the important feature of ___________ is price RIGIDITY
Ans : Liquidity preference
Ans : Oligopoly
68. Deflation is a period market by ____prices
78. What is the other name of price discrimination?
Ans : Falling
69. Monetary policy is usually effective in controlling _________
Ans : Inflation
Ans : Discriminating monopoly
79. The marginal propensity to save __________ Ans :
70. The equation of exchange (MV=PT) was given by _________
80. Fiscal economics is another name for _____
Ans : Irving Fisher
Ans : Public finance
III. Match the following : 81.
“Principles of Economics
First Nobel prize
Timbergen and Frisch
Opportunity cost
Next alternative forgone
Private property
Laissez Faire Economy
Market forces
Supply, demand and price
Maximum social advantage
Hicks and Dalton
Indifference curve
Ordinal Ranking
Diamond, Jewels
Positive relationship
Veblen Effect
Segment between two points
è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
Inelastic demand
Excess demand
Long period supply curve
More elastic
Short period price
Demand and Supply
Price discount
Annual stock clearance
Tea and Coffee
Substitutes, goods and price
Division labour
Adam Smith
Production function
Bundle of risks
101. Total cost
102. The long run average cost
Planning curve
103. MCn
104. Profit
105. Global market
Gold and silver
106. Technical monopoly
107. Monopolistic competition
108. Residual claimant theory
109. Loanable fund theory
Neo - classical theory
110. Risk - bearing theory of profit
111. Aggregate demand
112. K
1/1 - MPC
114. Selective credit control
Moral Suggession
115. Wages and prices push
Creeping inflation
Value of money
Purchasing power of money one to another
Canons of taxation
Adam Smith
Progressive tax
Best ta System
Fiscal policy
Rebate and subsidies
Increasing returns to scale
IV. Answer in a word or two
capitalist economy?
121. What is the other name for Economics?
Ans : Political Economy
122. What are the subjects that Econometrics make use of ?
Ans : Statistics, Mathematics and Economics
123. What is the other name for money income?
Ans : Nominal Income
üùõK 1 & 15,2014°ƒ°ñ„ CI›
125. What is the result of over production? Ans : Depression
126. Name any two successful socialist economics Ans : China and Cuba
127. Define utility
Ans : Wants satisfying power
128. What in the other name for the law of Equi - marginal utility
124. What is the basic force that drives a
Ans : Profit motive
Ans : Gossen's second law
129. What is Indifference curve?
Ans : Laws of different combinations of two commodities
130. What is the other name for budget line?
Ans : Price - ratio line
131. What is the basic assumption of economic theory?
Ans: Other things being equal / Centeris paribus condition
132. Give the formula for point method
Ans: ep= lower segment of the demand Curve / Upper segment of the demand curve
Ans : The degree of responsiveness of demand to change in income
134. What is equilibrium is general?
Ans : State of rest / balance
135. Who has introduced the time element?
Ans : Alfred marshall
136. Give an example for fixed input?
Ans : Heavy machinery / building/capital.
137. What does Economies of Scale, mean?
Ans : Refers to the cost advantages due to the larger size of production
138. What is the marginal revenue?
Ans: Addition made to the total revenue
139. What is break- even point?
Ans : No-profit, no-loss point
140. What is an envelope curve? Ans : Planning curve
141. How will you calculate AC? Ans : TC/q
142. What is an Industry?
Ans : Group of Firms
143. W h a t i s t h e E s s e n t i a l f e a t u r e o f monopolistic competition?
Ans : Product differentiation
144. In which year the MRDP Act was passed?
Ans : 1969
146. Who is the author of the rent theory of profit? Ans : Walker
147. What is the name of Schumpeler's theory of profit? Ans : Innovation theory
148. State J.B. Say's law of market?
133. What is the income elasticity demand?
145. Who is the author of Agio theory of Interest?
Ans : Supply creates its own demand
149. Name the point of intersection of aggregate demand and aggregate supply Ans : Keynesian cross
150. Give the formula for multiplier? Ans : K=1/1 - MPC
151. When is dear money policy followed? Ans : During Inflation
152. Waht is the name of inflation without a rise in price level? Ans : Suppressed inflation
153. Give the example of a country that experienced hyper inflation? Ans : Germany
154. What is tax?
Ans: Compulsory contribution
155. Give the expansion of VAT? Ans: Value Added Tax
156. What are the kinds of budget?
Ans : Balanced and unbalanced budget
157. What is public cost?
Ans : Borrowing from the people
158. Who is the changing agent of the society?
Ans : Entrepreneur
159. What is the other name for Isoquant?
Ans : Iso - product curve
160. State the Cobb - Douglas production Function?
Ans : Q=bLaCb
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+2 Section Sec-A I
Sec-B II
Sec-C III Sec-D IV
Sec-E V Sec-F VI
ENGLISH - II PAPER Question Bank Q.No. A
S.Balaji, M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil.
Re-arranging the sentences
5X1= 5
B 2-6
Choosing the correct answer
5X1= 5
C 7-11
5X1= 5
D 12
Hints development
1X 10 = 10
A 13-17
Answer the following
5 X 2 = 10
B 18-22
Spotting Errors
A 23
Summary writing
B 24
Respond the advertisement
1 X10=10
A 25
Non-lexical fillers
B 26
A 27-31
Match the proverbs with their meanings
B 32-36
Match the slogans with their products
General Essay
1 X 10=10
(Supplementary Reader and Communi - cative Competencies) In your answer book, use the arabic numerals (1 to 39) of the question you answer:
became angry. Immediately, he built a high wall all around it and put up a notice board. So, the children became very unhappy. (Two linkers added).
II. - One day Ivan was at home. He was reading Time : Three Hours a newspaper. Maximum Marks :80 - Without looking at the last two digits, Ivan started Section – A Supplementary Reader the trouble. (20 Marks) - He had no gainful work to do. (Qn. No.1) I. Write a paragraph by rearranging the following in correct - Ivan caught sight of the results of the lottery sequence : (5 marks) published. - The children used to go and play in the giant’s - The winning series coincided with the number garden. of Masha’s ticket. - He built a high wall all round it, and put up a - They started dreaming. notice board. Answer : One day Ivan was at home. He was - ‘How happy we are here’ they cried to each reading a newspaper. He had no gainful work to do. other. Ivan caught sight of the results of the lottery published. The winning series coincided with the - He found the children playing and became number of Masha’s ticket. Without looking at the angry. last two digits, Ivan started the trouble. So, they - One day the selfish giant came back. started dreaming. (One linker added). - The children became very unhappy. III. -Framton Nuttel’s rural retreat had been Answer : The children used to go and play in the advised by a doctor to calm down his giant’s garden. “How happy we are here!” they cried nerves. to each other. One day the selfish giant came - Vera expressed her sympathy that his back. He found the children playing and
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visit had coincided with the third anniversary of the family tragedy. - She decided to fool the young man. - Nuttel went to a village and met Vera. - Nuttel had foolishly disclosed the truth to Vera. - Vera’s creative imagination worked fast. Answer : Framton Nuttel’s rural retreat had been advised by a doctor to calm down his nerves. Nuttel went to a village and met Vera. Nuttel had foolishly disclosed the truth to Vera. She decided to fool the young man. Soon, Vera expressed her sympathy that his visit had coincided with the third anniversary of the family tragedy. As expected, Vera’s creative imagination worked fast. (Two linkers added). Q.No.2-6 Supplementary Questions 5X1=5 QUESTION No. 2 1. One of the countries Ivan wished to visit was India. 2. The first twenty five thousand of the prize money was never received. 3. The children entered the giant’s garden through the little hole in the wall. 4. `The party was engulfed in a bog. 5. Autumn did not give any to the giant’s garden fruits. 6. The giant’s final journey was to paradise. 7. Ivan went to none of these places. 8. The giant’s final journey was to paradise. 9. The selfish giant longed for the little boy. 10. Johnsy started counting backward from number twelve. QUESTION No. 3 1. After shooting them dead the Prussians threw them into the river. 2. Djinn was in charge of all deserts. 3. The woolen shoulders scarf which Sue was knitting was blue. 4. All the animals were unhappy with the camel’s attitude. 5. Behrman’s master piece was the last leaf. 6. The old man keeps the silver coin to buy seeds. 7. The giant died when he became old and feeble. 8. Disappointment in not winning the prize made Ivan and Masha hate each other. 9. The camel did not work for three days.
10. Romance at short notice was Vera’s speciality. QUESTION No. 4 1. The camel did not work for three days. 2. The value highlighted in the story “Two Friends” is patriotism. 3. The giant stayed with his friend for seven years. 4. Ivan planned to deposit 40,000 in the bank. 5. Djinn punished the camel using his magic. 6. Sue and Johnsy were painters by profession. 7. Behrman earned his living by serving as a model. 8. Monsieur Morrisot and Sauvage had a common interest in fishing. 9. The giant’s final journey was to paradise. 10. Ivan’s income was 1200 roubles a year. QUESTION No. 5 1. Vera was Mrs.Sappleton’s niece. 2. The old man decided not to spend his money on food because he decided to spend the money on buying seeds to sow. 3. The two friends drank absinthe when they met after a long time. 4. Mr.Behrman died of Pneumonia. 5. The Prussians offered to release the friends in exchange for the password. 6. The noodle vendor stopped near the old man because he was keen on selling. 7. The prize amount of the lottery ticket was 75,000. 8. The camel refused to work because he was lazy. 9. The camel lived in the middle of the howling desert. 10. The child was the old man’s grandson. QUESTION No. 6 1. Mr. Pneumonia was a deadly person. 2. The hunting party went through a open window (or) French window . 3. The uncommon men and women who entered the city were from one region. 4. The value highlighted in the story “Two Friends” is Patriotism. 5. The man offered the old refugee a silver coin and a copper ponny. 6. The hunting party was accompanied by a spaniel. 7. The children visited the giant’s garden everyday.
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8. After shooting the soldiers dead the Prussians threw them into the river. 9. Disappointed in not winning the prize made Ivan and Masha hate each other. 10. The Djinn was incharge of all deserts. (Qn. No. 7 to 11) II-B. Read the following passage and answer the questions given 5x1=5 below. (1) In the beginning of years, when the world was so new and all, and the animals were just beginning to work for man, there was a camel, and he lived in the middle of a Howling Desert because he did not want to work and besides he was a Howler himself. So he ate sticks and thorns and tamarisks and milkweed and prickles, most scruciating idle, and when anybody spoke to him he said ‘Humph!’ and no more. Answer the following Questions a. Where did the camel live? b. Why did he live there? c. What did he eat? d. What did he reply when anybody spoke to him? e. For whom did the animals work? Answers a. The camel lived in the middle of a Howling Desert. b. He lived there because he did not want to work and besides he was a howler himself. c. He ate sticks, thorns, tamarisks, milkweed and prickles. d. He said, ‘Humph!’ Just Humph! and no more. e. The animals were just beginning to work for man. (2) Every afternoon, when school was over, the children came and played with the giant. But the little boy whom the giant loved was never seen again. The giant was very kind to all the children, yet he longed for his first little friend and often spoke to him. “How, I would like to see him!” He used to say. Answer the following Questions a. With whom did the children play every afternoon? b. Who was never seen again? c. Was the giant kind to all the children? d. For whom did the giant long for? e. What did the giant want? Answers a. The children came and played with the giant every afternoon.
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b. The little boy whom the giant loved was never seen again. c. Yes. The giant was very kind to all the children. d. The giant longed for his first little friend. e. The giant wanted to see the little boy again. (3) But they suddenly trembled with alarm at the sound of footsteps behind them, and turning around they perceived close at hand four tall, bearded men, dressed after the manner of liveried servants and wearing flat caps on their heads. They were covering the two anglers with their rifles. Answer the following Questions a. Why were the anglers alarmed? b. What did they see on turning around? c. How were they dressed? d. Describe their caps? e. What were they doing? Answers a. They were alarmed at the sound of footsteps behind them. b. They perceived close at hand, four tall, bearded men. c. They were dressed after the manner of liveried servants. d. They were wearing flat caps on their heads. e. They were covering the two anglers with their rifles. (Qn. No.12) Write an essay developing the 10 marks following hints: 1) Visit to giant’s garden - giant’s return – the wall – spring season – giant’s sorrow – melting of a stony heart – giant’s longing for his first little friend – return of the little boy –covered with white blossoms. Answer: Title – The Selfish Giant This is a famous story of a wicked and selfish giant who gives up his evil ways and become gentle and loving. The selfish giant did not let any child enter and play in his garden. He built a well around it and put up a notice board saying ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’. The giant loved to see the flowers and listen to the sweet music of birds. Therefore he eagerly waited for spring to come to his garden. Spring came everywhere and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds. Only in the garden of the selfish giant it was still winter. The birds did not care to sing in it as there was no children, and the trees forgot to blossom. One morning, the giant saw the most wonderful
sight. The children had crept in, and they were sitting on the branches of the trees. The trees, glad to have the children back, covered themselves with blossoms. It was a lovely scene. In one corner, it was still winter. It was the farthest corner of the garden, and in it was standing a little boy. The giant’s heart melted as he looked out. The child was so small that he could not reach up to the branches of the tree. So the giant stole up behind him and put him on the tree. The tree blossomed at once. The little boy stretched out his two arms and flung them around the giant’s neck and kissed him. The giant was moved and so he knocked down the wall. The giant played with children everyday yet he longed for his first little friend. One winter morning, when the old giant looked out of his window, he found his little friend standing in the garden. The giant ran down to him. Felt a strange awe and knelt before him. The child smiled at the giant and said that he had come to take him to his garden, which is paradise. In the afternoon, the children saw the giant dead. (or) 2) Ivan’s family – caught sight of results of lotter y published – visualized Masha’s lottery to have won – Ivan’s plan – Masha’s look – strange that the thought of becoming rich could ruin happiness of people. Answer: Title – The Lottery Ticket Ivan Dmitritch was a middle class man. One day he was reading the newspaper. His eyes fell on the lottery result. The serial number of his wife’s lottery ticket 9499 was found. Their joy knew no bounds. They started dreaming. If the prize money was Ivan’s he would spend twenty five thousand on an estate. He would spend ten thousand on new furnishing, travelling and paying debts. He would put the other forty thousand in the bank and get interest on it. Ivan fancied that his wife would lock the money. She would look after her relations and grudge him for everything. He hated his relations too. Ivan’s wife also had her own dreams and plans. At last both of them hated each other. Ivan looked at the paper and read series 9499 number 46. Ivan and Masha realized that their number was 26 and they had missed the lottery prize. They became disappointed. (or) 3) Sue and Johnsy were friends – Johnsy attacked by Pneumonia – Behrman – accepting to model – hears Johnsy’s feeling – Behrman
paints his master piece – saves johnsy – dies of pneumonia. Answer: Title – The last Leaf Sue and Johnsy were painters by profession. Johnsy had an attack of Pneumonia. She was looking through a small window at the next brick house. The doctor told Sue that Johnsy’s recovery would depend upon her desire to live. An old ivy vine climbed up the brick wall of the next house. Johnsy counted the ivy leaf. She told that she would die when the last ivy leaf had fallen. Old Behrman was a painter. He was a failure in art. He had been always want to paint a master piece. But he had never begun. Sue told Behrman about Johnsy’s fancy. The next morning Johnsy saw the ivy vine. The lone ivy leaf was clinging to its stem even after the rain and wind. It changed Johnsy’s mind. Her condition improved. Sue told Johnsy about the death of Behrman. Behrman painted the last leaf. It became the masterpiece. It looked natural. It saved the life of Johnsy. SECTION – B Q .No. 13-17 Gener al Questions (Study skills) 5X2=10 QUESTION No. 13 1. Arrange the two authors John Keats and Jonathan Swift, as found in the library. Keats, John Swift, Jonathan 2. What are the different sections in a modern library? 1) Reference Section 2) The Stack section 3) Jour nal section 4) Electronic sec. 5) Reprography 3. How will you make a computer for finding John Milton’s book in a library? We must type “John Milton” in the computer. All the titles of the books written by John Milton which are available in the library will appear on the screen. We can select the book. 4. E x p a n d a n d e x p l a i n “ O P A C ” On Line Public Access Catalogue. (Any document in the library can be searched thro’ this OPAC) 5. What does the journal section in a modern library contain? Journals and Periodicals 6. What does the electronic section in a library contain? The electronic sources such as Audio/Video cassettes and CD Roms. 7. What does the stack section in a library contain? All the books except those books in the reference section are kept here.
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8. 9.
What is Reprography? It contains facilities for photo copying. What does the reference section contain? It contains collections of Dictionaries, Encyclopaedia, Year Books, Atlases etc.
QUESTION NO. 14 1. Mention a complete mail ID of two organizations. 1) indianautogas @ gmail. com 2) charteredjobs @ yahoo.com 2. What are the two most widely used systems of classification of books in a library? 1) The Dewey Decimal system 2) American Library of congress. 3. What is a Thesaurus? A thesaurus is a book which contains list of words with similar or related meanings. QUESTION No. 15 1. Arrange the names of two authors Mark Tully and George Orwell as found in the library catalogue. Orwell, George Tully, Mark 2. Write two general instructions for using the library. i) Don’t write anything on the books ii) Keep silence inside the library iii) Don’t tear the pages of any book iv) Return the book on or before due date. 3. Mention any two points you should keep in mind while taking notes. 1) Note down impor tant points 2) Use abbreviations and symbols. QUESTION No. 16 1. Bring out the meaning of “Cliché” and use in a sectence “with bag and baggage”. Cliché refers to a phrase or word which is used too often and that loses its original meaning. The British people left India with their bag and baggage. QUESTION No. 17 1. Arrange the names of two authors “Francis Bacon” and “William Wordsworth” as found in the library catalogue. -Bacon, Francis Wordsworth, William 2. “Kamala Das” and “Ved Mehta” -Das, Kamala Mehta, Ved 3. “John Milton” and “Vikram Seth”. -Milton, John Seth, Vikram 4. “John Milton” and “Ernest Hemingway”. -Hemingway, Ernest, Milton, John
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5. “T.S.Eliot” and “L.F.Andrews”. -Andrews, L.F. Eliot, T.S. -6. John Keats and Kamala Das. Das, Kamala Keats, John 7. Vikram Seth and William Wordsworth . -Seth, Vikram Wordsworth, William 8. “Francis Bacon” and “John Ruskin”. -Bacon, Francis Ruskin , John. Q.No. (18-22) Spotting Errors 5X1=5 QUESTION No. 18 He gave me an one rupee note. He gave me a one rupee note. Children prefer TV games than story books. Children prefer TV games to story books. Sheela is Junior than me. Sheela is Junior to me. He took up gymnastic when he was seven years old. He took up gymnastics when he was seven years old. 5. The cat was sitting in a wall. The cat was sitting on a wall. 6.He is my cousin brother. He is my cousin. 7. She goes to school by feet. She goes to school on foot. 8. He is a M.Sc. student. He is an M.Sc. student. 9. He congratulated me for winning the election. He congratulated me on winning the election. 10. He joined an European University last year. He joined a European University last year.
1. 2. 3. 4.
QUESTION No. 19 Though she is weak but she is active. Though she is weak, she is active. Mala is a M.A. in English. Mala is an M.A. in English. Ramesh went to abroad. Ramesh went abroad. If they had contacted me, I would help them. If they had contacted me, I would have helped them. 5. He come late to school. He comes late to school. 6. A honest man is always respected. An honest man is always respected. No one know the answer. 7.
1. 2. 3. 4.
No one knows the answer. 8. Sun rises in the east. The sun rises in the east. 9. They discussed about the matter. They discussed the matter. 10. The news are very good. The news is very good. 11. One of the boy looks happy. One of the boys looks happy. QUESTION No. 20 1. She kept the book in the table. She kept the book on the table. 2. One of the boy has got the first prize. One of the boys has got the first prize. 3. Guilty must be punished. The guilty must be punished. 4. He is confident on his success. He is confident of his success. 5. Although he came late, but he finished the work in time. Although he came late, he finished the work in time. 6. Mathematics are my favourite subject. Mathematics is my favourite subject. 7. Children prefer sweets than fruits. Children prefer sweets to fruits. 8. Gopi is one of the tallest boy. Gopi is one of the tallest boys. 9. The luggage are very heavy. The luggage is very heavy. 10. He wears a HMT watch presented by his uncle. He wears an HMT watch presented by his uncle. 11. She prefers coffee than tea. She prefers coffee to tea. QUESTION No. 21 1. None of you know the answer. None of you know / knew the answer. 2. Two and two make four. Two and two makes four. 3. Though he is ill, but he attends the class. Though he is ill, he attends the class. 4. My father give me a lot of advice. My father gave me a lot of advice. 5. A group of twelve students are travelling together. A group of twelve students is travelling together.
6. Each of the student had participated in the competition. Each one of the students has participated in the competition. 7. Though he prepared well but he failed in his exam. Though he prepared well he failed in his exam (or) He prepared well but he failed in his exam. 8. I am a teacher, isn’t I? I am a teacher, aren’t I? 9. As I am suffering from fever, so give me two days leave. I am suffereing from fever and so give me two days leave. 10. Neither he nor you are active. (No error) Neither you nor he is active. 11. He sold his furnitures. He sold his furniture. QUESTION No. 22 1. We speak the English. We speak English. 2. Though he was poor, but he was honest. Though he was poor, he was honest. 3. The principle with all the teachers are present. The principal with all the teachers is present. 4. Though he practiced well, but he did not win the prize. Though he practiced well, he did not win the prize. 5. John is best stduent in the class. John is the best student in the class. 6. If I was a bird, I would fly. If I were a bird, I would fly. 7. Jim is one of the best student in the class. Jim is one of the best students in the class. 8. Neither Ram nor Arun are present today. Neither Ram nor Arun is present. 9. Taj Mahal is one of the best greatest wonder of the world. Taj Mahal is one of the greatest wonders of the world. 10. If you had walked fast, you would catch the bus. If you had walked fast, you would have caught the bus. 11. Sitting near the window and he saw the crowd. Sitting near the window he saw the crowd.
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