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1. Mining Sirdar /Shot Firer, T&S GradeC - 438 ê‹-ð÷ - ‹: ñ£î‹ Ï.19,035 + Þîó ð®-èœ 2. Surveyor (Min) T&S Grade B 27 ê‹-ð÷ - ‹: ñ£î‹ Ï.20,552 + Þîó ê½-¬è-èœ è™-Mˆ î°F: ¬ñQƒ C˜-î˜ / û£˜† çð-òó- ˜ ® ܇´ âv A«ó† ‘C’ ðE-J-ìƒ-èÀ‚° ¬ñQƒ â…-C-Q-ò-Kƒ-A™ ®Š-÷-ñ£¬õ Üó² ܃-Wè - £-ó‹ ªðŸø è™M GÁ-õù - ˆ-F™ ð®ˆ-¶ˆ «î˜„C ªðŸ- P - ¼ Š- ð - « , «èv ªìv- ® ƒ, çð˜v† ⌴ «ð£¡ø ꣡-P-î› ªðŸ-P-¼‚è «õ‡-´‹. ¬ñQƒ ê˜-«õ-ò˜ ® ܇´ âv A«ó† ‘B’ ðE-Jì - ƒ-èÀ‚° ðˆ- õ°Š¹ º®ˆ-F¼ - Š-ð«î£´ ¬ñQƒ ê˜-«õ-ò˜ ꣡-Pî - › ªðŸ-P¼ - ‚è «õ‡- ´ ‹. Ü™- ô ¶ ®Š- ÷ ñ£ Þ¡ ¬ñQƒ ñŸ- Á ‹ ¬ñQƒ ê˜- « õ- J ƒ º®ˆ- F - ¼ ‚è «õ‡-´‹.
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̘ˆF ªêŒ-òŠ-ð†ì M‡-íŠ-ðƒ-èœ «êó è¬ìC «îF: 05.02.2015 ô-î™ Mõ-óƒ-èÀ‚°: www.westerncoal.
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NEST 2015
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«ñ½‹ Mõ-óƒ-èÀ‚°
The Chief Coordinator, NEST 2015, NISER, Institute of Physics Campus, Sachivalaya Marg, Sainik School (PO), Bhubaneswar - 751 005, Odisha
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P.A. ªê‰F™°ñ£˜
M.Sc., M.Phil., M.Ed.,
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M¬ì. β& èF˜èœ 111. O/W ð£™ñˆF™ ðò¡ð´‹ ð£™ñ‚ èóE. M¬ì. ¹«ó£†¯¡ 112. «ê£®ò‹ ÜC†«ì†¬ì ÜC†®‚ ÜIôˆ¶ì¡ «ê˜‚°‹«ð£¶ ÜC†®‚ ÜIôˆF¡ HK¬è iî‹. M¬ì. °¬øAø¶ 113. å¼ ¬ìªðŠ¬ì®™ Þ™ô£î¶. M¬ì. Þó‡´ ªðŠ¬ì´ Üô°èœ 114. C™õ˜ ï£íòˆFL¼‰¶ C™õ¬óŠ ªðÁîL™ ºîL™ ï£íòˆ¶ì¡ «ê˜‚èŠð´‹ èóE. M¬ì. Üì˜ ¬ï†K‚ ÜIô‹ 115. ܘTó£™ â¡ð¶. M¬ì. C™õ˜ Ûñ‹ 116. ª î £ ° F J ™ « ñ L ¼ ‰ ¶ W ö £ è „ ªê™½‹«ð£¶ ÜòQJ¡ Ýó‹. M¬ì. ÜFèK‚Aø¶ 117. «ý𘠺¬øJ™ Ü‹«ñ£Qò£ à¼õ£î™ .......... G¬ôJ™ ÜFèK‚°‹. M¬ì. ÜFè Ü¿ˆî‹ 118. Ü«ò£ìð£ç˜‹ «ê£î¬ù‚° à†ð´‹ «ê˜ñ‹. M¬ì. 2& ªð‡ì«ù£¡ 119. ßîK™ àœ÷ Ý‚Rü¡ õL¬ñ I‚è ÜIôƒèÀì¡ Ý‚«ê£Qò‹ àŠ¬ðˆ  M¬ùJ™ Gè›õ¶. M¬ì. ¹«ó£†ì£¡ ãŸø‹ 120. â ˆ F L ¡ ¬ ì ê ò ¬ ù ´ Ü I ô ˆ ¬ î ðò¡ð´ˆF có£Ÿð°ˆî£™ A¬ìŠð¶. M¬ì. ê‚CQ‚ ÜIô‹ 121. ÜQh¬ù ÜIô‹ èô‰î ªð£†ì£Cò‹ ¬ì°«ó£«ñ†ªè£‡´ Ý‚Cü«ùŸø‹ ªêŒî£™ A¬ìŠð¶. M¬ì. P& ªð¡«ê£°J«ù£¡ 122. ð £ ó « ì I ¡ ù £ Ÿ ð ° Š ¹ M F è À ì ¡ ªî£ì˜¹¬ìò¶. M¬ì. I¡ð°OJ¡ êñ£ù â¬ì 123. 13AL27 à†è¼¬õˆî£‚A 15P30 à†è¼ M¬ì. α& ¶èœ 124. ܵM¡ âô‚†ó£¡ ì‹. M¬ì. à¼õ Ü÷¾ì¡ âF˜MAîˆ ªî£ì˜¹¬ìò¶ 125. °«ó£IòˆF¡ âô‚†ó£¡ ܬñŠ¹. M¬ì. [Ar]3d5 4S1 126. CCl4 áìèˆF™ ¬†óü¡ ªð¡ð£‚¬ê´ C¬îõ¬ì»‹ M¬ùõ¬è. M¬ì. ºî™ õ¬è M¬ù 127. ð£Lˆb¡ îò£KŠH™ M¬ù΂Aò£è ðò¡ð´ð¬õ. M¬ì. V2 O5 128. c ˜ ( 3 7 3 k ) → c ó £ M ( 3 7 3 k ) â ¡ ø ªêò™º¬øJ™ ⡆«ó£H ñ£Ÿøˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´. M¬ì. 109.52 J mol-1k-1
129. ¹«ó£Šð«ù£¡&ä ÜPò àî¾õ¶. M¬ì. Ü«ò£ì£ç𣘋 «ê£î¬ù 130. â¬õ M¬ù¹K‰¶ †¬ód¬ù™ eˆ«î¡ ê£òˆ¬î î¼A¡øù. M¬ì. H¬ù™ ªñˆîù™ 131. â ˆ F h ¡ A ¬ ÷ ‚ è £ ¬ ô PI 3 ¾ ì ¡ M¬ùŠð´ˆî‚ A¬ìŠð¶. M¬ì. CH2 = CH2 132. âˆFh¡¬ì êò¬ù¬ì có£™ ð°‚è‚ A¬ìŠð¶. M¬ì. ê‚CQ‚ ÜIô‹ 133. ¹óîƒèO¡ có£Ÿð°ŠH™ ÞÁFò£è M¬÷õ¶. M¬ì. ÜI«ù£ ÜIô‹ 134. ª ð K ‚ ¬ ý Š ó £ ‚ ¬ ú ´ i › ð ® ¬ õ Ûñññ£è ñ£ŸÁ‹. Fe cl3 å¼ ............... M¬ì. Ûññ£‚°‹ è£óE 135. 5β8 →Be8 â¡ø M¬ùJ™ ªõOMìŠð´‹ ¶èœ. M¬ì. ð£C†ó£¡ ¶èœ 136. «ê£®ò‹ ݙ裂¬ê¬ì Ý™‚¬è™ ý£¬ô´ì¡ M¬ùŠð´ˆF ßî¬óŠªðÁ‹ º¬ø. M¬ì. M™Lò‹ê¡ ªî£°ˆî™ 137. Ba SO4 àì¡ Pd º¡Q¬ôJ™ ªð¡ê£J™ °«÷£¬ó´ ¬ý†óü«ùŸøñ¬ì‰¶ ªè£´Šð¶. M¬ì. ªð¡ê£™®¬ý´ 138. ÜC†®‚ ÜIôˆF¡ «ê£®ò àŠH¡ Üì˜ è¬óê¬ô I¡ù£Ÿð°‚°‹«ð£¶ A¬ìŠð¶. M¬ì. ߈«î¡ 139. ÜFèð†ê âô‚†ó£¡ ï£†ì‹ ªè£‡ì à«ô£è‹. M¬ì. îƒè‹ 140. ꣘H†ì£™, ñ£Q†ì£™ Þó‡´‹........... M¬ì. ¹«ó£L¡ 141. å¼ºî™ õ¬è M¬ùJ¡ ܬóõ£› è£ô‹ 20 GIìƒèœ âQ™ ÜšM¬ù 99.9% G¬ø¾ø Ý°‹ è£ô‹. M¬ì. 200 GIìƒèœ 142. ªõœO ï£íòˆFL¼‰¶ A¬ì‚°‹ ªõœO¬òˆ ÉŒ¬ñò£‚è «ê˜‚èŠð´õ¶. M¬ì. «ð£ó£‚v 143. å¼ ÃÖ‹ I¡«ù£†ìˆ¬î å¼I¡ ð°O‚ è¬óê™ õN«ò ªê™½‹«ð£¶ I¡õ£J™ ð®»‹ ªð£¼O¡ G¬ø. M¬ì. I¡ «õF„êñ£ù â¬ì 144. °À‚«è£v, ÜC†®‚ ÜIô cKL ñŸÁ‹ «ê£®ò‹ ÜCªì†´ì¡ «ê˜‰¶ î¼õ¶. M¬ì. ªð¡ì£ ÜC«ì† 145. ¹óî‹ i›ð®õ£î™ â¡Á‹ ܬö‚èŠ ð´Aø¶. M¬ì. î¡ Þò™¬ð Þöˆî™
(ªî£ì¼‹...) è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9.
10. 11.
12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
The rate constant for a first order reaction is 1.54 x10-3 sec-1. Its half life period is Ans : 450 seconds ———————— is used in gas lamp material. Ans : CeO2 For an isothermal process, the entropy changes of the universe during a reversible process is Ans : zero Ruby glass is a colloidal solution of Ans : Solid–Sol Paramagnetic moment is expressed in Ans : BM - particle is represented as Ans : –1e0 The compound used in the preparation of the tranquilizer, sulphonal is Ans : acetone The unit of electron affinity is Ans : KJ mol–1 The number of secondary alcoholic group in glycerol is Ans : 1 State of chemical equilibrium is Ans : dynamic The phenomenon of Tyndall’s effect is not observed in Ans : True solution Aspirin is Ans : Acetyl salicylic acid Paramagnetism is the property of Ans : unpaired electrons The bond order of nitrogen molecule is Ans : 3 Radioactive element of lanthanide is Ans : Promethium Semiconductors which exhibit conductivity due to the flow of excess negative electrons are called Ans : P-type semiconductors
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20. 21.
23. 24. 25. 26.
———————— occur in the white matter of the brain and of all nervous tissue Ans : galactolipids The organic compound that undergoes carbylamine reaction is Ans : C2H5NH2 The Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in Ans : O-nitrophenol The compound with garlic taste is Ans : P2O3 Dual character of an electron was explained by Ans : De Broglie Strong mineral acids ———————— the ethereal oxygen forming oxonium salts. Ans : Protonate Emulsifying agent is used for Ans : Stabilization of an emulsion The reducing sugar is Ans : Glucose ———————— form oxocations Ans : Actinides Maximum oxidation state exhibited by lanthanides is Ans : +4 When pH of a solution is 2, the hydrogen ion concentration in moles litre–1 will be Ans : 1X10-2 Ethylene diamine is converted to ethylene glycol using Ans : Nitrous acid Conversion of benzene diazonium chloride to chlorobenzene is Ans : Sandmeyer’s reaction 235 U nucleus absorbs a neutron and 92 disintegrates into 54Xe139.Sr94 and X. What is X? Ans : 3 Neutrons The crystal lattice with coordination number four is Ans : Zno
35. 36. 37.
42. 43. 44. 45.
46. 47.
48. 49. 50.
All the naturally occurring processes proceed spontaneously in a direction with lead to Ans : decrease in free energy Nitrobenzene on electrolytic reduction in conc. sulphuric acid, the intermediate formed is Ans : C6H5NHOH The compound which does not undergo diazotisation reaction is Ans : Benzylamine The building block of proteins are Ans : α- amino acids An example for reducing disaccharide is Ans : Lactose The most malleable and ductile of all metals is Ans : gold After 24 hours, only 0.125g out of the initial quantity of 1g of a radioisotope remains behind then its half-life period is Ans : 8 hours When diethyl ether reacts with chlorine in presence of sunlight it gives Ans : Perchlorodiethylether Intermolecular hydrogen bonds are not present in Ans : C2H5–O–C2H5 The acid that cannot be prepared by Grignard reagent is Ans : Formic acid De Broglie equation is h Ans :λ = mu Noble gages have electron affinity Ans : zero Fog is a colloidal solution of Ans : liquid in gas The iron catalyst used in the synthesis of ammonia in Haber’s process is poisoned by Ans : H25 An example for Frenkel defect is Ans : AgBr When aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride is boiled, the product formed is Ans : phenol Diethyl ether can be decomposed with Ans : HI The solvent used for the Grignard reagent is Ans : Diethyl ether The compound which does not reduce Fehling’s solution is Ans : benzaldehyde The shape XeF4 is Ans : Square planar
55. 56.
58. 59.
60. 61.
62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.
68. 69.
70. 71. 72.
Which transition element shows the highest oxidation state? Ans : OS Decomposition of nitrogen pentoxide in CCIu is a Ans : First order reaction The rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide decareases in presence of Ans : Glycerine The pH of 0.1N NaOH solution is Ans : 13 The compound that undergoes bromination easily is Ans : Phenol How many alcohol isomers are possible for the formula C4H10O? Ans : 2 Schiff’s reagent gives pink colour with Ans : acetaldehyde The number of dose neighbours in a body centred cubic lattic of identical spheres is Ans : 8 In SI unit 1 eu is Ans : 4.184 EU Among the following which has higher electron affinity value? Ans : chlorine The compound with garlic Odour is Ans : P2O3 The amino acid without chiral carbon is Ans : glycine The term A in Arrhenius equation is called as Ans : frequency factor Colloids are purified by Ans : dialysis Medicine used as an eye lotion is Ans : Silver sol Ostwald’s ditution law is the case of the solution of Ans : CH3COOH Fuel used in nuclear power plants is Ans : U238 198 Half-life period of 79Au nucleus is 150 days. The average life is Ans : 216 days Methyl ketones are characterised by Ans : Iodoform test The acid which reduces Tollen’s reagent is Ans : formic acid The total number of atoms per unit cell in BCC is Ans : 2
è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
73. 74. 75.
79. 80.
84. 85. 86.
87. 88. 89. 90.
The shape of PCI5 is Ans : Trigonal Bipyramidal Electrophile used in the nitration of benzene is Ans : Nitronium ion If the activation energy is high, then the rate of the reaction is Ans : low The migration of colloidal particles under the influence of an electric field is known as Ans : cannot be predicted For chemisorption, which is wrong Ans : It forms multimolecular layers on absorbate The catalyst used for the decomposition of KCIO3 is Ans : MnO2 Loss of a β - particle is equivalent to Ans : increase of one proton only For a reaction Ea=O and K=4.2X105 sec–1 at 300K the value of K at 310 K will be Ans : 4.2X105 sec–1 The oxidation of sodium sulphite by air is retarded by Ans : alcohol The pH of a solution containing 0.1N NaOH solution is Ans : 13 If the energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of H-atom is –E, what is the energy of the electron in the Bohr’s first orbit? Ans : – 4E When phenol is distilled with Zinc dust, it gives Ans : Benzene Diethyl ether behaves as a Ans : Lewis base The isotope used as a power source in long mission space probes is Ans : PU–238 Ceria is used in Ans : gas lamp material Use of chloropicrin (CCI3NO2) is an Ans : sterilizing agent Nitro-acinitro tautomerism is exhibited by Ans : Nitromethane ———————— is involved in the process of blood coagulation. Ans : cephalin Compound which is used as medicine for Asthma and whooping cough is Ans : Benzyl Benzoate When ether is exposed to air for some time an explosive substance produced is Ans : peroxide
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98. 99.
100. 101. 102. 103.
105. 106.
107. 108.
110. 111.
A cyanohydrin of a compound X on hydrolysis gives lactic acid. X is Ans : CH3CHO The compound found in some story deposit in kidneys is Ans : Calcium oxalate In the manufacture of ammonia by Haber’s process, the maximum yield of ammonia will be obtained with the process having Ans : high pressure and low temperature The momentum of a particle which has deBroglie wavelength of 1A Ans : 6.63X10–24kg ms–1 Insert gas used in beacon lights for safety of air navigation is Ans : Neon Alloys of Lanthanides are called as Ans : Mish metals U 235 nucleus absorbs a neutron and 92 disintegrates into 54Xe139, 38Sr94 and X. What is X? Ans : 3 neutrons Calcium acetate + calcium benzoate Ans : Acetophenone The bond length of Cl2 molecule is Ans : 1.98A The compound used as smoke screen is Ans : PH3 Formation of coloured ions is possible when compounds contains Ans : unpaired electrons The product obtained when nitrobenzene is treated with Zn/NaOH is Ans : hydrazoben zone A dipeptide does not have Ans : two peptide units Glucose reacts with acetic anhydride in the presence of pyridine to give Ans : penta-acetate Which type of colloid is a sol? Ans : solid in liquid Ethers should never be evaporated to dryness because Ans : they form explosive peroxide The excess energy which a molecule must possess to become active is known as Ans : activation energy The compound with garlic odour is Ans : P2O3 The outermost electronic configuration of chromium is Ans : 3d54s1 Electrophile used in the nitration of benzene is Ans : nitronium ion
113. The PH of a solution containing 0.1N NaOH solution is Ans : 13 114. Radioactivity is due to Ans : unstable nucleus 115. The IUPAC name of phenatole is Ans : ethyl phenyl ether 116. Among the halogen acids, the weakest acid is Ans : HF 117. Which transition element shows the highest oxidation state? Ans : OS 118. The basic character of amines is due to Ans : long pair of electrons on nitrogen atom 119. The Tyndall effect associated with colloidal particle is due to Ans : scattering of light 120. Colloids are purified by Ans : Dialysis 121. The colloid used for stomach disorder is Ans : milk of magnesia 122. Which is used as a power source in long mission space probes? Ans : plutonium – 238 123. The most penetrating radiations are Ans : γ rays 124. Reactions is which the reacting molecules react in more than one was yielding different set of products are called Ans : parallel reactions 125. When sodium acetate is added to acetic acid, the degree of ionisation of acetic acid Ans : decreases 126. The correct outer electronic configuration of copper atom is Ans : 3d104S1 127. ———————— is the oxidation state of U in UF6 Ans : +6 128. Loss of a β-particle is equivalent to Ans : increase of one proton of only 129. The sum of the powers of the concentration term that occur in the rate equation is called Ans : order 130. When a liquid boils, there is Ans : an increase in entropy 131. In the Haber process the yield of ammonia is greater Ans : at high pressure 132. Catalyst used in Deacon’s method of manufacture of chlorine is Ans : CUCI2
133. On moving down the group, the radius of an ion Ans : increase 134. The active component of dynamite is Ans : trinitrotoluene 135. All the naturally occurring process proceed spontaneously in a direction which leads to Ans : decrease of free energy 136. The electron affinity of an atom is Ans : inversely proportional to its size 137. A metal which precipitates gold from its aurocyanide complex is Ans : Zn 138. Half life period of a radioactive element is 1500 years. The value of disintegration constant in terms of seconds is Ans : 0.1465 x10-8 sec1. 139. An example of lyophilic colloid is Ans : starch 140. The optimum range of temperature used in contact process for the manufacture of SO3 is Ans : 400OC to 450OC 141. When ethyl iodide is treated with dry silver oxide, it forms Ans : Diethyl ether 142. Propanone is usually characterised by Ans : iodoform test 143. The reaction 5B8→4Be8 takes place due to Ans : positron decay 144. The number of unpaired electrons in Ti3+ is 1. Its magnetic moment in BM is Ans : 1.732 145. The reaction of ethylene glycol with PI3 gives Ans : CH2=CH2 146. Ethylene dicyanide on hydrolysis gives Ans : Succinic acid 147. Equivalent conductance of acetic acid at 25OC is 80 ohm cm–2 (gram equivalent) –1. The degree of dissociation is Ans : 0.2 148. Oil of mirbane is Ans : nitrobenzene 149. Ultimate product of hydrolysis of proteins Ans : amino acid 150. Inversion of sucrose refers to Ans : sucrose to glucose and fructose 151. Water exists in liquid state. This is due to Ans : hydrogen bond 152. The compound used to arrest the bleeding is Ans : potash alum
To be Continued... è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
îìò ÜPMò™ ð®ˆî£™
îóEªòƒ°‹ «õ¬ôõ£ŒŠ¹
Ÿ- ø ƒ- è - ¬ ÷- » ‹, ÜõŸ- P ¡ H¡- ù - E ¬ò-»‹ ÜP-Mò - ™ è¼-Mè - œ ñŸ-Á‹ -õƒ-èO¡ ¶¬í ªè£‡´ Ý󣌉¶, º®¾ ÜP-M‚-°‹ ¶¬ø«ò îìò ÜP-M-ò™ (Forensic Science). è£õ™, cF ñŸ-Á‹ ð™-«õÁ ¶¬ø-èO™ ªð¼‹ ðƒ-èOŠ¹ ªêŒ-»‹ Þ‰-îˆ ¶¬ø-J™ àœ÷ è™M õ£ŒŠ-¹-èœ, «õ¬ôõ£ŒŠ-¹-èœ, ¹è›-ªðŸø è™M GÁ-õ-ùƒ-èœ, Þˆ-¶¬ - ø-J¡ º¡-«ù£-®è - œ ðŸP MK-õ£è M÷‚°-A-ø£˜ ‘Þ¡v-¬ð-ò˜ çªð™«ô£’ º¬ù-õ˜ àî-ò° - ñ - £˜. ‘‘°Ÿ-ø‹ ïì‰î Þìˆ-F™ A¬ì‚-°‹ îìòƒ- è - ¬ ÷„ «êè- K ˆ¶, ÜõŸ¬ø «ê£î- ¬ ù„ ꣬ô-èO™ Ý󣌉¶, cF-ñ¡-øˆ-F™ -è™ ªêŒ-»‹ Ü÷-Mô - £ù ꣆-Cò - ƒ-è÷ - £è ñ£Ÿ-Áõ - ¶ îì-òM - ò - ™ õ™-½ï - ˜-èO¡ ðE. àô-ªèƒ-°‹ °Ÿ-ø„ ªêò™-èœ ÜF-è-Kˆ-¶-õ-¼‹ G¬ô-J™, îìò ÜP-Mò - ™ ¶¬ø G¹-í˜-èO¡ «î¬õ-»‹ ÜF- è - K ˆ- ¶ œ- ÷ ¶. êÍ- è ˆ- F ™ ñK- ò £- ¬ î- » ‹ «ð£Fò õ¼-ñ£-ù-º‹  Þˆ-¶¬ø ðŸ-Pò MNŠ-¹í - ˜¾ ñ£í-õ˜-èO-¬ì«ò °¬ø-õ£-è«õ Þ¼‚-Aø - ¶. °Ÿ-ø„-ªê-ò™-èO™ ß´-ð´ - « - õ£˜ âšõ¬è °í-ïô - ¡-è¬ - ÷-»‹, ð‡-¹è - ¬ - ÷-»‹ ªðŸP-¼Š-ð£˜-èœ â¡-ð¬î Þˆ-¶¬ø º¿-¬ñ-ò£è Ýó£Œ-A¡-ø¶. å¼ Mðˆ¶ Ü™-ô¶ ªè£¬ô ï¬ì-ªð-Á‹-«ð£¶ ܶ F†-ì-I†´ ªêŒ-òŠ-ð†´œ-÷î£ Ü™-ô¶ ò«î„-¬ê-ò£è ïì‰-îî£ â¡-ð¬î-»‹ Þˆ-¶¬ø Íô‹ èE‚è º®-»‹. Þˆ¶¬ø ð†- ì - î £- K - è À‚° àô- è ‹ º¿- õ - ¶ ‹ â‡-íŸø «õ¬ô-õ£ŒŠ-¹è - œ ªè£†-®‚ Aì‚-A¡øù. +2M™ ÜP-M-ò™ ð£ì‹ â´ˆ-¶Š ð®ˆî ñ£í-õ˜-èœ ÞŠ 𮊬ð «î˜¾ ªêŒ-òô - £‹.
îìò ÜP-Mò - ™ ¶¬ø ꣘‰î HK-¾è - œ/ ð®Š-¹è - œ Forensic investigation - î - ì - ò ÝŒ¾
HŠóõK1& 15,2015 °ƒ°ñ„CI›
Computational forensics - èEQ îìòMò™ Criminalistics - °Ÿøˆ îìòMò™ Digital Forensics - â‡Eò îìòMò™ Forensic Accounting - îìò èí‚W´ Forensic Anthrapology - ñ£Âì îìòMò™ Forensic Archeology - ªî£™Lò îìòMò™ Forensic Astronomy - õ£Qò îìòMò™ Forensic Chemistry - îìò «õFJò™ Forensic Botany - îìò î£õ-óM - ò - ™
Þ‰-îŠ HK-¾è - O™ ð®‚-èô - £‹ B.sc., M.sc., M.phil., P.hd., D.phil., D.sc., B.S., M.S., Diploma,
îìò ÜP-Mò - ™ ¶¬ø-¬ò‚ ªè£‡ì îI-öè - ˆ-F¡ Cø‰î è™M GÁ-õù - ƒ-èœ Cô... Þ‰-F-ò£-¬õŠ ªð£Áˆ-î-õ¬ó, çð£-ó¡-C‚ ÜP-M-ò™ ªî£ì˜-ð£ù Þ÷-G-¬ôŠ ð®Š-H™, vªð- û - ¬ ô- « ê- û ¡ â¶- ¾ ‹ õöƒ- è Š- ð - ´ - õ F™¬ô. å¼-õ˜ Cø‰î çð£-ó¡-C‚ G¹-í-ó£è «õ‡-´ª - ñ-Q™, Üõ˜ º¶-G¬ - ôŠ ð®Š-¬ð-»‹ «ñŸ-ªè£œ÷ «õ‡-´‹.
àî-ò° - ñ - £˜
îìò ÜP-Mò - ™ ¶¬ø-¬ò‚ ªè£‡ì Þ‰-Fò - £-M¡ Cø‰î è™M GÁ-õù - ƒ-èœ Cô... ªì™- L - J ™ àœ÷ °Ÿ- ø M-ò™ ñŸ-Á‹ îì-òM - ò - ™ ¶¬ø GÁ- õ - ù ˆ- F ™ â‹.ã., ñŸ- Á ‹ â‹.âvC., º¶-è¬ - ôŠ ð†-ìŠ-ð®Š-¹-èœ àœ-÷ù. àˆ-î-óŠ-H-ó«î-êˆ-F¡ ¹‰-«î™-臆 ð™-è¬ô‚-è-ö-èˆ-F™ º¶-è¬ô (Master of Science (Forensic Science and Criminology), ð†ìŠ
𮊹 ñŸÁ‹ æ󣇴 º¶è¬ô (Post Graduate Diploma in Forensic Science) ð † ì ò Š ð ® Š ¹ ‹
îI-öè - ˆ-F™ ªê¡-¬ùŠ ð™-è¬ - ô‚-èö - è - ˆ-F™ MA - Criminology and Criminal Justice ñŸÁ‹ MSc - Cyber Forensics And Information Security
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»Q-õ˜-C†® ÝçŠ ê£‡-®ò - £«è£ ® 裋-«ð£v-ªìô£, vªð-J¡ (www.usc.es/ en/in-d-ex.html)
»Q-õ˜-C†® ÝçŠ ªê¡†-ó™ ôƒ-è£-ûò - ˜, Þƒ-Aô - £‰¶ (www.ucl-an.ac.uk) ô‡-ì¡ °«÷£-ð™ »Q-õ˜-C†®, ÞƒA-ô£‰¶ (www.ucl.ac.uk) ªð¡-C™-«õ-Qò£ v«ì† »Q-õ˜-C†®, ܪñ-K‚è£ (www.psu.edu)
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»Q-õ˜-C†® ÝçŠ ªè¡†, Þƒ-Aô - £‰¶ (www. kent.ac.uk)
»Qõ˜C†® ÝçŠ Lƒè£¡, ÞƒAô£‰¶ (www.lincoln.ac.uk)
Aƒv죡 »Qõ˜C†®, ÞƒAô£‰¶ (www. kingston.ac.uk)
ܪñK‚è¡ Þ‡ì˜è£¡®ªù¡ì™ »Qõ˜C†®, ܪñK‚è£ (www.aiuniv.edu) èŠô£¡ »Qõ˜C†® ܪñK‚è£ (www. kaplanuniversity.edu)
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M‡- í Š- H ‚- ° ‹ º¬ø ñŸ- Á ‹ îè- õ ™- è À‚°: www.sail.co.in
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M‡- í Š- H ‚- ° ‹ º¬ø ñŸ- Á ‹ îè- õ ™- è À‚°: www.rites.com
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[Mù£ â‡. 33, 34, 35]
1. W›‚裵‹ I¡²ŸP™ I¡«ù£†ìˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´è. I¡«ù£†ì‹ ªê™½‹ F¬ê¬ò‚ °PŠH´è. 2. 2e c÷º‹ 0.4 I.e. M†ìº‹ à¬ìò ñ£ƒèQ¡ è‹HJ¡ I¡ î¬ì 70 Ω ªð£¼O¡ î¡ I¡î¬ì â‡¬í‚ èí‚A´è. 3. ð ì ˆ F ™ è £ † ® » œ ÷ ð ® Í ¡ Á I ¡ î¬ìò£‚Aèœ 10V I¡ù¿ˆî «õÁð£†´ì¡ ªî£ìó£è Þ¬í‚èŠð†´œ÷ù. 嚪õ£¼ I¡ î¬ìò£‚A‚°‹ Þ¬ìŠð†ì I¡ù¿ˆî «õÁð£´è¬÷‚ èí‚A´è.
HŠóõK 1& 15,2015 °ƒ°ñ„CI›
4. e‚èìˆFèO¡ ðò¡èO™ â¬õ«ò‹ Í¡P¬ù ⿶è. 5. I¡²ŸÁèÀ‚è£ù A˜„ê£çH¡ Þó‡ì£‹ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. 6. 400w I¡Fø¡ ªè£‡ì å¼ I¡êô¬õŠ ªð†® Fùº‹ 30 GIìƒèÀ‚°Š ðò¡ð´ˆîŠð´Aø¶. å¼ ÎQ† (UNIT) Fø‚è£ù è†ìí‹ 75 ¬ðê£ âQ™, êô¬õŠ ªð†®¬ò å¼ õ£ó è£ô‹ ðò¡ð´ˆFù£™ ãŸð´‹ ªêô¬õ‚ èí‚A´è. 7. I¡Qò‚° M¬ê ñŸÁ‹ I¡ù¿ˆî «õÁð£†¬ì «õÁ𴈶è 8. ¶ ¬ í I ¡ è ô ¡ è O ¡ ð ò ¡ ð £ ´ è œ ò£¬õ? 9. âô‚†ó£¡èO¡ Þò‚è ⇠õ¬óòÁ. Üî¡ ÜôA¬ù ⿶è. 10. I¡Fø¡, I¡ù£Ÿø™& «õÁ𴈶è. 11. ªè£´‚èŠð†ì I¡²ŸP™ ªñ£ˆî I¡î¬ì ñŸÁ‹ I¡èô¡  I¡«ù£†ìˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´è. 12. æI¡ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. 13. èìˆF å¡P¡ °Á‚°ªõ†®¡ õN«ò å¼ Mù£®J™ 6.25 X 1018 âô‚†ó£¡èœ è쉶 ªê¡ø£™ I¡«ù£†ìˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´è. (âô‚†ó£Q¡ I¡Û†ì‹ 1.6 X 10-19C) 14. å¼ èìˆF e‚èìˆFò£è ñ£Á‹ ªðò˜¾ ªõŠðG¬ôJ™ ãŸð´‹ ñ£Áð£´è¬÷ ⿶è. 15. 00C C-™ G‚«ó£‹ è‹HJ¡ I¡î¬ì 10Ω Üî¡ I¡î¬ì ªõŠðG¬ô ⇠0.00040 C . cK¡ ªè£FG¬ôJ™ Üî¡ I¡î¬ì¬ò‚ èí‚A´è. 16. çð£ó«ìJ¡ I¡ù£Ÿð°ˆî™ MFèO™ ºî™ MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. 17. Þ¿Š¹ˆ F¬ê«õè‹ õ¬óòÁ. 18. I¡î¬ìªõŠðG¬ô ⇠õ¬óòÁ.
[Mù£ â‡. 36] 1. ªð™®ò˜ M¬÷¾, ü¨™ ªõŠð M¬÷¾ ÞõŸPŸè£ù «õÁð£´èœ ã«î‹ Þ󇮬ùˆ î¼è. 2. ªð™®ò˜ °íè‹ õ¬óòÁ. Üî¡ Üô° ò£¶?
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[Mù£ â‡. 37&38]
1. å¼ ²¼O™ 4A I¡«ù£†ì‹ 0.5 s è£ôˆF™ 8 A Ýè ñ£Á‹«ð£¶ ñŸªø£¼ ²¼O™ 50mV I¡Qò‚° M¬ê ɇìŠð´Aø¶ âQ™ ÜšM¼ ²¼œèÀ‚° Þ¬ì«ò àœ÷ ðKñ£ŸÁ I¡É‡ì™ â‡¬í‚ èí‚A´è. 2. É ‡ ì Š ð † ì I ¡ Q ò ‚ ° M ¬ ê ¬ ò «î£ŸÁM‚°‹ º¬øèœ ò£¬õ? 3. îó‚ è£óE â¡ðî¬ù õ¬óòÁ. 4. å ¼ M ñ £ ù ˆ F ¡ Þ ø ‚ ¬ è J ¡ º¬ùèÀ‚A¬ì«ò àœ÷ Éó‹ 10m. Þ¶ õì‚° «ï£‚A 720 km/hr â¡ø F¬ê «õèˆF™ ðø‚Aø¶. ¹Mè£‰îŠ ¹ôˆF¡ ªêƒ°ˆ¶ ÃÁ ÜšMìˆF™ 3 x 10-5 T âQ™, Þø‚¬èJ¡ º¬ùèÀ‚° Þ¬ì«ò ɇìŠð´‹ I¡Qò‚° M¬ê¬ò‚ èí‚A´è. 5. H÷Iƒ õô¶ ¬è MF¬ò‚ ÃÁè. 6. 0.5m2 ðóŠð÷¬õ»‹, 10 ²ŸÁè¬÷»‹ ªè£‡ì å¼ è‹H„ ²¼O¡ î÷‹ 0.2 Wb/m2 裉ôˆFŸ° °ˆî£è àœ÷«ð£¶ è‹H„ ²¼O¡ õN«ò 𣻋 è£‰îŠ ð£òˆ¬î‚ èí‚A´è. 7. D.C Ü‹e†ì˜ ñ£ÁF¬ê I¡«ù£†ìˆ¬î Ü÷M죶 ã¡? 8. I¡è£‰îˆ É‡ì™ ðŸPò çð£ó«ì MFè¬÷ ÃÁè. 9. I¡è£‰îˆ É‡ì™ â¡ø£™ â¡ù? 10. 1000 Hz ÜF˜ªõ‡ ªè£‡ì ñ£ÁF¬ê I¡«ù£†ì I¡²ŸP™ Þ¬í‚èŠð†´œ÷ I¡«î‚AJ¡ I¡«î‚°ˆ Fø¡ 2µF ªêò™ð´ˆîŠð´‹ I¡Qò‚°
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[Mù£ â‡. 39&40 ]
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[Mù£ â‡. 41&42]
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[Mù£ â‡. 43]
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Printed and published by Mohamed Israth on behalf of KAL Publications Pvt. Ltd. and printed at Dinakaran Press, Plot No.170, No.10, First Main Road, Nehru Nagar, Perungudi, Chennai-600 096 and published at 229, Kutchery Road, Mylapore, Chennai-600004. Editor: Mohamed Israth
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Continued from last issue...
R.DURAI SAMY, M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., BLIS
6. Distinguish between electromotive force and potential difference
[Q.No. 31, 32]
7. What are the applications of Secondary cells?
1. What is meant by Electric Polarization? 2.
What is a polar molecule? Give any two examples.
3. What do you mean by “additive nature of charges”? Give an example. 4. Three capacitors each of capacitance 9 pF are connected in series. What is the total capacitance of the combination?
8. Two wires of same material and length have resistance 5Ω and 10Ω respectively. Find the ratio of radii of the two wires 9. Define mobility of electrons. Give its unit 10. Distinguish between electric power and electric energy
5. What is electrostatic shielding?
11. In the given circuit, what are the total resistance and current supplied by the battery
6. Define electric flux. Give its Unit.
12. State Ohm’s law
7. Explain the working of a microwave oven.
13. If 6.25 x 1018 electrons flow through a given cross section of a conductor in unit time, find the current. [ given: charge of an electron is 1.6 x 10 -19 C]
8. What is corona discharge? 9. Calculate the effective capacitance of the combination shown in the figure 10. What is a capacitor? Define its capacitance. 11. Define electric potential at a point.
14. What are the changes observed at transition temperature when the conductor? 15. State Faraday’s first law of electrolysis 16. Define Drift Velocity. Give its unit.
12. What is an electric dipole? Engine electric dipole moment.
17. Find the magnitude and direction of the current in the following circuit
13. Why is it safer to be inside a car than standing under a tree during lighting?
18. Define temperature coefficient of resistance
14. Mention any three properties of electric line of force?
15. State Coulomb’s law in electro statics 16. Define Coulomb on the basis of coulomb’s law. 17. What is non – polar molecule ? Give example.
[Q.No. 36] Mention any two difference between peltier effect and Joule’s heating effect
2. Define Peltier coefficient and write its unit. 3. Mention the limitations of Cyclotron. 4. In a galvanometer, increasing the current sensitivity does not necessarily increase the voltage sensitivity. Explain
18. State Gauss’s law in electrostatics 19. Mention three application of capacitors [Q.No. 33,34,35]
5. Why is nichrome used as a heating element?
1. In the following circuit, calculate the current through the circuit. Mention its direction
6. Calculate the resistance of the filament of a 100 W, 220 V electric bulb.
7. Define ampere in terms of force between long parallel current carrying conductors
Three resistors are connected in series with 10V supply as shown in the figure. Find the Voltage drop across each resistor.
What is neutral temperature of a thermocouple?
4. Mention any three application of super – conductors
9. State Ampere’s circuital law
10. How is a galvanometer converted into a) an ammeter b) a voltmeter?
State Kirchhoff’s (i) Current law and (ii) Voltage law.
HŠóõK 1& 15,2015 °ƒ°ñ„CI›
9owhen placed in a polarimeter. If the specific rotation is 60o, calculate the quantity of sugar contained in the solution
11. How can we increase the current sensitivity of a galvanometer? 12. What are the characteristics of heating element used in electric heating device? 13. State Fleming’s left hand rule.
4. In young’s experiment , the width of the fringe obtained with light of wavelength 6000 A is 2mm. Calculate the fringe width if the entire apparatus is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.33.
14. State Tangent law [Q.No. 37,38] 1. Calculate the mutual inductance between two coils when a current of 4A changing to 8A in 0.5s in one coil, induces an e.m.f of 50mV in the other coil. 2.
Mention the methods of producing induced e.m.f
3. Define quality factor 4. The wings of an aeroplane are 10m apart. The plane is moving horizontally towards the north at a place where the vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is 3 x 10 -5 T. Calculate the induced e.m.f. set up between the tips of the wings if the velocity of the aeroplane is 720 km /hr. 5. State Fleming’s right hand rule. 6. A coil of area of cross – section 0.5 m2 with 10 turns is in a plane perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field of 0.2 Wb/ m2. Calculate the flux through the coil. 7. Why can a d.c ammeter not read a.c? 8.
3. Why does the sky appear blue in colour?
State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
5. What is band emission spectrum? Give an example. 6. A light of wavelength 6000 A falls normally on a thin air film . 6 dark fringes are seen between two points. Calculate the thickness of the air film 7. In Newton’s rings experiment the diameter of certain order of dark ring is measured to be double that of second ring. What is the order of the ring? 8. Define optic axis of a crystal 9.
Distinguish between interference and diffraction fringes
10. A light of wavelength 5890 A falls normally on a thin air film 6 dark fringes are seen between two points. Calculate the thickness of the air film 11. Define specific rotation 12. On what factors does the amount of optical rotation, Depend?
9. What is electromagnetic induction?
13. Write any three uses of infrared radiations
10. Give the difference between AF choke and RF choke
14. Write the conditions for total internal reflection to take place
11. A capacitor of capacitance 2 μF is in an a.c. circuit of frequency 1000Hz. If the r.m.s value of the applied e.m.f is 10V, find the effective current flowing in the circuit.
15. Why is the centre of the Newton’s ring dark?
12. An ideal transformer has transformation ratio 1:20, if the input power and primary voltage are 600mW and 6V respectively, find the primary and secondary currents. 13. Define coefficient of self induction
16. The refractive index of a medium is √3. Calculate the angle of refraction if the unpolarised light is incident on it at the polarizing angle of the medium. 17. Stat Huygens principle. 18. Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction 19. What is Tyndall scattering?
14. Calculate the capacitive reactance of a capacitor of capacitance 2µ f in an A.C. circuit of frequency 1000Hz.
20. State Brewster’s law.
15. What is meant by r.m.s (effective) value of alternating current?
1. An X –ray diffraction of a crystal gave the first line at aglancing angle of 6o 27’.
16. An e.m.f. of 5V is induced when the current in the coil changes at the rate of 100 As -1. Find the coefficient of self – induction the coil
If the wavelength of X – ray is 0.58A. Find the distance between the two cleavage planes .
Write two principle of Millikan’s oil drop experiment.
17. State Lenz’s law. 18. A capacitor blocks d.c but allows a.c why? 19. Write the equation of a 25 cycle current sine wave having rms value of 30A [Q.No. 39,40 ] 1. What are emission and absorption spectra ? 2. A 300 mm Long tube containing 60 c.c of sugar solution produce a rotation of
[Q.No. 41,42]
3. Calculate the longest wavelength that can be analysed by a rock salt crystal of spacing d =2.82 A in the first order 4. Rydberg constant for hydrogen atom is 1.097 x 107 ms -1. Calculate the shortest wavelength of the spectral line of its Lyman series 5.
How much should be the voltage of an X –ray tube so that the electrons emitted from the
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cathode may give an X-ray of wavelength 1 A after striking the target? 6.
What are the conditions to achieve laser action?
9. Write any three properties of neutron 10. What are cosmic rays? 11. Define roentgen
7. What is Hologram?
12. Define critical size and critical mass
8. What are the two important facts established by Laue experiment?
13. What is meant by breeder reactor?
9. Write any three application of laser industry. 10. Explain any one of the drawbacks of Rutherford atom model. 11. State Moseley’s law 12. Define ionization potential energy 13. What are the application of laser in medical field? 14. Find the minimum wavelength of X –rays produced by an X –ray tube operating at 1000kV. 16. What are the drawbacks of Sommerfeld atom model?
16. How do you classify the neutrons in terms of its kinetic energy 17. Tritium has a half – life of 12.5 years. What fraction of the sample will be left over after 25 years? 19. Write the proton – proton cycle that takes place in sun and stars 20. What [percentage of a given radioactive substance will be left after 5 half life periods?
[Q.No. 43] What are the limitations of electron microscope?
2. Mention the uses of electron microscope. 3. What are inertial and non –inertial frames? 4. What is the de Broglie wavelength of electron of kinetic energy 120 eV (h=6.626 x 10 -34 Js; m=9.1 x 10 -31 kg)
15. The radioactive isotope 84Po214 undergoes a successive disintegration of two decays and two decays. Find the atomic number and mass number of the resulting isotope.
18. What is mass defect?
15. What are the characteristics of laser?
14. Mention any three properties of nuclear force
5. Calculate the threshold wavelength of certain metal of work function 1.8 eV 6. Define stopping potential 7. According to classical mechanics, what is the concept of time? 8. Mention any three application of photoelectric cells.
21. What are the uses of nuclear reactors? 22. Calculate the number of atoms in one gram of 3 Li6 (Avogadro Number = 6.023 x 1023) [Q.No. 46 – 49] 1. What is an intrinsic semiconductor? Give two examples. 2. The gain of an amplifier without feedback is 100 and gain with positive feedback is 200. Calculate the feedback fraction. 3. Define input impedance of a transistor connected in common emitter mode. 4.
Draw the circuit diagram for OR gate using diodes.
5. What is an extrinsic semi conductor?
9. Write the two fundamental posulates of special theory of relativity.
6. Draw the circuit diagram for NPB transistor at Common Emitter(CE) mode.
10. Find de Broglie wavelength of electron in the fourth orbit of hydrogen atom.
7. The voltage gain of an amplifier without feedback is 100. If negative feedback is applied with a feedback fraction β =0.1, Calculate the voltage gain after feedback.
[Q.No. 44,45] 1. What is α decay? Give an example
8. What is rectification?
Write any three conclusions obtained from binding energy curve
What is meant by pair production and annihilation?
10. Define Bandwidth of an amplifier.
What is a light emitting diode? Give any one of its uses
4. The half – life of radon is 3.8 days. Calculate its mean life
11. Find the output of the amplifier circuit given below
5. Write a note on Leptons.
12. Draw the circuit diagram of AND gate using diodes and resistor
6. The half – life of 84Po 218 is 3 minutes. What percentage of the sample has decayed in 15 minutes?
13. Give the important parameters of an operational amplifier
7. What is the use of a control rod in the reactor ? Mention any two control rods
14. The outputs of two NOT gates are NOR ed, as shown in the figure. What is the logic operation performed?
8. Define Curie.
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15. Draw the circuit configuration of NPN transistor in common Collector (C.C) mode.
5. Mention the advantages of frequency modulation.
16. What is Zener breakdown?
6. Define modulation factor.
17. A transistor is connected in CE configuration, the voltage drop across the load resistance (RC) is 6V. Find the base current. The current gain α of the transistor is 0.97.
7. W h a t a r e t h e a d v a n t a g e s o f d i g i t a l communication?
18. What are the advantage of negative feedback? 19. Find the output of the ideal operational amplifier shown in the figure for the input of Vin = 120mV direct current. 20. What is meant by doping? 21. Find the output Y of the logic circuit given below. 22. Give the Boolean equation for the given logic diagrams 23. Draw the circuit for summing amplifier. 24. Find the output of the given circuit 25. What is an integrated circuit? 26. Mention any three uses of Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) 27. What is Zener diode? Draw its symbol 28. Define output impedance of a transistor 29. What is the Boolean expression for the diagram shown in figure. Evaluate its output if A= 1, B=1 and C=1 30. Draw energy band diagrams of N –type semiconductor and P –Type semiconductor. 31. Give the Barkhausen condition for Oscillation. 32. State DE Morgan’s theorems. 33. The base current of a transistor is 50 µ A and collector current is 25 mA. Find the value of current gain 34. Mention any three advantages of IC (integrated circuit) 35. Draw NOT gate using transistor 36. What are the essential components of an LC oscillator? 37. Prove the Boolean identity ; (A+B) (A+C) =A+ BC 38. What is an Extrinsic semiconductor? 39. Draw the circuit diagram for inverting amplifier using OP –Amp 40. Draw difference amplifier circuit using Op –Amp 41. Give the Boolean equation for the given logic diagram
8. What is skip distance? 9. What are the different types of radio wave propagation?
5 Marks
[Q.No.51] 1. A parallel plate capacitor has plates of area 200cm2 and separation between the plates is 1 mm. Calculate i) the potential difference between the plates if 1 nC charge is given to the capacitor. ii) with the same charge ( 1 nC) if the plate separation is increased to 2 mm, what is the new potential difference and iii) the electrical field between the plates? 2. Two capacitor of capacitance 0.5 μF and 0.75μF are connected in parallel and the combination to a110V battery. Calculate the charge from the source and charge on each capacitor. 3. A square of side 1.3m has charges +12nC, -24nC, +31nC and +17nC at its corners. Calculate the electric potential the centre of the square. 4. Two positive charges of 12 μC and 8 μC respectively are 10cm apart. Find the work done in bringing them 4cm closer, so that they are 6cm apart. 5. Two capacitors of unknown capacitances are connected in series and parallel. If the net capacitances in the two combinations are 6 F and 25F respectively, fine their capacitances 6. Define electric potential at a point . Obtain an expression for electric potential due to a point charge. 7. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor have an area of 90cm2 each and are separated by 2.5mm. The capacitor is charged by connection it to a 400V supply. How much electrostatic energy is stored by the capacitor? 8. What is electrostatic potential energy of a system of two point charges? Deduce an expression for it. 9. Deduce an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. 10. Derive an expression for the torque experienced by an electric dipole when placed in a uniform electric field. 11. Write the properties of electric lines of force. [Q.No. 52,53]
[Q.No. 50]
12. Define mobility. Establish a relation between drift velocity and current.
1. Write any three applications of RADAR. 2. What is Fax? Mention its use.
13. If two or more resistors are connected in parallel, derive an expression for the effective resistance
3. What is the necessity of modulation 4. Mention any three advantages of Fiber Optic Communication System
14. How will you compare the e.m.f of two cells
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using a potentiometer? 15. In the given network, calculate the effectiveness resistance between points A & B. 16. State and explain kirchhoffs second law for electrical network 17. Explain the working of a Leclanche cell with a diagram. 18. Explain the principle of a potentiometer 19. Explain the action of lead – acid accumulator. 20. Write any five applications of superconductors. 21. A copper wire of 10-6 m2 area of cross – section, carries a current of 2A. If the number of electrons per cubic metre is 8 x 1028. Calculate the current density and average drift velocity. (Given e=1.6 x 10-19 C). 22. Explain the determination of the internal resistance of a cell using voltmeter. 23. Derive the condition for balancing of Wheatstone’s bridge. 24. The effective resistance are 10Ω, 2.4 Ω, when they are connected in series and parallel respectively, what are the resistance of individual resistors? 25. What is the drift velocity of an electron in a copper conductors having area 10 x 10-6 m2, carrying a current of 2A. Assume that there are 10 x1028 electrons /m3 26. Find the current flowing across three resistors 3 Ω, 5 Ω and 2 Ω connected in parallel to a 15V supply. Also find the effective resistance and total current drawn from the supply 27. In a metre bridge, the balancing length for a 10 resistance in left gap is 51.8 cm. find the unknown resistance and specific resistance of a wire of length 108 cm and radius 0.2 mm. 28. State and verify Faraday’s second law of electrolysis 29. Explain the construction and working of Daniel cell with a neat diagram 30. State Faradays first law of electrolysis and describe the experimental verification [Q.No.54] 31. A Circular coil of radius 20cm has 100 turns of wire and it carries a current of 5A. find the magnetic induction at a point along its axis at a distance of 20cm from the centre of the coil. 32. What are the special features of magnetic Lorentz forces? 33. A long straight wire carrying current produces a magnetic induction of 4 x 10-6 T at a point 15cm from the wire. Calculate the current through the wire. 34. Explain the conversion of a galvanometer into an ammeter.
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35. A moving coil galvanometer resistance 20 produces full scale deflection for a current of 50mA.How will you convert the galvanometer into (i) an ammeter of range 20A and (iii) a voltmeter of range 120V? 36. Explain in details the principle and construction of a tangent galvanometer. 37. State and explain Biot-Savart law. 38. Two Parallel wires each of length 5m are placed at a distance of 10 cm apart in air. They carry equal currents along the same direction and experience a mutually attractive force of 3.6 x 10-4 N. find the current through the conductors. 39. A rectangular coil of 500 turns and of area 6 x 10-4 m2 is suspended inside a radial magnetic field of induction 10-4 T by a suspension wire of torsional constant 5 x 10-10 Nm per degree. Calculate the current required to produce a deflection of 100. 40. Explain how you will convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter. 41. A galvanometer has a resistance of 40Ω. It shows full scale deflection for a current of 2mA. How will you convert the galvanometer into a voltmeter of range 0 to 20V ?. 42. What are the special features of magnetic Lorentz force? [Q.No.55] 43. Find the phase relation between current and voltage in an a.c circuit containing a pure inductor (Graph is not necessary) 44. Explain the mutual induction between two long solenoids. Obtain an expression for the mutual inductance of two long solenoids. 45. Explain how an e.m.f can be induced by changing the area enclosed by the coil in a uniform magnetic field. 46. An a.c generator consists of a coil of 10,000 turns and of area 100 cm2. The coil –rotates at an angular speed of 140r.p.m in a uniform magnetic field of 3.6 x 10-2T. find the maximum value of the e.m.f induced. 47. Explain any two applications of eddy current. 48. Define efficiency of a transformer. Explain the various energy losses in a transformer. How are they minimized? 49. Explain the various power losses in a transformer. How are they minimized 50. S t a t e F a r a d a y ’ s l a w a n d L e n z ’ s l a w electromagnetic induction . 51. Obtain an expression for the current flowing in a circuit containing resistance only to which alternating emf is applied. Find the phase relationship between voltage and current. [Q.No.56] 52. In young’s experiment a light of frequency 6 x 1014 Hz is used. Distance between the
centres of adjacent fringes is 0.75 mm. Calculate the distance between the slits, if the screen is 1.5m away. 53. A soap film of refractive index 1.34, is illuminated by while light incident at an angle 30. The reflected light is examined by spectroscope in which dark band corresponding to the wavelength 5893 A is found. Calculate the smallest thickness of the film. 54. Write a note on pile of plates 55. Write a note on nicol prism. 56. A parallel beam of monochromatic light is allowed to incident normally on a plane transmission gating having 5000 lines per centimeter. A second order spectral line is found to be diffracted at an angle 30. Find the wavelength of the light. 57. In a newton’s rings experiment the diameter of the 20th dark ring was found to be 5.82 mm and that of the 10th ring 3.6mm. if the radius of the plano –convex lens is 1m, calculate the wavelength of light used. 58. State and prove Brewster’s law 59. Distinguish between interference and diffraction 60. Obtain the expression for the radius of the nth dark ring in Newton’s rings experiment. [Q.No.57] 61. Describe Laue experiment. What are the facts established by it? 62. Wavelength of Balmer second line is 4861 A. calculate the wavelength of the first line. 63. In Bragg’s spectrometer, the glancing angle for first order spectrum was observed to be 8. Calculate the wavelength of X –rays, if d=2.82 x 10-10m. At what angle will the second maximum occur? 64. Explain the origin of characteristic X –rays. 65. Write any five properties of cathode rays. 66. Obtain Bragg’s law. 67. Explain the spectral series of hydrogen atom. (Diagram not necessary) 68. An α particle is projected with an energy of 4 MeV directly towards a gold nucleus. Calculate the distance of its closest approach. 69. Write any five properties of X –rays. 70. Prove that the energy of an electron for hydrogen atom in the nth orbit is E = -me4 n 8ε02 n2 h2 (Q. No. 58,59) 71. Explain time – dilation with an examples. 72. Define work function. State the laws of photoelectric emission. 73. Obtain Einstein’s mass – energy equivalence. 74. Explain the wave mechanical concept of atom. 75. How fast would a rocket have to go relative to an observer for its length to be corrected
to 99% of its length at rest? 76. Explain Lorentz – FitzGerald contraction with an example. 77. Explain time dilation. 78. Explain the construction and working of a photo –emissive cell with diagram. 79. At what speed is a particle moving if the mass is equal to three times its rest mass?. 80. The time internal measured by an observer at rest is 2.5 x 10-8 s. what is the time interval as measured by an observer moving with a velocity v=0.73C?. 81. The work function of iron 4.7eV. Calculate the cut –off frequency and the corresponding cut –off wavelength for this metal. 82. Write any five applications of photoelectric cells. 83. A metallic surface when illuminated with light of wavelength 3333 A. emits electrons with energies upto 0.6eV. Calculate the work function of the metal. 84. Derive Einstein’s photoelectric equation. 85. Derive an expression for de Broglie wavelength of matter waves 86. Explain length contraction. 87. What is photoelectric effect?. State the laws of photoelectric emission. 88. A proton is moving at a speed of 0.900 time the velocity of light. Find its kinetic energy in joule and MeV. [Q.No.60] 89. A piece of bone from an archaeological site is found to give a count rate of 15 counts per minute. A similar sample of fresh bone gives a count rate of 19 counts per minute. Calculate the age of the spectrum. (Given T1/2 =5570 years). 90. Find the energy released when two 1H2 nuclei fuse together to form a single 3He4 nucleus. Given the binding energies per nucleon of 1H2 and 2He4 are 1.1MeV and 7.0 MeV respectively. 91. A reactor is developing energy at the rate of 32MW. Calculate the required number of fissions per second of 92U235. Assume that energy per fission is 200MeV 92. Show that the mass of radium (88Ra226) with an activity of 1 Curie is almost a gram. (Given T ½ =1600 yrs, 1 Curie = 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second) 93. Explain how a cosmic ray shower is formed. 94. If the mass defect of the nucleus 6C12 is 0.098amu, then calculate the binding energy per nucleon. 95. Explain the latitude effect of cosmic rays. 96. Calculate the time required for 60% of a sample of radon to undergo decay. (Given T ½ of radon = 3.8 days)
97. Write a note on the biological hazards of è™M&«õ¬ô õN裆®
nuclear radiations.
explain the function of FM transmitter.
98. Explain the latitude effect of cosmic rays. 99. The disintegration constant of a radioactive element is 0.00231 per day. Calculate its half – life and mean life. 100. Give an explanation for the binding energy curve. (Graph not necessary). 101. Write the properties of α rays. 102. Explain soddy – fajan’s radioactive displacement laws. 103. Calculate the energy released in the following equation, 3Li6 +0n1 2He4 +1H3. [Q.No.61] 104. Explain the working of a bridge rectifier with a neat circuit diagram. 105. With the circuit diagram, explain Voltage divider biasing of a transistor. 106. Define current amplification factors α and β and obtain the relation between them. 107. Explain the function of a transistor as a switch. 108. Draw the frequency response curve of single stage CE amplifier and discuss the results. 109. What is an AND gate ?. Explain the function of AND gate using electrical circuit and using diodes. 110. Explain the working of a half wave diode rectifier. 111. Explain how transistor biasing is provided by voltage divider bias method. [Mar ’07, Jun ‘09] 112. A transistor is connected in CE configuration. The voltage drop across the load resistance (Rc) 3K is 6V. find the base current. The current gain of the transistor is 0.97. 113. State and prove De Morgan’s theorems 114. Explain how multimeter is used as ohm –meter (multimeter diagram is not necessary) . [Q.No.62] 115. Explain space wave propagation of radio waves. 116. Mention the principle of RADAR and write its applications. 117. Write a short note on fibre optical communication and mention its advantages. 118. What is an optical fibre?. Mention the advantages of fibre optical communication system. 119. With the help of block diagram, explain the operation of an FM super heterodyne receiver. 120. Mention the merits and demerits of digital communication. 121. State the principle of Radar. What are the applications of Radar? 122. With the help of a neat block diagram,
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123. Explain the function of an AM radio transmitter with the help of a block diagram.
10 Marks [Q.No.63]
1. Deduce an expression each for the equivalent capacitance of capacitors connected in i) Series and ii) Parallel 2. Derive an expression for electric field due to an electric dipole at a point along the equatorial line. 3. State the principle and explain the construction and working of van de Graff generator. 4. Derive an expression for electric potential at a point due to an electric dipole. Explain the special cases. 5. Derive an expression for the torque experienced by an electric dipole when places in a uniform electric field. 6. Derive an expression for the electric field due to an electric dipole at a point on its axial line. 7. State Gauss law. Using Gauss law, obtain an expression for electric field due to an infinitely long straight uniformly charged wire. [Q.No. 64] 8. Explain in detail the principle, construction, working and limitations of a cyclotron with a diagram. 9. State Joule’s law. Explain Joule’s Calorimeter experiment to verify Joule’s laws of heating. 10. Deduce the relation for the Magnetic Induction at a point along the axis of a circular coil carrying current. 11. Explain in detail the principle, construction and theory of a tangent galvanometer. 12. Deduce an expression for the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field. Find the magnitude of the force. 13. Define Ampere’s circuital law. Applying it find the magnetic induction due to along solenoid carrying current. 14. Obtain an expression for the magnetic induction at a point due to an infinitely long straight conductor carrying current. 15. Discuss the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field. 16. Obtain an expression for the force between two long parallel current carrying conductors. Hence define ‘ampere’ [Q.No. 65] 17. Explain the principle, construction and theory of a transformer.(Diagram not necessary). Define its efficiency. Mention the energy losses. 18. In an a.c circuit containing a capacitor, the instantaneous e.m.f is e=Eo sint. Obtain the
expression for instantaneous current. Explain the phase relation between e.m.f and current by graph. 19. Obtain the phase relation between voltage and current in an AC circuit containing a pure inductance. Draw the necessary graph. 20. What are eddy current?. Explain their applications. How are they minimized? 21. Discuss with theory the method of inducing e.m.f in a coil by changing its orientation with respect to the direction of the magnetic field. 22. Describe the principle, construction and working of single phase a.c generator. [Q.No.66] 23. On the basis of wave theory, explain total internal reflection. 24.On the basis of wave theory, explain total internal reflection. Write the conditions for the total internal reflection to take place. 25. What is Raman effect? Explain Raman spectrum with diagram. 26. Discuss the theory of interference in thin transparent film due to reflected light and obtain condition for the intensity to be maximum and minimum 27. State Huygens’s principle. On the basis of wave theory, prove the laws of reflection 28. Explain emission and absorption spectra. 29. Derive an expression for bandwidth of interference fringes in Young’s double slit experiment. [Q.No. 67] 30. State Bohr’s postulates. Obtain an expression for the radius of nth orbit of hydrogen atom.
nuclear reactor (Diagram not necessary) 38. Explain the construction and working of a Geiger – Muller counter. 39. What are cosmic rays? Explain the latitude effect of cosmic rays. 40. Write the radio active law of disintegration. Obtain an expression to deduce the amount of radio active substance present at any moment. Obtain the relation between half life period and decay constant. 41. What are cosmic rays? Explain i) latitude effect ii) altitude effect of cosmic rays. 42. Discuss the action of a Bainbridge mass spectrometer to determine the isotopic masses 43. Explain the construction and working of a Geiger –Muller counter. [Q.No. 69] 44. With circuit diagram, explain the working of an operational amplifier as a summing amplifier 45. Explain the action of an operational amplifier as difference amplifier 46. Explain with neat circuit diagram, the working of single stage CE amplifier 47. With the circuit diagram, explain the function of a CE transistor amplifier. 48. What is meant by feedback? Derive an expression for voltage gain of an amplifier with negative feedback. 49. Sketch the circuit of Colpitts oscillator. Explain its working. 50. What is an operational amplifier? Explain its action as i)inverting amplifier, ii) non – inverting amplifier. 51. What is rectification? Explain the working of bridge rectifier with diagram. Draw input and ouput signals.
31. How will you determine the wavelength of X –rays using Bragg spectrometer? Write any five properties of X –rays.
52. Draw a neat diagram of bridge rectifier and explain its working
32. Derive Bragg’s law. Explain how a Bragg’s spectrometer can be used to determine the wavelength of the X –rays.
53. With a neat diagram, explain the working of a single stage CE amplifier. Draw the frequency response curve and discuss the results.
33. Describe Millikan’s oil drop experiment to determine the charge of an electron level diagram. 34. State the postulates of Bohr atom model. Obtain an expression for the radius of nth orbit of an electron of hydrogen atom based on Bohr’s theory.
[Q.No. 70] 54. With the help of a block diagram. Explain the function of a RADAR system. 55. Explain the construction and working of a vidicon camera tube with neat diagram.
35. Describe the J.J Thomson’s method for determining the specific charge of an electron.
56. Explain the functions of various units in the monochrome television transmission with suitable block diagram.
36. With the help of energy level diagram. Explain the working of He – Ne laser.
57. Explain the functional block diagram of a monochrome TV receiver.
58. Make an analysis of amplitude modulated wave with the help of frequency spectrum.
37. What is a nuclear reactor? Explain the functions of(i) moderator, (ii) Control rods and (iii) neutron reflector. Mentiion the uses of
59. With the help of block diagram, explain the function of super heterodyne AM receiver.
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