Toimitus ja julkaisija / Editorial & publisher Kutikuti Taitto / Layout Väinö Sirén Päätoimittaja ja kansikuva / Editor-in-chief & cover Tommi Musturi Painos / Print-run 5 000 Kirjapaino / Printer Printall AS Mainosmyynti / Ad sales kutimagazine@gmail.com
Dimitris Abramopoulos (GRC), Sara Ahola (FIN), Natasha Batrakova (RUS/FIN), Karolina Galvadyté (LTU), Sam Gaskin (USA), Aaron Hotz (CAN), Keith Kavanagh (IRL), Jenni Lahtinen (FIN), Carlos Panhoca & Marcos Batista (BRA) Fidelia Schlegl (GER), Aska Schär (SUI), Lars Sjunnesson (SWE)
Kuti-lehteä julkaiseva Kutikuti ry on vuonna 2005 perustettu nykysarjakuvaan erikoistunut yleishyödyllinen ja taiteilijavetoinen yhdistys. Voit tilata Kuti-lehden myös kotiisi. Suomeen neljä numeroa sisältävän vuositilauksen hinta on 20 euroa, ulkomaille 26 euroa. Teet tilauksen kätevimmin kotisivuillamme osoitteessa www.kutikuti.com. Kuti-lehden seuraava numero ilmestyy kesäkuussa 2024.

Outotrofia – Valuvat kirjeet OONA RAADELMA & ALIISA PERIKANGAS
Vuoden Huiput 2023 -näyttely
ke–pe 12–17 la–su 12–16 IG: luonnostila

1 I believed her… 2 The day after I felt completely healthy. I had never been so happy. / I am cured! 3 I just had to see that doctor again for a new treatment. / (Doctor) / Soon it’s my turn! 4 But the doctor was deeply remorseful over what had happened. / I had been drinking… It was the wrong book and cunnilingus was more or less misspelled. It should have been Canis Lingus. It means something else however… / I’ll give you some Citalopram and let’s forget about what happened… 5 I went out: / Citalopram, what have you got to offer me? 6 I felt sorry for the little pill. / Bye bye! / It didn’t know anything about real happiness.

? 8 Sailor
Sam Gaskin: PIZZA WIZARD 4 We last left our intrepid inquisitors after they’d been abandoned and stranded by Trashcan Sally & The Dustbins in a mysterious frozen wasteland. What might they discover out here in the lonely tundra? Will that magical pizza still be at the end of their rainbow? Find out within! 5 How much longer are we going to keep this up? 6 We’ve been traveling for days, nothing has changed! 7 WAIT! / I see something over there! / This could be it! / Dave’s Fish-Stik Meal

I water my garden. The fighter jet flies across the sky. The shattering noise echoes through my body. Can I be here? Can I not experience war here? Can I put my roots, spread my branches, grow leaves, take in the Sun’s warmth? Can I sleep through winter under the snow blanket? Can I wake up to the sound of birds singing? Can I give you everything, will you take it? Can I grow old here? Can I be buried in your soil? So that when the grass will grow through my decomposed bones, I will be born again, finally, undeniably, from this land.
Carlos Panhoca & Marcos Batista: THE COLOR OF THE LIFEBOAT 2 Another one! 3 Are you sure? You’ve already had twelve. 4 Gimme another one and leave me alone. 5 It’s up to you, buddy. 6 “It’s up to you, buddy.” - HMPF 7 I’m not a dog looking for attention. Don’t talk to me like that. 8 I’m tired, everyone treats me like garbage. You don’t know how it feels. / Where do you think I’m from? 9 I’ve seen things, ‘amigo’.1 Oh, yeah? So, tell me, have seen what goes through the eyes of someone you’re about to kill? 4 Yes. 6 But that remains in the past. / I doubt it. 7 And what you saw in that look, remained in the past? 8 No / And what did you see? 9 Horror.
1 Lucky guy, I’ve only seen pity and mockery. 2 I’m not proud of what I’ve done, neither of what I’ve seen. I know it doesn’t help at all, but I got busted, I’ve paid for what I’ve done. / I’m clean, trying another way. If I could do it, then you can too. 3 Oh, I bet you joined a church, right? / And you want me to do it too. 4 When you’re drowning and see a lifeboat, do you choose it’s color? 5 Garbage doesn’t float. / I don’t think anyone would get one to save me. 6 You don’t know what you’re talking about. 7 Yeah, I don’t know. I’m not the one they’re laughing at every night, right? 8 I’m not the one who sees scorn in the eyes of those I kill every night. / Every night? 9 I’m not the one the gang mocks when we decimate a village. / Gang? / Decimate a village?
4 Relax. I won't cause you no harm. 5 God, what do you do? 6 I'm a werewolf. 7 8 Oh, fuck you. 9 I'm here, paying attention, sharing my feelings, and you're nuts. 1 You have no faith, you think you know all about pain? I can show you pain! 2 There’s a full moon outside, wanna go there and see what happens? / Fuck off. 3 Come on, I can talk about pain. / Get off me! 4 Oh no, now I’ll show you pain. / No! You’re crazy! 5 It doesn’t matter if I kill, mutilate, wreck... / I’m a joke. 6 They mock while I chew on their limbs. / The moon... you’re... 7 You’re a poodle! / NO! 8 I’M A WEREWOLF! 9 D’youknow how it feels to be a werewolf with pedigree? / I don’t know if I hug or pet you... / Please, pet me. Aska Schär: RYÖSTÖ / THE ROBBERY
1 The teacher just asked me the standard question: What do you want to be when you grow up? 2 Phew / I think about it a little bit – not much – and answer her honestly: 3 Really, I have no idea. 4 She immediately suggest to me (as if expecting such a response) an exercise: 5 Try closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. Forget you are in a classroom along with twenty three children around you. You are all alone. Now imagine yourself fifteen years from now. Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you? Come on, try it. 6 And I did. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. / (Sniff) 7 Nothing happened. 8 Apparently it was something like an acting exercise, one she had learned from the municipality’s free afternoon theatre group for adults.
1 After the class I go out to the yard to play. It’s raining pretty hard but I don’t care. I want to swing more than anything else in the whole world.
2 As a child every time I saw my father cry – and looked at him with wonder and sadness – he used to say that deep inside us we all have a jar of memories and every time it rains the jar fills up. Some days it rains cats and dogs and the jar overflows causing us to cry. We cry non-stop, the jar gets empty and we are happy again… until the jar gets refilled. 3 I take off and swing. First slowly and then quickly, back and forth. 4 Sniff / After a while I close my eyes and take a deep breath again. 5 > Thud Thud Thud < / I hear only the rain. 6 > Swing < / I move faster and faster, irregularly.
1 > Shishh < / > Pop < / I turn into a tiny little man… 2 > Foosh < / … And a giant hand picks me up like a child’s toy… 3 … And throws me into a huge jar of water. 4 > Splash < / I’m sinking. I’m drowning. I’m helpless. 5 Alone. 5 > Thud Clap Thud < / Once again, I get lost in the sounds of the rain. / > Thud Clap Calp < 6 Loud as applause, they push me to the surface. One, two, three… and I’m out1 Back in present. I’m saved, sitting on the chair in my empty room. 2 It’a just me and the sweat running down my spine. 3 It’s raining harder and harder outside. Whenever it rains I’m afraid. I’m so afraid I want to cry. 4 Each drop of rain feels like a lost memory – like people that have been forgotten, they disappear every time they hit the ground. 5 Every drop is a scream, an end. 6 I’ve always thought that every time someone cries in another continent his tears turn into cooling rain in here. 7 The memories of others are released into the sky and the sky corresponds to me. The memories fall down right on me. For me only. 8 I try to shed some tears too, to water a part of the earth myself, but I can’t. 9 I don’t remember anything that makes me sad.
1 Actually I don’t remember anything at all. 2 It is as if my brain followed the teacher’s magical command and chose to literally teleport me into the future. 3 Without holding tight to the events and the people on the way. 4 Otherwise, someone must have snuck into my mind and drunk the entire jar of memories… Karolina Galvydyté: AUTUUS / BLISS 3 Hey, what is it? Are you OK? 4 Don’t you feel it? 5 No, nothing is happening! 6 Exactly, bliss.

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