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#73 SYKSY / AUTUMN 2024

© Taiteilijat / Artists ISSN 1796-587X www.kutikuti.com

Toimitus ja julkaisija / Editorial & publisher Kutikuti Päätoimittaja / Editor-in-chief Petra Virtanen

Taitto / Layout Ivanda Jansone Kansikuva / Cover Kimmo Lust Painos / Print-run 7 000 Kirjapaino / Printer Printall Mainosmyynti / Ad sales kutimagazine@gmail.com

Tässä numerossa / In this issue Sara Ahola, Benjamin Bergman, Frida Hinders, Sanna Hukkanen, Antti Kurvinen, Kimmo Lust, Joonas Rinta-Kanto, Anna Sailamaa, Tiitu Takalo

Kutikutin 20-vuotisnäyttelyjen graafisen ilmeen, jota on käytetty myös tässä lehdessä, ovat suunnitelleet Kaisa ja Christoffer Leka . / The visual guidelines for Kutikuti’s 20th anniversary exhibitions, also used in this magazine, were created by Kaisa and Christoffer Leka

Kiitämme / Thanks to

Kuti-lehteä julkaiseva Kutikuti ry on vuonna 2005 perustettu nykysarjakuvaan erikoistunut yleishyödyllinen ja taiteilijavetoinen yhdistys. Voit tilata Kuti-lehden myös kotiisi. Neljä numeroa sisältävän vuositilauksen hinta on 20 euroa, ulkomaille 26 euroa. Teet tilauksen kätevimmin kotisivuillamme osoitteessa www.kutikuti.com. Kuti-lehden seuraava numero ilmestyy joulukuussa 2024.

Hanna Kanto 6.–29.9.2024

Ville Löppönen 4.–27.10.2024

Hanna Westerberg 1.–24.11.2024

Galleria Halmetoja Kalevankatu 16, Helsinki tue-fri 11-18, sat-sun 12-16

www.galleryhalmetoja.com @galleriahalmetoja

Tuomas Tiainen
Tuomas Tiainen
Joonas Rinta-Kanto: Hannu hakeutuu hommiin / Hannu hopes to get hired
1 Hannu is on his way to a job interview. 2 On the bus, fellow passengers observe as Hannu puts a bag of snus in his upper lip. 3 In reality, Hannu inserts a time capsule in his upper lip… 4 that, once it infuses into his blood stream, will expand his time consciousness.

1 The expanded time consciousness comes in handy when Hannu is called into the interview… / Hannu Yli-Kännykkä, please. 2 and the interviewer asks him the question: / Can you explain this gap in your CV? 3 Hannu is able to say: I can. It’s not a gap. It’s a rift in space-time. 4 Look into the rift and you will see my work history. / Wha… 5 The rift reveals Hannu’s stone age workplace. / That’s the cave where I worked as a fire supervisor. 6 Hannu’s prehistoric foreman stumbles out from inside the cave.

1 Hannu’s foreman gives him his recommendations. 2 The interviewer is impressed. / Okay, wow, impressive. 3 The interview ends on a good note. / Thank you. We’ll let you know. / Thank you. 4 Hannu returns home. At night, in a state of time unconsciousness, he dreams about dodging the pulsing hands of time at the last moment.* / No… Nnnooooo… Eww! / *a typical time capsule withdrawal symptom 5 Sadly for Hannu, the job is given to a more qualified candidate. / Welcome to the team, Ygä! 6 Ygä has a future here as a senior stone age tool developer. And unlike some, he didn’t show up to the interview with

in his


that? / Drawn in Helsinki by

in the year 2024 and, under the influence of a time capsule, in a Norwegian land hole in the 16th century.

upper lip.
Uug.. Who the hell does
Joonas Rinta-Kanto
Sanna Hukkanen

Tiitu Takalo: Koski / The Rapids 1 I’ll tell you! It used to be only a small stream, but last spring the flood waters rose so much that the waters of the big lake started rushing down the hill. 2 And now there are those great rapids there. 3 We came by boat from Pirkkala to help my sister Kylli and to bring all kinds of things. Kylli became a widow and now keeps a house alone on the edge of the rapids. There’s no lack of suitors. But does she want any of them? 4 Kylli wants the piece of jewelry that I have exchanged from the merchant, so that she can show the dignity of an independent hostess. They say that the beautiful silver coins were brought from far away. They have patterns that no one understands.

1 I started working at the cotton factory in the upper reaches almost three years ago. I’m about to turn fifteen. According to the new law, I can decide for myself what to do with my pennies. Heikki said yesterday that he would like to marry me. 2 I don’t want to! I want to manage my own money myself. I can do it! The work is so hard that self-earned money feels like a treasure. That’s why I can withstand the dangers, dust and roaring machines of the factory hall. Long working hours. I don’t want to give my money to Heikki. 3 I passed the matriculation exam last spring. I bought a mountain bike with the money gifts. In the summer I went to Prague with my friend. The city was full of American youths who flocked to kick the footbag in the square of the town hall to the point of annoyance. 4 I started the art school in autumn. The school operates in an old cotton factory by the rapids. The old walls around me exude history. How many people have walked here before me?

This is a staircase between universes and dimensions. We walk along this through time.

Sara Ahola

Then we lean on the railing between the two worlds.

The higher we go, the brigher the light and the faster the speed. With radiation, the brain works at full 100% capacity.
The subconscious, fragmented into atoms connects with the surrounding. As tiny pieces of space at the beginning of matter. The dream and the planets float together.
Kimmo Lust: Odotus / The Waiting I knew you are about to die. But, all the same, couldn’t you just be alive please. I.e. when the death rang twice.

Antti Kurvinen: Aika / Time

1 This is my attempt to process time. The problem is the continuous movement of time. Sometimes I took the movement into account, and the time stopped, but the movement around it continued. 2 With me, it raptures 3 I tried to divide time into sections. / It always unravels no matter how hard I try to trap it. / Where does it even come from? 4 I follow time. / Time follows me.

1 When time runs out, more time is revealed underneath. / I can divide time into pieces that suit me. Scared, that the tentacles scoop it up for themselves. / Control it. / I can determine how I use my time. Still, the roots of other time reach it. 2 Fragments of time, possibly from the past get stuck in the layers of the earth. Observing more closely, I noticed that time is still moving in every direction, although it has passed.

1 I need to feel time. / If I can’t see time, it does not go as usual. 2 Define speed. / Measure. 3 Time consumes everything, nothing is saved from it. / Endlessly.

1 Can I detect movement without time? I don’t know in which direction I was moving. 2 Gravity / attraction helped me detect time. 3 To which 4 Direction 5 Did it take time? 6 Did I recognize time without movement, or did I move in every direction? 7 Time helps detect gravity / attraction. 8 Time bends and arches. It was in multiple different forms. I couldn’t find it anywhere.

1 Here, I start investigating time. 2 Other things don’t move by seeing. / Other things continue to move unseen. 3 However, you only have your own time. / I have decided to start dealing with time.

Anna Sailamaa: Teroitin / Sharpener 1 TEACHER! MISS! I need a sharpener! / In the classroom, where I substitute, the sharpeners are always missing. 2 Could you go and ask from the school office? / At some point I bring my own.
Miss. Is it OKAY to have pineapple in pizza? / I anticipate that waiting will cause trouble.
Miss! Are we going to learn how to make fake money? / Miss. Did you know that bananas don’t grow in a tree? It is a herbaceous plant that only looks like a tree. / But for some reason no one gets mad.

Miss. What is the greatest thing that you have done in your life? / Miss. What is the worst thing that a human can do? / Miss. Do you have people in your life that you wish you had never met? / First I am sure I’ll be able to fix the problem. I calculate the budget for table top sharpeners and come up with new rules and regulations and instructions.


1 Miss. Do you like perfumes? What is your favorite scent? / Miss. Which one do you choose? Never to teach again or to have four million dollars? / Miss! Could you
again? I’m at risk of getting early dementia because I have to scream so much. I didn’t hear a word that you said. 2 Miss! A 3-letter word! Guess what it is! Starting with S, then E, and X in the end! I made you gag! / At some point I figure out that the problem is not a problem and I start to smile.
Frida Hinders: Past time / Mennyt aika 1 Päivä päivältä 2 Mikään ei näytä muuttuvan
Mutta kun katson taaksepäin / Kaikki on erilaista!
Ja mietin
Minne mennyt aika menee?


31.8.–1.9. 2024





Vuoden Graafikko 2024 -palkintonäyttely


Kurssivalikoimassa uutuuskursseja kuten käsivarapiirustus, croquis, supersankarisarjakuva ja LEGO®-animaatio. Mukana myös suositut klassikkokurssit sarjakuvailmaisu ja kuvituskurssi.

Tutustu kurssilistaukseen nettisivuilta sarjakuvakeskus.fi

Nähdään Sarjiskeskuksella!


Sarjainfo on kulttuurilehti, joka on kirjoittanut sarjakuvasta vuodesta 1972 alkaen. Ilmiöt, haastattelut, kritiikit, pienlehdet, tapahtumat – kotimaassa ja ulkomailla!

Liity Suomen sarjakuvaseuraan (35 €/vuosi, alle 18 v. 30 €/vuosi) osoitteessa sarjakuvaseura.fi


Sarjakuva valtaa museot

Kouvolassa ja Kuopiossa

Kouvolan ja Kuopion näyttelyt juhlistavat sarjakuvakollektiivi Kutikutin 20-vuotista taivalta.

18.10.2024–26.1.2025 KUOPION TAIDEMUSEO

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