Dimitris Abramopoulos (GRC), Tessa Astre (FIN), Klaudia Denisov (FIN), Dileydi Florez (PRT), Sinan Güneli (FRA), Milja Komulainen (FIN), Matilda Matsi (FIN), Gréta Mihály (HUN), Viljo Pennanen (FIN), Werner Sennen (NLD)
Kuti-lehteä julkaiseva Kutikuti ry on vuonna 2005 perustettu nykysarjakuvaan erikoistunut yleishyödyllinen ja taiteilijavetoinen yhdistys. Voit tilata Kuti-lehden myös kotiisi. Suomeen neljä numeroa sisältävän vuositilauksen hinta on 20 euroa, ulkomaille 26 euroa. Teet tilauksen kätevimmin kotisivuillamme osoitteessa www.kutikuti.com. Kuti-lehden seuraava numero ilmestyy elokuussa 2024.

4 Buy some ice cream 5 Please 6 Not today thanks 7 Not supporting small business I see... How dare you 8 Boo-hoo 9 Don’t you have a heart A Ugh, oh dear D I’ll take some chocolate
Klaudia Denisov: JÄTSKI / ICE CREAM 3 Ice cream
6 10 euros
is artisan ice cream / oh 9 It’s good
1 Sniffle..oh, but the thing is... 2 ...we don’t have chocolate flavour in our selection / Strawberry then? / No / Pear? / no, no! / Vanilla? 3 What flavours do you have then 4 Meatloaf / Gasoline / Sausage / The house special is boiled egg / my personal favourite is dust bag 5 Well I’ll take the egg one then / Yes madam thank you / That’s pricey 7 This
Güneli: PITI
/ I HAD A SHIT! 1 There are some creatures we have never seen. / Like me!
2 Our camera is the window to and enchanting world. / Whatever…
It seems like this strange animal is going to show us something!

Wow! This is amazing!

1 What was that!? 2 I had a shit.

/ ONE DAY AT THE TIME 1 I'm living one day at a time. 3 Focusing more in the present.
5 And not thinking so much on the future. 6 Do you know what I'm talking about? 3 Yes! I know perfectly what you’re saying.

This past few months I have been dreaming with different animals. / Yesterday night it was a whale. / I wasn’t scared but I remember that when she was opening her mouth I woke up. / When we dream, time is no more.

1 And when we wake up, that time becomes present / We start thinking about him and living in it. 2 Either cause it’s time to get out of bed or because we have obligations to do. 3 Tic - tac - tic - tac sounds the clock in my head. 4 Yes!

3 I also want to be in the present and live one day at a time. 4 Some days I can do it. Others not so much.

I am doing my best. / We are here and we are well. / I have no regrets concerning our decisions. / And I know that we are working for a better future!

Matilda Matsi: TRAIN ALONE TOGETHER There, there, how about some Peppa Pig next? / Random tiktok-videos / Ha ha, have you seen!?!

1 Okay! 2 What is this need to use your phone with sound on without headphones on? 3 I often travel by train. / Intolerable digital noise. 4 Almost every time there is someone in the compartment who uses their phone without headphones on. 5 IT / IS 6 INTOLERABLE

1 The most irritating are people who watch programs on their phone with the sound on very low. 2 As if it was less irritating because the noise isn’t very loud! 3 I often end up saying about it. / Hey sorry, would you mind turning the volume down here on the train? 4 Usually people stop the noise with apologies but with a little confused air. 5 As if they don’t understand they’re doing anything wrong.

1 With a friend I’ve sometimes wondered what would happen if - when sitting next to some noisemaker - one would in cold blood put a video on with sound playing. 2 Would that make them understand how annoying it is? Or would they notice at all? / Other passengers might not appreciate this method though…

1 I’m tired of always being the one who musters up the courage to say about this. 2 And who thinks about strategies to act on these moments. 3 I’ve had enough. Do you hear me VR?!?* 4 On every journey, you should have an announcement on loudspeakers that says it is forbidden to use your phone with sound on. And put some reminders on the backs of the seats at the same time. Your local autist and the whole nation thanks you! 5 If someone didn’t get it yet: people! 6 Use headphones! 7 PS. Same goes for busses!
*(VR is goverment-owned railway company in Finland)

Good afternoon, customer service Smokestack Sausages, this is Werner Sennen speaking, how can I help you today? 2 Hello, I’d like to file a complaint because your sausages made me sick!!! 3 I’m sorry to hear that…how can…I…HUH?!! 4 What the…you look just like my mother! / Water! Water!!! 5 Fortunately I have an aquarium here! 6 I wish my son would have been a surgeon 7 I work in customer service because the only thing I learned in life is how to deal with complaining people…… 8 TICK, TICK 9 Hey! Knock it off!! / TICK, TICK, TICK, TICK, TICK A We’re here to get our money back!! / CRACK, CRACK, CRASH! B I can’t offer money, but we do have smokestack goodybags… C Fuck it!! We’ll take the fish!

Kurssivalikoimassa uutuuskursseja kuten käsivarapiirustus, croquis, supersankarisarjakuva ja LEGO®-animaatio. Mukana myös suositut klassikkokurssit sarjakuvailmaisu ja kuvituskurssi.
Tutustu kurssilistaukseen nettisivuilta sarjakuvakeskus.fi
Nähdään Sarjiskeskuksella!

Vuoden Huiput 2023 -näyttely
Viimeiset hitaat
Vuoden Graafikko 2024 -palkintonäyttely


STARS HOLD THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE BLIND CAN SEE / arouse their passion, / LOVE? / Folkway / Consciously they lower the level of their thoughts, it was, therefore, an easy prey, of anger, resentment, aggression / Levels of spirituality / the mission of the spirits of nature / DEATH THROES / life

Mihaly: KUJAKISSA / ALLEY CAT 2 It was a nice party, huh? 3 I did so many drugs, I feel a-ma-zing 4 Hey, look… Poor thing has a bucket on it’s head… 5 Oh my god, sooo cuuute! 6 Let’s help! 7 Don’t come closer!!! Leave me alone! 8 Okay, chill, we’re going… 9 Look at that asshole harassing poor people… / It’s illegal to live on the streets… you have to pay! / Let’s do justice here…
1 Huh??? 4 Oh no! I must help! 5 This is the flattest ass I’ve ever seen by the way… / …no wonder he’s a cop 7 Hahaha, who’s big boy now??? 8 Here’s you money sir, plus some extra for the inconvenience.

A friend brought it for me from Palestine last year.

It’s so beautiful. Red flowers, a deep blue rim.

I don’t know who made this bowl.

1 But sometimes I wonder if they’re still alive.
2 Free Palestine.