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2016/08/02 17:53
Mamas & Papas | September 2016 Cover Model: Vabakshnee Chetty-Miller Photographer: Reze Bonna Styled By: Tebatjo Manamela Assisted by: Nuraan Motlekar Make-Up: Khetiwe Mkhabela
58 On the cover
14 Your Chemical Pregnancy
30 Preparing For An Unmedicated Birth
19 How To Beat Pregnancy Backache
33 A Guide To Your Preemie Eye Care
24 Three Trimesters Of Sleep Advice
44 The Intricacies Of A Toddler’s Appetite
40 Best Ways To Make Brushing Fun For Toddlers 48 Nature Through The Eyes Of Your Child
54 The Truth About ADHD
64 Co-Sleeping And Your Relationship
58 Vabakshnee Chetty-Miller Merges Cultures And Families
71 Wandile Molebatsi Talks About The Role Of The Father M a m a s & Pa p a s
Contents_Sep 2016.indd 1
2016/08/10 14:34
Mamas & Papas | September 2016 Section guidelines 10 Pre-Pregnancy 11 Pregnancy 30 Labour & Birth
In every issue 06 From the Editor’s Pen 08 Contributors’ Page 09 Your Letters 17 Subscriptions 88 Stockists List
33 Babies 0-1 year 40 Toddlers 2-3 years 48 Preschoolers 4-7 years 54 Special Needs 58 Working Moms & Dads
Your regulars 11 Preggy Diaries
80 71 DeConstruct To Construct: Fumani Shilubana | FatherFigureZA 78 Motoring: Melissa Jane Cook
18 Baby Names
36 Philips AVENT Hall Of Fame 47 Gogo’s Advice 51 Real-Life Story 52 Kids’ Fashion 68 Parents With Pizzazz 72 Recipes: It’s Braai Time! 76 Décor: Timeless Colour Trends 80 Travel: Holidays With The Children 84 Reviews
85 GEMS Baby Showers
Columns 10 Fertility: Dr Antonio Rodrigues 28 Your Gynae 38 Dr Dad: Dr Ashraf Ahmed 67 Cancer Column: Zoleka Mandela 70 Family Law: Advocate Veerash Srikison
Contents_Sep 2016.indd 2
22 Preggy Fashion
M a m a s & Pa p a s
2016/08/10 18:37
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2016/08/10 15:22
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CEO of Kwenta Media & Founding Editor of Mamas & Papas
Nawaal Nolwazi Mdluli
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Tracy Maher Loren Stow Cathrine Versfeld, Claire Maher, Fulvia Stoltz, Hlulani Masingi, Kati Dijane, Mary Moore, Melissa Jane Cook, Peta Daniel, Thina Mthembu Tumi Mdluli Tebatjo Manamela Nuraan Motlekar
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Nuraan Motlekar Akhona Gushman Kholiwe Nkambule, Wezi Njovu
Kelly Moyo Tebatjo Manamela Gabriel Mashishi, Yusuf Msinyi Adv. Veerash Srikison, Grace Masuku, Dr Alessia Gioliano, Dr Antonio Rodrigues, Dr Ashraf Ahmed, Dr Birgit Katharina Bothner, Dr Bongani Khumalo, Dr Sumayya Ebrahim, Lethepu Matshaba, Major-General Jackie Modise, Maria Sterrenberg, Mohammed Bhabha Adv. Veerash Srikison, Dr Antonio Rodrigues, Dr Ashraf Ahmed, Fumani N. Shilubana, Melissa Jane Cook, Zoleka Mandela Kwenta Media (Pty) Ltd. 19 Weaver Street, Fourways, 2001 Tel: 0861 873 689, Fax: 0866 726 468 Mamas & Papas: P.O. Box 4437, Dainfern, 2055 / /
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Mamas & Papas Magazine, TV show, Website and Webzine are 100% owned and published by Kwenta Media (Pty) Ltd. The editor and publisher reserve the right to alter copy and visual material as deemed necessary. Copyright by Kwenta Media (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved. BBBEE Level 1
Masthead September 2016 .indd 4
2016/08/10 15:00
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2016/08/10 15:22
M&P|from the editor�s pen
Ed's Letter.indd 6
footsteps have taken us, and anticipate what still lies ahead with renewed vigour. Mamas & Papas magazine embraces this perfect time to take your families outside and teach your children about the natural world (See page 48). My favourite feature in this issue is the décor piece on page 76 which show parents timeless colour trends for the nursery or child’s room. The team endeavours to present content that is both rewarding and informative, adding to the growth of our reader families! As the days become longer and we peel away layers of clothing, remember to add layers of sunscreen to protect your skin. It is also allergy season, so stock up on the antihistamines so that more time can be spent outdoors. Enjoy our travel advice on page 80 on how to make holidaying with
the family a memorable experience – in a good way! I trust you will find the content in this issue helpful on your journey through the new season and, for our new mamas and papas, the perfect guide to being a parent.
and Team M&P
FIND US ON: We want to hear from you! Write to me at nawaal@ or post a comment on our Facebook page.
here has the year gone? We are already in September and thinking about the December holiday and Christmas shopping. I am not complaining; I just wish it would slow down a little so that I can immerse myself in my daughter’s journey of growth and development. Soon she will be in the double digits and with that comes all sorts of challenges, from menstruation and mood swings to an increased load of homework. While we reflect on the past, it is important to note that our experiences can serve as a lesson for the future. Two things we are guaranteed: the passage of time and change of seasons. Let’s reflect on what has been and look where our M a m a s & Pa p a s
2016/08/10 17:29
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2016/08/10 15:23
M&P|columnists & contributors FERTILITY COLUMN
FAMILY LAW Dr Antonio Rodrigues MBBCH(Wits) FCOG(SA) MBA(Henley)
70 Zoleka Mandela
Infertility specialist, founder developer and director of Medfem Fertility Clinic, along with fellow directors, Dr Johan van Schouwenburg and Dr Johan van Rensburg. Co-author of the book Faster, Better, Sicker and co-developer of StaminoGro (Georen Pharmaceuticals). The doctor’s special medical interests lie in lifestyle management to improve fertility. Dr Rodrigues is married to clinical psychologist Mandy Rodrigues and together they have six children, ranging from 28 to 6 years in age. Contact Dr Rodrigues on 011 463 2244.
Advocate Veerash Srikison Advocate Veerash Srikison is an internationally accredited mediator at Fair Practice in Johannesburg. For more information on mediation and how you can benefit from it, visit www.fairpractice.
Although the unexpected and tragic loss of two of her children surpassed her battle with addiction, her early breast cancer diagnosis catapulted Zoleka from a journey of pain and struggle to one of hope, faith and inspiration. Zoleka is an author, a motivational speaker and founder of the Zoleka Mandela Foundation. Visit
@zolekamandela zolekamandelafoundation
Dr Ashraf Ahmed
Fumani N. Shilubana
Dr Ahmed is a Johannesburg-based paediatrician and father of 5 children, Iman (16), Mehreen (9), and 8-year-old triplets Jazib, Taheem and Alman – conceived naturally! His wife Aneesa is also a doctor.
Father, actor, producer, social entrepreneur, founder of Father Figure ZA and DeCon2Con Talks “If the passion and talent that God gave me won’t make a better difference in people’s lives, then I don’t want to do anything.”
Contact Dr Dad on 011 875 1845 or 011 875 1840.
Melissa Jane Cook Bewitched by the magic of France, Melissa Jane Cook is an intrepid explorer. A lover of traversing the globe, she eagerly absorbs different cultures and laps up the magnificent oceanic experiences. Wooed by words and writers alike, her penchant for facials, chocolate, owls and bugs is surpassed only by her fascination with the stage aglow in lights or bookshelves that heave with stories, where characters invite her along on their marvellous journeys. @jwanderlustmjc
Dr Ebrahim is a registered psychologist in Johannesburg. She holds an Honours degree in Applied Psychology, a cum laude Masters degree in Psychology and a PhD. Her academic interests are Wellbeing, Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology, Critical Psychology and Infertility. Dr Ebrahim is both an academic and a practitioner and is the author of Investment in Self: A comprehensive well being construct. Contact Dr Ebrahim on 078 864 2007 or email Visit
Contact Veerash on 011 046 2644.
Dr Sumayya Ebrahim
@FumaniShilubana @FatherFigureSA FumaniNShilubana FatherFigureSA
Claire Maher Claire works fulltime at a school in Johannesburg and maintains a private practice. Claire is interested in attachment, barriers to learning and fair assessment practices in South Africa. In her free time, Claire enjoys drinking tea, cycling, photography, cooking and spending time with her family and friends. Contact Claire on 071 150 1863 or @Educ_Psych
M a m a s & Pa p a s
M&P Contributors May Page.indd 8
2016/08/10 15:01
HORMONES ARE REAL I always love the content of your magazine! I never really took the relationship between my hormones and emotions seriously, unless I was on my period and feeling cranky, or when I fell pregnant and my body just went haywire. Loren Stow’s ‘Hormonal Happiness’ in the August 2016 issue was a great article and very informative. You have one satisfied reader who can’t wait for your next issue! Karusha Naicker Ladysmith, KZN
666 reactions Matilda Tilly Mohlao Ramothwala I love this lady. She’s always so natural. The white dress should be on the cover though. It’s gorgeous! 2 Likes Xolile Mathenjwa Nice one. Sewela Malapile Wow! Is the lady Dr Nthabaleng from Muvhango? 1 reply PheladimmiaRati Moganedi Wow gal. Nothemba Tshifhiwa Gebashe Wow beautiful. Joy Joyous So beautiful hle. I like and very unique. Joyce Baloyi Natural woman herself. 378 reactions Kgomotso Lelentle Thelma I think this is bravery. I admire her for this. Nothing wrong with it at all. It shows a mother’s love right there. It shows that as women we must never be limited when it comes to our children. 32 likes
@MomVanNae Needed to hear that again RT @Mamas_n_Papas: #ThoughtfulThursday #NelsonMandela “Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward.” 1 like
We want to hear from you Share your thoughts, opinions, suggestions and touching family stories. Log on to our website or drop us a mail at We reserve the right to edit all letters for the purposes of publishing.
1 265 likes monamonyane Did you get your copy #mamasnpapas #aboutme #blacklove #womanhood mahlatse_nana @monamonyane I see your Yangu in you here. Y’all aren’t related in a way? nkelephadi I’m getting my copy @monamonyane
M a m a s & Pa p a s
Letters.indd 9
2016/08/10 15:04
LIFESTYLE ISSUES 1. Stress Is time-urgency perfectionism stress a daily stress in their lives? This can be assessed very easily by a few questions: D o you like things to be perfect – either yourself or people or things around you? Are you always on the go from before you wake up to going to sleep, and even in your sleep – too much to do with not enough time to do it perfectly? D o you take things personally all of the time? If you answer yes to these symptoms then you are a Time-Urgent Perfectionist and suffer from Time-urgency Perfectionism Stress Syndrome (TUPS). This syndrome immediately targets the fact that the female has 99 percent chance of having underlying endometriosis and a 15 to 20 percent chance of having an autoimmune-related problem. These conditions are usually symptom free. TUPS in the male leads to an increased chance of DNA problems, with the sperm and poor sperm binding to the egg. TUPS patients have a higher chance of lifestyle excesses, including excessive carbohydrate consumption, excessive consumption of alcohol or recreational drugs, as well as excessive exerciseenhancing products and smoking. 2. Poor Diet This is a very simple concept. A high consumption of refined carbohydrates causes
Fertility_2.indd 10
A HOLITISTIC APPROACH TO INFERTILITY Dr Antonio Rodrigues explains how using all the resources available can reverse the underlying causes of infertility weight gain, cravings, tiredness, sugar lows and mood swings, and is clinically diagnosed by measuring fasting insulin levels. In females this causes polycystic ovarian syndrome, multi-cystic ovaries, poor egg quality and increased miscarriage rates. Men can expect a reduced sperm count, increased abnormal sperm and DNA damage.
OUR HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TREATING THESE PROBLEMS: 1. Control Time-urgency Perfectionism Stress (TUPS) – See for more detail. 2. It’s essential that the infertile couple adopt a healthy dietary plan. This should be strictly adhered to if fasting insulin levels are high. The recommended diets are either a low-glycemic carbohydrate diet or the Banting diet, depending on the individual’s preferences. 3. Reduce the intake of alcohol to a minimum. 4. Stop smoking.
5. Stop all fat burners, carbohydraterich protein shakes, steroids and recreational drugs. There has been a massive rise in other holistic approaches including reflexology, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, herbalist and iridology to name a few. These treatments do cost money and may play a role in helping the infertile couple manage their lifestyle problems. However, these extra treatments will not work if the lifestyle basics are not followed. Lastly, there is no quick fix in life – the infertile couple needs to address these lifestyle issues not only to improve their Time-To-Pregnancy rate, but more importantly to increase their lifespan by reducing their chances of developing lifestyle related diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, hypertension and autoimmune disease.
he common causes of infertility are mostly based on lifestyle problems including stress, poor dietary habits, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Excessive exercise can also play a role if accompanied by consumption of muscle builders, protein shakes and steroid abuse. This does not include blocked Fallopian tubes or severe non-hormonal male infertility. Medfem Clinic’s approach to our fertility patient does differ from most clinics. We look at two aspects of the infertile couples, lifestyle issues and clinical investigations, to comprehensively diagnose the causes of the couple’s infertility.
M a m a s & Pa p a s
2016/08/10 15:05