Studio 2 | Rituals of Gastronomy

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Ri t ual sof Gast ronomy WONG KWOK KENG

Ms. Sharon Ong | Mr. Ari f f Fadl an Ami n | Ms. Mal i za I smai l

Thi spagei si nt ent i onal l yl ef tbl ank


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Proj ect1:AboutMassi moBottura. . . . . . . . . . . 3 Proj ect2:Hi sCompactWorkspace. . . . . . . . . . 9 Proj ect3:TheRi tual sofGastronomy. . . . 15

RI TUALS OF GASTRONOMY Ri t ual sofgast ronomyi sacol l ect i onofunconsci ousj ourneysmappedwi t hi naspacedesi gnf orachosencl i ent .Thecl i ent ,ChefPat ronofOst eri aFrancescana,Massi moBot t urai sanI t al i angast ronomy& artent husi ast .Thebri efi st ost udyt hebackgroundoft hesai dcl i entt of urt her underst and hi sneedst o creat easi ngl espacef ort hespeci f i ccl i entashi sworki ngspacevi acl ari f yi ngt hei dent i t yoft hecl i entbased on hi s prof essi on,hobbi es,charact eri st i csand pref erenceofsi t ef ort hi sproj ect . AboutMassi mo Bot t urai sagat heri ng ofi nf ographi ct o bet t erunderst and and f orf urt herdevel opmentoft hecl i ent sspat i alcharact er .Gast ronomyi st hest udyoff oodandcul t ureandbyst udyi ngChefMassi mo’ sant hropomet ri cwi t hi nt hegast ronomi cspaces,unvei l sandmapst he basi cri t ual sofharmoni cmot i on between Massi mo Bot t uraand t hespaceson adai l ybasi s.Bydesi gni ngacompactworkspacef orChefMassi mo i deat ed f rom hi sremarkabl e di sh of“ Oops,Idropped t he l emon t art ! ”a deconst ruct ed f orm ofl emon t artmet aphori cal l y exempl i f i es f oodoft radi t i oni nevol ut i on.ChefMassi moi sawel l -knownI t al i anAvantGardecui si nechef ,chal l engi ngt henormsoft radi t i onalI t al i angas t ronomy. The“ l emont art ”spl at t erserveasacont i nui t yofdi spersi ngef f ect swhi chf urt herradi at esoutwardcreat i ngt hespacesoft hedwel l i ngaspart ofan ext ensi on ofhi sworkspace,wherehei sabl et o reach hi sworkspaceatcl oseproxi mi t y.Ri t ual sofgast ronomyexpl orest hespat i alpot ent i al i t i esandt herel at i vi t ybetween hi spri vat eandpubl i cspacemappi nghi sdai l yrout i necreat i ngavi sualtwo-di mensi onalj ourneywhere t henodesand mot i onsconst ructabi ggerent i ret yoft hespat i alri t ual s.

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


MASSI MO BOTTURA Pr oj ect01-AboutMas s i moBot t ur a AboutMassi moBot t urai sagat heri ngofi nf ographi ct obet t erunderst andsand f or f urt herdevel opmentoft he cl i ent sspaci alcharact er .Gast ronomyi sdef i ne ast he st udy off ood and cul t ure and by st udyi ng ChefMassi mo’ sant hropomet ri c wi t hi n t hegast ronomi cspaces,unvei l sandmapst hebasi cri t ual sofharmoni cmot i onbetween Massi mo Bot t uraand t hespaceson adai l ybasi s.ChefMassi mo Bot t urai sa wel l -known 3 Mi chel i n St arscheff rom ahumbl eci t yofsl ow f ood and f astcarsi n t heI t al i an out ski rt sofEmi l i aRomagnaregi on,Modena.


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

BI O Name :Massimo Bottura Born

:30 Sept1962

Ori gi n :Modena,EmiliaRomagna,Italy Work :Chefpatron ,Restaurateur About hi m :He is inspired by the deep

rootof I t al i an cui si ne f rom art ,musi c sl ow f ood t of ast cars.He i s a moderni st ,avant garde cui si ne chefwho chal l engest he t radi t i on and recreat es cl assi cI t al i an cui si ne i n t hecont emporaryway.


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


BI OGRAPHY “ Hehasanetwort hof1 6mi l l i on dol l ars.He has a hei ght of1 76 cm and wei ghi ng 78kg. He has brown eyes.A Roman cat hol i c,he has a wi f e,Lara Gi l more and 2 chi l dren, a daught er name Al exa and a son name Charl i e” He i si nt erest ed i nf ood,art ,cul t ure, t ravel ,musi cand desi gn

ORI GI N “ Massi mo Bot t ura was born i n Modena,a ci t y of sl ow f ood and f ast cars i n t he Nort hern regi on of Emi l i a Romagna, I t al y. A pl ace wheret hef i nestoft he bal sami c vi neger and Parmagi ano Reggi ano cheeseori gi nat ed”


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


EDUCATI ON “ I n 1 984 j ust f ol l owi ng secondary schoolhe enrol l ed as al aw st udentatt heUni versi t yofModena.Af t ertwo years he l ef t t he uni versi t y and opt ed i nst ead t o work i nt he f ami l y busi ness.He recei ved anhonorarydegreef rom Uni versi t y ofBol ogna and a di pl oma i n Art sf rom Academy off i neart sCarrara,I t al



NEVER TRUST A SKI NNY I TALI AN CHEF “ He was awarded 1Mi chel i n st arsf or4 consecut i ve years f rom 2002 t o 2005,2 Mi chel i n st ars f rom 2006 t o 201 0 and 3 Mi chel i n st ars f rom 201 1t o 201 8.Hi s rest aurant Ost eri a Francescana was short l i st ed i nt he Worl d’ s50 Best i nt he year 201 3,201 4, 201 5, 201 6, 201 7 and 201 8. Bot hyear201 6and201 8were i nt he1 stpl ace”


ACHI EVEMENTS Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


FOOD FOR SOUL Food f orsoulai mst o enabl et he t ransf ormat i on ofpeopl e,pl acesandf ood,webui l d acul t ureofval uet hatwi l lst rengt hencommuni t y resi l i ence,open opport uni t i es f or soci al and economi c mobi l i t y and bui l d heal t hi erand moreequi t abl ef ood syst ems. Through aphi l osophyofpart nershi p,Food f or Soul i s bui l di ng a progressi ve human-cent red modeland di versenetworkof part ners t o demonst rat et he ef f i cacy of cul t ure as an approach t of ost er human connect i ons and i mprove f ood syst ems. Our j oi nt ef f ort s are ai med at bui l di ng a bet t er and more sust ai nabl e f ut ure f or peopl e and t he pl anet ,respondi ng t o some oft he most pressi ng gl obalchal l enges of ourt i mebyaccel erat i ngopport uni t i esofa morei ncl usi vesoci et y.


Col l aborati on 7

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

I ntegri ty

I magi nati on

Excel l ence

I deas

Potenti al


SI GNATURE CREATI ONS Psychedel i cvealnotfl amegri l l ed i sadi sh i nspi red byan art i stt hatpl ays wi t h yourmi nd.t he smoked out si de f l avouri screat ed f rom smoked ol i ve. compl i ment i ngt hesaucewi t ht hesamequant i tybecomesaworkofart Green overbrown overbl ack :camoufl ageri cehasgreen overbrown over bl acki sri sot t ocookedt hreewaysi nt hreedi f f erentbrot h,veget abl es,por ci ni and cut t l ef i sh i nkrespect i vel y. Fi ve ages ofparmi gi ano reggi ano i n di f f erenttext ures and temperat uresi sasal tyumanibombi nt hemout h.compri sesa f l uf f y souf f l e,t ui l e,“ ai r”,cream and f oam,each made wi t h di f f erentagesofcheese. Oops!Idropped the l emon tarti s a worl d cl ass desserti nspi red by a l i t t l e ki t chen acci dent .he was wi t h aJ apanese past ry chef ,t aka kondo when he pl at ed t he l emon t art and dropped i tacci dent al l yspl at t eri ngi thal fon t hepl at e Caesarsal adi n bl oom arepet i t egem l et t ucesf i l l ed wi t h 27di f f erenti ngredi ent si ncl udi ng edi bl ef l owers,aromat i c herbs,l ocalhoney and dust .cl ean, f resh f l avourst hatburst sand l i ngersi n yourpal at e. The crunchy part ofthe l asagna i s a rei magi ned and deconst ruct ed versi on of t he cl assi c di sh.a crunchyl asagnacrackerdyed i nI t al i an f l ag served wi t h bechamelf oam and aheartybol ognai seofveal and pork.

“ Cul t ure bri ngs knowl edge, knowl edge opens t he consci ousness,creat i vi ty i spoet ry,creat i ng a reci pe i s an i nt el l ect ualgest ure t hati nvol ves i ngredi ent s, t echni ques and memory…art i s not what you see,i t ’ st he meani ng,i t ’ st he met aphor ,i t ’ st he hi ghestpoi ntoft hehuman t hought s” -Massi mo Bot t ura-


COMPACT WORKSPACE Pr oj ect02-Hi scompactwor ks pace Desi gni ngacompactworkspacef orChefMassi mo Bot t urarequi rest hest udyofant ropomet ry speci f i cal l y aboutt he t argetcl i ent .Hence,t hi sproj ectf ocuseson t he st udy ofhi smot i on i n t hevi t alspaces.Theconceptoft heworkspacei si deat ed f rom hi sremarkabl edi sh of“ Oops,I dropped t hel emon t art ! ”adeconst ruct ed f orm ofl emon t artmet aphori cal l yexempl i f i esf ood oft radi t i on i n evol ut i on as chefMassi mo i s a wel l -known I t al i an AvantGarde cui si ne chef , chal l engi ngt henormsoft radi t i onalI t al i an gast ronomy.


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy



Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy



Get t i ngt ool sf rom overhead cabi net

Put t i ngpan i n oven


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Fl ambe-i ng

Scoopi ngquenel l e

Food pl at i ng

Gast ronomy experi ment s

Cut t i ngi ngredi ent s

Gast ronomyresearch


Past amaki ng

Rol l i ngpast adough

Si phon whi ppi ng

Li stoft ool s& ut ensi l s













Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


ZERO s econd af t er i tl ands

v=g. t


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

“The year was 201 2.I t was t he l astdessertoft heeveni ngatOst eri a Francescana. J apanese past rychefTakaKondowaspl at i ng t he l ast t wo port i ons of l emon t artwhen he acci dent al l y droppedone,spl at t eri ngt het art hal f on t he pl at e, hal f on t he ki t chen count er .Taka l ooked at t he di sast er aghast but Bot t ura had a di f f erentreact i on." Taka' s f ace wentwhi t el i ke sheetbutI t ol dhi mt ol ookatt hemessf rom myperspect i ve.Thi si sbeaut i f ul ! Thei mperf ectt arti smuch more beaut i f ult han t he perf ect one. " They recreat ed t he broken ver si on wi t h such preci si on t hati t l ooked l i ke i thad been done on purpose.Thi sl i t t l eki t chen acci dent went a l ong way because f rom t hat day on,t he t art was al waysserved " broken" .

Decons t ruct i ng I mprompt u

SKETCHES Themomentt het arthi t st heground,i tbegan t ospl at t eri neverydi rect i onst art i ngf rom t he very moment i t comes i nt o cont act wi t ht he ground.Si mi l arl y,t hedesi gn met hodol ogyf ol l owst he spl at t eri ng asymmet ri calf orm whi ch t he worki ng space radi at es f rom a cent ral l ocusoft he i mpact ed poi ntexact l y where t he t arthi t st heground.Thespl at t eri ngi scaused by t he gravi t at i onal f orce where t he t art moves cl oser t ot he eart h.The di spersal i s causedbyt hei mpactbywhi ch t hef astmovi ng t arthi t st hest at i onaryground Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


RI TUALS OF GASTRONOMY Pr oj ect03-Ther i t ual sofgas t r onomy Ri t ual sofgast ronomysummari zest heent i renarrat i onoft heproj ectf rom hi sdeepbackgroundt ot heremarkabl edi sh of“ Oops,Idropped t hel emon t art ! ”adeconst ruct ed f orm ofl emon t artmet aphori cal l yexempl i f i es f ood oft radi t i on i n evol ut i on wheret he“ l emon t art ”servesasadat um whi ch f urt herradi at esoutward creat i ngt hespacesoft hedwel l i ngaspartofanext ensi onofhi sworkspace,wherehei sabl et oreachhi sworkspace atcl oseproxi mi t y.Ri t ual sofgast ronomyexpl orest hespat i alpot ent i al i t i esandt herel at i vi t ybetween hi spri vat e and publ i c space mappi ng hi sdai l y rout i ne creat i ng a vi sualtwo-di mensi onalj ourney where t he nodes and mot i onsconst ructabi ggerent i ret yoft hegast ronomi cspat i alri t ual s.


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


Promi nentwi nd di rect i on

Sunpat h




Sunpat h


Annualtemperature: 0oC t o 22oC Annualrai nf al l : 750mm Vegetati on: Mi xed shrubs,hard l eaveevergreen

Compactworki ngspace: 25m2


GROUND FLOOR PLAN Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


FI VE s econds af t er i tl ands I nt heaf t ereventoff reef al l ,t he momentt het arthi t st heground, i tbegan t o spl at t er ,i n every di rect i onst art i ngf rom t hepoi nti t hi t st he ground.Fragment at i on i st he processorst at e ofbreaki ng or bei ng broken i nt of rag ment s when i t undergoes col l i si on wi t ht heground.I mpactvel oci t yi scal cul at ed byv=√2g



Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Decons t ruct i ng I mprompt u

SKETCHES The di spersalf orm i scaused by t he i mpact by whi ch t he f astmovi ng t arthi t st he st at i onary ground.The remnant s oft he spl at t erarel i nesmarkedont ot hesurf aceswhi ch i st hen f urt hert ransl at ed i nt o spaci aldi vi si on oft he ext ensi on oft he exi st i ng work space,t he dwel l i ng.The spl at t ered l i nes & i t s randomness are nodes t hatconst ructa bi ggerent i retyoft hespat i alri t ual .Thesi t e i s chosen f aci ng t he Po Ri ver i st o provi de t he cl i ent a serene and t ranqui lpl ace f or st ayi ng Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


PROCESSES Spaci al di agram of dwel l i ng mapped vi anodesand mot i on of t he cl i ent .Ri t uali sa f ormaland di gni f i ed ceremonyconsi st i ngof aseri esofact i onsperf ormedaccordi ng t o a prescri bed order . Through mappi ng out t he pat h and l ocat i on oft hecl i entspaci al experi ences al l ows more underst andi ngoft hecl i ent ’ sneed and t he spaci alri t ualof t he ent i re bui l di ng.

Spaci aldi agr am ofdwel l i ng

I t er at i onmodel3

I t er at i onmodel2

Rect i l i nearmet hodol ogy Subordi nat e space

Sub-domi nant space

I t er at i onmodel1 Spaci al& ci r cul at i on di agr ams

Domi nant space

MORNI NG ri t ual s


EVENI NG ri t ual s

RI TUALS Dai l y ri t ualofmorni ng and eveni ng act i vi t i esofChefMassi mo Bot t ura mapped on a pl an vi ew of t he bui l di ng. Bul l et poi nt markedasani ndi cat i onofast oppi ngi nhi s dai l y dwel l i ng act i vi t i es whi l et he random l i nesarehi st ravel l i ngpat h.Travel l i ngpat h di f f eratdi f f erentt i mef rame,weekdays or weekend,ni ghtand day.

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy






Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy



Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy



Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy



Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Sect i ondet ai lmodelwi t hmat er i al s Phot osoff i naldes i gnmodelwi t hcont ext .

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy


Phot oofi nt er i mr evi ew

I tgi vesme greatpl easure t o expressmygrat i t ude t owardsmyt ut orMsSharon Ong & t he l ect urers, peers, cri t panel sf or t hei r gui dance t hroughout my j ourney. Al ldi sci pl i nef orthemomentseemsnottobej oyf ul ,butsorrowf ul ,yettothosewho havebeen trai ned byi t,af terwardsi tyi el dsthepeacef ulf rui tofri ghteousness


Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy

Thi spagei si nt ent i onal l yl ef tbl ank

Ri t ual sofGas t r onomy



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