Studio 1 | Framing Vision

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Frami ngVi si on WONG KWOK KENG

Assc. Prof . Teoh Chee Keong | Ms. Yusr a Zul ki fli | Ar . Foo Wen Hui

Thi spagei si nt ent i onal l yl ef tbl ank


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Proj ect1:Assembl y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Proj ect2:Re-assembl y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Proj ect3:Portabl eAnnex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

FRAMI NG VI SI ON Frami ngVi si on i saj ourneyandashortcol l ect i on ofavi sualanecdot ecent eredaroundan exci t i ngt ri pf ul lofpl ayf ulyetdaunt i ngmemori es. Aj ourneyl i kenoot her ,t hi si sacat al ystt hatgotmeremi ni sci ng,maki ngconnect i ons,shari ngexperi encesandbri ngi ngbackwonderf ulmemori es.Iwaswanderi ngaround t hesefl eemarket sand f ound somet hi ngf ami l i ar ,aSONY di scrackf ound i nt heat t i ci n an ol d el ect ri calappl i ancesrecycl i ngshop,vi vi dl yremi ndsmeoft hosedayswhereIwoul d sati nf rontoft hecouch wat chi ngcart oon DVDSwi t h al argedi scrack undert heTV.Thef ocuswasi nt ensehence,t hesucceedi ngproj ect sweredesi gned t of ocusand f ramet hi ngsup. Thej ourneybegan byl ooki ng f ort hesai d obj ect .Thi sobj ecti saremi ni scenceand wi l levent ual l ybet aken apart ,di ssect ed and st udi ed on how t hese f ragment smade t he obj ectwhol e asourown personalj ourney.Each f ragmentwi l lhave t hei rown j ourney and anecdot e bef ore bei ngpl acedt oget herandon i t sown event ual l yproj ect i ngt hesef ragment si n vari ousort hogonalf orms& ergonomi cst obecomeacomposi t e ofspat i alrepresent at i on.Fragment at i on wi l lal l ow t o reconf i gure t he pi ecest o experi ment al l yf orm a new-f ound obj ectt hatexpressesor capt urest herel at i onshi p wi t ht hesi t eofGombakRi ver ,Kual aLumpurvi ci ni t y. My i magi nat i on reconst ruct ed t hese f ragment si nt he new-f ound obj ectasahomogenouspartofmy body coherent l y,when every f ragment ref erst o each partwi t hi nt he whol e.I nt hi sproj ect ,It ransf ormed t he di smant l ed di sc rack i nt o a gaunt l ett hatencapsul at ed t he vi ew of Gombakri ver .Icont i nued t o unf ol d myj ourneyand experi encesbyrevi si t i ngourt ooli n ordert o devel op i tf urt heri nt ermsofi t sf unct i onal i t y,mat eri al i t yort ect oni cs. Theai mi st o beexperi ment alpushi ngt heboundari esofpossi bl ereal i t i esembarki ngwi t ht hemaki ngofa“ port abl eannex” .I twi l lbeacont i nuat i onorf urt herdevel opmentoft het ool .Thet oolwasmadeasanext ensi onofmybodyact i ngasat ransi t oryobj ectwi t ht heext ernalenvi ronment .Now t he“ port abl eannex”wi l lbeanext endedpersonalspacet hatIcansi t uat emysel fwi t ht heext ernalenvi ronment .Ii nvest i gat ed t hehumanf orm, movementandscal ei nordert ocraf ti tata1 : 1scal eofcompactandf ost erasenseofbel ongi ngwi t hi nt hepersonalspaceex t ensi on,“ port abl eannex” .Thesol epurposeoft hi sanecdot ei st o remi nd ust hatsomet i meswet end t o mi sst hebeaut i f ulpart sand pi ecesof oursurroundi ngsand weneed t o ref ocusoursel vesand enj oyt hepart i cul armoment . Fr ami ngVi s i on


ASSEMBLY Pr oj ect01-As s embl y Thej ourneybegan byl ooki ngf oraf ound obj ect .Thi sobj ecti saremi ni scenceand wi l levent ual l ybet aken apart ,di ssect ed and st udi ed on how t hese f ragment smade t he obj ectwhol e.Each f ragmentwi l lhave t hei r own j ourneyand anecdot ebef orebei ngpl aced t oget herand on i t sown,i ti si ncompl et e.Ist udi ed t hej ourney ofeach partand my own personalj ourney and t o see where i tcross-pat h,proj ect i ng t hese f ragment s and draw t hei rpl ans,el evat i onsand sect i onst o become acomposi t e ofspat i alrepresent at i on.Fragment at i on wi l lal l ow t o reconf i gure t he pi ecest o experi ment al l yf orm a new-f ound obj ect /t oolt hatwi l lbe ex pl oredf urt her .Theobj ectt hatf i l l edmyj ourneyi saSONY di scrackf oundi nt heat t i ci nanol del ect ri calappl i ancesrecycl i ngshop.I ti st hen di smant l ed and drawn t o scal e.


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Or t hogr aphi cPr oj ect i on ( Ret r aced)Or i gi nalScal e1: 1

Topvi ew

Ri ghtvi ew


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Fr ontvi ew

Bot t om vi ew

Lef tvi ew

Rearvi ew

Sect i onvi ew

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Or t hogr aphi cPr oj ect i on ( Ret r aced)Or i gi nalScal e1: 1

03X 30mm Di a. woodent ube

21X Pl as t i cdi s cpar t i t i ons

03X 7mm Di a.Phi l i pss cr ews 01X 10mm Thk.t r i angul arr ackbas e


Fr ami ngVi s i on

SONYDi s cPar t i t i onsandBas ePl at e

T h e D i s c R a c k

Pr oj ect01-ModelI mages Fr ami ngVi s i on

Pr oj ect01As s embl y

SONYDi s cRack


RE-ASSEMBLY Pr oj ect02-Reas s embl y Icont i nued my j our ney wi t ht he col l ect ed f r agment st o vent ur et he s i t e ofGombak Ri ver ,Kual a Lumpurvi ci ni t y.Thes ef r agment sar et ober econf i gur edt oexper i ment al l yf or m anewf oundobj ect t hatexpr es s esorcapt ur est her el at i ons hi pwi t ht hes i t e.Myi magi nat i onr econs t r uct edt hes ef r agment s i nt henewf oundobj ectasahomogenouspar toft hebodyt hatmaybeacci dent ali nnat ur e.I ti smos t beaut i f ulwhent hes ef r agment sar ei ncoher ent ,whenever yf r agmentr ef er st oeachpar tandi ti si mpos s i bl et or emoveas i ngl ef r agmentwi t houtdes t r oyi ngt hewhol e.I nt hi spr oj ect ,It r ans f or medt he di s mant l eddi s cr acki nt oagaunt l ett hatencaps ul at edt hevi ew ofGombakr i ver .Ast hej our neycont i nues ,el evat i ngt hepr ecedi ngobj ecti nt oanext ens i ont hats ui t st heus erandt hes i t e.


Fr ami ngVi s i on


Or t hogr aphi cPr oj ect i on ( Ret r aced)Or i gi nalScal e1: 1

Si devi ew

Ant hr opomet r i c& Er gonomi csdat a


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Topvi ew

Fr ontvi ew

Rearvi ew

T h e G a u n t l e t

SONYDi s cHandext ens i on:TheGaunt l et

Pr oj ect02-ModelI mages Fr ami ngVi s i on


SKETCHES Pr oj ect01-As s embl y Di sect i ngt heSONY di scracki nt oi t srespect i vei ndi vi dualpi ecest oreconf i guret hepermut at i onsandpossi bi l i t i esofi t sreassembl y f or t he succedi ng chapt er whi ch resonat es wi t ht hesi t ecapt uri ngt hevi si on.Addi t i onal el ement s and connect i ons are added t o st rengt hen and real i si ng t he re assembl i ng st age.


Fr ami ngVi s i on

SKETCHES Pr oj ect02-Reas s embl y Thedi ssect ed SONY di scracki st hen reconf i gured i nt o a gaunt l et -l i ke ext ensi on whi ch resonat eswi t ht he si t e capt uri ng t he vi si on ofMasj i dJ amek.The sol e purpose oft hi si s t oremi nd ust hatsomet i meswet end t omi ss t he beaut i f ulpart s and pi eces of our surroundi ngsand we need t o ref ocusoursel ves and enj oyt hepart i cul armoment .

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Fi r s ts i t et es t i ng

Modelpr ogr es swor k

Seconds i t et es t i ng

Seconds i t et es t i ngwi t h Mas j i dJamekvi ew


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Pr oj ect01-Si t eRes pons e

PORTABLE ANNEX Pr oj ect03-Por t abl eAnnex Icont i nued t o unf ol dt he j ourneysand experi encesand revi si t ed my t ooli n ordert o devel op i t f urt heri nt ermsofi t sf unct i onal i t y,mat eri al i t y& t ect oni cst oembarkwi t ht hemaki ngofa“ port abl e annex” .I twi l lbe acont i nuat i on orf urt herdevel opmentoft he t ool .The t oolwasmade as an ext ensi on ofourbody act i ng asa t ransi t ory obj ectwi t ht he ext ernalenvi ronment .Now t he “ port abl e annex”wi l lbe an ext ended personalspace t hatIcan si t uat e mysel fwi t ht he ext ernal envi ronmentbyi nvest i gat i ngt hehuman f orm, movementand scal ei n ordert obeaut i f ul l ycraf ti t ata1 : 1scal e of“ port abl e annex” .The chal l enge i st o make i tcompactand f ost erasense ofbel ongi ngwi t hi nt hepersonalspaceext ensi on.

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Ant hr opomet r i c& er gonomi c Bodymeas ur ement s Scal e1: 5

Fr ontvi ew

Si devi ew Bodyant hr opomet r i cs & er gonomi cs


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Cont ext& pl anvi ew Scal e1: 10

Vi ew r ange


Locat i on: SungaiLepoh, Kg.Hul uLangat , Sel angor ,Mal ays i a

Sect i onaa’


LepohRi ver


Longi t udi nals ect i onaa’ Scal e1: 5 19

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Si deel evat i on Scal e1: 5

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Fr ontel evat i on Scal e1: 5



Fr ami ngVi s i on

Mat er i al sandSpeci f i cat i ons

Axonomet r i cvi ew Scal e1: 10

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Modelt es t i ng Annex pyr ami dal s t r uct ur e i s madeupofdi f f er entdi amet er sof Pol yvi nylchl or i de ( PVC) Pi pes

Sket ches of des i gn pr ogr es s

Theannexi sf oundt obef l i mps y hencei ti sr ei nf or cedwi t hadual ar catt hebas e.Then,as pr i ngi s at t ached at bot h ends .

Modelpr ogr es swor k

Pr oj ect03-Modelt es t i ng 23

Fr ami ngVi s i on

T h e F o c u s e r

Pr oj ect03-Fi nalModel Fr ami ngVi s i on


Fl exi bl e s t r uct ur es of t he Annex’ s mechani s m al l owst heus er st ooper at e i tki net i cal l y adj us t i ng t he f ocus eri n di f f er entdi r ect i ons

Si t et es t i ng wi t h Annex t o t es touti t ss t r uct ur alcapabi l i t yandf eas i bi l i t y

Si t er es pons e-SungaiLepoh

Pr oj ect03-Modelt es t i ng 25

Fr ami ngVi s i on

A per s pect i vevi ew ofSungaiLepoh

Fr ami ngVi s i on


A per s pect i vevi ew wi t ht hef ocus erofannex


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Per s pect i ves ofSungaiLepoh and i t s chal et s by t he r i ver s i de

Sket chi ng t he br eat ht aki ng s i t e of Sungai Lepoh Hul u Langat

Pos i t i on of t he por t abl e annex r eady t o be t es t ed on s i t e

Si t er es pons e-SungaiLepoh

Pr oj ect03-Si t edocumen t a t i o n Fr ami ngVi s i on 28

Fi nal


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Pr es ent at i on

Fi nal

Pr es ent at i on



accr edi t at i on

Boar ds

Fi nalPr es ent at i on

Fr ami ngVi s i on


Phot osoff i el dt r i ps I tgi vesmegr eatpl eas ur et oexpr es smygr at i t udet owar dsmyt ut orAs s c.Pr of .TeohCheeKeong& t he l ect ur er s ,peer s ,cr i tpanel sf ort hei rgui dancet hr oughoutmyj our ney. “Des i gni saproces sofs el fconf i dence,s el feval uat eands el fl earni ng,nott ogett hi ngsdone”


Fr ami ngVi s i on

Thi spagei si nt ent i onal l yl ef tbl ank

Fr ami ngVi s i on



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