Studio 3 | The Leaf AU2 Keramat

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Desi gn concept

Desi gn morphol ogystudy

Mor phol ogi calI deat i on


UNI TY. . . . . . . . . . . . UNI TY. . . . . . . . . . . . UNI TY. . . . . . . . . . . . To rei nvi gorat e AU2 KeramatCommuni t y bybri ngi ngt hem t oget herunderoneroof wi t ht he mostcostef f ect i ve sust ai nabl e approachachi evi nguni t y.Thedesi gnemphasi zes on t he Uni t y of AU2 Keramat Communi t y,al ongsi dei t sst rat egi cri versi de l ocat i on.The bui l di ng est abl i shed f unct i ons as a sel fsust ai ni ng f aci l i t yt o nurt ure t he two separat ed communi t y aboutt hesi gni f i canceofuni t y.

Sket chofmor phol ogi calconcept

TARGET USER Desi gn devel opment & consi derati on


The conceptofThe Leafemphasi zes on t he met aphori cal val ues of t he Banana l eave.Haveweeverthoughtofthepossi bi l i tyofnotj ustputti ngf oodontoi tbut turni ngi ti ntoacentreofUni ty?A pl ace where communi t y cohesi on and a l ociof act i vi t y node exi st t o enl i ven and rengt hen t he bonds oft he segregat ed st communi t ybyt heri ver .

SWOT Anal ysi s

GBI -Green Bui l di ngI ndex Thel eafAU2Ker amat


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