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Type Weight by Size Print, Large Scale
When dealing with large scale print materials such as stand banners and signage, the type weights of Radikal should be optically adjusted depending on the type size for consistency and legibility. This type system allows for clarity, consistency, and a strong hierarchy.
*The examples are not at 100% scale, and they are type size ratio and font weight reference only.
*For more information about type hierarchy structure, please refer to page 70 of this Brand Guidelines document.
Bigger than 70 pt
Radikal Thin
Car buying shaped to your life.
40 – 69 pt
Radikal Light
Car buying shaped to your life.
30 – 39 pt
Radikal Regular
Car buying shaped to your life.
16 – 29 pt
Radikal Medium
Car buying shaped to your life.
Smaller than 15 pt
Radikal Bold
Car buying shaped to your life.
Type Weight by Size Digital, Small-Scale
When dealing with small-scale digital materials such as digital banners and marketing emails, the type weights of Radikal should be optically adjusted depending on the type size for consistency and legibility.
This type system allows for clarity, consistency, and a strong hierarchy.
*The digital banner examples are not at 100% scale, and they are type size ratio and font weight reference only.
Type Weight by Size Digital, Large-Scale
When dealing with large-scale digital materials such as LED graphic screens and signage, the bolder weight of Radikal can be more legible from a distance.
The type weights of Radikal should be optically adjusted depending on the type size for consistency and legibility. This type system allows for clarity, consistency, and a strong hierarchy.
*The LED Screen examples are not at 100% scale, and they are type size ratio and font weight reference only.