1 minute read

Advertising Title Text Placeholder

Page Size: 8.5 (w) × 11 (h) "

Margin: 0.5" on all sides


Columns: 4 Columns with 0.25" Gutters

Contact Information

Width: 1 Column | Radikal

Bold to highlight contact name or the web address | Radikal Thin for the rest of contact information | Grey 70 | Font Size: 8pt | Leading: 10pt | Kerning: Optical Tracking: 0 | Sentence Case

Ad Topics | Radikal Bold to highlight the ad's topic

Radikal Light for the rest of topics | Color: Black and Grey 70 | Font Size: 15pt

Leading: 18pt | Kerning:

Optical | Tracking: 20

Title Case

Image Box

Image | Bleeding off on the sides | Height of the image depends on the length and height of the ad's title and body copy

Mus net est, ut et aut alis invellenim sam dolupta tiandit event fugia dolorum quatem sus accae nullatibusa numque magnatum nulla borum fuga. Nam quam facimpos ent et, oditatem quiatem ex eatur maximo volupis expero estiis et eversperi assequam esto est lis il magnia pre. Facerum ea vere pre prature modipsumque

Body Copy | Radikal Light

Color: Black | Width:

2 Columns | Font Size: 11pt

Leading: 15pt |

Kerning: Optical | Tracking: 0

Sentence Case

Divider Line | Black | 3pt

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