Ability is nothing without opportunity
owadays the nature of work has changed. Getting a job seems to be harder
corporate cooperation
than ever and employers are looking for motivated people who fit to their
Katariina Karttunen
teams and organization culture. You need to be in-
Miro Markovaara
teresting in so many different areas in life and have
Aatos Paloheimo
a comprehensive set of skills. Still, even the most
Kalle Pirinen
impressive resume is not always enough to catch the dream job.
Getting a job sure requires at least average grades from school but it takes a lot more than that as well. It is also a fact that you are not even close to ready when you graduate and a lot of learning
Editing Anna Elo Katariina Karttunen Jesse Salo
happens somewhere totally else than school. Even though you learn a lot during your studies, when you move from the university’s academic world to the real working life it is different and requires much more than theory to succeed. As you can read from the following pages,
best grades and the fastest possible graduation
Jesse Salo
time is not everything. It is more and more important that you are passionate about what you do and
that you are ready to work hard. How I see it is that when people are open-minded and brave enough
to try new things, take a chance with tempting op-
Erweko Oy
portunities and challenge themselves, it will show
outside and your potential will be noticed. Get experience in different areas of life and when you do this following your own passions, the best possible place for you will be found.
Katariina Karttunen Sales Coordinator, KY ry 2015-2016
Yo u are h o ld i n g KY’s Ca re e r Catal o g ue 2016 in yo u r h a n d s. To t h i s re l ease we h ave co l le c te d co m p a n i es that want to re c r u it b u s i n ess stu d e n ts — i n othe r wo rd s, co m p a n ies t h a t wa n t to re c r u it yo u . O n eve r y sp rea d of t h i s Ca re e r Ca ta lo g u e the re i s a p rese n ta t io n of a n i n te rest in g co mp any. O n t h e l ef t p a g e yo u w i ll fi n d a b ri ef i ntro d uc t i o n of t h e co m p a ny a n d i ts e mp l oy me nt o p p o r tu n it i es. O n t h e r i g h t p ag e a curre nt e m p l oye e says a few wo rd s ab o ut the i r ex p e r ie n ces a n d ca re e r in t h e co m p a ny. En j oy yo u r rea d !
introduction 3 looking for your dream job? 6 SEKO 8 Accenture 10 aTalent 12 August 14 BCG 16 Capgemini Consulting 18 CGI 20 Deloitte 22 EY 24 Finnair 26 Hartwall 28 Hilti 30 Kesko 32 KPMG 34 Magenta Advisory 36 Nordea 38 SEB 40 Summa Capital 42
LOOKING FOR YOUR DREAM JOB? Instead of sending out masses of job applications, stop for a moment and focus on preparing an individual and carefully polished application. When you really want the job, pay attention to at least the following points.
APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Time to apply. The employer will usually begin by reading your CV. Does your CV contain all the necessary information and all your accomplishments? Use a maximum of two pages to summarize your education, work experience, positions of responsibility, activity in student organizations, skills and any other relevant information. Your cover letter should be shorter than one page and convey your motivation for the job and for working for this particular company. Show your genuine interest and tell the employer what it is based on. Have you used examples to show your main areas of expertise?
LINKEDIN PROFILE It is worth keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date. An up-to-date profile adds value to your application and demonstrates your professional competence and networking skills. Add your profile to the contact details on your CV.
RECRUITMENT PROCESS ATTITUDE Having the right attitude is essential in job seeking and recruitment process. This might sound like a cliché, but the best people with an excellent attitude usually stand out positively and get the job. Keep this in mind throughout the recruitment process – starting from the discussions you have at career events.
COMPETENCE Analyze your strengths and consider what you are good at. Think about what makes you special and how you can stand out from the other applicants. There could be dozens or even hundreds of other applicants seeking your dream job.
You have been invited to the next stage of the recruitment process. Well done! Careful preparation is needed regardless of whether you are going to attend a video interview, a traditional interview, a case interview or aptitude tests. You can practice almost all situations: interview questions can be found in various sources including the Aalto CareerWeb Job Hunting Guide, and you can also familiarize yourself with material on case interviews, practice video interviews on the Suomen Ekonomit website and complete aptitude tests on websites such as www.shldirect.com. Aalto CareerWeb also provides information about upcoming career events.
CAREER SERVICES If you still feel that you may not have done everything in your power to prepare for applying for your dream job, do what many other School of Business students have done and visit the office of the School of Business Career Services before applying. We promise that you will feel more confident after your visit. Good luck with job hunting!
JOB ADVERTISEMENT Read the job advertisement carefully and visit the company’s website. Find out what the job involves, what is expected of you and what the potential employer and the industry are like. Underline the main points of the advertisement that you will at least have to address in your application. Focus on this stage as you cannot cover every detail mentioned in the advertisement.
AALTO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CAREER SERVICES Contact information: career-biz@aalto.fi | +358 50 414 4969 Walk-in hours: Töölö: Mon.–Wed. 12-13, Otaniemi: Thu. 12–13 or by email appointment Office: Aalto University School of Business, Töölö main building, 2nd floor, C-wing Aalto CareerWeb: into.aalto.fi/careerweb
A few words about Career Target, Success and Attitude Looking for a new job? Brilliant. First, you have to
belief in yourself and being capable of adjust-
set a target in your job search. Good questions to
ing the means in getting to your target is crucial.
ask yourself are what knowledge you possess, what
How do you build your self-confidence in challeng-
kind of personal qualities you have and what
ing situations? The ability to motivate yourself
you want to achieve in the future. The more
when needed and the ability to move on in
profound question to ask yourself is why
all circumstances is important. How hard
you want to achieve your career tar-
are you ready to work for your suc-
get. The latter is a fundamental
cess? The only person who can
question that reflects your
make a change in your career
values and ambitions.
and life is you. Every new day brings along a new
The next thing you should
chance to success.
do is to visualize your career target. How do you feel when you
Do not waste a minute of your pre-
have achieved your career target? After
cious time, visualize your target, get the
visualizing it, it is time to make a good stra-
best tools available, gather your support
tegic plan of how to proceed. It is essential to
group and give 110 % of yourself to achieve
have a primary target, but it might be a good idea
your career target. We at the Finnish Business
to have plan B. Remember, if you only have one ca-
School Graduates will provide you with the tools
reer plan, it has to work out. Your life philosophy
and services to help you along the way. Let´s get in
is directly linked to your success – having a strong
touch and start the journey together!
Nina Juhava Career Coach, The Finnish Business School Graduates
The Finnish Business School Graduates offer students plenty of career services and tools. You have the opportunity to book an appointment to personal career coaching. Our services include assessment of your job search documents, your LinkedIn profile, coaching on how to succeed in job interviews and salary advice. In addition, you get valuable information about different job search channels. We also offer you educational events and webinars. Get more information at www.ekonomit.fi. Reserve a telephone appointment through our web page, send an e-mail to ura@ekonomit.fi or take direct contact with one of our career coaches.
am Heini Hyttinen and I have been working at Accenture as a Technology Strategy Consultant for 18 months now. I graduated from Aalto School of Business in 2014 majoring in Information and Service
Management. I worked at Accenture for the first time as a summer intern already in 2013. After the exchange period of my studies I continued working at Accenture, first as a thesis worker and later in actual project work. The first year as a consultant has been very eventful and educational. Working on client projects is often Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range
fast-paced, and it is interesting to collaborate with both
of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations.
Accenture colleagues and client employees. Sometimes,
Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries
work can feel quite hectic, but the positive side of that is
and all business functions — underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network —
that when the project is finalized you get the great feeling
Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve
of success and satisfaction. Learning curve is often steep
their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With more than
at least when working on a project with a client from a
358,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation
new industry, but this is exactly what makes the job so re-
to improve the way the world works and lives.
warding and interesting. In Technology Strategy unit we work, for example, on IT operating models, enterprise ar-
Heini Hyttinen M.Sc. (Information and Service Management) Strategy Analyst, Accenture
chitecture, strategic transformation projects, as well as on digital strategies. Besides all the interesting projects and the actual work, I especially enjoy the multiple recreation-
Accenture Internship Do you want to
do meaningful work every day? We help our clients uti-
lizing the endless possibilities offered by digitalization. Accenture End-toend service model offers its clients services from strategy consulting to IT implementation and maintenance. Join us and see the best ideas transform from paper to reality! Accenture offers a unique learning environment and multiple career options. It is up to you to decide and design your own career track. You will be working with and learning from very different colleagues and teams with diverse skillsets. We are now recruiting summer interns for Accenture Consulting and Ac-
centure Technology. Both internship programs start in May or June. If you are a technology or business student or a recent graduate with strong academic results, fluent Finnish and English skills and you are passionate
al clubs called FUN clubs that Accenture offers. I have been
Join us by applying by January 31st
actively participating in the Horse FUN club activities. Recently, I worked on a very different project than
www.accenture.fi/consultinginternship www.accenture.fi/technologyinternship
my normal client projects have been so far. This year Ac-
Follow us on Facebook
up mentality to big corporations. A big part of the collab-
Visit us at www.accenture.fi
centure is collaborating with Slush by holding a side track event for corporations at the event aiming to bring startoration has been a long term student competition called Accenture Digital Innovation Challenge (ADIC15), in which student teams work on our client companies’ digital challenges. I have worked as a project coordinator on this project. It has been fun getting to work with many different parties such as Accenture marketing, other Accenture
Learning curve is often steep at least when working on a project with a client from a new industry, but this is exactly what makes this work so rewarding and interesting.
units, HR, clients, students and Slush.
about seeing the change in real life, Accenture could be the place for you!
started working at aTalent two years ago as I wanted to do sales for a service I myself believe in. At its best sales is about helping all parties involved and making profit on the side. This is the reason I still work here. Of
course, the company is on another level than a couple of years ago and it has been truly great to grow alongside the company. My career at aTalent began in the role of an Account Manager which is when I started to collect my own client portfolio. After a year our sales department divided
aTalent Recruiting is a recruiting and consulting agency owned by Aalto University student
into two teams and I started to lead one of them. This role
and alumni associations. We offer challenging jobs for students and graduates e.g. in the
was brand new back then and it was mainly shaped by our
field of business and provide best service both to young talents and companies.
sales people of that time. In the fall of 2015 I was offered a chance to take the responsibility for all sales of aTalent – it was pretty clear to me that I wanted to seize this opportunity. Why working at aTalent is so much fun? We have
great team spirit – we love to joke around, but every one
Since aTalent Recruiting is a fast-growing company, we are looking for
new talents to join our energetic team! As an Account Manager you will get responsibility for growing aTalent’s
business: you will be responsible for new customer acquisition and developing and maintaining existing customer relations. You will prospect, contact and book meetings, meet customers actively and make sure that the promises are fulfilled. You get a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with versatile companies and network with representatives of business world. We expect you to be an outgoing team player who has some prior experience in B2B-sales. As a Recruitment Consultant
you will be both a member of the sales
team and the recruitment team. You will be responsible for contacting your own customers and maintaining customer relations, but also for taking care of your own recruitments. You will manage the recruitment process as a whole: you will define the profile with the customer, screen applications, interview applicants and consult the customer on decision making. We expect that you have already gained experience in a similar role or have at least one year of experience in responsible B2B-sales or recruiting. Succeeding in both roles requires business understanding, fluency in Finnish and English, can-do attitude and strong passion towards sales and recruiting!
application period
of us still supports others full on. It is also important to us
We are ready to hire the best talents anytime thus there is no application deadline!
to get to work with something we truly believe in. As a
Requirements for the students 4th–graduated (business/technical background)
more information Feel free to contact anyone from aTalent to ask how it is like to work with us! You’ll find the contact information of our whole staff at www.atalent.fi
M.Sc. Student (Marketing) Sales Director, aTalent
cherry on the top, aTalent is continuously evolving, which means that we, too, get to evolve with it. aTalent consists of like-minded yet refreshingly different people. All of us are pretty young and come from an academic background. Part of our team consists of students, but we also have graduated people working here full-time in different positions. We work in a goal-oriented and intensive manner, but laughter and jokes play a major role in our culture. To fit in, one needs to be quite ambitious and proactive. You really need to be brave enough to do things no one has ever done before! As a company aTalent is heading towards totally new spheres – both geographically and when it comes to
Specific details about the positions of Account Manager and Recruitment Consultant are offered by Juuso Vesanto, Sales Director, +358 40 545 6423, juuso.vesanto@atalent.fi.
Juuso Vesanto
our arsenal of services. When I first started, we sold quite small projects but nowadays we are able to think and do big – in addition to recruitments, nowadays, we also sell
You need to be ambitious and brave - working for aTalent is challenging but rewarding. Our team consists of young enthusiastic professionals who pull together!
trainee programs, employer branding related services and HR related consulting services. Our projects are more complicated and more difficult, but also far more interesting than before. Many of our bigger services are so fresh and new that we don’t even really have any competitors.
hey say that the world’s changed and nobody really wants to work in consulting anymore – it is startups that really make the difference. That statement definitely has some truth to it, but before turning the
page, let me add a couple of thoughts that could elevate the way you think. I dove into management consulting when I became a member of the August community last summer, but as one of my other interests, I am also chairing the August is a leading management consulting company in Finland. For well over a decade, we have served large Finnish companies across a broad range of topics covering Strategy, M&A, Commercial Excellence, Operations and Organization & Leadership. We offer our clients commitment, relevance and experience.
board of a growing company that currently employs seven people. It’s been an extremely fascinating combination, since both of these engagements feed an endless stream of ideas to each other. As a result, I have begun to think that business school students would really benefit from seeing both sides of the coin. The common thing with startups and management consulting at August is that people never settle for the obvious. They are idealists that never cease to believe that we could reach higher, as corporations, human be-
Career opportunities Strategy consulting is a fascinating career opportunity for people who
are intrigued by solving complex business problems faced by the senior management of large companies. August offers a unique combination of intellectual and entrepreneurial challenges, membership in an extraordinary community and freedom to enjoy life. Our organization comprises
more than 20 professionals, nearly half
of which are KY alumni. We are continuously looking for talented and motivated people with an edge to join our dynamic team. Graduates or students close to graduation can apply for a full-time (Analyst) position throughout the year. For students we offer the opportunity to experience consulting through internships that last 2-3 months. Typically our interns are at least 3rd year students who have demonstrated high performance in studies, work or other fields of life and are seeking experience in management consulting. As an intern
you get to experience what strategy consulting is like at
August. Your job description, role and responsibilities are comparable to that of our full-time Analysts. You are a fully-fledged and valued member of our community, taking part in real-life client engagements from day one under the guidance of our experienced consultants. Often, an internship also serves as a stepping stone to a full-time position at August after graduation.
where nobody really has the correct answers or even a sol-
reality. If there is any difference, I guess that is related to the environment where we work. In a startup, you often work in an uncharted zone
2-3 months during winter, spring or fall
MORE INFORMATION www.august.fi/join-us
Management Consultant / Analyst, August
ment consulting and working at a startup mean putting a lot of hours and mental capacity to turn this idealism into
Master in Public Policy, B.Sc. (Economics)
ings and as ourselves. On a practical level, both manage-
Full-time positions: Continuous Internships: During fall, typically September-October
Full-time positions: Master’s degree graduates (or master’s students very close to graduation) Internships: 3rd-5th year students
Matti Parpala
id analysis of how things should be done – you and your team work your way “through the gray stone” if needed. In management consulting, that gray stone is often the established conventions and culture of the client. Your job
The common thing with startups and management consulting at August is that people never settle for the obvious.
is to figure out, working in tight cooperation with the client, how to combine all the available data and your understanding of the world into solid recommendations that help the client achieve better results – without being afraid to challenge their current business where needed. For me, August has offered a tremendous learning opportunity to work with and understand businesses that already run operations worth billions. That’s a lesson worth learning for anyone who aims to grow their business to that scale – or getting one of such companies to join as partners in their journey to change the world. Think about it!
thought that the work of an associate would be at least in the beginning mostly back-office excel modelling with few touch points to the client and their key issues. I was wrong — I was involved in client
meetings and teamwork from day one. I had also heard rumor about the hectic lifestyle, but I soon found out how seriously BCG takes striking a good balance between work and free time. What continues to surprise me is the magnitude
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm, the world’s leading advisor on business strategy and the market leader in Finland. We partner with clients in all sectors to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges and fundamentally transform their business trajectories.
of the intellectual horsepower of BCG’s global expert network. There is always someone somewhere around the world who can provide you with that extra jawdropping insight you were looking for, whatever industry or functional problem you have got to crack. People always find the time to help out. I also think that the supportive, family-like atmosphere at the Helsinki office is truly exceptional.
Full-time positions If you are in your final year of study for your master’s degree, you can ap-
ply for the position of Associate at apply.bcg.com when close to graduation.
International Internship Program 2017 The application deadline
for the internship program is mid-October
2016. (The exact date will be published on the BCG website in late summer 2016.) We are looking
for students with outstanding academic records, 120+
strong ambition. Join our team as
a Visiting Associate and get to know strategy consult-
ing at its best. You will be fully involved in international, transformational, leading-edge client work and will help leaders in business change the rules of the game, not just play better. The internship program offers you: Two to three months of work experience on a real consulting project •
Students with outstanding academic records 120+ credits
more information
credits, great analytical and interpersonal skills, intellectual curiosity and
who are we looking for
Contact recruiting team at (09-8568 6000, recruiting.hel@bcg.com) or visit careers.bcg.com
M.Sc. (Accounting and Finance, Industrial Engineering)
application period For the internship program mid-October 2016
Iina Turja
Associate, BCG Helsinki
Eetu Isto s a finance student I naturally considered a ca-
M.Sc. (Finance)
reer in investment banking as well, but after ex-
Consultant, BCG Helsinki
periencing internships both in a London-based investment bank and at BCG Helsinki, the deci-
sion became clear to me. What I really liked about BCG was that I was given very much content responsibility and client interaction already as an intern. But most of all, the people at BCG really made an impression on me with their intellectual curiosity, joyful nature and cando attitude. The most memorable client interaction was the time when we had a weeklong workshop in South America with the client management team. One night, after finishing the day’s work, we had a barbecue outside with the whole group of 15 people sharing stories and enjoying a wonderful variety of South American meats and beverages.
I thought that the work of an Associate would be at least in the beginning mostly back-office excel modelling with few touch points to the client and their key issues. I was wrong.
Flexible beginning and end dates, including the option to join us in the spring or fall as well as the summer
Complete integration into one of our project teams based in Helsinki or in one of our other European offices
Training sessions on essential consulting skills
Social activities for team building and networking
uring my studies at Aalto University School of Business I did not dream of becoming a management consultant. However, a business project I did as part of the double degree program at CEMS gave me con-
fidence in my problem solving skills and made me realize my passion towards consulting in an international environment. I applied for Capgemini Consulting after graduating with Information and Service Management as my major. I perceived Capgemini Consulting as an international company with strong focus on the digital business and with an Capgemini Consulting is the strategy and transformation consulting brand of the Capgemini Group. We are the leader and strategic partner in Digital Transformation, providing the know-how and expertise to advise leading companies and governments on how to accelerate their innovation and master the digital economy. Capgemini Consulting enables organizations to transform to the power of digital – from strategy to execution.
easy-going culture. Looking back, I never could have imagined the level of responsibility I was given from the start. Already in my first project, I was part of building a five-year strategy business case and an investment plan for a large Finnish retailer. During my first two years I have worked in various industries from retail to telecom on assignments in Finland, France and Sweden. Capgemini Consulting is globally recognized for its thought leadership in digital transformation. I have experi-
Heidi Hartikainen M.Sc. (Information and Service Management, CEMS) Management Consultant, Capgemini Consulting
enced this developing my digital business skills in strategic
business projects related to e.g. digital marketing and cloud
DO YOU WANT to BE empowered by a career that rewards and challenges
We offer attractive opportu-
nities for growth across our global organization, in a unique collaborative culture. As a management consultant at Capgemini Consulting you will work in close collaboration with our clients. You will be part of a successful global management consultant team advising leading brands on how to enhance the customer experience and disrupt business models in the digital economy. We are proud to have a people culture, with focus on continuous learning and a great place to work.
Application period
Capgemini Consulting Summer Internship Program 2016: Deadline January 24th, 2016
We have a great team in Finland and we enjoy spending time
Management Consultant, Full-time position: continuous recruitment
Who are we looking for High performing students in their final year of master’s degree in business, engineering and/or computer science, with excellent academic records
The best part of my job is truly the people I work with. together during and after work. As part of the Swedish-Finnish business unit we meet our Swedish colleagues in different settings throughout the year, including business and team meetings, annual conference event to the Alps, parties and different networks. Moreover, all new management consultants join the international Management Consulting Skills course in France, which is a great opportunity to kick-start the career, learn about our unique culture and grow your international network. I have faced exciting challenges working in direct cli-
ent contact from day one. Capgemini Consulting is known
www.capgemini-consulting.se facebook.com/capgemini.consulting.karriar
for our strong collaborative business client experience ap-
high-performing students who are 1-2
semesters away from graduation, the opportunity to learn more about the management consultancy profession during a two month long Summer Internship Program. Gain new experience by working together with senior management consultants on exciting business tranformation assignments. You will have the opportunity to develop core management consulting skills, attend trainings and get to know our collaborative culture.
Looking back, I never could have imagined the level of responsibility I was given from the start.
proach, which enables even a recent graduate to start building client relationships. I think management consulting is a great way to get a fast start to business life after studies. From an applicant we expect great determination to deliver quality results, including strong analytical, social and communication skills. The most important qualifications, nevertheless, are curiosity towards new things and motivation to develop yourself continuously.
We are recruiting continuously and looking for students with excellent
Capgemini Consulting has given me a great amount
academic records within the final year of a master’s degree in business,
of professional freedom but also great responsibility. I think
engineering and/or computer science.
applying for Capgemini Consulting has been a perfect choice for developing myself and my future career path.
graduated after 3.5 years of intense studying in 1999. I did my major in marketing and my two minors in accounting and finance and in economics. I included quite a few different subject fields in my degree, such
as social economics and business law to get a comprehensive set. Therefore, it is actually a bit funny that I managed to take only one information technology course and still ended up in the field of IT business. Nevertheless, I have found my educational background very useful as it has established a good and solid foundation for analytical and
CGI is a global IT and business process services provider delivering high-quality business consulting, systems integration and outsourcing services. With 65,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI has an industry-leading track record of on-time, on-budget projects, aligning our teams with clients’ business strategies to achieve top-to-bottom line results.
business-oriented way of thinking. At the time of my graduation CRM (customer relationship management) was a big thing both in the world of academics as well as in the world of business. I did my master’s thesis on CRM and that led my way to the field of IT – and to my current employer as well. My current employer is CGI – the world’s 5th largest IT and business process services company. During my years in the company
world’s fastest growing IT and business process services
companies. At CGI, we strive
I have gone through three mergers and acquisitions and
WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR Candidates close to graduation or graduated who are interested in IT
to create an environment where our people come first.
We call our employees “members” to reinforce that all who join our team are considered company owners and are empowered to share in the rewards and challenges that come from building a world-class business. As one of the largest independent information technology and business
process services firms in the world, our members are the key to our success. We realize that our continued success depends on our ability to attract and retain top-quality professionals – like you. CGI is always seeking
portunity to get involved with different kinds of corporate cultures, management models and service offerings. for many of us. I am lucky to have had the possibility to act and operate in many different roles. I have been acting as a consultant, project manager, team leader, director – being involved in sales, contract negotiation, client managemanagement with HR and budgeting responsibilities. My passion in work life has always been a happy and satisfied customer – for me that has been the key to enjoying work. My leading idea and intention has been to see the
an entrepreneurial organization, while benefiting from the impressive re-
field and business from as many different angles as pos-
sources of a global company, we invite you to join us.
sible. I am happy to say that my managers and employers
is always room for you to grow. That is our commitment to you.
A tip for you as the future leaders – see the business from different perspectives and grow to be a multitalent.
ment, project delivery, service outsourcing and business
knowledgeable, creative and committed individu-
and rewarding work environment where there
Director, CGI
to a global company. This journey has been a great op-
als who are ready to grow with us. If you want to experience the spirit of
We offer a challenging
M.Sc. (Marketing)
been able to grow with the company from a local player
In today’s changing environment this is quite important
Ulla Mauro
over the years have all supported me with this. That is also my lesson learned and a tip for you as the future leaders – see the business from different perspectives and grow to be a multitalent.
was doing my final year’s studies in Finance when I applied to the trainee program (Corporate Finance team). I had previously worked in a firm’s treasury and a bank’s markets department, but I was interested in pursuing
a career in corporate finance after graduating. After a successful trainee period I continued as a full-time analyst. From day one I was a full team member. Straight away, I was involved in a project where we acted as an advisor for a Finnish company eventually sold to a PE investor. In a junior role, the focus is on analysing data and pre-
Deloitte is one of the leading professional services organizations in the world with more than
paring presentations, but getting more experienced, the
400 professionals in Finland. We offer world-class services that include:
role in process management, client communication and negotiations increases.
Audit • Consulting • Enterprise Risk Services • Financial Advisory • Tax & Legal
At Deloitte I have been given as much responsibility as I have been willing to take. I have also worked close-
By combining versatile expertise Deloitte offers its clients comprehensive and
ly with the clients from the start. In general, working in
innovative solutions.
corporate finance is continuous learning as each project is different. You also need to be motivated, flexible and a real team player, as the work is often hectic. That is why I
Veera Riikonen M.Sc. (Finance) Manager, Corporate Finance, Deloitte
appreciate the excellent team spirit we have!
Take off to your future as a Deloitte Young Star! At Deloitte we offer you a great opportunity to develop yourself in a dy-
namic, inspiring and flexible environment. You are able to build your competencies in intriguing challenges with experts from various industries and business sectors. Deloitte Young Stars trainee
program is targeted for students in the fi-
nal stage of their studies as well for recent graduates. Besides relevant academic background, we appreciate motivation and enthusiastic attitude in working life. You aim high and are willing to develop yourself.
Choose your own path Our trainee program is an intensive 3-4 month paid internship. The ma-
jority of our trainees start working in January-March, and the trainees will be working either in consulting, audit, enterprise risk services, financial advisory or tax and legal services. The application period is annually in September-October, but occasionally we are looking for trainees also outside the application period.
Ready to challenge yourself? For additional information and to apply please visit: www.deloitte.fi
y the time I joined Deloitte I already had gained some work experience especially in the area of sales. However, I felt that I could build a more versatile knowledge base at Deloitte Consulting. Work-
ing as a management consultant has allowed me to per-
form a variety of roles in a variety of projects ranging from
operating model development to service design and strat-
www.facebook.com/DeloitteFinland www.twitter.com/Deloitte www.youtube.com/user/deloittefinland/videos
egy to change management. A typical working day at Deloitte would be impossible to describe as the tasks and activities vary according to different projects. Working in a group and presentation skills are definitely some of the areas needed on a daily basis. Looking back, I feel that especially the studies at Helsinki School of Economics, Mikkeli Campus were crucial in preparing for the working life. It sounds like a cliché, but the people and the culture make Deloitte a great place to work at. Great people form an inspiring atmosphere where it is a pleasure to spend time with your colleagues also outside the office
Antti Holopainen M.Sc. (Business Administration) Consultant, Deloitte
walls. A perfect example being the Deloitte Football Nordic Cup where we gather every summer.
started at EY after my graduation in 2014. I had always wanted to know more about management consulting and when EY was recruiting new people to their Finance and Performance Management team in Advi-
sory Services it was a perfect match for me. EY interested me as a company because of its good reputation, and as a part of the Big Four it is a global company, which I had been looking for. I have been working at EY for a year now and I still constantly get positively surprised about how warm and welcoming the work envi-
EY offers a diverse range of interesting career opportunities within assurance, transactions, advisory, tax and legislative services.
ronment is. For example, EY arranges two week induction program for all new young professionals. This fall we spent two amazing weeks first in Stockholm and then in Toledo learning about consulting, solving cases and having fun. I see that the people culture at EY is one of the many reasons why we work so well as a team. Working at EY as a consultant is extremely reward-
By starting your career
at EY, you get a unique opportunity to develop
ing since every day at the job is different. We are allowed
into an expert in your own field. You can start with a permanent contract
More about the trainee program
to set our development goals quite freely and if you are
as soon as you are finished with your studies. An international work en-
ambitious and eager to learn more, there are ways to get
vironment, team work with people from various backgrounds and challenging assignments ensure you have an interesting time at work right from the beginning.
More about open positions
I would say that my studies in accounting helped me to get a better understanding about business in gen-
all the career opportunities at EY you might be interested in after gradu-
Find us on
pays off to be active during your time as a student and to
ation. You get to see what it would be like to work in an international ex-
Facebook: EYSuomiUrasivut LinkedIn: EY Twitter: EY_Suomi Instagram: @EYficareers Pinterest: Life at EY in Finland
Experience Trainee program you get an understanding of
pert organization and an opportunity to put the knowledge you gained during your studies into practice. •
Application period for fall 2016: 1.-20.3.2016
Close to graduation?
We are continuously hiring motivated new em-
ployees into permanent contracts. At EY you will grow into a professional within your field with the help of a versatile and international expert organization.
M.Sc. (Accounting) Consultant, EY
During the EY
Susanna Kuisma
Contact us recruiting@fi.ey.com
eral but I have learned a lot also while working. It really do the things you are genuinely interested in. Pick courses you find fascinating and participate in activities outside school as well. In my opinion, there are some essential skills for
I see that the people culture at EY is one of the many reasons why we work so well as a team.
business students to learn. The ability to perform to an audience, in particular, is vital and in business life you need good social skills, too. Consultants are continuously working with clients and colleagues, thus it is crucial to get along with different people.
Get to know us and apply to be part of our team!
have now worked at Finnair Group for about 5 years. I started at one of our subsidiaries right after my graduation from Aalto University School of Economics. After about a year as assistant business controller at
Aurinkomatkat, I moved to Finnair for a financial analyst position. It does not feel like I have been here already for that long, since my role and responsibilities have changed many times. Also the company, as well as the airline industry, is changing all the time, which keeps things interesting.
Finnair is a place where ambitious, competent and motivated people can really make a difference.
One of the advantages of a relatively large company is the various jobs it offers. Even within finance, there are several options - business and financial control, treasury, internal audit, etc. I am currently responsible for the business control of our crew. As the crew is a critical part of an airline, I get to work on interesting projects and analysis. The most visible part of my job, at least in the media,
Do you want a seat with a view of an attractive industry? Please take a window
seat with a view of our global prospects for
growth. We are an international carrier serving a global market. The airline industry is preparing for take-off, especially as we serve rapidly growing markets around the world. Our membership in the oneworld alliance enables us to spread our wings even wider.
Do you want to fly with world-class professionals? We were born on
the top of the world and take pride in our operational
excellence. It takes a wide range of special competencies to fly our aircraft and serve our customers, whether you are working in the head office or in operations. Now there are nearly 5000 of us, from 45 countries around the globe. Our team of world-class professionals would like to welcome you on board.
are the discussions with our labor unions. It is a funny feel-
WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR: We are constantly looking for top talents with a degree in business. With us you can work with e.g. network analysis, digital product development, customer research, treasury operations, project management or business controlling - just to name a few of the positions we have filled in 2015.
MORE INFORMATION: www.finnair.com/jobs www.linkedin.com/company/finnair
ing when you get back home after a long day, watch the
Kim Salmirinne M.Sc. (Accounting) Business Controller, Finnair
evening news on TV and notice that there is actually news about the things you have just been working on. Overall, I like to work for a company that really interests Finns. One thing I have learned is that in working life you need broader skills than you might expect during your studies. My major was management accounting, but I certainly need to know other areas of finance as well. Often there is also need for legal, IT, negotiation and leadership skills. And finally, communication skills are essential: no matter how good my analyses or reports are, my message will not interest the management or even my own boss, if I can not communicate the results clearly and sharply.
One thing I have learned is that in working life you need broader skills than you might expect during your studies.
To summarize, Finnair definitely offers lots of op-
Watch Finnair career videos:
portunities for growth, both horizontally and vertically. I
have always been kind of a finance guy, but at some point I could do something totally different within the same company. Even in a large company, you can stand out by working hard and by being enthusiastic. Finnair is a company with long history and traditions but there is certainly demand for young professionals.
studied marketing as my major and international studies as my minor at Aalto University School of Business. After I graduated, I worked for 3,5 years at a FMCG company doing both sales and marketing related jobs.
Then I saw my dream job open at Hartwall, applied for it and now I am the Product Manager for Hartwall Original Long Drink as well as other long drink brands at Hartwall. For me, Hartwall has always been one of the companies where I would love to work at. Hartwall has an extremely strong product portfolio of drinks. Brands are
Hartwall is the leader in innovation in the beverage industry in Finland. Hartwall’s product range comprises beers, ciders and long drinks, bottled waters, soft drinks, speciality drinks as well as wines and other alcoholic beverages supplied through its subsidiary Hartwa-Trade. The company’s best-known brands are Lapin Kulta, Karjala, Foster’s and Heineken beers as well as Hartwall Jaffa soft drinks, Hartwall Novelle mineral waters, Upcider ciders and Hartwall Original Long Drink. Hartwall offers a wide variety of job opportunities to young professionals in production, logistics, sales, marketing, financial and information management all around Finland.
managed by true professionals from whom I am able to learn more and develop myself. Working with smart people who know what they do is very important for personal growth and I have learned a lot already during my short time in the company. As a Brand Manager, I am responsible for all the things related to my brands, such as business plans, product portfolio development and marketing communication. Since Hartwall is a Finnish company, we have a lot
Eeva Ignatius M.Sc. (Marketing) Brand Manager, Hartwall
of responsibility and freedom when it comes to our work. Every single new flavor or new brand that is launched into the market is developed from scratch within our company. We really get to influence and make a difference to what
SUMMER JOBS AT HARTWALL Hartwall offers summer jobs
every year to over one hun-
dred summer workers. Most of the summer workers are employed in Hartwall’s modern production plant in Lahti as production workers or beverage producers, while others are employed in maintenance tasks, logistics collection, covering processing, laboratory work and logistics accounting. In Hel-
Application period 11th January – 7th February 2016
Who are we looking for? 1st-5th year students
sinki, summer workers are employed in customer service, pay-
roll, credit monitoring and export accounting.
Depending on the role, typically from May to August
We offer you a unique opportunity to work in a strong brand
house with beloved products. Join our energetic and passionate team!
products people find from the stores or what kind of advertising campaigns we do. Now that Hartwall has also an own export department, a big part of my work is done in close cooperation with our Export Managers and distributors in foreign countries. It is challenging, but also rewarding when re-
You need to be in the front line and create excitement to be able to succeed.
sults are gained. At Hartwall all achievements and success are recognized and appreciated and that makes one to strive for an even better outcome. The work pace is very fast and the energy and passion that lies within Hartwall is amazing. People dare to challenge the status quo and take bold steps to be the
more information www.hartwall.fi Facebook: Kesätyö Hartwallilla LinkedIn: Hartwall
first movers. I find that extremely important in today’s fast changing world – you need to be in the front line and create excitement to be able to succeed.
graduated as a M.Sc. (Technology) from Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2010. My major was international business and I had a strong intention to move straight to the corporate world. But as usual in
life, things seldom go according to plans and I ended up doing a Ph.D. In 2014 I graduated as a Doctor of Science. I got to know Hilti through an exchange semester in Liechtenstein, where the company’s headquarter is also located. I was surprised by the corporate culture, how peo-
We value people. We have excellent team members. We expect high performance and we
ple were treated and how much effort was put into devel-
offer high incentives. We recruit and develop our people based on their competencies,
oping them. I was also impressed how Hilti was a forerun-
accomplishments and potential. We give them a chance to grow with us as part of a team
ner in innovating both new products as well as business
and to develop a long term career within Hilti Group.
models. In 2013 I heard that Hilti had an opening in Fin-
Over 22,000 people work for Hilti in sales, sales management, marketing, engineering,
land for their Outperformer Trainee Program. After an in-
research, development and manufacturing. We passionately create enthusiastic customers
tensive selection process I started as an Outperformer in
and build a better future! Hilti operates in more than 120 countries throughout the world.
the summer of 2014. It is an international structured program where you start off as an Account Manager in the customer surface. For the last three months I have been
to relocate internationally? Have you had excel-
We are looking for people with excellent language skills at least
in English and in Finnish, who are interested in sales and general management. You are a team player with excellent analytical and communications kills. Hilti Outperformer is
a 24 month development program in
which you will carry out 2-4 clearly defined projects in different countries. You will get full support and mentoring throughout the program which also includes training in a top business school in Europe.
Tasks with responsibility
Excellent training program in our new training facility in Manchester
Continuous coaching
Opportunity for an international career
The benefits of an international organization
Are you internationally
We offer you
an excellent induction and basic
training on our products and services. This is your
of your career you will develop in sales posi-
opportunity to get into a growing international
tions. To be successful you need to be target oriented, deter-
company and continue working with us in a part-
mined and have the ability to understand customer needs. Once
time position while completing your studies.
In the beginning
joining Hilti, you will have an individual development program, where the aim is for you to grow as a professional and become a leader in our successful organization.
in sales and have an ambi-
ed and you are up for a challenge? oriented and highly educated team
Kingdom and after that another three month project either in Asia or North America. After the program my career will continue abroad. The foundation of Hilti is our people. That shows in everything that we do starting from the recruiting process. First comes the person and after that their competencies. As a global company we are able to offer all possible roles and responsibilities, and we also encourage people to move between positions and locations during their career.
tion to develop yourself? Are you highly motivat-
player with a passion to developing yourself and others?
Outperformer, Hilti
left is a 6 month project in strategic marketing in United
are you interested
Doctor of Science (Technology)
working at our Vantaa office on a logistics project. What is
We offer:
lent success in your studies?
Juha Hinkkanen
Hilti and the Outperformer Program has given me a massive confidence boost, but it was also enabled me to look at where I need to develop. For example, managing the supply chain is an important, but for me a relatively unknown business area. After recognizing that, I got to do
As a global company we are able to offer all possible roles and responsibilities. We also encourage people to move between positions and locations during their career.
a logistics project to build up my capabilities in that field. Next I am off to Manchester to continue with the program and after that I am looking forward to a management position at Hilti – I want to learn how to lead and to develop people around me. Come and join us!
To apply, send your application to
graduated from University of Jyväskylä where I studied Speech Communications as my major. In addition, I have completed my Master’s Degree at University of Art and Design Helsinki. So I have a double degree –
Master of Arts in Communication Studies and in New Media. I have also taken courses at University of Technology, School of Economics and a few other Finnish Universities. I have been working at Kesko for ten months now. As Development Director I run a team specializing in digital services. We support Kesko’s digital transformation,
The 45,000 exceptionally nice people of the K-Group work daily to make shopping fun for customers in our stores in the Nordic countries, the Baltic countries and Russia. We help our more than 1,500 stores serve their customers in the grocery trade, the home improvement and speciality goods trade and the car trade. We do our work with a big heart while paying attention to the society and the environment. We are already the most responsible food retailer in the world and constantly trying out something new. We are doing this to provide good choices both on the shelves of the local stores and online.
drive online sales and develop digital services. My job is very versatile. You could say it is kind of a mixture of business, communication, IT and marketing. To be successful in this field you need to have interdisciplinary competences and interests. You need to keep customers and their point of view in the focus and develop the business to solve their needs. A part of the job is about understanding technical details, so it goes without saying you also need to have understanding and interest in that area, too.
Jussi-Pekka Erkkola M.A. (Communications Studies, New Media) Development Director, Kesko
In my opinion, diversity is the key to success in the business world. Companies need employees from various backgrounds to bring different skills and competences to
the company. The field of business is ever changing and dynamic, and digital transformation will play a key role in
A pioneer in the trading sector Kesko is a trading
sector company that renews itself and
wants to be a pioneer also in the future. We share an enthusiasm for the trading sector and a retailer attitude that shows as a spirit of getting things done and taking responsibility and as a possibility to have a say in how things are done. We do
The fifth most sustainable company in the world Kesko is the best
food and staples retailer and rose to the
fifth place in the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World list. Kesko is the only Finnish company included in the list every year since it was established in 2005.
the future as the retail industry evolves. Therefore it is essential for the companies to employ also the enthusiasm and knowledge of the youth.
Diversity is the key to success in the business world.
Also Kesko is in the middle of a big changes. Therefore I take it as an interesting challenge to speed up the processes and change the course of action for the better. We need to flourish the corporate culture and the way we
not hesitate to take action, whether it is serving a customer or
operate. Kesko will go through a change in 2018 as the
helping a colleague.
company plans on bringing the majority of its functions under the same roof on the so called “K-kampus”, the new main office campus area in Helsinki. The objective is to en-
Grow with us in various retail jobs In a big group,
there are many ways to develop: you can
change jobs between companies or divisions, and there are
hance the cooperation between the units and make the
Welcome to read more and find out our opportunities: http://www.kesko.fi/tyopaikat
operations more efficient. The change is highly anticipated by the personnel.
many kinds of career paths that can lead to supervisory po-
What I would like to advise students is to try dif-
sitions, retailer entrepreneurship or management positions.
ferent things to find the one that is suitable for you. Spe-
You can expand and deepen your competence with the
cialize in one or two functions, but build a general under-
courses in K-instituutti.
standing outside your field of expertise as well. I can not single out the courses that would be the most useful, as the best you can take with you from school is the ability of continuous learning, curiosity and the capacity to adopt new information and way of working. In this field, you will never be done learning.
graduated M. Sc. in Economics from Lappeenranta University of Technology in 1999. I majored in accounting and did my minors in economics and business law. During my studies I got excited about finance
and thereby a career as an auditor of organizations in the Financial Services sector at KPMG was an intriguing and clear choice after graduation. I have enjoyed my time here at KPMG, because as an auditor I have had the opportunity to get to know the Financial Services sector thoroughly. Personally, I have been auditing the Bank of Finland, sev-
KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing audit, tax and advisory
eral local and international banks and other organizations
services. Our aim is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, our
in the Financial Services sector.
people and our communities.
My job as an Authorized Public Accountant mainly consists of providing professional services in the customer interface. For each client, we put together the best possible auditing team while taking the client’s special char-
KPMG Trainee program Do you want
every day to be an opportunity to progress and develop
yourself? Do you enjoy finding clear solutions in a complex world? Do you want to build the future? You can be one of us. We recruit approximately 80 trainees annually to work in all of our ser-
acteristics into consideration. So forth, I have had the opportunity to work with several colleagues, which in itself
information about vacancies: The application period for the KPMG trainee program of fall 2016 will be open in February 2016 and for spring 2017 in September 2016. requirements
pending on the position. We offer you thorough on-boarding and sup-
We expect: - 3rd to 5th year student or a recent graduate - Genuine drive and desire for learning - Team player with good communication skills - Ability to work proactively and take responsibility
KPMG Trainee program offers you a great view to a broad field of profes-
sional services. As a trainee, you have the possibility to learn and develop as a young professional in client facing assignments among colleagues who are world-class professionals. We are inspired not only by challenging and purposeful tasks but also by our great team spirit. ”The best thing
during my time here as a trainee has been the atmos-
phere. Even though the work is challenging, it’s fun because there is always someone to help. You are never alone with your problems. In addition, it is easy to crack jokes with your colleagues, which cheers up the
M.Sc. (Accounting) Senior Manager, Audit, KPMG
Application period
vice lines. Trainee positions are full-time and last from 2 to 8 months, deport for professional development.
makes my workdays varied and nuanced.
Tiia Kataja
graduated from Helsinki School of Economics in 2008 and started my career in a Finnish retail bank. In a few years’ time I realized that I would love to get international working experience and was interested in work-
ing within management consulting. At that time I had a friend who was working at KPMG’s M&A related consulting in Stockholm, and she hinted me that they were looking for new team members with Finnish language skills. I applied and after several interview rounds got the job at KPMG’s Strategy Group within
Contact info
Transaction Services.
For more info and open positions, please visit: www.kpmg.fi/rekry
able experience in the M&A and private equity market. We
working environment”
Social media
- Trainee, fall 2015
www.facebook.com/kpmgfinland www.linkedin.com/company/kpmg-oy-ab www.twitter.com/KPMG
I worked four years in Sweden and got a lot of valuhave a tight cooperation between the Nordic countries, so when I moved back to Finland I had already been working with many of my local colleagues. What I like the most about my job is the team I am working with both locally and globally. Our team assists investors and companies in their mergers and acquisitions
Meri Mäenpää M.Sc. (Finance) Manager, Advisory, KPMG
as well as in their strategic considerations related to operations and growth. We are not specialized in certain sectors, so I get valuable experience and insight from different industries in every project we deliver.
hy digital business? As consumers and end users, it feels to us like digital products, services and technologies have been around forever already, permeating our lives. There is a sort of bias to this
perception, however, as we tend to select the most sophisticated stuff out of all, and see the glossy outer shell of it. But behind the scenes, digitalization is a megatrend that is still in its infancy, about to transform industries, organizations and business functions. Future possibilities are Digitalization continues to disrupt businesses at an ever-increasing pace. Industries such as media, consumer goods, finance and retail have all been shaken by digitalization, with winners reaching new heights while losers file for bankruptcy. We at Magenta Advisory help our client companies’ top management in creating winning business strategies, managing business transformation and achieving business excellence in the field of digital business.
endless, spanning all these dimensions. This is why digital business was the most exciting career field to me. Why management consulting? Majoring in economics (M.Sc, spring 2015) and finance (B.Sc) at Aalto, I always enjoyed those moments when you saw how theory could be applied to real life in some surprising way. My studies taught me analytical and structured thinking and, ultimately, how to take in a lot of information in a short time – definitely useful in management consulting. Consulting interested me as an opportunity to “explore” to find
Kasper Eerola M.Sc. (Economics) Consultant, Magenta Advisory
solutions to problems rather than just execute things, to
We are interested in young and ambitious talents joining our team! At Magenta Advisory, you will be a part of an inspiring team of focused
have variation instead of routines and to learn something
APPLICATION PERIOD Continuous for the consultant position
management consultants backed by BearingPoint’s strong multi-indus-
who are we looking for
try expertise. You will get to work with leading Finnish and multination-
Business or engineering students close to graduation
al companies in their digital and multichannel business transformations. Our key values are: •
Passion for digital business, which is why we invest in continuously training our entire team
Passion for quality, which is why we never settle for anything less than the best
Passion for fun, which is why we invest in great team spirit
Apply online at www.magentaadvisory.com/careers
MORE INFORMATION www.magentaadvisory.com
every day. Why Magenta? Going through the interviews, it became clear to me that digital management consulting aside, Magenta was a place I truly wanted to work at. The people were smart and fun. The atmosphere was dynamic and casual. As if more proof was needed, I was invited to team events and got to know everybody before I had even started in the job. My first year as a Consultant at Magenta has exceeded my high expectations. I have had the chance to work with leading Finnish and Northern European companies in e.g. telecom and logistics on projects ranging from B2B e-commerce services strategy and B2B and B2C digital strategies to organizational design and investment plan-
I have had the chance to work with leading Finnish and Northern European companies. Outside of work, we have been skiing in the Alps and rappelling off buildings.
ning. Alongside client assignments, I have gotten responsibilities in recruitment, event planning and internal training, to name a few. Outside of work, we have been skiing in the Alps and rappelling off buildings. Our team is now the digital spearhead of BearingPoint in the Nordics, and we are expanding rapidly, so something tells me the journey has only begun!
graduated from Aalto University last year. I majored in management and international business and took courses in human resource management, too. In my opinion, my studies prepared me well for my job. I now
have a strong academic base to build on. It gives me the ability to understand and put into practise what I have learnt, as well as to develop the strategic way of thinking. After having finished the year-long Nordea Graduate programme as a Management Trainee in June, I now work as a Branch Manager with 22 subordinates. I am re-
Nordea is a Nordic financial services group with over 30,000 employees working in
sponsible for our branch, which means managing our
e.g. customer service, financing, IT and product development. Attracting, developing
sales and being accountable for profit. More importantly, I
and retaining highly motivated people are among our highest priorities – additionally,
set goals for our personnel and make sure everything gets
we invest in great leadership.
done on time. An essential part of my job is to encourage my staff to improve their performance – I need to be able to motivate my team for even better results, which means having to have the drive and motivation myself. Of course
as a Nordea graduate! Nordea Graduate pro-
gramme is a talent programme designed to create extra value for you, Nordea and our customers. Therefore the three corner stones of our programme are business knowledge, employeeship and personal growth. As a graduate, you get the best possible opportunity to create networks and unfold your potential while increasing your personal awareness and business knowledge. Nordea Graduate programme runs for 1-2 years and consists of international seminars, mentoring process, on-the-job training and business specific activities.
it is for me to take care of that my staff is satisfied at work as well. All in all, it is my job to answer for everything that
happens within the whole branch. I guess it goes without
Nordea Graduate programme and summer jobs: 18.1.–14.2.2016
saying that my job offers a lot of challenges.
to work more efficiently, I am more confident and, above
Nordea Graduate programme starts in autumn 2016 and runs for 1-2 years depending on the business area in which you are employed. Summer jobs run during the summer months (minimum of three months vacancy).
Read more of our graduates’ thoughts about the programme on face-
year, I feel like I have learned a lot already. I am now able all, I have noticed that it is much easier nowadays for me to take responsibility for my team. Furthermore, I now have more courage to take action when necessary, which is absolutely vital to my job. For me Nordea has always seemed like an ideal employer, the number one choice. After having worked here for a while now, I would still say the same. Everybody is very supportive and helpful. It is nice to work among such proficient coworkers! A positive surprise, though,
was how many incredible possibilities the company offers.
during 18.1.-14.2.2016.
nordea.com/career nordea.com/graduate facebook.com/nordea-graduate-haku (in Finnish)
Maybe that is one of the reasons people have such long
We offer summer
trainee positions also for summer 2016. Majority of
our summer trainees take positions in customer service and sales in Nordea branches throughout Finland. The work in a branch is a great lookout spot thus forms a strong basis for career in financial industry. Also Nordea Finance and our centralised units offer summer trainee positions
Follow us on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/nordea
M.Sc. (Management and International Business) Branch Manager, Nordea
Even though I have worked at Nordea for only a
book.com/nordea-graduate-haku and apply for the 2016 programme
Suvi Pitkänen
For me Nordea has always seemed like an ideal employer, the number one choice. After having worked here for a while now, I would still say the same.
careers within the corporation. There are plenty of interesting options, both in Finland and abroad. Students have amazing opportunities to build networks already during studies. Obviously, school is a great place to start, but KY, for example, offers chances not only to learn management and leadership in practise but also to network with your fellow students as well. Do not fail to make the most of it!
in Helsinki. Read more: www.nordea.fi/kesätyöt
and apply for summer jobs during
fter completing the SEB Corporate Finance Internship programme in the spring of 2014 I was offered the opportunity to join SEB as a full-time analyst, which I happily accepted. Now, after almost 2 years
in the company I can honestly say I made an excellent decision. SEB Corporate Finance provides comprehensive advisory services in M&A and equity capital market trans-
Ever since A. O. Wallenberg founded Sweden’s first private bank in 1856, we at SEB have provided financial services to assist our customers in reaching their financial objectives. In Finland we are 350 professionals working in central Helsinki.
actions. We work mainly with large Nordic companies, financial institutions and private equity firms. As an analyst, my tasks typically include drafting of presentation materials, financial modelling, information research and anything in between. The work is done in teams, and while
Who are we looking for? At SEB, you will be offered great opportunities and exciting chal-
lenges. Through our international network, you can develop your talent in many directions. International Trainee programme We are looking for graduates who have potential, passion and desire to become future leaders or specialists within SEB. We are looking for people who are humble and driven with business and solution oriented mindsets. Your focus is on building relationships and you have strong analytical skills and the ability to learn quickly. Corporate Finance Analyst Internship Our 4-month-long programme is the key element of Corporate Finance’s junior recruitment structure. We want you to be ambitious, hard-working and willing to learn. In addition to an outstanding academic track record you have a brilliant analytical mindset, true team player attitude and good communication skills.
you may have your own responsibilities, you also have the
Application period SEB International Trainee programme: application closing date is January 17th, 2016 Summer jobs: spring 2016 Corporate Finance Analyst Internship: August – September 2016 Local Internship: September 2016 Merchant Banking Summer Internship: December 2016
Internship periods SEB International Trainee programme: September 2016 – August 2017 Summer jobs: summer 2016 Corporate Finance Analyst Internship: spring, summer & autumn 2017 Local Internship: spring & autumn 2017 Merchant Banking Summer Internship: summer 2017
Local Internship Our 4½-month-long programme provides a unique opportunity for you to learn more about banking and to gain a thorough understanding of SEB’s business in Finland. We are looking for students who are self-driven, eager to learn and good team players. Merchant Banking Summer Internship Merchant Banking, SEB’s division for corporates and institutions, offers talented students an exciting opportunity to work in the demanding field of bank and finance during summer months. Summer jobs We offer several summer jobs – the positions for 2016 will be announced during spring.
Requirements SEB International Trainee programme: graduates Summer jobs: 1st – 5th year students Corporate Finance Analyst Internship: 3rd – 5th year students Local Internship: 2nd – 4th year students Merchant Banking Summer Internship: 4th – 5th year students
More information www.seb.fi/rekrytointi www.seb.fi LinkedIn: SEB
full support of your team. What I like about my work at SEB is its diversity – each project is unique. Our projects are typically large and complex and usually involve an international aspect. The work itself constantly provides you with fresh challenges.
Tuomo Heinonen M.Sc. (Finance) Analyst, SEB
What is more, you are given the opportunity to work with extremely talented and committed people. All of this adds up to a great learning experience.
ased on my three-month experience at SEB I can already say that I have found the perfect place to start my career. During the one-year SEB Trainee programme my home team is Financial Strategy
within the Corporate Coverage department. After the trainee programme I will continue in my team as a full-time analyst. In Financial Strategy we provide our corporate customers with advisory services related to their capital structure and balance sheet. It has been exciting to learn new things but also to notice that I am able to exploit theories I learnt in university. Hence I would recommend during your studies to take courses that really interest you. By developing your specific skills and interests you start to build your future career already at school. If I were asked to list the top three qualities of my work I would say interesting projects, professional yet warm working environment and the SEB Trainee programme itself. I highly recommend SEB as an employer to
Anni Lapatto M.Sc. (Finance) International Trainee , SEB
everyone who is interested in banking and ready to take on responsibility early.
joined Summa Capital as an associate in January 2015 after collecting experience from corporate finance for 3 years in a few other Helsinki based teams. I was familiar with Summa and its impeccable reputation as a
high-quality and dedicated advisor for its clients, and I was excited to join their team. I graduated from Aalto University in 2013, where I majored in finance. I can attest that both my education and my work experience have helped me to excel in my job at Summa. At Summa, all employees are expected to
Summa Capital is a partner-owned corporate finance advisory firm founded in 2003. From our office
pitch in and carry their weight from day one. Our work in-
in Helsinki we provide first-class corporate finance services in mergers and acquisitions, divestitures,
cludes solving of complex problems in a fast-paced en-
financing and capital market transactions in addition to real estate advisory. We offer high-quality,
vironment and it is important that all of us support each
comprehensive services, tailored to our clients’ needs. Our work is based on the four cornerstones:
other and bring best to the table. We have an organization
trust, integrity, creativity and expertise. Summa’s international reach is supported by Globalscope,
with a low level of hierarchy and we all share the same am-
a leading cross border M&A network.
bition level in the work we do. It is nice to be able to have laughs with your colleagues at all seniority levels and it gives you energy for your work. Summa has offered me a unique, rapid learning
Essi Hasu M.Sc. (Finance) Associate, Summa Capital
experience. I have had many exciting opportunities to ad-
vise leading companies in various industries and to partic-
Application period
ipate in challenging M&A and financing projects. At Sum-
January 2016
ma, your work day is never similar to the previous one and
reer as a financial analyst trainee. In Summa Academy we offer students
Who are we looking for?
year at Summa I have been able to participate in an IPO
8-16 weeks internships during March-August 2016, which offers real re-
Students with maximum 1-2 years of studies left
Summa Academy offers you a flying start to your corporate finance ca-
sponsibility and a chance to learn from your experienced colleagues. As a trainee, you will be a full member of the team and involved in complex leading-edge client work. Depending on personal success and interest in corporate finance, we offer the most qualified graduates an opportunity to join Summa as a full-time financial analyst after the internship period.
Internship period 8-16 weeks during March – August 2016
and multiple local and cross-border M&A projects in various industries. In addition to challenging projects, I find that the best part of working at Summa is the opportunity to work with and learn from ambitious and intelligent people in your team and at client companies. At Summa I have had the opportunity to meet and work with various CEO’s and chairmen of listed companies in addition to
We are looking for students with maximum 1-2 years left in their stud-
you get to challenge yourself continuously. During my
leading advisors, whom I used to read about in daily papers during my time in university.
ies, who possess a range of qualities, experiences and skills, and who
Summa gives you a unique opportunity to experi-
have the potential to make a real difference. Academic credentials are
ence multiple industries and companies in one job, which
important, but these need to be coupled with excellent communication
provides an opportunity for a very steep learning curve
skills, initiative-taking attitude, strong focus for results and a good sense
and fast career advancement. Working at Summa requires
of humour.
ability to adopt new things, flexibility, accuracy and will-
Next students for Summa
Academy are selected for spring and sum-
mer 2016. The application period will kick off in January / February 2016. For further information and updates on the application period and about Summa Capital please see http://www.summa.fi/en/careers.php
Summa gives you a unique opportunity to experience multiple industries and companies in one job, which provides an opportunity for a very steep learning curve and fast career advancement.
ingness to learn and excel. At Summa, we are always looking for motivated and dynamic people to join our team. After a year in this team, I can definitely recommend it to anyone who is willing to learn and challenge themselves.
or contact us at rekrytointi@summa.fi
In J anuar y 2016 He l s in ki Bu s in ess Sy mp osi um wil l g a t h e r t h e m ost n ota b le names i n b usi ness a n d t h e a ca d e m ic fi e ld of Fi nl and und e r t h e sa m e ro of w it h stu d e n ts. The two -d ay se m i n a r co n s i sts of i n s p ira t i o n a l sp e e c hes, tho ug h t- p rovo ki n g p a n e l d iscu ss i o n s and wo rksho ps by co r p o ra te p a r t n e rs. Pe o p l e l i ke Vi l l e To l va n e n ( Fo r b es To p 3 C M O) , M atti Po hjo l a, Si x te n Ko r km a n , M i c ke Pa q va l é n (CEO of Ki oske d) , L i isa Vä l ika n g a s, Tu o m a s To i vo ne n (Co -fo un d e r of Ho l vi ) , co m p a n i es l ike EY, M i c rosof t an d Acce n tu re a n d m a ny m o re wi l l b e the re s h a r i n g t h e ir t h o u g h ts. H e l si nk i Busi ness Sy m p os i u m cu lm in a tes in a g l o ri o us eve n in g g a la h e ld a t Resta u ra n t Bank o n Fr i d ay 22n d of J a n u a r y.
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do you want your company to be a part of career catalogue 2017? ota yhteyttä Contact Salesmyyntikoordinaattori KY:n Coordinator Oliver Rotko Katariina Karttunen 040 353 +358 40 353 82828282 oliver.rotko@kyweb.fi katariina.karttunen@kyweb.fi