Career Catalogue 2017

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CORPORATE COOPERATION Matilda Saarinen Mirva Laatunen Niko Korpua

INTERVIEWS Hilda Ruuskanen

EDITING Hilda Ruuskanen Matilda Saarinen Antti Ukkonen

ART DIRECTOR Antti Ukkonen

PRINT 3500 Lรถnnberg 2016



et’s face the fact: I still have no idea

working life. However, I do believe that the per-

what I want to do when I “grow up”

fect job for me might be something I did not even

and I bet I am not alone with this is-

know existed. One of the pros of business educa-

sue. To my way of thinking, this issue

tion is that it gives students a solid background to

is not a problem nor a difficulty but a possibi-

do much, not closing too many doors.

lity. I would rather keep doors open than fasten

my eyes to one goal. What if the perfect job for

give a hint on what career opportunities there

me was behind the door right next to the one I

could be for a business student. While reading, I

The purpose of this catalogue is to

chose when slavishly following my “dream job”?

recommend you to pay attention to the diversi-

One more experienced business student once

ty of career paths and absorb as many good ad-

told me to break the business school bubble

vice as you can. However, do not match any story

around me and peek out. There might be a world

to your own life. Like personalities, every career

full of career opportunities out there to explore.

path is different. Wait for the future to show what

opportunities you meet along the way and where

It is vital to have dreams in order to

motivate one to progress in studies as well as in

they might take you.

Matilda Saarinen Sales Coordinator, KY 2016-2017


Yo u are h o ld i n g KY’s Ca re e r Catal o g ue 2017 in yo u r h a n d s. To t h i s re l ease we h ave co l le c te d co m p a n i es that want to re c r u it b u s i n ess stu d e n ts — i n othe r wo rds, co m p a n ies t h a t wa n t to re c r u i t yo u . O n eve r y sp rea d of t h i s Ca re e r Ca ta lo g u e the re i s a p rese n ta t i o n of a n in te rest i n g co mp any. O n t h e lef t p a g e yo u w il l fin d a b ri ef i ntro d uc t i o n of t h e co m p a ny a n d i ts e mp l oy me nt o p p o r tu n i t ies. O n t h e r ig h t p ag e a curre nt e m p l oye e says a few wo rd s ab o ut the i r ex p e r ie n ces a n d ca re e r in t h e co m p a ny. E n j oy yo u r rea d !


6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

LOOKING FOR YOUR DREAM JOB? Instead of sending out masses of job applications, stop for a moment and focus on preparing an individual and carefully polished application. When you really want the job, pay attention at least to the following points.

1. ATTITUDE Having the right attitude is essential in job seeking and recruitment processes. This might sound like a cliché, but the good people with an excellent attitude usually stand out positively and get the job. Keep this in mind throughout the recruitment process —starting from the discussions you have at career events.

2. COMPETENCE Analyse your strengths and consider where you are good at. Think about what makes you special and how you can stand out from the other applicants. There could be dozens or even hundreds of other applicants seeking your dream job.

3. JOB ADVERTISEMENT Read the job advertisement carefully and also visit the company’s website. Find out what the job involves, what is expected of you, and what the potential employer and the branch of industry are like. Underline the main points of the advertisement that you will at least have to address in your application. Focus on this stage as you cannot cover every detail mentioned in the advertisement.


4. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS Time to apply. The employer will usually begin by reading your CV. Does your CV contain all the necessary information and all your accomplishments? Use a maximum of two pages to summarise your education, work experience, positions of responsibility, activity in student organisations, skills and any other relevant information. Your cover letter should be shorter than one page and convey your motivation for the job and for working for this particular company. Show your genuine interest and tell the employer what it is based on. Have you used examples to show your main areas of expertise?

5. LINKEDIN PROFILE It is worth keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date. An up-to-date profile adds value to your application and demonstrates your professional competence and networking skills. Add your profile to the contact details in your CV.

6. RECRUITMENT PROCESS You have been invited to the next stage of the recruitment process. Well done! Careful preparation is needed regardless of whether you are going to attend a video interview, a traditional interview, a case interview, or aptitude tests. You can practise almost all situations. Interview questions can be found in various sources including the Aalto CareerWeb Job Hunting Guide. You can also familiarise yourself with material on case interviews, practise video interviews on the Suomen Ekonomit website and complete aptitude tests on websites such as Aalto CareerWeb also provides information about upcoming career events.

7. CAREER SERVICES If you still feel that you may not have done everything in your power to prepare for applying for your dream job, do what many other School of Business students have done and make an appointment with the Career Specialist of the School of Business Career Services before applying. We can arrange a meeting to Töölö or Otaniemi. We promise that you will feel more confident after your visit. Good luck with your job hunting!

AALTO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS CAREER SERVICES Contact information: | +358 50 414 4969 CV & LinkedIn checks and career advice during the academic year by appointment Office: Aalto University School of Business, Töölö main building, 3rd floor, C wing Aalto CareerWeb:



and you can chat with the guests themselves. If you

one of the bucket list things every student should try

make the most of it you might even get your hands on

to tick off during their Aalto journey. Even if the startup

a valuable tip or two!


spirit is impressively contagious, the reality is that most of us will choose to pursue careers in larger companies.


What are the crucial skills you need to succeed on that

telling you about the future. That’s why we prefer show-

path, in a time characterized by constant change, digi-

ing it to you. The intimate Studio Sessions hosted by

talization and robots? That is in the core of what we

our guests take a more practical stance by teaching you

want you to learn at Annex Aalto.

concrete skills and special techniques from the industry. Our Playground demo area, then again, is filled with

we encourage you to develop and

interactive, try-it-yourself examples of the technologies

hone your professional skill set. Regardless of your ma-

of the future such as IoT, artificial intelligence and ro-

jor or year of studies, we aim to equip you with at least



one tangible piece of knowledge that they don’t teach on both business and techno-

you at university. In addition, we use different methods


since our focus is on hands-on learning!

logy. We believe that encounters and sharing knowledge across disciplines will not only broader our

from concept to content is created

perspectives, but also the future employment opportu-

for students by students themselves. Talks by our top-

nities. Come as you are, enjoy the event, and leave with

tier industry specialists will provide you with a better

a bit more than you came with. A skill set enriched with

understanding about what the future will hold, and in-

a pinch of something outside your own study field will

sights on what is the recipe to succeed. Stick around

definitely help you stand out.





Buzz around startups is going strong, but most of us will work for larger companies. When rapid change is the new normal, how do companies and we as individuals need to adapt to stay in the game? Annex Aalto is a learning experience where students and industry specialists come together to share thoughts and tips on how to succeed. Join us for two evenings full of action in Otaniemi in January!

25. -26.1.2017 #AnnexAalto #21stCenturyDarwinism



the best in the world, Finland or


your school to be able to build your professional brand. did you read this morning?

Finding something interesting and sharing it with your


own insight builds your competence, your network and

What did you watch on YouTube? What did you think

your professional brand.

about it? What questions rose? What ideas did you

absorb? Let the world know what caught your attention

Social media enables you to share your

thoughts and ideas not only to those you know but also

and what you thought about it.

to anyone who has common areas of interests with you.


Which issues do your

friends ask for your help with? What are your extra cur-

Find an article, video or podcast. Throw in a

comment or a question. Share it in LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or YouTube. Start blogging or vlogging. Start building you professional brand – today!

riculum activities? What do you learn every day when spending time with your friends?

Arja Parpala, Career Coach, Trainer and Facilitator at the

Finnish Business School Graduates

What ever you do you solve problems,

create, communicate and achieve results. You use your skills, knowedge and abilities–and develop them at the same time. the same field of studies as you.

Are you interested in talking with

Someone who has studied the same courses as you and

Arja or our other career coaches?


has the same kind of work experience as you. However,

Book an appointment on

when you look a little bit closer, you start to find dif- or send an

ferences. Because of different personalities, interests

e-mail to

and aspirations, you have focused on different aspects of work and used different methods. You have worked with different people as well as in different teams and organisations. You have actually gained quite different experience and learned quite different things. You have built and still continue building very personal skills, knowledge and experience – a unique set of competences. 10

We were looking for a business school graduate. We found someone you can count on.

Otso Takala Business student, man of many official positions of responsibility, citizen of the world

Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. With more than 384,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives.


enthusiastic business and technical students for

an internship for Accenture Consulting. Internship period lasts from May to August 2017. If you… •

are in your final year of studies in a university or a polytechnic, majoring in relevant field

have strong academic results

are team-oriented and have an outgoing personality

are able to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment

have excellent communication skills in both Finnish and English

have an ambition towards the field of Consulting in one the following fields: Media & Communication Technology, Financial Services, Health & Public Service, Products and Resources

… we would love to hear from you!

NOTE: To apply for this position you will have to apply the position “Management Consulting Internship” from



WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR 3-5 year class students

INTERSHIP PERIOD 1.5. -31.8.2017


The ability to learn fast is of course important in my work but keeping your client up-to-date on how the project is proceeding is even more critical.


ccenture has surprised me with the variety

At Accenture, each employee has a career counsel-

of backgrounds of its employees. I studied

lor named to give them support and help in any kind

Management and International Business at

of questions they might face. I think this has been

Aalto. During my studies, I had no idea that

a great thing and helped me a lot to advance on

Accenture actually has positions for management stu-

my career path and to develop myself. In addition,

dents as well. It turned out that there’s an endless list of

during each project we have got feedback from pro-

possibilities for different backgrounds. Just name it and

ject managers. This has given me a lot of motivation to

I can promise there will be something for you as well.

improve the way I am working. In my opinion the cul-

ture of giving feedback is one of the reasons the at-

As I am working as consultant my work is

mainly project-based. We cooperate with our clients

mosphere at our office is really relaxed and trustful.

very closely which has always felt rewarding to me

- first you identify the needs of the client, then search

dents to reach their dream job, it would be the cou-

for solutions together and then finally see that you

rage to trust the skills you have learned during your

have filled your client’s needs. The ability to learn

studies. Never think that you cannot apply for a job X

fast is of course important in my work but keep-

because the company Y is only looking for certain type

ing your client up-to-date on how the project is pro-

of students. Be ready to challenge yourself. At Accenture

ceeding is even more critical. Communication skills

we really value the studies at business school so just

are needed to build trust between you and the client.

be brave and apply! You never know if you do not try.

If I had to name one thing to help stu-

Taru Saariperä M.Sc. (Management and International Business) Management Consultant, Accenture 13

aTalent specializes in the recruitment and professional development of young talents. We have a strong ideological background; we believe that young professionals have the skills, the ideas and the power to change the world. This is why aTalent helps young talents within business and technology and companies to connect.


enthusiastic and ambitious new

talents, who share our passion for recruiting young professionals. In re-


turn we offer our employees the best possible working conditions. Do

We are always looking for top talents,

you want to help young talents and companies connect with us?

so leave us an open application at:


for people interested in consultative

sales! Do you steer clear from hierarchy and firmly established practices? Are you rather a creative innovator? We may have a job for you! Work at aTalent is consultative sales, so preferably you are sharp and have the courage to immerse yourself into different industries and eagerness to understand companies’ needs.

regarding job opportunities through e-mail. About sales positions, contact Laura Lehtonen (laura.lehtonen@ and about recruiting!

attitude charac-

terize our recruitment team. Whether you work as an intern or a recruitment manager, you will be given responsibilities and challenges. The diversity of our clients will provide you with a thorough understanding of the business world. Our way of working is always customer-oriented, so courage and the ability to learn new and challenge yourself is crucial.


You can also contact our personnel

positions, contact Outi Mäkinen (outi.


Contact information of our company:

From the very beginning I have enjoyed the ambience we have at our office. Everyone is working hard and the atmosphere is everything but old-fashioned.


got familiar with aTalent when I was working at

work well but after all we are all on the same level.

the KY Board a few years ago. At that time KY also

bought part of aTalent and the company was grow-

and projects are very versatiles. There is no such thing

When it comes to my actual work, the tasks

ing fast. I had been studying Management and In-

called “normal day at work” - some days I am staying at

ternational Business as my major, specializing in human

our office keeping in touch with our clients and app-

resources which made me interested in working at a

licants, and the others I am running around Helsin-

recruiting company. Pretty soon I found myself work-

ki meeting people. One big part of my job is of course

ing as a trainee at aTalent and a couple of months la-

interviewing applicants which I enjoy a lot too. All in all,

ter I got offered a position as Recruitment Manager. The

I think that any kinds of projects or everyday work tasks

learning curve was pretty steep and that hasn’t changed

are interesting when you do them with a great team!

until this day.

When I applied to aTalent there was no open

From the very beginning I have enjoyed the

search for the trainee position I ended up to work at. I

ambience we have at our office. Everyone is working

think that is a good thing to remember when looking for

hard and the atmosphere is everything but old-fashi-

a job. Just show your interest for the possible employer

oned. Working at aTalent is actually really fun - we get

and keep your eyes wide open. Working as a recruiter

along amazingly well, offer help and cheer up each ot-

has really shown me that the people who are actively

her when facing any kind of challenges. Basically the-

presenting questions and showing their personality are

re isn’t such a thing as work hierarchy at our office. Of

most likely doubling their chances to get hired. At aTa-

course you get more responsibilities and bigger entities

lent we are happy to answer all your questions, don’t he-

to handle when you have shown you have done your

sitate to contact us!

Heta Havu M.Sc. (Management and International Business) Recruitment Manager, aTalent 15

August is the leading local strategy consulting firm in Finland. For fifteen years, we have served large Finnish companies across a broad range of topics covering Strategy, M&A, Commercial Excellence, Cost Efficiency and Organization & Leadership. We offer our clients commitment, relevance and experience. Find out more at


a fascinating career opportunity for people

who are intrigued by solving complex business problem faced by senior management of large companies. August offers a unique combination of intellectual and entrepreneurial challenge, membership in an extraordinary community and freedom to enjoy life. OUR ORGANIZATION COMPRISES

25 professionals with different back-

grounds (incl. several KY alumni). Each year, we are looking for talented and motivated people with an edge to join our dynamic team. Graduates or students close to graduation can apply for a full-time (Analyst) position throughout the year. For students we offer the opportunity to experience consulting through internships that last 2-3 months. Typically

Full-time positions: Continuous Internships: During fall (typically September-October)

WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR Full-time positions: Master’s degree graduates (or master’s students very close to graduation) Internships: 3rd-5th year students

our interns are at least 3rd year students who have demonstrated high


performance in studies, work or other fields of life and are seeking ex-

2-3 months during winter, spring or

perience in strategy consulting.



you get to experience what strategy consulting is like at

August. Your job description, role and responsibilities are comparable to that of our full time Analysts. You are a fully-fledged and valued member of our community, taking part in real life client engagements from Day 1 under guidance of experienced consultants. An internship also serves as a potential stepping stone to a full time position at August after graduation.





have been working as a management consultant at August merely for half a year but I already could see myself working here five years from now. As a consulting company, August offers me possibilities to

improve my personal skills and gain knowledge in many fields of business. I am continuously thrown into new, unexpected situations which force me to adapt things quickly and step out from my comfort zone. You really need to have an open mind and sharp attitude to face these situations at work each day. I studied finance as my major at Aalto University School of Business before I joined August. Learning from books and lectures was no doubt a great way to get the basic knowledge of finance but what I myself appreciate a bit more is the experience I have gained from my previous jobs. Quite often people think that you need to have an extensive list of skills and work experiences to be able to apply for consultant. While solid analytical problem solving skills are undoubtedly re-

Atte Heikkilä M.Sc. (Finance) Management Consultant, August

quired, in the end the ability to build lasting relationships is equally important. Working as a consultant is not just solving cases – you need to be good with people too. After I started at August I have had three totally different projects to work with. Our goal is always to find out what our client’s real problem is, how it could be solved and then deliver the most impactful solution. We work really closely together with our clients to ensure that we create solutions that are unique and useful for them. Working at August has been both challenging and rewarding. Even though the projects require a lot of effort, all the demanding work pays off in the end.

I am continuously thrown into new, unexpected situations which force me to adapt things quickly and step out from my comfort zone.

The feeling of facing challenges and then learning from them is something I really enjoy. Of course other important things inspiring me are the close-knit community and passionate people we have. It is always nice to go to our office when you know there will be people you really enjoy working with. It’s an encouraging atmosphere that inspires you to give your best.


The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm, the world’s leading advisor on business strategy and the market leader in Finland. We partner with clients in all sectors to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges and fundamentally transform their business trajectories.


in your final year of study for your master’s degree, you can

apply for the position of Associate at when close to graduation.


for the internship program is around Octo-

ber 2017. (The exact date will be published on the BCG website in late summer 2017.) WE ARE LOOKING FOR STUDENTS

with outstanding academic records,

great analytical and interpersonal skills, intellectual curiosity and strong ambition. JOIN OUR TEAM as

a Visiting Associate and get to know strategy consul-

ting at its best. You will be fully involved in international, transformational, leading-edge client work and will help leaders in business change the rules of the game, not just play better. THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM OFFERS YOU: •

Two to three months of work experience on a real consulting project

Flexible beginning and end dates, including the option to join us in the spring or fall as well as the summer

Complete integration into one of our project teams based in Helsinki or in one of our other European offices


Training sessions on essential consulting skills

Social activities for team building and networking

APPLICATION PERIOD For the internship program around October 2017

WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR Students with outstanding academic records

MORE INFORMATION Contact recruiting team at (09-8568 6002, or visit

This is what I love about my work – the sheer diversity of projects with real impact – but it is also one of the toughest parts of being an Associate.


efore starting as an Associate, I did an in-

– the sheer diversity of projects with real impact – but it

ternship at BCG. Going into my internship, I

is also one of the toughest parts of being an Associate.

thought I knew what I was getting myself

You repeatedly find yourself working in indust-

into. I knew I wanted to work in management

ries you don’t really know, for clients whose business

consulting early on in my studies, but I didn’t apply be-

you can barely understand at first, trying to answer very

fore my fourth year because I was afraid of not being

complex questions. This is why the ability to deal with

good enough to succeed at this job. The truth is con-

uncertainty, and having the natural curiosity and grit to

sulting is one of those things that you can only learn by

break down a complex problem, analyze it and find the

doing. My biggest advice is: don’t wait to apply until you

solution, are the most important skills and personality

think you’re 100% ready. There is nothing to lose in ap-

traits for a consultant.

plying, so you might as well just do it now.

However, every case is a team effort and that

At BCG, we tackle some of the hardest chal-

brings me to the best part about BCG – the people.

lenges that our clients face. From enabling a leading

Working in an environment filled with talented and

global industrial player to develop cybersecuri-

driven individuals is incredibly motivating. There’s

ty capabilities as it enters the IoT space, to helping a

nothing like solving a difficult case with your team,

Middle Eastern government transform an entire coun-

or those team dinners and jokes during late night

try through social and economic reforms in response to

crunches that somehow manage to turn into great

plunging oil prices. This is what I love about my work


Laura Leusko M.Sc. (Finance) Associate, BCG 19

Capgemini Consulting is the strategy and transformation consulting brand of the Capgemini Group. We are the leader and strategic partner in Digital Transformation, providing the know-how and expertise to advise leading companies and governments on how to accelerate their innovation and master the digital economy.


empowered by a career that rewards and challeng-

es you from day one?

Management Consultant, Full-time position: Continuous recruitment


We offer attractive oppor-

tunities for growth across our global organization, in a unique collabo-

Capgemini Consulting Summer

rative culture. As a management consultant at Capgemini Consulting

Internship Program 2018:

you will work in close collaboration with our clients. You will be part of a successful global management consultant team advising leading brands on how to enhance the customer experience and disrupt business models in the digital economy. We are proud to have a people culture, with focus on continuous learning and a great place to work.


Application period will open in the autumn of 2017

WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR High performing students in their final year of master’s degree in business,


engineering and/or computer science, high-performing students who are 1-2

semesters away from graduation, the opportunity to learn more about

with excellent academic records

the management consultancy profession during a two month long Sum-


mer Internship Program. Gain new experience by working together with

senior management consultants on exciting business tranformation as-

Facebook: Capgemini Consulting

signments. You will have the opportunity to develop core management


consulting skills, attend trainings and get to know our collaborative culture. WE ARE RECRUITING

continuously and looking for students with

excellent academic records within the final year of a master’s degree in business, engineering and/or computer science.



Much of the work as a consultant consists of human interaction, and therefore good social skills are essential in order to be able to sell your ideas and build strong relationships with clients.


lready from the first encounter my impres-

work as a consultant consists of human interaction, and

sion of Capgemini Consulting was really

therefore good social skills are essential in order to be

good – the consultants seemed to have a

able to sell your ideas and build strong relationships

great drive while being nice and responsive.

with clients. Excellent problem solving skills are need-

Having worked at Capgemini Consulting for one and a

ed too, but I would say that your attitude is what makes

half years, I am happy to say that my first impression has

the difference.

only strengthened and all my expectations have been met one hundred per cent!

During my time at Capgemini Consulting I have of course improved my skills in essential tools such as

I graduated from the Aalto M.Sc. program in

PowerPoint, but moreover learnt to present my ideas in

accounting and completed the CEMS MIM program

innovative and bold ways. That’s important since the

along with my studies. The CEMS studies included a lot

ability and courage to express your thoughts clearly

of case work and consulting-like presentations, which

is key to a successful career in management consult-

was excellent preparation for a career in consulting.

ing. Working as a consultant also requires being able to

In addition I have benefitted a great deal from un-

handle extremely complex entities. You need to be able

derstanding the number-side, this being thanks to the

to adopt new concepts at a really fast pace and be curi-

studies in accounting.

ous to learn new things. It is not unusual to face a topic

As a Management Consultant, I work very closely with our clients. We work in teams which are formed

that you have not worked with before – be prepared for a journey of never ending learning!

to match each client’s and project’s needs. Much of the

Jaana Palo M.Sc. (Accounting) Management Consultant, Capgemini Consulting 21

CGI is a global IT and business process services provider delivering high-quality business consulting, systems integration and outsourcing services. With 65,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI has an industry-leading track record of on-time, on-budget projects, aligning our teams with clients’ business strategies to achieve top-to-bottom line results. In Finland CGI operates in 17 locations, and employs over 3000 professionals.

BUILD YOUR FUTURE WITH CGI AT CGI, WE STRIVE to create an environment where our people come first.

We call our employees “members” to reinforce that all who join our team are considered company owners, and are empowered to share in the rewards and challenges that come from building a world-class business.

We are constantly looking for young talents.

Our members are able to achieve their potential and develop them-

Summer trainee positions are open

selves in an international environment.

for applications in Jan-Feb 2017. We


independent information technology and busi-

ness process services firms in the world, our members are key to our success. We realize that our continued success depends on our ability to attract and retain top-quality professionals – like you. CGI IS ALWAYS SEEKING

knowledgeable, creative, and committed indivi-

duals who are ready to grow with us. In addition to building your own future at CGI, you will have the opportunity to make a difference in the future of our customers and the environment. If you want to experience the spirit of an entrepreneurial organization, while benefiting from the impressive resources of a global company, we invite you to join us.

also have open trainee and junior professional positions during the year. If you are close to graduation or graduated, and you are interested in IT, see more information about open positions on our website.


WE OFFER CHALLENGING and rewarding work environment where there’s

Twitter: CGI Suomi

always room for you to grow. That’s our commitment to you.

Linkedin: CGI

FUTURE TALENT EVENT 27TH OF JAN 2017 JOIN CGI’S FUTURE TALENT EVENT in Helsinki, Finlandia-talo on Jan 27th!

Get to know CGI and our career opportunities, network with our professionals and meet hiring managers, hear interesting speakers about personal branding as well as what is trending in our business. More information and registration at



Working in a project you always have different people in your team. I have learned a lot from my colleagues - especially analytical skills are needed in my work, not forgetting the teamwork skills.


epending on the project I am working on,

job even more likeable and it is nice that you can en-

my days look quite different to each ot-

joy hanging out with your colleagues after work too.

her. At the moment I am part of a project

which requires me to stay at our client’s of-

nent contract. The first two months with CGI I spent in

From the very beginning I have had a perma-

fice full-time. Sometimes we have projects in which we

Portugal doing a trainee program, in which we most-

only meet the client a couple of times a week so you

ly studied the company’s different processes. It was a

never know how your next project is going to be like.

great experience and helped me to gain more knowl-

This kind of variation really keeps me motivated. Work-

edge useful in my job. I also got to meet my CGI col-

ing as an SAP Consultant, I am dealing with systems

leagues from different countries - switching thoughts

considering accounting. Each of our clients uses diffe-

with them was really interesting and insightful!

rent processes so I need to learn new things all the time.

I had some previous work experience from

people in your team. I have learned a lot from my col-

accounting when I joined CGI. I saw this as a ma-

leagues - especially analytical skills are needed in my

jor advantage for me. I was also interested in having

work, not forgetting the teamwork skills. As I only start-

a technical twist in my job so when I spotted this po-

ed at CGI last summer, I know that I am still in the be-

sition, I knew it would be a good match for me. What

ginning of my career and have a lot to learn. It will be

has also been nice to notice is that there are so many

exciting to see how I will manage to improve my skills

like-minded people working at CGI. This makes the

for example in four years.

Working in a project you always have different

Olli Huttunen B.Sc. (Accounting) SAP Consultant, CGI 23

EY is a global leader in professional services offering diverse career opportunities in assurance, advisory, tax, law and transactions. We are the most attractive employer in our field among Finnish students and professionals, bringing together 231,000 people in 152 countries.


your mark on the world around you. We develop

outstanding professionals who deliver insights and quality services that support businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups. By doing so, we build a better working world for our people, clients and communities. WE TACKLE THE MOST STIMULATING ASSIGNMENTS

the business can of-

fer in high-performing teams. Our projects, clients and colleagues come from around the world, from every industry. Diversity makes us strong, so we value every EY-ian from trainee to partner. We remember to have fun too − and each other’s backs. THE EY EXPERIENCE TRAINEE PROGRAM

APPLICATION PERIOD For next EY Experience Trainee Program: 1-20 March 2017

WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR 3rd -5th year students, recent graduates and experienced professionals

INTERNSHIP PERIOD shows you the ropes of working

3-9 months, beginning in fall or spring

in professional services. Our trainees gain valuable hands-on experience and develop professional and personal competencies in a supportive environment. Last year, we hired 100+ trainees in Finland and over half stayed with us. See for more details. INTERESTED IN A CLEAR CAREER PATH

that leads to success? We con-

tinuously recruit inspired, analytical and team-spirited individuals. We would love to hear from you – reach out to us via email, on social media or come chat with us at different student and recruitment events. See you soon in the hallways of EY! We guarantee you: the exceptional relationships and experiences you gain with us will last you a lifetime.


MORE INFORMATION Email: Facebook: EY Suomi Urasivut

Starting as a graduate, it is great that EY pays a lot of attention to new employees. We do a lot of networking and the company organizes a week-long orientation for new employees in Spain.


got interested in working at EY at the end of my

From the start of my work as a trainee, I have had the

studies because I knew they had a great presence

opportunity to participate directly in actual client work.

in tax services and offered work in an international

Tax consulting has very much to do with the client’s in-

environment. I had been studying corporate law in

dustry and business model, and you learn a lot from

Aalto University School of Business but also had a back-

client projects in these aspects as well, in addition to

ground from law school, so I felt that the knowledge I

developing your technical tax knowledge. Especially

had through my studies would be a good fit for tax con-

during the beginning of your career in consulting, you

sulting. I started at EY as a trainee and, after my trai-

learn a lot if you are open-minded and eager to deve-

neeship continued, as a Tax Advisor. Currently, I work as

lop. The work can be fast-paced at times, so it requires

a Manager in our International Tax Services team.

flexibility and especially good teamwork skills with your

When I joined EY, I was happy to note that

team locally and abroad – the daily work with the other

many of my colleagues were also recent graduates.

EY teams and clients is very international.

Starting as a graduate, it is great that EY pays a lot of

After I joined EY, I have learnt much more than

attention to new employees. We do a lot of network-

I expected. It is rewarding to notice that you still, af-

ing and the company organizes a week-long orienta-

ter working in the field for more than four years, learn

tion for new employees in Spain. Later on, there are re-

something new almost every day. It is great to be able

gular trainings and team meetings with colleagues. In

to work with interesting topics daily, but what makes EY

the events, you get to know your great colleagues from

even a better choice for me, is the people! The fact that

different countries and have a lot of fun, too. Meeting

EY employs a great number of professionals from dif-

your colleagues with whom you work on a weekly basis

ferent fields provides great chances for learning and we

makes working on the joint projects much easier.

also have a great time working together!

Laura Lahdenperä M.Sc. (Corporate Law) Manager, International Tax Services, EY 25

Finnair is a place where ambitious, competent and motivated people can really make a difference.


We are constantly looking for top talent

with a view of our global prospects for

with a degree in business. With us you

growth. We are an international carrier serving a global market. The

could work with, e.g. network analysis,

airline industry is preparing for take-off, especially as we serve rapidly

digital product development, customer


growing markets around the world. Our membership in the oneworld alliance enables us to spread our wings even wider.

DO YOU WANT TO FLY WITH WORLD-CLASS PROFESSIONALS? WE WERE BORN on the top of the world and take pride in our operational

excellence. It takes a wide range of special competencies to fly our aircraft and serve our customers, whether you are working in the head office or in operations. Now there are nearly 5000 of us, from 45 countries around the globe. Our team of world-class professionals would like to welcome you on board.



research, treasury operations, project management or business controlling – just to name a few of the positions we have recently filled.

MORE INFORMATION Linkedin: Finnair

I enjoy solving problems which is important since there are lot of moving parts in my job.


really like the feeling at work seeing airplanes fi-

to and during those two years of studying I learned a

ling in and out from the airport. You are constantly

lot. I use this knowledge in my work every day, espe-

reminded that there is something real behind the

cially in the areas of derivatives and risk management.

numbers you are working on. But it is not only the

There are of course some areas in my work I have not

airplanes you see flying here – also time flies when you

been involved in before. It has been okay to not have all

enjoy your work. At Finnair, I do not look at the clock to

the knowledge beforehand when facing a problem. The

see when I can leave the office. Rather, I look at it and

ability to learn fast has often been more important.

am surprised that it is time to go home already.

The corporate functions of Finnair are con-

Airline industry feels very complex and exci-

centrated in one building. It helps a lot when you meet

ting to me. I enjoy solving problems which is impor-

people from different functions of the company. One day

tant since there are lot of moving parts in my job. My

you might meet someone from engineering and another

tasks encompass many different areas, from monitoring

day someone from fleet management. This means you

financial risks to treasury-related reporting for the in-

learn something new about the company every day! My

terim and annual disclosures. This is something I like

work hours are really flexible - there are no daily rou-

about my job, too. Being able to apply and gain the skills

tines and I am in charge of which tasks and projects to

and knowledge from different areas in my work has

prioritize. All in all, the environment at Finnair is very

been exactly the thing I was looking for in a job.

supportive and I like my work quite a lot!

I did my Master’s degree in finance at Aal-

Taisia Barbasova M.Sc. (Finance) Risk Analyst, Treasure , Finnair 27

Hartwall is the leader in innovation in the beverage industry in Finland. Hartwall’s product range comprises beers, ciders and long drinks, bottled waters, soft drinks, speciality drinks as well as wines and other alcoholic beverages supplied through its subsidiary Hartwa-Trade. The company’s best-known brands are Lapin Kulta, Karjala, Foster’s and Heineken beers as well as Hartwall Jaffa soft drinks, Hartwall Novelle mineral waters, Upcider ciders and Hartwall Original Long Drink. Hartwall offers a wide variety of job opportunities to young professionals in production, logistics, sales, marketing, financial and information management all around Finland.










hundred summer workers. Most of the summer workers are employed in Hartwall’s modern production plant in Lahti as production workers or beverage producers, while others are employed in maintenance tasks,

APPLICATION PERIOD 19th December 2016 – 12th February 2017

logistics collection, cove-ring processing, laboratory work and logistics


accounting. In Helsinki, summer workers are employed in customer ser-

1st-5th year students

vice, payroll, credit monitoring and export accounting. WE OFFER YOU

a unique opportunity to work in a strong brand house

with beloved products. Join our energetic and passionate team!

TIME Depending on the role, typically from May to August

MORE INFORMATION Facebook: Kesätyö Hartwallilla LinkedIn: Hartwall


We are not scared of trying new things and we are always encouraged to present also the craziest ideas we have in our minds.


feel extremely privileged being able to combine

– everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses

my work with my beloved hobby. I have been

so there is always someone who has the knowledge

interested in wine and the alcoholic beverage

and answers to your questions if you don’t. We are not

industry since I turned 18. I wrote a wine blog for

scared of trying new things and we are always encou-

four years, which helped me gain a lot of knowledge

raged to present also the craziest ideas we have in our

about wines but also realize this could be the industry I

minds. Even though I sometimes have the feeling of

would like to work in.

having quite many things on my to do -list, it is always

rewarding to get things done and get positive feedback

I started working at Hartwall one and a half

years ago as an intern. After my internship I worked as

from what you do.

a Marketing Coordinator, after which I was made Junior

My week at work includes a lot of mail ex-

Brand and Digital Manager. Hartwa-Trade works under

change and sometimes meetings and dinners with our

Hartwall and is one of the biggest alcoholic beverage

clients so you really need to enjoy getting to know new

importers in Finland. I would describe my work as really

people and have good social skills. All in all, I think

versatile, varying from marketing planning and training

that if you are passionate about the industry you want

customer and staff to keeping in touch with our clients.

to work in, and have even some kind of record from it,

What I love about my work is the chance to use my crea-

be it a blog or a vlog or volunteer work experience, it

tivity and wine skills.

will be a lot easier to achieve your dream job in the fu-

At Hartwa-Trade we have a great team of

ture. Don’t underestimate your own ability to learn new

Brand Managers which I consider a really positive thing

things and always remember to be nice to everyone.

Heta Kangasmaa M.Sc. (Marketing) Junior Brand and Digital Manager, Hartwall 29

Hilti employs 24,000 people in sales and engineering globally. We provide our leading-edge tools, software and services for the construction industry. We’re seeking high-performing people with the excellence and drive to take Hilti forward. Could you be one of them?


to relocate internationally? Have you had excellent suc-

HOW TO APPLY Send us your CV and application to by 27.1.2017.

cess in your studies? WE ARE LOOKING FOR

people with excellent performance and good lan-

guage skills, who are interested in sales, business and general manage-



ment. A Hilti Outperformer is a goal driven team player with excellent analytical and communication skills. HILTI OUTPERFORMER IS

a 24 month development program in which

you will carry out 2-4 projects in different countries. You will get full support and mentoring throughout the program which also includes training in a top business school in Europe.

Genuine desire to learn and gain results

Excellent team player with good communication skills

Proactive and responsible persona

Hilti careers


and proactive team player with passion to

develop yourself and others? you will start your career and development in Open vacancies

sales. To be successful, you need to be goal oriented, determined and

Contact Human Resources

have the ability to understand customer needs. You get an individual

development plan, where the aim is for you to grow as a professional and become a successful talent in our organization.





Final year student or a recent

Hilti enables us to develop ourselves in our daily work by both challenging us and giving continual feedback on our performance.


graduated from the University of Tampere in 2014

channel and I have also worked as an account mana-

and started looking for sales positions because I

ger in the direct sales force. When it comes to working

thought that it could be something to build my

in sales, you need to have the knowledge of what you

career in. While browsing through job advertise-

are selling, the ability to work under pressure, an open

ments I noticed a company called Hilti. As I have previ-

mind and the knowledge to identify the needs of your

ous work experience in our family company in the con-

customer. One of our beliefs is that everyone working

struction business, I took a better look at what Hilti had

in sales should have a comprehensive understanding of

to offer and applied. I have never regretted taking the

the core business and the customers. As I now work as

position and couldn’t imagine being happier working

a Regional Manager in lead of a team of seven account

for any other company.

managers I find this one of the key learnings I utilize

As an employee at Hilti, I can honestly say that


the company wants to make sure its employees enjoy

At Hilti our values include the importance of

their work. Hilti enables us to develop ourselves in our

teamwork and commitment to both personal and com-

daily work by both challenging us and giving continu-

pany growth and development. I can wholeheartedly

os feedback on our performance. I have gained a lot of

agree with Hilti’s values which makes my job meaning-

good experience in a fast pace but I know there still are

ful for me and is the main reason why I am proud to

many things I want to develop in.

work for the company. At Hilti we live by our values and

I started my career at Hilti in our e-business

one can identify them in our work every day.

Jenni Pirinen M.Sc. (Corporate Law) Regional Manager, Hilti 31

The about 45,000 exceptionally nice people of the K-Group work daily to make shopping fun for customers in our stores in the Nordic countries, the Baltic countries, Poland and Russia. We help our more than 1,500 stores serve their customers in the grocery trade, the building and technical trade, and the car trade. We do our work with big heart while paying attention to society and the environment. We are already the most responsible food retailer in the world and are constantly trying out something new. We are doing this to provide good choices both on the shelves of the local stores and online.




the best omnichannel Customer Experience,

digital services and ecommerce offering in the retail industry. We are constantly challenging our ways of working to exceed our customer expectations. We are constantly looking for digital business professionals with proven track records for multiple roles to lead the digital transformation and make things happen. All our decisions are guided by our value, Customer and quality in everything we do.


For example, we develop new ideas with a team of experts to improve the product placing at our stores. What a rewarding feeling it is to see these ideas in action when stopping by my local store!


s Service Manager at Kesko, I am responsible

However, even more important is my passion towards

for many things considering K-food stores.

this industry. K-Group has totally given me everything I

For example, we develop new ideas with a

expected but I know there are still a lot of possibilities

team of experts to improve the product pla-

to try. As Kesko operates in three different industries, in

cing at our stores. What a rewarding feeling it is to see

nine different countries and has 45000 employees, the

these ideas in action when stopping by my local store!

list of opportunities is really endless.

I never know where my job is taking me since

Different career paths are not the only thing

it includes visiting K-food stores all around Finland. It

K-Group offers to its employees. At K-Group we pay a

is interesting to see how things are handled in diffe-

lot of attention to employee development and arrange

rent stores. Some weeks I travel to Suonenjoki or Imatra

trainings regularly. I think that our managers are doing

and others I just spend working at our office. A common

a great job especially with the feedback they give. The

thing with every week at work is meeting new people.

atmosphere at K-Group is super encouraging and I never

That inspires me a lot!

think twice before asking help from someone. One can

I did some consumer behaviour studies at university which has helped me a lot at my daily work.

always be sure that the question will not be considered anyhow stupid.


Maija Heimala M.Sc. (Consumer Economics) Service Manager, K-Group 33

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax, Legal and Advisory services. We have 174,000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 155 countries. In Finland, with over 900 experts in 23 locations, KPMG is one of the leading providers within our industry.

IS YOUR GOAL TO SUCCEED? We are seeking for Trainees to join our Audit and Assurance Services! DO YOU HAVE

genuine interest towards our business, plus a curious,

flexible and active attitude? Do you want a comprehensive experience combination about your interest areas? AS A TRAINEE you’ll

participate in very interesting assignments and pro-

jects as a part of our team from day one. We offer you an attractive position in a respected professional firm, among great colleagues! You’ll get guidance, but also a proper amount of responsibility from the start. You will also benefit from our empowering and fun leisure activities.

EXPERIENCES #KPMGLIFE A global Audit giant? Busy experts in suits? Or also fun colleagues and flexible careers at Töölönlahti and around Finland? And services from Audit to Consulting and from Taxation to Cyber Security. Experience yourself. For info and open positions, visit:


a recent graduate in Economics? Are you

comfortable working under pressure and eager to learn new things? Do you have strong analytical and Excel skills? Your experience in audit-

Linkedin: KPMG Finland

ing, bookkeeping or other financial administration tasks will also be an

Twitter: KPMG Finland


Instagram: KPMG Finland


for example in our

superb office in Helsinki. The application period for the fall 2017 program opens soon. See the places first hand from social media!


SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: KPMG Finland

The needs of our clients are changing all the time and the digitalisation has its impact to our work too, among many other things.


have been working as Auditor at KPMG since 2007

ty stereotypic before I started at KPMG. However, in

and I am still astonished how broad range of op-

reality it turned out to be a whole different kind of story.

portunities our company retains. KPMG offers pos-

The work is actually really diverse - it is not only toiling

sibilities for self-improvement and one can also

alone with a pile of papers. Our work is done in teams

gain more responsibilities inside the company. In

and we are always working really close to our clients.

addition, due to the large size of the company, there is

What has been interesting to notice is the change au-

an endless list of possibilities that enable employees to

diting has been facing during the last years. The needs

build their career paths to match their interests inclu-

of our clients are changing all the time and the digi-

ding assurance services. For example, I have been audi-

talisation has its impact to our work too, among many

ting the Finnish companies’ subsidiaries in Russia and

other things.

after that bigger companies in Finland.

My normal day at work includes basically work-

When I started working at KPMG I had just

ing at our clients’ offices with a team. All the teams I

graduated from Helsinki School of Economics. At the

have worked with have been amazing but that is not all.

beginning of my studies I chose to study accounting as

Projects are actually not the only thing bringing us to-

my major and business law as my minor. I saw this as a

gether - KPMG wants to make sure we can enjoy our col-

natural combination, because already at that time au-

leagues’ company outside the work too! We have many

ditor’s job seemed quite an obvious choice for me. Also

kind of free time activities, for example sports clubs

in 2012, I completed the authorized public accountant’s

from running to football. Last season it was actually our

examination which was of course an important achieve-

very own team KPMG, who won the football series for

ment for me and my career.


My assumptions about auditor’s work were pretElina Löytönen M.Sc. (Accounting), Authorized Public Accountant Auditor, KPMG 35

Building tomorrow. Municipality Finance Plc (MuniFin) is the third largest credit institution in Finland operating under the direct supervision of the European Central Bank. Our customers are Finnish municipalities, municipal federations, municipally owned corporations and non-profit housing companies. As a result of our work there are day care centers, schools, apartments, hospitals, electric utilities and water treatment plants being built even at the moment.


will have a chance to work in a fast-growing and cons-

tantly developing credit institution. MUNIFIN’S CLIENTS ARE DOMESTIC but the company operates in a comp-

letely global business environment. We are the most active Finnish bond issuer in international capital markets. At MuniFin the customer comes first. Our other values are reliability, partnership, creativity, continuous improvement and teamwork. WE OFFER GREAT POSSIBILITIES

to develop your expertise in the field

If you find yourself as a reliable, selfimposed and open-minded team player, and want to have a job with meaning and important role in our society check out our summer jobs in January. We also offer fixed-term part-time

of international finance. You will have a great opportunity to work with

project assignments for students

other talented finance professionals who will help you succeed at what

majoring in finance or accounting and

you do. With us you will join an enthusiastic, talented and motivated

graduating shortly.

team of experts who enjoy spending time together. Our people are proud of the job they do. Our office is located right in the heart of Helsinki.



More information and applications:

As our organization is relatively flat it feels natural to ask for help and cooperate with colleagues.


miliar but it wasn’t clear to me what their business was

of reporting. If I take a look at the level of knowledge I

actually about. Luckily, in 2010, I spotted that MuniFin

had when I started working here, the improvement has

was searching for a new trainee and decided to apply.

been significant. Having to handle new things at a fast

uniFin – or Kuntarahoitus in Finnish – might be a company that doesn’t ring a bell for everyone. That used to be the case for me as well – the name was fa-


love the feeling when you realize that something that felt difficult for you before feels much easier now. As I am working at the financial administration department of MuniFin, my tasks include a lot

I can say that this company has definitely turned

pace has made me a quick learner. Sometimes I also

out to be exactly what I was expecting of an employ-

need to step into someone else’s shoes which makes my

er. I really love the flexibility of my work and the inte-

work more challenging.

resting opportunities MuniFin offers to develop oneself.

As our organization is relatively flat it feels na-

As in any job, I have certain routines but a large part

tural to ask for help and cooperate with colleagues. The

of my work is hectic and requires fast decision-making.

flow of information is really smooth at our office. We

know what kind of projects each of us are working on at

My first year as a trainee was about getting

to know all the departments of MuniFin. It helped me

the certain moment.

to understand the structure of the company and how it

Another pretty cool thing is that at MuniFin

works. Now I have been working as Portfolio Manager

employees can end up working with the projects they

for a couple of years and the skills gained at university

are most fascinated about. Before I started working

have been more than useful. My job is about managing

here I was inte-rested in matters related to corporate

our company’s long-term bond portfolio; following the

responsibility. I let my current boss know about that and

markets, executing trades and interacting with people.

was soon offered a possibility to work with a CR project.

Juha Mäntykorpi

Sina Westerberg

M.Sc. (Economics)

M.Sc. (Accounting)

Portfolio Manager, MuniFin

Financial Controller, MuniFin 37

Welcome to Magenta Advisory. We are a Digital Transformation Company. Digitalization is set to profoundly transform every industry. The transformation is no longer just tied to operational efficiencies and customer interfaces – it shakes the fundamentals of our clients’ business. This digital age requires a new breed of consultants. Consultants who combine strategic acumen, design thinking, technology foresight and data analytics with modern approaches to transforming businesses. Magenta Advisory, a BearingPoint company


you will be a part of an inspiring team of fo-

cused management consultants backed by BearingPoint’s strong multi-industry expertise. You will get to work with leading Finnish and multinational companies in their digital and multichannel business transformations. Our key values are: •

WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR Business or engineering students close to graduation


continuously training our entire team

Passion for quality, which is why we never settle for anything

Passion for fun, which is why we invest in great team spirit



Continuous for the consultant position

Passion for digital business, which is why we invest in

less than the best •


The impression I got about Magenta during the interview process was spot on. The people working here are fun, ambitious and smart.


to develop my skills and competences further into more

moving to Magenta gave me the chance to combine

strategic themes. One of the most interesting projects

that knowledge with my business know-how.

joined BearingPoint little over a year ago, and now I am part of the Magenta Advisory team. After previously working in other consultancy firms, BearingPoint has provided me great opportunities


became interested in Magenta Advisory due to the company’s strong focus on digitalization. During my studies, I had gained an in-depth understanding of high technology through an internship, and

so far has been a project in Saudi Arabia last spring.

I have been more than happy with my decision

Our team was truly international with colleagues from

to join Magenta Advisory. The impression I got about

Helsinki, Munich and Dubai office. We worked tightly to-

Magenta during the interview process was spot on. The

gether for three months, got to know each other and

people here are fun, ambitious and smart. We regular-

different cultures and learned a lot. Each week we tra-

ly get drawn into interesting talks about topical issues,

velled to meet our client in Saudi Arabia for four days

putting our work into a broader context.

and rest of the days we spent working at our Dubai office.

My advice to students: when considering career paths, it is good to look beyond the obvious choices.

This is something I really like about consul-

Instead of thinking about what you could achieve, you

tant’s work. We are all committed and eager to learn

should think about what you want to achieve and how

new things. As a consultant you face many client busi-

you will get there. Never worry about not being good

nesses and situations, which allow you to develop your

enough. Instead, focus on getting better at things that

skills in different environments. When working with a

inspire you.

team you always challenge each other’s ideas and you create solutions that rock!

Henna Säntti

Juuso Saloranta

M.Sc. (Marketing)

M.Sc. (International Business)

Senior Business Consultant, BearingPoint

Consultant, Magenta Advisory 39

Ever since A. O. Wallenberg founded Sweden’s first private bank in 1856, we at SEB have provided financial services to assist our customers in reaching their financial objectives. In Finland we are 350 professionals working in central Helsinki.

WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR? BANKING IS ALL ABOUT PEOPLE. We provide space for individual development

by making our people feel valued, included and engaged. INTERNATIONAL TRAINEE PROGRAM

APPLICATION PERIOD January: SEB International Trainee program and Summer Internship program

WE ARE LOOKING FOR graduates who have the potential, passion and a desire to

Spring: Summer jobs

become future leaders or specialists within SEB. Our vision is to deliver world-class

September: Corporate Finance Analyst

service and to achieve that we need committed and customer-oriented employees

Internship and Local Internship

working together. The trainee program gives you a unique opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of SEB and build an extensive network.



1st – 5th year students to graduates,


provides a unique opportunity for you to

learn more about finance and to gain a thorough understanding of SEB’s business in Finland. We are looking for students who are motivated, eager to learn and good team players

is the key element of Corporate Finance’s ju-

nior recruitment structure. We want you to be ambitious, hard-working and willing to learn. In addition to an outstanding academic track record you have a brilliant analytical mindset, true team player attitude and good communication skills. SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM SEB’S DIVISION FOR CORPORATES

and institutions offers talented students an

exciting opportunity to work in the demanding field of bank and finance during summer months. SUMMER JOBS WE OFFER SEVERAL SUMMER JOBS

ced during spring.




depending on the positions

– the positions for 2017 will be announ-

LinkedIn: SEB

It’s exciting to work in the midst of the structural shift that the banking industry is going through. I feel inspired by the digital development and I am curious to see how it is going to shape my work in the future.


came across SEB for the first time at the ARENA

tional Sales team of our Markets department.

Career Fair in the very beginning of my studies. At

I studied finance as my major but the bank needs,

the time I didn’t know much about the company

more than ever, people with different backgrounds. One

but after I was hired, I quickly realized that SEB

thing in common to all of us is curiosity towards shifts

truly is a global bank. I work with my colleagues around

and changes in the society and the financial markets. We

the world on a daily basis serving customers in all

use a lot of time reading and analyzing news, in order

parts of the world. SEB is an ideal employer for anyone

to deliver the best possible service to our clients. As an

interested in pursuing a career outside Finland. The

example, during the presidential elections in the USA,

bank encourages employees to apply for open positions

we spent a lot of time figuring out possible scenarios

globally and there are good possibilities for job rotation

and their impacts on the financial markets.

in all 20 countries in which SEB is present.

As digitalization has tremendous impacts on the

My career at SEB started in 2014. I was recrui-

banking sector, we constantly need to update our func-

ted to the global Summer Internship program in which

tions and policies. This gives us opportunities to cre-

I worked for the foreign exchange team in Helsinki. Du-

ate new ways of working and new ways of supporting

ring my internship I learned a lot about the financial

our customers. It’s exciting to work in the midst of the

markets and how we can help our customers with their

structural shift that the banking industry is going

banking needs. My internship started with a one-week

through. I feel inspired by the digital development and

introduction in Stockholm where I met many colleagues

I am curious to see how it is going to shape my work

and SEB’s senior management. The week was really

in the future. I realize that I as an employee need to

educational and inspiring yet we still had lot of fun with

develop too. I can see interesting times coming up.

the other interns. Currently I’m working in the InstituNiki Lee M.Sc. (Finance) Institutional Sales, SEB Markets 41



OTA YHTEYTTÄ KY:n myyntikoordinaattori Oliver Rotko 040 353 8282

CONTACT Matilda Saarinen Sales Coordinator +358 40 353 8282

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