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Family Planning Methods Millenium Development Goals 8 Things Pregnant Women Should Know ConTRACKtions App Interface Mommy Must-Haves Breastfeeding Myths Tips on Good Parenting

Kyla Cabatit Melissa Corrales Danielle Del Fierro Gabriel Goseco 3

There are various family planning methods available. Some are classified as natural while others are artificial. Acquiring knowledge on fertility control is crucial in obtaining access to contraceptive methods and in selecting an appropriate method in a timely and valuable manner. Each method has its own range of effectiveness, as well as advantages and disadvantages.

Abstinence refraining from vaginal, anal or oral intercourse Effectiveness: 100% Cervical cap barrier contraceptive method which makes use of a soft rubber cup like device that fits snuggle around the base of the cervix Effectiveness: 60-90% Condom (male) an over-the-counter barrier method that is made out of latex; polyurethane and tactylon alternatives are also available Effectiveness: 86-97% Condom (female) an over-the-counter barrier method that is made out of polyurethane sheath with an inner ring that fits inside the vagina, around the cervix and an outer ring that covers the outside labia Effectiveness: 79-95 Depo-Provera (“The Shot”) an injection containing synthetic progesterone which is administered every 3 months; it stops ovulation and thickens the cervical mucus so that sperm will not pass through Effectiveness: >99%


Emergency Contraceptive Pills (ECP) used after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy and is most effective when used within 12 hours of unprotected intercourse or contraceptive accident; the pill interferes with egg development as it inhibits fertilization and prevents or delays ovulation Effectiveness: 74-89% Intrauterine Device (“IUD”) a small plastic device placed in the uterus which prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg; it contains synthetic progesterone Effectiveness: 98-99% Vasectomy a surgical procedure that prevents pregnancy by blocking the passage of sperm into the ejaculated seminal fluid Effectiveness: 99% or more Withdrawal (Coitus Interruptus) prevents fertilization by preventing contact between the sperm and egg; a couple engages in penile-vaginal intercourse until ejaculation is about to happen Effectiveness: 81-96%

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Millennium Development Goals


Service delivery continues to have areas of difficulty in terms of Public Health as it is a vital s t r a t e g y i n a c h i e v i n g t h e Millennium Development Goals. The MDGs include the reduction of child mortality, improvement o f m a t e r n a l h e a l t h a n d t h e battling of cases of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Various factors come into play when assessing whether people are given what they need. These f a c t o r s a r e a c c e s s i b i l i t y , utilization, availability and c o v e r a g e , w h i c h a r e a l l interchangeable. Comprehensive a c c e s s i b i l i t y e n t a i l s a n evaluation of physical, financial and socio-psychological access to s e r v i c e s . F i r s t , a v a i l a b i l i t y pertains to the physical access or capability of services that m e e t a m i n i m u m s t a n d a r d . Second, affordability pertains to the capacity of clients to pay for the services. Third and last, acceptability primarily focuses on a socio-psychological aspect that is quantified best through household surveys.

The World Health Organization has k e y w o r k i n g a r e a s i n o r d e r t o accomplish this goal. These include the reinforcement of health systems and promotion of interventions that are pro-poor and cost-effective, observation a n d e v a l u a t i o n o f t h e s t r a i n o f newborn and maternal ill-health and i t s s i g n i f i c a n c e , e n d o r s e m e n t o f investment in maternal and newborn health by emphasizing the benefits and highlighting maternal mortality as human rights and equity issue, and the o r g a n i z a t i o n o f r e s e a r c h o n t h e improvement of health in pregnancy and during and after childbirth.

M o r e t h a n 1 0 % o f w o m e n worldwide have no means to or d o n o t m a k e u s e o f contraception methods. In 2013, approximately 289 000 women d i e d d u r i n g p r e g n a n c y a n d childbirth mostly caused by their lack of access to skilled procedures and emergency care. I n l i n e w i t h t h i s , t h e f i f t h millennium development goal focuses on the improvement of maternal health.

Four strategies are encouraged by the WHO in order to administer these interventions: ·• s uitable home care and timely treatment of complications for newborns ·• m erged overseeing of childhood illness for all children under the age of five ·• developed immunization program ·• f eeding of infants and young children

According to WHO, “6.6 million children under five died in 2012. Almost 75% of all child deaths are attributable to just six conditions: neonatal causes, pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, measles, and HIV/AIDS.” The millennium development goal of reducing child mortality will demand universal coverage with key potent, affordable interventions. Some of these include the caring for newborns and m o t h e r s , f e e d i n g o f i n f a n t s a n d children, vaccination and control and prevention of various diseases.

Service delivery, in line with the Millennium Development G o a l s o f r e d u c i n g i n f a n t m o r t a l i t y a n d i m p r o v i n g maternal care, is the main p r o b l e m t h a t w o u l d b e addressed through the use of P u b l i c H e a l t h I n f o r m a t i c s . Access to skilled care, in the periods of pregnancy, childbirth a n d t h e f i r s t m o n t h a f t e r delivery, is vital in reducing m a t e r n a l m o r t a l i t y . T h e improvement on the quality of maternal health services is vital i n t h e h e a l t h c a r e s y s t e m intended on reducing the high rates of death and disability, brought about by problems in pregnancy and childbirth, as well as improving the survival r a t e o f n e w b o r n s i n t h e Philippines. Moreover, one of the aims of Department of Health is to ensure the survival, health and development of infants and children. Infant and c h i l d m o r t a l i t y r a t e s a r e p e r t i n e n t n o t o n l y i n t h e evaluation of the development of health programs but also in the observation of present-day demographic situations and providing input for population s t u d i e s . S t r a t e g i e s f o r t h e reduction of child mortality are c o m p l e m e n t e d b y t h e i n t e r v e n t i o n s f o r m a t e r n a l health, specifically, skilled care d u r i n g p r e g n a n c y a n d childbirth. Source: WHO, NDHS

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Did You Know?

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Healthiest babies are born to women who gain at least 35 pounds during pregnancy. [National Academy of Sciences ]

The average pregnant woman gains 22 pounds. She loses 13.5 within an hour after delivery. Another 3.5 is lost during the next 12 days. And six weeks later she weighs 17.75 pounds less than she did at the start of labor.

Pregnant women at a healthy weight should eat an extra 300 calories per day. This amount is roughly equivalent to a serving of yogurt and half of a bagel.


While not all pregnant women will crave pickles and ice cream specifically, pregnancy cravings are rooted in the body’s extra need for minerals and comfort-inducing serotonin.

Milk production and lactation can actually begin as early as the second trimester in some women.

Carrying a baby “high” or “low” is dependent on a woman’s body type and is not a reliable predictor of the baby’s gender.

Many women experience thicker and shinier hair during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and consumption of extra vitamins. New hair volume gained during pregnancy typically begins to fall out after three months post partum.

Pregnant women usually experience a heightened sense of smell beginning late in the first trimester. Some experts call this the body’s way of protecting a pregnant women from foods that are unsafe for the fetus.

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ConTRACKtions Keeping maternal and neonatal health on track

The Philippines continues to prove to be one of the world’s tech savvy countries. Smartphones have dominated the market, being used by the rich and poor alike. Whether your phone is from an Apple store, or from Greenhills, Filipinos have become proficient in using different apps in different platforms. MedImagine, an information technology company specializing in the medical field, makes the most of this trait of the Filipinos to deliver an innovative app that targets women and would be mothers. According to the WHO, the Philippines still suffers from high rates of maternal and infant mortality rate despite the country’s progress in the last 15 years to reduce them as part of the Millenium Development Goals. As such the introduction of the app to the market (aptly named Contracktions) may potentially reduce the cases of infant and maternal mortality rate by keeping women healthy. The features of the app will explain how it will do so.


Contracktions boasts of an intuitive user interface that makes the app easy to use. It also features cross platform connection with other devices, so you can use the app whenever and however you want to. It functions as a calendar app that helps the user schedule pertinent appointments while allowing easy access to impor tant information regarding pregnancy. Contracktions aims to be convenient, and whether it does so by providing an easy user experience, or even by its price – which is free to use, and will be funded by donations and crowdfunding – the app is a welcome addition to the ever growing medical-based apps being featured in today’s market. There is an ever growing need to keep track of the development of individual pregnancies to ensure the health and safety of mothers and their children. In the Philippines, there is a huge amount of women and children who die due to preventable

reasons. This results from complications during and after pregnancy. Aside from ensuring the quality of health facilities, the WHO prescribes regular checkups to lower the risk of pregnancy. Contracktions aims to promote the increase of preand post-natal checkups to improve the health of pregnant women by allowing them to schedule pertinent appointments on recommended days in the progress of the p r e g n a n c y. F u r t h e r m o r e , Contracktions allows easy access to relevant information that will allow the user to be informed about their pregnancy, which is an added benefit. Lastly, the app also features an ovulation calendar that would assist women in getting pregnant. Considering the declining fertility rate in the Philippines, this feature is an added bonus to its already handy functions. The app itself is easy to use. Prior to usage, Contracktions will prompt users to put in their personal information (such as

age, weight, and health condition) and the app will use this to calculate several things. The first of which is the ovulation schedule, which is the first phase of the app. Using this ovulation calendar, women who wish to get pregnant can determine the days where they are most fertile. When user is indeed successful, the succeeding phase can begin, which will be actuated by the user. In this phase, the calendar will adjust to present a 9-month scheme, divided into three semesters. Informations about fetal growth, body changes, and medical advice can be accessed by scrolling through the app. More importantly, the app will highlight days where it recommends having prenatal checkups. The checkups can be synced with other devices to remind the user. The app would also provide contacts to relevant hospitals, clinics, or health centers in the vicinity of the user. This all to ensure that the users of the app would take checkups. Finally, after delivery, the app would again readjust after being prompted by the user. It will be adjusted for a month that will allow scheduling of appointments for both the mother and child,

photo source: blog/wp-content/ uploads/2015/12/baby.jpg

while providing additional information in this last phase. After delivery, there are still risks, and the app wants to address these by providing utility even at this phase. Overall, the app provides an innovative solution to reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. Considering its accessibility – with it being free and its convenience – it can have a big impact on the health of pregnant women all over the country since the Filipinos are already quite adept at using their apps in their smartphones. It will provide a different user experience that will last the duration of their pregnancy as it keeps you on track with the development of your pregnancy. Contracktions is the app that allows you to keep track of your pregnancy while it looks out for you by providing convenience to schedule your own appointments in your own time and giving you all the information you may need to have a happy and successful pregnancy. Pregnancy would never be any easier with this innovative app.

ConTRACKtions Keeping maternal and neonatal health on track

ConTRACKtions computes relevant dates for pregnancy based on the information inputted by the user.


Phase 1 of Contracktions is the ovulation calendar that will help you know the days where you are most fertile.

Phase 2 outlays a 9-month calendar interest. a. Access relevant information Contracktions suggests dates to set u progress of you

that estimates important dates of n at certain points in the pregnancy b. up pre-natal checkups c. Track the ur pregnancy!

Phase 3 is accessed after delivery and provides the same features as Phase 2, but this time, a calendar for the baby is also provided.

Locations and contact numbers of hospitals, clinics, and health centers are accessible in the app's locator.


Mommy Must-Haves! Let us introduce you to the miraculous healing powers of Sophie, the giraffe teether. She's made of natural rubber and food paint, with no toxic gunk whatsoever, which moms love. Why her in particular? Maybe it’s because her chewable appendages stick out every which way, making her easy to chomp on. Her miraculous ability to keep baby happy (and silent) makes her a definite must-have.

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ler? You’ll definitely ol str d an at se r ca -1 in 2a of d Ever hear re cruising around town need this travel system. Say you’y to embark on errand with baby in the backseat, read the little guy dozes of f. en number three, and all of the suddith a travel system, you’ll Abor t mission, right? Wrong. rW its base and of t ou at se ca ’s by ba de sli to be able stroller in a matter of ur yo on e ac pl in it ap sn ily th al ste g babe. Sound in ep sle ur yo g kin wa t ou th wi l al minutes — is! totally brilliant? That ’s ’cause it

Ever thought of how you will pull of that shabby diaper bag? No problem! Consolidate your gear and baby’s by springing for a diaper bag that doubles as your own bag. That’s right — there is such a thing as a stylish, all-purpose diaper bag, sans the paisley flowers or hideous bright polka dots. (Who knew?) As long as it’s got tons of pocket space and a washable matte finish, and easily attaches to your stroller, you’ll be good to go.

on! Trust ni pa m co g lin ve tra ur yo be ill w This ing around a us, you don’t want to be luggu’ boarding huge nursing pillow when yorere y packed a plane or adding to your al adly on this car trunk. But you’ll come to re your back thing to keep you from straining ing pillow while breastfeeding. Get a nurs y around. that ’s compact and easy to carr

We won’t beat around the bush: Attaching two suction cups to your boobs won’t ever feel normal, but if you plan on nursing, then chances are you’ll want a reliable pump. And if you’re heading back to work or find yourself always on-the-go, you’ll want to invest in a sturdy, dailyuse pump that can stand the test of time. Things to look for: por tability and durability.





reastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed a baby. It is advisable to exclusively breastfeed in the first 26 months of the infant’s life. After the first 26 months, breast milk may still be given, but along with other types of food in order to aid in the growth and healthy development of the child. Breastfeeding has various health benefits, both for the mother and the infant. Breastfed babies have a lower chance of vomiting and getting diarrhea, having to go to the hospital as a result. There is a lower likelihood of being constipated. It also results in less chest and ear infections. There is a lower likelihood of becoming obese and developing eczema. The longer the baby is breastfed, the longer the protection. On the other hand, mothers who breastfeed have a lower chance of getting breast and ovarian cancer. It naturally expends up to 500 calories a day. It is also less expensive as infant formulas and feeding equipment may be pricey. It also establishes a powerful bond between the mother and the baby.

BREASTFEEDING There are various myths and misconceptions about breastfeeding that are passed around by family and friends. See how many you’ve heard and distinguish fact from fiction:


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Myth 1: “Breastfeeding will make breasts saggy”

Fact: Breastfeeding does not cause breasts to sag. Aging and the process of losing or gaining weight could result to that.

Myth 2: “Infant formula is basically the same as breast milk” Fact: Infant formula and breast milk are not the same. Infant formulas do not contain antibodies, living cells, enzymes or hormones that shield the baby from infections and diseases both in childhood and later in life.



Myth 3: “Breastfeeding is easy for some women, but some don’t produce enough milk” Fact: Most women physically capable of breastfeeding. It may occur at different paces as it happens more rapidly for some women than others, but almost all can produce the amount of milk the baby needs.

However, from time-to-time, there are reasons for not breastfeeding. For example, if a mother has HIV or a rare disease, the medication being taken could bring harm to the baby. Health professionals may be consulted, especially midwives, in order to gather information and support on what should be done. Source:


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Tips on Good Parenting Our good friend, Dr. Phil, shares his view on good parenting. Learn tips that can help bring you and your child closer!

1. Plug In Make a conscious decision to plug into your kid's world. You can't make assumptions about the critical choices that children have to make today because the world they are living in is different from the one you grew up in. 2. Spread the Word When you talk to your children you've got to spread out your logic so that they can see why you're saying what you're saying. Research shows us that the amount of trouble kids get into is inversely proportional to the number of words spoken in the home. What that means is, the less you talk at home, the more trouble they get in outside the home. 3. Talk About Things That Don't Matter How do you ever expect to talk to them about things that do matter if you haven't practiced by talking about things that don't?

4. Remember, You're the Parent Children have lots of friends who tell them what they want to hear. They don't need you to be another friend. They need you to be an authority figure who lets them know where the boundaries of acceptable behavior are. Trying to be his or her friend will only undermine your authority as a parent and come back to bite you. 5. Allow Them A Sense of Mastery You have to put your kids in a world where they feel a sense of mastery over their own environment. It's important that they don't feel they're subject to arbitrary guidance or haphazard decisions.


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