Children'sVoice October/November 2016
A Publication of The Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children & Youth • 859-873-4481 •
Our Families Brought Together Two babies in great need. Two families had an abundance of love to give.
About 17 years ago, KyUMH’s Adoption Program guided these two separate families through the adoption process for John and Jacob. Sharon and Tom Johnson had multiple fertility treatments after their first child was born. Heartbreaks and disappointments followed. She turned to God in prayer.Their firstborn son, Alex said,“Momma if your baby making-parts are broken, our new baby could be adopted.” So with a hopeful heart and encouragement from Jeannie Howard, Director of Mary Kendall Adoption Program, the Johnson’s completed the home study process and traveled to a Russian orphanage. When Sharon first saw Jacob, he was six months old. “Jacob was lying in a bed that looked like a prison. But that bed held my baby and my greatest hopes and dreams.” Ironically, Jacob shares a birthday with their firstborn son, Alex. Read more on page 5...
Inside this edition: 5th SUNDAY OFFERING October 30th
Next Step Story ........................................................ Groundbreaking Huge Success.................................. Thank You Volunteers................................................ Honors and Memorials..............................................
Rev. Randy Coy
Public Relations
Devon Lindsey The Children’s Voice is published quarterly by The Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children and Youth (incorporated as The Methodist Home of Kentucky), a ministry of the Kentucky Conference of the United Methodist Church. We serve children and families throughout Kentucky. The Children’s Voice is freely distributed to all interested persons. Contact the Versailles Campus for a FREE subscription or to change an address: or mail to: Versailles Campus P.O. Box 749 Versailles, KY 40383 (859) 873-4481 Mary Kendall Campus 201 Phillips Court Owensboro, KY 42303 (270) 683-6481
Accredited by:
Our Belief We believe every individual is an individual of worth, entitled to God's gift of wholeness of life. The Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children and Youth is accredited through the national Council on Accreditation (COA). We serve persons regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, sex or religion.
October/November 2016
From the President's Desk: By Rev. Randy Coy, President & CEO
As we finished the groundbreaking ceremony, this passage came to mind. And now that the construction phase has begun and bulldozers are moving dirt and changing the face of what will become our new campus, the passage continues to become even more special. The people of Israel were headed to a preferred future, a land flowing with “milk and honey.” God was leading them to a place filled with the promise of hope. But it was a place that they had never been before. There
would be challenges and in essence saying, “Follow fears to overcome. There Me, go where I go.” would be a “new reality” There are some things about to live into. There would this transition time at the be setbacks and some tears Home that are similar for us. along the way. Such are the joys of home ownership. We have not been this exact way before. This opportunity God’s instruction to them to begin anew is was clear. “Keep your eye “When you see the ark of the both exciting and covenant of the Lord your God fearful. We know on the Ark of being carried by the Levitical that we will the Covenant priests, then you shall set out surely experience and go where from your place and follow it, it goes.” (my that you may know the way some challenges paraphrase) along the way. you shall go, for you have That ark, not passed this way before.” However, we perhaps more are going with —Joshua 3:3-4a RSV than anything the promise else, was of His divine presence, the sign of God’s constant presence. In having the knowing that will lead us people follow it, God was to take the right steps.
Courageous Pioneers Who Answered God's Call By Melinda R. Smith, Vice President of Advancement
It is an exciting and challenging time as we prepare to move. As our President, Randy Coy said, “We believe we are standing on the shoulders of those courageous pioneers in 1871 who dared to do something to help those who couldn’t help themselves. We are grateful for their commitment and their sacrifice. It is our intention to follow and honor their commitment.” Those pioneers were our ancestors who saw a need to help destitute widows and orphans. Today, more than ever, we need our KyUMH friends to walk beside us to carry this life-changing ministry into the future. Now is the
Children’s Voice
time to consider a generous end-of-the year gift. It can help with your taxes, and our move into our future. In addition to cash gifts, you can give gifts of assets such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that have increased in value. If you give the stock or other property before selling it, you can avoid required capital gains taxes— you receive the tax-deduction. If you are interested in transferring a mutual fund, stock or bond to KyUMH, contact your brokerage firm and let them know. They can advise you on how best to proceed. A charitable annuity is another way to assure a steady income for you for the rest of your life, while also ensuring
a legacy gift to benefit the children and youth we serve. If you decide to review your estate plans at year-end, remember that including KyUMH in your will or estate planning can help you make a lasting gift to the KyUMH children, while also providing relief from gift and estate taxes to your children. If you have questions about transferring stocks, bonds, or property, charitable annuities or the benefits of including KyUMH in your will or estate planning, you can contact me, Melinda Ryles-Smith, at (859) 873-4481 and I will be glad to help you all I can. Together, we can assure that this ministry of healing and hope, will reach even more of Kentucky’s abused, abandoned and neglected children. A publication of Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children & Youth
Groundbreaking Event Huge Success Devon Lindsey PR & Communications
Attorney General Andy Beshear, Commissioner Sandra Dunahoo and other state and local officials along with former KyUMH residents broke ground July 18 to celebrate a new chapter of hope and healing for Kentucky families. The ceremony jump started the creation of a 31,000 square foot program facility, renovation of a historic home to serve as an administrative space, a new 12,500 square foot Chapel and Training Center and an equine therapy complex to provide the best care for children with histories of abuse and neglect. “The nature of how we help kids has changed dramatically and the current campus simply doesn’t meet our program needs,” said Reverend Randy Coy. ”We want to invest in programs that will remain viable and relevant for the future; develop programs that will directly impact the greatest number of Kentucky families and communities and maintain good stewardship of all resources entrusted to
us. These principles helped guide us in our decision to purchase the 35 acre property and design our Nicholasville Campus,” said Rev. Coy. Relocating KyUMH to the picturesque Jessamine County property will not only be therapeutic to those served, but the strategic location also provides a partnership with one of the best alternative school systems in the state. “Besides the new location being serene, it gives us access to an excellent alternative public education system which is where our youth thrive.” Melinda Ryles-Smith, sees a vision for the new campus that involves more emphasis on meeting families in their homes and communities. “We realize that there will always be a need to care for the most traumatized children through a residential facility. From our years of experience working with children who are abused and neglected, we know in many cases, had there been early intervention, the crisis in the family could have been alleviated.” For videos, media and more information from the Groundbreaking Ceremony, visit or the KyUMH Facebook page.
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Trinity Hill UMC and Georgetown First UMC "Mission on Monday" Group assisted during the Ground Breaking ceremony, directing traffic, serving refreshments, driving golf carts.
Bringing Hope... One Child at a Time • Call 859-873-4481
Children’s Voice
October/November 2016
An Evening of Blessings At Mary Kendall Casey Neely, Devlopment Coordinator
On August 22nd, many experienced a beautiful night that was called "An Evening of Blessings." Many blessings were experienced that night, such as: • The sweet fellowship shared among those who care deeply about children in need. • A wonderful meal prepared and served by volunteers of all ages. • Staff of the Mary Kendall campus who touched our hearts with stories of lives changed through the hope and healing love of Christ.
• An alumni of the Mary Kendall campus who told of how she was raised in a loving environment at the Kentucky United Methodist Homes of Children and Youth. Now, she and her family have devoted themselves to giving generously to children and youth at KyUMH. • An opportunity to give generously to partner in the work of brining hope one child at at time. We give thanks to the Lord for the blessings experinced that special night.
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October/November 2016
Children’s Voice A publication of Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children & Youth
Our Families Brought Together Story continued from cover... Devon Lindsey PR & Communications
Within the year of Jacob’s arrival to America, The Johnson family became close friends with Leiann and Dave Lashbrook because their children played Little League baseball together. Dave Lashbrook and Tom Johnson also had gone to the same high school. Leiann Lashbrook said “We always felt like we would love to adopt. ” After completing the paperwork, they flew to Russia and met John. He was six months old, very low weight, and appeared to be developmentally delayed.
Bible Verse Here?
She said “a door opened and a woman is bringing in the most beautiful baby. We took him out to play and knew then, ‘John is our baby.’ We knew he was the baby God meant for
us.” On Friday, Oct. 13, 2000 at the courthouse in Russia “we heard ‘I approve this adoption.’ We were overjoyed! It was the best Friday the 13th ever!” Upon returning home the two families discovered that John and Jacob were from the same orphanage, despite the fact that the Tangarot region of Russia is about the size of France and has about 40 separate orphanages. Leiann said, “So John and Jacob ended up in Owensboro, KY with families that are such good friends. In two words that’s GOD’S WILL.” Today, John is a junior and Jacob is a senior at the same high school. John plays trombone in the marching band and taught himself piano. John plans to pursue a career as an electric lineman. Jacob is an honor student and plans to play college baseball as a left-handed pitcher. He also volunteers at Blessed Mother Church. He plans to pursue a career in Accounting. Jacob and John are remarkable young men. They have a future filled with hope because of their loving parents who began their
adoption journey with the help of KyUMH’s Adoption Program. Sharon expressed it this way: “We could not have imagined what the Lord had in mind for us. We are still living the story and still feel so blessed and thankful for everyone who played a part in bringing our families together.”
Christmas Gifts for our Young People
As Leiann put it, “John and Jacob are friends and will always have that special bond!” Together, we can change the future for young people who deserve to experience God’s gift of wholeness of life. Adoption Program info here?
Help us provide a special Christmas! Please consider donating gift cards. We give those gift cards to our staff and they can buy gifts that are personally chosen for each young person. We also give gift cards directly to our kids! For children who live with us, getting to leave campus and go shopping is a fun outing. Gift cards from any of the stores shown are wonderful! (859) 873-4481 Bringing Hope... One Child at a Time • Call 859-873-4481
Children’s Voice
October/November 2016
May 26 through August 22, 2016 Stanley Abbott ................ Leslie Abbott Patricia Acke ................... Connie & Sue Ellis Irva Alexander, Jr. ........... Kathleen Alexander Hester Allison ................. Phyllis Cornett Mary Alsup ...................... Catherine Boswell Lynnell Asher .................. Gary & Gwen Robinson Danny Axton ................... Brenda Hickman Charles Ballard ............... Libby Ballard CSM (Ret.) Oscar L. Barker .......................... Janice L. (Barker) Lawrence Mary K. Basinger ............ Kay Adkins .................... Wm. Allen, Georgia & Robert Basinger Hawesville UMC Cr #2 Stan Beck ........................ Archie & Wenda Weeks Bethel Benton ................. LaDonna Smith Bobby Benton ................. LaDonna Smith Bernice A. Best ............... Alton G. Best Keith Bloomfield ............. Glenda Bloomfield Paul & Melissa Krueger Bob & Lu Booton ............ Beverly Kahn Ralph Boswell ................. Joseph G. & Sondra Fischer Colleen Bouser ............... Owensboro Dist. Office William 'Bill' Bradley ...... Noah & Lucille Gregory Beulah Taylor Geraldine Brown ............. Butch & Becky Clayton Cecil & Grace Brubaker . Nancy B. Fyffe Chris Bunch .................... Donnie & Linda Pogue Kenneth Burt ................... Owensboro Dist. Office Terry Cain ........................ Eric & Robin Patterson Boots Carden .................. Belfry UMC Major Carnal .................... Shirley Carnal J. T. Carneal .................... Bob & Patti West Sam Carter ...................... Margaret Carter
Billy Cartwright ............... Calvin & Evelyn Walker Betty Chain ..................... Kenneth & Polly Haggard Betty Chain ..................... Loretta Hunter Jeanette Clack ................ 1st UMC of Munfordville Connie Coleman ............. Nancy D. Loy John Todd Colover ......... Danny Philpot Sueta Conley ................... Norma Taylor Joyce Ann Cooper .......... Beulah Taylor Harry & Alice Coultas .... Herman & Marilyn Logsdon Jim & Alma Creger ......... Noah & Lucille Gregory Roberta Davidson ........... Deborah D. Hicks Norman Lee Davis .......... Mary A. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Durley Dean .. Winona R. Fletcher Leona Dennis .................. Big Clifty UMC James Nelson Dill .......... Margaret L. Dill Henry Dowdy .................. Anna Belle Dowdy Adam Duchscherer ........ Martha Duchscherer Elizabeth Dudderar ......... Rev. Richard & Mrs. Virginia K. Chamberlin Jerry Dudderar ................ Rev. Richard & Mrs. Virginia K. Chamberlin Bruce & Pam Eastham ... Lawrence & Pat Eastham Tony Ellis ......................... Gary & Judy Parrent Tempa Endicott ............... Dr. Danny Philpot John David Eubank ........ Johnny & Sherree Eubank Owen Fielding ................. Jared Mattingly S. V. Fisher ...................... Karen D. Fisher-Brasher Sterling V. Fisher ............ Karen D. Fisher-Brasher John & Edith Foree ........ John & Karin Foree Bertha Fultz ..................... Linda Browning Beulah Taylor Bobe Fultz ....................... Jared Mattingly
October/November 2016
Col. (Ret.) Carroll M. Fyffe ............................. Nancy B. Fyffe Claude & Virginia Fyffe .. Nancy B. Fyffe Alfreda 'Marcie' Tingle Gardner ........................ Mark Carpenter & Family Butch & Cathy Droege Jim & Sandy Fisk Scott & Diana Fisk Joe & Cheryl Kendrick Richard & Roberta Noggler Bill & Emily Powers Mike Schwing Patricia Fisk Smith Joan Taylor Judy L. Taylor William E. Gardner ......... Henry Hollingsworth Alice Jean Gibson .......... Charles L. Smith Millie Mae Gifford ........... Alyssa Derrington St. Luke UMC-SOS Class Gordon & Clarice Talk Robert S. Wells Clarence Gillespie .......... Gary & Nancy Hill Rev. A. J. Gilliam ............ Mary-Catherine Gilliam Jimmy Ginter .................. Bob & Susan Butler Jeanne L. Glye ................ William Glye Elsie Gregory .................. Noah & Lucille Gregory Owen & Alta Gumm ........ Rev. & Mrs. Gale Wetzel Joy Hager ........................ Paul C. Hager Virginia W. Haley ............ Marian Dunville Juanita Erwin Mike & Debbie Erwin Wayne & Mary Craig Haley John & Linda May Louis Buckley Will & Ann Osborn Pat Sholar Larry Hampton ................ Martha Watts Roundtree Rev. J. C. & Mrs. Mamie Harris ........................... Noah & Lucille Gregory Jared Mattingly Beulah Taylor Virginia Lee Harrod ........ Barbara H. Harrod
Children’s Voice
Alvin A. Hester ................ Phyllis B. Hester Jane Hickok .................... Nora E. Pasco Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Hill ........ Gary & Nancy Hill Hazel M. Hoagland ......... Alberta Harp Lee & Margaret Hoagland ...................... Alberta Harp William R. Holbrook ....... Alice Fielding Garland & Rosie Hooper . Linda H. Walker Georgia Hoskinson ........ Kathleen Alexander Gina Kay Hughes ........... Suann McCollum William Hundley, Sr. ....... Elizabeth T. Hundley Frances Hunt .................. Bob & Linda Newell Betty Hurst ...................... Carl T. Acke Connie & Sue Ellis Margaret Huskisson ....... Juanita Denham Norman & Beverly Greenwald Bobby L. Isaacs .............. Dianah Isaacs Joseph & Rosina Jevans .......................... Anthony & Glenda Jevans Vesper Jones .................. Larry & Linda Overton Melodie Keaton ............... Jared Mattingly Margaret Wayne Kelly .... Don & Candy Fitzpatrick Rose Ketcham ................ Covenant UMC-Faith Circle Faye Kreider .................... Russell R. Kreider Edwin Laud ..................... Rev. Richard & Mrs. Virginia K. Chamberlin Judy Lawless .................. Wayne & Lisa Oates & Family Don Lippert ..................... Wanda Lippert Barry Lowe ...................... Joe B. Lowe Harry Loy ......................... Nancy D. Loy Russell Loy ..................... Jean J. Loy H. E. Maddox ................... Gene Maddox Bill Mahaney ................... Richard & Norma Bensing John Thomas Marks ...... Butch & Becky Clayton John Floyd Martin .......... Wilma T. Martin
Albert 'Paw' Mattingly .... Jim Mattingly & Family Martha 'Nanny' Mattingly ...................... Jim Mattingly & Family Joe & Garnet Mauk ......... Pam Mauk Jordan Sherry Mauk Noble William McCollum ........... Suann McCollum Karlene McGehee ........... Dale & Barbara Wheeler Vernon Lee 'Pete' McKinney ..................... Donald & Anna Burton Peter T. McNeill ............... Anna Lou McNeill Charlie Merrill ................. Molly Cowan & Sam Vice, Jr. Charlie Merrill ................. Regina Reeves Paul R. Miller ................... Petrie Memorial UMCFaithful Follower's Class Rev. Allen Moran ............ Zelma Moran Dorothy Moran ................ Pat Cecil Dorothy Moran ................ Danny Cheatham Wilbur 'W. R' Morgan ..... Kelly Arel Mary B. Brown Pamela Cheeseman Anna Jones Natella Meador Sheryl Morrison Dolores Pfeiffer Bob & Vivian Rice Vine Grove UMCKeystone SS Class Mary Nealis ..................... Nancy Turner Bro. Homer Norman ....... Mary & Amy Mains Bro. Homer Norman ....... Donna Willett Sidney C. O'Nan, Sr. ....... Charlotte O'Nan Howard & Marie Osborne ....................... Rachel R. Chipman Opal, Catherine & Richard Osborne ......... Phyllis Merryman Sarah Owen ..................... Mrs. Alton Lawhorn Margaret Neely Payne .... Covenant UMC-SS Class Ronald V. & Linda P. Young Mary Dean Payne ........... Richard & Norma Bensing Harvey & Onda Pennington .................. Robert & Kim Dunaway
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Peters ...... Mary Thorpe Lawrence E. Peters ........ Elsie J. Peters Mary Thorpe Steve Phillips .................. Brenda Phillips Wallace Phillips .............. Steve & Debbie Jackson Gladys Yuvonna 'Bonnie' Applegate Ellis Poynter ................ Bob & Linda Newell Ethelene Prather ............. Patricia K. Massie Jeff Presley ..................... Bob & Linda Newell Raymond Presley ........... Bob & Linda Newell G. R. 'Pete' Queen .......... Vanceburg UMC-SS Class Egbert Ramsey ............... Christine Ramsey Ron Rauchmiller ............. Elizabeth Rauchmiller Malcolm Ray ................... Isabelle Glasscock Mindy J. Reagan-Gibbs . Commonwealth Health Corp. Barb Faber Doug & Betty Jean Moseley Terry & Nadine Pemberton Nicholas Stevens D. C. & Doris Strain Wanda, Jolene, Gail, Cathy & Jr. Thomas Jana R. Thornton Kevin & Sandra Thornton Roger & Vicki Thornton Rondall Thornton Beverly Wells Alicia White White's Chapel UMC Kent & Judith Wisecup Sandy Blanton Rice ....... Opal Elkins Rev. Donald Riggs .......... Ann Riggs John W. Robertson ........ Brenda S. Hickman , Children & Grandchildren Frances C. Robinson ..... Robert T. Robinson James & Marty Robinson ..................... Dr. Danny Philpot Virginia Rose .................. Linda Browning Kendall Beth Royalty ..... Rita T. Williams Holly Rutheford .............. Donald & Bobbie Rutheford A publication of Kentucky United Methodist Homes for Children & Youth
Billy Rutledge ................. Don & Candy Fitzpatrick Trudy Smith Mary Henson Sack ......... Michael C. Sack Bobby Shaver ................. Betty Ann Shaver Louise Sheffield .............. Dr. Jim & Karen Wolfe Elsie Mae Skaggs ........... Big Clifty UMC Rev. Burk Smith .............. Bethlehem UMC Patsy Smith ..................... Kathleen Alexander Phylis Sneed ................... G. R. Sneed Earl Stephens ................. Jared Mattingly Jack Stewart ................... Georgia G. Stewart David Stokes ................... Judy Everett Grandparents of Robert Storey ........................... Robert Storey
Parents of Robert Storey . Robert Storey Rev. James C. 'Jim' Stratton ........................ Richard & Beth Fritz Robert & Susan Hampton Jack Tackett .................... Beulah Taylor & Family Ralph Teague .................. Syd & Donna Tate Asa 'Nick' Thompson ..... Felix & Nicki Swiderski Mary & Ben A. Thompson, Sr. ............. Elizabeth T. Hundley Beckie Thorpe ................. Mary Thorpe Rev. J. C. Thorpe ............ Mary Thorpe Jerry Thorpe ................... Mary Thorpe Rickey Thorpe, Jr. .......... Mary Thorpe Elmer & Youtha Vanover . Leonard & Judy Lowery
Rev. Jack R. & Mrs. Sally B. Vibbert ........... The Jack Vibbert Evangelistic Foundation Sherry Waddell ............... 1st UMC of Madisonville Robie Wallace ................. Judith C. Egbert Doug Ward ...................... Nancy Ward Dale Watkins ................... Judy Lawler B. T. & Susie Watts ......... Martha Watts Roundtree Ralph Winton Wesley ..... Hazel Wesley Betty Westrick ................ Freddie Westrick Carter & Dorothy Wetzel . Rev. & Mrs. Gale Wetzel Niece's of Clara White ... Temple UMC-Chapel SS Class Terry White ...................... Louanna White Willard White ................... Louanna White
Thomas Whitt .................. Karen D. Fisher-Brasher Rosalie Whittenberger ... Aaron Whittenberger Aniesse William .............. Owensboro Dist. Office Brenda Williams ............. Trudy Smith Suzanne Williams ........... Eddie Mae Williams Kaye Willis ...................... The Alonzo's Regina Castleberry Henry D. Corns Karl Crandall The Donley's The Effinger's Gifters Anonymous Vicki A. Gregory Joe Guthrie The King's The Mack's Judy Martin The Pittman's A. D., Clara Ann & Peachy Pollock Whayne & Nancy Priest
Jack & Marjorie Sagabiel Shirley Scott Jack & Terri Telle The Thill's The Treon's The Valentine's The York's Bobby Wilson ................. Patsy D. Wilson James W. Wilson ............ Dennie Memorial UMC Larry D. Wilson ............... Wendell & Marcie Barnett Virgil Boler Bill Hughes William A. Kendall, Jr. Charles & Yuvonne Queen Snapflo, Inc. Evonne G. Springer Tom & Sue Wilson Terry & Patti Worley Douglas Wright ............... Joseph & Libby Fotos Kenneth Ray Wynn ........ 1st Southern National Bank
Julie Hager Love ............ Paul C. Hager Joyce Mattingly .............. Kaye Iwan May 26 through Aug 22, 2016 Duane & Pat Miksch ....... James & Linda Scott Joy Alexander ................. Pastor Jeff & Mrs. Lynda Mother's Day ................... Graham ........................ Karen D. Fisher-Brasher Central UMC-Maysville Karen D. Fisher-Brasher Ruth Ashby ..................... Ryan & Rachel Naylor & Butch & Becky Clayton Sammye Graven ............. children Jack, Emma, Barbara Lamb Pastor Steven Boutell .... Erlie & Erland............... Father's of Greenup UMC . Karen D. Fisher-Brasher Washington UMC Greenup UMC-Mollie Effie Buchanon ............... Bruce Neal & Donna Leslie Circle Barbara Lamb Stafford......................... Gary Chapman & Family. Virginia Lee Harrod ........ Marlene Neal Barbara H. Harrod Pearce Memorial UMC Katrina Nunn ................... Elizabeth Costello .......... Bob & Margaret Haynes . Shelia Nunn Wilma Joan Laslie Patti Costello Keagan Nunn .................. . . .... Scott & Barb Higdon Rev. Paul & Mrs. Faye Shelia Nunn Don & Glenna Burton Cropper ........................ Kylee Nunn ...................... Rev. & Mrs. Bob G. Ray The Hinkle Family ........... Shelia Nunn Bess K. Turner Martha Douglas .............. Rev. Faron Owen ............ Jeannie Howard .............. Henry & Doris Waits Art Fleser Patricia Dewald Angie Dowell ................... Mia Queen-Gilliam & Ivy. Isaiah ............................... Stephensport UMC Wetzel & Denice Queen James & Patricia Shope John & Charleen Bob & Dolly Ray ............. Dudderar ...................... Margaret Johnson .......... Eric & Robin Patterson Rebecca J. Johnson Rev. Richard & Mrs. Caroline Redd ................. Spencer L. Johnson ....... Virginia K. Chamberlin David & Barbara Shore Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wesley Farmer ................ Edith Mae Stanley .......... Johnson Jerry & Phyllis Ingram Edmund & Patricia Bro. Garry & Mrs. Helen Father's Day ................... Wilkins Jones ........................... Central UMC-Maysville Grandchildren of Robert Stephensport UMC Betty Jo Fisher ............... Storey ........................... Karen D. Fisher-Brasher Pam Jordan ..................... Robert Storey Sherry Noble Georgiana Fisher ............ Virginia G. Thompson .... Ints & Melissa Kampars . Barbara Lamb Felix & Nicki Swiderski Bob & Margaret Haynes Joy E. Fisher ................... Pauline Turner ................ Karen D. Fisher-Brasher KYUMH-Restore Hope Tonya Evans Staff .............................. Art Fleser ......................... Rev. Howard H. Willen ... James & Patricia Shope Jim & Sandy Wilmot Herb Fetty Susie Lindon ................... Greg Furrow .................... Archie & Wenda Weeks Kelley Wanta
1st UMC Hopkinsville Friendship Class Ronald V. Young ............. Linda Young Ashby Ruth...................... Clayton Butch & Becky Boutell Steven................. Karen D. Fisher-Brasher Buchanon Effie................ Lamb Barbara Chapman Gary................. Pearce Memorial UMC Costello Elizabeth........... Costello Patti Cropper Paul & Mrs. Faye. Ray Bob G. Douglas Martha............... Waits Henry & Doris Dowell Angie.................... Stephensport UMC Dudderar John & Charleen........................ Chamberlin Richard & Mrs. Virginia K. Farmer Wesley................. Ingram Jerry & Phyllis
Bringing Hope... One Child at a Time • Call 859-873-4481
Children’s Voice
Sandy Brown Linda J. Cochran Jim & Jane Dorroh Edd & Debbie East Don & Loretta Fitzgerald Glenn & Lois Littlefield Anthony & Joanie Rowland James & Linda Scott Trinity UMC-Princeton BIRTHDAYS IN HEAVEN Rosemary Best................ David T. Best Howard Perkinson........... Glen & Pam Perkinson FATHER'S DAY IN HEAVEN Ralph Boswell.................. Joseph G. & Sondra Fischer Howard Perkinson........... Glen & Pam Perkinson
Freida Harmon................. Pam Jordan Sherry Noble Pauline Hulett100 yrs old.................... Rev. Richard & Mrs. Virginia Chamberlin Joyce Mattingly............... Kuttawa UMW Betty Jane Pitzer............. Margaret C. Smith WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Bill & Ann Dunning60 years........................ Marvin, Lee & Laura Wilson Charles & Dawn Kelley-50 years............. Gene & Joyce Maegly
October/November 2016
Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit #1478 Lexington, KY
P.O. Box 749 Versailles, KY 40383-0749
Wishlist - Versailles Campus Shampoo and Conditioner Men's or Women's Body wash Hand Soap
Laundry soap tabs - Brands "All" or "Tide" preferred Backpacks/Messenger Bags Lysol Disinfectant Spray
Purchase these items using our Amazon or Walmart wishlist and a portion will bring hope and healing to our children.
Wishlist - Mary Kendall Campus Paper towels Mesh bath poufs Bras and panties (Adult sizes)
Men's boxers (No briefs) Plastic tampons Disc golf sets
Contact Roy Hicks (270) 683-6481 x 221
Visit > Donate > Wishlist Items. For more information, contact Wes Farmer at (859) 873-4481 or
REPRESENTATIVE Contact Casey Neely at
(859) 879-4038