L3 Magazine April, 2015 ft. Etana

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L3 Magazine | Life. Love. Lyrics.

L3 M A G A Z I N E

| April, 2015 ft. Etana |

Spring Beauty Tips Music Charts Topics that are HOTTT & Trending

Music In The Soul of DDark The Inker LeBeau Underwood Vodaphone London Fashion Weekend


Travel to the Cayman Islands Technology Talk

L3 Magazine | April | 2015 | No. 35 CEO and Editor-in-Chief Natasha Von Castle

Chief Creative Officer L3 Group of Companies

Marketing Director Rohan Beckford

Publisher L3 Group of Companies Director of Caribbean Promotions Keisha Pinnock

Managing Editor and Lifestyle Editor Allie Duker

Contributing Editor and Caribbean Affairs Editor Tricia ‘ZJ Sparks’ Spence

Contributing Editor and Music Editor Tre Carn

Travel Editor Stacia Von Castle

Music Review Editor Jennifer Menster Senior Writers

Song River | Kay Cunningham | Marcus Weller | Joah Baston Contributing Writers Dr. Cheryl Hill | Portia Clarke | Mimi Mamichula | Damon Gatling | Ayeola George | Zakada Milton | Jimmy Tambou | Rico Vibes Andre Gomez | Pia Jordine | Fidel Lloyd | Gelina aka Baby G – UK Correspondent | Michelle Parker | Ramon Anderson | Mac Smith | April Stanford Contributing Writer and Intern Deidre Carrington

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Editor’s Heart... Change. Depending on who you speak to, the word change has a multitude of meanings. If I look at a person in Nigeria and say ‘change,’ they might smile with optimism thinking about the recent Presidential election which sees Muhammadu Buhari take office as the President elect. There is no doubt that the people feel this change is for the better. If I say ‘change’ in the presence of a person in need of money, they might think I am going to offer them change as in currency because money, and it’s lack thereof is foremost on their mind. If a friend comes downstairs dressed in a hideous outfit (which they know to be hideous), not deserving of being seen indoors much less at Vodaphone Fashion weekend in London, and I say ‘change,’ my friend will think I’m referencing a change in clothes. In all three examples, there is a preconceived notion of what needs to change without me having to say ‘what’ changes need to be made. If only society on a whole operated so simply. If I am in the presence of Police Officers, and I say the word ‘change,’ I estimate their response would be ‘change for what?’ The change that I’m asking for is fairness to one and all. I want to see treatment of all people equal across the board, and at the same time, I want all members of all communities to be confident in their Policing community. Call me a utopian-ist but I think this is possible. The more I look at history and see how much change has come, is the more optimistic I am that change is certainly on the way. Change anyone?! Let me know your thoughts >>> @NatashaVonC

Content Highlights... Pg 100: Etana is one of the most influential artists of our time, who, with the stroke of a pen, can change the mindset of the people who listen to her music. After so many years in the industry, this veteran has not lost her passion or drive to give us more. In fact, she has grown to include business woman in her portfolio. We talk music, business and her mighty pen! Pg 112: In the Comic world, there is a difference between being a penciler and an inker. To people outside of the industry, both are one in the same, but there is a huge difference, and LeBeau Underwood is most certainly an Inker - a very good Inker at that. How did he get in to this profession? Pg 120: DDark is a Rapper from the UK who makes music from the Soul. As much as one might try, he cannot be boxed in to one category. To do that would be like saying we can only choose 1 fruit to eat for life ... just not possible. What is possible, and is happening is the global appeal of his music! Pg 48: Vodaphone London Fashion Weekend has come and gone, but we were on hand to catch some of the shows, and bring you highlights. There is nothing like British Fashion! Pg 46: Have you ever been to ‘Hell’ and back?! If you’d like to be able to add this to your bucket list, it might be easier than you think! Visit the Cayman Islands and you’ll see what we mean. Pg 80: HOTTT New Music releases came from Face-T, Serocee, Duncan Reid and more. Catch all the reviews and photo highlights everything new. All this for you to enjoy via L3 Magazine April, 2015 issue featuring Etana! L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 07




Where is Our

Civil Heart? By: Cricket

It has been a little while since I have written for L3, and when thinking of some of the topics that are front of mind the most, I think of the unrest in Ferguson; the Mike Brown killing and subsequent decision that no charges will be laid against the officer who killed him, Darren Wilson. I also think of the chilling video of Eric Garner being taken down in a chokehold, trying his best to tell officers “I Can’t Breathe” which was said approximately 15 times, and never responded to. As the thought of what happened to Trayvon Martin, Sean Bell, Amadou Diallo and so many trigger a sigh of disappointment and outrage, I ask myself ‘where is out civil heart?’ For some, these deaths ignite rage because of the constant reminders of injustice, and for me, I think about that as well as how many other cases do not make the news? It is hard to fathom, that in 2015, we are still discussing the same racial injustices that occurred in the 40s, 50s and 60s! We are forced to accept that even as we climb the social ladder, or can confidently show how astute we are, and how highly we have been educated, many things have not changed! We can rise to success, and be the biggest star in entertainment, to the young man who grows up in a disadvantaged environment; we all are viewed as 2nd best. Each story, whether it is publicized or not, breaks through the news, or slips through the cracks of current events; we are simply rolling into a second wave of the Civil Rights Era. With the economy still on the come back, and the job markets improved (thank you Mr. President Barack Obama), but clearly not restored, dealing with day-to-day injustices, could not come at a worse time.

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Sean Bell Trayvon Martin

Mike Brown

Where is Our Civil Heart? Eric Garner

People are already in duress, already stressed out and pushed to their emotional limits. Where are the boundaries? We know that we cannot fault all police officers, because there of course are many, who truly ‘serve and protect,’ but what about the others, the ones who are blood thirsty and trigger happy; the ones who lack judgment? What about the officers who hide behind a uniform, and decide ‘case-by-case’ who they’ll protect? Where is their civil heart? It is very alarming to not know if your teenage son will make it home from school or from his friend’s house each day. For many parents this has become a way of life. Telling your children to ‘be safe,’ only scratches the surface of the conversation because the notion of them being safe may not be up to them, when face to face with a Police officer or Security guard who does not have a civil heart. This is our new reality, or then again, maybe I should say repeated reality … we’ve been here before haven’t we? I interviewed a man who just wants to be known as Sherod, who is an investment banker. He received his Bachelors and Masters degrees from Georgetown University and is currently working on his PhD at Columbia. Every day he looks the part; he wears a suit, carries a briefcase, and since last Summer up to now, has been stopped by the police three times. When he asks ‘why am I being stopped?’ he never receives an answer. A 47 year old married man with 3 children is perceived to be a ‘thug’ or ‘criminal,’ not because of how he carries himself, and not due to the clothes on his back, but ‘just because.’ It is all wishful thinking, that if you follow the “American Dream” you can aspire to do anything and have your freedoms and civil liberties intact. For Sherod, it certainly does not apply. It just proves that you can put on a Brooks Brothers or Armani suit, and equip yourself with the proper tools to be able to support yourself and a family, yet you are not guaranteed respect or the courtesy of a civil heart. The climate now and in the 60s is quite similar, and there is nothing to suggest that it will get better. I would say, that is the part that personally concerns me. Are my male friends safe, my cousins, my uncles? Shonda Rhimes’ popular weekly television series, “Scandal” showed a touching episode, “The Lawn Chair,” where Courtney Vance played Clarence Parker, a middle-aged father, who incited a police stand-off, after his teenage son, Brandon, was gunned down by police in Washington DC. As his son lay dead in the street, Clarence refused to leave his son’s body, until he received justice. Although this story was fictional, it supported the very acknowledgment that this is being discussed. Where are the civil hearts? Comments? Email them to Cricket via info@L3Magazine.com

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Food for


Organic Foods Should Be Heavy Metal Free? By: David Peters Image: Huffington Post

Organic food is food grown the way nature intended; no pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, chemicals or GMO’s (genetically modified organisms). After investigating heavy metals, perhaps it’s time we add heavy metals to the label of foods that have been grown with exposure to these life altering toxins. Studies have shown that heavy metal can be toxic, leading to serious health problems. The supply of heavy metal includes industrial waste bi-products, metals in water and metals in the air. Examples of these metals include: aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, tungsten, strontium, uranium and cesium. Foods that contain aluminum have reached that state because of being cooked in aluminum cookware, and some of the health effects are: alzheimer’s, behavioral problems, confusion, headaches, heartburn, and lowered immune function. Arsenic can be found in various meats and cereals and is one of the causes of cancer, anorexia, gastrointestinal problems, drowsiness, vomiting, hair loss, liver and kidney damage, convulsions and skin problems. Cadmium can cause cancer (mainly breast and prostate), demineralized bones (which may lead to risk for osteoporosis), arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver, learning disorders, high cholesterol and Permanent kidney damage as well as neurological damage. This is found in coffee flax seed, cacao and tea. Lead has caused slowed brain function, neurological disorders, and stunted brain development in children. Gastrointestinal damage, stupor, slurred speech, bluing of gums, aggression in children, autism, ADD, back pain, arthritis, blindness, and heart disease have also been linked to lead. The list presented is limited, but the effects of heavy metals listed above is astronomic. Options such as alkaline based water should be used as much as possible to offset the impact of metals. Also, whenever possible, buying produce from Farmers Markets decreases the chances of buying food with GMO’s and heavy metals. Life is precious and we want to live it as long as possible which may be GMO and heavy metal free! Have an opinion? Contact David via email info@L3Magazine.com

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Mental Health Pilot Program for Public Schools Contributed Photography: New York Daily News

First Lady Chirlane McCray, Chiara de Blasio and First Deputy Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot announced the launch of NYC Teen Text, a new mental health resource for teens at 10 high schools throughout New York City. Teens at these schools can text “NYC Teen” to 65173 to receive prompt, confidential information and emotional support on issues ranging from feeling sad or hopeless, to depression. The program, which is available Monday through Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., and on weekends from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m, was announced by First Lady McCray, Ms. De Blasio and First Deputy Commissioner Barbot at Millennium Brooklyn High School, one of the schools participating in the pilot program. Many New York City teens cope with emotional stress, but few seek help. According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 27 percent of New York City public high school students reported that they felt sad or hopeless almost every day for two or more weeks. Only 18 percent of these students received help from a counselor. NYC Teen Text provides an avenue for teens that experience stress related to any issue, with mental health support via live text response from LifeNet. A teen concerned about a friend or family member can also reach out to NYC Teen Text for information and support. “Our goal is to meet teens where they are – and where they are is on their phones,” said First Lady Chirlane McCray. “NYC Teen Text will provide our young people with a safe, convenient and confidential way to get in touch with trained crisis counselors when they’re feeling overwhelmed. When it comes to helping people access mental health services, we will be more effective if our tools keep up with the times.” “Many New York teenagers aren’t yet ready to speak their pain aloud, but they might be ready to text someone who is able to help them,” said Chiara de Blasio. “I know from personal experience that reaching out when you’re in pain can be the turning point – the first step on the road to recovery. With the launch of NYC Teen Text, the only thing separating 18,000 high school students from the help they need is the ‘Send’ button. This is a big step forward for New York City, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to help spread the word.” NYC Teen Text is available to students at the following schools: High School for Environmental Studies, Stuyvesant High School, High School For Mathematics, Science And Engineering At City College, Bronx High School of Science, Brooklyn Technical High School, Millennium Brooklyn High School, Townsend Harris High School, Robert F. Kennedy Community High School, Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education High School and the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts. The Health Department’s Teens in NYC website and mobile phone app include additional mental health resources for teens. For more information, visit nyc.gov/teen

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Believe it or Not Tax Deductions Contributed Photography: Vebline .com

Tax season is upon us (the deadline for filing in the US is April 15th, 2015 and in Canada it’s April 30th, 2015) and people who are self-employed have receipts that don’t typically have a category. Here are 3 examples of deductions that may be hard to believe but are true in the United States! An accomplished bass player and music professor traveled to jazz rehearsals and performances to keep his skills sharp so he could play with other well-known musicians. The IRS said he could not deduct his travel costs because he enjoyed playing the bass and performing wasn’t part of his teaching duties. The Tax Court allowed him the write-off because he translated what he saw and heard in the music scene and taught it to his students. A pro bodybuilder used body oil to make his muscles glisten in the lights during his competitions. The Tax Court ruled that he could deduct the cost of the oil as a business expense. A lawyer faced a challenge from the IRS as she sought to deduct losses during the six years she spent making a documentary film on the musical group Up With People. The IRS claimed the long series of annual losses indicated that her filmmaking activities were a hobby, asserting the project was essentially a high-cost home movie because her husband once was a member of that group. Furthermore, at one point during hearings, the judge reviewing the case suggested that documentary filmmaking is by nature not-for-profit—a musing that so alarmed the film industry that a number of wellknown filmmakers filed friend-of-court rulings to say, in essence, that you can make money with documentaries. Ultimately, the court ruled in her favor, allowing her deduction of six-figure losses. It noted that she acted in a businesslike manner, hiring staff such as a bookkeeper, buying insurance, consulting experts, changing the story line to make the film more marketable, blogging about it, and taking it on tour to movie festivals. Want more tax related stories? Read them here: http://www.kiplinger.com/slideshow/taxes/T054-S011believe-it-or-not-tax-deductions/index.html#SAGmt7B0hPsybefx.99

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President Elect Muhammadu Buhari.

Change has come to Nigeria.


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Art in Focus

By: Zakada Milton

Travel has a way of opening ones senses to issues affecting the community one has traveled to. In the case of street art, the same can be said, however, something extra special takes place when we see an artists’ rendition of important imagery on aged concrete or brick. Many times the canvass is just as much a part of the art as the art itself. This month, instead of focusing on one artist (which is the norm), we step outside of the box to look at street art from various countries around the world. I am still fascinated with what we see through our lens! Cityscapes from Berlin to Ireland, Toronto to New York and California have a common denominator being artists who use vacant canvasses to express messages of hope, demand political freedoms, or to beautify a space that is being visually neglected. Take a look at what happens when paint meets the outside walls of buildings in various communities. P.S. If you’re an artist who would like to be profiled, email us info@L3Magazine.com

Toronto Urban Art Photographed by Michael Bertrand

Rooftops by One Big Freak Show

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Karen Magill - Vancouver

This Big City - Limerick, Ireland

Art in Focus

By: Zakada Milton

Trash Only - Salvation Street art in Vallicaldi Sicily, Italy by: Mr. Thoms Photo by StreetArtNews

Art Connect BerlinStroke Urban Art. 11 L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 27

Tech Talk Microsoft Lumia 430 By: Adam Fraser

Making it even easier to own your first Windows Phone, today Microsoft is proud to announce the Lumia 430 Dual SIM. With a price tag of 70 USD (check your local mobile device provider as prices may vary in various countries), the Lumia 430 Dual SIM has become the most affordable Lumia to-date, bringing smartphone experiences, the latest apps and signature Microsoft services to many more people, sometimes for the very first time. Loaded with Windows Phone 8.1 and the Lumia Denim Update, the Lumia 430 Dual SIM is also the most affordably priced Lumia that can upgrade to Windows 10 when it becomes available later this year (check with your phone service provider for details). It features seamless Skype integration, so keeping in touch with your friends and family has never been easier or more fun. With a tap of a button, you can turn that Skype voice call into a video call, thanks to the front-facing camera. Microsoft Office comes preloaded, meaning you have Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and Excel spreadsheets at your fingertips whenever you need them, wherever you are. With up to 30 GB of free (pending your contract with your phone company), OneDrive cloud storage, all of your documents and photos can be automatically synced and accessible across other devices if you have them. Smart Dual SIM means you can assign unique profiles to your SIM cards, and have peace of mind that loved ones can always reach you with the call-forwarding feature. On board, the Lumia 430 Dual SIM has 8 GB of storage, with the option to upgrade further by popping in a MicroSD of up to 128 GB. With a dual-core 1.2 GHz QualcommŽ Snapdragon™ processor, a 4-inch display, and 1 GB of RAM, you can while away the hours playing games such as Candy Crush Saga and Minecraft: Pocket Edition. Colour options for the Lumia 430 Dual SIM are bright orange and black, and the device will be available in APAC, IMEA, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus from April. Pricing will vary by market, but is estimated to be around 70 USD before taxes and subsidies.

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Where Automobile Style Meets the Road By: Rohan Beckford

Spring is just around the corner and you may be looking to upgrade your vehicle. Depending on your personality and location, driving with the top down to reflect Spring and Summer’s arrival might be your thing, or the traditional make and model might suit your tastes more. No matter your preference, manufacturers give you great options for 2015. From Cargo vehicles (the Nissan NV) to the BMW convertible to the Audi Q3, auto consumers were given much to consider at the 2015 Geneva Auto Show. If safety, speed and reliability are at the top of your list of concerns, then these featured cars should be considered. The models may differ in your country (these photos are from the Geneva Auto Show held in March, 2015), but performance and safety are the same across the board. Check out the #RoadCandy! Located in New York? Contact Rohan Beckford for your new Nissan, Kia or Hyundai Irie.rbeckford@gmail.com 347-370-6829

Audi Q3

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Audi Q3

Nissan NV 200

Where Automobile Style Meets the Road ... con’d

BMWSeries 6 Cabriolet

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North Ame


erica’s #1


DJ on The World Map

Madd Spydah Da Don Ever wonder how Reggae and Dancehall sounds in Zimbabwe or South Africa?! Maad Spydah Da Don from Spider King Sound International is one of the perfect person to tell you! Chief selector at Spider King Sound System, the selector is based in South Africa and travels the continent frequently. Born in the dusty streets of Highfields in Harare, his parents later moved to Mabvuku where he grew up. During his childhood he was introduced to Reggae by his late uncle, a Reggae fanatic who had a collection that can be called a library! Not restricted to Reggae, Spydah also grew up listening to R&B and Soul. Through his passion for Reggae, Spider King Sound International was born in 1998, and was built to be one of Southern Africa’s top sound systems. As well as his uncle, a major influencer who inspired him is the late Stereo One chief selector, William ‘Jah B’ Sinclair (RIP). As a teenager, attending Stereo One’s Teen Scene afternoon sessions at Rumours in Harare where his love for Reggae and Dancehall grew. In the dancehall circles he basically says he comes from the Jah B school of thought. Outside of music, Maad Spyder has an MBA and is an Accountant by profession. Applying his administrative skills to the needs of DJs and artists alike, Team Helmets was formed to help take music to higher levels, especially in South Africa. Team helmet performs live Saturdays and Sundays at plushy Liberty Inn in Pretoria Central and Cafe Concerto in Sunnyside Pretoria. Revered for his being one of the first to play new music, a Madd Spydah and his events are guaranteed to have the masses rocking and swaying! Connect via Twitter >>> @spiderkingsound

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Foo Fighters Hosting 20th Anniversary Fourth of July Show Contributed

To commemorate their 20th anniversary, the Foo Fighters are planning to kick off their tour with what some may call one of their most anticipated shows ever. The band will play the RFK Stadium in Washington DC which will include many artists that were a part of creating their eighth and most recent album, Sonic Highways. The album, released this past November, along with a companion television series by HBO and DVD, follows the band recording songs throughout the country in legendary studios. Some of the artists attending this one time performance are timeless legends such as Buddy Guy, Joan Jett, Heart, and LL Cool J just to name a few. Most of the performers who have cameos will literally be right beside the Foo Fighters playing their own part on stage. In addition to music, there will be festivities such as fireworks, a massive Bar-B-Q and a motorcycle rally. This show will be the only one of its kind throughout the tour. Artists who contributed to Sonic Highways will not be at any other performance on the tour, so, if you’re a fan of the Foo Fighters, you don’t want to miss this concert. More Info on tour dates and cities >>> http://foofighters.com/

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Stellar Year for Exco Levi Make it 4! Highlights from Exco Levi’s JUNO Award Winning weekend in Hamilton, ON, Canada. This year marks the Reggae artists 4th JUNO Nomination with his 4th JUNO win!

1. Exco signs autographs for fans outside the Hamilton Convention Center [left] 2. Exco poses with the High Priest Band [left] 3. Pop Princess Melanie Durrant toasts congratulations [left] 4. Member of Parliament Tony Clement is all smiles [above] 5. Exco poses for the press core [top right] 6. Vivian Barclay, General Manager of Warner Chappel says 4 for Exco [right]!


The $224 Billion Dollar Travel Problem By: Dan Peltier from Skift Photography: L3 Publicity

The Americans not using their vacation time end up eventually getting it anyways, or at least compensation for it, and a study found U.S. employers’ wallets could take a hit worth hundreds of billions of dollars because of this. Skift conducted its own survey in January finding nearly 42% of Americans didn’t take a single vacation day in 2014, along with four other surveys from last year all spelling out many Americans don’t take enough vacation time for a variety of reasons such as age, sex or income level. Some $224 billion, known as “vacation liability” which U.S. companies must pay employees when they retire or leave the company for unused vacation time or paid time off, sits on balance sheets of American companies, cited in “Project: Time off,” a study done by Oxford Economics, a commercial venture of Oxford University’s business college, and commissioned by the U.S. Travel Association. Oxford Economics estimates U.S. employers’ accrued $65.6 billion of the $224 billion last year alone and the current amount employers owe the average employee for unused vacation time is around $1900. This adds up to employees forfeiting nearly $52 billion a year in vacation benefits, bad news for booking sites, hotels, tour operators and other travel companies all wanting a piece of that pie. Even though a quarter of U.S. employees’ vacations days are “use them or lose them,” about 53% of them roll over year to year and companies won’t eventually meet sudden financial doom because of the vacation drain, rather the payouts to employees will ensue over time like a dripping faucet, the study found. “While it’s never a lump sum payment and will only be due in smaller quantities, it is something businesses have to account for and [the amount of money for vacation compensation they owe their employees] might surprise them,” said Cait DeBaun, a spokesperson for the U.S. Travel Association. “Regardless of [a company’s vacation policy], regular communication is essential to encourage employees to use more of their vacation time. We found in previous research that most employees hear nothing from their employer about [vacations or paid time off], but we also found that employees said encouragement from their managers is the number one way to get them to use more time off.”

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Swim with the Stingrays in Stingray City

Taking a stroll along Seven Mile Beach

Rest and Relaxation in The Cayman Islands Contributed

One of the most beautiful islands nestled in the Western part of the Caribbean are the Cayman Islands! Made up of 3 islands, Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, fun in paradise is just south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica. Grand Cayman is said to be the most populated, tourist-geared of the three Cayman Islands; in addition to the multiple resorts, travelers will find the most popular beaches and land attractions here. More specialized travelers, divers, tend to choose the smaller and less secular Little Cayman or Cayman Brac. You can find some of the world’s best scuba diving and snorkeling, from the plunge at Bloody Bay Wall off Little Cayman to the calm waters and gentle stingrays at Stingray City off Grand Cayman. Among one of the most popular beaches is the Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman Island, which comes complete with a strip of resorts, restaurants and shops, as well as a playground, restrooms and showers. Experienced travelers also emphasize on the Rum Point on Grand Cayman, Point o’ Sand in Cayman Brac and the secluded Owen Island’s beaches. Here are the top 5 things you have to do while on a visit to the Cayman Islands: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dive Bloody Bay’s exciting wall drop offs Take a Sunny stroll along Seven Mile Beach Visit “Hell” for the incredible black limestone formations Swim with the Stingrays of Stingray City Go shopping at Bayshore Mall

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London Fashion Week & London Fashion Weekend AW15 By: Kay Cunningham

One thing Londoners are known for is creating fashion pieces that stand out, even in the cold winter months. This season for the prestigious London Fashion Week, and Vodaphone London Fashion Weekend AW15, designers turned up the heat leaving no room for us to think about the cold. The British Fashion Council had London fashionistas on a high and on everyone’s lips. A lot of show stoppers were presented in the Court Yard at Somerset House that had heads turning, almost causing forgetfulness of the catwalk fashions being showcased in the showrooms inside. Highlights of my experience this season include designers Markus Lupfer and Minki Cheng whose presentations were very enjoyable. The OUTNET.COM presented designs from Hyper Florals, Shimmer & Shine, Make It Monochrome and That Seventies Show. Later, Amanda Wakely presented her all white trend which was classy and beautiful. One of the stand out designers this season is Fyodor Golan. Returning for his 2nd season, he made the catwalk pop with must have colors while SIBLING made their debut with fun pieces that moved perfectly with their high energy strut to “Uptown Funk!”

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London Fashion Week & London Fashion Weekend AW15

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Spring Beauty Tips & Products By: Kay Cunningham

Even though the calendar says April, some parts of the world have temperatures reading ‘very cold,’ so an adjustment to skin care is in order until the warmer temperatures finally begin to shine through. Also, you may be procrastinating applying your makeup treatment for your evening out, so, if you are in a rush, follow these tips: 1.

Simple is better! Don’t go for makeup that is complicated like smokey eyes or false lashes or a liquid eye liner you’ve never tried before, remember your eyes take the longest


Try products that you can smudge like a creamy cheek and lip choice from Bobbi (listed be low) you can also use it for a dewy eye look just prep eyes with a creamy eye base.


Never apply translucent powder when going for a dewy look instead apply a moose foundation that is easy to blend.


Be careful of the sculpting / contouring look. If you are practicing via YouTube tutorials, please search for a Makeup Artist not only popular, but someone that is recommending the right products to use.


Finally, no matter how much you are in a hurry please remember to cleanse, tone, moisturise and blend your foundation well with a brush!

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Brush used ro gently scrub the face

Afriderm made specifically for darker pigmented skin

Recommended Beauty Products for a Wintery Spring

Dermisonic skincare device - I was invited by the owner of this amazing product to do a couple of demos at the Ideal Home Show; I tried it on both men and women young and mature and the results were everything that was described. This skincare device (made for home use) is intended for facial treatment such as skin repair which works with anti-aging skincare on ultrasonic and LED light therapy. Red produces Collagen that also helps to penetrate deeper into the layer of your skin and also helps to improve blood circulation. Blue helps to target bacteria that sits beneath surface; it help to destroy the bacteria that causes acne without causing any harm to healthy skin. Green reduces pigmentation, even out skin tone and is also good for reducing redness. This solution is founded by Opatra for more info, visit their website at www.opatra.com Afriderm is the skincare collection part of the Obey Your Skin line produced specifically for black and darker pigmented skin. It targets spots, shines, dries and evens out skin tones. The collection comes with day / night cream, serum, body butter, hand & body lotion and face Peeling Gel. More info on this collection visit can be found at www.afriderm.co.uk

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Recommended Beauty Products for a Wintery Spring ... con’d

Radiance Organic Skincare is a collection formed early 2014 by founder Leticia. Visiting Ghana, she found the water hard and dried her skin, so she developed this line based on that experience. Her products are made from 99% Organ oil and combination products can be used on hair and skin, and among my favourites are the Organ Oil collection, Lavender and Orange Blossom which is good for skin, hair and nails and helps to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles, scars, psoriasis, eczema, dry frizzy damaged hair and scars. www.radianceorganicskincare.com Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes one of the hottest topics when I work with clients are eye lashes! If you dreamt of long and fabulous lashes well this is a must have! The process to follow is just as simple as 1-2-3. Moodstruck 3D Fibre Lashes is by far one of the best I have tried and saw lashes go from short to what appeared like false lashes in no time. This amazing product is available here www.youniqueproducts.com or consult one of their representatives near you. Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips & Cheeks I am obsessed with all things Bobbi! What stood out for me is one of their best sellers Pot Rouge for Lips & Cheeks which is a multi task cream colour. It comes in 10 shades, my favourites being Raspberry and Calypso Coral. I did a wet look photo-shoot and used them to get the look for eyes, cheeks and lips; you can also add your lipstick either on top or before these multi task pots, ideal for when you are in a hurry! Visit www.bobbibrown.com For any questions or feedback email info@L3Magazine.com

Radiance Organic Skincare

Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes

Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge for Lips and Cheeks

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April, 2015 - Model of the Month

What We’re Watching on the Big


It’s All The Way ‘Home!’ By: Michael Rechtschaffen of THR

There may be no place like home, but there are a lot of places like Home, an animated adventure about the unlikely friendship between a lonely girl and an alien misfit that can’t help but feel familiar. Revisiting aspects of a number of movies that have preceded it, starting with Lilo & Stitch, the film does manage to distinguish itself with some inspired voice casting, recruiting Rihanna and Jim Parsons, who both manage to impress in their animation debuts. Based on the Adam Rex novel The True Meaning of Smekday (audiences got a sneak peek last year with the teaser short, Almost Home, which preceded Mr. Peabody & Sherman), the culture-clash comedy concerns the Boov — a race of aliens on the run from the evil Gorg — who take refuge on planet Earth. However, the Boov express their gratitude to the planet’s current inhabitants by relocating them to candy-colored ghettos in different corners of the globe and commandeering their homes. Separated from her mother as the result of the invasion is Gratuity “Tip” Tucci (voiced by Rihanna), a take-control preteen who forms an uneasy alliance with Oh (Parsons), a Boov who has become a fugitive after inadvertently revealing the terrestrial location of their new hiding place. Director Tim Johnson (DreamWorks’ Antz) and writing team of Tom J. Astle and Matt Ember (Epic), keep the action humming along and the amusing bits reasonably entertaining, but they can’t vanquish the prevailing feeling of deja vu — and that the Boov are merely Minions of a different hue. It is refreshing, however, to see animated characters of color other than purple, blue or green. As Tip, Rihanna shares her screen character’s Barbadian background, not to mention an empowering, can-do spirit that should please young female viewers. Also lending their voices, but in far more limited capacities, are Jennifer Lopez as Tip’s displaced mom and Steve Martin as the cowardly but egotistical Boovian supreme leader. Lopez also turns up on the soundtrack, on the song “Feel the Light,” while Rihanna contributes several new tunes, including her latest single, “Dancing in the Dark.” Production company: DreamWorks Animation Voice cast: Jim Parsons, Rihanna, Steve Martin, Jennifer Lopez, Matt Jones Director: Tim Johnson

L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 65


What has us hooked, what ideas got hatched, and who do we think is HOTTT?! | What has us hooked, what ideas got ha

Left to Right... 1. Busy Signal and Bounty Killer on set of Busy’s latest videoshoot. 2. Ding Dong, Spice and Sean Paul con gratulate each other at the 2015 Youth View Awards held in Kingston, Jamaica! 3. Tifa shoes off her humble begin nings via her home on Duke Street where life began. 4. Shaggy and Don Corleonie in the studio hatching a master musical plan!

Left to Right... 1. Demarco on tour in Switzerland and asking the crowd “can you hear me?!” 2. Contributing Editor and Caribbean Affairs Editor Sparkie Baby trying out her new selfie stick which is on fleek! 3. Etana performs at the United Nations as part of the Concert for Ebola Awareness, and dazzles the audience with her voice who readily agree she is one of the best. 4. Machel Montano and Anya AyoungChee walking through Toronto’s Pearon International Airport.


atched, and who do we think is HOTTT?! | What has us hooked, what ideas got hatched, and who do we think is HOTTT?!


Rico Vibes Top 10 Watched Video’s

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

*Based on YouTube views

Spice – Conjugal Visit Etana Richest Girl Busy Signal – Gyal Yuh Good Alkaline – Live Life Demarco – Bad Gyal Anthem Jus Now ft. Bunji Garlin & Stylo G – Tun Up Busy Signal – Welcome Tifa ft. Dexta Daps – Jealous Ova Cali P – Carry The Load Sizzla – I’m Living

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L3’s Top Digital Downloads 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Spice ft. Vybz Kartel – Conjugal Visit Demarco – Levels to This Jah Cure – Rasta Spice – Ah So Mih Like It Busy Signal – What If Chelsea Stewart – Over You Exco Levi – Country Man Inner Circle ft. Chronixx & Jacob Miller – Tenement Yard (News Carryin’ Dread) 9. Cali P – Solution 10. Dillon Francis ft. Major Lazor & Stylo G – We Make it Bounce 11. Kranium – History 12. Vicky Sola – Inside Out 13. Ammoye – Cool and Deadly 14. Ini Kamoze – Hill and Gully Ride [XTM Nation Remix] 15. Nikesha Lindo – Talk of the Town 16. Busy Signal – Greetings 17. Duane Stephenson – Cool Runnings 18. Face-T – True Love 19. Stephen Souza – Can’t Tear Us Apart 20. Ikaya – Picture

Adahzeh is Going Places Contributed

Jamaica’s all female band, Adahzeh has been making deep inroads on the islands bustling music scene. The five member band, comprising of Karissa Palmer (keyboard), Chevanese Palmer (bass guitar), Tashana Barnett (drums), Tara-Dean Williamson (lead guitar), and the life of the party, if ever there was one, Kadian Hamilton (lead vocalist) have made their rounds and impressions at the recently concluded Reggae Month where they were discovered by fans who loved their versatility and performance on stage. Their first performance was at the JaRIA Live Ladies Night at the Ranny Williams Entertainment Centre where their energy, met with crowd participation, and resulted in them bringing the house down! Additional stops and appearances included the Youth View Awards where they presented an award for Favourite Dance Group, and a performance at the Blue Mountain Music Festival in which they shared the stage with Tarrus Riley and Duane Stephenson. Of the experience Chevanese said “this journey has been an exciting one. We can’t tell you what it means to see the crowd enjoying what we do on stage!” With the masses supporting them at home, Adahzeh is determined to go places and share their love and passion of playing music with people who are just as passionate about consuming it! Tweet with Adahzeh >>> @AdahzehMusic

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Hail Up The Don Yute Contributed

Port Antonio born, and Kingston raised Don Yute can best be described as World Hop! His unique singing and deejay style includes a Dancehall flow that is delivered like a Rapper who easily finesses words in a way that appeals to all members of his demographic, especially the ladies. His music, such as songs “So Much Love,” “Who Is Dat Girl” and “Stalk a Sensimelia” have made him mainstays on radio, and with a growing fan base thanks to online radio stations giving him thousands of spins per week. Being signed to Capitol Records in 2005, Don has been able to work with some of the best in the industry including Jim Jonsin which helped to earn Don multiple awards. Keeping his music at the cutting edge, and knowing what to give his fans, collaborations with Sean Paul, Beenie Man and Spragga Benz were released and received a lot of positive feedback. His new album, Different Wurl, continues the collaborative flow with Akon, Pitbull and Half Pint, and combines multiple genres such as Dancehall and Soca. This Spring, Don Yute hits the road with Don Carlos for the Harvest Time Festival & Tour which covers 50 Cities and includes stops in Barbados, Haiti, Dominica, Trinidad & Tobago. He is also promoting his role in the movie Hot Steppas with African star Obba Babatunde. Later this year, his sinlge with Pussycat Doll Kaya James will be released with a music video for visual support. The single is a part of the Hot Steppas movie soundtrack. Connect with Don Yute on Twitter >>> @donyute

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K’Reema Says Don’t Give a What Contributed

One of the best things Kareema Foster, aka K’Reema did for the music industry, is quit her job as an Emergency Medical Technician to do what she loves best, perform! The release of “Don’t Give a What” her hit single has taken fans by storm. Her interest in music comes as no surprise though, considering music is literally in her blood, being that she is the daughter of the legendary King Yellowman. Kareema “K’reema” Foster proved that she “don’t give a what” when about a year ago, she finally decided to quit her job as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) to pursue her first love, Music. She knew if she wanted to pursue her passion for music she would have to make sacrifices, and giving it all up was the only way to go. Her interest in music She Having had a normal family upbringing with music being an obvious part of her childhood, her close knit family supported all of her endeavors, especially when she went on tour with her father. As education was the number one priority, her father’s advice remained constant being I “stay focused and work hard towards your dreams.” Seeing how hard her father has worked over the years acts as inspiration for K’Reema who has become educated about the music business, and drives her to work harder at her craft. Her single “Don’t Give a What” is a catchy uptempo song that celebrates life and the good vibes that flow when people enjoy a good party. K’reema says her music is a representation of herself. She describes it as a “fusion of both worlds” (referring to her birthplace Jamaica, and current place of residence New York). Her music is a mixture of Reggae, Dancehall, R&B, and Pop. Connect with K’Reema via Twitter >>> @KareemaMusic

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The Music of Frankie DeCarlos Contributed

Frankie DeCarlos is today’s sensual sound of fresh young romance. He’s a dreamer whose musical aim is more than entertainment; it’s enchantment. Graced with confidence and a certain bashful-boyish charm, he often shares how he started singing at the age of 3 and playing piano at the age of 9 in Memphis, TN. 2007 brought Frankie DeCarlos great global success with the exciting release of his first contemporary R&B / Soul project entitled “Human Man.” Within weeks of its international release, the album was #1 on the Hot Top 10 Soul Digger Chart. The combination of Frankie DeCarlos’s princely attitude and natural star charisma solidified his crossover appeal. The 2nd album, “Frankie DeCarlos” was released in 2008 and is an eclectic sophomore response to the sensual and relaxed vibe of “Human Man.” True to his adroit musicianship, he played several instruments and produced beats on the “FDC” project along with co-executive producer Dubois Johnson. With a strong international fan base and three solo Indie albums under his belt, the Frankie DeCarlos brand is quickly becoming a house hold name. Frankie DeCarlos is vibrantly earning his reputation with fans in the Urban/ R&B arena. Music industry insiders have likened his style to legendary pop icon Marvin Gaye. He has played sophisticated venues all over the United States. Many fans have dubbed Frankie DeCarlos as the “Prince of Soul”. His 3rd album EMPIRE is available on iTunes Connect with Frankie vis Twitter >>> @frankiedecarlos

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When Life’s In Tatters Let’s All Act Rich C’est La Vie Duncan Reid By: Song River The dance power pop coming out of the UK has a nice feeling ‘diddy’ type beat of pink bubbles and peg legged pants with girls in go-go boots. I refer to them often as the Soft Core Power Pop Punk. The Difficult Second Album, is the two year plan of Duncan Reid and the Big Heads. Yellow flavored album cover invites us to get buzzed over to Little Fingers and Toes, and we know once the keys hit the door, and Jack comes running everything will be fine. Electronic pop beats keep the time-over to Baby Doll, assuring his lady that he is her man, (reminding me of what 50 Shades of Grey might be spinning) telling her he can save her life, or take her life, yes he can. Electro synth, paints the prominent beats. There isn’t a tune that doesn’t make you want to move your feet and hips. Duncan has been in the music scene long enough to understand he is who he is, and he is enjoying it. The tracks collective blend, and blur into a glimpse of everyday parts of living. A reflective sort with a twirly baton of feel good, as Long Long Gone (Always Another Day), “Oh what happened to that little girl with baby cheeks and angels curls... she’s all grown up.” There’s a mark of maturity that hopefully occurs for most and “Sh*t happens, that’s the way it goes” C’est La Vie pop rocks us over at times to Duncan relaying that it’s The End of the World ... “Oh, oh well!” he quips. One Night in Rio the band comes out and gives us three chord pop rock with a rhythm to match Duncan’s stop over and relay of his experience there. Wrapping up this playful album of twelve tracks, is Wasting Time. A little slide guitar, a little driving rhythm, a steady beat, the soft sensual vocals of Duncan, and the backing of a band who is embracing the playfulness of power pop. The album is a high beat count of fresh. The reminiscent sounds of a young Paul McCartney, Duncan Reid’s vocals fit the bands projections along with Duncan’s thumping bass, this second album remains tight, taunt and flirtatiously delicious. Alex Gold on lead guitar, keyboards and backing vocals is the compliment, Sophie Danger Powers strumming guitar is playful and the backing vocals delivered enrich the voice of Duncan. Ciara Lavers matches the beats per second masterfully on drums. Bringing together an element of spirited bursts, Duncan Reid and the Big Heads serve up a heap of Power Pop this second album, and it never comes across sounding difficult in the least. After listening to The Difficult Second Album, the desire to see Duncan Reid and the Big Heads live, has landed on my must see list. When I have spoken to Duncan he always sounds as if his love for what they are doing, is as natural as breathing. When rockers can play, create what they love, and have fun you’ve a power source that makes you want to get up and dance. Duncan Reid and the Big Heads has accomplished this, The Difficult Second Album is a must. Take a look atDuncan on YouTube >>> http://youtu.be/kXr2ULWQq40 L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 81

Da Professor Who ‘Loves Himself’ Contributed

Many a wise person has passed on to generations of children that love begins with self. This lesson was not missed by recording artist Da Professor who named his recent single “I Love Myself” to inspire people around the world to love themselves first. Produced by Spiky Music Group, the single was released with an accompanying music video which falls within a campaign which includes additional singles “Anything is Possible” and “Rock Star.” The trio of songs go together like a coordinated suit of clothing. As Da Professor says, “when an individual embraces self love, they are automatically gifted with confidence and self-worth. This allows them to make solid decisions and feeds their thinking that great things will happen in their lives. That’s when anything becomes possible!” Lyrics from the song that strikes chords are: “I’m in love with myself ‘cause I know that no one’s gon love me like I do / Even when I’m down and I’m floating on grey clouds I’m the only one to turn it sky blue / I buy myself the finest things, money or cars don’t mean a thing / I’m strong enough to do it on my own and I mean it from deep within.” Connect with Da Professor on Twitter >>> @jetsetprofessor

Vaughn Jereaux ABNY Leather Pants Available Exclusively at: http://vaughnjereaux.com/

Serocee Drops “Heartbreaker” Contributed

Valentine’s Day has come and gone and many couples around the world celebrated the famous day with vows of I Do’s, chocolates and sexy lingerie. For Serocee, the hitmaker music artist from Birmingham, UK, “Heartbreaker” speaks for lover’s who have a hard time where the topic of love is concerned. Featuring emotive, soulful vocals from Zico who adds balance to the track, the song captures the spirit of loneliness perfectly with. When strong feelings are unrequited and games are played, one can feel that heartbreak is around the corner. Serocee has carefully fused his cultural heritage to create a strong identity in the UK music scene. His ability to navigate seamlessly within Hip Hop, Dancehall, and UK Bass movements, has made him a mainstay talent within the worldwide festival and club circuits, working with the likes of ToddlaT and Jus Now. All of this to his birth stamp of being born in Birmingham, raised in Jamaica and developed in London! This chune is a ‘must add’ to your collection! Connect with Serocee on Twitter >>> @Serocee

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Face-T’s True Love Contributed

There is nothing greater in music than hearing the intersection where a great voice, meets great music, meets great lyrics, meets great fans. Today, that intersection comes together thanks to Face-T (pronounced facety – as in Jamaican patois meaning rude) and his hit new chune “True Love!” Imagine the emotions a man feels when true love comes down on him? He wants to look at her nonstop including her pictures; he wants to talk about her, and, he wants to tell the world how he feels. All those emotions and more are captured in FaceT’s new song “True Love!” Set to the Serious Time Riddim (not to be confused with the Serious Times / Freedom Blues Riddim), this upbeat Lover’s Rock chune hears the artist sing: “I’ve been traveling the world / and never met a girl as special as / you / yuh nuh run down diamonds and pearls and the lovin weh yuh give me / it is always / true / gwaan yah mih girl sweet sugar darling / you got it all / nuh mek ah doubt no stallin / two ah we together we ah move to the callin / we ah celebrate rub-a-dub we ballin….” This is a certified boom chune! This chune is a hit chune which will carry the swing from now until when – it is that good! “True Love” is one of 4 songs from Face-T’s brand new EP entitled EP1 which is available online via Twitter >>> @facetreggae | https://www.facebook.com/Facetreggae

Coming to the Old Port August 14 - 15 - 16


HOTTT New Releases for Your Listening Device!

HOTTT New Releases for Your Listening Device! L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 91

HOTTT New Releases for Your Listening Device!

Brand New and Featured on iTunes






1. LeBron James has the Cleveland Cavaliers



on fire! He’s the President of the Basket ball Players Association, has his own Kia Signature Car called the K900, runs The LeBron James Family Foundation, and has increased jersey and sneaker sales since returning to Cleveland. LeBron James is trending. >>> @KingJames

2. Drake released his 17 track mixtape called ‘If You’re Reading This it’s Too Late’ which put 14 singles in the Top 100 on Billboard tying the Beatles record set in 1964. The artist also re leased a short film called “Jungle” racking up millions of views, and blazing the radio and internet airwaves is the single “Truffle” featuring Nicki Minaj & Lil Wayne. Drake is proudly representing The Six (Toronto) and Canada to the world. >>> @Drake 3. Empire is officially the hottest show on TV! Created by Lee Daniels and Danny Strong, this Urban music drama shows lead characters Cookie, played by Taraji P. Henson, and Luscious Lyons, played by Terence Howard run a suc cessful record label and all the family drama that goes with it. Every Wednesday we were hooked from 9pm to 10pm and talking nonstop about the show on Social Media. And those Cookie meme’s tho?! Fox has ordered additional seasons ensur ing our Wednesday nights remain HOTTT >>> @EmpireFOX L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 97

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Forever The Strong One

Etana By: Natasha Von Castle

Etana by far is one of the richest girls. She is blessed with a supportive husband, beautiful daughter, adoring fans, a thriving business and the gift of music. Her ability to put together words, and those words ability to touch people’s lives, and those lives creating positive change makes Etana one of the most influential women in the world, and, I can tell you from first-hand knowledge, she has one of the most beautiful hearts. She cares about her fans – all of them. The magic that happens when she sits down with pen and paper to create songs is just a part of the reason why the world loves her. The other part is she is us! She is the ‘us’ that we are aspiring to be. She is the girl coming from the ‘wrong address’ who made it, and now lives in the right address. She is Etana, and she is The Strong One!

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Etana, when we (your fans) first met you, the connection was there because we needed uplift ment! Songs like “Not Afraid” and “Wrong Address” are just 2 examples. Today your music con nects with us because of “Richest Girl” and “Blessings” featuring Alborosie! Is your music telling stories of your life or our life, or both?!


We live in different countries and even speak different languages but we experience some of the same things in life so we aren’t all that different. All the songs tell our stories and isn’t that what Reggae is about?! It’s the story of the people, me, you and everyone else.

NVC: When we look at you over the years, one thing that has remained constant is your smile! Tell us 3 things you’re smiling about today! E:

You gave me goose bumps with that question (Etana laughs)! The greatest thing is I have life and the vessel to carry my life and my light, which is my body and it works very well. I’m grateful that I’m able to breathe, talk and sing. I am also very grateful for family and the few people who whole heartedly wish me well! I think it’s a little more than 3 things, but you get me!

NVC: As a veteran in the music making process, would you say it is easier now than when you first started? E:

A veteran! Wow! Thank you for that! Well I think it’s easier to have direct contact with the fans but the business of music isn’t easier when you have the same people in it trying to take as much and give as little, and it’s definitely not easier when, because of lack of structure and thievery, Reggae music seems as if it’s doing extremely bad in sales (she laughs)! But that’s another story all together.

Good thing is I’m a lot more established and I know a lot more now. I still believe, however, that I have much further to go. I don’t think I have arrived at the peak of all my goals as yet.

NVC: Walk us through putting together I Rise! Were there specific producers you were determined to work with? Was there a ‘sound’ you were going for? Did you create a studio band for this project or did you use your own band? E:

The A&R from VP and I had a conversation first. I told him I wanted the album to sound huge. I wanted the vocals big and I wanted the album to sound live. He said he thinks Clive Hunt would be perfect. I thought to myself at first maybe not but after we did the first three songs I felt like I could do fifty more. Clive Hunt is a genius. I call him the mad scientist of Reggae who’s not afraid to wipe a whole song regardless of the great efforts of the greatest people and start from scratch because it isn’t “perfect enough” or because it didn’t make him “do that dance” (Etana laughs)! He’s the Boss. Jamaica’s gem and I am happy I had the chance to collaborate with him. He also chose the best musicians in Jamaica both young and old and only the best on back ground vocals. Each song did not always have the same musicians it depended on who Clive thought would fit in the quilt.

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The brilliance of your songwriting shines in songs like “Richest Girl” because that girl is every girl listening to your music. Are you aware of the shift your songwriting has on the mindset of women around the world? If you are, was “Richest Girl” made to change how women see their relation ship, and the value of being in a good relationship?


I just write songs that are real to me and in writing a song I don’t like to think too much. I think that’s what ruins the soul and the heart in it. I am happy though that we are able to connect all over the world through music and that it has been as influential as it has been; I’m truly grateful.

NVC: “Selassie Is The Chapel” is a profound introduction to I Rise. Your decision to make that song track one; was that your way of saying ‘let’s clean the temple before we start on this musical journey?’ E:

Great way of putting it. This song used to be my introduction to every show when I first started back in 2006-2008. People would always ask me how come it was not recorded. I would always do it to set the tone for the performance. I figured I would set the tone and awaken the senses for the songs to follow.

NVC: “Stepping Out of Babylon” is a spiritual anthem that we love! What were you thinking when you wrote that song? Is there a story to the song? E:

Stepping Out of Babylon is a cover that was written by the Great Marcia Griffiths. I was given three songs of great women in Reggae and I chose this one because it’s still so relevant today. There’s so much going on in the world today that we need to be reminded to step away from it all some times in peace and stillness of the mind, body and soul. Step outta Babylon! Yeah!

NVC: Shifting gears for a moment, you have become a serious business woman! Fans see it as buying clothing or skin care products, but behind that, they’re supporting your business. How did this ad dition to your career come about? E:

People would always ask ‘where did you get that fabric?’ ‘Where did you get that skirt, or what do you use on your skin?’ So I decided to share. Not only that, I figured there are talented unem ployed young girls in Jamaica who can sew very well. I decided to have them make the skirts and have women from all over the world support them. It became a “women supporting other women” organization and it’s still growing. I do some things by hand as well like the body mouse and natu ral organic body butters and some jewelry to add to the connection between myself and other people. It’s all about the connection for me.

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NVC: Though it looks simple, you’ve found the right balance in deciding what products to offer for sale. How much time does it take you to decide on color combinations, fabric choices, ingredient lists etc? E:

It doesn’t take that much time because it’s a collaborative effort. I think what takes time is de signing the pieces but still not enough to take me away from everything else that I do on a daily.

NVC: How much are you enjoying this new dimension to your brand?! E:

It’s not easy but I love the sharing and connecting and I enjoy watching these girls glow with ideas. I enjoy watching their creative sides comes out.

NVC: Video was recently posted of you performing in Europe in which we see you have the entire venue jumping and enjoying your energy. What was the lead-up to that moment? What happened to cause the jumping on stage and in the audience? E:

You made me laugh again! It was a combination of music, positive energy, Reggae and Ska. As Jamaicans would say a just VIBES!

NVC: Your daughter is getting bigger now! Do you hear signs of a singer coming through? E:

Oh Lord don’t even mention it! She sings everything, and everything is a mic! The remote, pens and pencils are all microphones and she knows the words to every song. She catches on quickly and she doesn’t forget!

NVC: You performed at the United Nations to promote awareness of Ebola. Not only did you promote awareness of Ebola, you helped raise funds for research about this deadly disease. Tell us why you became involved in this cause? E:

I consider Africa my home away from home and Africans my people. There are many struggles that they have to face and I feel it’s much too much for anyone. I just wanted to be a part of a positive movement that will create the change we need to see.

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NVC: The name of our magazine as you know is L3! Each L has a meaning, and we’d like to know what general advice you would give readers on Life, Love and Lyrics? E:

Life! We’ve got to live and love life because it’s the greatest gift. We aren’t destined to die but to live our lives in many different dimensions based on our choices. The more you experience is the more you grow. Be wise and remember to follow your heart and the spirit that guides you. Just because you make ‘mistakes’ (though nothing is by chance or a mistake), it doesn’t mean you’re less than anyone. We have infinite possibilities so wake up and live!

Love is only love when it’s unconditional. Love is pure and without judgment or prejudice. Love just is ... and as for Lyrics; they are words put together to tell a story in any form or any language.

Connect with Etana on Twitter >>> @EtanaStrongOne | https://www.facebook.com/OneEtana

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LU The Inker

LeBeau Underwood By: Song River

As an introduction to this important piece, it’s crucial that I explain what an inker is. An inker is the person who outlines, interprets, finalizes and retraces a drawing suing a pen or a brush. This process was necessary, especially in the early days of comics, because the printing press could not reproduce penciled drawings. The inker has the final word on the look, and helps control a story’s mood, pace and readability. Now that we know what an inker is…! LeBeau Underwoods career began in high school when he created his own weekly comic strip called The Crescent and The Chosen One. The strip was a mainstay in the school’s newspaper which opened the door for him to earn his Art Degree, and become the protégé of legendary Marvel Comics former Art Director, Don Perlin. The first time LeBeau Underwood was published came by way of Marvel Comics on Marvel Age: Fantastic Four. There he worked with renowned penciler Brett Booth on The Burning Man, inked a backup story for Image Comics Notable Causes and inked a run on G.I. Joe for Devil’s Due Publishing. Each time I have the chance to confab with an artist or writer in the comic book industry, I find their freedom of just believing contagious which converts to a simple mantra: if you love something – go for it!

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Who were some of your early influences in the comic world?


When I first became interested in the inner workings of the comic book industry, my influences were Neal Adams, Don McGregor, Art Adams, Don Perlin, John Byrne, Jim Lee and Todd McFarlane.


Why did you choose to go into inking, as opposed to illustrating or writing? Or do you actually do all of them? Do you have a preference?


I can actually pencil! Most people don’t know this, but I have been formally trained in fine arts. I can draw in pastels, charcoal, ink, pencil, graphite, and oils. I chose inking because that is the final art that people see in comic book work. So for me, that meant that my work had to be on point, to accentuate the penciler’s intent. Most inkers can pencil, but the ink art is the culmination of the marriage between both skill sets.


The comic book industry has so many levels and depths. Do you feel it has been a place where you could truly come in and explore your passions?


Somewhat. There are certain titles that I believe that my inks would enhance, but that also de pends upon the penciler I am assigned to, and editors to whom my style appeals to. As a comic professional and as a fan, there are many titles and characters I would love to work on. Alas that depends on editors, the publishers, and other factors.


Has the industry primarily been a place that only certain social and cultural individuals could enter?


In my experience, the opportunity has always been there. What most fans don’t understand is there is a certain amount of skill, tolerance and business acumen that has to be in place before all comes into fruition. True, the industry is made up of individuals, with their own way of thinking and mindsets. Yet, I believe that, once you (as a creator) are able to move beyond that, then the opportunity becomes more known. In my career, I’ve seen and interacted with fans from ALL walks of life, and as a creator, it’s not my place to judge, only to be able to relate to an individual as a fan. To me that means everything! Fans are fans; we all have a love for this industry, and we all embrace it in our own way. That within itself requires a certain amount of acceptance, and at the end of the day, that is all that matters.


What opportunities are there in this industry for young people? Do you mentor?


I choose not to mentor because so many hopefuls think that they know more about the industry than those who get paid to participate. I personally don’t have the time nor the patience to deal with some who chooses to tell me how to do my job, when that individual doesn’t have the slight est inkling (no pun intended) of what is required to work in this industry. I am more than willing to give advice, but I won’t (at this point) take someone on who doesn’t have the respect for the

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cont’d ...

creators of this industry that is appropriate.

There are many opportunities available, but I think that one has to allow themselves to be open to receive knowledge, experience and job acumen to know what is required to not only prosper, but to thrive.


Is there a difference in inking from illustrator to illustrator- how about from comic industry name to comic industry name?


Well, names have the ability to choose who they want to ink them. As an inker, you have to be able to discern the penciler’s intent and build on it.


Do you recommend working freelance in the inking industry? Why or why not?


If you truly love this industry and truly believe in the impact that you could make on it, then go for it (puts his hands around his mouth to imitate a yell)! I won’t lie, it is hard; very, very hard! I have endured so much to get in it, but it was worth it. To be able to walk into any comic book store; to see my name on a title that I’ve inked … to know that I was selected out of hundreds, thousands, maybe millions to ink that piece! Yeah! That makes all the difference.


Can you recall your very first inking project for a name like Marvel or DC and what it felt like know ing who you were finishing a creation into a story?


I recall my first inking assignment with DC Comics: inking over Yildiray Cinar on Legion of Superhe roes. I was in awe of his pencils; they were so clean yet I felt confident (at the time) that my inks would elevate his work. Knowing what I know now, perhaps better decisions should have been made, but it’s an experience that I will never forget.

For Marvel?! Inking an unpublished story for Marvel Age: The Fantastic Four over penciler Gregory Titus: to know that I would have the chance to ink the characters who started the Marvel Uni verse?! Wowowowowow! Nuff said (laughs)


Any personal favorite characters? Ones that you love to work on, but also ones you just enjoy reading or watching on TV or in the movies?


Personally, I would love work on Superman, Black Panther, Captain America, Spider-man, Batman, The Flash, Cloak and Dagger, Hardware, and Green Lantern. L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 117


Go through the process a little bit of what you do. Step by step overview.


Hmmm! Refer to Sketch Magazine #44! I did a step by step tutorial of inking in there, or follow my page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/LeBeau.l.underwood)!


Next project on the horizon?


That depends on where the powers that be at Marvel, DC, Image, Valiant, or any other publisher who figures I am a great fit (smiles broadly)!


Are your kids artistically inclined and what do they think of dad’s profession?


I have 4 kids and all of them love what I do, but my youngest daughters (Lamiyah and Leiyla) LOVE what I do! I regularly spend time with them, developing their own skill sets, as well as taking time to teach them about the history, impact and significance of the comic book industry on not only America, but on a worldwide scale. I feel that as an artist, that is not only the respon sible thing to do, it is a higher calling.

Connect with LeBeau on Twitter >>> @LeBeau36 | http://www.comicartfans.com/GalleryDetail.asp?GCat=1974

L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 119


Music In The Soul

DDark By: Song River

Sometimes it’s the place you come from that shapes who you are, or, the place you are destined to get to that molds the person. In the case of Hip Hop Artist and MC DDark, the shaping comes from both environment and vision. With an acute knowledge of where he wants to go with his career, and a successful formula for putting sounds together with words, I’d say music lives in the Soul of DDark!

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DDark you were hungry from an early age to create. Can you recall what it was that sparked this passionate beat of music in you?

DD: Well, I started piano lessons at the age of five, which I pursued until I got to secondary school, where I started rapping/mc-ing and producing music electronically. I also touched on a few other instruments; guitar, drums and a bit of violin. Since then, I’ve never really stopped making music; its always come as a natural thing for me - I love it. SR:

Who is DDark? Share a bit about you, your philosophy, your likes and dislikes?


I’m an artist from the UK whose grown up in London, a place called Hackney, which is not the most wealthiest, but has a lot of cultures there, so I’ve seen and learned quite a lot. My philosophy on life is to work hard, surround yourself with people who are positive, and to do the things in life that you love as you only live once, so you got to enjoy it.


In your early years what was influencing your direction in the UK? What was life like for you as a kid?


In the UK they play all genres of music on radio, TV etc., so I was hearing so much that has really influenced my music and me as an artist. I take elements from all genres I like and add them to my music, in my own way to create my sound, and I’d say that’s what makes me unique.

Life as a kid was cool had some good friends, good laughs and had music too, I’ve always been able to build up a good name for myself through my music. From a young age I realized people liked the music I was doing and I was glad to share it with them.


You are undoubtedly a master marketer. Your music, your face, your motion is seen daily as you interact with your fans (new and old) via social media, website, YouTube, merchandise, email sub scription. In today’s global market, how important is it to hit all forms of internet media?


I think it’s important if you want to keep track of your fans. I like to have a connection with my fans and make sure they can get access to my music and releases easily so I try to make sure my social media is tight.

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You cover a wide range of eclectic music styles, do you have a favorite you prefer to do?


I’ve always loved all types of music so I take what I like from everything and craft it into my own pieces, I don’t have a favourite, I appreciate it all.


Has there been a progression you feel in the UK that reflects the 21st century in music?


Yes of course, there’s always progression, amazing music out there, you just got to know where to find it, there’s so many new tools now to create music its cool.


Does your style, flow different you think from western interpretation?


(Pauses) Ya, I’d say I’m unique from everyone else that raps/mc’s in the western world. I’ve always had my own edge and am not afraid to try new things, some people get it straight away, some don’t, but being unique is the best thing you could do, as in the long run it’s what stands out.


Your music contains a positive message somewhere within it, as I was listening to many of your tunes I didn’t hear social negativity and class warfare nuances. Where do you look to for this posi tive forward moving motion?


Well, I’ve come from a place where there’s a lot of negativity, but chose to follow my own road and still discuss some of my experiences and temptations at the time. Positivity is the way forward, if you want to have a meaningful life and for great things to happen in your life. I surround myself with great positive people, family friends, and my mind set is that way so I’m always positive.


Why did you decide to do Harlem Shake, as I looked into its history it seems it has taken multiple veins of interpretation. Talk about your tune and video Harlem Shake.


I had done Harlem Shake before the dance and all the hype had even started (laughs)! If you look at the date it was uploaded you can see the evidence. I loved the beat, so just threw some hardcore rhymes on it.


I watched your video from the Camden BarFly. You put on quite an interactive show, working on pulling in your audience (even though at first I am not sure by looking at the video they knew what to do). How do you work an audience, and bring them into you, the artist DDark?

DD: I like to talk to the audience, get them involved in the show, make sure everyone is having a good time. I feed off their energy and they feed off mine, so as long as I’m putting that out there, I usu ally win the crowd over. I love performing live and being in front of the crowd, there’s nothing like it SR:

You shout independence, in your creativity as you maintain control of each step you take. What advice would you pass along to someone younger coming up?

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To work very, very hard and that you have to do a lot of things yourself to move forward. If you’re not willing to do that, you can forget it (laughs). Unless you get lucky and someone comes and does everything for you, success won’t come to you.


You have a great singing voice, along with the ability to rattle words in a timely flow. Can we ex pect a CD release soon? Tour to follow?


Yes, a CD is coming. I’m working on an album at the moment which is very exciting and I should be on tour later this year in the UK; dates to be confirmed with a new single dropping then too.


Tell me where the name DDark came from?


It actually came from a computer game where the character is called Dr Dark. I thought that’s dope! I can use the Dr part as a metaphor that I’m always in the lab creating music and fixing sounds, raps and rhymes together and the dark, but sounds dope. Plus when I named myself that, that’s when my music began getting a lot of attention, so it was meant to be.


Any other style / genre you would like to cross over and try in music?


Yes, of course I love loads of music, I will always fuse music together so no genre specifically.


It’s a rainy Saturday at home ... you pop into a record store. What is it you decide to purchase?


I’ll probably listen to a few records, try find something new that I haven’t heard, but I don’t buy physical records; I like to buy on iTunes, so then I’d go on my laptop or phone and search for it!

Connect with DDark on Twitter >>> @ddarkonline | www.ddarkonline.com

L3 Magazine | April, 2015 ft. Etana | Page 127

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