Preston (a street with a large flow of people-- community) Context map
Preston Railway Station
Preston Railway Station
Preston West Primary School
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Reduce crossing conflicts, Preston Market attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass Attract different crowded guide but also stay on the street. And them from most acticity areas Potentical to create stress the community corridor’s to stay on the street or into a greenry cycling characteristic open space (within 500M) corridor Reduce crossing conflicts, Preston Market attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass Attract different crowded guide but also stay on the street. And them from most acticity areas Potentical to create stress the community corridor’s ALDI to stay on the street or into a greenry cycling characteristic open space (within 500M) corridor
Preston Railway Station
st Primary School
Different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to open space (within 500M)
Different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to open space (within 500M)
Preston Railway Station
Different crowded guide them from most acticity areas toHP Zwar Park open space (within 500M)
Language School
Preston West Primary School
Attract different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to stay on the street or into open space (within 500M) Cramer Park
St Georges Road Linear Reserve
ALDI Cramer Park
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
RMIT Universty Language School
HP Zwar Park
Detail plan
Potentical to use exsting pavment or color(red) in other
Potentical to use exsting pavment or Preston City Hall color(red) in other
Potentical to reduce major junction traffic conflicts
Potentical to create a
Preston Railway Station Preston City Hall
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Preston Library
Reduce crossing conflicts, attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass but also stay on the street. And stress the community corridor’s characteristic Potentical to reduce
Preston Market
Attract different crowded guide Scale: 1:2000 them from most acticity areas to stay on the street or into Improve streetscape, increase greenry connection to other open space Potentical to create a open space (within 500M)
Preston Market Scale: 1:1000
Control speed and reduce crossing conflicts, increase connection(spaces, and traffic stops)
Scale: 1:1000
Attract different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to stay on the street or into open space (within 500M)
Potentical to use exsting pavment or color(red) in other
Scale: 1:1000
Maximize the connection and communication space that people stay on the street
Scale: 1:1000
greenry cycling corridor (Greenery open space)
Different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to open space (within 500M)
St Georges Road Linear Reserve
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor (Greenery open space)
greenry cycling corridor Potentical to use exsting(Greenery pavmentopen or space) color(red) in other
major junction traffic conflicts
RMIT Universty
Preston Library
Potentical to reduce major junction traffic conflicts
Potentical a greenry c corridor
Preston Library
Reduce crossing conflicts, attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass but also stay on the street. And stress the community corridor’s characteristic
Preston City Hall
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Preston Market
ildren Playground
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Reduce crossing conflicts, attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass but also stay on the street. And stress the community corridor’s St Georges characteristic Road Linear
Children Playground
Implementation testing
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Preston City Hall
Cramer Park
Potentical to reduce major junction traffic conflicts
Language School
Preston Library
Potentical to cre a greenry cycling corridor
ALDI Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor (Greenery open space)
Children Playground RMIT Universty
3M 2M St Georges Road Linear Reserve
HP Zwar Park
1.8M Cramer Park
3M 3M
Language School
3M 3M RMIT Universty
1.8M 2M
Section Activity
attractive park entrance
Scale: 1:250
seating area -- family
St Georges Road Linear Reserve
grass lawn --children
market entrance
park entrance
speed table
natural strip
speed table
brick material connect to city hall open space
parking area
Cramer Park
Reservior (Natural corridor) Context map
Preston Railway Station
Potential to reduce junction and crossing conflicts (traffic and pedestrain) Shared lane(bike and car) try to reduce the speed
Potential to increase WSUD ---Creek
Different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to open space (within 500M)
Preston Railway Station
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Preston Market
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Reduce crossing conflicts, Preston Market attract and guide people to open Industry--space. Even not only walk pass adult Attract different crowded guide but also stay on the street. And them from most acticity areas stress the community corridor’s to stay on the street or into characteristic open space (within 500M)
Different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to open space (within 500M) Preston West Primary School
HP Zwar Park
St Georges Road Linear Reserve
Potentical to use exsting pavment or color(red) in other
Attract different crowded guide them from most acticity areas Potential increase a activity to stay on the to street or into greenery openand space (withinlinkage 500M)of two greenery corridors (1000M)
ildren Playground
Preston Railway Station
Residential--- adult --- children --- old people
Reduce crossing conflicts, attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass but also stay on the street. And stress the community corridor’s characteristic
st Primary School
ALDI Cramer Park
Detail plan
Preston City Hall
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor Potentical to reduce major junction traffic conflicts
Preston Railway Station
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Preston City Hall
St Georges Road Linear Reserve
Potentical to create a
greenry cycling corridor Potentical to use (Greenery exsting pavmentopen or space) color(red) in other
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Preston Library
Preston Market
Preston Market Scale: 1:700
Reduce conflicts ---reduce and stand parking area and increase crossing safty
Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor
Preston City Hall
Potentical to reduce major junction traffic conflicts
Language School
Scale: 1:700
Maximize natural experience and greenery linkage
Potentical to cre a greenry cycling corridor
ALDI Potentical to create a greenry cycling corridor (Greenery open space)
Scale: 1:700
Preston Library
2.5M RMIT Universty
Scale: 1:700
Attract different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to stay on the street or into open space (within 500M)
Potentical to use exsting pavment or color(red) in other
Cramer Park
Children Playground
Potentical a greenry c corridor
greenry cycling corridor (Greenery open space)
Different crowded guide them from most acticity areas to open space (within 500M)
Preston Library
Attract different crowded guide Scale: 1:3000 them from most acticity areas to stay on the street or into Increase human occupation in the street Potentical to create a open space (within 500M)
major junction traffic conflicts
RMIT Universty
Reduce crossing conflicts, attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass but also stay on the street. And stress the community corridor’s characteristic
Reduce crossing conflicts, attract and guide people to open space. Even not only walk pass but also stay on the street. And stress the community corridor’s characteristic Potentical to reduce
Language School
Implementation testing
1.5M St Georges Road Linear Reserve
Cramer Park
4M HP Zwar Park
Language School
4M RMIT Universty
D' 1.5M
Scale: 1:150
Natural grennery corridor
2M pathway
St Georges Road Linear Reserve
Grass lawn
Private entrance
Bus stop
Cramer Park
Emergent Fields: Encourage intense spaces and urban ecologies
System of Implementation: minimum to maximum testings
Surface Methods
Crossing(speed table)+human activity
Comfort and natural experience
Greenery linkage(cycling and walking)
Bus stop, provide seating and entertament area