Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Francesco Fabbrovich Address(es) Telephone(s) E-mail Personal website / portfolio Nationality Date of birth Gender
Via Borgo Garibaldi, 46 01010 Oriolo Romano (VT) Italy Mobile: +39 349 4113634 Italian April 8th 1970 Male
Desired employment / Architect, project manager, planning supervisor, expert on self building, Occupational field bioclimatic, ecodesign, passive buildings and energy efficiency. Yacht designer. Teacher in training courses on sustainable architecture. Certifier of building’s energy efficiency. Work experience Dates Occupation or position held
2002 onwards I’ve been holding about 40 commissions as an independent professional on architectural design, from general to executive design, project management, planning and design supervision for new buildings, renovation and restoration of existing buildings and interior design.
2008 Winner of International Architectural Design Competition ‘Menoèpiù5’ by the Municipality of Roma, for general, final and executive design of an urban boulevard in ‘Paglian Casale’ housing development. Building cost: 4.373.857,00 euro. With: Arch. Paolo Pedrali (team manager), Arch. Alessandro Rossini, Arch. Gabriele Minelli, Arch. Pablo Cerda Gosselin, Arch. Irene Ausiello.
Main activities and responsibilities Type of business or sector Page 1/3 - Curriculum vitae of Francesco Fabbrovich
Designer, project manager, planning supervisor. Architectural design, urban design, project management. For more information go to © European Communities, 2003