2012 Community Resource Guide

Page 1

Maybe the answer really is blowing in the wind. Live or work in Lacey? Take a look around. Every street light, traffic signal, water tower and park facility, not to mention every municipal building (including city hall, the library, community center, museum and public works operations center) are running on clean and renewable green energy— most of it wind power produced right here in the Pacific Northwest. We’re proud the City of Lacey was recently designated as an official Green Power Community by the United States Environmental Protection Agency—making us one of only a handful of such cities in the nation. You can join us in supporting development of local renewable energy solutions. If every home and business in Lacey purchased just $4 worth of green power each month, it would be equivalent to preventing 36,000 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere every year. That’s like our residents not driving 79 million miles. Visit www.pse.com or call a PSE Energy Advisor at 1-800-562-1482. It’s easy. It’s economical. And the wind won’t mind a bit. Shaping our community together

Community resource guide 2012 • 2 013

think c h a m b e r f i r s t THE LACEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

Business is Booming!

Puget Sound Energy’s Green Power Program supports development and use of electricity from clean, renewable sources including wind, sun and biomass.

CommuniT y resource


Hello The Lacey Chamber of Commerce Board and staff wish to extend their appreciation and thanks to all those who contributed their talents, energy and time to this publication.

Thank you for choosing to use this guide to navigate your way through the Lacey community. In the pages of this publication, you will find a wide range of contacts, content and resources in

Our partners in this collaboration include Charles Tichenor of South Bay Press for the creative layout & design, Mike Thompson from Capital City Press for print services, Steve Kirkman of the City of Lacey and Doug Walker with Doug Walker Photography. For more information about Doug’s photography please visit www.walkerphoto.com.

which we hope make your life in Lacey as effortless and fun as possible. Whether you have been in this community for many years or just a short while, this guide will help you get as much value out of living here as possible.

©Doug Walker photography

©Doug Walker photography

adVerTi Ser i n d e x H o m e Tow n p r o p erT y m a n ag em en T H er i Tag e B a n k L eg a L S H i eL d V i r g i L a da m S r e a L e S TaT e o Ly m p i a Fed er a L S aV i n g S S q ua x i n i S L a n d To u r i S m S o u T H B ay p r e S S T H e C r e aT i V e o FFi C e SHeaHomeS S . ST e wa rT r i d e way, C pa

5 5 7 7 9 9 10 10 11 16

a n C H o r Ba n k edwa r d J o n e S Lu C k y e ag L e C a S i n o Sa i n T m a rT i n ’ S u n i V er S i T y S o u T H S o u n d B B q Fe ST i Va L n aT i V e n e w yo r k er 94 . 5 r ox y Fm merLe norman CoSmeTiCS wigS & day Spa C H r i S L e ST er i n S u r a n C e S erV i C e S T w i n STa r aC u ( a m er i C a’ S C r ed i T u n i o n ) C a p i To L C i T y p r e S S

© Copyright 2012 Lacey Chamber of Commerce. no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the copyright owner.

©Doug Walker photography

16 20 25 28 32 33 33 33 44 45 49 57

©Doug Walker photography


CiT y oF L aCey




THe L aCey CHamB er




memB er LiSTing




bY c at eg o rY

arou nd THe Town


memB er LiSTing

CaLendar oF eVenTS


memB er appLiCaTion Form


52 52

products and services advertised herein will be made available for use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.

c i t y of L a cey City of Lacey Mayor Virgil Clarkson

W elco m e to l ac e y The mission of the City of Lacey is to “enrich the quality of life for all our citizens, to build an attractive,

Lacey is a great place to live and do business. If you’re

the way for future growth. The project was made possible

searching for a premium location to establish or expand your

through several public-private partnerships, and a $9.9 million

business; want a Pacific Northwest setting to live or raise a

grant from the Washington State Job Development Fund.

family; or seek a mild climate and outstanding services for

Our community successfully secured up to $12.5 million in

inviting and secure community.” This mission is more

retirement, Lacey is the place to be.

than prevalent as you learn more about this city and

Business enterprises from around the country have taken

will finance additional transportation, utility, and other public

the government which represents it. We are proud to

notice of Lacey’s high quality of life. Our quiet, safe

infrastructure improvements in the Hawks Prairie vicinity.

neighborhoods, low crime rates, outstanding parks, and

Lacey’s Foreign Trade Zone program helps businesses to

community services create a livable, vibrant city to

compete more effectively in the global marketplace.

be one of the first communities in the nation to hold the distinction of being an official EPA “Green Power

attract and retain community-minded residents, high-caliber businesses, and tourist spending. Lacey’s schools are also

Community.” Our residents are highly-educated,

among the most academically successful in Washington.

community-oriented and enjoy the highest median household income of any city in Thurston County. ©doug Walker photography

guide you will find facts and figures about the City of Lacey, meet the Lacey City Council and our Mayor, Virgil Clarkson, learn some history of the area and find valuable contact information for our community.

our community well, and has made Lacey an attractive and

infrastructure, which is an essential component of our

resilient community — a great place to build a home or

community’s quality of life. The Northeast Lacey Public

start a business.

Infrastructure and Economic Stimulus Project infused $29.5 420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 www.ci.lacey.wa.us 360.491.3214 Hours Mon-Fri 8:00am to 5:00pm

million in transportation and utility improvements to pave

Virgil Clarkson Mayor

Thank you to all Chamber members, volunteers, and community members who have contributed in ways big and small to create this wonderful community of Lacey. We hope you find this Community Resource Guide to be a valuable addition to your life in our community.

©doug Walker photography

2 l acey chamb er of commerce

economic future. I believe this progressive approach has served

Lacey has consistently maintained and funded public

©doug Walker photography

lacey city hall has been in three different locations since the city became incorporated. in 2009 the construction of the city’s addition was completed.

community flourish, producing family-wage jobs for a brighter

d e s i g n e d by

and open arms to newcomers. In this section of the

Consistently planned and funded growth has made our

4003 8th Avenue SE • Lacey, WA 98503 360.459.3015 • www.southbaypress.com

p r i n t e d by

All of this while maintaining a small town charm

state Local Revitalization Financing Program funding, which

2975 37th Avenue SW • Tumwater, WA 98512 360.943.3556 • www.capitolcitypress.com

3 •

community resource guide

cit y of l acey

think chamber first!

l ac e y h i sto ry

l ace y co u n ci l

The incorporated City of Lacey is very young but the area in which it occupies is full of history. Since at least the end of the Ice Age, approximately 13,000 years ago, the Nisqually Indians have had a presence in the Lacey area and were the sole inhabitants until the 1840’s. The locations that are now Horizons Elementary School, Indian Summer Golf and Country Club and Panorama, is where the Chambers Family laid their claim when first arriving and settling here in the 1840s. This area would be claimed and known as Chambers Prairie. 10 years later, the Oregon Trail would bring a vast amount of people to the West and the Puget Sound. Many people followed suit of the Chambers Family and laid claims to their own land in what is now Lacey. In 1854 representatives of the Nisqually and other Southern Puget Sound tribes met with Governor Isaac Stevens on the Nisqually Delta to negotiate and sign the Medicine Creek Treaty. Stevens and two prominent Nisqually leaders, Quiemuth and Leschi, signed the Treaty in which almost all American Indian land was ceded to the United States government in return for recognized Squaxin Island, Nisqually, and Puyallup reservations. Descendants of the original tribes of this area still continue to live here and are a vital piece of the community. From that time until 1891 the area was known as Woodland, in honor of settler Isaac Wood and his family. The Wood land claim encompassed 320 acres of land east of present day Saint Martin’s University and is now known as Lacey’s historical area. As you go around town, you will notice names of other early settlers to the area. Those include Hicks, Ruddell and Pattison. As the town grew and nearly 300 residents settled in the area, a decision was made to apply for a United States Post Office. The US Government

denied the residents claim because a town named Woodland already existed in the Columbia River Valley. The name Lacey was decided upon and approved by the Postal Department and Mr. George Warren Carpenter was appointed the first postmaster. The road on which the Post Office was originally built was re-named Carpenter Road in honor of the postmaster. In addition to the new name and Post Office the community also received a train depot, a racetrack and a hotel in 1891. The racetrack is thought to have been the first mile-long sulky oval west of Kentucky and therefore brought hundreds of people via train to the area on race days. The racetrack’s glory days ended in 1909 when betting on horse racing became illegal. Today the site of the racetrack and hotel is occupied by the Lacey Downs Shopping Center. Because of the abundance of lakes located in the community, Lacey became a famous recreation community by the mid 1920’s with more than 19 lakeside resorts. For years people came from all around to visit and make residence in Lacey. By the 1960’s Lacey had grown to more than 8,000 residents and housing and commercial developments were growing at a rapid rate. In 1964, the Lacey Chamber of Commerce along with the Lacey Fire Department and North Thurston School District became the Committee for the Incorporation of Lacey. After two years of tough campaigning Lacey was incorporated on December 5th, 1966.

The Lacey City Council serves as the community’s legislative body responsible for approving ordinances and establishing city policy. Members of the Council are elected for staggered four-year terms. Every two years they select from the Council a mayor and deputy mayor. City Council meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. except for November and December when they are held the first and third Thursday.

mee t the l acey cit y cou ncil deputy mayor Jason Hearn CounCIl CommIttees Finance & Economic Development Committee and Transportation Committee

mayor Virgil Clarkson CounCIl CommIttees Finance & Economic Development Committee and Transportation Committee Intergovernmental Boards, CommIssIons & agenCIes Intercity Transit, Mayors’ Forum and the Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) areas of speCIal Interest Economic development, creating a sustainable city and youth programs oCCupatIon Retired Resource Operations Manager, Washington State Department of Transportation

Intergovernmental Boards, CommIssIons & agenCIes Joint Animal Services Commission (JASCOM), TCOMM911 areas of speCIal Interest Transportation system efficiency, water resources, balancing growth, the environment and urban trails enhancements oCCupatIon Owner, Northwest Media Management, LLC continue

In 2016 Lacey will celebrate its 50th anniversary and many of the people in this area are descendents of families that have been here for hundreds or, in the case of the Nisqually Tribe, thousands of years. This community has a splendid history with a successful story continuing on today and for many generations to come.

cit y servi ces Outstanding services and support from the City of Lacey are some of the benefits enjoyed by local businesses and residents. From streamlined building permit services to the Business Roundtable and from the outstanding parks to the Lacey Senior Center, the City of Lacey is a proactive, service-oriented, cost-conscious local government, and an effective partner with the Lacey Chamber of Commercein the growth and development of the Lacey Community. Services available at Lacey City Hall include: animal licensing, building permits, notary public, parks program registration, passports, police reports, voter registration and water and sewer utilities. Customers may deposit checks or money orders 1600 4th Avenue E • Olympia, WA 98503 360.456.7368 • andrew@hometownpm.com

for utility bills, assessments, business and occupational tax, or traffic citations at any time in the depository in front of City Hall. Visit www.ci.lacey.wa.us for more information.

©doug Walker Photography


4 l acey chamb er of commerce

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community resource guide

cit y of l acey

think chamber first!

t e le p h o n e n u m b e r s fo r t h e l ac e y a r e a

meet the lacey council - continued COuNCIL MEMbEr Lenny Greenstein COuNCIL COMMITTEES Community Relations & Public Affairs Committee, Gen Government & Public Safety Committee and Utilities Committee

COuNCIL MEMbEr Jeff Gadman COuNCIL COMMITTEES General Government & Public Safety Community, Transportation Committee and Utilities Committee INTErgOvErNMENTAL bOArDS, COMMISSIONS & AgENCIES Human Services Review Council, Thurston County Law & Justice Council, Thurston Regional Planning Council and Regional Sustainability Task Force ArEAS Of SpECIAL INTErEST Open and transparent connection between council and citizens, family wage jobs, resource protection and economic development OCCupATION Appraisal Division Manager, Thurston County

COuNCIL MEMbEr Cynthia Pratt COuNCIL COMMITTEES Community Relations & Public Affairs Committee and Land Use Committee INTErgOvErNMENTAL bOArDS, COMMISSIONS & AgENCIES LOTT Board of Directors, Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA) and TOGETHER! OCCupATION Retired Environmental Planner, State Department of Natural Resources ArEAS Of SpECIAL INTErEST Planned growth, transportation, safe and sustainable communities COuNCIL MEMbEr Andy Ryder COuNCIL COMMITTEES Finance & Economic Development Committee, Land Use Committee and Utilities Committee INTErgOvErNMENTAL bOArDS, COMMISSIONS & AgENCIES Economic Development Council (EDC), Olympia Lacey Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau (VCB) and Transportation Policy Board (TPB) ArEAS Of SpECIAL INTErEST Transparency between council & citizens, improved infrastructure and environmental protection OCCupATION Owner, Shur-Kleen Car Wash

6 L aCey Chamb er of CommerCe

INTErgOvErNMENTAL bOArDS, COMMISSIONS & AgENCIES Emergency Medical Services and Water Resource Inventory, Area 11 ArEAS Of SpECIAL INTErEST 25 years insurance industry and 25 years small business owner COuNCIL MEMbEr Ron Lawson COuNCIL COMMITTEES Community Relations & Public Affairs Committee, Gen Government & Public Safety Committee and Land Use Committee

Whether you’re neW to lacey or a lifelong resident, here’s some important numbers to keep on hand.

em erg en cy

l acey

(for police, fire & paramedics) poison Control Center

911 800.222.1222

i m p o rtant Crime Stoppers Dispute resolution Center Lacey fire District 3 Non-Emergency Lacey police Department Non-Emergency voter registration

ar e a h os pital s Capital Medical Center group Health Cooperative Hospital providence Medical Center providence St. peter Hospital

360.754.5858 360.923.7000 360.493.7247 360.491.9480

cit y hall

INTErgOvErNMENTAL bOArDS, COMMISSIONS & AgENCIES Community Action Council (CAC), HOME Consortium and Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC) ArEAS Of SpECIAL INTErEST Economic development, transportation and water. OCCupATION Retired business owner and served 5 years in the U.S. Navy.

City Hall general Community Development Department Community Services & public Affairs finance Department Human resources Department Hr Application request/Job Hotline parks & recreation Department public Works Department

Lacey city counciL information

i ntercit y tr an s it pu b li c tr an s p o rtati o n

elections Lacey’s seven City Council members are elected at-large from throughout the community. Members serve fouryear terms, with municipal elections held in November of odd-numbered years. The Council selects a mayor and deputy mayor from within its ranks to serve as presiding officer during public meetings and events.

bus route & Schedule Info business Office Customer: The Lacey Chamber Contact: ride John Bradburn Dial-A-Lift Scheduling Project: Legal Shield Ad: 2012 Resource Guide TTY Size: 2 1/4” x 2 1/4” << 2nd Creative Show >> << v2 >> vanpool & Carpool Services

360.491.3214 360.491.5642 360.491.3214 360.491.3212 360.491.3214 360.491.3213 360.491.0857 360.491.5600

360.491.4141 360.438.0209 360.491.0857 360.491.3860 360.455.1120

li cen s i n g business Licensing Driver Licensing vehicle Licensing

360.664.1400 360.459.6753 360.902.3770

public school registration North Thurston public School Enrollment 360.412.4400

uti liti e s Cable / Internet / Telpohone Comcast reachOne CenturyLink

360.239.0780 360.456.5640 800.244.1111

Electricity / gas puget Sound Energy (inside WA) puget Sound Energy (outside WA)

888.225.5773 425.452.1234

refuse pick-up / recycling pacific Disposal/LeMay Inc


Water Sewer / Storm Water City of Lacey


m i scell an eo u s 360.786.1881 Animal Services 360.352.2510 360.786.8585 Customer: The Associated Lacey Chamber Contact: Al Eckroth Ministries of Thurston County 360.357.7224 Project: Virgil Adams Ad: 2012bureau Resource Guide | Size: One-Sixth, 2 1/4” x 4 5/8” 360.754.9393 betterRE business 206.431.2222 << 1st Creative Show >> 360.943.5211 Newspaper (The Olympian) 360.754.5411 360.786.8800

Olympia regional Airport Services


all information obtained from City of Lacey website, www.ci.lacey.wa.us


Enjoy all Lacey has to Offer!

The Council meets on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, January through October. In November and December, Council meetings are scheduled on the first and third Thursdays.

Worry Less. Live More.

All meetings convene in the Council Chambers of Lacey City Hall, 420 College Street SE. The public is invited to attend. If you would like to view a meeting they are broadcast live in the local television market on Channel 3, and rebroadcast the following two Saturdays at 12:00am, the following two Mondays at 12:00 pm and the following Thursday at 7:00 pm. They are also broadcast live through streaming video and are available on demand.

community resource guide

360.493.2222 360.956.1155 360.491.2410 360.459.4333 360.786.5408

Lacey Chamber of Commerce & visitor Center Lacey City Museum Lacey Community Center Timberland regional Library post Office

For all your real estate needs...

Al Eckroth 360.701.3307 aleckroth@comcast.net

Real Estate Professional Since 1994 7





think chamber first!

m ove i n ch eckli st

t h u r s t o n c o u n t y w e at h e r Average Temperature (Degrees Fahrenheit) 2010 2011

Precipitation (Inches) 2010 Normal1

Register your children for school. See Education Section for a list of the public and private schools in the North Thurston District. The sooner your child can establish a regular routine, the easier it will be for them to settle in.

Average Total Snowfall (Inches) Normal1





2010 Normal1 Normal1

































































Buy a subscription to the local newspaper, The Olympian. This will quickly get you up to speed on what’s happening in your neighborhood.









Find new health professionals, including doctors, a dentist and vet.

























Average Total











55.4 50.3

Register to vote, or if you have the latest version of Adobe Reader, download the voter registration card.

Check with the post office or your old residence to make sure your mail is being forwarded and that you’ve registered your new address. And make sure you’ve notified everyone.


Contact insurance companies, including household, auto and health. Find out if you’re currently covered or if you need to create new policies with a new company. This is important to check especially if you’re moving to a new state.

th u rston cou nt y sch ool di stri ct

P o Pu l ati o n e sti mate & fo r ec a st 2 0 0 0 -2 03 0
















North Thurston






















































Rainier Rochester Tenino

S q u a x i n I s l a n d To u r i s m . c o m Little Creek: (360) 427-7711 Shelton Washington

Take care of your finances - set up new accounts, have money transferred or order new checks with your new address.

Get a library card - one for each member of the family. Once you have a library card, you can consider yourself, home!


Come stay & play at Little Creek Casino Resort and Salish Cliffs Golf Club, the first course in the world certified “salmon safe!”

Get a new driver’s license, tags and/or plates for your vehicles. This can all be done online at www.dol.wa.gov or visit their office at Department of Licensing. See page 9.

source national weather service, olympia weather station (www.wrce.dri.edu). explanation 1 “normal” is the statistical average of data from june 1st, 1948 to december 31st, 2010.

Preliminary Estimate

We Are Honored By Your Presence

Set up utilities. See page 9 for a full list.

source trpc - small area population estimates, population & employment forecast work program, 2004/2005, 2008 update. explanations these data represent total residents in district, not just school age children. data is for thurston county portion of school districts only. griffin adjusted for year 2015











Lacey & UGA






Olympia & UGA






Rainier & UGA






Tenino & UGA











Yelm & UGA






Grand Mound UGA






Chehalis Reservation2






Nisqually Reservation2


























Bucoda & UGA

Tumwater & UGA

Total Cities and UGAs1 Total Reservations 2 Rural Unicorportated County 2 Thurston County Total

8 l acey chamb er of commerce

th u rsto n co u nt y 2 0 0 0 -2 03 0

p o p u l at i o n f o r c a s t b y j u r i s d i c t i o n

source trpc- population and employment forecast work program, 2007 update. explanation numbers may not add due to rounding. 1

uga - urban growth area. unincorporated area designated to be annexed into city limits over 20 years time to accommodate urban growth.


data is for thurston county portion of reservation only.


rural unincorporated county is the portion of the unincorporated county that lies outside uga and reservation boundaries.

9 •

community resource guide

cit y of l acey

think chamber first!

th u rston cou nt y l an d are a by j U r i s d i c ti o n 2 0 1 1 Bucoda Lacey


Land Area Square Miles Percent 1












































































1.3 %

Chehalis Reservation2




Nisqually Reservation2




Total Cities Total UGAs Total Reservation2 Rural Unincorp. County

37,799 23,407 2,558 407,074

59.1 36.6 4.0 636.1

8.0% 5.0% 0.5% 86.5%

Thurston County Total














Customer: Contact: Project:

The Lacey Chamber Lowell Gordon Creative Office Ad: 2012 Resource Guide Size: 2 1/4” x 2 1/4” << 1st Creative Show >>


Shea Shea Homes Homes Introduces Introduces Our Our Newest Newest Resort Resort Community. Community. ® ® ®

• Office Furniture • Office Products • Janitoral Supplies • Online Ordering

Creating Solutions for Your Business! 721 Legion Way SE

Olympia, WA 98501 source: trpc (360) 754-1732 explanation: toll free (800) 900-1732 | www.thecreativeoffice.com uga - urban growth area: unincorporated area designated to be annexed into city limits to accommodate future urban growth. 1 land area included lakes and other land-locked water bodies. 2 data is for thurston county portion of reservation only. p o p u l at i o n p r o J e c t i o n s


by j U r i s d i c ti o n cit y o f l ac e y


• SPECIAL AD DATES Cities & UGAs 169,140 Reservations


• SPELLING! 222,000 265,000 900



©doug Walker photography

10 l acey chamb er of commerce

Rural County 82,575 96,000 107,000 South Bay Press designing the guide cannot be held responsible for content errors or typos. Custom Ad County Total 252,400 319,000 373,000 design limited to (2) revisions. Revisions exceeding (2) shows will be subject to additional service charges. UGa = Urban Growth area When your Ad proof is approved neither the Lacey Chamber nor South Bay Press will be responsible for errors or typos. Placement of Ad will be at the discretion of South Bay Press. By approving this proof, you acknowledge that you understood community resource guide and agree to all information and terms provided.

With two terrific locations in the greater Seattle area, Shea Homes offers the best in resort With terrific the greater Seattle area, Shea the in living. Choose ourlocations beautifulin to youroffers own beach front, or live With two two terrific locations innew the Lacey greaterlocation Seattle with area,access Shea Homes Homes offers the best best in resort resort living. Choose our beautiful new Lacey location with access to your own beach front, amidst protected wetlands and beautiful forests in Redmond. Both offer energy living. Choose our beautiful new Lacey location with access to your own beach front, or or live live amidst protected wetlands and beautiful forests in Redmond. Both offer energy efficient homes, a friendly community with amidst protected wetlands and beautiful forests in Redmond. Both offer energy efficient a community with fabulous homes, amenities, and prices that make efficient homes, a friendly friendly community with Tour our models and get fabulous amenities, and prices that make luxury comfortably affordable. Visit us today! Tour fabulous amenities, and prices that make * Tour our our models models and and get get luxury * luxury comfortably comfortably affordable. affordable. Visit Visit us us today! today! * • New Models Now Open! if you bring this ad with you! •• New Now Open! if New Models Models Open! if you you bring bring this this ad ad with with you! you! • Beach Front Now Access in Lacey •• Beach Front Access in Lacey Front Access Lacey Center, • Beach Stunning Lodge withinFitness •• Stunning Lodge Fitness Pool, Sauna, Golfwith & Tennis Stunning Lodge with Fitness Center, Center, Pool, Sauna, Golf & Tennis Pool, Sauna, Golf & Tennis • Homes from the low $200s •• Homes from the $200s from the low low $200s • Homes I-5 exit 111 - Marvin Road It’s your move. •• I-5 I-5 exit exit 111 111 -- Marvin Marvin Road Road

Golf & Lunch for 2 Golf Golf & & Lunch Lunch for for 2 2

It’s It’s your your move. move.

SheaJubilee.com | 800.685.6494 SheaJubilee.com SheaJubilee.com || 800.685.6494 800.685.6494

Offer available to Guests who bring this ad to Shea Homes at Jubilee, can occupy the community as residents and take a guided tour before 12/31/12. Coupon is good for one round of golf for 2 based on rack rate with 3 days advance tee time reservations including lunch, at the Golf Club at Hawks Prairie, and has no cash value. Not inclusive of alcohol or gratuity. One Coupon per household and must present coupon at time of service. Offer expires December 31st, 2012. Valid only at Shea Homes at Jubilee. This ad must be presented on your initial visit to the sales office. Trilogy® is Offer available to Guestsofwho thisInc., ad toanShea Homes atmember Jubilee,ofcan the community as residents and take a guided before 12/31/12. Coupon is good one round of golf for 2construction based on rack rate with 3 days tee time Homes reservations including lunch, atfortheoccupancy Golf Club by at a registered trademark Sheabring Homes, independent theoccupy Shea family of companies. Shea Homes at Jubilee is a tour community by AGS Jubilee, LLC. Sales for by Shea Homes, Inc. and by Shea Homes, Inc.advance (SHEAH199701). at Jubilee are intended Offer available to Guests this to Shea Homes atfor Jubilee, canpersons occupy community asand residents and take a guided tour 12/31/12. Coupon isisgood for one2012. round ofestate golf 2sale, based rack rate ofwith 3 days advance tee timeof reservations atoffice. the Golf Cluband at Hawks Prairie, and has nowho cash value. Notadcertain inclusive of alcohol or gratuity. One Coupon per household must present coupon at time ofbefore service. Offer expires December 31st, Valid onlyfor at Shea Homes at Jubilee. This ad to must on yourstate initial visit to thelunch, Trilogy® is at least one person 55 years orbring older, with exceptions younger asthe provided by law and the governing covenants, conditions and restrictions. This not an offer of real for or aon solicitation an offer buy,be to presented residents any orincluding province insales which registration Hawks Prairie, and has no cash value. Not inclusive of alcohol or gratuity. One Coupon per household and must present coupon at time of service. Offer expires December 31st, 2012. Valid only at Shea Homes at Jubilee. This ad must be presented on your initial visit to the sales office. Trilogy® is aother registered trademark of Shea Homes, Inc., an independent member of the Shea family of companies. Shea Homes at Jubilee is a community by AGS Jubilee, LLC. Sales by Shea Homes, Inc. and construction by Shea Homes, Inc. (SHEAH199701). Homes at Jubilee are intended for occupancy by legal requirements have not been fulfilled. Void where prohibited. Models are not an indication of racial preference. © 2012 Shea Homes, Inc. All rights reserved. aatregistered trademark of Shea Homes, Inc., an independent of the Shea as family of companies. Shea at Jubilee is a conditions communityand by AGS Jubilee,This LLC.isSales byoffer SheaofHomes, Inc. and construction by SheaofHomes, (SHEAH199701). Homes at Jubilee are intended occupancyand by least one person 55 years or older, with certain exceptions member for younger persons provided by law and the Homes governing covenants, restrictions. not an real estate for sale, or a solicitation an offerInc. to buy, to residents of any state or province in whichforregistration at least onerequirements person 55 years older, with certainVoid exceptions for youngerModels personsare as not provided by law and the governing covenants, conditions andInc. restrictions. This is not an offer of real estate for sale, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, to residents of any state or province in which registration and other legal haveornot been fulfilled. where prohibited. an indication of racial preference. © 2012 Shea Homes, All rights reserved. other legal requirements have not been fulfilled. Void where prohibited. Models are not an indication of racial preference. © 2012 Shea Homes, Inc. All rights reserved.

JUB_SBP_LaceyChamberGuide.indd 1 JUB_SBP_LaceyChamberGuide.indd 1 JUB_SBP_LaceyChamberGuide.indd 1

cit y of l acey


6/27/12 10:28 AM 6/27/12 10:28 AM 6/27/12 10:28 AM

think chamber first!

lacey chamber of commerce Felix Peguero Lacey Chamber of Commerce President 2012-2013

presidents let ter

Lacey chamber of commerce 8300 Quinault Dr. NE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98516 info@laceychamber.com www.laceychamber.com 360.491.4141 hours: mon - fri 9:00am to 5:00pm The Lacey Chamber hosts the Lacey Visitor Center on behalf of the City of Lacey. The Visitor Center provides maps, brochures, and other information on Washington State, Thurston County and the Lacey, Tumwater and Olympia communities. The staff sends out relocation information to anyone considering moving to the Lacey area and processes various requests from students nationwide interested in information on the area. The Visitor Center is the “hub” for people visiting the area.

©doug Walker Photography

Thank you for picking up the Lacey Chamber of Commerce Community Resource Guide. The Lacey Chamber thrives to be your Premier Business Resource and this publication is just one of the many ways we connect community and business. This guide contains a plethora of information about the City of Lacey and our current chamber membership directory. So whether you’re looking for a local park to enjoy an afternoon picnic, a great restaurant to celebrate a special occasion or you’re in need of a local Financial Advisor, I encourage you to “Think Chamber First” and let this Community Resource Guide be your guide. As the 2011-2012 President of the Lacey Chamber of Commerce and local resident, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the City of Lacey. Residents of Lacey are service and community oriented, highly educated people boasting the highest median income of all the cities in Thurston County.

pa s t p r e s d e n t s




1962 1963-64 1965 1966

In the summer of 1961, business owners in the community began meeting at the Burger Bar on Pacific


Avenue to join together in creating a new voice for their endeavors and a way to support the local


economy. 50 years later, the Lacey Chamber of Commerce has continued to grow and thrive with


hundreds of member businesses, multiple councils, committees, a scholarship fund for local students, and


networking groups that are growing rapidly. The Lacey Chamber of Commerce has taken an active role in


the community and the “Think Chamber First” culture has helped to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars


in the local economy. In this section you’ll meet the Board of Directors, Staff, find ways to network your business, see a directory of Chamber Members and find many ways that you can “Think Chamber First.”

1973 1974 1975 1976 1977

Verlyn Ellis Blume Realty Bill Griswold Griswold Office Supply Ray W. Kidwiler Retired Ross Erwin Blume Realty William Ryan Lacey Fuel Oil Co. Dale Hojem Evergreen Federal Savings & Loan Eugene Dolan Heritage Bank Argal Oberquell City of Lacey Attorney George Weiss Blume Realty Harris Hunter Thurston County Treasurer Floyd Pugh Thurston County Fire, District 3 C. Don Thompson ERA Delta Real Estate Katherine Taylor Snider Insurance Howard Grimm Grimm Collections Ron Rowe Architect Arden Deering Arden’s TV Appliance

12 l acey chamb er of commerce

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

We have a diverse population and many of those serving in our Armed Forces have chosen to make Lacey their home. As a veteran myself, I am so blessed to have been embraced by the City of Lacey and in-turn I have chosen it as the place to raise my children, build my practice and serve my community. Please take the time to explore and enjoy our City and all it has to offer. I would also like to encourage you to join us at our Lacey Chamber Forum on the first Wednesday of every month at the Saint Martins Worthington Center. There you will have the opportunity to network with leaders in the business community as well as stay up-to-date with the happenings in our city. It is an honor to serve you as your Lacey Chamber of Commerce President. Thanks in advance for using this resource guide and remembering to “Think Chamber First!”.

Fred Thunberg Panorama City Johnny Lewis Music 6000 Thomas Adams Adams & Schefter Douglas Prull First Community Bank Robert Carino Allied Data William Bergquist Bowen, Haftey & Bergquist CPA Glen Brincken Puget Sound Power & Light Robert Olson 1st South Sound Bank Dawn Bowen Bowen, Hafey & Pennington CPA J. Michael Pastore Pastore & Associates Joseph Gates ERA Delta Real Estate Ward Tappero Providence Home Supply Gary Price Puget Sound Power & Light Kevin Ekar Centennial Bank Lora Johnson Johnson Insurance Blake Lindskog Heritage Bank Brian Fluetsch Sunset Air

1995 1996 1997 1989 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Tom Jones Hawks Prairie Automotive Priscilla Terry Prime Locations Gina Chamberlain GDC Interior Designs Mike Pastore Pastore & Associates Pam Jessen First Community Bank Randy Luke Horizon Mortgage Michael Massoth Vicwood Meridian LLC Stewart Ridgeway S. Stewart Ridgeway CPA Ken Balsley Balsley & Associates Gerry Chevrier Office Depot Cindy Broome The Olympian Harvey Hanson Berschauer Phillips Construction Co. Andrew Barkis Hometown Property Management Renee Sunde Thurston EDC Patrick Davidson Versata Home Loans Jeff Powell Prime Development Group Jerry Farmer 94.5 ROXY fm

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community resource guide

l acey chamb er of commerce

think chamber first!

2 0 1 2 b oa r d o f d i r ec to r s Felix Peguero President Edward Jones Investments 360.438.0341

Lowell Gordon President Elect The Creative Office 360.754.1732

Mike Harris Treasurer Columbia Bank 360.459.3344

Angelique Wilson Vice President Professional Temp Staffing Agency 360.786.8443

Karen Schade Secretary Edward Jones Investments 360.438.0341

Jerry Farmer Past President 94.5 ROXY 360.236.1010

l ac e y c ham b er of commerce 8300 Quinault Dr. NE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98516 info@laceychamber.com www.laceychamber.com Tony Salas Executive Director 360.491.4141 tsalas@laceychamber.com

commit tees & worKshops b bQ commit tee (Meets at various locations, call for dates & times) Committee Chair • Al Eckroth Virgil Adams Real Estate • 360.701.3307 This committee plans the annual South Sound BBQ Fest. This is a community BBQ competition with Backyard Joes and Pro Vendors held in July at the Cabela’s parking lot. Come and bring your ideas to make this a successful event.

education cou ncil (Meets at 12:00 the 3rd Wednesday of each month at Brandman University)

Stephanie Hemphill Event Coordinator 360.491.4141 shemphill@laceychamber.com

Arvilla Moore Volunteer

Committee Co Chair Courtney Schrieve, NTPS • 360.412.4418 Angela Grant, Club Z In-Home Tutoring • 360.438.9800 Develops events and activities that support all areas of education in the Lacey area including; public schools, private schools, early childhood education, post secondary education and adult learning. The Education Council advises the Board of Directors on issues and opportunities around education.

fu ndr aising commit tee (Meets at Chamber office, call for dates & times)

Andrew Barkis Board Member Hometown Property Management 360.456.7368

Marny Bright Board Member Business Examiner 360.878.2158

Tom Carroll Board Member Network Communications International 360.701.1532

Al Eckroth Board Member Virgil Adams Real Estate 360.701.3307

Grace Kendall Board Member FASTSIGNS 360.438.3800

Brent Walz Board Member O Bee Credit Union 360.528.5361

Madelin White Board Member Merle Norman Cosmetics, Wigs & Day Spa 253.912.3257

Mike Thompson Board Member Capitol City Press 360.943.3556

The Chamber has worked hard to bring economic success to the community and to ensure an outstanding quality of life. From taxes to school bonds, from sign ordinances to parades, the Lacey Chamber has taken an active role in community life.

new in 2012 B.A.N.G. • 2 Group Meetings (Business & Networking Group) 1 group meets Tues 11:45am - 1:15pm at Copper Creek Coffee Co. 2nd group meets Wed 7:15am - 8:45am at Best Western Suites in Lacey (space is limited) These groups are designed to provide a more concentrated, personalized approach to networking with an emphasis on developing closer relationships among members. The members of B.A.N.G. actively look for opportunities to refer business to other members of the group to expand business within the group.

Committee Chair • Tony Salas Lacey Chamber • 360.491.4141 This committee brainstorms on new ways of fundraising for the Lacey Chamber. Once an idea is approved by this committee it is brought to the board and if passed a subcommittee is formed to properly plan the event.

golf commit tee (Meets at Chamber office, call for dates & times, starts in Jan) Committee Chair • Angelique Wilson Professional Temp Staffing Agency • 360.786.8443 Committee members help plan and prepare the Chamber Golf Tournament! This committee coordinates all aspects of this fundraising event from budget proposal, advertising and procuring of items.

government affairs cou ncil (Meets 11:30am the 2nd Friday of the month at Panorama’s Chambers Restaurant) Committee Chair • Daniela Anderson Hometown Property Management • 360.456.7368 Committee members evaluate and make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding local interests and assists in endorsements of possible political candidates.

Kidwiler schol arship fou ndation (Meets on an as needed basis at Chamber office) Committee Chair • Lowell Gordon The Creative Office • 360.754.1732 This is the Scholarship awarding arm of the Lacey Chamber. The committee helps choose which North Thurston high school seniors receive the annual scholarship from funds collected all year at our various events.

military affairs cou ncil (Meets 7:30am the 1st Tuesday of each month at Hawks Prairie Restaurant) Committee Chair • Carlene Joseph Harborstone Credit Union • 253.983.8636 This committee will provide you with ways to support & sponsor events at the bases putting your business in front of potential customers. Learn many ways to get more military into your business.

auction commit tee (Meets at Chamber office, call for dates & times) Committee Chair • Madelin White Merle Norman Cosmetics, Wigs & Day Spa • 253.912.3257 The Auction Committee works in the summer and early fall to plan the Lacey Chamber of Commerce annual dinner and auction. The committee’s responsibilities are to choose a date, location and theme of the event as well as procure auction items and sell tickets to the event.

busines s net work opportunities The Lacey Chamber of Commerce knows that marketing your business is key to business success. That’s why we have so many different opportunities for members to get their name and product out there. Check with the Chamber Office at 491-4141 to find out how you can take advantage of these great opportunities.

monthly foru m lu ncheon (Meets the first Wednesday of each month from 11:30am - 1:00pm at Saint Martin’s Worthington Center Register at www.laceychamber.com/register-overview Members and their guests gather for quality speaking programs of interest to the business community. We have hosted a number of outstanding speakers this past year including: Scott Spence, Lacey City Manager, who gave his “State of the City” address; the candidates for Lacey City Council and a Tax Roundtable dedicated to business taxes. continue

14 l acey chamb er of commerce

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community resource guide

l acey chamb er of commerce

think chamber first!

m ee t yo u r c h a m b er a m b a s s a d o r s !

business network opportunities - continued

G r and openinG / 5 : 0 1 su rG e

th rive n e Wsle t ter ads

The Chamber will help you set up these important events and promote it throughout the Chamber membership. At Grand Openings we arrange for the Lacey City Mayor or his representative to attend. 5:01 Surges introduce people to your location and your products at the same time. The chamber provides press coverage, a photo on the website and invites local dignitaries. We arrange for our Ambassadors – the “meeters and greeters” of the Chamber to assist in any way that they are needed. This will free you to network with your guests.

Place an Ad, submit an article or insert a flyer in the Chamber’s monthly newsletter, the Thrive. With a circulation of 400 mailed out and placed on the chamber’s website, this is a great way to get attention for your business. Call the Chamber Office for current advertising rates.

foru m lu nch spon sor Get 5 minutes of airtime at the lectern to showcase your business. The use of audio-visual aids is strongly encouraged. You also get a display table, and exclusive opportunity for marketing materials placed on the luncheon tables. A great chance to get in front of a large group.

media lu nch spon sor Great opportunity to advertise the Who, What and Where of your business. Receive 3 minutes of airtime at the podium to showcase your business, thank you Media Forum Sponsor advertising 2 times per week for one month on TCTV (channel 22), opportunity for marketing materials on luncheon tables and 1 free admission to the Forum.

l acey visitor center The Lacey Chamber hosts the Lacey Visitor Center, providing a huge number of brochures on local businesses, services and entertainment. As a member, your info can be displayed in the Chamber Office. The Chamber office gets thousands of calls and emails every year requesting information on the Lacey area. Hundreds of referrals to members are made every year as well, to people looking for quality business services. The Chamber refers to members first. Just another advantage of membership in the Lacey Chamber.

l acey b . a . n .G . (Meetings are held Tuesday at 11:30am at the Copper Creek Coffee Company and Wednesday at 7:15am at the Best Western Plus Lacey Inn & Suites)

The Lacey Chamber Ambassadors are vital to our organization and serve as the marketing arm of the Lacey Chamber as well as promoting their own business. We boast over 20 active ambassadors. They meet and greet members at Chamber events and aid in the recruitment of new members.

susan cook

r ay fois y

36 0. 25 0. 58 30 Fi na lly Cl ea n •

no na ar d od Wo

ma de lin Wh ite


2610 Harrison Avenue Olympia, WA 98502 360-754-4601


601 Woodland Square Lp Lacey, WA 98503 360-491-2250

Martin Way

4250 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98516 360-412-0118

Mer le Nor man Cosmet ics Wig s & Day Spa • 360 .491.4911

MLS Fund ing • 360 .570 .20 66

c h a r lot t e d ic k is o n Di xe lan d Ja zz Fe sti 36 0. 94 3. 9123 va l

Nor th Thu rsto n Pub lic Scho ols 360 .412 .4418

jeff kop p

Edward Jones Investm ents 360.43 8.6637

da n & sh el le y ni ch ol so n D Zine s • 253 .307.49 03

ts Annie’s Uniqu e Ba ske 36 0.4 90 .60 86

ro s s ir W in

Ca bin ets by Tri vonna 36 0.539.50 57

jo hn b r ad b u rn

tab itha joh n son

mi ke ha rr is ba rb ar a st . jo hn


100 E Wallace Kneeland Blvd Shelton, WA 98584 360--427-1970

The Ranger • 253.58 4.1212

Lega l Shie ld • 360 .25 0.35 48

Harb orstone Cred it Unio n 360 .45 6.78 33

Colu mbia Bank • 360 .459.33 44

not pictured: jeff klingberg, sign-a-rama of olympia 360.915.9207 • Wade hyatt, ricoh office solutions 360.493.2126 buddy stevens, 4th dimension technology inc. 360.357.5169 • joann bell, fisher jones family dentistry 360.943.4644 Wendy mitkowski, the creative office 360.754.1732 & shon brewster, costco Wholesale 360.412.3500

16 l acey chamb er of commerce

KDH Boo kke epin 360 .754 .954 5

co rt ny ma rt in

a n n ie c a pp ie ll o Mutual of Oma ha • 360 .491.759 3

ATM fee rebates up to $6 per month

Sterling Savings Bank 360.491.4340

mi ke Wo lf e

This weekly meeting is dedicated solely to networking. These groups bring together the most active networkers in either a breakfast or lunch setting. If you really want to promote your business - this is the place to be.

Beyond Checking

ke ll i he G st e ad

community resource guide

l acey chamb er of commerce


think chamber first!

chamber fundraisers GoLf tou rnam ent Chamber members and guests tee up the first week in June for the annual Chamber Golf Tournament. The event is an outstanding way to network with other Chamber members and show off driving and putting skills at the Golf Club at Hawks Prairie Woodlands course. Sponsors at each hole enter into their own competition with great decorations, tasty treats and beverages to help the teams perform at the pinnacle of their abilities. An awards banquet follows the tournament where great food and fun are shared, the winners are announced and a special raffle is held to distribute prizes donated by member businesses. Held the first Friday in June at Golf Club at Hawks Prairie Woodlands Course with a 8:00am Shotgun Start. Great golf, great food, a lot of raffle prizes at a premium OKI course. Awards for best “decked out Hole” and Hole-in-One prizes. See the best of the best of the Lacey business community. Sponsorships are available. Contact the lacey chamber for more information. 360.491.4141

s o u t h s o u n d b b Q f e s t i va L Do you love slow-smoked traditional BBQ and great family centered entertainment? Here’s your chance to give your taste-buds the most fun they will have all year! The Lacey Chamber of Commerce welcomes the public on the Saturday following Independence Day to our Annual South Sound BBQ Festival and the mouth-watering world of BBQ! This event brings thousands of people together to enjoy a

c h a m b e r pa r t n e r s h i p s party-like atmosphere complete with Food, Music and lots of entertainment. There is no admittance fee and food samples are done with scrip purchased at the site. There are tasty treats from every pro vendor for as little as two scrip dollars. For the amateurs, or Backyard Joe’s as we call them, there is a competition among five different categories of BBQ delights: Beef, Chicken, Pork, Seafood and Other (must be barbeque.) BACK BY PoPuLAR deMAnd! Back for a another year is the ACU Chicken Wing Eating Contest. Teen (12-17 yrs) and Adult (18 +) competitors vie for braggin’ rights and a trophy as well as cash prizes. The competition is only 4 minutes long and the winner is declared by who eats the most chicken wings by weight.

an n uaL aucti on The Lacey Chamber of Commerce holds a celebration auction in the every fall to help the Chamber fund its operation. The funds raised are also a significant source of money for the Kidwiler Scholarship Foundation. The auction committee, chaired by Madelin White, Merle Norman Cosmetics, Wigs & Day Spa, works very hard at developing an entertaining evening for members and guests. This year we are making a change to the auction by moving the annual Business Awards presentation to the event. Come enjoy a celebration of the success of our local businesses and bid on some once in a lifetime trips & gifts. Location to be determined Held in the Fall.

Strong partnerships equal a vibrant, viable community. Today, the Lacey Chamber enjoys working partnerships with the City of Lacey, Thurston Economic Development Council, Business Resource Center, the Visitor & Convention Bureau and our business members. The Lacey Chamber prides itself on its connection and commitment to Lacey.

t h u r sto n count y economic d e v eLo p m en t co u n c i L More than 29 years ago, community leaders joined around a single collaborative vision - to diversify our economy. The Economic Development Council (EDC) that sprang from this union still operates by the same basic tenants and values: to be the voice of business in creating and sustaining a healthy community; to be strong and bold, not weak and reckless; and to be a vital part of the economy that benefits from the EDC’s efforts. The economic development team specializes in identifying opportunity and applying effort that results in creating a vibrant and vital economy. They connect local businesses with experts and resources that help them remain competitive. They create and deliver strategic messages that attract new investment to our community. They work with community partners to enhance our collective prosperity and encourage our economic future. They participate regionally to ensure that Thurston County plays an appropriate role on the regional economic stage. The economic development team specializes in identifying opportunity and applying effort that results in creating a vibrant and vital economy. They do this by:

kidwiler schol arship The scholarship is named in honor of Ray Kidwiler, who was a founding member of the Lacey Chamber of Commerce and served two (2) years as President in 1963 & 1964. Ray was a great believer in education for young people and felt that any student deserving further education upon graduating from high school should be able to obtain it. After his death, Mrs. Ray Kidwiler established, through the Lacey Chamber of Commerce, the Ray Kidwiler Scholarship fund in 1972 in memory of her husband. Monies are raised at our monthly forums and annual fall acution by having raffles. A special thank you to our generious business members that contribute auction items and donate items on a monthly basis at our forum meetings. Your contributions help benefit the Kidwiler Scholarship program.

• Creating and delivering strategic messages that attract new investment to our community • Working with our community partners to enhance our collective prosperity and encourage our economic future • Participating regionally to ensure that Thurston County plays an appropriate role on the regional economic stage

b usines s resou rce center The Business Resource Center (BRC) exists to support small business with services and resources that may just speed you to your first success – or your next success. No matter what you and your business need, if you use the center’s resources you’ll expedite your business learning, planning and likely will grow your business sooner and faster, and more successfully. For a start, you may want to take advantage of the BRC’s experience-proven advice to help you with turning your business idea into a reality, or expanding your existing business If you want more than advice, you’ll find the BRC offers everything from business literature and forms, to counseling, training and workshops, as well as business models, and leads for financial assistance. It even has a special program on contracting with local, state, and federal governments. By using the proven resources you’ll have an advantage in implementing your business pursuits.

smaLL b usines s deveLopment center Washington leads the nation in the rates of new business creation and business failures. It’s been shown that professional guidance makes a critical difference in a new business’s ability to prosper and grow. Washington Small Business Development Centers promote economic vitality by providing advice, training and research to entrepreneurs and existing businesses statewide. Whether you are well established or just starting out, the SBDC can make a difference for your business.

the kidwiler scholarship Founation is administered by the lacey chamber of commerce for students planning to enter the private or free enterprise system (meaning, one in which private business owners operate competitively with minimal government interference) upon completing their post-secondary studies. (this is not a scholastic scholarship.)

The Washington SBDC promotes economic vitality within Washington communities by providing expert business advising, demand-driven training, and applied research to existing businesses and entrepreneurs.

madelin White from merle norman cosmetics Wigs & day spa and mike Wolfe with mutual of omaha take-in raffle items & sell raffle tickets at the monthly forum luncheon meetings.

18 L acey chamb er of commerce

• Connecting local businesses with experts and resources that help them remain competitive

The SBDC is a cooperative effort of Washington State University, other educational institutions, economic development organizations and the US Small Business. continue

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community resource guide

L acey chamb er of commerce

think chamber first!

smaLL business deVeLoPment center - continued

places. Their team works to gather the best discounts, rebates, financing and tax If you want more than advice, you’ll find the BRC offers everything from incentives to drive those improvement costs business literature and forms, to counseling, training and workshops, as well down, and increase your rate of return on as business models, and leads for financial assistance. It even has a special investment. They also have a Vendor Network program on contracting with local, state, and federal governments. By using of qualified local suppliers and contractors for Customer: The Lacey Chamber Contact: the proven resources you’ll have an advantage in implementing your energy improvements. Project: Edward Jones Ad: 2012 Resource Guide | Size: 1/2 Page Vert, 4 5/8” x 7 1/2” business pursuits. << FINAL Creative Show >> 665 Woodland Square Loop SE, Suite 201 th u rston en ergy Lacey WA, 98503 Thurston Energy provides energy use evaluation services and 360.754.6320 recommendations for energy-saving measures in both homes and work Email: brc@thurstonedc.com www.thurstonedc.com

tou rism in formation center

When it comes to your to-do list, When comes future to your to-do list, putityour first.

put your future first.

Decisions made in the past may no longer be what’s best for the Decisions made in the past may no longer be what’s future. To help keep everything up to date, Edward Jones offers best for the future. To help keep everything up to date, aDecisions complimentary review. madefinancial in the past may no longer be what’s Edward Jones offers a complimentary financial review. for the future. To help keep everything to date, Abest financial review is a great opportunity to sit face up to face with A financial review is a a great opportunity to strategies sit face to an EdwardJones Jones financial advisor and develop to help Edward offers complimentary financial review. keep with your finances in line with financial your shortadvisor and long-term face an Edward Jones and goals. A financial review to is ahelp great opportunity to sitinface develop strategies keep your finances line to face with shortan Edward Jones financial advisor and AAMS® Felix with A. Peguero Marv Kopp, AAMS® B. Castillo, your and long-term goals.David 8120 Freedom Lane NE 3231to Willamette Dr NEyour 5401 Corporate develop strategies help keep finances inCenter line Lp SE Suite 103 - Bldg D Suite F Suite I with your shortand long-term goals. To out howLacey, to get your financial goals Lacey, WAfind 98516 WA 98516 Lacey, WA 98503

on track, call or visit today. To find out how to get your financial goals Eric C. Rowe Cooper Ratliff Paul J. Muldoon, AAMS® on track, call or visit today. 3663 College St SE 1303 College St SE Felix A Peguero 1401 4th Ave E, Suite 201 360-438-0341



SuiteAdvisor E Financial Lacey, WA 98503 Olympia, WA 98506 Lacey, WA 98503 . 360-486-2106 360-705-9054 Felix A Peguero 8120 Freedom Lane NE 360-456-0962 Financial Advisor Suite 103 Bldg D . WA 98516 Jeff Kopp, AAMS® Lacey, Ted Poulakidas Jon Emerson 8120 Freedom Lane NE 360-438-0341 3231 Willamette Dr NE 1751 Circle Lane SE 4810 Yelm Hwy SE Suite 103 Bldg D Suite F Lacey, 98503 Suite C Lacey, WA WA 98516 Lacey, WA 98516 360-493-1910 Lacey, WA 98503 360-438-0341 360-438-6637 360-486-0370 Member SIPC www.edwardjones.com

Call or visit any of our financial advisors in the Lacey/Olympia area. To find an Edward Jones office near you, visit www.edwardjones.com.

www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC



Olympia Lacey Tumwater Visitor & Convention Bureau Capital Campus: 103 Sid Snyder • Olympia, WA 98501 360.704.7544 Email: marketing@visitolympia.com www.visitolympia.com

l acey loves to re ad Held in February, this month long event brings an award winning author to Lacey to promote community literacy. Readings are held throughout the month with a special “Meet the Author Celebration” at the Lacey Community Center. Chamber businesses have the opportunity to sponsor baskets that are raffled off free at the event.

mcchord air rodeo

A community festival and car show, business members can help create a destination event for Lacey and get some exposure for their business by sponsoring a prize. This one brings a lot of people to the community. The Chamber takes the Visitor Center on the road to make sure all the visitors get info about the outstanding features of the Lacey Community.

The Lacey Chamber, with the help of business members hosts a kick off BBQ in July for this biennial competition which draws more than 100 teams from the U.S. Air Force and foreign military.

m em b ers by c at e g o r y The Lacey Chamber provides discounted advertising rates and opportunities for members to promote their business through networking at after hour events, grand openings and through various committees & workshops.

spar k le vel i g n ite Le V e L B o o m ! le v e l

$750 $1,500 $3 ,000

1800 4th Avenue E Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 786-9657 www.gciad.com tHurston tAlk

724 Columbia Street NW Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 482-1671 www.thurstontalk.com

williAms grouP mArketing & Design

3643 Pacific Avenue Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 352-3031 www.wmsgroup.com

an sweri ng s ervice tHe CAll Center

accou ntants Bliss & skeen, CPA’s

2407 Pacific Avenue, Suite C Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 754-5848 www.blisscpa.com JAmes D. BACon, CPA, Ps

4706 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-5948 www.jdbaconcpa.com

s. stewArt riDgewAy CPA

3409 Beth Ct NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-4404 www.stewartridgewaycpa.com

strADer, HAllett & Co., Ps

5209 Corporate Center Ct SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-2100 www.straderhallett.com

l acey spring fu n fair

accou nti ng & Bookkeepi ng

An annual free fair directed at kids and families. Businesses can sponsor with dollars or staff a booth with prizes for kids. A two-day event in May, this has become a well-loved annual event, rain or shine.

PO Box 125 Olympia, WA 98540 (360) 754-9545 www.kdhbookkeeping.com

kDH Business serviCes, llC

PreCisely rigHt BookkeePing

6821 11th Avenue NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 584-6820 www.preciselyrightonline.com PO Box 4008 Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 357-1000 www.coffeenewstm.com

community resource guide

gCi AD AgenCy

760 Commerce Street, Suite 201 Tacoma, WA 98402 (360) 491-3699 www.yellowbook.com

Coffee news

think c h a m b e r f i r s t

yellow Book usA

adverti si ng

20 l acey chamb er of commerce << CHECK FOR ACCURACY >>

The Visitor & Convention Bureau is committed to promoting and connecting your business to visitors, meeting planners and groups. Through the development of visitor products, services, advertising and promotion, the Bureau enhances the visibility of its members, the tourism industry and visitor awareness of our region. Our efforts and the support of our members contribute in making tourism a significant local industry, providing an economic impact of more than $240 million dollars in 2005.

su mmer ’ s end at l acey

m e m b e r s l i s t b y c at e g o r y

PO Box 3407 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 786-8955 www.reachone.com/callcenter

apartm ents

CAPitol City on tHe Course

5800 Titleist Ln SE Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 923-1123 www.capitolcityonthecourseliving.com lACey PArk APArtments

5001 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 493-6300

tAnglewilDe ProPerties

204 Ranger Drive SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-1040

tHe villAge At union mills

8146 Sweet Brier Ln SE Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 486-9000 www.apartment.com

appar el

tHe guArDsmAn

701 Sleater Kinney Road SE, Suite 21 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-2020 www.theguardsmanmenswear.net

as sociate m em B ers mike BeeHler

Olympia, WA 98513 gene DolAn

Olympia, WA 98503 Dr. williAm eHlers

PO Box 3003 Lacey, WA 98509 ken BAlsley

Lacey, WA 98503 www.kenbalsley.com

Bill mCgregor

Lacey, WA 98503 JuDy wilson

PO Box 6023 Olympia, WA 98507

as sociation B u si n es s & profes sional olymPiA Auto mAll AssoCiAtion

2125 Carriage Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 705-1636 www.olympiaautomall.net tHurston eDC

665 Woodland Square Lp SE, Suite 201 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 754-6320 www.thurstonedc.com

as sociation manag em ent

vAntAge Community mAnAgement

202 Central Street, Suite 140 Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 455-4464 www.vantagecommunities.net

at tor n eys

ADAms & sCHefter

1415 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-6666 AHlf lAw offiCe

1230 Ruddell Road SE, Suite 201 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-1802 golDstein lAw offiCe, PllC

1800 Cooper Point Road SW, Suite 8 Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 352-1970 www.jaglaw.net owens DAvies fristoe tAylor & sCHultz, Ps

1115 West Bay Drive NW, Suite 302 Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 943-8320 www.owensdavies.com

auto & wi n dow g l as s

CleAr view Auto & winDow glAss

4500 Pacific Avenue SE, Suite E Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 539-5909 www.cvawg.com

automoB i le sales & s ervice titus-will CAPitAl CHevrolet

2425 Carriage Lp SW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 357-5515 www.tituswill.com

awar ds & s pecialti es CoinforCe.Com, llC

12525 Bridgeport Way SW, Suite A Lakewood, WA 98499 (253) 682-2825 www.coinforce.com

21 think chamber first!

awa r d s & s p ec i a lti e s - co nti n u e d

TAGS AwArdS & SpeciAlTieS

3643 Pacific Avenue Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 491-2525 www.tagstrophies.com

4110 Pacific Ave SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-7546 www.washingtonfederal.com

Anchor BAnk, lAcey

601 Woodland Square Lp SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-2250 www.anchornetbank.com

weST coAST BAnk, colleGe STreeT

665 Woodland Square Lp SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-2400 www.wcb.com

Anchor BAnk, mArTin wAy

4250 Martin Way E, Bldg 4, Suite 10 Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 412-0118 www.anchornetbank.com

weST coAST BAnk, hAwkS prAirie

8140 Freedom Ln, Suite A Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 923-0638 www.wcb.com

columBiA BAnk

655 Golf Club Place SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-3344 www.columbiabank.com

banqu et hall

wAShinGTon lAnd yAchT hArBor, inc. hArmony hAll

FirST ciTizenS BAnk

9101 Steilacoom Road SE Olympia, WA 98513 (360) 491-3750 www.washingtonlandyachtharbor.com

721 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-0880 www.firstcitizens.com

b u si n es s su pport

heriTAGe BAnk, indiAn Summer

5800 Rainier Lp SE Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 570-7356 www.heritagebankwa.com

hr & policy SoluTionS, pllc

Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 870-7584 www.hrandpolicysolutions.com

heriTAGe BAnk, lAcey

eSSenTiAl BuSineSS SupporT

4400 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 570-7380 www.heritagebankwa.com

8808 82nd Lane SE Olympia, WA 98513 (360) 464-8866 www.ebsupport.com

olympiA FederAl SAvinGS

4310 6th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-1156 www.olyfed.com

olympiA FederAl SAvinGS, hAwkS prAirie

8300 Quinault Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 493-1800 www.olyfed.com

olympiA FederAl SAvinGS, olympiA

leGAl Shield

Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 250-3548 www.bradburnbiz.com

cab i n ets & cab i n et makers

2607 Martin Way E, Suite 211 Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 754-1945 www.wabizbank.com

wAShinGTon FederAl

ban ks

wAShinGTon BuSineSS BAnk, olympiA

421 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 754-3400 www.olyfed.com

olympiA FederAl SAvinGS, yelm

4860 Yelm Hwy SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-3470 www.olyfed.com

cABineTS By TrivonnA

4444 Lacey Blvd SE, Suite G Lacey, WA 98501 (360) 539-5057 www.cabinetsbytrivonna.com

car was h Shur kleen cAr wASh

4240 Pacific Avenue Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-5151 www.shurkleencarwash.com

car pet, rug & u phol stery clean ers A STeve’S proFeSSionAl Truck mounTed STeAm cleAninG

PO Box 5922 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 701-9544 www.steveshort.com

SouTh Sound BAnk

4530 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 528-4200 www.southsoundbank.com

casi nos

STerlinG BAnk

lucky eAGle cASino

749 Sleater Kinney Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-4340 www.bankwithsterling.com

12888 188th Avenue SW Rochester, WA 98579 (360) 273-2000 www.luckyeagle.com

STerlinG BAnk home loAn diviSion

niSquAlly red wind cASino

4200 6th Avenue SE, Suite 302 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 339-5330 www.bankwithsterling.com TimBerlAnd BAnk

12819 Yelm Hwy Olympia, WA 98513 (360) 412-5000 www.redwindcasino.com

1201 Marvin Road NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-1400

cater ers occASionS cATerinG & SpeciAl evenTS

1615 State Street NE Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 943-9494 www.occasions-catering.com pAprikA cATerinG

455 North Street Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 970-0689 www.paprikacatering.net

certi fi ed war drob e con su ltant for wom en iT’S your imAGe

PO Box 221 Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-5970 www.iyimage.com

ch i ropr actors 360 chiroprAcTic

5831 Lacey Blvd SE, Suite G Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 923-0360 www.360chiro.net AdAmSon chiroprAcTic

4631 Whitman Ln SE Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 923-1717 www.adamsonchiropractic.com

ch u rch es

ciTy liFe

4205 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-6611 www.clc-wa.com

collection ag ency ArmAdA corp.

6101 Capitol Blvd, Suite C Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 956-3630 www.armadacorp.com

com m ercial Jan itorial SupercleAn JAniToriAl

700 Sleater Kinney Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 304-9093

T&S cleAninG

Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 493-1049

com m ercial propert y manag em ent STeAdmAn properTieS

6700 Martin Way E, Suite 18B Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 493-1484

com m u n it y events

lAcey communiTy evenTS

6903 33rd Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-2830

ThurSTon counTy FAir

3054 Carpenter Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 786-5453 www.co.thurston.wa.us/fair

com puter n et wor ki ng , prog r am m i ng , sales & s ervice

community resource guide

merle normAn coSmeTicS, wiGS & dAy SpA

801 Sleater Kinney Road SE, Suite 4 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-4911 www.merlenormancosmetics.com

BriGhT now! denTAl

4210 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 455-9544 www.brightnow.com

FrAnk heSkeTh, mA

677 Woodland Square Lp SE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 271-5858 www.forecounselingservices.com

holly Blue counSelinG

1607 Ruddell Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-1600

677 Woodland Square Lp SE, Suite A4 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 915-2497 www.hollybluecounseling.net The mArSTon cenTer

677 Woodland Square Lp SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 352-9443 www.themarstoncenter.com

cr edit u n ion s

AmericA’S crediT union lAcey

FAiTh luTherAn church & School

olympiA lAcey church oF God

8282 28th Ct NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 539-1750 www.greenview.sandler.com

coach i ng


Greenview TrAininG SoluTionS inc.

hArBorSTone crediT union

reed SoluTionS Group

wAShinGTon ForeSTry conSulTAnTS, inc

Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 529-1848 www.reedsolutionsgroup.net

coffee wholesale & r etai l copper creek coFFee compAny

4120 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98576 (360) 923-1300 www.coppercreekcafe.com cuTTerS poinT

5831 Lacey Blvd SE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-2974 www.cutterspoint.com cuTTerS poinT ruddell roAd

5750 Ruddell Road SE Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 438-9433 www.cutterspoint.com

dAncinG GoATS coFFee BAr

4219 6th Avenue SE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 359-4622 www.batdorfcoffee.com

The reSulTS Group

5605 Ridge High Court SW Olympia, WA 98512 (360) 908-0612 www.trgglobalinc.com

1919 Yelm Hwy SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 943-1723 www.washingtonforestryconsultants.com

contr actors g en er al BerSchAuer phillipS conSTrucTion co.

PO Box 11489 Olympia, WA 98508 (360) 754-5788 www.bp-construction.com kAuFmAn conSTrucTion & developmenT, inc.

7711 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 491-5230 www.kaufmanbrothers.com

prime developmenT Group, llc

4160 6th Avenue SE, Suite 202 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 528-2550 www.primedevelopmentgroup.com

m e m b e r s l i s t b y c at e g o r y

2415 Pacific Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 943-4644 www.fisherjonesfamilydentistry.com

3929 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 357-5169 www.4dcomputers.com

5005 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-0414 www.olcog.org

FiSher JoneS FAmily denTiSTry

677 Woodland Square Lp SE, Suite 16 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 584-8929 www.themarstoncenter.com/ therapists.html

con su ltants

7075 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-1444 www.faithlutheranlacey.org

2590 Willamette Drive NE, Suite 201 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 951-9948 www.f9networks.com

Fore counSelinG ServiceS

1320 Marvin Road NE, Suite C Lacey, WA 98516 (206) 214-1481 www.becu.org

5615 30th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 491-3552

F9 neTworkS, inc.


4Th dimenSion TechnoloGy inc.

FAiTh ASSemBly oF lAcey

cu stom er s ervice/ sales su pport system

cou n s elors

8308 Quinault Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-9300 www.youracu.org


l acey chamb er of commerce

cos m etic s / g i fts

1445 Galaxy Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-8550 www.harborstone.com

hArBorSTone crediT union, woodlAnd SquAre

649 Woodland Square Lp SE, Suite C Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-7833 www.harborstone.com o Bee crediT union

8665 Martin Way E Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 943-0740 www.obee.com

Sound crediT union

3600 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98502 (253) 396-6844 www.soundcu.com

TwinSTAr crediT union, corporATe

4525 Intelco Loop SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 486-3840 www.twinstarcu.com

TwinSTAr crediT union, croSSroAdS

4550 Avery Ln SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 357-9917 www.twinstarcu.com

TwinSTAr crediT union, lAcey

4540 6th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 357-9917 www.twinstarcu.com

ruddell roAd denTAl cenTer

dental /orthodontic s moSS orThodonTicS

5320 Corporate Center Lp SE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-7080 www.mossorthodontics.com

dental l ab

pAciFic denTAl ArTS, inc.

3701 Ensign Road NE, Suite B Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 438-1882 www.pda-lab.com

dig ital & offs et pri nti ng , sig n s & g r aph ic desig n irc prinT & deSiGn

4704 Pacific Avenue SE, Suite C Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 357-4454 www.ircprintanddesign.com

SouTh BAy preSS

4003 8th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-3015 www.southbaypress.com

drivi ng school cAScAde drivinG School

2420 4th Avenue E Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 943-1123 www.cascadedrivingschool.com


BrAndmAn univerSiTy

1445 Galaxy Drive NE, Suite 201 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 493-8375 www.washington.chapman.edu SAinT mArTin’S univerSiTy

5300 Pacific Ave SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 438-4307 www.stmartin.edu

SouTh puGeT Sound communiTy colleGe, hAwkS prAirie

1401 Marvin Road NE, Suite 201 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 596-5742 www.spscc.ctc.edu

SouTh puGeT Sound communiTy colleGe, moTTmAn

2011 Mottman Road SW Olympia, WA 98512 (360) 596-5206 www.spscc.ctc.edu

23 think chamber first!

PaCifiC mounTain WorkforCe develoPmenT CounCil

e d u cati o n - co nti n u e d

The evergreen STaTe College

1570 Irving Street Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 754-4113 www.pacmountainworkforce.com

2700 Evergreen Parkway NW Olympia, WA 98505 (360) 867-6042 www.evergreen.edu

ProfeSSional TemP STaffing agenCy

elected official

2608 Pacific Avenue, Suite A Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 786-8443 www.professionaltempstaffing agency.com

CaThy Wolfe, ThurSTon CounTy CommiSSioner

2000 Lakeridge Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 357-2470 www.co.thurston.wa.us

fam i ly fu n

Charlie’S Safari The family fun CenTer

CynThia PraTT, laCey CiTy CounCil member

420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 456-4862 www.ci.lacey.wa.us 420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-3214

virgil ClarkSon, laCey CiTy mayor

PO Box 3400 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 459-9067 www.ci.lacey.wa.us

2000 Lakeridge Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 786-5224 www.thurstonauditor.org 8000 Meridian Road SE Olympia, WA 98513 (360) 584-7456 www.tntelectricinc.com

budd bay PromoTionS & aPParel

Joanna PoWer, iSagenix

fi nancial pl an n i ng

8120 Freedom Ln NE, Suite 103 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-0341 www.edwardjones.com

PO Box 3363 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 786-0404 www.acefirewa.com

6906 Martin Way East Olympia, WA 98503 (360) 709-0483 www.buddbay.com

fitn es s coach

d ZineS: CreaTive SoluTionS & graPhiC deSignS

floori ng , floor coveri ngs & rugs

Team beaChbody

(360) 402-7218 www.akikommitfitness.com

Olympia, WA 98516 (253) 307-4903 www.dzinesallday.com

b & r flooring ameriCa

4414 6th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-2323 www.brsalesinc.com

em ploym ent s ervices

annie’S unique gifTS & gifT baSkeTS

aCe fire & SeCuriTy SySTemS

em b roi dery & s pecialti es

fu n er al hom es

exPreSS emPloymenT ProfeSSionalS

funeral alTernaTiveS of WaShingTon inC., laCey

2615 Capital Mall Drive, Suite A1 Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 357-7195 www.expresspros.com

2830 Willamette Drive NE, Suite G Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 491-2222 www.funeralalternatives.org

labor ready inC. nW

7914 Martin Way E, Suite 9 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 786-9113 www.laborready.com

funeral alTernaTiveS of WaShingTon inC., TumWaTer

455 North Street SE Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 753-1065 www.funeralternatives.org


809 Legion Way SE Olympia, WA 98507 (360) 596-3520 www.morningsideservices.com

Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 490-6086 www.anniesuniquegifts.com

golf cou rs es

CaPiTol CiTy golf Club

community resource guide

h eati ng & ai r con dition i ng sales & s ervice TCmS

The golf Club aT haWkS Prairie

hom e mai ntenance

8383 Vicwood Ln NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 455-8383 www.hawksprairiegolf.com

gover n m ent - cit y CiTy of laCey

420 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-3214 www.ci.lacey.wa.us laCey fire diSTriCT Three

1231 Franz Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-2410 www.laceyfire.com

8310 30th Avenue NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 493-8870 www.tcmscorp.com

mainTenanCe by homeToWn, inC.

1600 4th Avenue E Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 918-5251

i m porter r etai l / wholesale

8560 Commerce Place Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 754-2323 www.shipwreckbeads.com

i n su r ance & i nvestm ent pl an n i ng CounTry finanCial

gover n m ent - port

20138 Pendleton Avenue Joint Base Lewis-McChord, WA 98433 (253) 966-2256 www.jblmmwr.com PorT of olymPia

915 Washington Street NE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 528-8000 www.portolympia.com

gover n m ent - state WaShingTon STaTe emPloymenT SeCuriTy deParTmenT

1570 Irving Street SW Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 570-4250 www.esd.wa.gov

2604 Yelm Hwy SE, Suite D Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 357-4060 www.countryfinancial.com

muTual of omaha, mike Wolfe

7402 20th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-7593 www.mutualomaha.com

i n su r ance ag ency allSTaTe inSuranCe bill funk

1601 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-3376 www.allstateagencies.com/BillFunk 4531 Intelco Loop SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-4042 www.allstateagencies.com/ vincefunk/welcome

ameriCan family inSuranCe JuSTin Wagner agenCy

Olympia, WA 98512 (360) 352-4051 www.dayledesigns.biz

SouTh bay PreSS

4003 8th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-3015 www.southbaypress.com

g r eeti ng car d s ervice

3929 Martin Way E, Suite A Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 866-0610 www.crossinsuranceagency.com Jeff kearin agenCy, ameriCan family inSuranCe

5500 Corporate Center Ln, Suite D Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-0989 www.jeffkearin.com naTionWide inSuranCe WhimS inSuranCe & finanCial ServiCeS

9333 Martin Way E, Suite 204 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 292-7240 www.nationwide.com

niCholSon & aSSoCiaTeS inSuranCe

1802 Black Lake Blvd SW, Suite 301 Olympia, WA 98512 (360) 352-8444 www.nicholson-insurance.com

STaTe farm inSuranCe, doug allan

4631 Whitman Ln SE Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 486-0157 www.statefarm.com

broWn & broWn of Wa inC.

1145 Broadway, Suite 700 Tacoma, WA 98402 (253) 396-5500 www.bbtacoma.com

i nteriors com m ercial & r esi dential dunamiS inTeriorS Planning

4507 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 455-0507

i nter n et s ervice provi der CenTurylink

126 S 1st Street Montesano, WA 98563 (360) 249-0550 www.centurylink.com ComCaST

440 Yauger Way SE Olympia, WA 98502 (888) 266 2278 www.comcast.com reaChone inTerneT

STaTe farm inSuranCe, kevin hayWard

700 Sleater Kinney Road SE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-2277 www.laceywainsurance.com The gibSon agenCy. farmerS inSuranCe

i n su r ance b roker

2102 Carriage Drive SW, Bldg K Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 704-0899 www.farmers.com

4500 3rd Avenue SE, Suite 2 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-5640 www.reachone.com

J ewelers

g.l. kluh JeWelerS

701 Sleater Kinney Road SE, Suite 23 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-3530 www.kluhjewelers.com

play the

lucky eagle way! Nearly 1,000 Hot Slots • Thrilling Table Action Four Superb Restaurants • Cozy Bars and Lounges Newly Expanded Hotel Free Entertainment Friday and Saturday Nights

allSTaTe inSuranCe, The vinCe funk agenCy

dayle deSignS

g r aph ic desig n

CroSS inSuranCe agenCy

ShiPWreCk beadS

JoinT baSe leWiS mCChord mWr

Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 616-2448 www.sendoutcards.com/durgan •

Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 701-4231 www.joannapower.isagenix.com

5225 Yelm Hwy SE Olympia, WA 98513 (360) 491-5111 www.golfcapitolcity.com

Send ouT CardS, Jeri durgan

24 l acey chamb er of commerce

5823 Lacey Blvd SE, Suite I Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-5400 www.lufc.org

greaTer olymPia dixieland JaZZ feSTival

Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 943-9123 www.olyjazz.com

gas station / food

laCey ulTimaTe fiTneSS CenTer

g i ft bas kets

fi r e al ar m i n stall ation , s ervice & mai ntenance

5320 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 923-2345 www.cednw.com

2910 Hogum Bay Road NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 923-0111 www.lemayinc.om

Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 402-1414 www.claudiaoconnor.com

1401 4th Avenue E, Suite 201 Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 705-9054 www.edwardjones.com

ConSolidaTed eleCTriCal diSTribuTorS

PaCifiC diSPoSal / lemay

h ealth / fitn es s

b&C SoluTionS

edWard JoneS inveSTmenTS Paul muldoon, aamS

electrical su ppli es & equ i pm ent

gar bag e collection

2747 Pacific Avenue, Suite C1 Lacey, WA 98501 (360) 915-9470 www.studiobhairnwaxing.com

4061 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-6333

3231 Willamette Drive, Suite F Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-6637 www.edwardjones.com

TnT eleCTriC

5930 Mullen Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-3000 www.woodlawn-forest.com

luCky 7 food STore

edWard JoneS inveSTmenTS marv koPP & Jeff koPP

electrical contr actor

STudio b hair deSign & Waxing STudio

5400 Martin Way Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 292-1600 www.charliessafari.com

edWard JoneS inveSTmenTS felix Peguero, aamS

ThurSTon CounTy audiTor’S offiCe

hai r salon

WoodlaWn foreST funeral homeS & CemeTerieS

h ealth & welln es s products


ron laWSon, laCey CiTy CounCil member

fu n er al hom es & cem etari es

8825 Tallon Ln NE, Suite D Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 705-0200 www.justinwagneragency.com

I - 5 Exit 88. West on Hwy 12 to Anderson Road • Rochester, WA • 800-720-1788 • luckyeagle.com

ChriS leSTer inSuranCe ServiCeS

4134 107th Avenue SW Olympia, WA 98512 (360) 438-6708 www.chrislesterins.net

m e m b e r s l i s t b y c at e g o r y

25 think chamber first!

L an dscape arch itect

man u factu ri ng g r een products

RobeRt W. DRoll lanDscape aRchitect, ps

eaRth fRienDly pRoDucts

4405 7th Avenue SE, Suite 203 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-3813 www.rwdroll.com

8735 Commerce Place Drive NE, A Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 489-3300 www.ecos.com

Li b r ary

timbeRlanD Regional libRaRy

500 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-3860 www.trlil.org

Locks m ith s , Locks & safes bRincken safe & lock

700 Sleater Kinney Road SE, Suite B Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-5640 www.besafeandlock.com

Lodg i ng

best WesteRn plus lacey inn & suites

8326 Quinault Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 456-5655 www.bestwesternwashington.com/ lacey-hotels comfoRt inn

4700 Park Center Avenue NE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-6300 www.choicehotels.com/hotel/wa072 holiDay inn expRess hotel & suites

4460 3rd Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-7985 www.holidayinnexpress.com king oscaR motel

8200 Quinault Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-3333 www.koscar.net eagle’s lanDing

sanDRa e. flammini, oD 5500 Martin Way Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 456-4584 m edicaL physicaL th er api sts pRoactive spoRtsmeD, pllc 4200 6th Avenue SE, Suite 203 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 455-4448 www.proactivesportsmed.com m edicaL su ppLy di stri b ution center DistRibution opeRations centeR, llc 9225 Polaris Ln NE, Suite D Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 486-5620 www.docnw.org m erchant proces si ng / fi nanciaL s ervices fRontstReam payments 673 Woodland Square Loop SE, Suite 401 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 357-1400 www.frontstreampayments.com vantiv meRchant seRvices 2015 51st Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 730-2474 www.vantiv.com mortgag e com pan i es guilD moRtgage 4405 7th Avenue SE, Suite 100 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 412-1000 www.guildmortgage.com

12888 188th Avenue SW Rochester, WA 98579 (360) 273-2000 www.luckyeagle.com phoenix inn suites

415 Capitol Way N Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 570-0555 www.phoenixinn.com pRaiRie hotel

700 Prairie Park Ln SE Yelm, WA 98597 (360) 458-8300 www.prairiehotel.com ReD lion hotel

2300 Evergreen Park Drive SW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 943-4000 www.redlion.com

supeR 8 motel

112 College Street SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-8888 www.super8.com

Lu m b er WhoLesaLe & man u factu ri ng lns sales, inc.

6904 33rd Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 412-8001

mar keti ng

thuRston caRD

PO Box 394 Yelm, WA 98597 (360) 951-3260 www.thurstoncard.com

26 l acey chamb er of commerce

martiaL arts u.s. maRtial aRts centeR 4810 Yelm Hwy SE, Suite I Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-6088 www.martialartsolympia.com mas sag e s pa hanD anD stone massage & facial spa 1380 Galaxy Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-3735 www.handandstone.com m edia nW meDia company llc 975 Carpenter Road, Suite 101 Lacey, WA 98516 (800) 645-8003 www.nwmediacompany.com m edicaL cou n s eLi ng & m entaL h eaLth behavioRal health ResouRces 3857 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 704-7170 www.bhr.org m edicaL optom etri sts olympia vision clinic 5210 Corporate Center Ct SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-2108 www.olympiavision.com

community resource guide

metlife home loans ReveRse moRtgage 5400 Martin Way, Suite D Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 791-8778 www.metlifebank.com mls funDing 8640 Martin Way E, Suite D Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 570-2066 www.mlsfunding.com WaRD lenDing gRoup 2950 Limited Ln NW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 709-9000 www.wardlendinggroup.com Wells faRgo home moRtgage

4200 6th Avenue SE, Suite 205 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 486-3647 www.wellsfargo.com

motorcycLe saLes & s ervice noRthWest haRley DaviDson

8000 Freedom Ln Lacey, WA 98513 (360)705-8515 www.nwharley.com

m u sic

leWis, Johnny

5619 Countryside Beach Road NW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 866-2178

n eWs paper pu b Li s h i ng the olympian

111 Bethel Street NE Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 754-5477 www.theolympian.com

n eWs papers

vfW lacey post 11402

7425 Husky Way Olympia, WA 98503 (360) 491-2878 www.vfwwebcom.org

office equ i pm ent & fu r n itu r e copieRs noRthWest, inc.

4106 Pacific Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 438-1107 www.copiersnw.com

ikon office solutions

4160 6th Avenue SE, Suite 102 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-3800 www.ikon.com the cReative office

721 Legion Way SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 754-1732 www.thecreativeoffice.com

office su ppLi es office Depot

602 Sleater Kinney Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 923-1099 www.officedepot.com the cReative office

721 Legion Way SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 754-1732 www.thecreativeoffice.com

opticaL r etai L maRtin Way vision centeR

3700 Martin Way E, Suite 101 Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 456-2020

pLu m b i ng/Lig hti ng

r eaL estate


imagine Realty, hal & anita yaRbeR

402 Carpenter Road SE Olympia, WA 98503 (360) 456-2960 www.ferguson.com

poWer equ i pm ent J & i poWeR equipment, inc.

3729 Pacific Ave SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 491-2022 www.JandIpowerequipment.com

pri nters

abc pRinting, inc.

7009 Martin Way Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 456-4545 www.abcprinting.net capitol city pRess

2975 37th Avenue SW Tumwater, WA 98512 (360) 943-3556 www.capitolcitypress.com south bay pRess

4003 8th Avenue SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-3015 www.southbaypress.com

promotionaL products buDD bay appaRel

6906 Martin Way E Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 709-0483 www.buddbay.com

D zines: cReative solutions & gRaphic Designs

Olympia, WA 98516 (253) 307-4903 www.dzinesallday.com

business examineR

packi ng & s h i ppi ng

propan e & h eati ng oi L s

the RangeR, noRthWest aiRlifteR

1420 Marvin Road NE, Suite C Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-8833 www.theupsstorelocal.com/5544 cattail enteRpRises, llc

propert y manag em ent

975 Carpenter Road NE Lacey, WA 98516 (253) 404-0891 www.businessexaminer.com 8312 Custer Road Lakewood, WA 98499 (253) 584-1212 www.ftlewisranger.com

non - profit

boys anD giRls clubs of thuRston county

905 24th Way SW, Suite B3 Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 956-0755 www.bgctc.org homeless backpacks

PO Box 5505 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 628-8631 www.homelessbackpacks.org kokua

1226 Carpenter Road SE, Suite B1 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 705-4665 www.kokuaservices.com mJms2 enteRpRise

1420 Marvin Road NE, Suite C Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 481-8453 nisqually kennel club

PO Box 4191 Tumwater, WA 98501 (360) 870-3270 www.nisquallykennelclub.com south puget sounD habitat foR humanity

the ups stoRe at haWks pRaiRie

pai nti ng

1401 Marvin Road NE, Suite 307 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-2005

part y equ i pm ent & pL an n i ng paRty outfitteRs

2915 Marvin Road NE Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 438-2211 www.partyoutfitters.com

payroLL s ervices compupay

545 Andover Park W, Suite 101 Tukwila, WA 98188 (360) 704-9909 www.compupay.com

photog r aphy

fitzgeRalD’s photogRaphy

5006 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-3861 www.fitzgeraldphotos.com

physician s

pRoviDence meDical gRoup

1018 Capitol Way S, Suite 300 Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 493-6474 www2.providence.org

the acme seRvice gRoup

416 State Ave NE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 943-1133 www.acmeenergy.com

hometoWn pRopeRty management, inc

1600 4th Avenue E Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 456-7368 www.hometownpm.com

pu b Li s h i ng

south sounD magazine

227 Bellevue Way NE, Suite 600 Bellevue, WA 98004 (253) 588-5340 www.southsoundmag.com

r adio station

94.5 Roxy (kRxy pRemieR bRoaDcasteRs)

2124 Pacific Ave SE Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 236-1010 www.krxy.com

am 1240 kgy 96.9 south sounD countRy

1700 Marine Drive Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 943-1240 www.kgyradio.com

m e m b e r s l i s t b y c at e g o r y

imagine Realty, kathy cRoss

8650 Martin Way, Suite 202 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-1754 link Real estate gRoup

4705 Lacey Blvd, Suite C Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 464-5601 www.linkrealestategroup.com netWoRks Real estate, llc

6715 Martin Way E, Suite B Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 438-1854 www.networksre.com pRime time paRtneRs, llc

8120 Freedom Ln NE, Suite 102 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 528-3701 www.primetimepartnersllc.com Re/max fouR seasons, kaRin zeigleR

3009 Pacific Ave SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 870-6249 www.karinzeigler.com

van DoRm Realty, cheRi Wilkins

4312 Cashmere Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 451-5556 www.cheriwilkins.com

vicWooD meRiDian paRtneRship

1401 Marvin Road NE, Suite 307 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 456-7071 www.meridian-campus.com viRgil aDams Real estate, al eckRoth

Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 701-3307 www.virgiladamsrealestate.com

viRgil aDams Real estate, tammy aDams

806 State Ave Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 352-3756 www.virgiladamsrealestate.com

r eaL estate active adu Lt shea homes at Jubilee

8435 Orcas Loop NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 455-0240 www.sheahomes.com

r eaL estate com m erciaL & i nvestm ent pRime locations, inc.

4160 6th Avenue SE, Suite 200 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 943-9922 www.primelocations.com

r eaL estate deveLopm ent leib / Roach pRopeRties

PO Box 5743 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 413-7756

r epai r & s ervice mikaR-mike’s auto & electRic

4500 Pacific Avenue SE, Suite F Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-2277

kela am 1470 kmnt countRy 104.3 fm

1635 S Gold Street Centralia, WA 98531 (360) 388-5640 www.kelaam.com

415 Olympia Avenue NE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 956-3456 www.spshabitat.org

8650 Martin Way, Suite 202 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-1754

27 think chamber first!

residential Cleaning serviCe Finally Clean, llC

r etai l stor es CaBela’s woRld’s FoReMost outFitteR

8615 Queets Drive NE Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 250-5830 www.finallyclean.biz

1600 Gateway Blvd NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 252-3500 www.cabelas.com

you’ve Got Maids oF olyMpia, llC

5307 66th Avenue SE, Suite A Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-1558 www.olympiayouvegotmaids.com

FRed MeyeR

700 Sleater Kinney Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 438-6450 www.fredmeyer.com

r estau r ants

Beau leGs Fish n’ Chips

olyMpiC outFitteRs

8765 Tallon Ln E, Suite G Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 915-6328 www.beaulegs.com

408 Olympia Ave NE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 956-1699 www.alpinex.com

Casa Mia RestauRant


4426 Martin Way Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 459-0440 www.casamiarestaurants.com

1401 Galaxy Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 456-6550 www.walmart.com

diRty dave’s pizza paRloR

r eti r em ent livi ng

3939 Martin Way Lacey, WA 98506 (360) 456-1561 www.dirtydavespizza.com

Colonial inn senioR apaRtMents

3730 14th Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 438-2345 www.colonialinnolympia.com

eMpeRoR’s palaCe

7321 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 923-2323 www.emperorspalace.com

r eti r em ent as si sted livi ng BonaventuRe oF laCey

4528 Intelco Loop SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 455-8500 www.bonaventuresenior.com

hawks pRaiRie RestauRant & spoRts BaR

8306 Quinault Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-0900 www.hprestaurant.com


1751 Circle Ln SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-0111 www.panoramacity.org

MaC n’ MoRe

9323 Martin Way SE, Suite 108 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 455-3290 www.macn-more.com

patRiots landinG

1600 Marshall Circle Dupont, WA 98327 (253) 964-4900 www.patriotslanding.com seQuoia assisted livinG CoMMunity

825 Lilly Road NE Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 491-0491 www.welcometosequoia.com woodland RetiReMent & assisted livinG

4532 Intelco Loop SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 528-3253 www.mtwestret.com

sChool s Private City liFe

4205 Lacey Blvd SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-6611 www.clc-wa.com CoMMunity ChRistian aCadeMy

4706 Park Center Ave NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 493-2223 www.cca-olympia.org

sChool s Pu b liC

noRth thuRston puBliC sChools

305 College Street NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 412-4418 www.ntsd.wednet.edu

s eCu rit y system s CustoM seCuRity

4500 3rd Avenue SE, Suite 2 Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 491-6320 www.customsecuritywa.com

devCon seCuRity

1508 O Street SW, Suite 101 Auburn, WA 98001 (253) 202-9085 www.devconsecurity.com

s en ior s erviCes

senioR seRviCes FoR south sound

222 N Columbia NW Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 586-6181 www.southsoundseniors.org

s hoPPi ng Centers the sheRwood GRoup

13710 461st Place SE North Bend, WA 98045 (206) 818-9336

sig nag e


4127 Pacific Ave SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 438-3800 www.fastsigns.com/322

siGn-a-RaMa oF olyMpia

2633 Willamette Drive NE, Suite H Lacey, WA, 98516 (360) 915-9207 www.signarama-olympia.com siGns By toMoRRow

4500 Pacific Ave SE, Suite D Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 534-9700 www.sbtolympia.com

s ki lled n u rsi ng faCi lit y

ManoRCaRe health seRviCes laCey

4524 Intelco Loop Lacey, WA 98503 (253) 906-3399 www.manorcare.com

soCial s erviCes toGetheR!

418 Carpenter Road, Suite 203 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 493-2230 www.thurstontogether.org

native new yoRkeR

4441 Pacific Ave SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 915-6958 www.nativenewyorker.com

s Ports & r eCr eation nw kiCks, llC

2915 Marvin Road NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 481-4055 www.nwkicks.net


4411 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 459-8084 www.oblarneyspub.com

steel fab riCation olyMpiC iRon woRks

3105 Marvin Road NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 491-2500 www.olympicironworks.com

paneRa BRead

1320 Marvin Road NE, Suite E Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 456-4069 www.panerabread.com

stor ag e

GaRGaGe plus stoRaGe


21607 Mountain Hwy E Spanaway, WA 98387 (253) 875-9850 www.ownamancave.com

1401 Marvin Road NE, Suite 306 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 459-7827 www.quiznos.com

teCh nology Con su lti ng netwoRk CoMMuniCations inteRnational

700 Sleater Kinney Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 701-1532 www.nciwa.com

teleCom m u n iCation JBk CoMMuniCations, inC

3700 Pacific Avenue SE, Suite D Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 459-1223 www.jbkcom.com paCiFiC eleCtRoniCs, inC

1220 Tracey Lane SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 459-5212 www.pacificelectronicsinc.com

televi sion

Goodwill hawks pRaiRie

1145 Galaxy Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 413-7191 www.goodwill.org

Goodwill yelM hwy

4800 Yelm Hwy SE Lacey, WA 98503 (253) 284-3322 www.goodwill.org

title i n su r anCe & esCrow ChiCaGo title insuRanCe Co.

719 Sleater Kinney Road SE Lacey, WA 98503 (360) 456-7878 www.cticnw.com FiRst aMeRiCan title insuRanCe CoMpany

3905 Martin Way E, Suite A Olympia, WA 98506 (360) 491-2441 www.firstam.com

tou ri s m

sQuaxin island touRisM depaRtMent

3591 Old Olympic Hwy Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 432-3838 www.squaxinislandtourism.com

tr an s l ators

aCs tRanslations & inteRpRetation seRviCes

Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 412-1135 www.acstranslations.com

tr an sPortation

GloBal expRess Capital tRavel iRene peRez,

r etai l di stri b ution

2590 Willamette Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 878-3015 www.aflac.com

united wholesale supply, inC.

ReaChone tRavel

taRGet iMpoRt CenteR washinGton

3500 Marvin Road Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 486-7000 www.sites.target.com


l acey chamb er of commerce

community resource guide

inteRCity tRansit

526 Pattison SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 786-8585 www.intercitytransit.com

tr avel ag ent

su PPli er of Cab i n ets & aPPlianCes

PO Box 3206 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 491-2641 www.globalexpresscruiseandtravel.com

8160 Freedom Lane, Suite A Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 292-1190 www.unitedwholesale.com

4500 3rd Avenue SE, Suite 2 Lacey, WA 98509 (360) 455-0175 www.reachonetravel.com

m e m b e r s l i s t b y c at e g o r y

7221 Martin Way E Olympia, WA 98516 (360) 915-6871 www.kumon.com/lacey

uti lit y Com Pan i es gas & eleCtriC puGet sound eneRGy

2711 Pacific Avenue SE Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 786-5987 www.pse.com

th ri ft stor e soCial s erviCes

Round taBle pizza

aFlaC insuRanCe, teRRa utteR

kuMon Math & ReadinG CenteR oF laCey

4620 Whitman Ln SE Lacey, WA 98513 (360) 438-9623 www.mountainviewvet.com

2590 Willamette Drive NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 489-2383 www.aflac.com

1401 Marvin Road NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-8844 www.roundtablepizza.com

7825 Hargis Street NW Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 438-9800 www.clubztutoring.com

veteri nary Cli n iC

440 Yauger Way SE, Suite C Olympia, WA 98502 (360) 956-3100 www.tctv.net

su PPlem ental i n su r anCe

aFlaC insuRanCe, andRew JaCkMan

CluB z! in-hoMe tutoRinG seRviCes

thuRston CoMMunity television

RaM RestauRant and BReweRy

8100 Freedom Ln, Suite C Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 923-5900 www.theram.com

tutori ng

Mountain view veteRinaRy hospital

vi deo ProduCtion

paRdiMan pRoduCtions

809 Legion Way SE, Suite 311 Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 259-6672 www.pardimanproductions.com

web desig n F9 netwoRks, inC.

2590 Willamette Drive NE, Suite 201 Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 951-9948 www.F9Networks.com

web di r eCtory s erviCe & loCal adverti si ng site RelyloCal olyMpia

Olympia, WA 98513 (360) 556-9696 www.relylocal.com

thuRston talk

724 Columbia Street NW Olympia, WA 98501 (360) 482-1671 www.thurstontalk.com

wholesale CostCo wholesale laCey

1470 Marvin Road NE Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 412-3500 www.costco.com

wi n ery dom estiC Madsen FaMily CellaRs

2825 Marvin Road NE, Suite D Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 438-1286 www.madsenfamilycellars.com MediCine CReek wineRy

947 Old Pacific Hwy SE Olympia, WA 98513 (360) 701-6284 www.medicinecreekwines.com

stottle wineRy

2641 Willamette Drive NE, Suite C Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 515-0356 www.stottlewinery.com

29 think chamber first!

around the town l acey busines s district & b ell towne center The central business district of Lacey reaches from Lilly Road to Carpenter Road and from College Street to Pacific Avenue. The retail heart is the two shopping centers that face each other across Sleater Kinney Road: South Sound Center and Market Square. South Sound Center encompasses about 600,000 square feet and includes Target, Kohls, and Sears. The perimeter stores include the Guardsman, G.L. Kluh Jewelers and Marshalls along with Applebee’s Restaurant. Market Square is anchored by Fred Meyer with adjacent shopping at Office Depot and dining in Bell Towne Center at Safura’s Mediterranean Restaurant. Hotels in the area include Super 8, Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn and La Quinta. Further north on Lacey Boulevard visit Joy Ride Bikes the only bicycle shop in Lacey. The proximity of South Sound Center and Market Square to Interstate 5 offers excellent visibility to regional and local travelers and shoppers.

h aw k s P r a i r i e d i s t r i c t

Our community is situated in the center of a natural paradise. Five freshwater lakes, miles of hiking and biking paths, several championship golf courses, more that 1,100 acres of public parkland and its all in the shadow of iconic Mt. Rainier and adjoins the 3,700 acre Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge. In addition to the clean air, crisp waters and lush greenery the town boasts a healthy economy. Business enterprises from around the world have taken notice of Lacey’s high quality of life and economic development has flourished. Six times in the last eight years, quarterly employment growth within the city and adjacent metro area has ranked

The Hawks Prairie District is centered on the intersection of Marvin and Martin Way. It includes the Gateway Project which is anchored by Cabela’s World’s Foremost Outfitter and across the way is Shipwreck Beads.Further south is Wal-Mart, Northwest Harley Davidson and Costco. Restaurants in the area include The Ram Restaurant & Brewery, Roundtable Pizza and Panera Bread. King Oscar Hotel is conveniently located in the heart of Hawks Prairie right off of I-5 at exit 111 along with the newest hotel in Lacey, the Best Western Plus. Two miles south down Marvin Road is the Regional Athletic Complex, a beautiful 100-acre facility.

y e l m h i g h way a r e a Crossroads centered around College Street and Yelm Highway is anchored by Lowe’s Home Improvement. This area is home to many grocery stores, shops and restaurants including Farrelli’s Pizza & Pool and Cutter’s Point Coffee on the corner of Yelm Highway and Ruddell Road.The Jacob Smith House, built in 1859, is the oldest residence in Lacey and one of the oldest in Thurston County. It is available for rent through Lacey Parks.

r eg i o n a l pa r k s

l ac e y fac t s Population


Square Miles


Median Age


Inner-City Colleges & Universities


Median Household Income


Average Home Price


City Parks


Golf Courses


Community Events & Festivals


Average High Summer Temperature


Average High Winter Temperature


Distance to State Capitol Building

3 miles

Distance to Mt. Rainier National Park

45 miles

Distance to Olympic National Park

60 miles

Distance to Seattle

50 miles

Mount Rainier National Park • 1.5 hrs from Lacey via State Route 510 • www.nps.gov Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument • 2 hrs from Lacey via I-5 & State Route 504 • www.fs.fed.us

within the top 15 percent of the 325 largest U.S. metropolitan counties. As

Northwest Trek Wildlife Park • Located in Eatonville • www.nwtrek.org

you flip through this section you will find a map of the area, places to visit,

Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge • Along Lacey’s eastern border • www.nisqually.fws.gov

a guide to the area parks and trails and a calendar of community events.

The Nisqually Reach Nature Center • At Lacey’s northeast border • www.nisquallyestuary.org Olympic National Park • Less than 2 hrs via Highway • 101 www.nps.gov

lacey now has an official dog park. the hawks Prairie dog Park has a separate small dog area, fire hydrants, walking trails and drinking water. it opened in october 2010 and is located at 2420 hogum bay road ne.

Wolf Haven International • 12 miles south of Lacey via Old Highway 99 • www.wolfhaven.org Woodard Bay Natural Resources Conservation • Northeast of Lacey • www.dnr.wa.gov

30 l acey chamb er of commerce

Tolmie State Park • At Lacey’s northern border • www.parks.wa.gov

community resource guide

arou nd the town

31 think chamber first!

P l ac e s to Vi s it

r e so rts / fam i ly fu n

th e arts Harlequin Productions www.harlequinproductions.org

WasHington center for tHe Performing arts www.washingtoncenter.org 360.753.8586

b oat l au n ch e s cHambers laKe Located at 3725 14th Avenue SE *at the Chehalis-Western trailhead HicKs laKe Located at 2800 Hicks Lake Road *adjacent to Wanschers Community Park Located at 2900 Boat Launch Street SE

Pattison laKe

cHarlie’s safari family 360.292.1600 fun center www.charliessafari.com


Koval center for tHe Performing arts www.nthurston.k12.wa.us 360.412.4400

long laKe

cabela’s World’s foremost outfitter www.cabelas.com

Located at 5700 Henslin Drive SE

Puget sound Located at 4949 D’Milluhr Drive NE (via Meridian Road NE)

go lf co u rs e s caPitol city golf club


eagles Pride golf course


tHe golf club at HaWKs Prairie


indian summer golf & country club


salisH cliffs golf course


m u s eu m s fort leWis museum


lacey Historical museum www.museumsusa.org


mccHord air museum


olymPic fligHt museum www.olympicflightmuseum.com


WasHington state caPitol museum 360.753.2580 www.wshs.org

proud lacey chamber members


great Wolf lodge www.greatwolf.com


regal cinemas 16 & imaX www.regmovies.com


rutledge corn maze


sHiPWrecK beads www.shipwreckbeads.com

sKyline drive-in

800.950.4232 360.426.4707

s Pecial eVents faci liti e s

Jacob smitH House www.ci.lacey.wa.us


lacey community center www.ci.lacey.wa.us


saint martin’s university www.stmartin.edu


tHurston county fairgrounds www.co.thurston.wa.us


swi m m i n g P o o l s nortH tHurston HigH scHool


river ridge HigH scHool


timberline HigH scHool


wineries In the Hawks Prairie area, Madsen Family Cellars and Stottle Winery have opened their doors. Both have tasting rooms open Wednesday - Sunday. Madsen Family Cellars have a variety of award winning red and white wines. Stottle Winery was established through Customer: The Lacey Chamber Contact: a passion for wine and the simple pleasures of Project: Roxy Ad: 2012 Resource Guide | Size: One-Sixth, 2 1/4” x 4 5/8” life. They believe that each wine is an expression << 1st Confirmation Show >> of all of the things that influence the grape on its journey from vine to wine. Medicine Creek www.facebook.com/nativenewyorkerlacey Winery is off of Old Pacific Highway on a farm 4441 Pacific Avenue SE • Lacey WA 98503 • 360.915.6958 • www.nativenewyorker.com/lacey in the Nisqually Valley. A tasting room, wine processing area, barrell room and dance floor are located in a large barn on the property. The South Sound’s Station... Visiting the award wining tasting room is like << CHECK FOR ACCURACY >> stepping back in time to a 1800s vintage New • PHONE NUMBERS Orleans brothel. From the tasting room you • BUSINESS NAME • CONTENT • NAMES & ADDRESSES will be able to view the barrel room and

• SPELLING! dance floor and, if you're lucky, observe the • SPECIAL AD DATES …For Entertainment, Information and Community Events wine making process. Classic Winemakers is a micro winery. At Classic Winemakers in Lacey << TERMS OFAmazing PARTICIPATION & APROVAL >> …For An Variety of Rockin’ Music you can taste or craft your own wine by the South Bay Press designing the guide cannot be held responsible for content errors or typos. More Chances to Win Cool Stuff batch or try your hand at blending. They offerCustom …For Ad design limited to (2) revisions. Revisions exceeding (2) shows will be subject to wine tastings, wine by the bottle, custom additional service charges. When your Ad proof is approved neither the Lacey Chamber nor South Bay ROXY Press will be responsible for errors or typos. Placement of Ad will be at the labeled wine, wine making supplies, gifts, 94.5 www.945ROXY.com discretion of South Bay Press. By approving this proof, you acknowledge that you and racks to create custom wine cellars. understood and agree to all information and terms provided.


wi n er i e s classic WinemaKers www.classicwinemakers.com


madsen family cellars www.madsenfamilycellars.com


medicine creeK Winery www.medicinecreekwines.com


stottle Winery ww.stottlewinery.com

360. 515.0356








South Bay Press designing the guide cannot be held responsible for content errors or typos. Custom Ad design limited to (2) revisions. Revisions exceeding (2) shows will be subject to additional service charges. When your Ad proof is approved neither the Lacey Chamber nor South Bay Press will be responsible for errors or typos. Placement of Ad will be at the ComeofinSouth and discretion Bayvisit! Press. By approving this proof, you acknowledge that you understood and agree to all information and terms provided.

We cater to each individual’s needs.

One stop for all your beauty products and services!








Cosmetics Wigs Ear Piercing

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32 l acey chamb er of commerce

Nails Pedicures Hair Styling

33 •

community resource guide

arou nd the town

think chamber first!

walking & bicycle trailS

tenniS courtS

park bencheS

drinking water

play equipment

paved trail

reSt roomS


natural Surface trail




Golf Club at Hawks Prairie

Proposed Meridian Campus North Park



Friendly Grove Park

5475 45th ave se • 46 aCres BIGELOW LAKE










1301 Carpenter rd • 8 aCres


Wi lliam a . b u s h

parallels paCIfIC ave


l acey Wo o d l an d tr ai l

LBA Park


lake lois park & habitat preserve

4400 Chardonnay dr se • 8.5 aCres

William A Bush Park




510 S

Long Lake Natural Area MULLEN RD SE




Park City of Lacey Lacey UGA Lakes and Ponds Puget Sound


Horizon Pointe Park

Boat Launch Stream



Chehalis Western R Trail RD SE South


6729 paCIfIC ave se • 72 aCres


il Tra

2790 Carpenter rd • 10 aCres

Mullen Road Habitat


Woo d l an d cr eek co m m u n it y par k


Thurston County Fairgrounds


est sW


lo n g l ake



Lakepointe Park

Capitol City Golf Club

li eha


5304 32nd ave se • 40 aCres


Proposed McAllister Creek Park

Thornbury Park






Long Lake Park

Rainier Vista SOUTHWICK Park LAKE Southwick Lake Natural Area

Indian Summer Golf Course

Wo n d erWoo d

6400 Compton Blvd se • 8 aCres

Wanschers Park


Avonlea Park

Jacob Smith House

traIlhead on WIllIamette dr




Wi lliam ive s



2606 hICKs laKe rd se • 16 aCres

Chambers Lake Open Space

Regional Athletic Complex


4251 3rd ave se • 3 aCres

Chambers Lake Chehalis Natural Area Western Wonderwood Trail Park




Wan sch ers co m m u n it y


i - 5 par k



5500 thornBury dr se • 9 aCres



4251 3rd ave


Margaret McKenny Park


WDFW Boat Launch




Lake Lois Habitat Preserve Lake Lois LAKE Lacey LOIS Park GOOSE Museum Lacey Woodland Trail LAKE Woodland Creek Park GOOSE Lacey Woodl LAC and Trail EY BLVD SE Woodland Trail POND U Homann Park ON DD RU

th o r n b u ry

Huntamer Park Plaza Park South


618 Woodland square lp se • 1 aCre


Chehalis Western Trail




a Woo

I-5 Bicycle Trail I-5 Park


AVE SE I-5 Bicycle Trail Olympi


I-5 Trail


i - 5 tr ai l



5700 Balustrade Blvd se • 9.5 aCres



8345 steIlaCoom rd se • 67 aCres

th o ma s W. h u ntam er par k





h o r izo n p o i nte par k

Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge


r eg i o nal ath leti c co m ple x (r ac)

Meridian Neighborhood Park


h o man n

William Ives Trail


Proposed Pleasant Glade Park


521 sleater KInney rd




r ai n i er vi sta co m m u n it y

Chehalis Western Trail

civi c pl a z a



8855 Campus glen dr ne • 24 aCres


Chehalis Western Trail North



1313 College st se • 1 aCre


3 Miles

Interstate 5 US/State Routes Major Roads Trails

for Shelter reServationS april 1 St - oct 3 1 St call 3 6 0 . 49 1 . 0 8 57

34 l acey chamb er of commerce


The Links


Woodland Creek Wetlands



m er i d ian n ei g h b o r h oo d par k

l akep o i nte



b ro o ks



4112 InglesIde loop se • 5.4 aCres

6020 7th ave se • 35.5 aCres



picnic ShelterS




baSketball courtS

Tolmie State Park


Skateboard park


picnic tableS


avo n le a

athletic fieldS


Lacey's parks and open space system, with 29 locations encompassing 1,100 acres, is the largest municipal park network in Thurston County. In coming decades, the system is expected to expand to 44 locations totaling 1,300 acres.



l acey par ks & tr ai l s

35 •

community resource guide

arou nd the town

think chamber first!

c a l e n da r o f e v e n t s

201 2-2013

su m mer at h u ntam er Park in Wo od l an d sq uare looP • free events! children’S entertAinment SerieS Tuesdays at 6:30pm June 25th through August 6th

outdoor cinemA SerieS At duSk Saturdays at dusk July 14th through August 11th

noon tuneS, concertS in the PArk Wednesdays at Noon June 28th through August 7th

lAcey community mArket Select Saturdays in July, August & Sept 10:00am - 4:00pm

thurSton county fleA mArket Third weekend of the month throughout the Year (except July through Sept) Thurston County Fairgrounds www.co.thurston.wa.us/fair

muSic in the PArk Sylvester Park in downtown Olympia Wednesdays in July & August 7:00 - 8:00pm www.downtownolympia.com/events/ musicinthepark

j u ly

6th AnnuAl cAPitol foreSt clASSic Sat, Aug 11th & Sun, Aug 12th Fall Creek Day Use Area: Capitol Forest www.capitolforestclassic.com

WA StAte Senior GAmeS Thurs, Jul 26th through Sun, Jul 29th Thurston County / Lacey Locations www.pugetsoundgames.com

SAnd in the city Fri, Aug 24th through Sun, Aug 26th Hands on Children’s Museum www.hocm.org

PAcific northWeSt muShroom feStivAl Sat, Jul 28th & Sun, Jul 29th Regional Athletic Complex www.pnwmushroomfest.com

GArlic feStivAl & crAft ShoW Fri, Aug 24th through Sun, Aug 26th Southwest Washington Fairgrounds www.chehalisgarlicfest.com

PAddle to SquAxin iSlAnd 24th Annual Canoe Journey Sun, Jul 29th through Sat, Aug 5th www.paddletosquaxin2012.org

olymPiA hArbor dAyS Fri, Aug 31st through Sun, Sept 2nd Percival Landing & Port Plaza www.harbordays.com

au g u st

thurSton county fAir Wed, Aug 1st through Sun, Aug 5th Thurston County Fairgrounds www.co.thurston.wa.us


10th AnnuAl blueGrASS in tumWAter Fri, Sept 7th through Sun, Sept 9th American Heritage Pavilion www.americanheritagecampground.com

SouthWeSt WAShinGton fAir Tues, Aug 14th through Sun, Aug 19th Southwest Washington Fairgrounds www.southwestwashingtonfair.net

militAry fAmily SuPPort dAy Sat, Sept 8th Cabela’s www.militaryfamilymarch.com

AutiSm AWAreneSS WAlk & feStivAl Saturday, August 11th Capitol Lake and Water Street

Summer’S end At lAcey cAr ShoW Sat, Sept 15th Huntamer Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

36 l acey chamb er of commerce

community resource guide

©doug Walker photography

biG home & GArden ShoW Sat, Sept 15th & Sun, Sept 16th Saint Martin’s University

octob er

oyeSterfeSt Fri, Oct 5th & Sat, Oct 6th Shelton www.oyesterfest.org fAll ArtS WAlk Sat, Oct 6th The Olympia Center children’S dAy Sat, Oct 13th Huntamer Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com rAmPAGe At the rAc Sat, Oct 13th Regional Athletic Complex www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com emerGency PrePAredneSS fAir Sat, Oct 13th Saint Martin’s University www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

n ov e m b e r

turn bAck the clock fun run Sun, Nov 4th Rainier Vista Community Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com turkey trot 4 mile run Thur, Nov 22nd Olympia Farmers Market www.active.com lAcey holidAy bAzAAr Fri, Nov 23rd & Sat, Nov 24th Thurston County Fairgrounds www.co.thurston.wa.us

doWntoWn for the holidAyS Sun, Nov 25th Downtown Olympia www.downtownolympia.com/ about/downtownfortheholidays


doWntoWn for the holidAyS Sat, Dec 1st, 8th & 15th Downtown Olympia www.downtownolympia.com/ about/downtonfortheholidays olymPiA toy run Sat, Dec 1st www.capdevco.com liGhtinG of the chriStmAS treeS Thur, Dec 6th Huntamer Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

lAcey loveS to reAd Date TBA Lacey Community Center www.nthurston.k12.wa.us

march 2013

ethnic celebrAtion Sat, Mar 9th Saint Martin’s University www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com cAPitAl food & Wine feStivAl Sat, Mar 30th Saint Martin’s University www.capitalfoodandwinefestival.com

april 2013

june 2013

chAmber Golf tournAment Fri, June 7th Tee off at 8:00am www.laceychamber.com

j u ly 2 0 1 3

AmericA’S feStivAl of dixielAnd JAzz Sat, Jul 27th through Tue, Jul 30th Saint Martin’s University www.olyjazz.com South Sound bbq feStivAl Sat, Jul 6th www.southsoundbbqfestival.com

Adult flAShliGht eGG ScrAmble Fri, Apr 5th Regional Athletic Complex www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

cAPitAl lAkefAir & PArAde Wed, Jul 17th through Sun, Jul 21st Downtown Olympia www.lakefair.org

SiGninG SAntA Fri, Dec 7th Komachin Middle School www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

Arbor dAy SeedlinG GiveAWAy Sat, Apr 13th Huntamer Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

breAkfASt With SAntA Sat, Dec 15th Lacey Community Center www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

lAcey fAmily fiSh in Sat, Apr 13th Woodland Creek Community Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

lAkefAir Summer SideWAlk SAle Wed, Jul 17th through Sun, Jul 21st Downtown Olympia www.downtownolympia.com/ lakefair-summer-sidewalk-sale

jan uary 2 0 1 3 PolAr beAr PlunGe Tues, Jan 1st Long Lake Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com

Feb r uary 2 0 1 3 dAddy & dAuGhter PrinceSS bAll & dAnce Date TBA Lacey Community Center

calendar of events

m ay 2 0 1 3

For information: lacey Parks and recreation, 360.491-0857

lAcey AlternAtive enerGy fAir Sat, May 4th Huntamer Park www.ci.lacey.wa.us.com lAcey SPrinG fun fAir Sat, May 18th & Sun, May 19th Saint Martin’s University www.laceyspringfunfair.com

37 think chamber first!

ed u c a t i o n n o rt h t h u r Sto n P u b li c S c h o o l S ou r Stu dent- centered miS Sion iS SimPle and intentional : to Provide every Stu dent the academic & life Skill S neceS Sary to Succeed in a diverSe world. Under the leadership of Superintendent Raj Manhas, North Thurston is the largest and most diverse district in Thurston County, with 21 schools and more than 1,700 staff dedicated to providing the academic and social/emotional needs of nearly 13,8000 students. They have one of the highest percentages of National Board Certified Teachers, and many staff and students have received regional, state and nation- all recognition in a variety of areas - from music and athletics, to Career and Technical Education and World Languages. The district also has numerous business partnerships and more than 1,200 dedicated community volunteers who help students achieve success. ©doug Walker Photography

The City of Lacey is a proud educational hub housing 13 elementary schools, 4 middle schools and 4 high schools, multiple private schools as well as many sources of higher education. North Thurston Public Schools is the largest school district in Thurston County as well as the 23rd largest district in Washington

Student learning is central to the district’s success, with a continued focus on teacher collaboration, professional development, and student engagement. For the past decade, NTPS students have continued to meet and exceed state averages in nearly all areas. Students are also taking a wide variety of Advanced Placement classes, and graduates were offered more than $7 million in college scholarships last

State. More than 13,000 students are served in the North Thurston Public Schools and the students and

year. With levy support from voters, our schools are able to continue offering enhanced educational programming, including Gifted, Special Education, Visual and Performing Arts, English as a Second Language and alternative education. NTPS expects continued growth over the next two decades. By 2025, our student population is expected to reach 20,000. NTPS remains one of Washington’s most innovative and visionary school districts with continued dedication to student learning and success. For more information visit www.nthurston.k12.wa.us.

n o rt h t h u r s to n P u b li c s c h o o l s d i s t r i c t o f fi c e Superintendent: Raj Manhas Email: rmanhas@nthurston.k12.wa.us 305 College Street NE Lacey, WA 98516 360.412.4400 Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm

staff have achieved accolades such as journalism and student magazine awards, National Board Certified Teacher-Librarian of the Year, Newsweek’s annual list of “America’s Top 1500 High Schools” and National

and Presidential service awards for community contributions. Our schools also partner with Joint Base Lewis McChord utilizing the “Adopt a Unit Program” and support the local food banks to help feed 40,000 people in our community. Students in Lacey have a vast amount of access to higher education with the proximity to The Evergreen State College, Chapman University, South Puget Sound Community College and nearly 2,000 students are educated at Saint Martin’s University right here in Lacey. ©doug Walker Photography

north thurston Public Schools’ “commitment to excellence” has been going strong for more than 50 years in the lacey area.

38 l acey chamb er of commerce

39 •

community resource guide

e d u c at i o n

think chamber first!

n o rt h t h u r sto n p u b li c s c h o o l s


elementary scho ol s & principal s

chapman u niversit y

c h a m b e r s p r a i r i e • s ta n ko e p

Chapman University is a 144 year old independent liberal arts college dedicated to providing adult students personalized education of distinction that leads to inquiring, ethical, and productive lives as global citizens. For more than 40 years Chapman University College campuses have served adult learners as they integrate higher education into their already busy lives. Our programs are ranked 11th in the West and 66th overall by USA Reports and the Princeton Review.

OLymPiA C AmPuS 2011 mottman Road SW • Olympia, WA 98512 360.754.7711

1445 Galaxy Drive NE, Suite 201 • Lacey, WA 98516 360.493.8375 • www.brandman.edu


6501 Virginia Street SE • Lacey, WA 98513 • 360.412.4720

e v e r g r e e n fo r e s t • k a r e n J o h n s o n

3025 Marvin Road SE • Olympia, WA 98503 • 360.412.4670

h o r i zo n s e le m e n ta ry • t i m f r i e s

4601 67th Avenue SE • Olympia, WA 98513 • 360.412.4710

l ac e y • g a ry c u lb e rt s o n

1800 Homann Drive • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4650

l a k e s • m i k e m c d o n a ld

6211 Mullen Road SE • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4600

ly d i a h aw k • c h a r ly h a r r i n gto n

7600 5th Street S • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4610

m e a d ows • a lli s o n s h a pa r d

836 Deerbrush Drive SE • Olympia, WA 98513 • 360.412.4690

m o u n ta i n v i e w • r a n dy w e e ks

1900 College Street SE • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4630

o ly m p i c v i e w • b o b r i c h a r d s

1330 Horne Avenue NE • Olympia, WA 98516 • 360.412.4660

p le a sa n t g l a d e • b r u c e wa lto n

1920 Abernethy Road NE • Olympia, WA 98516 • 360.412.4660

s e v e n oa ks • r o n s i s s o n

1800 Seven Oaks Road SE • Olympia, WA 98503 • 360.412.4700

s o u t h bay • k at h i w e i g h t

3845 Sleater Kinney Road NE • Lacey, WA 98506 • 360.412.4640

wo o d l a n d • dav i d wa r n i n g

4630 Carpenter Road SE • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4680

middle scho ol s & principal s a s p i r e • m o n i c a sw e e t

5900 54th Avenue SE • Lacey, WA 98513 • 360.412.4730

chinook • kirsten rae

4301 6th Avenue NE • Lacey, WA 98506 • 360.412.4760

ko m ac h i n • J oyc e ot t

3650 College Street SE • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4760

n i s q ua lly • k a r e n ow e n

8100 Steilacoom Road • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4770

hig h scho ol s & principal s n o rt h t h u r s to n • s t e v e r o o d

600 Sleater Kinney Road NE • Olympia, WA 98506 • 360.412.4800

r i v e r r i d g e • k a r e n r e m y- a n d e r s o n

350 River Ridge Drive SE • Lacey, WA 98516 • 360.412.4820

s o u t h s o u n d • r i c h y e le n i c h

411 College Street NE • Lacey, WA 98516 • 360. 412.4880

t i m b e r li n e • dav e le h n i s

6120 Mullen Road SE • Lacey, WA 98503 • 360.412.4860

fa st tac ts ab o ut ntps Founded in 1953, North thurston is the largest and most diverse district in thurston County. NtPS is the only South Sound school district that offers a self-contained elementary talented & Gifted program (Lakes) and middle school Challenge Academy (Aspire). Career & technical Education students have won numerous state and national awards. they may also take classes at New market Skills Center in tumwater or earn college credits through South Puget Sound Community College. NtPS offers art and music instruction in grades 1-12. Aspire, is the only performing arts middle school in the South Sound area. Last year more than 3,000 secondary students participated in NtPS interscholastic athletic programs. Our teams won several regional championships, and state titles in Girls’ Basketball, Wrestling, track and Swimming. We also have a new Girls’ Gymnastics program. Last year, more than 4,500 volunteers gave 160,000 hours of their time in support of student achievement in our classrooms - a value of $3 million! NtPS buses safely transport approximately 6,000 students a total of 6,500 miles each day to and from school. Several of our bus drivers and maintenance workers have won regional safety awards. NtPS is thurston County’s largest food-service operation, serving approximately 8,400 meals (1,600 breakfasts and 6,800 lunches) each school day. Our healthy youth task Force is dedicated to improving the nutritional content of the school lunch program.

fast facts about ntps

everg reen state colleg e Evergreen State College is ranked one of the best colleges in the west by the Princeton Review (2008), and U.S. News & World Report’s 2008 college guide also recognizes its innovative interdisciplinary learning communities, outstanding first-year experience, and undergraduate research opportunities. Evergreen enrolls more than 4,300 undergraduates in daytime and evening and weekend programs in the arts, humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, and 300 graduate students earning master’s degrees in education, environmental studies, public administration and teaching. More than a third of Evergreen students are adults (25 years of age or older) and come from every walk of life. Evergreen’s 1,000-acre forested main campus is located on Eld Inlet in Olympia; the college also offers programs at Evergreen-Tacoma. 2700 Evergreen Parkway NW • Olympia, WA 98505 360.867.6000 • www.evergreen.edu

saint martin ’ s u niversit y Saint Martin’s University is an independent co-educational master’s degree granting university. SMU offers 22 undergraduate programs, 6 graduate programs and numerous pre-professional, certificate and international programs. Established in 1895 by the Roman Catholic Benedictine Order, Saint Martin’s is located on a beautiful wooded 280-acre campus in Lacey. More than 1,250 students attend Saint Martin’s main campus and approximately 1,000 more are enrolled in courses at extension campuses at nearby JBLM, Olympic College and Centralia College. In addition, SMU has extension programs in Hong Kong and Shanghai, China. The university employs approximately 400 people. 5300 Pacific Avenue SE • Lacey, WA 98503 360.491.4700 • www.stmartin.edu

south pu g e t sou nd comm u nit y colleg e South Puget Sound Community College serves Thurston County in two locations, including the Olympia campus on Mottman Road and the Hawks Prairie Center in Lacey.

40 l acey chamb er of commerce

Enrolling approximately 6,000 students each quarter, South Puget Sound has active professional/technical training and college transfer programs and contributes strongly to the high-quality workforce available to Lacey employers.

L ACEy C AmPuS - hAWk S PR AiRiE CENtER 1401 marvin Road NE, Ste 201 • Lacey, WA 98516 360.596.5750

p r i vat e s c h o o l s comm u nit y christian academy Community Christian Academy’s mission is to prepare students to impact their world for Christ by equipping them with a sound education, by empowering them with a biblical worldview, and by inspiring them through godly leadership. 4706 Park Center Avenue NE • Lacey, WA 98516 360.493.2223 • www.olympiachristianschool.org

northwest christian hig h school Northwest Christian High School’s mission is to assist the family by providing a Christ-centered, Bible-based education that inspires each student to pursue excellence in moral character, academics, and servant leadership. 4710 Park Center Avenue NE • Lacey, WA 98516 (360) 491-2966 • www.nchs-olympia.org

faith luther an Faith Lutheran School is located in Lacey, Washington, and is a ministry of Faith Lutheran Church. They are 15 minutes from both Olympia and the Fort Lewis military base. The school is a state-approved, private Christian school, serving students in preschool through grade 6. 7075 Pacific Avenue SE • Olympia, WA 98503 360.491.1118 • www.faithlutheranlacey.org

holy family Holy Family School is a private Catholic school located in Lacey, WA. They have a proud tradition of academic excellence. The students are tomorrow’s future leaders. With an emphasis on integrating Catholic values throughout our school’s program, Holy Family is known for its outstanding student body, skilled staff, and community approach. 2606 Carpenter Road SE • Lacey, WA 98503 360.491.7060 • www.holyfamilylacey.com

41 •

community resource guide

e d u c at i o n

think chamber first!

our military Partners Joint base lewis mcchord Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base, located on Washington’s south Puget Sound in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, have almost a century of military service. Camp Lewis was established in 1917 and became Fort Lewis in 1927. McChord Air Force Base started as McChord Army Air Field in 1938 and became McChord Air Force base when the Air Force became a separate military service in 1947. The U.S. Army’s I Corps is the primary unit on Fort Lewis and the U.S. Air Force 62nd Airlift Wing is the primary unit on McChord Air Force Base. They join more than 30 different units from the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Reserve and National Guard, and Department of Defense agencies on the two bases. On Feb. 1, 2010, Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base became Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) -- one of 12 joint bases worldwide. On that day, JBLM reached its initial operational capability, meaning the installation support functions at Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force Base began a phased consolidation to Army management under the Joint Base Garrison. Creating the joint base was a complex process and required consolidatation of all support services for the military units, the families and retired community. On Oct. 1, 2010, a five-year process culminated when Joint Base Lewis-McChord reached its final operational capability and was formally established as one of 12 joint bases worldwide. Merging Fort Lewis and McChord Air Force

Base, the creation of JBLM was directed as part of a 2005 Base Realignment and Closure action. With the establishment of the joint base, all installation support functions are provided by the Army-led Joint Base Garrison to all the services on the base - Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines. JBLM is the largest military installation on the west coast of the United States with more than 415,000 acres, including Yakima Training Center in central Washington. It supports more than 100,000 people including military personnel, families, civilian and contract employees, and retirees and their families on-base population and in neighboring communities.

lewis army museum The Lewis Army Museum occupies the former Red Shield Inn, completed in 1919. The inn’s construction was contracted by the Salvation Army in 1918 to house newly-arriving Soldiers and their families at “Camp Lewis.” The building is one of two surviving buildings from the former Greene Park, a recreation area established for Soldiers mobilized or stationed here during World War I (the other surviving building houses the installation Family Readiness Center). This was the building’s most extensive renovation since its construction was completed in 1919. It was transferred to government ownership on July 1, 1924, and served the needs of Fort Lewis soldiers and family members until 1972. In 1973, it re-opened as the home of the Fort Lewis Military Museum.

Joint Base Lewis-McChord is a training and mobilization center for all services and is the only Army power-projection platform west of the Rockies. Its key geographic location provides rapid access to the deep-water ports of Tacoma, Olympia and Seattle for deploying equipment. Because of the surrounding community support, natural setting and variety of entertainment near to and on the joint base, Joint Base Lewis-McChord is a popular assignment and many people choose to live their retirement here. In this section you will learn some history about Joint Base Lewis-McChord and find information about on-base resources.

42 l acey chamb er of commerce

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community resource guide

o u r m i l i ta r y p a r t n e r s

think chamber first!

m cc h o r d a i r m u s e u m The McChord Air Museum is the official USAF organization whose mission is to portray the history of McChord Air Force Base, the aircraft woven through that history and the people who made that history part of our heritage. That mission is accomplished by the exhibit of aircraft, and scaled models, unit exhibits, extensive collection of armament, instruments, paintings and art from the USAF art collection, photographs, vintage uniforms and other memorabilia. The McChord Air Museum is open free to the public as an educational and recreational experience for all to enjoy.

madigan h e a lt h c a r e s y s t e m Headquartered at Madigan Army Medical Center on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, the Madigan Healthcare System is a network of Army medical facilities located throughout Washington and California that serve more than 109,000 active duty service members, their families and retirees. Much like its civilian counterparts, the Madigan Healthcare System provides a wide array of medical services, such as general medical and surgical care, patient-centered adult and pediatric primary care, a 24-hour emergency room, specialty clinics, clinical services, behavioral health and wellness services. Locations serving enrolled patients in the vicinity of Joint Base Lewis-McChord include: Madigan Army Medical Center, JBLM Lewis Main

unique programs & services

Book Patch Children Crittenberger Grandstaff

Since its opening in 1944 Madigan has grown to include a full spectrum of specialty and subspecialty services for adult and pediatric patients to include Developmental Pediatrics, Hematology and Oncology, Interventional Radiology and Radiation Therapy. Madigan is also renowned for its medical research, graduate medical education, and medical simulation technology.

Soldier Evaluation for Life Fitness (SELF) is a post-deployment screening tool that evaluates the physical, mental and spiritual health of every returning Soldier. Soldier Readiness Service (SRS) is a walk-in clinic where Soldiers can see behavioral health counselors the same day Child and Family Assistance Center (CAFAC) is a Madigan pilot program that incorporates three existing family-based behavioral health departments – Family Assistance for Maintaining Excellence (FAME), the Child Guidance Clinic and the School-based Behavioral Health Program – into a one-stop shop for family members. School Behavioral Health Program (SBH) program provides child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers, who will evaluate and treat military children, and provide resilience-based models to students, staff and parents in the JBLM schools.

Warri or tr an siti on u nit

In 2007, Madigan activated a Warrior Transition Battalion for wounded, ill and injured Soldiers. Madigan Healthcare System’s Madigan-South Sound Community Medical Home, Olympia Warrior Transition Battalion is one of 29 Warrior Transition Units throughout the Army. The WTB provides medical care, McChord Clinic, McChord Field Customer:Medical The Lacey Chamber Contact: x advocacy and leadership to active duty, Army National Guard Project: Annex, Chris Lester Ad: 2012Main Resource Guide | Size: One-Sixth, 2 1/4” x 4 5/8” Madigan JBLM Lewis and Army Reserve Soldiers who need complex long-term care. << 1st Confirmation Show >> The WTB’s primary mission is to assist Soldiers and their Okubo Family Medicine and Dental Clinic, JBLM Lewis North families through their healing and transition back to regular Winder Family Clinic, JBLM Lewis Main duty or to civilian life. Its innovative programs and comprehensive care continue to evolve to meet the physical, emotional and HealtH life long term Care intellectual needs of their Soldiers. The WTB also oversees a Community-Based Warrior Transition Unit that allows Guard and Reserve Soldiers to live with their families and to receive local healthcare in communities not near Army medical facilities. In addition, the WTB shares and partners with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and other governmental agencies to enhance the care and service of Soldiers and families at the national and local level.

Chris Lester Insurance Services 360-866-0610 www.chrislesterins.net

253.967.5533 253.967.2824 253.967.5889

m ed i caL s ervi ce s Emergency Room Pharmacy Refill Pharmacy Madigan Visitor/Patient Info

b ehavi or al h e alth pro g r am s

Madigan-Puyallup Community Medical Home, Puyallup

resourCes for life

Li b r ar i e s

253.968.1390 253.968.1963 253.968.2999 253.968.1710

m i Litary su pp o rt s ervi ce s ID Cards Information Booth

m i sceLL an eo u s

Joint base Lewis - mcchord d i r ec to ry cLu b s Advance Summer Camp /ROTC American Lake Community Center Cascade Community Center Club North Madigan Café /Latin Sensations Russell Landing Cafe

253.966.0713 253.967.9770 253.964.0331 253.964.0144 253.964.4054 253.966.0400

co m m i s sar i e s JBLM McChord Field


gym na s i u m s Jensen Keeler McVeigh Sheridan Soldiers Field House Wilson (North Ft.)

Army Community Service Billeting /Guest lodge CPO Finance Golf Course Gray Airfield ITT JBLM McChord Field JPPSO Museum Northwest Adventure Center PAO Taxi Theater Recoding Youth Fitness Zone

253.967.7166 253.964.0211 253.967.4843 253.966.0272 253.967.6522 253.967.6628 253.967.6169 253.982.1110 253.967.5099 253.967.7206 253.967.7744 253.967.0146 253.582.3000 253.967.4329 253.967.4441

Customer: r The LaceyeChamber Contact: 253.967.5975 ecr ati o n centers Project: Twinstar Ad: 2012 Resource Guide | Size: One-Sixth, 2 1/4” x 4 5/8” 253.967.6808 Bowling Alley (M) 253.967.4661 << 1st Confirmation Show >> 253.967.5869 Hi-Tech Wilson Rec 253.967.7471 253.967.7311 Nelson 253.967.2539 253.967.4771 Summit Arena 253.967.4458


Be treated like an owner. Join TwinStar for your business needs.

h otLi n e s BOSS EO/Sexual Harassment Jail Mac Flight Military Police Red Cross Vehicle Registration

253.967.5065 253.966.8139

253.967.5636 253.967.1960 253.967.5723 253.967.7259 253.967.3107 253.967.7686 253.967.1914

Chris Lester

7 Thurston County branches

Corinn ext. 4596


Gary ext. 4452


<< CHECK FOR ACCURACY >> l acey chamb er of commerce

community resource guide





o u r m i l i ta r y p a r t n e r s





think chamber first!

Senior Living retirement living Lacey has consistently been perceived as a great retirement location. Lacey’s proximity to Joint Base Lewis-McChord makes it a popular retirement choice for the military. Recent demographics have shown that while the Sun Belt states are getting most of the retirement fueled economic growth, Washington State is the 10th largest retirement growth state in the U.S., and Lacey has been the beneficiary of a healthy portion of it. Drawn by the affordable housing, wide variety of activities, mild weather, availability of military retirement services and quality health care, retirees are flocking to South Sound. While businesses benefit from servicing this growing market, the entire Lacey community benefits from the energy, skills and experience of its senior resident, whether volunteering in schools, the Chamber or the local museum.

Senior ServiceS Senior Services for South Sound is a private non-profit corporation governed by a volunteer board of directors, and has a long and distinguished history of serving the needs of older adults in the South Sound area. Established in 1973, the agency continues to provide a wide array of comprehensive services to seniors living in Mason and Thurston counties. If you are new to the area, recently retired or looking for resources, Senior Services for South Sound is for you. Whether it’s taking a class, finding respite from care giving, volunteering, taking a trip, or inquiring about community ©doug Walker Photography

resources, our staff and volunteers can help you rediscover and preserve your independence, self-esteem, and joy for life. Services & Opportunities available care con n ection Prog r am Provides care consultation and assistance with finding in-home care. sen ior center activiti es / events Prog r am Provides recreational, social, lifelong learning, and health improvement services. sen ior n utrition Prog r am Provides nutritious noon meals. services to at- ri sk sen i ors Prog r am (stars) Provides adult day and respite care for frail seniors and their families. care con n ection Prog r am Provides care consultation and assistance with finding in-home care. su PPortive services (s seF ) Provides support to caregivers and help for seniors to remain independent and safe in the community. tri Ps , tou rs & tr aveL Open to all Active Adults from 18 to 118. Full schedule of trips online at southsoundseniors.org Contact Trips office: 360.586.6181 ext 126 or 127. email: trips@southsoundseniors.org continue

Photo by: Doug Walker Photography ©2007

Being a senior in the Lacey community can be as fun-filled and active or scenic and relaxing as you would like. Lacey is proud to have a strong senior population and therefore, provides many resources for those who choose to retire here. Recreational, social, cultural and health programs are offered year round to provide for the healthiest and most enjoyable senior living. To ease your navigation through all that our community has to offer, you will find a calendar of events, health care facilities, senior facility contact information and much more in the following pages. ©doug Walker Photography

46 l acey chamb er of commerce

47 •

community resource guide

Senior living

think chamber first!

senior services - continued Two locations to help serve you. l acey sen i or center 6757 Pacific Avenue SE • Lacey, WA 98509 360.407.3967 • email: laceysc@southsoundseniors.org olym pia sen i or center 222 Columbia Street NW • Olympia, WA 98501 360.586.6181 • email: ssss@southsoundseniors.org Lacey’s beautiful Senior Center is located in Woodland Creek Community Park and offers a variety of activities for the senior population including: • Entertainment • Information and referral service • Recreational and social programs, including life skills, hobby classes fitness classes, support groups, clubs, outings, bingo, and dances • Southeast Asian, Korean and Hispanic programs • Congregate nutrition program, Meals on Wheels and satellite food bank distribution • Health Services, including foot care, blood pressure checks, and more • STARS, an adult day respite service program • Wrinkles of Washington: Senior talent galore in this traveling variety fundraising road show • Fundraising events, including rummage sales and a holiday bazaar The Lacey Senior Center is owned and maintained by the City of Lacey, and is managed and programmed by Senior Services for South Sound. Contact the Lacey Senior Center at 360.407.3967 for a schedule of activities.

Su pportive ServiceS for elderS & their fa m i l i e S ( S S ef ) Supportive Services for Elders and their Families (SSEF) Provides support to caregivers and help for seniors to remain independent and safe in the community. Services include: • Information, Assistance and Referral Services to help seniors navigate through nutrition programs, food Bank, Meals on Wheels, available medical services, transportation, senior housing, financial management and social services. • Senior Phone Friend – reassurance, safety and social calls from other volunteer seniors. • Individual and family counseling

• Support groups – for spouse and adult children caring for loved ones • Early Stage Memory Loss Seminars (ESML) Eight sessions of educational programs for those with recently diagnosed memory problems and their care providers. www.southsoundseniors.org

he alth care A key benefit to residents in Lacey is the outstanding quality of local health care. Health care is a major industry in South Puget Sound, demonstrated by the fact that three of the top employers in Thurston County are regional health care facilities, serving Thurston and surrounding counties. The size of the health care community is driven by the growing number of seniors attracted to the Lacey Community and the increasing number of young families who live here, all of whom are served by the quality institutions in the community. This level of care is one of the attractions that help to draw new businesses and development to the Lacey and Thurston area.

t e le p h o n e n u m b e r s Fo r o u r s e n i o r co m m u n it y s en i o r car e Faci liti e s Alterra Clare Bridge & Assisted Living Bonaventure of Lacey Capital Place Retirement Evergreen Nursing & The Firs Retirement Living Community Garden Courte Memory Care Hampton Special Care Center Manor Care Merrill Gardens Panorama Patriots Landing Providence Mother Joseph Care Center Puget Sound Healthcare Center Rehabilitation Center Roo-Lan Health Care Center & Lodge Rosemont Retirement & Assisted Living Sequoia Assisted Living Vista Village Condos West Woods Assisted Living Woodland Retirement & Assisted Living

360.456.3477 360.491.4435 360.786.6062 253.906.3399 360.456.0601 360.456.0111 877.964.4900 360.493.4900 360.754.9792 360.491.9700 360.491.1765 360.458.1800 360.491.0491 360.456.2101 360.956.3396 360.528.3253

Colonial Inn Jubilee at Hawks Prairie Laurel Oaks Retirement Community Panorama SheaHomes

360.459.9110 360.491.5900 360.923.2211 360.456.0111 360.455.0240

recre ational vehicleS and boat Stor ag e AAA RV & Boat Storage Aardvark RV & Boat Storage Devoe Street RV & Boat Storage Garry’s RV & Boat Storage Olympic R.V. & Boat Storage Public Storage Shurgard Storage Center South Gate R.V., Boat, & Etc. Storage

360.943.5099 360.943.1888 360.705.0720 360.456.0651 360.753.2344 360.491.5094 360.357.7100 360.352.3934

proud lacey chamber memberS

capital m edi cal center Capital Medical Center is a 110-bed full-service hospital, with two general family practice clinics. It serves all of Thurston and surrounding counties. It provides a comprehensive range of medical services and high quality care and is a forward thinking, innovative hospital where trust, teamwork and technology come together to make a positive difference in the health of our community and region. The Joint Commission accreditation powerfully demonstrates Capital Medical Center’s commitment to meet the highest national standards for quality and safety.

LACEY 8308 Quinault Dr NE Lacey, WA 98516

Join ACU As an ACU member you get competitive rates on loans and investments, and a broad range of services to meet your needs. And, since we’re member owned, you have a voice. Can your bank say that?

3900 Capital Mall Dr. SW • Olympia, WA 98502 360.754.5858 • www.capitalmedical.com

g rou p h e alth co oper ative

253.964.3113 / www.youracu.org

Group Health Cooperative is a consumer-governed, nonprofit health care system that coordinates care and coverage. Founded in 1947 and based in Seattle, WA, Group Health and its subsidiary health carriers, Group Health Options, Inc. and KPS Health Plans, serve more than 600,000 residents of Washington state and Idaho. At Group Health, the goal is simple and straightforward: to keep you healthy. And if you do get sick, to make sure you get the best medical care possible. 700 Lilly Road • Olympia, WA 98506 360.923.7000 • www.ghc.org continue

48 l acey chamb er of commerce

active adu lt comm u nitieS 360.236.1400 360.455.8500 360.357.9922

49 •

community resource guide

Senior living

think chamber first!

health care - continued

capital meDi cal center Capital Medical Center is a 110-bed full-service hospital, with two general family practice clinics. It serves all of Thurston and surrounding counties. It provides a comprehensive range of medical services and high quality care and is a forward thinking, innovative hospital where trust, teamwork and technology come together to make a positive difference in the health of our community and region. The Joint Commission accreditation powerfully demonstrates Capital Medical Center’s commitment to meet the highest national standards for quality and safety.

The office is open for appointments 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday (closed for lunch 12:00 - 1:00pm.) Occasional evening and weekend hours are available. They offer same-day appointments for established patients and are often accepting new patients.

2012 Wa S h i n g t o n S tat e Senior gameS

HAWkS PRAiRiE iNTERNAL MEDiCiNE 360.923.4600 This location serves adults of all ages. Their board-certified internal medicine physicians have special training in the prevention and treatment diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and other illnesses and injuries.

Thursday, July 26th – Sunday, July 29th Events for the 2012 Washington State Senior Games include:

This office is open for appointments 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday. They are closed on weekends and major holidays.

Archery, Basketball, Badminton, Bowling, Cowboy Action Shooting, Cycling, Dance, Golf, Pickleball, Pool/8-Ball, Race Walkin er, Softball, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field and Volleyball.

3900 Capital Mall Drive SW • Olympia, WA 98502 360.754.5858 • www.capitalmedical.com

2555 Marvin Road NE • Lacey, WA 98516 360.413.4200 • www2.providence.org

Call Puget Sound Senior Games for more information call 360.413.0148.

g rou p he alth co oper ative

OLyMPiA ENDOCRiNOLOGy 360.413.4250

Group Health Cooperative is a consumer-governed, nonprofit health care system that coordinates care and coverage. Founded in 1947 and based in Seattle, WA, Group Health and its subsidiary health carriers, Group Health Options, Inc. and KPS Health Plans, serve more than 600,000 residents of Washington state and Idaho. At Group Health, the goal is simple and straightforward: to keep you healthy. And if you do get sick, to make sure you get the best medical care possible. 700 Lilly Road NE • Olympia, WA 98506 360.923.7000 • www.ghc.org

proviDence St. pe ter hoSpital Providence St. Peter Hospital was founded in 1887 and is the largest private employer in Thurston County, as well as, the largest hospital in the region. It is a 290-bed not-for-profit regional teaching hospital that offers comprehensive medical, surgical, and behavioral health services. The hospital offers a free physician referral line, ProvidencePLUS, at 360.493.7768. 413 Lilly Road NE • Olympia, WA 98506 360.491.9480 • www.providence.org

proviDence m eDi cal g rou p at haWkS pr airie HAWkS PRAiRiE FAMiLy MEDiCiNE 360.413.4200 At Providence Medical Group - Hawks Prairie Family Medicine, experienced providers and staff offer full-service medical care for all ages, from newborns to seniors. Areas of service include, Women’s health, Men’s health, Children’s health, Preventive services and health care maintenance, management of allergy, asthma and skin conditions, treatment of acute illness and injuries, chronic disease management, and casting and splinting.

Senior Weekly

calenDar of eventS

m o n D ay S

W e D n e S D ay S

t h u r S D ay S

f r i D ay S

l acey Walking g rou p

ch u rch ServiceS

he althy StepS WalkerS

enhance fitneS S

Meets at 10:00am at the Lacey Senior Center 360.491.4044

Meets at Bonaventure of Lacey, in the Library 9:30am - 10:45am www.bonaventuresenior.com / communities /lacey/events

Leaves Olympia Senior Center at 9:00am

Olympia Senior Center Basic: 1:00pm Intermediate: 2:30pm Advanced: 9:00am www.southsoundseniors.org

en hance fitn eS S Olympia Senior Center Basic: 1:00pm Intermediate: 2:30pm Advanced: 9:00am www.southsoundseniors.org

Seni or mon Day b u ffe t Lucky Eagle Casino 10:00am - 8pm www.luckyeagle.com /dining /grand-buffet

t u e S D ay S

enhance fitneS S Olympia Senior Center Basic: 1:00pm Intermediate: 2:30pm Advanced: 9:00am www.southsoundseniors.org


Leaves Olympia Senior Center at 9:00am

Olympia Senior Center Live music & refreshments 2:00pm – 4:00pm www.southsoundseniors.org

Nice Weather Days: Walk around Capitol Lake or Downtown Olympia Boardwalk

happy hou r

h e althy StepS WalkerS

Bad Weather Days: Walk around inside of the mall. www.southsoundseniors.org

poe try WorkShop 4th tu eSDay every month

Meets at Bonaventure of Lacey, Hospitality Room 4:00pm www.bonaventuresenior.com / communities /lacey/events

Bad Weather Days: Walk around inside of the mall. www.southsoundseniors.org

Zu mba Meets at Olympia Senior Center 9:00am www.southsoundseniors.org

yoga cl aS S Meets at Olympia Senior Center 10:00am - 11:00am www.southsoundseniors.org

Wine & more Meets at Bonaventure of Lacey, Hospitality Room 4:00pm www.bonaventuresenior.com / communities /lacey/events

tai chi Olympia Senior Center Beginner: 5:00pm - 6:00pm Intermediate: 6:00pm - 7:00pm www.southsoundseniors.org

tai chi Meets at Olympia Senior Center 10:00 - 11:30am

Meets at Bonaventure of Lacey 6:00pm - 8:00pm www.bonaventuresenior.com/communities/lacey/events

50 l acey chamb er of commerce

Nice Weather Days: Walk around Capitol Lake or Downtown Olympia Boardwalk

51 •

community resource guide

Senior living

think chamber first!

member Listing

b e c o m e a m e m b e r s pa r k i g n i t e b o o m ! The Lacey Chamber of Commerce is a non profit service organization that supports the business community of Lacey and the outlying area of Thurston County since 1961. We are known for being a “hands on”, business savvy, engaging Chamber of Commerce. We serve our members through networking events, discounted advertising and programs. Our partnerships are vital to our success and our relationships with the City of Lacey, Economic Development Council, North Thurston Public Schools, Saint Martins University, South Puget Sound Community College and mainly our chamber members are unwavering. We give our members avenues for their businesses to be more successful and visible.

basi c m em b ership inq u iry

• Referrals from the Chamber office • 2 Community Resource Guide Listings

Business Name

• Display your promotional material in the Lacey Visitor Center

Business Address Billing Address

• Article submission for our monthly newsletter, Thrive!

(if different)

Business Phone

• Tons of networking opportunities (Monthly Forum, Business After Hours, Grand Openings, etc.)

Primary Contact Secondary Contact

• Free newsletter flyer insert ($125 value) • Free set of mailing labels ($125 value)

Business Category

• Listing in Chamber online membership directory with free link to your website

Website Business $250 (1-4)

Business $820 (31-50)

RETIRED $110 (not in business)

Business $350 (5-10)

Business $910 (51-75)

CHARITABLE $220 (501C3)

Business $480 (11-20)

Business $1,040 (76 & up)


Business $620 (21-30)


A A steve’s proFessionAl trucK mounted steAm cleAning (360) 701-9544 ABc printing, inc. (360) 456-4545 www.abcprinting.net Ace Fire & security systems (360) 786-0404 www.acefirewa.com Acs trAnslAtions & interpretAtion services (360) 412-1135 www.acstranslations.com AdAms & scheFter (360) 491-6666 AdAmson chiroprActic (360) 923-1717 www.adamsonchiropractic.com

360 chiroprActic (360) 923-0360 www.360chiro.net 4th dimension technology inc. (360) 357-5169 www.4dcomputers.com Am 1240 Kgy / 96.9 south sound country (360) 943-1240 www.kgyradio.com KelA Am 1470 Kmnt country 104.3 Fm (360) 388-5640 www.kelaam.com 94.5 roxy (Krxy premier BroAdcAsters) (360) 236-1010 www.krxy.com

52 l acey chamb er of commerce

community resource guide

For more information about the Chambers Executive Membership levels please contact our office at 360.491.4141 AFlAc insurAnce, AndreW JAcKmAn (360) 489-2383 www.aflac.com AFlAc insurAnce, terrA utter (360) 878-3015 www.aflac.com AhlF lAW oFFice (360) 491-1802 AllstAte insurAnce, Bill FunK (360) 491-3376 www.allstateagencies.com/BillFunk AllstAte insurAnce the vince FunK Agency (360) 491-4042 www.allstateagencies.com/ vincefunk/welcome the Acme service group (360) 943-1133 www.acmeenergy.com AmericA’s credit union lAcey (360) 459-9300 www.youracu.org

AmericAn FAmily insurAnce, JeFF KeArin Agency (360) 459-0989 www.jeffkearin.com AmericAn FAmily insurAnce, Justin WAgner Agency (360) 705-0200 www.justinwagneragency.com Anchor BAnK, lAcey (360) 491-2250 www.anchornetbank.com Anchor BAnK, mArtin WAy (360) 412-0118 www.anchornetbank.com Annie’s unique giFts & giFt BAsKets (360) 490-6086 www.anniesuniquegifts.com ArmAdA corp. (360) 956-3630 www.armadacorp.com B B&c solutions (360) 402-1414 www.claudiaoconnor.com B&r Flooring AmericA (360) 456-2323 www.brsalesinc.com Ken BAlsley www.kenbalsley.com BeAu legs Fish n’ chips (360) 915-6328 www.beaulegs.com Becu (206) 214-1481 www.becu.org miKe Beehler BehAviorAl heAlth resources (360) 704-7170 www.bhr.org BerschAuer phillips construction co. (360) 754-5788 www.bp-construction.com Best Western plus lAcey inn & suites (360) 456-5655 www.bestwesternwashington.com/ lacey-hotels Bliss & sKeen, cpA’s (360) 754-5848 www.blisscpa.com BonAventure oF lAcey (360) 455-8500 www.bonaventuresenior.com Boys & girls cluBs oF thurston county (360) 956-0755 www.bgctc.org BrAndmAn university (360) 493-8375 www.washington.chapman.edu Bright noW! dentAl (360) 455-9544 www.brightnow.com BrincKen sAFe & locK (360) 459-5640 www.besafeandlock.com BroWn & BroWn oF WAshington inc. (253) 396-5500 www.bbtacoma.com Budd BAy promotions & AppArel (360) 709-0483 www.buddbay.com Business exAminer (253) 404-0891 www.businessexaminer.com c cABelA’s World’s Foremost outFitter (360) 252-3500 www.cabelas.com

cABinets By trivonnA (360) 539-5057 www.cabinetsbytrivonna.com the cAll center (360) 786-8955 www.reachone.com/callcenter cApitol city golF cluB (360) 491-5111 www.golfcapitolcity.com cApitol city on the course (360) 923-1123 www.capitolcityonthecourseliving.com cApitol city press (360) 943-3556 www.capitolcitypress.com cAsA miA restAurAnt (360) 459-0440 www.casamiarestaurants.com cAscAde driving school (360) 943-1123 www.cascadedrivingschool.com cAttAil enterprises, llc (360) 438-2005 centurylinK (360) 249-0550 www.centurylink.com chArlie’s sAFAri the FAmily Fun center (360) 292-1600 www.charliessafari.com chicAgo title insurAnce co. (360) 456-7878 www.cticnw.com chris lester insurAnce services (360) 438-6708 www.chrislesterins.net city liFe (360) 491-6611 www.clc-wa.com city oF lAcey (360) 491-3214 www.ci.lacey.wa.us virgil clArKson, lAcey city mAyor (360) 459-9067 www.ci.lacey.wa.us cleAr vieW Auto & WindoW glAss (360) 539-5909 www.cvawg.com cluB Z! in-home tutoring services (360) 438-9800 www.clubztutoring.com coFFee neWs (360) 357-1000 www.coffeenewstm.com coinForce.com, llc (253) 682-2825 www.coinforce.com coloniAl inn senior ApArtments (360) 438-2345 www.colonialinnolympia.com columBiA BAnK (360) 459-3344 www.columbiabank.com comcAst (888) 266 2278 www.comcast.com comFort inn (360) 456-6300 www.choicehotels.com/hotel/wa072 community christiAn AcAdemy (360) 493-2223 www.cca-olympia.org compupAy (360) 704-9909 www.compupay.com consolidAted electricAl distriButors (360) 923-2345 www.cednw.com

m e m b e r l i s t i n g a l p h a b e t i c a l ly

copiers northWest, inc. (360) 438-1107 www.copiersnw.com copper creeK coFFee compAny (360) 923-1300 www.coppercreekcafe.com costco WholesAle, lAcey (360) 412-3500 www.costco.com country FinAnciAl (360) 357-4060 www.countryfinancial.com the creAtive oFFice (360) 754-1732 www.thecreativeoffice.com cross insurAnce Agency (360) 866-0610 www.crossinsuranceagency.com custom security (360) 491-6320 www.customsecuritywa.com cutters point (360) 456-2974 www.cutterspoint.com cutters point, ruddell roAd (360) 438-9433 www.cutterspoint.com d d Zines: creAtive solutions & grAphic designs (253) 307-4903 www.dzinesallday.com dAncing goAts coFFee BAr (360) 359-4622 www.batdorfcoffee.com dAyle designs (360) 352-4051 www.dayledesigns.biz devcon security (253) 202-9085 www.devconsecurity.com dirty dAve’s piZZA pArlor (360) 456-1561 www.dirtydavespizza.com distriBution operAtions center, llc (360) 486-5620 www.docnw.org gene dolAn dunAmis interiors plAnning (360) 455-0507 e eAgle’s lAnding (360) 273-2000 www.luckyeagle.com eArth Friendly products (360) 489-3300 www.ecos.com edWArd Jones investments, Felix peguero, AAms (360) 438-0341 www.edwardjones.com edWArd Jones investments, mArv Kopp & JeFF Kopp (360) 438-6637 www.edwardjones.com edWArd Jones investments, pAul muldoon, AAms (360) 705-9054 www.edwardjones.com dr. WilliAm ehlers emperor’s pAlAce (360) 923-2323 www.emperorspalace.com essentiAl Business support (360) 464-8866 www.ebsupport.com

53 think chamber first!

tHe everGreen State ColleGe (360) 867-6042 www.evergreen.edu exPreSS eMPloyMent ProfeSSionalS (360) 357-7195 www.expresspros.com f f9 netWorkS, inC. (360) 951-9948 www.f9networks.com faitH aSSeMBly of laCey (360) 491-3552 faitH lutHeran CHurCH & SCHool (360) 459-1444 www.faithlutheranlacey.org faStSiGnS (360) 438-3800 www.fastsigns.com/322 ferGuSon (360) 456-2960 www.ferguson.com finally Clean, llC (360) 250-5830 www.finallyclean.biz firSt aMeriCan title inSuranCe CoMPany (360) 491-2441 www.firstam.com firSt CitizenS Bank (360) 456-0880 www.firstcitizens.com fiSHer JoneS faMily dentiStry (360) 943-4644 www.fisherjonesfamilydentistry.com fitzGerald’S PHotoGraPHy (360) 491-3861 www.fitzgeraldphotos.com Sandra e. flaMMini, od (360) 456-4584 fore CounSelinG ServiCeS (360) 271-5858 www.forecounselingservices.com frank HeSketH, Ma (360) 584-8929 www.themarstoncenter.com/therapists.html fred Meyer (360) 438-6450 www.fredmeyer.com frontStreaM PayMentS (360) 357-1400 www.frontstreampayments.com funeral alternativeS of WaSHinGton inC., laCey (360) 491-2222 www.funeralalternatives.org funeral alternativeS of WaSHinGton inC., tuMWater (360) 753-1065 www.funeralternatives.org G GarGaGe PluS StoraGe (253) 875-9850 www.ownamancave.com GCi ad aGenCy (360) 786-9657 www.gciad.com tHe GiBSon aGenCy, farMerS inSuranCe (360) 704-0899 www.farmers.com G.l. kluH JeWelerS (360) 491-3530 www.kluhjewelers.com GloBal exPreSS CaPital travel, irene Perez (360) 491-2641 www.globalexpresscruiseandtravel.com

GoldStein laW offiCe, PllC (360) 352-1970 www.jaglaw.net tHe Golf CluB at HaWkS Prairie (360) 455-8383 www.hawksprairiegolf.com GoodWill, HaWkS Prairie (360) 413-7191 www.goodwill.org GoodWill, yelM HWy (253) 284-3322 www.goodwill.org Greater olyMPia dixieland Jazz feStival (360) 943-9123 www.olyjazz.com GreenvieW traininG SolutionS inC. (360) 539-1750 www.greenview.sandler.com tHe GuardSMan (360) 491-2020 www.theguardsmanmenswear.net Guild MortGaGe (360) 412-1000 www.guildmortgage.com H Hand and Stone MaSSaGe & faCial SPa (360) 438-3735 www.handandstone.com HarBorStone Credit union (360) 459-8550 www.harborstone.com HarBorStone Credit union, Woodland Square (360) 456-7833 www.harborstone.com HaWkS Prairie reStaurant & SPortS Bar (360) 459-0900 www.hprestaurant.com HeritaGe Bank, indian SuMMer (360) 570-7356 www.heritagebankwa.com HeritaGe Bank, laCey (360) 570-7380 www.heritagebankwa.com Holiday inn exPreSS Hotel & SuiteS (360) 491-7985 www.holidayinnexpress.com Holly Blue CounSelinG (360) 915-2497 www.hollybluecounseling.net HoMeleSS BaCkPaCkS (360) 628-8631 www.homelessbackpacks.org HoMetoWn ProPerty ManaGeMent, inC (360) 456-7368 www.hometownpm.com Hr & PoliCy SolutionS, PllC (360) 870-7584 www.hrandpolicysolutions.com i ikon offiCe SolutionS (360) 456-3800 www.ikon.com iMaGine realty, Hal & anita yarBer (360) 459-1754 interCity tranSit (360) 786-8585 www.intercitytransit.com irC Print & deSiGn (360) 357-4454 www.ircprintanddesign.com it’S your iMaGe (360) 877-5970 www.iyimage.com

54 l acey chamb er of commerce

community resource guide

J J&i PoWer equiPMent, inC. (360) 491-2022 www.JandIpowerequipment.com JaMeS d. BaCon, CPa, PS (360) 459-5948 www.jdbaconcpa.com JBk CoMMuniCationS, inC (360) 459-1223 www.jbkcom.com Joanna PoWer, iSaGenix (360) 701-4231 www.joannapower.isagenix.com Joint BaSe leWiS MCCHord MWr (253) 966-2256 www.jblmmwr.com k kaufMan ConStruCtion & develoPMent, inC. (360) 491-5230 www.kaufmanbrothers.com kdH BuSineSS ServiCeS, llC (360) 754-9545 www.kdhbookkeeping.com kinG oSCar Motel (360) 438-3333 www.koscar.net kokua (360) 705-4665 www.kokuaservices.com kuMon MatH & readinG Center of laCey (360) 915-6871 www.kumon.com/lacey l laBor ready inC. nortHWeSt (360) 786-9113 www.laborready.com laCey CoMMunity eventS (360) 491-2830 laCey fire diStriCt tHree (360) 491-2410 www.laceyfire.com laCey Park aPartMentS (360) 493-6300 laCey ultiMate fitneSS Center (360) 459-5400 www.lufc.org ron laWSon, laCey City CounCil MeMBer (360) 491-3214 leiB / roaCH ProPertieS (360) 413-7756 leGal SHield (360) 250-3548 www.bradburnbiz.com leWiS, JoHnny (360) 866-2178 link real eState GrouP (360) 464-5601 www.linkrealestategroup.com lnS SaleS, inC. (360) 412-8001 luCky 7 food Store (360) 456-6333 luCky eaGle CaSino (360) 273-2000 www.luckyeagle.com M MaC n’ More (360) 455-3290 www.macn-more.com MadSen faMily CellarS (360) 438-1286 www.madsenfamilycellars.com MaintenanCe By HoMetoWn, inC. (360) 918-5251

ManorCare HealtH ServiCeS laCey (253) 906-3399 www.manorcare.com Martin Way viSion Center (360) 456-2020 tHe MarSton Center (360) 352-9443 www.themarstoncenter.com Bill MCGreGor MediCine Creek Winery (360) 701-6284 www.medicinecreekwines.com Merle norMan CoSMetiCS, WiGS & day SPa (360) 491-4911 www.merlenormancosmetics.com Metlife HoMe loanS reverSe MortGaGe (360) 791-8778 www.metlifebank.com Mikar-Mike’S auto & eleCtriC (360) 456-2277 MJMS2 enterPriSe (360) 481-8453 MlS fundinG (360) 570-2066 www.mlsfunding.com MorninGSide (360) 596-3520 www.morningsideservices.com MoSS ortHodontiCS (360) 491-7080 www.mossorthodontics.com Mountain vieW veterinary HoSPital (360) 438-9623 www.mountainviewvet.com Mutual of oMaHa, Mike Wolfe (360) 491-7593 www.mutualomaha.com n nationWide inSuranCe, WHiMS inSuranCe & finanCial ServiCeS (360) 292-7240 www.nationwide.com native neW yorker (360) 915-6958 www.nativenewyorker.com netWork CoMMuniCationS international (360) 701-1532 www.nciwa.com netWorkS real eState, llC (360) 438-1854 www.networksre.com niCHolSon & aSSoCiateS inSuranCe (360) 352-8444 www.nicholson-insurance.com niSqually kennel CluB (360) 870-3270 www.nisquallykennelclub.com niSqually red Wind CaSino (360) 412-5000 www.redwindcasino.com nortH tHurSton PuBliC SCHoolS (360) 412-4418 www.ntsd.wednet.edu nortHWeSt Harley davidSon (360)705-8515 www.nwharley.com nW kiCkS, llC (360) 481-4055 www.nwkicks.net nW Media CoMPany llC (800) 645-8003 www.nwmediacompany.com o o Bee Credit union (360) 943-0740 www.obee.com

o’Blarney’S (360) 459-8084 www.oblarneyspub.com oCCaSionS CaterinG & SPeCial eventS (360) 943-9494 www.occasions-catering.com offiCe dePot (360) 923-1099 www.officedepot.com olyMPia auto Mall aSSoCiation (360) 705-1636 www.olympiaautomall.net olyMPia federal SavinGS (360) 459-1156 www.olyfed.com olyMPia federal SavinGS, HaWkS Prairie (360) 493-1800 www.olyfed.com olyMPia federal SavinGS, olyMPia (360) 754-3400 www.olyfed.com olyMPia federal SavinGS, yelM (360) 456-3470 www.olyfed.com olyMPia laCey CHurCH of God (360) 491-0414 www.olcog.org olyMPia viSion CliniC (360) 459-2108 www.olympiavision.com olyMPiC iron WorkS (360) 491-2500 www.olympicironworks.com olyMPiC outfitterS (360) 956-1699 www.alpinex.com oWenS davieS friStoe taylor & SCHultz, PS (360) 943-8320 www.owensdavies.com P PaCifiC dental artS, inC. (360) 438-1882 www.pda-lab.com PaCifiC diSPoSal / leMay (360) 923-0111 www.lemayinc.om PaCifiC eleCtroniCS, inC (360) 459-5212 www.pacificelectronicsinc.com PaCifiC Mountain WorkforCe develoPMent CounCil (360) 754-4113 www.pacmountainworkforce.com Panera Bread (360) 456-4069 www.panerabread.com PanoraMa (360) 456-0111 www.panoramacity.org PaPrika CaterinG (360) 970-0689 www.paprikacatering.net PardiMan ProduCtionS (360) 259-6672 www.pardimanproductions.com Party outfitterS (360) 438-2211 www.partyoutfitters.com PatriotS landinG (253) 964-4900 www.patriotslanding.com PHoenix inn SuiteS (360) 570-0555 www.phoenixinn.com Port of olyMPia (360) 528-8000 www.portolympia.com Prairie Hotel

m e m b e r l i s t i n g a l p h a b e t i c a l ly

(360) 458-8300 www.prairiehotel.com ProvidenCe MediCal GrouP (360) 493-6474 www2.providence.org CyntHia Pratt, laCey City CounCil MeMBer (360) 456-4862 www.ci.lacey.wa.us PreCiSely riGHt BookkeePinG (360) 584-6820 www.preciselyrightonline.com PriMe develoPMent GrouP, llC (360) 528-2550 www.primedevelopmentgroup.com PriMe loCationS, inC. (360) 943-9922 www.primelocations.com PriMe tiMe PartnerS, llC (360) 528-3701 www.primetimepartnersllc.com ProaCtive SPortSMed, PllC (360) 455-4448 www.proactivesportsmed.com ProfeSSional teMP StaffinG aGenCy (360) 786-8443 www.professionaltempstaffingagency.com PuGet Sound enerGy (360) 786-5987 www.pse.com q quizno’S (360) 459-7827 www.quiznos.com r raM reStaurant and BreWery (360) 923-5900 www.theram.com ranGer, nortHWeSt airlifter (253) 584-1212 www.ftlewisranger.com re/Max four SeaSonS, karin zeiGler (360) 870-6249 www.karinzeigler.com reaCHone internet (360) 456-5640 www.reachone.com reaCHone travel (360) 455-0175 www.reachonetravel.com red lion Hotel (360) 943-4000 www.redlion.com reed SolutionS GrouP (360) 529-1848 www.reedsolutionsgroup.net relyloCal olyMPia (360) 556-9696 www.relylocal.com tHe reSultS GrouP (360) 908-0612 www.trgglobalinc.com roBert W. droll landSCaPe arCHiteCt, PS (360) 456-3813 www.rwdroll.com round taBle Pizza (360) 438-8844 www.roundtablepizza.com ruddell road dental Center (360) 459-1600 S S. SteWart ridGeWay CPa (360) 459-4404 www.stewartridgewaycpa.com

55 think chamber first!

S - continued Saint Martin’S univerSity (360) 438-4307 www.stmartin.edu Send out cardS, Jeri durgan (360) 616-2448 www.sendoutcards.com/durgan Senior ServiceS for South Sound (360) 586-6181 www.southsoundseniors.org Sequoia aSSiSted Living coMMunity (360) 491-0491 www.welcometosequoia.com the Sherwood group (206) 818-9336 Shea hoMeS at JubiLee (360) 455-0240 www.sheahomes.com Shipwreck beadS (360) 754-2323 www.shipwreckbeads.com Shur kLeen car waSh (360) 491-5151 www.shurkleencarwash.com Sign-a-raMa of oLyMpia (360) 915-9207 www.signarama-olympia.com SignS by toMorrow (360) 534-9700 www.sbtolympia.com Sound credit union (253) 396-6844 www.soundcu.com South bay preSS (360) 459-3015 www.southbaypress.com South puget Sound coMMunity coLLege, hawkS prairie (360) 596-5742 www.spscc.ctc.edu South puget Sound coMMunity coLLege, MottMan (360) 596-5206 www.spscc.ctc.edu South puget Sound habitat for huManity (360) 956-3456 www.spshabitat.org South Sound bank (360) 528-4200 www.southsoundbank.com South Sound Magazine (253) 588-5340 www.southsoundmag.com Squaxin iSLand touriSM departMent (360) 432-3838 www.squaxinislandtourism.com State farM inSurance, doug aLLan (360) 486-0157 www.statefarm.com State farM inSurance, kevin hayward (360) 459-2277 www.laceywainsurance.com SteadMan propertieS (360) 493-1484 SterLing bank (360) 491-4340 www.bankwithsterling.com SterLing bank hoMe Loan diviSion (360) 339-5330 www.bankwithsterling.com StottLe winery (360) 515-0356 www.stottlewinery.com Strader, haLLett & co., pS (360) 456-2100 www.straderhallett.com Studio b hair deSign & waxing Studio (360) 915-9470 www.studiobhairnwaxing.com


l acey chamb er of commerce

Super 8 MoteL (360) 459-8888 www.super8.com SupercLean JanitoriaL (360) 304-9093 t t&S cLeaning (360) 493-1049 tagS awardS & SpeciaLtieS (360) 491-2525 www.tagstrophies.com tangLewiLde propertieS (360) 491-1040 target iMport center, waShington (360) 486-7000 www.sites.target.com tcMS (360) 493-8870 www.tcmscorp.com teaM beachbody (360) 402-7218 www.akikommitfitness.com the oLyMpian (360) 754-5477 www.theolympian.com thurSton card (360) 951-3260 www.thurstoncard.com thurSton coMMunity teLeviSion (360) 956-3100 www.tctv.net thurSton county auditor’S office (360) 786-5224 www.thurstonauditor.org thurSton county fair (360) 786-5453 www.co.thurston.wa.us/fair thurSton edc (360) 754-6320 www.thurstonedc.com thurSton taLk (360) 482-1671 www.thurstontalk.com tiMberLand bank (360) 438-1400 tiMberLand regionaL Library (360) 491-3860 www.trlil.org tituS-wiLL capitaL chevroLet (360) 357-5515 www.tituswill.com tnt eLectric (360) 584-7456 www.tntelectricinc.com together! (360) 493-2230 www.thurstontogether.org twinStar credit union, corporate (360) 486-3840 www.twinstarcu.com twinStar credit union, croSSroadS (360) 357-9917 www.twinstarcu.com twinStar credit union, Lacey (360) 357-9917 www.twinstarcu.com u united whoLeSaLe SuppLy, inc. (360) 292-1190 www.unitedwholesale.com the upS Store at hawkS prairie (360) 459-8833 www.theupsstorelocal.com/5544 u.S. MartiaL artS center (360) 491-6088 www.martialartsolympia.com v vantage coMMunity ManageMent (360) 455-4464 www.vantagecommunities.net

community resource guide

vantiv Merchant ServiceS (360) 730-2474 www.vantiv.com van dorM reaLty, cheri wiLkinS (360) 451-5556 www.cheriwilkins.com vicwood Meridian partnerShip (360) 456-7071 www.meridian-campus.com the viLLage at union MiLLS (360) 486-9000 www.apartment.com virgiL adaMS reaL eState, aL eckroth (360) 701-3307 www.virgiladamsrealestate.com virgiL adaMS reaL eState, taMMy adaMS (360) 352-3756 www.virgiladamsrealestate.com vfw Lacey poSt 11402 (360) 491-2878 www.vfwwebcom.org w waL-Mart (360) 456-6550 www.walmart.com ward Lending group (360) 709-9000 www.wardlendinggroup.com waShington buSineSS bank, oLyMpia (360) 754-1945 www.wabizbank.com waShington federaL (360) 456-7546 www.washingtonfederal.com waShington foreStry conSuLtantS, inc (360) 943-1723 www.washingtonforestryconsultants.com waShington Land yacht harbor, inc., harMony haLL (360) 491-3750 www.washingtonlandyachtharbor.com waShington State eMpLoyMent Security departMent (360) 570-4250 www.esd.wa.gov weLLS fargo hoMe Mortgage (360) 486-3647 www.wellsfargo.com weSt coaSt bank, coLLege Street (360) 456-2400 www.wcb.com weSt coaSt bank, hawkS prairie (360) 923-0638 www.wcb.com wiLLiaMS group Marketing & deSign (360) 352-3031 www.wmsgroup.com Judy wiLSon cathy woLfe, thurSton county coMMiSSioner (360) 357-2470 www.co.thurston.wa.us woodLand retireMent & aSSiSted Living (360) 528-3253 www.mtwestret.com woodLawn foreSt funeraL hoMeS & ceMeterieS (360) 491-3000 www.woodlawn-forest.com y yeLLow book uSa (360) 491-3699 www.yellowbook.com you’ve got MaidS of oLyMpia, LLc (360) 491-1558 www.olympiayouvegotmaids.com

57 m e m b e r l i s t i n g a l p h a b e t i c a l ly

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