Forthepast70years,WomenofAchievementhasrecognizedandhonoredwomenofdiversecultures,rolesandaccomplishmentswho havedemonstratedcommitmenttothebettermentoftheSt.Louisregionthroughsignificant,uncompensatedvolunteercontributions.
Acommitteeofcommunityleaders willchoose 10honoreesto be recognizedatthe 68thWomenofAchievementLunche onon
Acommitteeofcommunityleaderswillchoose 10honoreestoberecognizedatthe 2025WomenofAchievementAwardLuncheonon
Tuesday,May9,2023at TheRitz- Carlton,St.Louis.
Tuesday,May13,2025at theRitz-Carlton,St.Louis.
Nomination formsand criteriaareavailablenowat woastl.org/nominate
Nominationformsandcriteriaareavailablenowat woastl.org/nominate
Nominationdeadlineis Thursday,January5,2023. Forquestionscall314-896-4962.
Nominationdeadlineis Saturday,January11,2025. Forquestionscall314-896-4962.
Therightapproachtoprovidingcomprehensivecare.Therightlocationforyour family.Therightamenitiesallaroundyou,fromdiningtoactivitiestoentertainment. Therightenvironmenttorediscoveryouroldselfandbecomeyournextself. Comelearnwhatmakeslocally-ownedMcKnightPlace TheRightPlace forboth ourresidentsandtheirfamilies. Askaboutourall-inclusivepricing.
Ian Caso
M ana GI n G EDITO r Ashley Klein > aklein@laduenews.com
DIGITa L EDITO r & STa FF W r ITE r Amanda Dahl > adahl@laduenews.com
a SSOCI aTE EDITO r Emily Standlee > estandlee@laduenews.com
a SSISTan T EDITO r Daniel Puma > dpuma@laduenews.com
CO n T r IB u TI n G W r ITE r S
Drew Gieseke, Alecia Humphreys, Sheila Oliveri, Nancy Robinson, Megan Rubenstein, Andrea Smith, Mabel Suen, Katie Yeadon
VICE P r ESIDE n T OF S a LES Kevin Hart > khart@stlpostmedia.com
Katie Ray > kray@laduenews.com
Michelle Brown > mbrown@laduenews.com
SPECI a L P r OJE CTS M ana GE r Maggie Peters > mpeters@laduenews.com
CL a SSIFIED a CCO un T M ana GE r Lisa Taylor > ltaylor@lee.net
arT DI r ECTO r Laura De Vlieger > ldevlieger@laduenews.com
a SSISTan T arT DI r ECTO r Christopher Oth > coth@laduenews.com
CO n T r IB u TI n G PHOTOG ra PHE r S
Christina Kling-Garrett, Bryan Schraier
Even at my most cynical, I’ve never been able to deny the allure of a New Year’s resolution. Sure, many of us are lucky to even remember our goals come springtime, and one can just as easily embark on a self-improvement journey in July as they can in January. But I’ll contend there’s something beautiful to it – joining strangers around the world in envisioning a happier and healthier future and saying to yourself, “I can make that happen!”
If you’re making a resolution in 2025, this issue’s trio of features is packed with resources to help you on your way.
Hoping to declutter the house this year? Look no further than contributing writer Drew Gieseke’s story on p. 42, which includes a list of local organizations accepting donations of secondhand goods, including clothes, home furnishings, books, toys and more. Knowing your donations will help a cause you care about will make the freed-up space in your home feel even more refreshing.
On p. 46, digital editor and staff writer Amanda Dahl comes to the aid of metro-area singles looking to expand their dating horizons in the new year. Dahl offers good news for those sick of swiping on dating apps: There are plenty of ways to meet new people in real life and connect over a fun activity.
If you, like me, have “be more environmentally friendly” on your to-do list but don’t know where to start, a bevy of St. Louis sustainability experts offer their suggestions for simple, actionable New Year’s resolutions on p. 48. With these bite-size goals, it might be easy being green after all.
Happy New Year!
Ashley Klein, Managing Editor
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Twenty-five years after his first start, Kurt Warner’s story still strikes a chord in St. Louis and around the world. Visit laduenews.com to read our interview with the star quarterback as he reflects on career, family and “American Underdog.”
SoldBy:WayneNorwoodandBenPatton RepresentedBuyer:AlexThornhillandHeatherJohnson
SoldBy:AlexThornhillandHeatherJohnson RepresentedSellerandBuyer
SoldBy:MadelinePetteyandSusanMaher RepresentedBuyer:CarolineDeCola
SoldBy:JohnZarkyandKevinHurley RepresentedSellerandBuyer
TByMaggiePeters >PhotosbyChristinaKling-Garrett
hebestinvestment youcanmake isaninvestmentin yourself If you’re lookingtobreakoldlifestylehabitsin2025,lookto weight loss coach CharlesD’Angelo for aclear, effective, anddecades testedmethodthatwill get youontherighttrack towardyour healthiest,happiestself
“I’d struggledwith myweight formostof my life,” says clientBen Kelly, wholost300poundsinD’Angelo’sprogram.Afterhismother toldhimabouttheamazing resultsshe’d seeninD’Angelo’s clients,hestill foundhimselfputtingitoff formonthsuntilitaffected afamily vacation.“I wenttotheGrandCanyonon avacationand gotanillness.My weightmadeit thatmuchworse.I hadtomissouton a lot; Icouldn’t walkaroundandseethe sights.Itaffected myfamilytooandthatkickedmeintohigh gear.”
Kelly explainsthat workingwithD’Angelonotonlyhelpedhimeliminate constantthoughtsabout foodbyembracing aroutine, butalsohelpedhimlessen hisday-to-day temptationsbymeetingwithD’Angelotohelp keephim consistent.
“His coaching reallyhelpswiththosementalhurdles – thedesire tomaybe skipthegymoneday, orhave snacksthat were broughtintotheoffice,” hesays. “Once hehelps youto getthehabits formed,it gets a loteasier over weeksand months. NowIfeel weird if I don’t go tothegyminthemorning!”
ClientMichaelFlorea,whoneededtodrop a daunting200pounds,agrees: “Losingthefirst100pounds felteasy butafterthat I hadto reallydrilldown intothemindsetandthinkabouthowIgot myselfinthatunhealthy situation inthefirstplace. There’salways temptations,butto reachmygoalsandtohave a better futureI learnedto remind myselfthatit’snotdieting for a whileand goingback to my old ways,it’s changinghowI thinkabout myselfandhowI thinkabout food.”
FloreametD’Angeloin achance encounteratthegrocerystore where he works. After afewconversations,D’Angeloaskedaboutthe goalsFloreahad.“Itoldhim Iwashopingtoproposeto my girlfriendsoonand wantedto getinbettershape Heoffered a privatemeeting,andthe restishistory”he recalls. Fromthere, he wassurprisedtoseehow quicklyD’Angelo’sprogramyielded results.“It comesoff quicklywhen youdo exactlywhathesays.I’d never experiencedanythinglike that,
andit really excitedmeandpushedme forwardfromthere.”
Florea reachedhis goalofdropping207 poundsinlessthan ayear – and isnow happilyengaged.Hecredits workingwithD’Angeloonhelpinghis confidence and reducingself-doubt. Kelly, as well,says thathisenergyhas skyrocketed following a whopping300poundlosswithD’Angelo “I feltstuckfor yearsandnowIfeellikeI actively wanttomoveforward and progressinlife,” hesays.
“When you feel goodabout yourself youjust feel goodaboutlife,” adds client AllisonMahnesmith.Having reachedouttoD’Angelo followingherdoctor’s recommendation,she explainsthatknowingD’Angelohad overcomethesame weighthurdles reallyhelpedher. The genesisofD’Angelo’sprogram washis own 160pound weightlossdecadesago.
“Ithinkit’seasierto workwithpeoplewhohave beenthere, whohadto work atit,andlost a lotof weighttoo,” shesays,havingsince lost201poundsherself.
“Hismethod worksbecauseit’s averysimpleandstructuredprogram.It’sall real foodandjust walkingas exercise. There isn’tany guessworkaboutwhatto eatorwhen. Youmeetwithhimoneononeoftenandthataccountabilityhelps changeyourmindsetand feelin control.”
Kelly, Florea,andMahnesmithallsaidthat workingwithD’Angelohelped change theirlives,notjusttheir weights.If you’re lookingtomake 2025 yourbest year yet, reach out for afreeinperson consultationtoday.
Hismethodworksbecauseit’savery simpleandstructuredprogram.It’s allrealfoodandjustwalkingas exercise.Thereisn’tanyguesswork aboutwhattoeatorwhen.
Atopic of discussion in early childhood circles concerns the idea of “consent,” referring to giving children the power to decide when and if they want people to hug or touch them. Some oppose the idea, believing that children should be taught to welcome outward signs of affection from certain people, including extended family members, as a sign of “good manners.” Early childhood experts embrace the conversation, believing that a child’s instincts should be valued and honored, giving them permission to reject unwanted attention. As a firm supporter of healthy physical and emotional growth for children, Ready Readers recommends a delightful book to open discussions around consent with your family.
“Can I Give You a Squish?”, an adorably illustrated picture book from debut author-illustrator Emily Neilson, invites readers to learn about personal preferences and boundaries as the main character, Kai – a childishly exuberant merboy (that is, a young merman), navigates friendships under the sea.
By Sheila Oliveri
The story opens with Kai giving “squishes” (hugs) to several of his oceanic pals. Conflict arises when Kai approaches a puffer fish, swimming happily among the coral and sea anemone. As Kai goes in for the squish, the fish looks horrified and puffs up like a balloon, as puffer fish do when they are scared. “I do not like to be squished,” the fish informs the merboy. Kai feels terrible and confused, not understanding why the fish rejected him. Kai’s undersea buddies rally around him, providing suggestions for other interaction possibilities that honor creatures’ personal space needs. Kai embraces the latest ideas and tests them out as he approaches others. Regaining his confidence, Kai returns to the puffer fish and offers a “fin bump,” allowing Kai to express his delight in seeing his friend while honoring the fish’s boundaries.
Ready Readers shares the joy and power of literacy with more than 16,000 preschoolers living in under-resourced communities across our region. Visit readyreaders.org to learn more.
Wishingyouahappy&healthynewyear!Achieveyourwellnessgoalswithfullaccess toourindoorpool,fully-equippedfitnesscenter,andavarietyoffunworkoutclasses–allwhilelivingoffcampus.
SunsetHills 314-270-7833
Chesterfield 636-733-0162
By Drew Gieseke
Last month, nonprofit startup accelerator BioSTL announced that its NEURO360 coalition was named one of the 71 finalists in the National Science Foundation‘s Regional Innovation Engines Program. Although many rounds remain in the selection process, the nomination highlights St. Louis as an emerging leader in neuroscience study and technology – and could net the local industry a prize of $160 million in grant funding.
“It’s a wonderful accomplishment,” BioSTL CEO Donn Rubin says. “There were about 300 interested programs, and cutting [them] down to 71 is a great step. A panel of reviewers evaluated each application. Each was shared, and ours was extremely strong and positive.”
The NSF is an independent federal agency that supports science and engineering initiatives throughout the U.S. Its Regional Innovation Engines program is designed to bolster specialized industries in metropolitan areas around the country, particularly those that “have not fully participated in the technology boom of the past few decades.” The program awards $15 million to winning teams, including universities, nonprofits, businesses and other organizations, with the potential to earn up to $160 million granted over the course of a decade.
BioSTL hopes to supercharge the St. Louis neuroscience industry with this funding.
“St. Louis started off in such a strong position in neuroscience,” Rubin says. “The reason we’re leading this application is because we have the ability to build an ecosystem around this strength.”
Although money wouldn’t be allocated until as early as 2026, the funding would help St. Louis speed its progress toward becoming a global leader in the industry. Rubin says the money would allow local private and public sector entities to take ideas and turn them into companies that deliver products, which could address Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, addiction, depression and more.
“The upside of this grant and the activities it can catalyze is we expect to have an impact on many segments of the community,” Rubin says. “From universities to business and job creation, as well as being able to pilot some of the discoveries with schools, our training partners and others.”
BioSTL’s NEURO360 coalition and the 70 other remaining candidates were invited to submit a “full-blown proposal” with budgets and other details included. They don’t anticipate a decision until Q3 of 2025.
Still, this progress is a step forward for St. Louis and its rapidly expanding neurotechnology industry. BioSTL and a coalition of other
The upside of this grant and the activities it can catalyze is we expect to have an impact on many segments of the community. – DOnn ruBIn
private and public institutions are developing a comprehensive strategic plan for the region, with neuroscience as a core plank.
“Win or lose, St. Louis is a powerhouse in neuroscience and technology,” Rubin says. “We’re creating a plan with or without those resources. I think we’ve got our finger on one of those really distinguishing strengths.”
BioSTL, biostl.org
Themosteffectiveworkoutistheoneyoustickwith.Just askLizChristmanofSt.Charles.“Ihatetoexercise,”Liz admits—asentimentshefirstfeltearlyinhercareeras ahealthinsurancemarketingexecutive.
Still,Lizpaidattention in2003whenshesawCBS News’ Leslie Stahlpraisethe20-minute,once-a-week workoutshedidin NewYork City.“ This can’t be real!” Lizthought.
A searchforsimilaroptionsin St. Louisledherto20Minutes to Fitness. “Aworkoutthattook just20minutes aweek?Even I couldmanage that,” shesays. “I wantedto run right over.”
Forthenextdecade,Liztrainedweeklyat20MinutestoFitness. Withapersonalcoachguidingherthroughthemedicallybased protocol,shesoonsawresults.“Thebestpart?You’redonein20 minutesandcanforgetaboutitfortheweek,”Lizsays.
Lifegothecticin2013,andLizsteppedawayfromherworkout— notonce,buttwice.“Igainedweight,lostmuscleandfelloutofshape. Itwashorrible,”shesays.
Aftertryinganotherfitnessoptionwithoutsuccess,Lizreturnedto 20MinutestoFitnessforthethirdtimeinFebruary2023.Thistime, herhusbandDavejoinedher.
“Icamebackbecause20MinutestoFitnessworksbetterthan anythingI’veevertried,”shesays.“Ifeelstronger,moreflexibleand healthierthanIhaveinyears.”
ForLizandDave,thepersonalcoachingat20MinutestoFitness iskey.“Havingacoachbyyoursidemakesallthedifference,”Dave explains.“Theypushyoubutalsoensureyouuseproperformand adjustyourworkouttohowyou’refeelingonanygivenday.Theyalso maketheworkoutfun—those20minutesgobysoquickly!” Lizagrees.“Thistime,we’reheretostay.”
Nomatteryourageorfitnesslevel,20MinutestoFitnesscan helpyoubuildstrengthsafely.Peoplefromages18to101trainhere, includingthosewhooncethoughttheyweretooold,toooutof shapeorhadtoomanyhealthissuestobuildstrength.Weespecially welcomethose,likeLiz,whojustplainhatetoexercise.
Yourfirstsessionandconsultationare FREE. Whynotsee what 20minutesaweek wjthuscandoforyou?
“Manypeoplestar t exercisingandquit. Forme, thethird timewasthe charm.”
LizChristman,age63,andherhusbandDave,age62,trainonceaweekatthe 20MinutestoFitnessstudioinChesterfield.“Theresultsarereal,”Lizsays. “We’llnevergobacktoaregulargym.”
Formoreinformationon20MinutestoFitness, callitsstudiosinClayton(314-863-7836), Chesterfield(636-536-1504),SarasotaorTampa, orvisit20MinutesToFitness.com.
By Megan Rubenstein
Lace up your skates and grab your hot cocoa, St. Louis, because it’s ice skating season! With so many great places to ice skate in the area, it’s not too late to live out your Hallmark-movie or Olympicteam fantasies this winter season. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned skater, here are five local ice rinks where you can get your skate on.
Admission: Up to $6 depending on age and session plus $2 skate rental
The Brentwood Ice Rink is open year-round and is centrally located near the St. Louis Galleria and downtown Clayton. This rink is a great place to learn to skate, as it offers a variety of lessons for all ages and experience levels.
2505 S. Brentwood Blvd., Brentwood, 314-963-8680, brentwoodmo.org/203/ice-rink
Admission: $5 for Maryland Heights residents and $10 for nonresidents, plus $5 for skate rental
A newer ice-skating venue in the area, the Centene Community Ice Center in Maryland Heights is home to the St. Louis Blues’ practice rink. The large facility hosts four NHL-sized ice rinks, including an outdoor rink called “The Barn.” For those familiar with the new St. Louis Music Park, The Barn converts into an outdoor concert space in the summer. Visitors can also enjoy 314 Social, a hockey-themed bar and restaurant.
750 Casino Center Drive, Maryland Heights, 314-451-2244, centenecommunityicecenter.com
Admission: $5 for Kirkwood residents and $6 for non-residents, plus $2 for skate rental
With a large lobby, game room and concession stand, this rink offers what you need for a day of fun. The rink also hosts the Gateway Speed Skating Club for those looking to try something new or catch a glimpse of the speedsters in action.
111 S. Geyer Road, Kirkwood, 314-822-5825, kirkwoodparksandrec.org
Admission: $10, $16 with skate rental
Located in Forest Park, St. Louis’ signature outdoor ice rink brings the classic winter vibes, featuring festive music and lights. This year, the largest outdoor ice skating rink in the Midwest is open daily through March 1. There are learn-to-skate sessions offered, and for winter birthdays, the rink also hosts private events.
400 Jefferson Drive, St. Louis, 314-502-4845, steinbergrink.com
Admission: Up to $8 depending on age and session plus $2 skate rental
The Webster Groves Ice Arena is open year-round and truly has it all, including three party rooms and “Cosmic Skate” nights. For hockey players, the rink offers stick and puck sessions as well as ice time for training. If you’re looking to catch a game or performance, the rink is home to the Rockets Hockey Association, St. Louis University Hockey, and Metro Edge Figure Skating Synchronized Skating Team, to name a few.
33 E. Glendale, Webster Groves, 314-963-5621, webstergrovesmo.gov/197/ice-arena
Beingsocialmatters,especiallyinthewintermonthswhenmany findithardertogetoutandabout.Thankfully,TheGatesworth iscommittedtohelpingitsresidentsbuildandmaintain healthysociallivesallyearlong.
AccordingtotheNationalInstitutesofHealth(NIH),social connections“helpprotecthealthandlengthenlife.”Engagingwith friends,neighbors,colleaguesandacquaintancessignificantly influencesbothphysicalandemotionalwell-being.AtTheGatesworth, residentsareempoweredtoliveindependentlywhileenjoyinga lifestylethatprioritizesholisticwell-being.Itsextensiveservicesare designedtosupportnotonlyphysicalfitnessbutalsosocialhealth, ensuringresidentsthriveineveryaspectoflife.
“Beingsocialasyouageisvitalformaintainingmental,emotional andevenphysicalhealth,”explainsChristinaDodd,DirectorofPersonal CareatTheGatesworth.“Socialconnectionsstimulatecognitive functions,preservingmemoryandproblem-solvingskillswhile reducingtheriskofdementia.Engagingwithothersalsoencourages physicalactivityandhealthyroutines,asmanysocialactivitiesinvolve movementandsharedmeals.Additionally,strongrelationshipsprovide emotionalsupportduringlife’schallenges,fosteringasenseofpurpose andimprovingoverallwell-being.”
ThePersonalCareDepartmentprovidescompassionate, personalizedcaredesignedtohelpresidentsthriveinavibrantand supportivecommunity.Throughitscomprehensiveservices,Doddand herteamensurethatresidentshavetheresourcestheyneedtoembrace healthyagingwithconfidence.
“We make iteasyfor residentstoembrace life their way,” shesays. “We understandthat everyonehasdifferentneedswhenit comestosocial interaction;someare energizedbyit,whileothersfindit fulfillingbutneed quiettime, too.We offer residents choicesand resourcestofindjoy.”
“Wehavethebestofbothworldsrightnow,”addsresidentsBarbara andIraKodner.“Wearestillindependentandcandrivemakingiteasy
tokeepupwithallourfriends.Wealsohavealotoffriendswhohave recentlymovedtoTheGatesworthmakingiteasiertoseethem.And, ofcourse,we'vemetalotofnewfriendshere–thatissoeasy,and everyoneissowelcomingandfriendly.”
TheGatesworthoffersaplethoraofclasses,clubsandevents fromlectureseriesandyogaclassestohappyhoursandmusical entertainment.Residentsalsoenjoyparticipatinginavarietyofgames, includingbridge,mahjong,chessandbingo.Doddexplainsthatboth exploringsubjectsthatresidentsarepassionateaboutorfindingnew interestshelpsimprovesocialconnections.
ForthoseliketheKodnerswhohavetheirdaysfilledwithdifferent activities,TheGatesworthalsoaccommodatesbyadjustingschedules toensuretheycanfitineverythingtheywant.“Therewasa[Mah Jong]groupwhichmetonWednesdayafternoon,butIhadaconflict,” BarbaraKodnersays.“TheGatesworthstaffsolvedthatproblemby arranginganothergrouponThursday.”
Thevarietyinclasssizesalsoallowsformoreintrovertedresidents tostillspendtimewithothersandformconnections.
“We’vehadresidentswhowereinitiallyhesitanttoparticipatein activitieswhentheyfirstmovedin,aseverythingwasnewtothem,” Doddsays.“However,ourstaffandresidentsworktogethertoensure everyonefeelswelcomeandincluded.JanineLawler,ourEventand EntertainmentDirector,introducesnewresidentstoTheGatesworth’s offeringsandoftenconnectsthemwithotherswhosharesimilar interests.Manyresidentstakecomfortinbecomingpartofavibrant andwelcomingcommunitywithsomuchtooffer.”
“Therearesomanyways,largeandsmall,thatTheGatesworth promotesandencouragessocialconnections,”theKodnersconclude. “Onewordofadvice[we]wouldgivetoeveryone:ifyouareeven thinkingofmakingamovehere,doitsoonerratherthanlater.”
everyonehasdifferentneeds whenitcomestosocial interaction;someareenergized byit,whileothersfindit fulfillingbutneedquiettime, too.Weofferresidentschoices andresourcestofindjoy.
–ChristinaDodd, DirectorofPersonalCare
Aberdeen Heights 575 Couch Ave., 314-325-7416, aberdeenseniorliving.com
Take your retirement to new heights with elevated senior living at aberdeen Heights. Offering an expansive range of services and amenities, maintenance-free living and a thriving social scene, this community goes above and beyond to ensure your retirement hits all the high notes. Call today to schedule your personal appointment!
Friendship Village
646-898-8500 (Chesterfield), 314-270-7700 (Sunset Hills), friendshipvillagestl.com
Friendship Village wishes you a happy and healthy new year! ramp up your fitness goals while living at home and achieve your wellness goals with full access to the indoor pool, fully-equipped fitness center, and a variety of fun workout classes – all while living off campus. Start the new year off right and call today to learn more!
By Maggie Peters
The Gatesworth 1 McKnight Place, 314-993-0111, thegatesworth.com
The Gatesworth’s stunning grounds have been carefully prepared for the season, offering vibrant fall foliage and serene outdoor spaces for our residents to enjoy. Whether you’re taking a peaceful walk through our gardens or relaxing in one of our newly spruced-up courtyards, it is the perfect place to experience all the joys of autumn.
McKnight Place Assisted Living & Memory Care 3 McKnight Place, 314-993-3333, mcknightplace.com
McKnight Place assisted Living & Memory Care is the right place for seniors who wish to remain independent but need extra care. With licensed nurses available 24 hours each day, daily activities, exceptional amenities, beautiful surroundings, and chef-prepared meals, McKnight Place offers residents and family members peace of mind within a worry-free, all-inclusive price.
By Nancy Robinson > Photos supplied
New home décor is inspired by science fiction’s reimagined 19th-century steam-powered machinery.
The Italian bench by Barbara Westbrook is boldly but simply crafted from walnut and iron. It is generously scaled at 74 inches long to allow for plenty of extra seating should the need arise and is also available in ebony, mahogany, oak or painted finishes. (hollandmacrae.com)
The Corona flush mount by Barry Dixon for Arteriors pairs contemporary glamour with a retro industrial look. The small antique brass flush mount casts a large shadow and light effect on the ceiling due to the gold ombre glass. Use in powder rooms or hallways, or install in an asymmetric cluster over tables and counters. (wilsonlighting.com)
Barry Dixon’s Anvil collection for Arteriors was inspired by early memories of the anvil in the designer’s family barn in Tennessee. The forged iron tops were inspired by 19th-century cake stands. Shown in the “burnt wax” finish. (metrolightingcenters.com)
•CommunityOutreachFocus Inadownmarket,ourbusinesswasup12%in2024.
What once was an underused, outdated dining room is now a music and cocktail lounge dripping with details and brimming with beauty thanks to Ellie Redders of Ellie Redders Interiors.
“The piano really inspired everything in this space,” says Redders, principal designer and owner of the eponymous design outfit. “[The homeowners] have a child who plays the piano, so I wanted to do something moody while keeping that vintage vibe of the piano.”
Redders started the space by adding wall and ceiling detailing drenched in high-gloss paint. From there, she added a statement chandelier and furnishings, including animal print chairs from Brentwood consignment shop The Refind Room.
“The trim molding brings some character in there while the art collages add an eclectic
vintage vibe that pairs well with the piano,” Redders says. “Then I wanted to add a little bit of luxury modern flair, so the chandelier brought that in.”
She adds: “It definitely has a wow-factor that grabs people’s attention. We infused character into the space.”
However, Redders’ favorite part of the project is the added functionality for the family.
“[We] turned a room that wasn’t getting used into a space where the family now congregates – their child plays the piano, and they’ll sit there and listen while enjoying a cocktail,” Redders says. “It’s a nice spot that went from being a random room that people ignore to bringing the family together on a daily or weekly basis.”
Ellie Redders Interiors, 14610 Manchester Road, Ballwin, 636-220-8144, elliereddersinteriors.com
By GaetanoDonizetti
Saturday, Januar y 25th , 2025at6pm | The Ritz-Carlton
Jennifer Bardot G.R.I.T.
Timeisrunningout!Don ’t miss a magicaleventfeaturingsome ofth e St.Louis r egion ’s finestastheydanceth e nightaway!
Claire Flanagan Independence CenterMember Mar y TICKETS &TABLESAREGOING
Someofthe mostelite executivesinSt.Louis have been working hardtoraisefunds—andlearntheirdancesteps. Jointheminthefighttodestigmatizementalillnessandhelpsustainthelife-changingprogramsatIndependenceCenter.
Lauren DeSantis-Then Polsinelli LawFirm Sean Freeman GadellNet
JustinPeck (Carousel,Illinoise)
Music:FourMovementsfor TwoPianosbyPhilipGlass
Music: Cole PorterandIrvingBerlin
byArtisticDirector GenHoriuchi
Music:FrenchSuite byJ.S.Bach
Capt.JamesCova AfftonFireProtectionDistrict EOW7/9/24
DeputySheriffDennisBoyd CityofSt.LouisSheriff’sOffice EOW9/25/24
OfficerTravisBrown FergusonPoliceDepartment Injured:8/10/24
Since1959,TheBackStoppershasassistedmorethan200familiesofpoliceofficers,firefightersandpublicly-fundedparamedics/EMTs intheregionwhomadetheultimatesacrificeorsufferedacatastrophicinjuryinthelineofduty.
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TheBackStoppersisamembershiporganizationopentoanyoneinterestedinsupportingthefamiliesof thosewholosttheirlivesinthelineofduty.
TheBackStoppers,1600SBrentwoodBlvd Ste220,SaintLouis,MO63144 866-539-0521tollfree/314-692-0200phone 314-692-0204fax BackStoppers.org @BackStoppers
Generaldonationsaretaxdeductible. Sendyourcheck,payableto TheBackStoppersto: TheBackStoppers P.O.Box795168, St.Louis,MO63179-0700 OR VisitBackStoppers.org formoreinformationandtomakean onlinedonation.
Servingthefollowingcounties: MissouriCountiesServed: CapeGirardeau,Crawford,Franklin, Gasconade,Jefferson,Lincoln, Montgomery,Perry,Phelps,Pike, St.Charles,St.Francois,St.LouisCity, St.LouisCounty,Ste.Genevieve,Scott, Warren,andWashington IllinoisCountiesServed: Bond,Calhoun,Clinton,Jersey,Madison, Monroe,Perry,Randolph,St.Clair, andWashington
Poupette St. Barth’s romper, $390, Saks Fifth Avenue (saks.com)
Ribbed sweater, $98, J.Crew Plaza Frontenac (jcrew.com)
By Katie Yeadon > Photos supplied
Cara Cara dress, $495, Paisley Boutique
KREWE du Optic sunglasses, $285, Tuckernuck
LA DoubleJ dress, $890, Mytheresa (mytheresa.com)
Mignonne Gavigan earrings, $150, Tuckernuck (tnuck.com)
Jetting to (or dreaming of) somewhere warm this winter? We’ve got you covered with the metro’s most stylish vacation wear.
Follow Suit swimsuit, $285, Moda Operandi (modaoperandi.com)
Hunza G suit, $240, Neiman Marcus (neimanmarcus.com)
Stand raffia bag, $395, Tuckernuck
Schutz platform, $178, Evereve (evereve.com)
Oliphant dress, $268, Ivy Hill Boutique (instagram.com/ivyhillboutique)
TKEES Gemma sandals, $60, Paisley Boutique (instagram.com/paisleyboutiquestl)
Karli blouse, $225, Rungolee (rungolee.com)
Lizzie Fortunato necklace, $320, Tuckernuck
Print Fresh pajamas, $158, Hearth and Soul (hearthandsoul.com)
By Andrea Smith > Photos courtesy of Prioritized Pastries
Being proactive and providing allergenfree desserts lets your guests with food allergies and sensitivities know that they’re safe and welcome at your event. Preparing your own treats can be tricky, especially if your kitchen isn’t set up to prevent cross-contamination, so consider ordering dessert from one of these experienced bakeries in the metro area.
Gooey butter cakes, deep-dish cookie cakes, confetti birthday cakes and other signature creations can be made without gluten and dairy at this allergen-conscious bakery. “After sharing our allergy-conscious treats with friends and family, they were in disbelief that these treats were gluten-free and dairy-free,” owner Lindsay Shoemaker describes on The Conscious Kitchen STL’s website. “They noted our treats were full of flavor, the texture matched the traditional version of the treat, and they simply couldn’t tell our treats were any different.”
Looking for beautifully decorated cookies without gluten or dairy? Mochi’s dedicated gluten-free kitchen in south St. Louis avoids cross-contamination and also offers some vegan flavors, like mint chocolate chip. “We accommodate most common food allergies, including gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn, peanuts, tree nuts and sesame, upon request,” the website states. Without a storefront, the “one-woman-
show” bakery is a custom-order operation with delivery and meetup options available.
314-717-1402, mochimonstercookies.com
This “small but mighty staff of two” bakes in a dedicated gluten-free, vegan and nut-free facility in Maplewood. If you’re concerned about other allergens, just let them know and see what they can do. “We use many locally sourced ingredients from sustainable purveyors and certified organic and gluten-free products from trusted businesses and companies,” the website adds.
those curious about how cross-contamination is avoided. Most ingredients are organic and sourced from the metro area.
1211 Jungermann Road, St. Peters, 636-284-7064, royallybaked.net
“Sophie’s Bakery cuts out the junk and fills in nutrient-rich, high-protein ingredients to help you feel your best,” according to the online shop’s website. Whether it’s dairy, gluten or soy that makes you feel icky, Sophie’s has your back and doesn’t use any of these three major allergens or preservatives. Just be mindful that coconut oil and walnuts are used in the baking process.
2719 Sutton Blvd., Maplewood, 314-858-0333, prioritizedpastries.com
Everything at Royally Baked is vegan, meaning it’s a great option for anyone with a dairy sensitivity, egg allergy or an aversion to animal products. “We can accommodate most of our items to be made glutenfree,” co-owner JoAnne Tyson says. “We have cakes, cupcakes, pies and we also create savory items that are or can be made gluten-free.” Bonus: the bakery published its allergen-control procedures on its website for
3010 Winghaven Blvd., O’Fallon, 636-299-2208, sophiesbakery.com
The bakery inside Specialty’s Health Food Market in St. Charles is known for its keto cakes, pies, cookies and other treats for healthconscious customers. Here, a selection of gluten-free and sugar-free sweets are available without concern for crosscontamination because they exclusively bake with almond and coconut flours.
selection of gluten-free and almond
424 S. Main St., St. Charles, 636-578-5739, optimanutrition.net
The DeBaliviere Place neighborhood has a new community gathering spot. Park Place Market debuted in September, featuring a multi-faceted New Yorkinspired café and retail market just blocks away from Forest Park.
For Miles Kirk, who co-owns the concept with longtime friend Migeul Randon, the corner location he found within walking distance from his current home felt like the perfect place to realize his dream. The inspiration for his ideal business came from a trip to the East Coast. “I was getting all these ideas seeing what makes New York a great place to visit and wanted to bring that back to St. Louis. I’m hoping to bring a little piece of Manhattan here,” Kirk says. Randon, whose background is in finance, brings his expertise as a project manager to the table to assist with building the brand from the ground up.
Kirk brought on colleagues including Christi Rund – the former pastry chef at Tony’s – to carry out his vision for food offerings. From the menu, choose from all-day breakfast and lunch options such as the Green Goddess wrap with grilled chicken, baby gem lettuce, cilantro, avocado cream and cucumber. The Boss’ Brown Loafers is another highlight made up of seeded New York rye with local honey, apple, gjetost cheese and almonds. Sandwiches come on Companion Baking bread, with dairy products supplied by Rolling Lawns Farm.
The Purple Confidence smoothie is another staple of the menu, made up of blueberry, pineapple, banana and oat milk. A recent addition that hints at evening options to come is the Seven Wonders meat and cheese board. According to Kirk, the charcuterie platter is an homage to M&Ms New York in Times Square, featuring ingredients inspired by candy colors.
The coffee program is another component under the Park Place Market umbrella, which includes everything from pop-up dinners to private events and catering. The coffee bar features drinks made with a special Park Avenue Coffee blend. Kirk says the rich medium roast coffee has a nutty, fruity finish.
In the retail area, Kirk and Randon aim to collaboratively celebrate local artisans and merchants with a curated selection of artisanal foods and unique crafted goods. “I think of it as an incubator,” Kirk says. “I think that’s what living out an American dream can be – helping other people do it, too.” Choose from pantry options such as dry goods, milks, meats, cheeses, tinned fish and more.
“I’m excited to be that anchor tenant here in the neighborhood. People can rely on us to be here,” he adds. “We’re really celebrating local community by partnering with some great retailers throughout the city to bring them all together in one space.”
Park Place Market is currently open daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information and updates, follow it on Instagram at instagram.com/parkplacemarketstl.
Park Place Market, 286 DeBaliviere Ave., St. Louis, 314-623-0367, parkplacemarketstl.com
By Drew Gieseke > Images courtesy of reedy Press
“Mapping St. Louis“ is a new history book that charts the city’s growth from its founding in the 1760s to the present day. Author Andrew W. Hahn interweaves 40 maps with short essays, detailed views and captioned illustrations that contextualize the maps with stories and history in the book from local publisher Reedy Press.
We spoke with Hahn about “Mapping St. Louis,” the story it tells about St. Louis’ rich history and what these insights might tell us about what’s next for the metro.
“Mapping St. Louis” charts the city’s growth from its 18th-century founding to the modern day. What inspired you to tell this story?
The story of my love of maps is really the tale of two houses. It all started at the home of my maternal grandparents in Webster Groves. Hung on the wall of their den was a copy of the 1958 edition of “Hammond’s International Map of the World.” This big map fascinated me, and when my grandparents returned from one of their many international trips, they would point to the map [to show me] where they had visited.
The second house is the Campbell House Museum, where I have worked since 2003. At the museum, we use maps every day to tell the story of the growth and history of St. Louis. Turning my love of maps and interest in St. Louis history into a book was natural.
Given that this is both a cartological and written work, what was it like creating it? Where did you find the maps, how did you decide which to include, and how did you craft essays based on these maps?
I conceived the idea for this book more than 10 years ago. As part of my work as a historian, I use maps almost daily and encounter new ones regularly.
Over the past many years, I made note of an interesting map whenever I encountered it. When I began work in earnest on the book about 18 months ago, my list of notations included about 200 maps, so my first task was to narrow the list to a number that would fit the allotted page count while including maps that told a wide variety of stories.
So much has changed about the city and the area since the 1760s. What surprised you most during your research and writing?
During research, I was surprised by the staggering variety of maps about St. Louis. There are hundreds of different kinds of maps for different purposes – engineering, tourist, transit, documentary, pictorial and fantasy.
In the book, I intentionally selected a wide array of map styles to give the fullest picture of St. Louis’ history.
What do you think current-day maps suggest about where St. Louis might be heading?
The 2017 Museums of St. Louis map highlights our city’s amazing breadth of cultural offerings. The 2021 St. Louis ward map illustrates how the city adapted to a smaller population.
The more recent maps tell the story of the evolution of St. Louis. Some people might say the maps tell a story of decline, but it really is a story of change.
66TH annua L
By Emily Standlee > Photos by Christina Kling-Garrett and Bryan Schraier
The 66th Annual Fleur de Lis Charity Ball was held on Saturday, Dec. 28, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch. Mrs. Kathy Graveman is the Chairman of the 2024 Fleur de Lis Ball and Mrs. Peter Fonseca (Mimi) is the President of the Fleur de Lis Board. As is tradition, the 2024 Fleur de Lis Charity Ball – at which 17 honorees were presented to The Most Reverend Mark S. Rivituso, Auxillary Bishop of St. Louis – will benefit SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. To date, the Fleur de Lis has raised more than $3 million for SSM Cardinal Glennon. Last year, the hospital provided millions of dollars in free care to children from St. Louis and the surrounding bi-state area.
The officers of the Fleur de Lis include: Mrs. Peter Fonseca (Mimi), president; Mrs. Elie Azrak (Carine), vice president; Mrs. Patrick Lowery (C.C.), recording secretary; Dr. Diliane Pelikan, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. William Kuehl (Cara), treasurer.
Visit laduenews.com to see more photos from this event >
12452OliveBoulevard CreveCoeur,MO63141
Discoveracommunitythatgoesaboveandbeyondtoen sureyourretirementhitsone highnoteafteranother.Everymeal—moredeliciousthanthelast.Everyactivity—more excitingthanyouhopedfor.Everyfriend ship—moreenr ichingthanyouimagined.Withan expansiverangeofservicesandamenities,maintenance-freeliving,andat hr ivingsocial scene,it’seasytoreachnewh ei ghtsinretirementatAberdeenH ei ghts.
Whetheryou’remakingspaceforthegiftsSantadropped offorjustneedarefresh,thepost-holidayseasonoffers anexcellentopportunitytoculltheclutterinyour home.Findingtherightplacetodonateyouritems makestheprocesstwiceasrewardingasyousupportacauseclose toyourheart.
Here’saguidetohelpyoufindanewhomeforyourdonated goodsin2025.
>>> BOO KS <<<
Youthliteracy,communitypartnershipsandvolunteer empowermentarecorefocusesforthe GreaterSt.LouisBook Fair,whichwillbeheldthisyearfromMay1to4.Paperbackand hardbackbooks,CDsandDVDs,comicsandgraphicnovels,and ephemera(suchasautographedmemorabilia)ingoodcondition areaccepted.Ineligibleitemsincludeoutdatedinformationalbooks, magazinesandReadersDigests,andcassettesandvideotapes. (stlouisbookfair.org)
St.Louis-based MissouriPrisonBooks sendsbooksonrequestto incarceratedpeopleacrosstheMidwest.Undamagedandunmarked
books–excludingformerlibrarybooks,textbooksolderthanfiveyears andencyclopedias–areeligible.Coordinateyourdrop-offbyemailing bookdonations@missouriprisonbooks.org.(missouriprisonbooks.org)
ReadaBookSTL,inDutchtownwelcomesdonationsofawide varietyofbooksincludingchildren’s,bannedtitles,graphicnovels,and booksbyBIPOCauthorsorrepresentingtheLGBTQIA+community. Ineligibleitemsincludesoiledbooks(damagedbysmokeormold), encyclopedias,pre-2012textbooks,booksfromNationalGeographic orReader’sDigest,annualandmonthlycookbooksormagazines.The secondhandbookstorerecommendsbringingdonationsinaboxorbag youdon’tmindgivingawayforeasierprocessing.(readabookstl.com)
>>> GENERAL <<<
TheBridgeSTL,anonprofit“thriftboutique”foundedin2021, doesn’tjustserveasaresaleshop–italsoworksdirectlywithlocal humanservicesorganizationstosupplythemwithmuch-neededgoods. Currently,TheBridgelistsmen’sandchildren’sclothing,potsand pans,tablewareandsmallworkingappliancesamongitsmost-needed secondhanditems.(thebridgestl.org)
DittoFamilyResale,anonprofitshopthatworksinpartnershipwith metro-areaChristianschools,putsaboutiquespinontheresalemodel. “Peoplecanmistakenlyassumethatdonateditemsaredated, eadabookstl.
St.LouisCountyLibraries acceptbooks,audiobooks,DVDsand jigsawpuzzlesingoodcondition.IneligibleitemsincludeCDs,VHS tapesandvideogames;encyclopedias,dictionariesandtextbooks; andReader’sDigestsandmagazines.Nomorethanoneboxofitemsor fivepuzzlescanbedonatedatthesametime.(slcl.org)
St.LouisPublicLibrary acceptsdonationsofbooksaboutSt.L andthesurroundingarea,familyhistoriesandcollectionsde accordingtoathemeorsubject.Callthecollectiondevelopment departmentat314-539-0320orthespecialcollectionsdepartment at314-539-0399formoreinformation.(slpl.org)
eptsdonationsofbooksaboutSt.L ollectionsde elopment ollectionsdepartment
HelpingHand-MeDowns workstoimprovequality oflifeforSt.Louischildrenandfamiliesbyboth meetingimmediateneedsandconnectingfamilies withresourcestofosterongoingwell-being.HHMD acceptsnewandgentlyusedchildren’sitemsfor allages including clothes,toys andhousehold goods. (helpinghandmedowns.org)
SecondChanceToys partnerswithlocalcharities tocollectdonationsofgentlyusedplastictoys.Visit secondchancetoys.org/locationstofindalocationnear you.(secondchancetoys.org)
saysgeneralmanagerDeborahShields.“Wetakegreatcaretocarefully andthoughtfullycurateanddisplayallitemstoprovideourshoppers withanaestheticallypleasingandorganizedshoppingexperienceina clean,well-litspace.”
Furniture,homegoods,toys,clothingandmoreshouldbeingood, clean,workingcondition.Clothingwillnotbeacceptedifithasrips, holesortears;toysandhomegoodsshouldincludeallpiecesandwork properly;and furniture mustbe cleanandstain-free Drive-updrop-off isavailablebehindthestore.Largeritems,likefurniture,mustbe preapproved.Furnituredonationpickupscanbearranged.(dittostl.com)
MERSMissouriGoodwillIndustries operatesanetworkof45resale storesaroundthemetroarea,sothere’sboundtobeaconvenient locationnearyou.Visitmersgoodwill.org/donateforalistofaccepted itemsaswellasineligibleitems,suchasfurnituremeasuringmorethan 40inches,mattressesandpianos.(mersgoodwill.org)
TheSalvationArmyGreaterSt.LouisMetropolitanArea storescan varyintermsofwhatgoodsareaccepted,socontactyourlocaldonation centerifyou’reunsureabouttheitemsyouplantodonate.Tofindyour nearestthriftstore,locateadrop-offcenterorscheduleadonation pickup,visitsatruck.org.(centralusa.salvationarmy.org/midland)
SocietyofSt.Vincentde Paul thriftstoresseeknew or gentlyused clothing,home goodsand furniture. Visit svdpstlouis.org/ways-help/
donate-goodsforadetailedlistofaccepteditems,andvisitoneof SVDP’sninemetro-areastorelocationstodropoffyourgoods.Pickups areavailableforfurniture.(svdpstlouis.org)
Householdfurnishingsdonatedto HomeSweetHome aregivento localfamiliesinneed.Checkthewebsiteathomesweethomestl.org/ donate-itemsforadetailedlistofitemseligiblefordonation,as certainitemshavesizelimitations.Donationdrop-offandpickupare bothavailable.(homesweethomestl.org)
MaxandMoo’sThrift specializesinhigh-endfineart,antiques andothercollectibles.ProceedsfromtheshophelpsupportAngels Frontline,anonprofitthatprovidesshelterandrehabilitationto individualsrecentlyremovedfromcrisissituationssuchastrafficking victimsandpoliticalrefugees.
“Wehavebeengrowingsteadilyandarevery excitedaboutthefuture,”ownerBrianKlarichsays. “Ourstoreisone-of-a-kindandfullofeverything youcanimagine.Wehavenojunkorbrokenstuff; everythingiscleanandhand-curated.” (maxandmoos.com)
Donatingused sportsgear? Scanthiscodeto seeLN’sguide.
Datingappshavebecomethe modedujouroffindinglove inmoderntimes,butmany feeltheburnoutfromits lackofsuccessinforminglong,lasting relationships.
AccordingtoBloomberg,the coronaviruspandemicresultedina notableriseofdatingappusage.Butin thepastthreeyears,peoplehavebeen cravingauthentic,in-personinteractions tomeetnewpeopleandpotentialmates. ASinglesReport2024surveyshowsthat nearly4in5peopleaged18-54contend
withemotionalfatigueorburnoutfrom onlinedating.
Now,saysCNNBusiness,popular datingsitessuchasthosebytheMatch Group(parentcompanytoMatch,Tinder, OKCupidandothers)arerollingout AIchatbotstoinitiatedatingforusers throughtheirapps,whichwillfurther transformonlinedating–anevolution thathasleftsomeappusersskeptical. Whetheryou’renewtodatingorhave beenthroughtheringer,ifyou’rereadyto gaugeyourchemistrywithsomeonenew “inreallife,”here’swheretobegin.
Religiousorganizationsoftenhosteventsforsinglesintheircommunitiestoconnect memberswithsomeonewhosharessimilarvaluesandbackgrounds.Inquireatyour placeofworshipaboutupcominghappenings.Communityeventssuchasseasonal festivalsoractivitynightsatyourlocallibraryarealsogoodopportunitiestomeetnewto-youpersonslivinginyourneighborhood.
St.Louis-baseddatingcoachesatMatchedWithLovebringclassic matchmakingintomoderntimes. Founderandcertifiedmatchmaker DarciRobertsconnectsyoungprofessionalswithpotentialpartnerswho sharecommoninterestsandlifegoals.
Classicsinglesmeetupsand speed-datingservicesareseeing a revival.
MeetupandTheFunSingleseventplatformsenableyoutolocatemixers acrossthemetroareabasedonyourinterests.Hereareafewthatoffer funactivitiessuchasskatenightsorthemedbrunches:
•Speeddatingeventsandnewfriendmixersinthemetroareafound throughthefun.singles/st-louis
ConsiderthisinternationalcompanyofferingSt.Louisansavarietyof low-key,in-personspeeddatingevents:
•SpeedSt.LouisDatingoffersin-personeventsaswellas “matchmaking”packagestomakeyournextblinddateabetter experience.(speedstlouisdating.com)
Getoutinyourcommunityandparticipateinsomethingyoualready lovetodo.Interest-basedfunctionsenableyoutomeetfolkswithwhom youalreadyhavesomethingincommon.Hereareafewideasforyour nextorganicexperience.
•Board-andcard-gamenightsatacomicbookshopsuch asTheWizard’sWagonorTheFantasyShop
•Chessmeetsforbeginnersoradvancedplayersatthe SaintLouisChessClub
Thinkyou’vefoundamatch?MeettheminSt.Louiswiththesetop activitiesthatencourageconversationandfuninequalmeasure.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Out-of-the-boxgolfingatTopgolforCity Foundry’sPuttshack.
Acookingclass.TrytheKitchenConservatoryin BrentwoodorFennelCookingStudioinMidtown!
AcomedyclubsuchasFunnyBoneComedy Club,HeliumComedyCluborTheImprovShop.
UniquetoursfordiscoveringSt.Louishistory, ghost-hunting,andsamplingchocolatesor freshbrews.
Learnanewskillatmonthlysalsadatenights, hostedbyMajesticDanceStudioinFrontenac.
Don’tworryaboutinstantlyconnectingwithsomeone.Instead,simply gotoaneventwiththegoaloftalkingtosomeoneyoudon’tknow. Focusonhavingaqualityconversationmorethanhowwellyoucan flirt.Evenifcontactfizzlesafterfirst-meet,lookateachencounterasan opportunitytoflexyoursocializationmuscles.Eventually,the“workout” willpayoffwithsomeonewhoismutuallyinterestedinyou.
Most adultsinthe U.S.say they intendtomakeaNewYear’s resolution for2025,accordingtotheAssociatedPress. Unsurprisingly, health-related goalsare themost common, including resolutionstoeathealthier,exercisemore orlose weight. Ashealthandself-improvementaretopofmind,habitsaffectingthehealth oftheenvironmentarealsoworthyofconsideration.Weaskedlocalexperts inconservationandsustainabilitytoprovideactionableresolutionsthatare simpletoimplementbutofferasignificantimpact.Justpickingoneortwowill helpyouenjoyagreener2025!
MaggieMcCoy,climate change education coordinatoratMissouriBotanicalGarden’s EarthWays Center,recommendslogginginto yourelectricityprovider’sonlineportaltoseethe energy consumptionofappliancesin yourhome
“Trackinghowappliancesuseelectricity month-to-monthallowsyoutosetspecific energyefficiencygoalsandevenspotif somethingisinneedofrepair,”McCoysays. “Becomingmoreenergyefficientwillreduce carbondioxideemissionsfromelectricity generationandsaveyoumoney!”
“IntheSt.Louisregion,wemake667,000 tonsoffoodwasteeachyear.Thatisthesame weightas66,000bluewhales,”McCoysays. “Since40%offoodwasteintheU.S.happensin ourhomes,wecanalldosomethingaboutit. Planmeals,shopwithalistandrestraint,and eatthoseleftovers!Forallthebitsoffoodyou donoteat,compost.Youcanstartacompost pileorsubscribetocompostserviceslikeNew EarthFarmsorPerennialCityComposting.”
Whenyoucan,buyfoodfromlocalfarmers andbringreusablebagswhenyougogrocery shopping,addstheteamatMissouriCoalition fortheEnvironment.
TheDivisionofEnvironmentalQuality attheMissouriDepartmentof Natural ResourcesSt. Louis RegionalOffice cautions againstpollutingnatural watersourceswith irresponsible wastedisposal.
“Stormdrainsareforstormwateronly–they draindirectlytocreeksandrivers,”theDivision
says.“Don’tdumppollutantssuchasoilorleaf litterdownstormdrains.”
Hazardouspollutantscantravelwith rainwater, too.Avoid fertilizing yourgrass rightbefore it rains,andpick uppet waste, addstheDivision.
DanZarlenga,St.Louisregionalmedia specialistattheMissouriDepartmentof Conservation,recommendsaddingahabitto yourafternoonstroll.Hesays,“Makeapromise toyourselfthatyou’llpickuptwopiecesoflitter youseeeachday.It’llbeanexcusetogetoutof thehouseonaboringdayoroutoftheofficeat lunchtime.”Stashthetrashinacanvasorpaper baganddeposititinatrashcanorrecycling bin,ifappropriate.
Ifyou’renotsurewhattodowithwaste ofyourown,suchashouseholdchemicalsor electronics,reachouttoyourcitygovernment ortheDepartmentofNaturalResources.
Joinforceswithlike-mindedneighbors throughMissouriCoalitionfortheEnvironment initiatives.TheMCEwebsite’svolunteerportal offersopportunitiestosignupforcommunity clean-ups,habitatrestorationprojectsand educationaloutreachprograms.Interestedin advocacy?Signupforactionalertsrelatedto Missouri’scleanenergygoals,orengagein educationalevents.
“Lastly,oneofthemostimportantthings todoisletyourelectedofficialsknowabout theimportanceofhavingandpassinglawsand policiesthatprotectMissouri’speople,”theMCE teamadds.
Don’t forget – lovingtheEarthcanbe fun. Your gardenis a greatplace tostart.
“Plantnative plants!”McCoy says.“They providenumerousbenefitstotheenvironment, from retainingstormwatertoprovidinghomes foranimals.If youaren’tsure where tostart, check outthelandscapeplansatGrowNative’s website[grownative.org].Findone youlove that isright for yourspace andpick threeplantsto purchaseat a springnative plantsaleorlocally owned garden center.”
Zarlengarecommendssomeofhis favorite practices fornature appreciationsuch as“Learn a Bird Thursday.”
“Getout your favoritebird guidebook(there are many),ordownload a great freemobileapp like MerlinBird IDbyCornellLabortheAudubon Bird Guide.Learn a new bird byeithervisualID or gettingtoknow theircallsbyear – either way counts. Learnthebird onThursday, thengive yourselfthenextsevendays tofindit.There are awesomebirdstodiscover every weekofthe year, eveninwinter.Keep a listofthe feathered friends youseeorhear Congratulations! You’ve just become a birder.”
Or, hitthetrails,advisesZarlenga.“Makea dealwith yourselftohike atleastfive miles every month,” hesuggests.“Localparksand conservation areasoffermanyexcellenttrails, fromeasy to challenging. You’ll getsomegreat exercise for your body, whilespendingthattimeimmersedinnature, [which]willbe good for yourmindandsoultoo.”
MissouriBotanicalGardensEarthWaysCenter, 4651ShawBlvd.,St.Louis,314-577-0220, mobot.org/sustainability
MissouriCoalitionfortheEnvironment,725 KingslandAve.,Suite100,St.Louis,314-727-0600, moenvironment.org
MissouriDepartmentofConservationSt.Louis RegionalOffice,2360HighwayD,St.Charles, 636-441-4554,mdc.mo.gov
MissouriDepartmentofNaturalResources, 7545 S. Lindbergh, Suite 210,St. Louis,314-416-2960, dnr.mo.gov
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In accordance with the federal Fair Housing Act, we do not accept for publication any real estate listing that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, family status, or national origin. If you believe a published listing states such a preference, limitation, or discrimination, please notify this publication at fairhousing@lee.net.
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