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Ian Caso
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Christina Kling-Garrett
8141StratfordDrive(Clayton) $2,280,000
1ToppingLane(DesPeres) $1,575,000
2ArmstrongDrive(Glendale) $985,000
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311WestgateAvenue(U.City) $614,500
1226DolmanStreet(St.Louis) $599,000
42NBoyleAvenue(St.LouisCity)$589,000 8935LitzsingerRoad(Brentwood)$565,000 7717DaleAvenue(RichmondHeights)$559,900 7266CrevelingDrive(UniversityCity)$550,000
326NBompartAvenue(WebsterGroves)$549,900 1163ShorewindsTrail(St.Charles)$525,000 986BarnardCollegeLane(U.City)$522,000
429HillDrive(Glendale) $349,900
1294GoldenGateLane(St.Peters)$324,900 15046ClaymoorCourt#13(Chesterfield)$295,000 4530McPhersonAvenue#2W(CWE)$275,000 6120WashingtonBlvd#301(CWE)$269,900 10431EaglewoodAvenue(Overland)$269,000 1511HamptonHallDr.(Chesterfield)$224,500 3651LafayetteAvenue(St.Louis)$205,000 314N.BroadwayUnit#802(St.Louis)$178,000 7446ZephyrPlace(Maplewood)$175,000 6708WynhillDrive(St.Louis) $99,000 7000CliftonAvenue(St.LouisCity)$1,600/mo
1. 1709FawnvalleyDr. • DesPeres
NEWLISTING! Beautiful3+bedroomand3fullbathroomranch situatedonalmosthalfanacreonaserenestreetinDesPeres. Outsideyouwilllovethelargecompletedeckwithviewsofthe spring-fedcreekthatrunsalongthebackoftheyard. $599,900
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Thisisabeautifulend-unittownhomeinafabulouslocation.10-foot ceilings,hardwoodfloors,andcrownmoldingarethroughoutthe firstfloor.ThehomeisclosetoCWEshopsandrestaurants,Forest Park,BJCComplex,WashU,andpublictransportation.Wonderful opportunityintheHeartoftheCentralWestEnd. $589,000
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LocatedinprimeGlendale,thecurbappealsetsthetoneforthis charmingandupdatedhome!Greetedbyalovelycoveredfrontporch, themainlevelofferslight-filledlivinganddiningrooms,anupdated kitchen,afamilyroomwithbuilt-inshelvesandahearth,aprimary bedroomwithaprivatebathroom,asecondbedroom,andafullhall bathroom. $349,900
5. 4583McCauslandAve. • St.LouisCity NEWLISTING! ThishomeislocatedwalkingdistanceofTedDrewes, andtheRiverDesPeresGreenwayisrightaroundthecorner!This brickbungalowstandsouttoagreatfrontporchandbeautifulbay windowinthelivingroom. $339,900
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We have about one month of spring left before summer is here, and this issue of LN is packed with top tips for staying healthy in the weeks to come.
If springtime allergies still have you sniffling, read up on the possible benefits of local raw honey – and where to get it – with contributing writer Andrea Smith’s guide on p. 12. If you’ve already hit the trails this year, you’ve likely run into a tick or two, possibly even species that typically don’t come out until later in the year. On p. 10, contributor Connie Mitchell looks into the current tick-pocalypse and offers best practices for keeping ticks off your skin while still getting to enjoy time in nature. And speaking of skin protection – if you’re seeking an alternative to laying out for your first tan of the season, digital editor and staff writer Amanda Dahl shares the latest on sunless tanning services in the metro on p. 24.
With allergies soothed, ticks at bay and a fresh tan in tow, get ready to check out some of STL’s most exciting outdoor events – like the St. Louis Shakespeare Festival’s Shakespeare in the Park, previewed on p. 26, and the tiger exhibit (featuring three adorable cubs!) at the St. Louis Zoo on p. 39.
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Happy adventuring,
Ashley Klein, Managing EditorSt. Louis-based Lion Forge Entertainment is taking “Best Wishes” to the big screen. Based on the bestselling first book in the tween series, the film will follow a young protagonist as she encounters a mysterious package with a magical bracelet. Visit laduenews.com to read about how renowned screenwriter Eydie Faye, who is known for her work with Disney, has been tapped to craft the script for the inaugural chapter of the “Best Wishes” odyssey.
ThismonthmarksthebeginningofSTAGESSt.Louis’2024 season,stackedwithmasterfulproductionsfeaturing severalSt.Louisnatives.
Theseason’sopeningproductionbeginswith“Steel Magnolias,”whichwillfeatureavastmajorityoffemale castandcrew.
“Ipickedthatshowbecause,sinceIgottoSt.Louis,I’veseenthe amazinglytalentedpeoplethatarehere,”sayscreativedirectorGayle Seay.“IwantedtodothisshowbecauseIknewwehadthosewomen here;oftheninepeopleinthecast,onlyoneisnotfromSt.Louis.”
Seayaddsthatthemajorityofthecastcomprisesofactorsnew toSTAGES,sincethecompanyhadprimarilyperformedmusicalsuntil lastyear.SheisalsolookingforwardtothecomedydirectorPaige Pricewillbebringingintothescript.“Thecommonthemeofallthe showsthisseasonisaboutthefamilyyouchooseandthestrengthyou findineachother,”shesays.
Following“SteelMagnolias,”STAGESwillputonitsfirstDisney mainstageshow:“Disney’sNewsies.”Seaypraisesitsdirector,Steve Bebout,whoalsodirectedtheincrediblysuccessful“Clue”putonby STAGESlastyear.“He’sanamazingmanandwe’rethrilledtohavehim back,”shesays.Additionally,the“Disney’sNewsies”castwillinclude kidsfromSTAGES’ownperformingartsacademyafterthedirector notedtheirskillsintheacademy’sperformance of “Anastasia”last year
Thethirdshowofthe2024season,“Ragtime,”willalsoincludecast, designersandcrewwithties toSt.Louis.
“Ourdirector,DiedreGoodwin,grewupinBallwinandhasahuge Broadwaycareer,[including]associatedirectoronSpamalot,andan appearanceinthemovieadaptationofChicago,”Seaysays.“Shereally brokebarriersasthefirstBlackpersontoplaySheilain‘AChorusLine’ onBroadwayandhasgreatconnectionstoSt.Louis.Herbrotherstill livesinSt.Charles.”
TheendofSTAGESSt.Louis’38thseasonintroducesaneverbefore-seencollaborationwiththeReparatoryTheatreofSt.Louisin aco-productionof“MillionDollarQuartetChristmas.”Runningfrom Dec.4to22,theshowisasequeltolastyear’ssuccessful“Million DollarQuartet”productionandpromisestobeafantasticshowcase foraudiencesofbothcompanies.
“It’sthefirstofitskindinSt.Louistohavetwocompaniescome togetherandit’sbeenafantasticpartnership,”Seaysays.“Thisismy thirdyearwithSTAGESandIamreallyexcitedforthis.Ibelievethis isnotacompetition,it’sacommunity.Thisisthefirstchancewehave hadtoreallyshowthatoff.Myhopeisthatitwillreallybringthe communitytogether.”
Inadditiontoitsseasonperformances,STAGESPerformingArts Academyprovidestheatreeducation,aswellasoutreacheducation, anditsAccesstheArtsprogramforpeopleofallageswithdisabilities. LearnhowyoucangetinvolvedwithSTAGESonlineatstagestlouis.org.
STAGESSt.Louis,210E.MonroeAve. Kirkwood,314-821-2407, stagesstlouis.org
Summer, with all of its opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors, is just around the corner. Get ready for hiking, nature walks, camping and picnicking – being in nature is known to improve physical and mental health. But nature isn’t without its hazards, and ticks are one of the most common in the Midwest.
Many ticks are appearing earlier in the year due to climate change, which hastens warmer temperatures. The Missouri Department of Conservation notes that ticks may be encountered year-round. Missouri is home primarily to lone star ticks, American dog ticks and deer ticks, which live in woodlands, tall grasses, weeds and brush.
The result of all this wanton tick activity is an “uptick” in tick-borne illnesses. “Missouri is a hotbed for ehrlichiosis, the most common tick-borne disease I see,” says Dr. Farrin Manian, an infectious disease physician and chair of the department of medicine at Mercy Hospital St. Louis. “Other tick-borne diseases in Missouri include Rocky Mountain fever, tularemia, Heartland virus, Bourbon virus, Lyme or Lyme-like disease, and Southern tick-associated rash illness.”
Prevention is key. And you have choices: stay indoors (not a great option when the benefits of nature can be found in parks, trails and our
own backyards) or repel ticks via skin covering or repellents. For people who prefer shorts and T-shirts to pants tucked into socks and long sleeves during a Missouri summer, chemical repellent is advised.
The most effective repellant that can be used on the skin is DEET. While some people worry about the health effects of DEET, Manian notes that the concern is often overblown.
“Although a small amount of the DEET may get absorbed through the skin, it is broken down by the liver and cleared from the body within 24 hours of application,” he says. “Scientific studies in animals or humans have not found any proven connection between DEET and cancer.”
Permethrin, another effective repellant, should not be used directly on skin but is useful when applied to clothing, shoes and gear.
“I might add that even though the EPA has placed no age restriction for the use of products containing DEET, the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended that they be used sparingly until children reach 2 years of age,” Manian adds. If you’re still worried about DEET, there are somewhat less effective but still useful alternatives, such as lemon eucalyptus, catnip and citronella oils.
The benefits of repellants, including DEET or other synthetic products, far outweigh any potential adverse effects.
Manian emphasizes that regardless of the
type of repellant used, simple measures to avoid tick bites or to remove ticks before they have a chance to transmit their disease should be practiced routinely. These include wearing light-colored clothing, tucking pants into socks, performing tick checks and showering soon after returning indoors, and avoiding walking through tall grass in wooded areas. “You can further reduce your chance of getting a tick bite by using an EPA-registered repellant,” he says. “Overall, when used as directed, the benefits of repellants, including DEET or other synthetic products, far outweigh any potential adverse effects.”
If you do notice a tick on your skin, remove it entirely and as soon as possible. Manian describes the process: “To do this, you should use pointed tweezers to remove the mouth part by exerting a steady pull. Do not squeeze or crush the tick’s body, or apply petroleum jelly, nail polish or flame to the tick while it is attached. Once the tick is removed, wash the wound site and your hands with soap and water and apply rubbing alcohol or an antiseptic to the bite area. That’s it!”
If you do get bitten, don’t panic. Most tick bites do not result in illness. However, if you develop a rash or flu-like symptoms after a tick bite, contact your physician. Prompt diagnosis and treatment usually result in rapid recovery, Manian says.
Dr. Farrin Manian, Mercy Clinic Adult Hospitalists – St. Louis, 615 S. New Ballas Road, St. Louis, 314-251-6339, mercy.net
Mercy Hospital St. Louis, 615 S. New Ballas Road., St. Louis, 314-251-6000, mercy.net
Consuming local raw honey can provide numerous health benefits – possibly even relief from seasonal allergy symptoms. However, doctors and researchers debate its effectiveness as a treatment for hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis.
“The idea is that consuming local honey, which contains pollen from local plants, can help build immunity to those allergens. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim,” a BJC HealthCare article explains. “Most allergies are caused by windborne pollen, which is not typically present in honey.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that about 26 percent of adults and 19 percent of children in the U.S. deal with a seasonal allergy, and “climate change will potentially lead to both higher pollen concentrations and longer pollen seasons, causing more people to suffer more
health effects from pollen and other allergens.” If allergy symptoms affect your everyday well-being, it’s best to consult a primary care provider or allergist to determine the most effective treatment plan.
While local honey might serve as a natural antihistamine, it definitely enhances food and drinks with flavor and trace amounts of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
“Beyond sweetening, honey has a plethora of uses,” BJC continues. “It can serve as a cough suppressant, sore throat remedy, natural skin moisturizer and even a hair conditioner. Its versatility extends to the culinary world, where it’s used in marinades, dressings and baking, offering a depth of flavor that sugar cannot.”
When choosing honey, keep in mind that its flavor and health benefits vary depending on the flowers from which bees collect nectar. According to BJC, Manuka honey best supports the immune system and digestive health, buckwheat honey helps soothe coughs and promotes better sleep, and eucalyptus honey mixed with warm water and lemon juice soothes mild sore throats. For flavor and sweetening, BJC recommends clover honey for a mild flavor or acacia and wildflower honey for floral notes.
As with all sweet treats, adhere to storage instructions on the label and be mindful of the amount consumed for optimal health benefits. Honey is a form of sugar, so overconsumption
could lead to weight gain and increased blood sugar levels. “The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars, including honey, to no more than 6 teaspoons (25 grams) per day for women and 9 teaspoons (38 grams) per day for men,” BJC notes. Infants younger than 1 year old should not consume honey, as their digestive systems are not fully developed.
If you’re convinced you need more honey in your life, consider these apiaries and other local businesses that sell honey harvested in the St. Louis area:
1829A N. 18th Street, St. Louis, beesimplecityfarm.com
6947 Mardel Ave., St. Louis, habitathoney.org
St. Louis, stlunionstudio.com/collections/in-thename-of-the-bee-jennifer-mccomb
St. Louis, millismeadows.com
Based at 260 Brown Road, St. Peters; club members located in St. Charles and nearby counties, threeriversbeekeepers.com/local-honey
Busey Bank 12300 Olive Blvd., 314-878-2210, busey.com
Busey believes education is key to a successful future. Financial Pathways – Busey’s complimentary financial education platform – aims to help learners of all ages develop their skills, empowering them to make the best decisions for long-term success. Learn more at busey.com/financialpathways. Member FDIC
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“aggregate all of your financial data,” advises Plaza advisory Group Wealth Manager Whitey Holt. “Make sure you can see your net worth or income/ expenses in one place, and you understand your estate plan. There is no margin for error there. Never stop reading, listening, and learning.”
ClarendaleClaytonhasitallinauniquelocationunlike anythingyou’dexpectfromtypicalseniorlivingoptions.
Urbanexcitementlivesoneveryfloorofourhigh-risebuilding, allthewayuptothepenthouseandprivateapartment balconieswithviewsofthecity,gourmetrestaurantdining, modernwellnessprogramming,socialgatherings,and everythingyouneedtolivewitheaseandenjoyment.
Welcome warmer days with fresh pastel furniture, bedding and flowers
Eastern accents’ Stratus collection by designer Celerie Kemble features a subtle marbled pattern in pastel tones. This luxurious fabric is crafted from a 250-thread-count jacquard in 100 percent cotton available in three colors: Petal (shown), Cloud and Daiquiri. Duvet covers, sheet sets, pillowcases and shams are offered. (shubertdesign.com)
a cheerful assortment of faux tulips refreshes any room. arranged in a glass vase, this large bunch has three dozen long-stem blooms in a beautiful pink hue. The bendable stems can be rearranged and styled as desired. (potterybarn.com)
The Gatsby chair sports a classic 1930s-era shape upholstered in a captivating pink and white abstract patterned fabric. The chair features a comfortable seat, tailored button tufting and beautifully turned legs on brass casters. It was designed by Lorraine Mulligan for the Ellen ash Collection, an exhibitor at the most recent High Point Furniture Market. (ellenashcollection.com)
5 BED S |5 FULL 2 HALF BATHS |6,940 SQ. FT. | PRESENTED AT $ 3,900 , 000
A trulyspecialhomeperched atopthree rollingacres withviewof lake.One of theonlylong standingprivateroads stillrichwiththe"Country"characterfromdays longbefore the"Town" transformedthismunicipality in to predomina n tlyoneacre lo ts.B uiltin 20 15 this c ustomhomeisfullyloadedwithprimofinishes/amenities-a perfect balanceof unassumingfunctionality yet boasting a chicambience unmatched byo thers in con tention. Exquisite kitchenequipped to thenine's, open to diningarea,greatroom,pooland veranda. Tastefullyappointeddining roomandliving roomwith bar complete themainen ter tainingareas.A lovelymastersuite,office, laundry, mudroomandhalf ba th complete themain. Fouradditiona l bedroomsuites onthe seconndfloor – the fourthbedroomisenormou s with avaulted ceilingand couldbeusedas a greatroom,media/rec room,orpossible AuPairquar ters.Partiallyfinishedlowerlevelwith exposed ceiling c urrentlyusedasfitness space, wine room, saunaand golfsimulator(Trackmanunitno t inclin sale). Stonesurroundsthe saltwaterpool/spa, extraordinarynewerpoolhouse andoutdoorkitchen,puttinggreen, coveredoutdoor verandawithfireplace,oversized four-car garage andmore.A sliceof "Country"locatedminutes fromallthecity has tooffer!
ryH ome sof St.LouisSinc e1 99 6
When I moved last year, I created a list of the “essential” plants I would need for my new garden. At the top of the inventory was basil, the mainstay of my summer culinary beds. As a quick-to-grow annual, it is a lovely plant to start with to teach budding green thumbs about the joys of kitchen gardening or to fill space handsomely in a newly established herb garden.
Basil is easy, fast and virtually insect-free. All this herb wants is full sun, regular watering and a tiny spoonful of vegetable garden fertilizer. The more you harvest it, the bushier it becomes. Basil thrives in the summer. I plant mine near my tomatoes – nothing tops the flavor burst of wrapping a freshly picked basil leaf around a still-warm-from-the-sun cherry tomato.
More than one hundred varieties of basil exist, with about a dozen found ready to plant in local nurseries. Select cultivars based on what you need for your favorite recipes. Here are the basics:
Sweet basil (particularly ‘Genovese’) makes the best pesto and caprese salads.
Lettuce leaf basil (‘Lettuce Leaf’) is a sweet variety with large, mild leaves that are great for making wraps and salads.
are great for making wraps and salads.
Greek basil (‘Greek’ or ‘Minette’) is just the opposite of ‘Lettuce Leaf’ with very small, pungent
leaves. Best in rock gardens or containers.
Purple basil (‘Dark Opal’ or ‘Red Ruffles’) gives a lovely rose color to herb vinegar and a bright hue when used as a chiffonade for a fresh garnish.
Thai basil (‘Siam Queen,’ ‘Queenette’ or ‘Thai Magic’), with a slight whiff of anise, is used raw or cooked in South Asian dishes.
Lemon basil (‘Mrs. Burns’) and lime basil are perfect for infused water or to complement a citrus note in a recipe.
Holy basils (‘Kapoor,’ ‘Rama,’ ‘Vana’ or ‘Krishna’ Tulsi) are spicy and very aromatic. They hold flavor well in curries and other cooked dishes. In India, they have religious and medicinal value.
Mexican basil (‘Cinnamon’) has a spicy flavor that complements fruit salads, especially peaches, and can be used as herbal tea when dried.
Bush or boxwood basil (‘Spicy Globe’ or ‘Pistou’) has a very dense form with tiny leaves and is excellent for container gardens. It also dries well for winter culinary uses.
Basil also roots easily from cuttings. Try ‘Cardinal,’ ‘Thai’ and ‘Cinnamon’ varieties with red or purple flower clusters for cut flowers. For the best harvest, plants should be cut back as flowering starts, so use the ones that got away by snipping them for a vase. Just remember to plant enough parsley for both your pesto production and the swallowtail caterpillars!
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Founded12yearsagobybrothersBlairandScottMehlman,Mehlman BrothersCustomHomeshasflourishedwithacommitmenttocrafting residencesthatreflecttheuniqueprioritiesofeachfamilytheyworkwith.
“Ourgrandfatherwassuccessfulintherealestatespeculationbusiness andourfatherfollowedinhisfootstepsbutalsoveeredmoreintonew constructiondevelopment”BlairMehlmanexplains.“Hehasbuiltsome ofthemostrecognizablehousesandcondodevelopmentsinthecentral corridor.ScottandIworkedwithourdadforabout5yearsbeforestarting ourowncompany”.
MehlmanBrothersinitiallyfocusedonsmaller-scalerenovationsand additions.However,overtime,theirimpactexpandedtoencompassnew constructionprojectsspanningacrossthecentralcorridor.
“[Customprojects]allowyoutogetexactlywhatyouwant;everyfamily isuniqueandhasitsspecificwantsandneeds,”BlairMehlmansays.“We canfocusonwhat’simportanttothatfamilyinparticular.”
OnesuchfamilywastheGales.CoryandMelissaGalepurchasedtheir datedhomewithaspecificconceptinmindandturnedtoMehlman Brotherstomakethatdreamareality.
“Wemetwithseveralcontractorsandhadaspecificanddetailedvision before[ourconversationwith]eachofthem,”MelissaGalesays.“Itwas abouthowwegotalongwiththemandhowtheysawourvision.Blairand Scottfeltthemostengagedandinterested;wefeltlikethroughoutthe project,they’dbetheoneswe’dbemostcomfortableworkingwith.”
TheGaleswerelookingforamoreupdated,open-conceptlayout, whichwasachievedbyremovingseveralwalls.Additionally,theMehlman Brotherscreatedmorefunctionalspacesbyrearrangingtwoseparate masterbathroomsandclosetsintoanintentionalsuitestyle,aswellas transformingthejack-and-jillbathroombetweenthechildren’sroomsinto abathandwalk-incloset.MelissaGalepointsoutthatthesechangesaren’t thekindthatpeoplewouldnoticeuponavisittothehomebutwerewhat matteredmosttothemandtheirfamily.
“Itwasgreat,”CoryGaleadds.“Theywereveryattentive,andthe communicationwasgreat.We’reverypleased.”
FormerclientMattFry,forwhomtheMehlmanBrotherscustom builthisnewhome,alsohasnothingbutgoodthingstosayabout hisexperience.
“ItwasalifegoalofminetodesignandbuildmyownhomeandI hadknownthebrothersallmylife,”heexplains.“Itwasanawesome experience.Iwoulddoitagaininasecond.Theywereveryknowledgeable andcommunicative.”
Communication,too,issomethingScottandBlairMehlmanpride themselveson.
“Welistenandwefollowthrough,”ScottMehlmansays.“We communicateandwelisten.We’reveryinvolvedwiththeprojectdaily fromstarttofinish.It’sasifthehouseisourownhome.”
BlairMehlmanconcurs:“Wedowhatwesay,andwesaywhatwe’re goingtodo.”
Ifyouareinterestedincreatingahomethatiscraftedjustforyou,and havingateamthatisinyourcornertheentiretime,MehlmanBrothersis aphonecallandaconversationaway.Reachouttoday!
MehlmanBrothersCustomHomes, mehlmanbrotherscustomhomes.com
Scantolearnmoreabout whatMehlmanBrothers CustomHomescando foryou.
Wec ommunicat e and we listen. W e’r ev er y invol v edwiththeproject on a dail y basisfromstart tof inish. It’ s asifthehouseisour o wnhome.
–SCOTTMEHLMANMost know that the sun can be dangerous for their skin, yet many still don’t bother with daily sunscreen – and some even choose to lay out in a tanning bed or beneath the fiery star’s rays to darken their skin. During May, or Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we’re looking to safer methods to achieve that I-laid-out-on-the-beach-all-day bronze.
“Sunless tanning is the healthiest choice for color on your skin because you avoid the dangers and damage of UV exposure,” says Brittany Rowan, owner of Glow Girl Color Bar in University City. “All tans eventually fade, but only sunless tans are damage-free.”
According to Hailee Smith of Sunset Skin in South St. Louis, many moderndaysunless tanning products now employ antiaging strategies to nourish skin. Her studio’s tanning solutions mainly come from a husband-andwife team of scientists based out of Chattanooga, Tennessee.
“Spray tans aren’t what they were 10 to 15 years ago,” Smith says. “Spray tan solution focuses heavily on skin care –wanting to age gracefully, and wanting to embrace our own beauty, fine lines and wrinkles. Solutions [use] healthy oils
to help reduce the texture of the skin.”
The longevity of a solution’s color enhancement can depend on several factors. Both experts agree that a client’s prep work and post-care treatment is the best way to extend the duration of a spray tan. If your faux tan is exposed to “vacation elements such as saltwater, sand, hot tubs and chlorine,” Rowan says the color can fade in five days. Otherwise, a sunless tan lasts from 10 to 12 days.
Smith encourages clients to tend to all aesthetic services such as waxing, facials and nails a full 48 hours before coming in and to shave and exfoliate 24 hours before their appointment. Wearing loose clothing is essential to ensuring an all-over-even tan.
“The better you prepare your skin, the longer your color is going to last,” Rowan says. “It’s important to exfoliate your skin before your appointment. I like using a dry brush as many exfoliating scrubs contain oils that can create a barrier between the skin and the [bronzing] solution.” Arrive with makeup-free, clean skin and skip any serums or lotions, she adds.
Remember, this summer – and in every season – treat your skin with proper care by pursuing a naturallooking glow in a healthier way.
These two metro-area tanning studios offer more than custom airbrushing. You can also stock up on skin care products to maintain your glow between appointments.
In-studio: $65
Glowmobile: $100 for a single spray tan or $150 for a two-pack spray tan
Shop the Glow Girl skincare line at glowgirlcolorbar.com.
In-studio: $52 with add-ons, which include contouring and odor reduction
Mobile visit: $65, plus travel fees dependent on location
Shop skincare products at visitsunsetskin.com.
Glow Girl Color Bar, University City, glowgirlcolorbar.com
Sunset Skin, 6735 Chippewa St., St. Louis, 618-317-4026, visitsunsetskin.com
Forest Park is a magical place – and a fitting backdrop for this year’s St. Louis Shakespeare Festival’s production of “As You Like It,” which will run at the Shakespeare Glen in Forest Park from May 29 through June 23.
Nancy Bell, who is directing this year’s production, is an associate professor of theater at Saint Louis University. She has worked as a performer, director and playwright, and showcased her own plays at theaters around the country. And, of course, she knows and loves Shakespeare.
Bell is ready to share her passion with audiences with her fresh look at this venerable Shakespearean comedy, which focuses on Rosalind, a young woman banished from Duke Frederick’s court to the nearby Forest of Arden. “As You Like It” follows a young nobleman named Orlando who falls for Rosalind. She is forced to flee to the woods, where she masquerades as “Ganymede” while in exile. When Rosalind falls for Orlando, she tests his love for her while disguised as his Ganymede.
So, how does a director breathe new life into an age-old comedy like “As You Like It”? For Bell, it’s because “there is a lot of life left in Shakespeare!”
“When we put on a play, we are inviting people to come bear witness to our shared humanity,” Bell says. “With Shakespearean comedy especially, we can celebrate the flawed, strange, heartbreaking and beautiful lives we share. Shakespeare says, ‘Hey, life is unfathomable and strange and beautiful and awful, and people don’t understand it, and we are all floundering around doing our best, which really isn’t that great, but it’s still all worthwhile and meaningful. Let’s dance!’”
Bell pulled the cast together from both local and national sources. “For a Shakespearean comedy,” she adds, “I look for actors who are funny and who can sincerely embody a sense of joy, love and sweetness. For some characters, a wicked naughtiness or cynicism is essential instead.”
Attendance at the Shakespeare Festival is free. Gates open at 6:30 p.m. nightly, with performances at 8 p.m. Patrons are welcome to bring chairs, blankets, food and drinks, and concessions will be available for purchase.
Shakespeare Glen at Forest Park, 6604 Fine Arts Drive, St. Louis, 314-531-9800, stlshakes.org
Two childhood friends and Florissant natives recently opened a sandwich shop in the neighborhood they grew up in, much to the delight of their hometown. Big Belly Deli debuted in December 2023, and since then, co-owners Chris Timmermann and Nick Boyd have proudly served up their signature Dutch crunch sammies and more to enthusiastic neighborhood denizens daily.
While on a family vacation in Florida, the duo discussed ways to start their own business together and daydreamed about selling sandwiches out of coolers on electric wagons at the beach. Upon returning to St. Louis, they met with the owner of Helfer’s Pastries to inquire about specialty bread for their venture and learned that Helfer’s former deli next door needed a new tenant. “The dad of Helfer’s is in the process of passing the business on to one of his youngest daughters, and she asked if we’d like to take over the space,” Timmerman says. “We went from the idea of selling sandwiches at the beach to selling them right here in Florissant.”
“We’ve been selling out the majority of weeks so far,” Boyd says. “There’s often a line out the door. People don’t mind waiting for it, which is awesome.”
In brainstorming the operation, the pair knew they needed something to set themselves apart. The answer? Dutch crunch bread.
“It’s a Bay Area thing,” he says. “It’s a white flour bread with rice paste on top. When it proofs, it starts cracking, and once it hits heat, it all forms and rises with the bread.” Helfer’s bakes the bread exclusively for Big Belly Deli along with Italian bread, marble rye, croissants and more.
The toasted, crispy-topped bun serves as a solid foundation for sandwiches such as The Big Belly with turkey, soppressata, ham, bacon, white cheddar, vinaigrette spread, lettuce, tomato, red onion, pickles and cracked pepper.
“Our slogan is ‘eat good, feel good.’ We live by that. Whenever you come here, we want you to leave full but not groggy,” Boyd says. Timmerman adds: “We use Metro Deli brands that use all-natural ingredients and none that are on the unpronounceable list.”
The garlic cheese French dip is another heavy hitter served on toasted garlic butter Dutch crunch with thinly sliced roast beef, sautéed onions, horseradish, chives, mozzarella and provel plus au jus on the side. The “CBR,” or chicken bacon ranch, stands out as another customer favorite.
“STL Pizza and Wings closed down, and a lot of people come back every day just for that because it reminds them of their chicken bacon ranch pizza,” Boyd says. For a flavorful twist, have the chicken tossed in hot honey for a $1 upcharge.
Helfer’s recipe for its famous chicken salad also earned a place on the menu – made up of diced chicken, mayo and a hint of dill with optional celery, green onion, pineapple, grapes and/or roasted pecans. To round out each meal, choose from soups, salads and desserts such as Helfer’s gooey butter cake. To drink, three local beers are available on tap as well as nine local beers by the can, white and red wine, canned cocktails and seltzers.
“Florissant is on the comeback,” Timmerman says. “We were both born and raised here and we both like it here. This is our first restaurant but not our last in Florissant. We’re going to try to make a mark in the food scene together.”
Big Belly Deli is open Tuesday through Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. or until sold out; Friday through Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. or until sold out; and Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. or until sold out.
Big Belly Deli, 392 S. Ferdinand St., Florissant, 314-395-1818, bigbellydeli314.com
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Navigating the winding tunnels of the City Museum is a rite of passage for most St. Louisans. At some point, most of us have plunged excitedly into the confusing labyrinth, only to emerge hours later, clutching our bruised knees and flattening our disheveled hair, feeling triumphant to have escaped, albeit battered, from the experience. Perhaps it’s the thrill that keeps us coming back for more.
Artist Daniel “Attaboy” Seifert’s installation at the City Museum, “The Upcycled Garden,” evokes a similar feeling of returning to something that once frightened you, whether that be a 10-story slide or unwelcome memories, and conquering that fear with a giant smile.
Seifert, co-founder of the contemporary art magazine Hi-Fructose, began experimenting with “The Upcycled Garden” during the COVID-19 lockdown. Facing dual challenges of rising living costs and the need for a therapeutic outlet following a major car accident that left him with PTSD and a neurological condition called cervical dystonia, Seifert turned to his art to respond to the chaos surrounding his life. His process, as he explains it, is spontaneous and playful, allowing his creativity to be a form of meditation and therapy. The result? An ever-changing array of locally sourced and recycled materials that ensures “The Upcycled Garden” will never stop growing.
“Each new location is a new experience,” Seifert says. “Setting up the installation is like arranging a bouquet. That’s half the fun. I’m happy to say that it’s yet to go into storage and that it’s always been shown somewhere, sometimes with two groupings simultaneously.”
“The Upcycled Garden” has already captivated audiences at various California venues, starting from a debut at a converted mortuary gallery in Oakland and traveling to Uma Gallery and The Brea City Gallery, among others. Given the City Museum’s ever-evolving and experimental nature, the collaboration with Seifert seems written in the stars. The City Museum installation has given St. Louis the opportunity to experience the exhibit firsthand, where Seifert challenges visitors to see beauty and potential in the mundane and the discarded.
“The materials have expanded depending on what I have access to or what I want to accomplish experimentation-wise,” Seifert explains. “The latest St. Louis version includes scrap watercolor paper, vellum and even a few sculptures using a roll of leftover show curtain material.
Frugality during the lockdown led me to utilize a resource that we were surrounded by.”
The “The Upcycled Garden” is a testament to Seifert’s innovative approach to life and art, and so much more than just a collection of sculptures. It’s a dynamic narrative of modern life and consumption, encouraging a reconsideration of waste and creativity while providing a fun and unique aesthetic experience.
“I’m a big proponent of using available resources when you can,” Seifert says. “You’ll rarely have the perfect supplies, budget, space or opportunity to do your ‘dream project,’ so my advice to most artists is to stop trying. Use what you have, wherever you can.”
As The Upcycled Garden grows and morphs, it continues to push the boundaries of traditional art exhibitions by making art accessible, meaningful and fun. The installation can be viewed until June 1, inviting visitors to explore, reflect and get lost in the artwork – and perhaps feel inspired to make a masterpiece of their own.
“The fact that the City Museum hosted my work is a testament to where their heart is,” Seifert concludes. “I’m thrilled they hosted me as part of their history of using upcycled elements and fostering play and wonder. I hope when people see ‘The Upcycled Garden,’ they’ll take a deep breath and feel inspired to make something ‘just because!’”
The City Museum, citymusem.org/event/upcycled-garden
Daniel “Attaboy” Seifert, yumfactory.com
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Whether you live in St. Louis City or County, chances are you’ve hiked Castlewood State Park in Ballwin, Missouri, or at least heard about it. Known for its sweeping views of the Meramec River, high limestone bluffs and trails through old-growth forests, Castlewood is one of the region’s prettiest parks. It’s well-maintained, with trails running along the water’s edge and among patches of bright bluebells in spring. Out in the woods, it’s common to see deer, hawks, herons and kingfishers, plus trees of various species. But beyond its beauty, Castlewood’s curious history is perhaps the most fascinating of all.
Our story begins in the early 20th century, around 1915, when St. Louis was poised to expand its zoo and improve the city’s infrastructure. Air conditioning wouldn’t become commonplace in homes until the 1970s, so to combat the summer heat, St. Louisans traveled in droves to the Meramec via the Missouri Pacific Railroad.
“City dwellers flocked to Castlewood for weekends of water fun, dancing and clubhouse partying,” according to the Missouri State Parks website. “The grand staircase at the Castlewood depot led to a big hotel, seasonal cabins and clubs. At the bottom of the palisade bluffs, visitors ferried across the river to a large sandbar known as Lincoln Beach.” During the 1920s and 1930s, the resort attracted more than 10,000 visitors each weekend in the summer.
According to a 2019 St. Louis Public Radio article written by Shahla Farzan, a few hundred clubhouses, dance halls, general stores, lodges, cabins and
cottages were built during Castlewood’s sun-soaked past life. But one other necessary structure was included as well: “The Lone Wolf, which stood on the edge of what is now Castlewood State Park, served alcohol during prohibition from the 1920s through the early 1930s,” Farzan writes. “According to local lore, the Lone Wolf once had a network of underground tunnels used to ferry alcohol from the river to the club’s basement.” The speakeasy’s ruins still stand on what’s now the Wildlife Rescue Center, just a few minutes’ drive from the park.
Although most of Castlewood’s resort-era structures have been quietly recovered by nature, it’s easy to imagine this modern-day hiking destination was once bustling with thousands of St. Louisans in swimwear and party dresses. You might still hear a whistle on the wind or glimpse a train through the trees; some of the tracks remain in use. And part of the grand staircase still exists, too – it’s just covered in moss now and leads nowhere. Even so, it’s a sight to behold in the middle of the woods on your way up the bluff.
Lincoln Beach, created by dredging the bottom of the Meramec for sand, was swept away after years of flooding. Plus, there’s the fact that it was once located on the river’s far shore. But if you park on Kiefer Creek Road, walk under the train bridge and follow the trail to the water’s edge, you’ll end up on some peculiarly sandy terrain. And north of the Meramec, in Kiefer Creek itself, you’ll find broken glass that’s been tumbled smooth and gem-like by the river. Coincidence, or the mystical leftovers of Castlewood’s former life? We’ll let you be the judge.
According to local lore, the Lone Wolf once had a network of underground tunnels used to ferry alcohol from the river to the club’s basement.
– SHaHLa FaRZa
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Photos and story by Christina Kling-Garrett
On May 14, the Women of Achievement held its annual Awards Luncheon honoring the Class of 2024 at the Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis in Clayton, Missouri. This year’s group of esteemed women were celebrated for their volunteer service in the areas of civic responsibility, community welfare, youth enrichment and cultural enrichment.
Guests of the honorees gathered in the ballroom as the Class of 2024 entered to a trumpet fanfare before being seated on stage. Carol Daniel was mistress of ceremonies, and Valerie Patton, Class of 2010, gave the invocation. After a three-course lunch, luncheon chair Peggy Holly, Class of 2022, introduced presenting sponsors Becky Domyan of Audacy, Inc. and Andrea Griffith of STL Post Media who spoke to the guests.
Women of Achievement President Kathie Winter, Class of 2016, also spoke prior to the presentation of the silver platters to the Class of 2024.
Visit laduenews.com to see more photos from this event >
Our 2024 Women of Achievement Awards Luncheon was inspiring! Congratulations to all 10 of our honorees this year. I am constantly amazed at what our Women of Achievement accomplish to impact the lives of others. They leave an indelible positive change in our communities. Women of Achievement is working toward fostering a network for the future and having more connective alliances so we can inspire and help each other celebrate our successes.
RushmoreBoutiqueismovingtotheCWE–andowner SydnieRushinghassomebigideasintow.
“Shoppingissuchabeautifulthing,andmaybe I’mcrazyforbeingsoobsessedwiththeidea,butit’s romantic,”Rushingsays.“Everydayweputsomething onourbody.Andifthatsomethingyouputonyourbodymakes youfeellikethebestversionofyourself,howmuchbetterdo thingsget?”
Rushingbroughtherfashion-meets-mindfulnessmentalitytothe publicin2019whensheopenedRushmoreBoutiqueinAlton,Illinois, nearwhereshe’dgrownup.Despitethepandemic,theboutique thrivedandbecameknownforitshigh-quality,environmentallyfriendlyproductsinclassicsilhouetteswithamoderntwist.
Now,CWEshopperswillgettoexperienceRushmoreBoutique whenitsoonopensitsdoors,hopefullybytheendofJune2024. Returningvisitorswillrecognizebest-selling,long-wearingjean staplesfromJustBlackDenim;whimsicaldressesandtopsfromthe brandFrench;andsupremelysoft,durablePrairieCottonpreshrunk all-cottonbasics.However,asRushing’ssisterputsit,thenew locationis“gettingaglow-up”thatreflectsbothRushing’spersonal growthandthepulseofthebuzzingneighborhood.
“BeingintheCWEwithitscoolcity-beatfeel,we’rereallygoing toleanintothatandpullinspirationfromtheartgalleriesand luxuryofthesurroundingarea–theproductwillhavealittlemore cityelementtoitversusAlton’ssmall-town,slowerbeat,”Rushing says.“It’sallstillpiecesyoucouldweardayinanddayout,butthe cityshopperisalittlemorewillingtotakechances.Ourgoalisto haveproductsthatarebothuniqueandtimeless.”
Thefirstweekofeachmonth,Rushingplanstorelease,styledrivenRushmoreCollectioncurationsthatevoketheseasonand currentvibe.Ratherthanasinglereleaseof20to30pieces,though, it’llbeculleddowntotwosmallercollections,withaseconddrop mid-monthfeaturingslightlydifferentpatternsortones.Thenew
location’sdebutcollectionwillhighlightthefirstinstallmentof summer,withbrightcolorsandbreezyfloraldresses.TheJuly collectionwillbetexture-driven,withlotsofcrocheted,gauzy, summer-in-St.-Louis-weather-appropriatematerialsingreentones pairedwithbrownsandtaupes.
“Allthesepiecescouldbeworntogether,butit’snotacapsule wardrobeperse,”Rushingadds.“Styleisartsotheintentionisto evokeafeelingwhenyouwalkintoastoreandseecertaincolors andpatternsandprints.”
Rushingtakesinspirationfromalonglineoffemale entrepreneursinherfamilyandhermother,mostofall,whose passinginJanuary2023cementedRushing’sdecisiontorelocate–anideahermotherhadencouraged,asshehadwithallendeavors throughoutRushing’slife.
Throughgrapplingwithgrief,goingthroughthefamilyestate andthelogisticsofrelocatingherboutique,Rushingsaysthelossof hermotheronlyfortifiedherjoyandpassionforherbusiness.She recallsthepositiveexperiencetheysharedwhenpickingoutanew wardrobetogetheratRushmoreafterhermom’slate-in-lifeweight loss:“Weightlossaside,itopenedupahugeopportunityforherto rethinkherstyleandwhatsheputonherbody;herwholemindset shiftedaroundwhoshewantedtobe,andthathelpedmepinpoint whatpeopleareshoppingfor,”Rushingsays.
“Peoplearealwaysworriedabouthowsomethingis supposed to fit,butIthinkthatdoesn’tmatterandisimpossibletoanswer.The mainquestionisifyou like thewayitfits.Everytimeweshop,it doesn’thavetobethisbigemotionalexperienceandrevealof who amI?Butitcertainlyiscooltofindsomethingand[ask],‘Doyoulike whoyouareinthis?’”
RushmoreBoutique,4742McPhersonAve.,St.Louis,314-788-7239, rushmoreboutique.com
Shoppingissuch a beautiful thing,andmaybeI’mcra zy for beingsoobsessedwiththeidea, butit’sromantic. –SYDNIERUSHING
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bigg N ofthecriticallyendang
id youknow theSaint LouisZoohousesthe biggestcatspeciesinthe world?Amurtigers rank largerinsize thanmaleand femalelions.Andin November, the zoo welcomedthreenew members ofthecriticallyendangeredspecies.
thebirthofhercubs.“It’salw uswhenthef
TigerRekabecameafirst-timemotherwith thebirthofhercubs.“It’salwaysrewardingfor uswhenthefemaleiscomfortableandcomes intoherown,”saysJulieHartell-DeNardo,thezoo’sKevinBeckmann curatorofcarnivores.“Shegroomsthem,shetakescareofthem, she’sprotective.Shealsolets[thecubs]jumpalloverherandplay anddoallsortsoframbunctiouskittenstuff.She’spatientandgentle, consideringhersizecapabilities.”
The roleofthe zookeepers,says Hartell-DeNardo, istoofferthe mothersupportandlethertake theleadon raisingher children. Reka’s cubs,whoare now sixmonthsold,already clock inat 70 poundseach andwill continuetogrowoverthenext yearuntiltheyreachfullsize.
Inthewild, fewerthan500ofthesemagnificentbeasts exist.The tigersubspecieshails fromtheAmurRiverinthe Russian FarEast region,where theyfaceextinctionduetopoachingas wellashabitat loss,degradationand fragmentation,which can resultinhumanwildlifeconflictasindividualtigerstryto reach others fromtheirkind.
“We’reanaccreditedzoologicalorganization,whichmeanswe cooperatewithotherzoosontheresponsiblebreedingofthisspecies,” Hartell-DeNardosays.“Breedingiscoordinatedacrossall[AZA,or AssociationofZoosandAquariums]institutions.Decisionsaremadeona geneticlevel,pairingtherightanimalstogethersothatwehaveahealthy populationoftigersacrosszoosinalong-termmanagementsituation.”
Reka’sthreecubsarethefirstlittertobebornattheSaintLouisZoo inmorethanadecade.Thepersonalitiesofhertwoboys,Sungariand Ussuri,andonegirl,Darya,arealreadyshiningthrough.
“Thefirstdaytheyhadaccesstothepool,UssuriandDaryawent right[in]andstartedsplashingaroundandhavingagreattime,”HartellDeNardosays.“Sungari,whoistypicallythebiggercub,stoodofftothe side.Hetendstobeshy.”
Hisbrother, meanwhile,wasthefirsttoboltoutsideafterthecubs were invitedto explore theirenvironment.Hartell-DeNardo continues:“Darya isadventurous,especiallywith Ussuri,butshealsosticks closetomom. Oftentimes, you’llseeshe’shanging closetomomorlaying on mom.”
For zookeepers,though,itisn’tjustthecubs’distinctive personalities thatsetthemapart.Theanimalcare team recognizeseach basedontheir fur patterns.“Stripesareverymuch like fingerprints,” Hartell-DeNardo explains.
Thespecies were originally referredtoasSiberiantigers,havingonce livedinthat region. Today, theirhomehasbeen reducedtotheeasternmost
partof Russia,Chinaand North Korea.Theseenormousanimalssurvive in dense forest,bush-coveredmountainsand evendeepsnow. “On a snowy day,you’llseethemoutthere playing,” Hartell-DeNardo confirms.
Theirenvironmentatthezoofeaturesafanandcoolingareaswitha waterfallandlargepoolforthetigerstoswimin.Enrichmentitemskeep thetigersactivated,suchasscratchingposts(orinthecaseofthesebig cats,treetrunks),hangingtoysorthingsthatengagetheirsenseofsmell andencourageinvestigation.
AccordingtotheSaintLouisZoo’ssite,eightsubspeciesoftigersonce existedintheworld–now,onlyfiveremain.Thezooplaysacriticalrole inmaintainingthesurvivaloftheAmurtiger.
FollowingtheAmurtiger’spracticeinthewild,Rekawilltakecareof herthreechildrenforonemoreyear.Soon,Darya,SungariandUssuriwill showsignsofindependence,whichmeanstheycanbeconsideredfor transferstootheraccreditedzooswheretheywillhopefullycontinuethe growthoftheirspecies.
Fornow,though,taketheopportunitytoseetheseincrediblecreatures rompandexploretheirexpertlymaintainedhabitatattheSaintLouisZoo. Thecubsaremostactiveinthemorning,andtheylovetoputonagood showfortheirhumanguests.
Isthereanybetterbeachtrip companionthanagoodnovel? Notinourbook.(Seewhatwedid there?)Theidealbeachreadis fun,easytodigestandcaptivating –bonuspointsiftheplotisseasiderelated.Pickingyournextsummer readisn’teasy,sowetendtoleaveit totheexperts.We’veaskedSt.Louis booksellerstotellusabouttheirtop beachreads,andafterhearingabout someofthesejuicyplots,wecan’t waittodivein.
Thisnovel’sprotagonist,an82-year-oldnamedHoneyFasinga,isa “salty,sophisticated,gracefuldream,”Mooresays.Longafterleaving hermobsterfather’scircleofinfluenceasarebelliousteen,Honey returnstoherhometownforhertwilightyears.It’ssoonclearthat Honeyisinforawildride:Hernephewisexiledfromthefamily,her Lexusisstolen,andshedevelopsacrushonamuchyoungerman. Asoldwoundsreopen,Honeyisforcedtodecidehowfarher compassionwillgo.
“She’smynewrolemodelandhasinspiredmetostuffan armchairintomyclosetforreadingtrashynovelsin,”Mooresays. “AllIneednowaresomefursandfancydresses,theghostsofold perfumesandaclosetbigenoughforthemall.[It’s]aperfectnovel forbaskingintheraysofafarawaysun.”
Ifyou’veeverfeltlikeyoujustcan’tfindaplaceyoufitin,thismemoirisforyou.“Sure,I’llJoinYourCult,” writtenbycomedianMariaBamford,tellsthetaleofherlifejourneytofindasenseofbelongingthroughany meansnecessary,includingacareerinthearts,psychiatricinstitutionalizationandmembershipsinanonymous groups,amongthemOvereatersAnonymous.
“Itisfunny,poignant,weirdandwacky,”Bradysays.“Thisisforthosewhowanttoliketheideaofbeaches butarealsokindofuncomfortablewiththescene.Well,[who]arealwaysuncomfortable.Everywhere.”
Doyourememberthatsocialmediatrendwherepeopleaskedtheir significantothersiftheywouldstilllovethemiftheywereaworm? “SharkHeart”takesthatsentimentafewstepsfurtherandturnsitintoa lyrical,movinglovestory.
“[Thisis]apoignantnovelaboutarelationshipinwhichthehusband startsturningintoashark,”Barronsays.“Beautifulprose.” Justafewweeksaftertheirwedding,Wren’shusbandLewis receivestherarediagnosisthathe’sturningintoagreatwhite sharkandhaslessthanayeartoliveasahuman.Wren initiallyresistsherhusband’sfateandtriestofindaway forthemtobetogetherafterhistransformation,butshe ultimatelyneedstofindpeacewiththeinevitable.Fullof heart,thisnoveltacklestheexistentialquestionofwhat itreallymeanstobehuman.
Thequeenofthe“strandedon a desertisland”tropeisback in full force withhernewestnovel. LucyFoley’s “TheMidnight Feast”startswiththeopeningnightofTheManor,a luxuriousestateontheedgesof a dark forest.However, thelocal communityisn’thappy aboutTheManor’sintrusion.Theancient woodshave their ownsecrets,includingoldpagan folklore aboutsomesupernatural force knownastheNightBirds.BySunday morningofopening weekend,there’sbeen a fire, onebodyhasbeen found,andsomething’soffwiththeguests. “Ireallyloveagoodscarythriller,”Barronsays.“Goodfun!”
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