honoring community all-stars
spotlighting classical music
sustainable landscaping
Style. Society. Success. | June 2, 2017
2017 AnnuAl Golf TournAmenT
monday, July 24, 2017 Norwood Hills Country Club
TransiTioning Kids from HospiTal To Home | Care Beyond THe Bedside
5083 Washington Place St Louis City | $675,000
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1583 Highland Valley Circle
11740 Hedgefield Lane
Wildwood | $625,000
18474 Hollow Hills Drive
Sunset Hills | $515,000
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Town & Country | $699,000
14 Long Meadows Lane
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1369 Wildhorse Parkway
1303 Coach View Lane Wildwood | $559,900
Clarkson Valley | $549,000
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Chesterfield | $499,900
9405 White Avenue
14472 Chellington Court
2807 Winter Way
23 Chesterfield Lakes Road
Creve Coeur | $629,900
Town & Country | $500,000
1607 Linda Oak Drive
Wildwood | $599,900
Chesterfield | $499,900
Wildwood | $476,999
Brentwood | $475,000
16824 Sunset Circle Drive
1013 Park Forest Place
Wildwood | $415,000
Ellisville | $399,900
Wildwood | $669,900
Ballwin | $499,900
Chesterfield | $474,900
Eureka | $395,000
Wildwood | $655,000
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Wildwood | $649,500
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6 Flowery Branch
Wildwood | $644,900
882 Cabernet Lane
Chesterfield | $525,000
Saint Albans | $525,000
1905 Mistflower Glen
135 Kendall Bluff Court
440 Conway Meadows Drive
3 Sulphur Springs
14314 White Birch Valley Lane
1655 Little Bay Road
14259 Tullytown Court
278 Oak Path Drive
Chesterfield | $469,900
Hermann | $390,000
Visit www.stlopens.com to view weekend open houses
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Chesterfield | $374,500
Chesterfield | $490,000
Chesterfield | $439,900
Ballwin | $324,900
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Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition Glennon Guild Endangered Wolf Center Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design
On a late-spring day, few things can rival the beauty of the sky’s sun-bleached blue and the white of cumulous clouds – but LN‘s favorite fashionista, Katie Yeadon, and staff photographer Sarah Conroy have gathered some, like this Valentino wedge.
ABODE 30 31 32
The Trio: Full Bloom Inside Design Feature: Clean Air Lawn Care
Style Feature:
BOHEMIAN BABIES Preceding her visit this Sunday to The Grand Market: Fashion, Flowers + Folk, Amanda Whittle, the self-taught seamstress behind Bohemian Babies, lays out the details on her children’s handmade-clothing concern to LN stalwart Denise Kruse.
The Daily Feature:
With background insights gleaned from founders Edmund Boyce and David Halen, LN fave Alice Handelman previews the melodious marvels coming in the 2017 Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Festival and Academy, starting next weekend.
On the cover 10 Avid Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital supporters will be able to see the organization’s mission in action at this year’s annual golf tournament on JuMZ 24 at the Norwood Hills Country Club. Pictured on the cover (from left to right) are Lauri Tanner, Michael (golfer), Tom Ackerman, Jordan and CeCe. The story appears on page 10. Photo by Sarah Conroy.
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
STYLE 56 57 59
On Trend Beauty Buzz Feature: Bohemian Babies
THE DAILY 64 65 65 66
Game ON! Kids MD Crossword Puzzle Feature: Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Festival
ARTS & CULTURE 74 76 77 78
Dinner & A Show Around Town Art and Soul Feature: “The Music Seen”
A Festival To Make Hearts Sing Music provides therapeutic benefits in memory care by stimulating every part of the brain. Music Therapy is one of the tools we use every day to provide the highest-quality care for our Residents. Because every moment matters.
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To learn more or schedule a tour, call Karen at (314) 542-2500 We are committed to equal housing opportunity that does not discriminate in housing and services because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin.
ln 2017
Presented by
Catherine Neville
Andrea Griffith
Liz Miller : lmiller@laduenews.com MANAGING EDITOR
Alecia Humphreys : ahumphreys@laduenews.com
ThUrSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017 | 6-8pM palladium Saint Louis Join us as we honor these nine deserving local charities and non-profits and announce this year’s winners. alive, inc. camP rainbOW fOundatiOn center fOr Head inJury services cOlleGe bOund cOncOrdance academy Of leadersHiP Humane sOciety Of missOuri nurses fOr neWbOrns rainbOW villaGe st. lOuis learninG disabilities assOciatiOn, inc.
Bryan A. Hollerbach : bhollerbach@laduenews.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR
Bethany Christo : bchristo@laduenews.com STAFF WRITER
Amanda Dahl : adahl@laduenews.com DIGITAL EDITOR & STAFF WRITER
Robyn Dexter : rdexter@laduenews.com STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Sarah Conroy : sconroy@laduenews.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Mark Bretz, Frank Cusumano, Kimmie Gotch, Alice Handelman, Joseph Kahn, Denise Kruse, Connie Mitchell, Brittany Nay, Nancy Robinson, Mabel Suen, Jill Worobec, Katie Yeadon INTERIM MANAGING EDITOR
Diane Anderson, Bryan Schraier, Mabel Suen
Judy Burt : jburt@laduenews.com Kayla Nelms : knelms@laduenews.com Tom Palmier : tpalmier@laduenews.com Kaitlyn Reichert : kreichert@laduenews.com Ann Sutter : asutter@laduenews.com CLASSIFIED ACCOUNT MANAGER
Lisa Taylor : ltaylor@lee.net
and, read all about these groups and their missions in ladue news. June 2 | June 9 | June 16
Dawn Deane : ddeane@laduenews.com GRAPHIC DESIGNERS
Timothy Brashares Lauren Ellsworth Andrew Nelms
Megan Langford : mlangford@laduenews.com
Only a limited number Of tickets available.
A portion of every ticket purchased in advance will be donated to your choice of one of these charities.
TICKETS ON SALE AT WWW.LADUENEWS.COM TICKET prICE $30 4 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Danielle Paticoff : dpaticoff@laduenews.com
CONTACT 8811 Ladue Road, Suite D, Ladue, Missouri 63124 314-863-3737 : LadueNews.com
SUBSCRIPTIONS Ladue News publishes 52 issues per year. Subscriptions cost $45 in the continental U.S. A SUBURBAN JOURNALS OF GREATER ST. LOUIS LLC PUBLICATION, A DIVISION OF LEE ENTERPRISES
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from the
EDITOR IN THIS WEEK’S GATHERINGS & GOODWILL SECTION, I’m honored to congratulate three of LN’s 2017 Charity Awards finalists: Humane Society of Missouri, Camp Rainbow Foundation and The Center for Head Injury Services. LN contributing writer Connie Mitchell profiles these wonderful St. Louis-area organizations beginning on p. 21. We hope that these inspiring stories help shine a light on the important work being done by each organization and that you’ll consider supporting these charities as they work to change lives across our great city. Be sure to pick up the June 9 and June 16 editions of Ladue News for profiles of our remaining six Charity Awards honorees. We will be honoring all nine charities on June 15 at the annual LN Charity Awards event at the Palladium Saint Louis. A limited number of event tickets is available, and a portion of the price of every ticket sold in advance will be donated to your choice of one of the honored charities. Visit laduenews.com to learn more and to purchase tickets; we hope to see you there!
Alecia Humphreys
Editor’s Corner The word around town Congratulations to John C. Danforth,
Congrats to the Missouri History Museum
who will be recognized for his nearly
(MHM), which was recently named a national
50 years of public service in St. Louis
leader among all museums in advancing diversity,
by the National Churchill Museum at
equity, accessibility and inclusion by the American
Westminster College on Thursday, June
Alliance of Museums (AAM). The MHM is the
8, at a gala at Bellerive Country Club.
first museum in the country to be recognized
Danforth will be presented with the
with the award, which was presented during the
Winston Churchill Leadership Medal,
AAM Annual Meeting in the Ferrara Theatre at
with Pulitzer Prize-winning author
America’s Center in St. Louis.
and historian Doris Kearns Goodwin delivering the keynote address. Danforth has served as a three-term U.S. senator from Missouri; U.S. ambassador to the United Nations; special envoy for peace in Sudan; special U.S. counsel in the Branch Davidian investigation; and Missouri attorney general. He also has been a dogged advocate for the development of plant and life sciences, higher education, neighborhood redevelopment and downtown St. Louis revitalization. Danforth is a partner with the law firm Dowd Bennett in Clayton and serves on the boards of the Cerner Corp. and the nonprofit, nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, as well as on the national advisory board of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics at Washington University in St. Louis.
6 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
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online featured gatherings
Check out some of our best feature photos in a mobile-only format on our Instagram profile: instagram.com/laduenews.
Visit our Facebook page on Mon., June 5, for additional photos from our feature on Clean Air Lawn Care (see the story on p. 32).
LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
29 THE BOULEVARD · CLAYTON · 314·725·5100
2730 NORTH BALLAS RD · TOWN & COUNTRY · 314·569·1177
4. 3 Windsor Terrace Lane · Creve Coeur
1. 735 Brittany Lane · University City
2. 7038 Lindell Boulevard · University CIty
3. 5001 Oak Bluff Court • High Ridge
Featured Listings 1. 735 Brittany Lane · University City OPEN SUNDAY 1-3! Handsome English Manor featuring arched doorways, newly refinished wood floors, plaster moldings, and built-in bookcases, leaded glass windows, screened porch and patio with an outdoor fireplace and a game room with wet bar. Includes four bedrooms, three full and two half baths, plus a bedroom and full bath above the two-car attached garage. This is a unique home in a great neighborhood! $610,000 2. 7038 Lindell Boulevard · University City Located on tree-lined Lindell Boulevard just west of Washington University, this stunning four bedroom, one and a half bath home offers exquisite built-ins and moldings, walkout family room to patio, updated kitchen and two car garage. $475,000 3. 5001 Oak Bluff Court · High Ridge OPEN SUNDAY 1-3! Beautiful custom built one and a half story! Great room boasts Kahrs wood floors, fireplace flanked by French doors, wet bar, and vaulted ceiling. The master suite offers a window seat. The second floor has a loft, plus three bedrooms. The walk out lower level offers a game room and family room. $319,900
5. 207 Birchwood Drive · St. Peters
6. 2337 Maybrook Lane • Kirkwood
4. 3 Windsor Terrace Lane · Creve Coeur An architectural masterpiece, featuring custom details throughout and a fabulous master suite on the main level with luxury bath. Outstanding kitchen and hearth room open to a deck overlooking the pool and stylish pool house. Two-story great room flanked by windows creates sunlit vistas. Three additional en suite bedrooms include walk-in closets. Expansive finished walkout lower level fabulous for entertaining. $1,699,000 5. 207 Birchwood Drive · St. Peters Incredibly finished and detailed ranch, with updated eat-in kitchen featuring new stainless appliances and granite countertops. Family room features a fireplace and along with the living and dining rooms, they open to the kitchen. Spacious master suite includes a fireplace. Vastly finished lower level with expansive recreation room and full bath completes this one of a kind four-bedroom home. $189,000 6. 2337 Maybrook Lane · Kirkwood New construction at its finest! The opportunity to create your own custom private hide-away on a tranquil, wooded cul-de-sac in Greenbriar. The unique floor plan, was designed understanding the importance of convenience and luxury! $1,100,000
1611 Mason Knoll Road (Town and Country) OPEN SUNDAY 1-3! This beautifully maintained home is situated on a 0.6-acre lot. An updated kitchen with granite counters opens to the breakfast room. The spacious family room features a gas fireplace and overlooks the expansive deck. A finished walk-out lower level completes the package! $559,000 477 Twin Creek Road (Creve Coeur) OPEN SUNDAY 1-3! This home has it all! Sitting on approximately 0.75 acre cul-de-sac lot. The expansive open-concept kitchen offers an integrated hearth room and dining areas. The master en suite bath includes heated floors, skylight, marble vanity, and custom spa shower. Updated systems throughout! $649,900 14304 Spyglass Ridge (Chesterfield) OPEN SUNDAY 1-3! Stunning condo with beautiful views of the Missouri River Valley. Vaulted great room has built in bar and the first of three fireplaces. The kitchen was recently updated with granite counters and stainless appliances. The wonderful lower level family room includes a full kitchen. $579,900 52 Huntleigh Woods (Huntleigh) OPEN SUNDAY 1-3! Long impressive circular driveway leads to this stately home. The heart of the home is the kitchen and the wood beamed vaulted hearth room with a view of the very private backyard and lovely salt water pool, plus a 2.76-acre lot. $1,575,000
302 Oak Stand Court (Chesterfield).
50 Broadview (Clayton).
35 Chesterfield Lakes Road (Chesterfield).
26 Countryside Lane (Frontenac).
919 Tirrill Farms Road (Ladue).
19 Danfield (Ladue).
29 Glenview Road (Ladue).
13 Overbrook Drive (Ladue).
18 Clermont Lane (Ladue).
3 Windsor Terrace Lane (Creve Coeur).
1440 Topping Road (Town and Country).
52 Huntleigh Woods (Huntleigh). ●
21 Clermont Lane (Ladue).
6333 Ellenwood (Clayton).
9854 Waterbury Drive (Ladue).
1126 Bella Vista Drive (Frontenac).
701 Woods of Ladue Lane (Ladue).
$750,000 - $1,000,000
524 High Hampton (Ladue).
656 Brookhaven Court (Kirkwood).
29 Dwyer Place (Ladue).
1060 Chelsea Avenue (Glendale).
13303 Cross Land Drive (Town and Country).
1438 Country Lake Estates Drive (Chesterfield). $844,900
$500,000 - $750,000
7827 Cornell Avenue (University City).
1052 Terrace Drive (Richmond Heights). ●
5001 Oak Bluff (High Ridge). ●
454 Algonquin Place (Webster Groves).
5 Little Lane (Ladue).
$300,000 AND UNDER
20 Overbrook (Ladue).
7401 Lansdowne Avenue (Shrewsbury).
487 Chukker Valley (Ellisville).
219 Lark Hill Lane (Ballwin).
1515 Dietrich Glen (Unic St. Louis).
503 Wyncrest Drive (Ballwin).
477 Twin Creek Road (Creve Coeur). ●
207 Birchwood Drive (St. Peters).
735 Brittany Lane (University City). ●
1039 Groby Road (University City).
327 Luther Lane (Kirkwood).
1611 Mason Knoll Road (T&C). ●
445 Trent Drive (Ladue).
113 Wake Forest Place (O’Fallon).
2337 Maybrook (Kirkwood).
12917 Topping Estates Drive (T&C).
$300,000 - $500,000
913 Twin Pine Drive (Des Peres).
12001 Berkley Manor Drive (Des Peres).
8025 Maryland Avenue #15C (Clayton).
15334 Schoettler Estates Drive (Chesterfield).
14304 Spyglass Ridge (Chesterfield).
7387 Stratford Avenue (University City).
13343 Fairfield Circle (Town and Country).
10340 Conway Road (Frontenac).
1507 Dietrich Chase (Ballwin).
9550 Litzsinger Road (Ladue).
505 North and South #3C (University City).
1927 Parkridge Avenue (Brentwood).
1517 Washington Avenue #302 (St. Louis).
18172 Bent Ridge Drive (Glencoe).
900 South Hanley #15D (Clayton).
7119 Cambridge Avenue (University City).
816 South Hanley #6B (Clayton).
2601 Sun Meadow Drive (Wildwood).
4540 Lindell Boulevard #106 (CWE).
1616 Carroll (St. Louis).
7747 Kingsbury #12 (Clayton).
Sunday Open Houses | u 12-2 ● 1-3 ▲ 2-4
A Closer View
50 Broadview · Clayton · $2,437,000 5+ Bedrooms | 5+ Full 1 Half Bath Listed by Peggy Liggett Call 314.569.1177 for more information
Welcome to this remarkable home with exceptional architectural details. Ten foot ceilings, crown molding, oak floors, glass panel staircase and custom wooden doors. Gracious entry offers an expansive view of the great room with fireplace and quartz surround. The large dining room features arched windows, tray ceiling and wainscoting. Study has coffered ceiling with built-in library and tall glass doors. Hallway powder room is impeccably designed. Kitchen boasts high-end appliances, quartz counters, walk-in pantry, and much more. Cheerful sunroom off kitchen with fireplace leads to large deck. Second floor has master suite with a large sitting room with fireplace. Remaining three bedrooms all have ensuite baths. Lower level has fifth bedroom with bath, media area and full kitchen that opens to a patio.
w Save property searches and receive e-mail updates through MY LAURA MCCARTHY w Find and map all weekly OPEN HOUSES for St. Louis area properties w Access our listings and other MLS listings from your smartphone using http://mobile.lauramccarthy.com
Swing Into
By Robyn Dexter Photo by Sarah Conroy
There’s a great need for this level of care in our community and in the country. – LAURI TANNER
n 2016, Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital’s annual golf tournament saw record-breaking statistics: 63 foursomes, more than 300 guests and nearly $150,000 raised. This year, Ranken Jordan is setting the bar even higher. The 2017 golf tournament will take place on July 24 at the Norwood Hills Country Club. As always, the event will kick off with a ceremonial tee shot for differing abilities. Ranken Jordan CEO Lauri Tanner says this year’s ceremonial tee shot will feature a few Ranken Jordan inpatients and outpatients to help showcase the hospital’s work. The children are part of Ranken Jordan’s golfas-therapy program and work every week with PGA professional Kevin Corn. “Our golf pro [Corn] has volunteered his time for seven years now,” Tanner says. “He’s a trailblazer and golf leader for teaching children how to play. He not only teaches kids but kids with different abilities, too.” On Wednesday afternoons at Ranken Jordan, Corn comes in to help teach the hospital’s inpatients and outpatients about golf. He was recognized earlier this year for his work with the hospital, and he received the U.S. PGA Golf Founder’s Award in January at the PGA Show in Orlando. Tanner says Corn has helped the kids with their game and helped get their parents involved so the whole family can play together. “We’re seeing more kids from our program wanting to play in the tournament itself,” Tanner says. “They’re so proud of what they’ve been able to accomplish and want to help raise money for other kids.” Tom Ackerman is the tournament’s master of ceremonies again this year, and Tanner had nothing but praise for the job he does. “[Ackerman] does such a fabulous job,” she says. “I closed my eyes last year and thought I was in Augusta at the Masters Golf Tournament.” The annual tournament helps to fund the hospital’s programming and to continue its mission of bridging the gap between traditional hospital treatment and home treatment. Right now, Ranken Jordan is halfway through constructing an expansion that will enable it to take in twice as many children. The hospital broke ground on the 78,000-square-foot expansion this past October and hopes to have a grand opening ceremony at the end of January 2018. “There’s a great need for this level of care in our community and in the country,” Tanner says. “With this expansion, we’ll be ready to take on twice the amount of kids in a year.” Currently, Ranken Jordan treats more than 600 children each year. It has a 34-bed inpatient program and several outpatient programs that help care for children in the greatest way possible. Tanner has high hopes for this year’s tournament and knows the supporters and fans of the hospital’s work will help fill the courses out at Norwood Hills Country Club. To register for the tournament or learn more, visit rankenjordan. org/events/golf or call 314-872-6512.
10 JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Deals to be Dunn! g N i iL st w e N
21 Bonhomme Grove
Chesterfield • $1,200,000 g N i iL st w e N
23 Brighton Way, 201 Clayton • $789,000
Jiggs Dunn
Christine Cool
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NEW LiSTiNG | 538 Deer Valley Court St. Albans $979,000
NEW LiSTiNG | 13353 Fairfield Circle Drive Town & Country $569,900 open 6/4, 1-3 PM
NEW LiSTiNG | 6 Barclay Woods Ladue $2,925,000
NEW LiSTiNG | 914 Kingsridge Court Wildwood $494,000
New LIstINgs 6 Barclay woods, Ladue. Dramatic Southern France-inspired Estate on a secluded 3.12 acres. 8 bedrooms and 9 full baths plus carriage house and pool. $2,925,000 538 deer valley court, St. Albans. 4 bedroom and 4.5 bath gem with fabulous floor plan. Pool and plenty of outdoor patio space perfect for entertaining and relaxing alike. $979,000 17654 vintage oak drive, Wildwood. Open, vaulted atrium ranch, former display, offers great curb appeal and upgraded spaces throughout! Stunning vaulted master suite. $669,000 226 cedar trace, St. Albans. Custom-built atrium ranch with beautiful landscaping - this home overlooks the signature hole of the Lewis and Clark Golf Course. $649,900 13353 FairField circle drive, town & Country. Situated on a cul-de-sac, this villa is impeccably maintained. Walk-out lower level to private pool. $569,900. open 6/4, 1-3 PM 914 kingsridge court, Wildwood. Expanded floor plan in pristine condition! Beautiful cul-de-sac lot with an in ground pool backing to trees and a finished walk-out lower level. $494,000 2251 whitBy, Chesterfield. Gorgeous two-story brick Colonial on almost one acre level lot in sought after neighborhood. Traditional floor plan offers spacious living. $389,000. open 6/4, 1-3 PM 4729 towne centre drive, St. Louis County. New roof. Newer windows. Walk-out basement to patio and view of huge common ground. Master bedroom suite. $174,900
LuxuryCollection 2271 talon court, St. Albans. 171 north BeMiston avenue, Clayton. 11 BrentMoor Park, Clayton. 11 uPPer whitMoor drive, Weldon Spring.
$4,750,000 $4,500,000 $3,775,000 $3,600,000
NEW LiSTiNG | 2251 Whitby Chesterfield $389,000 open 6/4, 1-3 PM 1042 wings road, St. Albans. 8 Fordyce lane, Ladue. 6 Barclay woods, Ladue. 8956 Moydalgan road, Ladue. 241 linden avenue, Clayton. 3784 doc sargent road, Pacific. 1 Bridle creek road, Ladue. BluFFs oF st. alBans, St. Albans. 111 grand Meridien Forest ct., Wildwood. 20 Fordyce lane, Ladue. 12 carrswold drive, Clayton. 2 Fordyce lane, Ladue. 22 clerMont lane, Ladue. 801 South Skinker, 17-B, St. Louis. 10270 kinsella, Ladue. 2 wendover drive, Ladue. 6 aPPle tree lane, Ladue. 37 Fair oaks, Ladue. 10183 winding ridge road, Ladue. 5105 lindell Boulevard, CWE. 32 westMoreland Place, CWE. 44 Portland drive, Frontenac. 555 deer valley court, St. Albans. 8 kingsBury Place, CWE. 5 downey lane, Ladue Schools. 1328 litzsinger woods, Ladue. 12033 roByn Park drive, Westwood. 37 Portland Place, CWE. 1405 hoMestead valley, Wildwood. 12925 taunton court, Town & Country. 9044 clayton road, Ladue Schools. 2 litzsinger lane, Ladue. 213 troon court, St. Albans. 3 wendover drive, Ladue. 810 south warson road, Ladue. 9052 clayton road, tBB, Richmond Heights.
$3,599,000 $3,300,000 $2,925,000 $2,900,000 $2,695,000 $2,500,000 $2,395,000 $2,295,000 $2,295,000 $2,100,000 $1,950,000 $1,895,000 $1,895,000 $1,850,000 $1,850,000 $1,799,000 $1,799,000 $1,599,000 $1,499,000 $1,495,000 $1,495,000 $1,465,000 $1,449,000 $1,425,000 $1,395,000 $1,299,000 $1,299,000 $1,295,000 $1,275,000 $1,250,000 $1,249,000 $1,225,000 $1,199,000 $1,180,000 $1,149,000 $1,100,000
RESiDENTiAL HOMES 318 east swon avenue, Webster Groves. 1309 eaglewinds court, Chesterfield. 13517 weston Park drive, Town & Country. 535 tregaron Place, Frontenac. 1401 windgate way lane, Chesterfield. 4 winding Brook lane, Ladue.
$975,000 $974,900 $972,000 $969,900 $949,000 $949,000
NEW LiSTiNG | 226 Cedar Trace St. Albans $649,900 34 countryside lane, Frontenac. $899,000 46 westwood court, Town & Country. $875,000 $859,000 362 Merlot lane, St. Albans. 12437 grandview lake drive, Sunset Hills. $807,000 31 conway close, Ladue. $799,000 369 Merlot lane, St. Albans. $775,000 9 willow hill, Ladue. $749,000 4312 naPa view lane, St. Charles. $749,000 1 north covington Meadow, Olivette. $675,000 5 roMany Park, Olivette. $675,000 12692 sPruce Pond drive, Town & Country. $650,000 8693 west kingsBury avenue, University City. $649,900 736 st. alBans sPring road, St. Albans. $649,000 1654 garden valley drive, Wildwood. $629,000 48 hanley downs, Richmond Heights. $599,000 346 PeBBle valley, Town and Country. $539,000 3609 Bassett woods drive, Pacific. $529,000 40 algonquin wood Place, Glendale. $509,900 3926 Bouquet road, Pacific. $509,000 4437 McPherson avenue, CWE. $509,000 17415 Private valley lane, Chesterfield. $499,900 6187 rosewood lane, Byrnes Mill. $489,900 12 Jacqueline knoll court, St. Louis. $459,900 609 Paddington hill, Chesterfield. $415,000 1157 south charleMagne drive, Lake St. Louis. $380,000 9137 Moritz avenue, Brentwood. $379,000 7039 Pershing avenue, University City. $374,900 8 whiPPoorwill court, Defiance. $365,000 10104 conway road, Ladue. $349,500 33 oak hill drive, Ellisville. $340,000 24 gulF shores drive, O’Fallon. $318,825 8715 washington, University City. $309,000 11803 Boward court, Maryland Heights. $150,000 7318 Melrose, University City. $139,000 1172 ursula avenue, University City. $115,000 1540 gerard Park, Hazelwood. $107,500
CONDOMiNiUM/ViLLA HOMES 710 South hanley road, 18B-d, Clayton. 4218 west Pine avenue, unit a1, CWE. 6615 alaMo avenue, unit 1B, Clayton.
$565,000 $524,500 $479,000
visit us Open Sunday, June 4th 12033 roByn Park drive, Westwood.
1-3 PM
4 winding Brook lane, Ladue
1-3 PM
13353 FairField circle drive, Town & Country. 1-3 PM 34 countryside lane, Frontenac.
1-3 PM
2251 whitBy, Chesterfield.
1-3 PM
2 wendover drive, Ladue.
1-3 PM
1328 litzsinger woods, Ladue
1-3 PM
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Gatherings & Goodwill
LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition
Photos and story by Diane Anderson
he 11th annual Old Bags gala was the best girls’ night out in town! Hundreds of women recently filled The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis ballroom for a fabulous silent auction of designer handbags that supports the mission of the Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition. Old Bags, the organization’s longest-running signature event, drew more than 350 highly targeted women, who enjoy bidding on handbags by such venerable names as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Kate Spade, Coach, Cole Haan and Tory Burch. Co-chairing the event were Patti Kiesel Sutherlin, Lisa Forsyth and Debra Niemann.
to see more fabulous photos from this event!
Patti Kiesel Sutherlin, Lisa Forsyth, Debra Niemann
Marcia Hart, Barbara Bell
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Dana Mazzler, Marcia Ambrose
Tia Ricci, Tiffany Reese , Barbara Eavenson
I am overwhelmed about the amazing women at our events and how much they care about us and support our kids! This night helps change the lives of children in foster care. MELANIE SCHEETZ, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Kelsi Geuns, Karen Harris, Lauren Sczurko, Robin Radliff
Carolyn Feltner, Sally Roth
Donna Helm, Patty Corum, Kristin Denbow
Amy Kula, Shannon Favazza, Julie Renfert
Amy Varble, Jara Wong
Jill and Carson Love
Kate Allen, Teresa Huether
Lisa Crawford, Valerie Kit Love
Diane Milburn, Connie Lohr
Alison Shubert, Jackie Knolhoff, Jocelyn Freeman
Myrna Williamson, Lisa Rose Koon
Joyce Kelly, Cindy Geer LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
Glennon Guild
Jessie and Greg Austermann
to see more fabulous photos from this event!
Kelly Bick, Eric Kirberg
Conrad “Big” and Lan Sansone Photos and story by Diane Anderson
lennon Guild, with SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation, held the 38th annual Fashion Show, Boutique and Luncheon, Glennon-style, at The Chase Park Plaza. Cindy Preszler of WeatherSTL.com served as emcee, with fashions modeled by patients, doctors, caregivers and volunteers of SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital. Glennon Guild comprises more than 150 women and supports the interests and growth of the hospital and the many children it serves. Co-chairing the event were Julie Holland and Laura Rottjakob.
Chris Watson, Sarah Dow, Peggy Lorenz
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Colleen Dolnick, Mimi Boyle, Melanie Nesser, Donna Carruthers
The Glennon Guild provides services to the children at Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital and to the community. We both feel very strongly about giving back to this organization. JULIE HOLLAND, CO-CHAIR
Sandy Koller, Dave Mack, Rose Fogarty
Stephanie Zornes, Connie Sigmund, Jeanne Flood, Meg Terry
Mary Mosby, Jill Beakelman
Brigette McMillin, Kathy Thompson
Judy Stanfield, Rose Brower
Angie Cannon, Brigette McMillin, Carol Cannon
Rhonda Kaiser, Mary Lou Pruett
Monica Meara, Lisa Greer
Evonne Jones, Nicki Myers
Debbie Fogelbach, Denise Whitworth
Lisa Windsor, Beth Pelch LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
Endangered Wolf Center
to see more fabulous photos from this event!
Photos and story by Bryan Schraier
wenty lots went for auction at the Endangered Wolf Center’s 2017 Wolves and Wine Auction, held at Selkirk Auctioneers and Appraisers in St. Louis’ Central West End. Benefiting the center, those lots featured one-of-a-kind experiences at the center and elsewhere, paired with fabulous wines, spirits and wolf-themed art. Announced that evening was the birth of a Mexican wolf pup via artificial insemination – a first, and a useful tool to maintain genetic diversity in packs. Special guests at the event were eastern hognose snake Clay and Daisy the fennec fox. Founded by Wild Kingdom’s Marlin Perkins, the center has been working to preserve and protect Mexican wolves, red wolves and other wild canid species for more than 40 years. Carrie Rutherford, Paul Zemitzsch, Susan Zimmerman
I have been at the Endangered Wolf Center for five years now, and I never thought that I would work for just a species of the wolf. Although we have many animals, they are the most polarizing animal, and they are the one that needs the most help. So what we’re doing here at the Endangered Wolf Center is to just continue to bring awareness about the center. We’ve been here for 45 years, and we’re still the best-kept secret in St. Louis. And tonight is just about raising awareness to continue to do our mission – and that is to preserve and protect Mexican and red wolves in the wild.
Lewis Bettman, Liz Green, Rachel Broom
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Jeremiah Dellas, Regina Mossotti, Janet Conners Langley
Steve and Nicole Wohlford
Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design
Photos and story by Diane Anderson
or the Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design, it was an evening of celebrating makers and the power of craft at its annual fundraising gala, the Makers Ball. Proceeds support the exhibition series and community education programs at the center. The event featured live and silent auctions, artist demonstrations, an open bar, dinner and various surprises. Chairing the event was Darin Slyman, with Cindy Preszler emceeing. Carissa and Matt Minder
to see more fabulous photos from this event!
This event is a way for us to bring artists and supporters together and provide art programs in the community. We appreciate everyone for coming out to support our Makers Ball! BOO MCLOUGHLIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Adam Foster, Meri Ellen Taylor, Nigel Taylor
Darin Slyman, Cindy Preszler
Marcia and Herb Smith, Kit and Patricia Heffern LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
GATHERINGS By Kaitlynn Martin
Wed., June 7 ACCESS Academies presents its ninth annual SCHOLARSHIP DINNER at the Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis. 6 to 9 p.m. (accessacademies.org)
Thu., June 8
The Women’s Committee of Forest Park Forever hosts the 2017 HAT LUNCHEON at the World’s Fair Pavilion in Forest Park. 11:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. (forestparkforever.org)
Fri., June 9
IDEAL Disability Advocates at AT&T presents the IDEAL/ALZ WALK FUNDRAISER at SqWires in an effort to end Alzheimer’s Disease. 2017 Grammy nominee Ari Hest performs at the event. 6 to 9:30 p.m. (alz.org)
Sarah, Adam and Melissa Vatterott, Jim Holloran
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Week one of a three-week series showcasing our six finalists and three winners of the Ladue News Charity Awards.
The many charities and nonprofits that call St. Louis home provide for the needs of thousands – whether through protecting and advocating for companion animals, caring for and educating children, or working in health care, they make our city a better place to live. Turn the page to learn more about this year’s top honorees.
LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
By Connie Mitchell | Photos courtesy of Camp Rainbow Foundation
or many kids, summer camp is an annual highlight of childhood. Making new friends, trying new things and gaining a bit of early independence are benefits that camp offers kids. But some children have unique challenges, and for them, traditional camps might not be an option. Fortunately for St. Louis-area children who are undergoing treatment for or are survivors of cancer and blood-related diseases and disorders, Camp Rainbow makes summer camp possible. Camp Rainbow Foundation provides a variety of free camps for these children and their families. “We offer a recreational and nurturing environment for campers, where children can create positive memories, build self-esteem, make new friends and are relieved of the stresses caused by their illness,” says executive director Heather Bachman. Now in its 30th season, Camp Rainbow and its 350-plus volunteers have served more than 5,700 children with six free programs: Day Camp, Summer Overnight Camp, Family Camp, Teen Camp, Camp-In and Teens-N-Twenty. Last year, 660 campers participated in Camp Rainbow programs. “Our one-week overnight summer camp and day camp programs are designed to provide these children with the opportunity to enjoy a true camping experience,” Bachman says. “An environment such as this allows our campers to interact with others who are currently sharing a similar life experience while providing all of the fun activities one might expect from a traditional summer camp: arts and crafts, swimming, interactive music, nature, drama, sports and special theme days.” Self-esteem often flourishes in this judgment-free atmosphere, Bachman adds. “There is no societal pressure relative to the visual side effects of the illnesses, such as hair loss due to chemotherapy, scars, catheters, ports,
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
wheelchair use, etc. And with a full medical staff on the premises, parents feel secure in the knowledge that each child’s unique medical needs can be met should an emergency arise or if a chemotherapy treatment session happens to be scheduled during the camp day.” The Camp-In program allows children who are unable to leave the hospital or must make frequent visits to the clinic for treatment to enjoy camp activities right where they are. Volunteers bring activities to the children, offering games, crafts and other fun activities on the oncology floors of St. Louis Children’s Hospital, Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital and Cardinal Kids Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center. Teens face different issues than children who have cancer. Teen Camp addresses their special needs during three days in March at Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park in Wildwood. Teens participate in activities such as bowling, ropes courses, nature hikes, games, movies, arts and crafts, and a social action project. Spending time with peers who also face the challenges of a cancer diagnosis, teens’ feelings are validated, and they learn and share effective coping strategies. As Camp Rainbow’s newest program, just beginning this year, Teens-NTwenty gives older teens and 20-somethings a way to stay in touch with one another after bonding at Teen Camp. Bachman stresses that the most important thing Camp Rainbow provides for participants is a feeling of normalcy during an abnormal life situation. “Camp Rainbow strives to capitalize on all of the aspects that cancer cannot destroy: self-esteem, adventure, peer groups, new friends and the ability to simply feel like a regular individual.” Camp Rainbow Foundation, 314-469-8035, camprainbow.com
At 4 years old, Jessica Davis was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis. As the name implies, it’s a big disease for a little girl. “It’s pretty much the inability to block tumors in my body,” she explains. “I had a tumor on my optic nerve, which caused me to be blind in one eye and was cancerous, so they treated it with chemotherapy, and that’s why I got to go to camp.” As a bald 6-year-old, Davis was worried when her mother told her she would be going to summer camp. “The first thing I said was, ‘No, I
Saturday, June 10th 5-10 pm Taste wines while enjoying great musical performances in Downtown Clayton
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don’t want to go because the kids will make fun of me because I don’t have hair.’ But my mom told me, ‘That’s what’s special about this camp – lots of kids there won’t have hair.’” Now 31, Davis will soon be marking her 20th year at Camp Rainbow. She returned as a camper for four years and then as a volunteer, working with children who faced the same scary treatments she did. Even in her professional life, she is dedicated to children as director of curriculum at Tiger Tots Child Development Center in Columbia, Missouri. NEW DEALERSHIP COMING SOON
The first thing I said was, ‘No, I don’t want to go because the kids will make fun of me because I don’t have hair.’ But my mom told me, ‘That’s what’s special about this camp – lots of kids there won’t have hair.’
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BMW of West St. Louis - 14117 Manchester Rd - Manchester, MO 63011 LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
By Connie Mitchell | Photos courtesy of The Center for Head Injury Services
ears ago, people who experienced brain injuries that left them with long-term disabilities had few options. Some were relegated to nursing homes, even if they were still young. Others relied on family for long-term care. But since 1986, The Center for Head Injury Services (CHIS) has been helping people live and work independently despite life-altering brain injuries, autism and other disabilities. “Our strength is that we have built a continuum of services, and people can enter at different points based on individual needs,” says executive director Donna Gunning. People of all ages can take advantage of the organization’s services, which Gunning refers to as “stepping stones to independence and employment.” Over the years, CHIS has steadily expanded, providing 600 to 700 people a year with an increasing number of programs in the St. Louis area, including St. Charles County. A number of local organizations refer clients to the center, while other individuals contact the center themselves to begin therapeutic or employment readiness programs. Children and adults who need adaptive equipment therapies can obtain occupational therapy and assessments in the home or through the adaptive equipment lending library. “We help them learn how to work with adaptive technologies and determine how to set up what they need,” Gunning says. Adults who have completed initial rehabilitation programs (like physical or occupational therapy as part of treatment following a brain injury) but have permanent disabilities learn how to regain life skills and return to their lives, including work. Once they move into their own homes, the center’s community support program assists people who may need help with daily tasks, such as managing their finances, shopping and cooking. CHIS’s day program continues to provide cognitive and enrichment activities, matching clients with volunteer opportunities and strengthening
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
vocational skills. Job training programs in cooperation with local businesses allow CHIS staff to accompany clients as they learn on-the-job skills. In addition to the practical skills and job training programs, CHIS provides a medical program with occupational, speech and physical therapy. “We had a fully functioning medical department when Missouri’s Medicaid covered those services for people who had exhausted their insurance or didn’t have any coverage,” Gunning recalls. Research shows that people continue to make gains when they stick with rehabilitative services beyond what insurance companies will pay for, Gunning says. Therefore, the center continues ongoing therapy to some clients through other state programs, such as those provided by the Department of Mental Health. The newest program in the CHIS panoply is Talent Connect, started in 2014 and funded by the New York-based Poses Family Foundation’s Workplace Initiative. Working with corporate leaders who want to diversify their workforces to include people with disabilities, the Talent Connect program specializes in manufacturing distribution. “We offer the companies a service and a connection to people,” Gunning says. “We go into their business and see what their needs are and what people in the distribution department do. We then put together tests that will screen candidates for those positions.” As CHIS continues to provide creative solutions for clients, Gunning says the heart of the organization remains in meeting people where they most need help and customizing services to help them work toward their goals for future success. The Center for Head Injury Services, 11828 Lackland Road, St. Louis, 314-983-9230, headinjuryctr-stl.org
Maggie Walsh began #610471 610471
volunteering at The Center for Head Injury Services (CHIS) soon after her son, Danny, began attending the center’s day program in 2010. For her, it’s a way to give back to the organization that has given her and her family so much.
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“When our son aged out of the school system, my husband and I were devastated,” Walsh recalls. “We had a difficult time finding a program that would accept our son due to his autism and severe epilepsy. The center accepted Danny and has become like family. He’s happy and
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enjoys every day. He has friends.”
While Danny benefits from CHIS’s services, Walsh helps with fundraising and advocacy, working to share the center’s mission and secure grant funding. She also spends an entire day each year creating
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baskets for the center’s fundraising trivia night and silent auction. Although she has a full-time job, Walsh credits the center with making it possible to keep Danny, who needs continual care, living at home. And she notes that her situation is just one example of the center’s range of services.
Sterling Silver Money Market Account The center accepted Danny and has become like family. He’s happy and enjoys every day. He has friends.
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- Maggie Walsh
Volunteering has opened Walsh’s eyes to all the types of support CHIS offers. “I see parents who are able to work or just able to get a break – I see opportunities,” she says. “People who might have otherwise been considered unemployable are working. I see people learning important life skills. I see staff members making a difference in people’s lives every day, and by volunteering, I get to be a small part of it.”
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LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
By Connie Mitchell | Photos courtesy of Humane Society of Missouri
o one can resist a cute little puppy or kitten, and that’s what we tend to think when we hear about the Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO). But there’s so much more to this important organization than providing furry pets with forever homes. HSMO’s mission is to help “end the cycle of abuse and pet overpopulation through our rescue and investigation efforts, spay/neuter programs and educational classes.” In fact, the HSMO Animal Cruelty Task Force (ACT) is one of the largest animal rescue and disaster response teams in the nation, points out president Kathy Warnick. For more than 40 years, ACT has collaborated with national, state and local law enforcement to investigate and help prosecute animal abusers. The organization has 15 animal cruelty investigators and staff who annually aid more than 26,000 animals, respond to more than 10,400 reports of abuse or neglect, and travel more than 313,000 miles in the process. “HSMO’s animal cruelty investigators understand the nuances of animal abuse law and the criminal justice process for documenting and filing evidence and work directly with sheriffs’ offices, police departments and prosecuting attorneys to help ensure animal cases are handled in an expedient and professional manner,” Warnick says. HSMO investigators also provide expert testimony in legal cases and before legislative bodies and provide consultation and training workshops for law enforcement, state agencies, and local animal care and control workers. “Together, they work to hold people accountable for the abuse and neglect of animals in the St. Louis metropolitan region and all of Missouri,” she adds. To address the pet overpopulation issue, HSMO’s Animal Medical Center of Mid-America offers low-cost spay or neuter surgeries through its SNIP
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
program. Since the 1970s, HSMO has spayed or neutered more than 375,000 animals. The educational aspect of its mission is completed through its Humane Education program, which “teaches respect for all living creatures to thousands of school-age children through the Humane IQ program for at-risk students, Club Hope after-school program and summer camps,” Warnick says. Teachers can download lesson plans that incorporate humane-related activities, and HSMO’s director of humane education offers an eight-hour Humane Care and Animal Ethics course as part of sentencing for people convicted of animal abuse. Then, of course, there are the puppies: HSMO is the largest provider of adoptable pets in Missouri, and more than 8,000 animals are placed by the organization each year. Adoption centers are located in St. Louis, Maryland Heights and Chesterfield, and all accept strays or pets surrendered by owners who can no longer care for them. “HSMO accepts all stray and unwanted animals, thereby protecting the community from dangerous or diseased animals and other problems associated with pet overpopulation,” Warnick says. Once animals are spayed or neutered, HSMO continues to provide veterinary care. HSMO’s Animal Medical Center of Mid-America provides 40,000 private client visits each year at the three St. Louis area clinics combined. Proceeds from veterinary centers help animals at HSMO. The many efforts of HSMO will continue to decrease the problem of pet overpopulation in years to come, helping to ensure that all those cute puppies and kittens certainly do find happy forever homes. Humane Society of Missouri, 314-647-8800, hsmo.org
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Patty Krosch has always loved animals, so she was a bit concerned that if she volunteered with the Humane Society of Missouri (HSMO), she’d want to bring all the dogs home with her. However, after 16 years of walking dogs as one of the organization’s Pet Pals, Krosch has yet to bring home a single companion animal. “I just told myself that if I brought home a dog, I’d want to spend all my time with that dog and wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with all the others,” she says with a laugh. Krosch spends about nine hours a week as a Pet Pal, taking dogs out for short walks. She notes that her role involved orientation in which she learned about dog behavior and procedures for walking dogs that might have no prior experience being on a leash. “Quite a few need to learn how to walk on a leash, so it’s not like walking the family dog,” she says. Krosch walks the dogs for her benefit as well as theirs. “It’s really something I always wanted to do, and when I retired, I had the time,” she says. “It’s good exercise, and the time passes quickly. It’s just ideal for me.”
I just told myself that if I brought home a dog, I’d want to spend all my time with that dog and wouldn’t be able to spend as much time with all the others. - Patty Krosch
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Krosch notes that there are many volunteer opportunities at the HSMO, and not all of them involve direct contact with animals. “There’s clerical work, there’s work to help with events, there are people who work with the cats and kittens,” she says. “There’s lots you can do, and it’s just a lot of fun.”
Visit muellerprost.com or call us at 800.649.4838. LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
I read Ladue News... I look forward to reading the Ladue News each week because they do a great job of shining a light on all the wonderful events happening in our community and feature the people that attend! The photos are always so professional and beautiful! The Ladue News is a true community partner and resource! – DiAnne Mueller, Chief Executive Officer, Crisis Nursery Saint Louis
28 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Gleanings LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
OPEN SUNDAY 6/4 1-4PM 2454 White Stable Road
Enjoy the finest of Town and Country living in this impeccable, beautifully decorated and appointed four bedroom Grotpeter built home in Twin Farms. Gorgeous in ground pool and one-acre setting! $849,000
811 Coulange Court
By Nancy Robinson
Envelop yourself in the luxury and grandeur of this breathtaking home in Creve Coeur. Impeccable detail in custom millwork, marble entry foyer, gourmet kitchen, two-story great room, main floor master suite, lower level guest suite with full kitchen. Resting beautifully on .993 acres, this home is waiting for you! $1,249,000
You don’t have to be an old-fashioned traditionalist to appreciate these floral fabriccovered furnishings. They merely nod to the past while living squarely in the present.
The kate spade new york Paintball Floral Comforter features an impressionistic bright watercolor floral print in pink, blue and yellow on a white ground.
The unexpected swash
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of black makes a bold addition to the pattern. (bedbathandbeyond.com)
DielmannSothebysRealty.com 314.725.0009
CH Living’s Milo armless loveseat was inspired by the trendy, nonconformist style of Florida’s South Beach. The modern wingback seat sits on metal legs evocative of the 1950s and ’60s. (ch-living.com)
Katy Skelton’s Camp Bench with a billowy floral cover adds a fresh, unassuming mood to interiors. The company’s first indoor and outdoor design comes in a variety of powdercoated finishes. It can be used indoors with any of the stock fabrics or leathers, or placed outdoors when upholstered in
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
a COM outdoor-rated fabric. (katyskelton.com)
design INSIDE
Should I
Move or Remodel? A By Jill Worobec, CKD, UDCP | Photos supplied by Toby Weiss of Mosby Building Arts
s a designer, I’m often asked by clients if moving is a better decision than remodeling their existing home. The answer is different for each situation. Moving and remodeling are both emotional and financial decisions, but I’ve found that homeowners’ answers to these three questions will help them best determine if they should move or remodel: 1. Am I in a committed relationship? Are you committed to your current home? Do you see yourself living there seven years from now – or even longer? If you answer no, then only minor cosmetic updates are in order to keep the home in style and up to date for resale in the near future. Keep your eye on moving. If you answer yes, then remodel to create your ideal lifestyle. 2. How do I feel about the neighborhood? Assess these items about your neighborhood and the surrounding area: location, local schools, traffic on and near your street, and safety and crime. These are conditions that are beyond your control, and you either like them “as is” or wish they could be improved. If any of these items are a bigger fixer-upper than your own home, it’s a better use of funds to move. If you’re satisfied or happy with these items, then your home and the surrounding neighborhood can usually
support investment in a major remodeling project. 3. Do I have a spare $12,000? According to many psychologists, the most stressful event that you can experience is divorce. The second most stressful event on that list, though, is selling your home and moving! Yes, for some, the mere thought of finding an agent, preparing to list your home, repairing your existing home and having showings; then actually shopping for a new home; and then packing, moving, cleaning, etc., are enough to drive you mad! The cost of relocating a three-bedroom household using professional packers and movers averages $12,000. And there are plenty of other expenses with preparing the old place to sell and getting the new place in order. It’s not unheard of to spend upwards of $20,000 to sell and move. There’s no payback whatsoever in moving. That $12,000 to $20,000 may be better invested in your existing home. Also, keep in mind that most of us do some level of renovating in the new place we move to. Ironically, you could potentially be performing the same updates and remodeling that someone else chose not to do by selling that house! Add the cost of potential remodels to the price of moving to a new place. If you plan on staying in your home seven years or
more because you like the neighborhood, you’re better off investing that money in your house rather than into nonrecoupable sales and relocation expenses. Homeownership and remodeling are lifestyle choices, first and foremost, and financial choices, second. It’s always been a rule of thumb that remodeling is more cost-effective than selling and moving, but as with any rule, there are exceptions. It pays to analyze all aspects of the situation before making a decision. Either choice creates a lifestyle change and disruption. So take the time to honestly answer the preceding three questions so you can feel certain you’re making the right choice.
Jill Worobec is a senior designer with St. Louis remodeling and design firm Mosby Building Arts. She is a Certified Kitchen Designer with the National Kitchen & Bath Association and a Universal Design Certified Professional with the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 31
Greener Where the Grass Is
By Brittany Nay | Photos by Sarah Conroy
Clean air lawn Care takes root in st. louis to provide sustainable serviCes for lusher yards and healthier environments.
hether they’re playing catch with their kids or fetch with their pets, Clean air Lawn Care clients are breathing easier knowing environmentally friendly, child- and pet-safe practices are being used to maintain their yards this summer. Clean air Lawn Care, the st. Louis franchise of the nationwide chain of the same name, was launched this spring by owner Craig Martin. the local lawn care company offers a full range of sustainable services, from organic lawn treatments and solar-powered mowing to yard cleanup. the company uses solar-powered equipment charged through the solar panels mounted atop the company vehicle that visits clients’ homes, which helps to reduce local air, noise and water pollution. the green-friendly business, which also includes Martin’s wife, Katie FeltsMartin, takes a unique approach to lawn maintenance, considering the health of your yard, family, pets, neighbors and the local environment when caring for every blade of grass. the company offers weekly, as well as one-time, services. For clients who opt for long-term maintenance, Clean air visits their yard every week to provide sustainable lawn care, including mowing and trimming with solar-powered equipment. “We mow the grass at a taller height of 3 inches because it’s healthier on the grass root system, easier on the equipment, and it looks better,” Martin says. “and we mulch in grass clippings and leaves, putting all that nitrogen right back into the soil.” the nitrogen nourishes the turf, and the company’s strategy of cutting off just an inch of grass with each weekly mow allows lawns to grow greener and lusher, with less room for weeds and more space on each blade to bring in the sun and oxygen your yard needs to grow fuller, Martin explains. every five to six weeks from spring through fall, Clean air returns to each client’s yard to apply a low volume of organic fertilizer, a granular product made with plantbased ingredients such as alfalfa, molasses and kelp. the organic treatments feed the grass root system for healthier growth, as well as eliminate chemical runoff into local waterways – a pollution issue caused by traditional lawn fertilizers. “By going chemical-free with us, you’re not bringing [toxins] into your house, and you don’t
have to worry about what you and your kids and pets are touching [in the yard],” Martin notes. In addition to preventing water pollution, Clean air’s equipment reduces noise and air pollution. the company’s solar mowers are 50 percent quieter than their traditional gas-powered counterparts, Martin says. “It’s great for homeowners and their neighbors. We will be working on a yard, and the homeowners might not even know we’re here.” additionally, the solar mowers don’t release toxic emissions into the environment, while environmental Protection agency studies have shown that small-engine mowers and trimmers account for 5 to 10 percent of annual air pollution, including chemicals such as nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and unspent fuel emitted at an hourly rate equivalent to the emissions of your sport utility vehicle after it travels several thousand miles. Clean air can service your yard year-round, including spring and fall yard cleanup, blowing and mulching leaves, and flower-bed weeding, as well as overseeding (to fill in any thin or bare spots in your lawn) and core aeration (to allow oxygen, water and other nutrients to reach your lawn’s root system, encouraging growth and proper drainage). “We take our time on each property; we want to make sure your lawn looks awesome every week,” Martin notes, adding that his business goes the extra mile to put on finishing touches, including trimming vertical edges on the lawn, blowing grass clippings from sidewalks and driveways, and pulling any weeds that may pop up to prevent them from spreading until he returns the next week. Fuller, healthier lawns benefit Clean air’s clients, who increasingly use their yards to expand their living spaces and reflect their lifestyles, Martin explains. When st. Louisans pull into their driveways after long days at work or play, they see lush, green lawns maintained by Clean air Lawn Care, he says, adding, “People take pride in their lawn, and we take pride in it, too.” Clean Air Lawn Care, 314-474-0028, cleanairlawncarestlouis.com
Katie Felts-Martin and Craig Martin
LadueNews.com | june 2, 2017
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34 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Who’s Who in Real Estate
A heritage of exceptional real estate ser vice since 1965
Coldwell Banker made its mark in luxury real estate early on. In the decades since the company was founded, it has continued to evolve while staying steadfast in its ability to provide only the best for its clients. Now bearing a new name – Coldwell Banker Global Luxury – the agency invites you to find your own opulent oasis with the aid of The Ryan Tradition. “This brand update gives a contemporary image that is an extension of the things we’ve always done,” John Ryan says. To learn more, contact The Ryan Tradition’s offices at 9651 Clayton Road in Ladue, call 314-941-0572 (direct) or 314-993-8000 (office), or visit its website, theryantradition.net.
A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 35
Who’s Who in Real estate: Feature Story
The Ryan TRadiTion of Coldwell BankeR GloBal luxuRy
The Name in
By amanda Dahl | Photos courtesy of steven B. smith Photography & alise o’Brien Photography
sprawling Ladue estate, fitted with the finest features, epitomizes the type of grandeur people have come to expect from a name like Coldwell Banker and The Ryan Tradition. The reputable agency has taken on a new identity for its upper end properties, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury. Yet as this impressive property proves, business is as strong as it’s ever been, as the company continues to deliver the very best in luxury real estate. John Ryan of The Ryan Tradition talks about the appeal of this latest offering from the famed agency, 44 Overhills Drive. “New construction is very appealing because you get the most modern elements – and people are looking for that,” he says. “With this house, there is an opportunity to have something exceptional. You are looking at the most sophisticated level of features with a whole house sound system, extensive customizable lighting, full security, high-end appliances, current kitchen and bath fixtures, custom cabinets and the finest materials. It’s the latest and greatest.” The 4-bedroom, 4 full-bathroom and 4 half-bathroom stone estate showcases smart design and sophisticated style. “Designed by one of St. Louis’ prime architecture firms, Dick Busch Architects, its style is classic … meant to look like it’s been around forever,” Ryan shares. “As you go through the house, the spaces have a traditional feel to them due to the millwork and ceiling heights, but its finish is more contemporary.” Top of mind for designers with this $5.2 million property was marrying splendor with convenience to create an extraordinary setting for residents
and guests. “The main-floor master suite features a beautiful bedroom, with 12-foot ceilings and huge his-and-her closets,” Ryan shares. “The bath features exceptional marble treatment, a Baccarat chandelier, a freestanding tub and a heated floor. The main spaces all easily connect, with a design centered on the terrace and pool. The saltwater pool has two waterfalls, a pool shelf and lighted bubbler, plus a saltwater hot tub. The 800-square-foot covered outdoor living space is connected to the house and includes a pass-through wet bar to the hearth room, giving it a real resortlike feel. If you were just dropped right here, you couldn’t be sure whether you were on vacation or at home.” That feeling of being on holiday describes the approach of the agency, which continues to set the bar for luxury real estate. “Coldwell Banker has been a leader in the prestigious luxury real estate market dating back to 1933,” Ryan says. “The brand has evolved into the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury program. The Ryan Tradition is synonymous with luxury real estate. We have specialized in the St. Louis luxury market for more than 50 years, highlighting communities like Clayton, Ladue, Frontenac, Huntleigh, and Town and Country. Last year, we had the top sales in the Clayton and Ladue School Districts. Since 1991, we’ve had $970-plus million in sales and are leading the market in highest-priced sales and highest average price.”
9651 Clayton Road, Ladue, 314-941-0572 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office), theryantradition.net
JUNE 2, 2017 | laduenews.com | A lAdUE NEws spEciAl promotioN
LADUE | $2,535,000 | 7 Dromara Road Hellmuth signature home, exquisitely updated with pool and guest apt, 1.6 acres. Represented by: John Ryan | T. 314-993-8000
Locally operated. Nationally recognized. When you are ready to buy or sell a home, choose the company that knowledgeable St. Louis area homeowners trust to help them with their real estate needs.
WILDWOOD | $1,995,000 1105 Shepard Oaks Drive Exquisite country estate home, 3+ acres.
LADUE | $1,899,000 20 Overhills Drive Georgian Colonial, 3 acres, 5,000 square feet.
LADUE | $1,750,000 959 Tirrill Farms Road 7 bedroom, 7 bath, great new price! 1.8 acres.
DES PERES | $1,695,000 12857 Goodson Road New Bellerive model at the Arbors! Elegant living!
Represented by: Mary Beth Benes T. 636-394-9300
Represented by: Steven Mathes T. 314-993-8000
Represented by: Lynn Bodenheimer T. 314-821-5885
Represented by: Kenny Reinhold T. 314-821-5885
LADUE | $1,500,000 28 Dromara Road 5 bedroom classic, 1.5 acres, 4 car garage and pool.
BALLWIN | $1,299,000 609 Mulberry Grove Court 7,000 square feet of living space with pool, 1.5 story.
SUNSET HILLS | $1,190,000 13173 West Watson 6,000+ square feet on 1.12 peaceful acres.
CHESTERFIELD | $1,140,000 1314 Wildhorse Meadows Executive brick home on nearly 1 acre.
Represented by: Cathy Glaser T. 314-993-8000
Represented by: Sabina Dehn T. 636-394-9300
Represented by: Kathy Roush T. 636-532-0200
Represented by: Terri Rea T. 636-532-0200
KIRKWOOD | $1,040,000 137 West Mermod Place Beautifully updated. 5 bedroom, 3.5+ bath.
CHESTERFIELD | $985,000 17935 Bonhomme Ridge Wonderful curb appeal, amenities and salt water pool!
KIRKWOOD | $895,000 129 East Clinton 3C and D Sophisticated condo. 2 master suites, 4,147 square feet.
CHESTERFIELD | $810,000 2017 Brook Hill Lane Spectacular 1.5 story with 5,000+ square feet.
Represented by: Cindy Coronado T. 314-821-5885
Represented by: Candy Citrin T. 636-532-0200
Represented by: Margie Kerckhoff T. 636-394-9300
Represented by: Etty Masoumy T. 636-394-9300
COLDWELLBANKERLUXURY.COM *Source: The top ten St. Louis area companies as reported in the St. Louis Business Journals’ 2017 Book of Lists’ ranking of the Largest Residential Real Estate Companies. ©2017 NRT Missouri LLC. © 2017 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Gundaker fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker Logo, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury logo are service marks registered or pending registration owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.
A heritage of exceptional real estate service since 1965
26 Upper Ladue Road Ladue $5,625,000
Exquisite custom home on 3.56 park-like acres offers five bedroom suites, solarium, kitchen wing with hearth and breakfast rooms, impressive lower level and four-car heated garage.
15 Pine Valley Drive Ladue $4,275,000
Splendid home on 2 acres overlooking Pine Valley Drive. Large gracious house with excellent space for family and entertaining, plus guest apartment and pool.
44 Overhills Drive Ladue $5,200,000
Custom estate property on 3.2 manicured acres offers incredible privacy and exceptional floor plan that perfectly combines a sophisticated interior with the ultimate in outdoor living.
7 Dromara Road Ladue $2,535,000
Beautifully updated and maintained, this outstanding property on 1.6 acres offers classic millwork, marble kitchen and butler’s pantry, four bedrooms, plus guest apartment and pool.
Whether you are buying or selling a luxury home, choose The Ryan Tradition. $970+ million in sales since 1991
1290 Dry Ridge Road Town and Country $5,200,000
One-of-a-kind property situated on 3.3 secluded acres with 12,000+ sq. ft., carriage house apartment, pool, octagonal pool house, seven-car garage and picturesque setting.
11 Apple Tree Lane Ladue $4,350,000
Exceptional custom home designed as a French chateau with two gallery halls connecting all rooms on the main level. Amazing walkout lower level. Elevator to all three levels.
10 Larkdale Drive Ladue $2,350,000
New 6,439 sq. ft. home under construction with Summer 2017 completion.
2.34 Acres
559 Barnes Road Ladue $2,250,000
YEARS 1965-2015
44 Huntleigh Woods Huntleigh $1,395,000
10510 Conway Road Frontenac $899,000 Classic two-story Colonial beautifully situated on a private 1.2-acre lot in the Ladue School District. Perfectly maintained and updated with four bedrooms and three-and-one-half baths.
If you would like to discuss your significant property needs, please contact us. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.
JOHN RYAN | 314.941.0572 | johnryan@coldwellbanker.com Coldwell Banker Gundaker - Ladue 314.993.8000
Š2017 NRT Missouri LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Gundaker fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker logo, Coldwell Banker Global Luxury and the Coldwell Banker Global Luxury logo are service marks registered or pending registrations owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Real estate agents affiliated with Coldwell Banker Gundaker are independent contractor sales associates and are not employees of Coldwell Banker Gundaker.
By Amanda Dahl
Janet McAfee Real Estate
Coldwell Banker Premier Group
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate
314-753-1899 (Breihan), 314-956-9405 (Malecek)
Laurie Busch gathered 20 years of
2203 S. Big Bend Blvd., 314-422-7449 (direct), 314-336-1924 (office)
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate
314-971-4346, homeswithmaria.com
consumer marketing experience
Maria Elias’ expertise and community
through her previous career at
Kim Carney has extensive knowledge
knowledge are evident through rave
Clients get a win-win with Steve Breihan
Anheuser-Busch. A top agent at Janet
of and experience in the luxury home
reviews from clients. Assisting families
and Carolyn Malecek’s team approach to
McAfee, Busch uses her marketing
market, earning her the designation
throughout the moving process for
luxury homes. The certified corporate
background as an invaluable tool for
of Previews Property Specialist in St.
more than 20 years, she specializes
relocation specialists are ranked in the
clients. Her knowledge and attention
Louis. Her fresh approach to marketing
in relocation, as well as listing and
top 1 percent of St. Louis agents and all
to detail ensure her clients are satisfied
homes truly works. A survivor of
marketing. A member of the Multi-
Berkshire Hathaway agents nationwide.
and easily able to anticipate a smooth
ovarian cancer, Carney donates 10
Million Dollar Club, Elias ranks in the
They have $400-plus million in lifetime
transaction with her guidance.
percent of all sales to the Siteman
top 1 percent of St. Louis Realtors.
Cancer Center.
sales and $21-plus million already under contract this year.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate
Coldwell Banker Gundaker
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate
314-503-6533 (Steve), 314-276-1604 (Joe)
314-265-3888 (direct), 636-530-4077 (office)
With 12 years of experience, Mary
Four professionals deliver five-plus
Real estate is a tradition for the Mathes
Born and raised in St. Louis, Margie
Gentsch has enthusiasm, knowledge
decades of diverse residential real estate
men. Father and son Steve and Joe
Medelberg offers more than 30 years
and an incredible passion for helping
experience, specializing in the central
guide clients through the buying and
of experience as a Realtor, with a
people, which enables her to deliver
corridor of St. Louis. The team provides
selling process, with experience as
willingness to share her knowledge of
a high level of service and personal
a strong, thorough marketing campaign,
top-producing agents and a reputation
the local housing market, which remains
attention to clients. A native of St.
expert negotiations and the best
second to none. Steve offers more than
unsurpassed. A hard worker, both fair
Louis, she has connections and the
possible service during and after the
35 years of expertise, while Joe was
and honest, she commits herself to
experience necessary to succeed in the
home-selling and -buying process. They
named Coldwell Banker Gundaker’s
making each real estate transaction
real estate industry.
look forward to earning and keeping
“Rookie of the Year” in 2015.
easy, pleasant and smooth.
MARY GENTSCH Coldwell Banker Gundaker 9651 Clayton Road, 314-323-3621 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office)
your business.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate
The Ryan Tradition Coldwell Banker Gundaker
The Ryan Tradition Coldwell Banker Gundaker
The Ryan Tradition Coldwell Banker Gundaker
314-541-1218 (direct), 636-332-4663 (office) merchantofhomes.com
314-874-5064 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office)
314-712-0558 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office)
314-498-7483 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office) theryantradition.com
Eric Merchant is unique among real
Sydney Millman joined The Ryan
Andrea Morgan joined The Ryan
Aimee Simpson has been an integral
estate agents, thanks to his varied skill
Tradition with eight years of experience
Tradition, bringing her extensive
part of The Ryan Tradition since 1997.
set and ability to assist clients with every
at Coldwell Banker Gold Coast in Chicago.
marketing experience in both traditional
She works directly with buyers and
kind of property search. Merchant has
She specializes in luxury properties
and social media methods. A licensed
sellers, seamlessly managing each
earned the Henry J. Aydt Service and
and has a strong family background in
Realtor since 2000, she works directly
transaction with complete attention to
Legend awards, as well as the 2016 Hall
real estate. With a bachelor’s degree in
with buyers and sellers to help them
detail and excellent customer service.
of Fame Award, with only four agents in
psychology and extensive experience, she
with the moving process. Morgan also
Her experience of more than 20 years
its illustrious group.
works to achieve the best for her buyers
manages the marketing projects for The
has made her a valuable asset to her
and sellers.
Ryan Tradition.
team and clients.
JOHN RYAN The Ryan Tradition Coldwell Banker Gundaker 314-941-0572 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office), theryantradition.com
John Ryan and The Ryan Tradition lead the central-corridor luxury market in St. Louis, with more than $970 million in sales and average sale price. He is involved in the most significant transactions, innovative new-construction projects, land sales
Air Conditioning & Heating Plumbing & Drain Cleaning
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A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 41
ASSISTED LIVING MEMORY CARE 12826 DAYLIGHT CIRCLE ST. LOUIS, MO 63131 Located near the intersection of Manchester Road and Des Peres Road
Apartments are now available for immediate reservation. Move-in assistance available.
Tours & Information Katy Rice 314-384-3654
Sales by: The Denny Team
3017 Fallbrook Dr., Frontenac, MO 63131
2024 Kingspointe Drive Beautiful, stately 1.5 story 5 bedroom 5 full and 2 half bathroom home with gracious floor plan and magnificent custom finishes in sought after Kingspointe.
Custom Built NEW CONSTRUCTION in Prime Frontenac Location! 1.5 story built by Monterey Custom Homes. Spacious 4 bdrm, 5 baths on a 1 acre lot. Many floor plans to choose from!! $1,699,000 to $2,000,000+
Offered at $1,099,000
SteveandCarolyn.com Steve Breihan 314|753-1899 Carolyn Malecek 314|956-9405
8077 Maryland Avenue Clayton MO. 63105 314 | 872– 6606
1533 Woodgate, Frontenac, MO 63131
day Sun -3pm n Ope 4th 1 e Jun
On the go? O Take Ladue News with you! Download our LN iPad app. Available in the Apple App Store. A
New Price! Quality built New Construction by Dollar Building company. This Fabulous 1.5 story, 4 bedroom 6 bath + 1 acre lot! Outdoor fireplace. Executive living at its Best! Prime Frontenac location! Open Sunday 6/4, 1-3pm. $1,749,000. 314-602-3045 • 314-775-2055
• #1 Agents Company Wide 13 years in a row! • Over 90 million SOLD in 2015/16! 329 Houses! • 28+ Years Experience To View All Homes in St. Louis, Go To WWW.SOLdOnSTLOuiS.COm
Under Contract
9890 Old Warson Road • Ladue • $1,499,000
15 Woodcliffe Road • Ladue • $1,350,000
Exceptional mid-century renovation on very private 1.91 acre lot.
Masterfully renovated 5,000 sq ft home with custom dream kitchen.
Under Contract
12349 Borcherding • Des Peres • $785,000
10021 Springwood • Ladue • $560,000
Spacious 1.5 story stately brick home with wonderful floor plan.
Storybook cape cod on .89 acre lot all set in a charming woodsy retreat.
Maria Elias • 314.971.4346 www.homeswithmaria.com LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 43
Alliance Real Estate
Open House Sunday June 4th 1-3 pm
1139 Whitmoor Dr.
Weldon Spring | $670,000 Backing to the golf course gives this lovely home a backyard that calls for bar-b-ques with family and friends. Downstairs you will spend countless hours enjoying the fantastic wet bar and media room. Don't forget there is still room for billiards in this sprawling one and half story home that is perfect for entertaining and large family gatherings!
11792 Highway 100 Berger |$799,000
Stone Spring Farm. Very private, 43+ AC, gorgeous country estate located between Hermann & New Haven, featuring a 2,263 sq. ft., 1800's restored/renovated, main log home; restored 15x10 fishing porch, log cottage; restored 17x14 log house known as “Beaufort Log Cabin” and a restored/renovated log barn; all by a well-known, log restoration architect/craftsman. A 2+ AC stocked lake with dock is just outside the back door of the main home & log cottages. Make an appointment to visit in person.
24167 Route F
Center 63436 | $999,900 Exceptional Log Home on 66 acres only 15-20 minutes from Mark Twain Lake, Hannibal and New London and approximately 1 1/2 hours from St. Louis in Ralls County Missouri! Everything is turn key-ready to go! Electronic security gate! Separate Guest house with Pool! Fully stocked 25-foot-deep lake with dock! The 66 acres is a hunter’s paradise with lots of cover for deer & turkey and the land hunts big! You will think you are on 100 acres after touring the valley and ridges with me (in a side by side ATV of course)!
ERIC MERCHANT Luxury Specialist of Alliance Real Estate
emerchant@bhhsall.com c: 314-541-1218
“Helping families buy & sell luxury properties is my passion!”
1905 Wentzville Pkwy | Wentzville | 636-887-3514
www.bhhsall.com ©2016 BHHS Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchises of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity
14 Long Meadows Lane Town & Country, MO 63131
One of a kind home on 1+ acre in Town & County. Open floorplan makes for wonderful entertaining space. Lovely finished lower level opens to pool and private yard. Casey & Crowley Team
Trish Casey 314-608-1508 tcasey@bhhsall.com Ellen Crowley 314-791-2223 ecrowley@bhhsall.com Office: 314-872-6656 www. TRISHandELLEN.com
Located in one of the most sought after areas in Ladue, this beautiful 1.5 story is nestled on 3 private acres appointed with mature trees and lush gardens. A large circle drive leads you to this totally renovated traditional classic and once inside you are sure to be impressed with the long list of improvements. A large addition to the rear includes expanding the kitchen area with a breakfast room and sitting area as well as a large great room with 3 sides of windows overlooking the beautiful lot and private in ground pool. A stunning first floor master suite has also been added to include 3 large closets and glamour bath with heated floor, separate vanities, whirlpool tub,and step in steam shower. His and her offices have been created as well. Upstairs there are 4 large bedrooms each with their own bath as well as an Au par/in law suite with sitting room, kitchen. bed and bath. The W/O lower level is finished with a family room, rec room, exercise, sauna, and large wine cellar.
Margie Medelberg
Direct: 314.265.3888 Office: 636.530.4004 mmedelberg@bhhsall.com
Karen Tucker
Direct: 314.265.3888 Office: 636.530.4016 karen.tucker@bhhsall.com
www.themedelbergteam.com ©2017 BHHS Affiliates, LLC. An independently owned and operated franchises of BHH Affiliates, LLC. Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices and the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices symbol are registered service marks of HomeServices of America, Inc.® Equal Housing Opportunity
44 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
17050 Baxter Rd. Suite 200 | Chesterfield, MO 63005
Land | Litwack & Associates 314-872-6677
Landlitwack.com | landlitwack@bhhsall.com
Alliance Real Estate
• $37,673,324 total sale volume and 90 units closed • #1 for three straight years in the Clayton BHHS Alliance Office • 2016 Chairman’s Circle Diamond Award
On the market Open 6/4 from 1p-3p
Open 6/4 from 1p-3p
Open 6/4 from 1p-3p
Open 6/4 from 1p-3p
1088 McKnight Orchard, Ladue Schools, Offered at $674,900
41 Beaver Drive, Creve Coeur, Offered at $399,000
8021 Teasdale Avenue, University City, Offered at $389,900
7461 Gannon Avenue, University City, Offered at $289,900
1087 Wilson Avenue, University City Offered at $199,900
345 Calvert Avenue,Webster Groves, Under Contract at $529,900
9810 Sundown Square, Creve Coeur, Under Contract at $450,000
2034 Bellevue Avenue, Maplewood, Under Contract at $224,900
658 Deerhurst Drive,Webster Groves, Under Contract at $159,900
7635 Carswold Drive, Clayton, SOLD at $440,000
8324 Gannon Avenue, University City, SOLD at $420,000
8027 Stanford Avenue, University City, SOLD at $366,000
Under Contract
10351 Gold Dust Avenue, Ladue, Under Contract at $599,900
17812 Suzanne Ridge,Wildwood, 515 Purdue Avenue, University City, SOLD at $537,500 SOLD at $450,000
A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 45
By Amanda Dahl
12349 Borcherding | DES PERES
50 Broadview Drive | CLAYTON
12915 Conway Road | CREVE COEUR
Maria Elias Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate 314-971-4346 (direct), 314-872-6721 (office), homeswithmaria.com
Peggy Liggett Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-265-1041 (direct), 314-569-1177 (office), lauramccarthy.com
Warner Hall Thornhill Dielmann Sotheby’s International Realty 314-725-0009, warnerhallgroup.com Uncover one of the best prices in Creve Coeur, with this
Discover exceptional quality throughout this incredible This spacious 4-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom home in the heart
residence significantly reduced to allow for the buyer’s
3-year-old custom home in Claverach Park. The 2-story
of Des Peres presents with impressive curb appeal and a
personalization. Wide open spaces, soaring ceilings and
abode is situated on a picturesque level lot surrounded
wonderful open floor plan. Discover wooden floors, crown
an incredible floor plan, all sitting under an oculus that
by trees. Featuring 5 bedrooms and 5.5 bathrooms, the
and rope molding, built-ins, soaring ceilings and light-filled
offers views of the passing clouds and stars, make this a
residence boasts 10-foot ceilings, hardwood floors and
rooms. From the gourmet kitchen to the main-floor master
captivating property. $799,000
much more. $2.437 million
suite, you’ll find much to enjoy. $785,000
19 Danfield Road | LADUE
1290 Dry Ridge Road | LADUE
564 Eagles Nest Court | BALLWIN
Katie McLaughlin & Sue McLaughlin Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-283-8444 (Katie), 314-504-4214 (Sue), 314-569-1177 (office), lauramccarthy.com
John Ryan The Ryan Tradition Coldwell Banker Gundaker 314-941-0572 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office), theryantradition.com
Land | Litwack & Associates Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate 314-862-6677, landlitwack.com
This custom-built home welcomes you with a 2-story foyer
Coming soon, this gated country estate is situated on
and sweeping staircase. The open concept living and dining
Residing on more than 3 secluded acres within Town and
almost 4 private acres. The abode presents with handsome,
rooms, plus kitchen, entice with hardwood floors. Uncover
Country, this true gem of a residence offers 12,000-plus
high-end workmanship throughout its elegant living space.
the first-level master suite or three additional bedrooms
square feet, including a carriage house apartment, pool and
Comprising 10,000 square feet, including 6 bedrooms and
upstairs. Residing in a peaceful locale, a nearby horse trail
octagonal pool house. Relax in the main-level master suite
5.5 bathrooms, this pristine residence is the perfect place to
provides easy access to the outdoors. $1,999,999
or the finished walk-out lower level, with a theater, hot tub
call home. $949,900
and more. $5.2 million
524 High Hampton Road | LADUE Marilyn Adaire Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-239-9191 (direct), 314-569-1177 (office), lauramccarthy.com This charming, 1.5-story Colonial boasts a stunning garden room, with vaulted ceiling, which overlooks the almost 2-acre lot, offering a spacious brick patio and perennial gardens. The living and family rooms are made larger with beautiful bay windows, moldings and two fireplaces. Uncover beauty inside and out. $975,000
46 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com |
14 Long Meadows Lane |
16901 Pacland Ridge Drive |
919 Tirrill Farms Road | LADUE
Trish Casey & Ellen Crowley The Casey Crowley Team Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate 314-608-1508 (Casey), 314-791-2223 (Crowley), trishandellen.com
The Monschein Team Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Alliance Real Estate 17050 Baxter Road, Suite 200, 636-530-4093, themonscheinteam.com
Elegant and inviting, this wonderful home proves an
This stunning custom home sits on a private lot of
entertainer’s paradise, with sprawling spaces and an open
3 breathtaking acres. The 1.5-story property boasts
flow. No detail is overlooked, from the custom cabinets and
spectacular features, from the expected to the extravagant,
high-end appliances of the kitchen to the wet bar in the
showcasing tons of updates. Stop by the open house on
walk-out lower level. The backyard boasts a brick patio, fire
June 4 to discover everything this residence holds for you
pit and heated pool. $699,000
and yours. $1.99 million
1440 Topping Road | TOWN AND COUNTRY
477 Twin Creek Road | CREVE COEUR
26 Upper Ladue Road | LADUE
Lisa Nelson Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-477-8580 (direct), 314-569-1177 (office), lauramccarthy.com
Liz St. Cin & Gloria Gantner Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-412-4687 (St. Cin), 314-941-5198 (Gantner), 314-725-5100 (office), lauramccarthy.com
John Ryan The Ryan Tradition Coldwell Banker Gundaker 314-941-0572 (direct), 314-993-8000 (office), theryantradition.com
Enjoy seclusion within this Johnson-built New England
This traditional residence has been tastefully updated, with
style home. Nestled along a private acre lot, this lovely
5 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms and a finished lower level. Step
This exceptional custom home resides on more than 3.5
residence showcases extensive millwork, a fabulous
through the entry foyer, which flows through the living,
acres, with a seamless expansion, offering 10,000-plus
kitchen and a hearth room, with a wood-burning fireplace.
dining and family rooms onto the expansive kitchen, with
square feet of finished space. Located in one of St. Louis’
Unwind inside your own luxurious master suite. Uncover
hearth and breakfast rooms. The spalike master suite boasts
most prestigious neighborhoods, the residence boasts the
an inviting in-ground pool and several covered porches
a custom shower and more. $674,900
finest finishes and systems, including geothermal HVAC,
Jill Malley Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-277-9568 (direct), 314-569-1177 (office), lauramccarthy.com This classic Georgian shows exquisite style through
9854 Waterbury Drive | LADUE
30 Willow Hill Road |
Megan Rowe & Joan Schnoebelen Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-378-4077 (Rowe), 314-406-0005 (Schnoebelen), 314-569-1177 (office), lauramccarthy.com
The Lizzy Dooley Group Laura McCarthy Real Estate 314-680-1426 (direct), 314-725-5100 (office), lauramccarthy.com
this magnificent 2-story executive home features a light-filled living room, formal dining room and family room that opens to a deck and patio. Amenities include a pool and gourmet kitchen, with breakfast room. $1.295 million
extended circular and pillared dining room, with floor-toceiling curved windows, overlooks the brick and bluestone patio, as well as a water fountain, all designed by landscape architect Rand Rosenthal. This unusual offering makes a breathless statement. $2.195 million
plus a guest house and pool. $5.625 million
outside. $1,599,900
Residing on more than half an acre within walking distance of Old Warson Country Club,
architectural details that exceed expectations. The
This exquisite French Colonial boasts uncompromising quality, with the owners having extensively renovated the property. A great living space, the kitchen opens to the family room and brick patio. You’ll admire the finished lower level and spacious master suite, with a stunning bath and fireplace. $899,000 A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 47
Open 6/4, 1-3 PM
Price: $949,000 I Bedrooms: 4 I Baths: 2.5 I 3,427 Square Feet
Open 6/4, 1-3 PM
$569,900 l Bedrooms: 4 I Baths: 3.5 I Total Living Area: 4,037 Square Feet
4 Winding Brook Lane in Ladue
13353 Fairfield Circle Drive in Town & Country
Home has been transformed by the current owners. Each room is a treat with exceptional details like refinished oak floors, crown molding, custom lighting and Emtek door hardware/locks, knobs and hinges. The kitchen boasts solid cherry cabinets, Brazilian granite counter tops, a spectacular glass back splash, under cabinet lighting, top-of-the-line KitchenAid appliances and much more. The family room has vaulted wood ceiling, built-in bookcases and a gas fireplace. The master suite is a private retreat with a large custom built walk-in closet and a sitting room that opens to a patio. The backyard is a true oasis and offers spectacular outdoor living and entertaining spaces with oversized patios.
Situated on a cul-de-sac, this impeccably maintained villa is the perfect spot. The gracious living room features a vaulted ceiling, skylights, palladium windows, gas fireplace and opens to the formal dining room and deck. The cheery white kitchen has a breakfast area, main floor laundry room and opens to a private patio. Completing the first floor is the spacious master bedroom with a bay window, door to the deck, his and hers closets and large master bath, in addition to a second bedroom with en suite bath. In the lower level, you will find a comfortable family room with wet bar, gas fireplace, two additional bedrooms, bath, and walk out to the private pool and patio.
Linda Benoist Listing Agent 314.504.5495
Lisa Coulter Listing Agent 314.941.2883
Linda Benoist Listing Agent 314.504.5495
Lisa Coulter Listing Agent 314.941.2883
Peggy Dozier Listing Agent 314.974.6990
Price: $309,000 I Bedrooms: 2 I Baths: 2 I 1,440 Square Feet
Price: $807,000 I Bedrooms: 4 I Baths: 3.5 I Total Living Area: 5,253 Square Feet
4466 West Pine Boulevard, Unit 14C in the CWE
12437 Grandview Lake Drive in Sunset Hills
This 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit is open, light and bright with an updated kitchen and vintage inspired bathrooms in addition to classic details like parquet wood floors and crown molding throughout most of the space. The master bedroom includes two organized walk-in closets. The kitchen features granite counters, breakfast bar, custom cabinetry and a gas range, plus a built-in paneled front refrigerator. Current floor plan configuration offers the owner flexibility in how they can use the space. There is ample storage in the unit along with a storage space in the garage. This unit does come with 1 assigned parking space. All utilities are included in the condo fees. Doorman and private pool.
Outstanding floor plan this atrium ranch offers so many upgraded features! Wood flooring on the main level, spacious kitchen/hearth room/breakfast room over look private lot. Main floor master suite includes a sitting room and updated master bath, walk out lower level offers a media room, office , large bedroom, full bath, tons of storage area, and a rec room complete with kitchenette/bar! Custom deck and walkway out to rear patio fire pit area add to the appeal of this impeccably maintained home! Two additional main floor bedrooms connect with a Jack and Jill bath. Black shelves/cabinets flanking great room fireplace to stay.
Kathleen Lovett Listing Agent 314.610.7408
Laura Donovan Listing Agent 314.229.8978
Susan Hurley Listing Agent 314.308.6636
janet mcafee inc. l 9889 clayton road l saint louis, missouri 63124 l 314.997.4800 I www.janetmcafee.com
Price: $1,599,000 I Bedrooms: 6 I Baths: 4 Full & 3 Half I Total Living Area: 6,631 Square Feet
Open 6/4, 1-3 PM
Price: $899,000 l Bedrooms: 3 I Baths: 3.5 I 2,767 Square Feet
37 Fair Oaks in Ladue
34 Countryside Lane in Frontenac
Outstanding architectural appeal inside and out! This beautiful 5+ bedroom home has updated kitchen and wonderful 2-story addition of breakfast room and family room on the main level off the kitchen, large master bedroom suite upstairs, plus 3-car attached garage! Built-in cabinetry and fireplace in family room. Striking moldings and arches. Lovely sunroom is 3 season. Main floor office! Kitchen has custom Markus 42 inch cabinetry and island with breakfast bar. Viking gas cooktop and double ovens, SubZero refrigerator and Miele dishwasher. Spacious bedrooms upstairs. Front and back stairs. Lower level has knotty pine rec room with stone fireplace and bedroom and bath.
Level 1.22+ acre setting with mature trees and a salt water swimming pool. Classic brick ranch with 3 bedroom, 2.5+ bath, oak paneled family room with fireplace. Formal living room with fireplace and bay window. Formal dining room. Gleaming hardwood floors. Updated kitchen with built-in refrigerator and separate ice maker. Master bedroom with en suite bath (newer). Newer hall bath and 2 additional bedrooms. 3 season sun room opens to patio. Stairway to expandable 2nd floor. Full basement.
Marc Sinclair Listing Agent 314.805.5730
Susan Holden Listing Agent 314.503.3345
New Price: $379,000 I Bedrooms: 3 I Baths: 2.5 I 2,201 Square Feet
Open 6/4, 1-3 PM
David Joyner Listing Agent 314.308.0216
Price: $1,799,000 I Bedrooms: 4 I Baths: 4 Full & 2 Half I 4,847 Square Feet
9137 Moritz Avenue in Brentwood
2 Wendover Drive in Ladue
This charming spacious and sun-filled 2-story brick house offers 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, hardwood floors and a second floor laundry. A very welcoming home at 2,200 square feet. Kitchen offers pass-through to a generous family room overlooking large deck and beautiful fenced level yard. Flexible floor plan. Separate living room and dining rooms but the deep living room with its window seat and gas fireplace could be a dining room/living room combo. Traditional floor plan with beautiful millwork, 6 panel doors, walk-out lower level that is dog-friendly with doggie door and dogwashing area. Dual HVAC zones. Minutes from Clayton, highways, shopping, restaurants and parks.
Exceptional 11-year-old Prairie contemporary style home in the heart of Ladue. This 4 bedroom, 4+ bath home offers an open floor plan, arched doorways, wide plank maple wood floors and spacious room sizes throughout. Main floor master suite with spa-like bath, private laundry and large walk-in closet with custom built-ins. The chef’s kitchen with stainless appliances and honed granite counter tops and custom Markus cabinetry opens to a wonderful hearth room with vaulted ceiling and gas fireplace. Finished lower level with additional family room, wet-bar, exercise room, craft room, and full bath. Patio overlooks custom saltwater pool and hot tub is perfect for entertaining! 3-car garage.
Kathy Driscoll Listing Agent 314.704.1474
Ann Carter Listing Agent 314.277.1089
janet mcafee inc. l 9889 clayton road l saint louis, missouri 63124 l 314.997.4800 I www.janetmcafee.com
1314 Wildhorse Meadows
By Amanda Dahl
THIS 4-BEDROOM, 3 FULL-BATHROOM AND 2 HALF-BATHROOM HOME IN CHESTERFIELD IS LISTED FOR $1.14 MILLION. TERRI REA & DEBBIE SCHUERMAN Terri Rea & Debbie Schuerman, 314-374-5128 (Rea), 314-630-3510 (Schuerman), 636-532-0200 (Chesterfield West office), terri.rea@cbgundaker.com, debbie.schuerman@cbgundaker.com, cbgundaker.com Coldwell Banker Gundaker (CBG), one of St. Louis’ leading residential real estate brokerage companies, offers 19 offices with more than 1,400 sales associates serving metropolitan St. Louis and east-central Missouri. CBG was formed in 2001 with the merger of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage (originally the Ira E. Berry Company, founded in 1939) and Gundaker Realtors (founded in 1968). The associates of the Chesterfield West office rank among the area’s most experienced retail professionals, with special expertise in the central corridor.
50 LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 | June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
his Chesterfield residence greets you with a manicured lawn and beautiful brick façade, inviting you through a columned archway into a sunlit 2-story foyer, featuring a sweeping staircase and honed marble flooring. From the sanctuary of the library, with custom bookcases, to the elegance of the dining room, with a trey ceiling, each space offers something unique to be admired. The home’s hub is the great room, with floor-to-ceiling arched windows, a gas fireplace and scraped wood floors. It opens up to the breakfast room and designer kitchen, with a wet bar, granite counters and state-of-the-art appliances, including a wine chiller. Friends and family will flock to the finished lower level, boasting family and billiards rooms, plus a granite-top wet bar, or to the private backyard, with a custom stone fireplace and grill, plus patio. Retire to the luxurious main-floor master suite, with a sitting room, French doors and a see-through glass fireplace.
Knowledge and expertise to achieve all of Your real estate goals
BUYING or SELLING? Steve Mathes, CRS,GRI Broker / Sales Associate 314-503-6533 Cell 314-997-3412 Office stevemathes@realtor.com stevemathes.com
673 pine cone court • $898,000 2 Main floor Master suites • Beautiful sun rooM
Mary Gentsch
314-323-3621 call/text Mary.Gentsch@cbgundaker.com
Joe Mathes, JD
Ladue/Clayton Office 9651 Clayton Road Ladue, MO 63124 314-993-8000
Sales Associate 314-276-1604 Cell 314-993-8000 Office joe.mathes@gmail.com
laduenews.com/ realestate
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online. Search area homes.
I N T E G R I T Y, E X P E R I E N C E , R E S U LT S
JUSt LiSteD!
New PriCe!
New LiStiNg UNDer CONStrUCtiON
Find more Distinctive Properties. Answer the question... “What did it sell for?” See what’s new on the market.
20 OverhiLLS Drive, LaDUe
Gorgeous Ladue estate property, 3.08-acres, 5,400 SF of space including walkout finished lower level, swimming pool plus Home Protection Plan. Renovated kitchen and master bath. Harris Armstrong design.....$1,899,000
St. Louis’ Finest Homes
3 Briar Oak rD, LaDUe
Custom home on 1.4 -acre wooded site in with an estimated November 2017 completion.. 1.5-story, 4 BD, 5,300 SF....$1,890,000
533 FairwayS CirCLe, Creve COeUr
Eight year new, 1.5-story custom home by Berkley with 4 BD, 7,000+ SF on three levels, backing to Creve Coeur Golf Course!....$1,299,999
10144 FieLDCreSt LaNe, LaDUe
New custom home under construction on premier level wooded .41-acre cul-de-sac lot! By Dominion Homes with 4BD, 3.5 bath, 1.5-story with 3,349 SF....$1,075,000 New PriCe!
NeW LiSTiNg 10124 FieLDCreSt LaNe, LaDUe
New custom home to be built by Dominion Homes 4BD, 3.5 bath, 1.5-story, 3,200 SF, .34-acre lot. One of nine new homes to be built in neighborhood.....$975,000
6 Ferrand Woods • Ladue • $799,000
UNDer CONtraCt
10147 FieLDCreSt LaNe, LaDUe New 4BD, 3 bath, ranch custom home to be built by MC Modern Concepts. 3,200 SF on .57-acre cul-de-sac lot.....$899,900
4 ChiLtON LaNe, Creve COeUr (LaDUe SChOOLS)
6 BD, 4.5 bath 1.5-story, with 4,278 SF on a 1.18 acre level wooded site. Swimming pool, hot tub, finished lower level and Home Protection Plan!....$849,500
New PriCe!
UNDer CONtraCt
11 NaNtUCket LaNe, Creve COeUr (LaDUe SChOOLS)
495 SCheLL rD, aUgUSta
1 LaDUe MaNOr, LaDUe
Professional ranch renovation situated on a .71-acre wooded walkout lot. Approximately 3,550 square feet of living area including the finished lower level plus the Home Protection Plan.....$839,500 UNDer CONtraCt
Amazing hidden gem on almost an acre in the heart of Ladue. 4 bedroom with over 4,500 sq ft of living space that’s been beautifully updated. Gorgeous landscape and hardscape...truly an outdoor private oasis! NeW PriCe
NeW PriCe
8 FOrSythia LaNe, OLivette New custom home by ARKO— Just completed in Ladue Schools. Two-story, 4 BD, 3.5 baths, 3,700 SF. .46-acre. Loaded with upgrades. .....$749,500 JUSt LiSteD!
Spacious 5 BD, 5 bath, 1.5 story home 4,028 SF with two master suites and an elevator on a .46-acre site.....$649,500 UNDer CONtraCt
Stunning 2-story farmhouse on 5.55-acres. 4 BD, 2 full and 2 half baths, 3,455 SF in wine country with million dollar views plus the Home Protection Plan......$649,000 UNDer CONtraCt
39 PriCewOODS LaNe OLivette (LaDUe SChOOLS) Beautifully renovated 2,512 SF home on a wooded cul-de-sac lot. Shows like a display. ....$469,900 JUSt LiSteD!
1337 S Mason road • Town and Country • $3,500,000 2234 Whitney Pointe • Chesterfield • $920,000 Stunning & sprawling 4 year old custom built 1.5 story stone estate! This 13,642 sqft manse sits on 4.52 acres, backing to Quenny Park.
Spectacular 1.5 story with over 7,200 sqft of living space, featuring a main and upper floor master suite and 5 additional bedrooms.
The Kim Carney DifferenCe Taking Real esTaTe To The nexT level
www.TheCarneyTeam.Com | Kim.Carney@ColdwellBanKer.Com 2203 souTh Big Bend Blvd | suiTe 200 | 314-336-1924
110 StONeLeigh tOwerS, OLivette (LaDUe SChOOLS) Renovated ranch with 1,920 square feet, wooded .38-acre lot, Home Protection Plan, move-in condition....$377,500
4 MOrwOOD LaNe, Creve COeUr (LaDUe SChOOLS)
Ranch with approximately 2,700 SF on two levels includes Home Protection Plan. Walkout .35-acre lot. Loaded with updates-super buy!...$339,900
1140 COLLiNgwOOD LaNe, OLivette (LaDUe SChOOLS)
New custom home! 3 BD, 2.5 bath, 1.5-story with granite kitchen, luxury baths, wood floors. Move-in ready. Super Value!...$299,900
Residential lots FoR sale
8780 weSt kiNgSBUry aveNUe, UNiverSity City
Renovated three bedroom ranch gem in Del Price loaded with updates and includes Home Protection Plan. Move-in condition--outstanding value.....$274,900 UNDer CONtraCt
Under Contract - 20 Lawrence Drive, Creve Coeur: .46-acre building lot Creve Coeur in Ladue Schools.............................$250,000 Final site on Fieldcrest Lane - 10101 Fieldcrest Lane, Ladue: .40-acre building lot in the Heart of Ladue.........................$225,000 Under Contract - 10116 Fieldcrest Lane, Ladue: .34-acre building lot in the Heart of Ladue ...............................................$225,000 Under Contract - 10111 Fieldcrest Lane, Ladue: .34-acre building lot in the Heart of Ladue................................................$225,000 Under Contract - 10049 Fieldcrest Lane, Ladue: .50-acre building lot in the Heart of Ladue............................................. $200,000 Under Contract - 10010 Fieldcrest Lane, Ladue: .34-acre building lot in the Heart of Ladue ............................................. $200,000
742 JUaNita ave, gLeNDaLe (kirkwOOD SChOOLS) Glendale ranch gem on a small private tree lined neighborhood with a level fenced backyard....$213,900
LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 51
52 Huntleigh Woods, Huntleigh
Long impressive circular driveway leads to this stately and inviting home featuring all the wonderful spaces a family desires. The heart of the home is the kitchen and wood beamed vaulted hearth room with a view of the very private backyard and lovely salt water pool, plus a 2.76-acre lot with gorgeous trees and foliage. $1,599,000 For an appointment call:
Sue and Katie McLaughlin Sue: 314.504.4214 Katie: 314.283.8444
Love Where You Live!
7038 Lindell Boulevard, University City
7 The Orchards, Ladue
Coming Soon! Located on tree-lined Lindell Boulevard just west of Washington University, this stunning four bedroom, one and a half bath home offers exquisite built-ins and moldings, walkout family room to backyard patio, updated kitchen and two car garage. Available Tuesday, June 5th. $475,000
Coming Soon! Fall in love with this incredibly charming four bedroom, three and a half bath, one and a half story on the beautiful Orchards Lane in Ladue! Hardwood floors throughout, large bedrooms, a pool and walkout finished basement. Available Saturday, June 10th. $749,000
The Lizzy Dooley Group Office: 314.725.5100 Cell: 314.680.1426
50 Broadview, Clayton Exceptional quality throughout this stunning three-year-old custom designed two story in Claverach Park. This home situated on a beautiful level lot surrounded by trees, features five bedrooms and five and a half baths, ten-foot ceilings, hardwood floors and much more. $2,437,000
For an appointments call:
Peggy Liggett
Office: 314.569.1177 Cell: 314.265.1041
1440 Topping Road, Town and Country Nestled on a secluded private acre lot, this Johnson built “New England� home offers extensive millwork, a fabulous kitchen and hearth room with wood burning fireplace plus a luxurious master suite. Outside you will find an inviting in-ground pool and several covered porches. $1,599,900
219 Lark Hill Lane, Ballwin
327 Luther Lane, Kirkwood
Lovely updated home on a 0.7-acre lot. The fabulous great room has a vaulted
This updated home is a must see! The many windows make a bright and
ceiling, surround sound, French doors leading to a deck, and a fireplace. The
kitchen is sleek with granite counters and a stainless steel back-splash. $225,000
sunny interior, with a versatile open floor plan. The ceilings upstairs mimic the roof line, providing the feeling of openness. $599,000
Lisa Nelson
Office: 314.569.1177 Cell: 314.477.8580
13343 Fairfield Circle Drive, Town and Country This end unit is in a prime location with a beautiful view. Lovely great room
with coffered ceiling and fireplace. First floor master suite includes a deck and sitting area. Updated kitchen with access to the patio. Lower level includes a family room with full bar, access to patio and a guest room. $545,000
524 High Hampton, Ladue
7827 Cornell Avenue, University City
This charming one and a half story colonial features a stunning garden room with vaulted ceiling, overlooks the 1.8-acre lot with large brick patio and perennial gardens. Living and family rooms are enlarged by bay windows and enhanced by moldings and two fireplaces. $975,000
Traditional English Tudor with a charming interior including impressive leaded
and stain glass windows and rich hardwood floors. Remodeled kitchen, sunny
breakfast room leads to the deck and pleasant backyard. Come see this house with the craftsmanship of a bygone era, updated for today’s living. $369,500
For an appointment call:
Marilyn Adaire
Office: 314.569.1177 Cell: 314.239.9191 OPEN SUNDAY 1-3! This home has
it all! Sitting on approximately 0.75 acre cul-de-sac lot. The main floor features
wood floors, beautiful millwork, custom built-ins, and full height windows. The
expansive open-concept kitchen offers an integrated hearth room and dining areas. The master en suite bath includes heated floors, skylight,
double sink marble vanity, custom
cabinetry, and custom spa shower.
477 Twin Creek Road, Creve Coeur
134 Babler Road, Town and Country Great traditional home with spacious updated interior on a beautiful one plus acre lot. Enjoy four bedrooms and two and a half baths, an outside is a pool, hot tub, double decks, and a brick patio complete the picture! $598,134
The finished lower level creates great added flexibility for daily family living.
Updated systems throughout! $649,900
6339 Waterman Ave, University City This gorgeous updated three-story home features stained glass windows. The foyer
leads into the living room with fireplace. There is a large gourmet kitchen adjoining the family room. The lovely master suite is on the second level. $629,900
Elizabeth St. Cin Office: 314.725.5100 Cell: 314.412.4687
Style 57
Oh, Whoa! LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
Blue-and-White VIBES
JOYA necklace, $118, Paisley Boutique (xopaisley.com)
By Katie Yeadon
Blue and white create a traditional color combination that will never go out of style – and that combo’s most certainly on trend for the summer. Integrating this airy, light look into your wardrobe will be a breeze!
Sugar Life top, $50, Ivy Hill (ivyhillboutique.com)
KMJ Kate McHale Jensen top, $140, Vie (viestlouis.com)
Tory Burch bag, $475, Neiman Marcus
Joie shorts, $198, Neiman Marcus (neimanmarcus.com)
Valentino wedge, $945, Neiman Marcus Buckley K dress, $228, Ivy Hill Rebecca Taylor dress, $475, Neiman Marcus
56 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Cupcakes and Cashmere top, $90, paperdolls (paperdolls.boutique)
Connubial Cosmetics
By Kimmie Gotch
ere in the peak of wedding season, whether you’re a bride-to-be or otherwise involved in upcoming nuptials, paying attention to a few cosmetic trends should be integral. Natural Skin. Having natural-looking, airbrushed skin on your big day? Huge! No bride wants “cake face” – heavily caked-on facial makeup – for her nuptials. Achieve a natural dermal glow with airbrush makeup by seeking a professional in your area who provides this service. Another key to natural-looking skin involves skipping the super-dark spray tan. Instead, opt for a lighter spray tan. To look like the best version of yourself as you walk down the aisle, do everything you can to maximize your skin’s natural beauty. Bright Cheeks. To look like the archetypal blushing bride, wear the right amount of blush on your cheeks. No matter your skin color, a bright pop of color there will look lovely. To achieve this effect, apply blush to the apples of your cheeks, then blend upward toward
your cheekbones. Pink Lips. Although some brides opt for classic red lips, pink lips are trending now. So find a shade of pink with just enough pop against your skin tone – but make sure it still looks natural. Also, avoid choosing a hue that’s too “nude,” to ensure your lips stand out in photos instead of blending into the rest of your face. And last but scarcely least, keep your lipstick with you throughout your wedding day to reapply it when needed. Bold Eyes. Natural skin and bold eyes make a killer combo. The absence on the rest of your face of heavy makeup allows your eyes to become the stars of the
show. Bronze, smoky eyes have become très popular among today’s brides, and black, gray and dark purple shades also make great smoky eye shadows. Lots of Lashes. Abundant eyelashes perfect a bride’s peepers. Achieve long, fluffy lashes best with lash extensions or strip lashes. And whatever else you do, wear waterproof mascara for your wedding – against the inevitable tears of joy. Otherwise, whether you’re doing your own makeup for your nuptials or getting professional assistance, absolutely conduct a trial run so you know exactly how you’ll look on the big day!
LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 57
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MISSOURI'S #1 AUDI RETAILER Source, bureau of Missouri Automotive registration 2016.
Audi West County
15736 Manchester at Clarkson Rd. • 1-877-756-8753 • audiwestcounty.com 58 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Supersize Style y Tiny ToTs,
By Denise Kruse | Photos courtesy of Bohemiaan Babies
Bohemian Babies offers durable, stylish handmade duds for your pint-size sartorialist.
elf-professed “maker at heart, lover of all things bohemian and old soul,” Amanda Whittle is the brains behind Bohemian Babies, the St. Louis-based baby and children’s clothing company, which specializes in handmade, unique, fashionable clothing for babies and infants, as well as young girls and boys. A classic desk job-turned-maker story, Whittle was doing bookkeeping for a small business until 2010, when she was unexpectedly laid off. She and her husband opted for her to stay home with her 2-year-old son, where she began exploring creative projects to keep her hands busy. “I’ve always been a creative person, filling my free time with DIY home décor projects and paper crafting, but I wanted to step up my game, so I purchased a cheap sewing machine,” Whittle recalls. “I started by making some pillows and curtains for our house; then I began appliquéing shirts for my son. It kind of snowballed, and before I knew it, I was sewing every day at nap time.” Impressively, Whittle is a self-taught seamstress. “I hadn’t ever touched a sewing machine until I bought mine in 2010,” she says. “That’s so bizarre to think about, considering not a day goes by now that I don’t use it. I started off with really simple projects and just slowly taught myself – it’s funny how something that is once so foreign can become second nature to you.” She encourages others to step out of their comfort zone in the same way: “I often get the comment ‘You’re so talented,’ and I tell people that they can do it, too! It just takes a lot of practice and a little patience.” Whittle founded her Etsy shop in 2011. “I figured if I was already sewing and it was something I enjoyed, I might as well make a few extra bucks from it,” she says. “I had no idea at the time that six years later, it would be the business it is today!” Bohemian Babies wares include a handful of signature designs in various fabrics – a simplified offering of products to
capitalize on customer favorites. “These are items that people just couldn’t get enough of and were always asking for more,” Whittle says. “The designs that we now offer [are the result of] years of trial and error. [The customer] usually tells me where to go; I just have the easy job of picking the fabrics.” Items begin at birth to 3 months and go up to a size 6, with some dresses going up to a girls’ size 12. Last year, Bohemian Babies debuted a collection of made-to-order draped kimonos that are one-size-fitsmost for mommies and sizes 2 to 7 for their minis. Prices range from $12 for bibs to $40 for dresses, with eight-piece capsule wardrobes for the tiniest of fashion icons starting at $140. “We offer a little something for almost everyone!” Whittle says. Like any mama who’s been in the trenches for any length of time, Whittle is well-versed in what parents are looking for in their kids’ clothing: fun patterns in unique designs, but also high-quality, durable fabrics that play as hard as the kids who wear them and that
are tough enough to be tossed into the washer and dryer. “[It’s] stuff that your kids can play in the dirt in, then turn around and wear to brunch the next day,” Whittle says. “Comfort has become my No. 1 priority – practicality is key.” That said, Whittle still loves Bohemian Babies’ eclectic aesthetic, including large floral prints and other patterns one wouldn’t expect of children’s clothing. Rompers (“My absolute favorite right now,” Whittle says.), hats, leggings, harem pants, bodysuits, fringe crop tops, dresses, bandana bibs and “shorties” – tiny cuffed shorts with a squeal-inducing fit for chubby baby legs – are 100 percent handmade by Whittle and her two-person team. “We cut all of the patterns from a bolt of fabric and sew each item individually,” Whittle says. “I love the fact that I literally put my hands on every piece that leaves my studio. All of these items are made of the softest knit material.” For late summer and early fall, Whittle will be adding quite a few new prints. “I just ordered all the
fabric, and it’s going to be so good,” she says. “It’s a lot more earthy than what I’ve done before.” Bohemian Babies clothing can be found online at bohemianbabies.shop or Whittle’s Etsy shop, as well as local retailers such as Botanical Heights’ Union Studio and Philomena + Ruth in Waterloo, Illinois, plus other select retailers across the country. She will also be at The Grand Market: Fashion, Flowers + Folk on Sunday, June 4, and Strange Folk Festival, which will be held from Sept. 22 to 24 in Lafayette Park. “I love to do this for a living,” Whittle says. “I know it’s just clothes, but it seems to bring so much joy to people’s lives. It makes my heart full when people post pictures on Instagram gushing over whatever they’ve bought – and the sweet babes in the clothes sure don’t hurt, either!” Bohemian Babies, bohemianbabies.shop
LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017
father’s day GIFTS By Amanda Dahl
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Sweet Harmonies LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
Game ON! As we head into summer, I’ve been thinking lots of thoughts on sports and life. Here are seven:
I don’t really blame Blues fans for being upset. Fifty years is a long time to wait for the Stanley Cup. This postseason set up nicely, too, without a powerhouse team in the way. This should have been the year – the Winter Classic season. The magical 50. We’re a hockey city of Hull, Pronger and Federko. Nashville’s a city of Dolly Parton, Waylon Jennings and Patsy Cline. How does this happen? It always does.
I believe Doug Armstrong had a heck of a spring with his moves. Mike Yeo replaced a Hall of Famer and went 22-8-2 down the stretch, having Jake Allen be coached by Martin Brodeur, picking up Vladimír Sobotka and getting good value in the Kevin Shattenkirk trade. The nucleus is young and talented. This team is built to win for years. However, how many years have we said that?
The Cardinals have a chance to stick around and compete with the Cubs. That statement
would not have been made after just the first two weeks of April. They were a 3-9 team, with their pitching prospect out for the year and still a club with defensive and base-running issues. They’ll still never be confused with the 1982 Cardinals when it comes to fundamentals. However, starting pitching is a panacea for all problems. Make no mistake, this starting group can really pitch.
There’s always a great uproar on college campuses when it’s revealed how much a coach is making. The latest is Nick Saban at Alabama. With bonuses, he’ll make more than $11 million. But he’s worth every penny – and more. He’s turned a crappy little college town into an incredible Southern city. He’s built buildings and skyrocketed the enrollment. Can a biology teacher do that?
So our town has lost football and likely soccer – but we’re getting a sport back. It’s called college basketball. It’s been gone for three solid years. There was no reason to watch it on TV or go to a game. That changes at SLU and Mizzou from here on out. Travis
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64 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
By Frank Cusumano Ford and Cuonzo Martin will be appointment TV for years to come. Can’t wait!
I also can’t wait till the Bommarito Automotive Group 500 this August. Curtis Francois will have, on that track, the same field that runs in the Indy 500. This is big-time. One study shows the event’s total economic impact at $50 million. Keep in mind, that track was dead a few years back. Our town has a chance to be one of the better racing cities in the country. We have Gateway Motorsports Park to thank for that.
There are seven for seven things I can’t live without right now. Netflix, a treadmill, The Hill, my dogs, Rick Warren’s sermons, political shows and a milk experience every night with something sweet to eat.
Frank Cusumano is a 17-time Emmy Award-winner on KSDK-TV; he also hosts The Pressbox on The All New 590 the Fan from 10 a.m. to noon each weekday and contributes to The Dave Glover Show on FM NewsTalk 97.1. Follow him on Twitter @frank_cusumano.
Protecting Kids From Melanoma
Dr. Joseph Kahn
he incidence of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, has lately been increasing in children (as well as adults, most notably women under the age of 40). Diagnoses have been rising in the U.S. by approximately 2 percent each year, particularly in those aged 15 to 19, with an estimated 500 children in America diagnosed annually. Melanoma is thought to be caused by exposure to UVB (shorter-wavelength ultraviolet light) rays, particularly in people who suffer blistering sunburns before the age of 20. In that regard, just a few serious sunburns can increase a child’s risk of skin cancer later in life. Although most people consider tan skin healthy, it (along with pink and out-and-out red skin) effectively has been damaged, so know how to protect your children (as well as yourself) from harmful UV exposure. Remember this: Be “made in the shade.” For safety’s sake, consider four quick bits of advice. First, make your children remain indoors during the midday sun, or tell them to stay in the shade if they do go out. Second, cover their skin, noting that some children’s clothing is certified to be protective.
1. Cloverleaf exit 5. “— Secretary” 10. Short-legged dog 15. Denomination 19. Jai — 20. Manila hemp source 21. Spheres 22. Japanese isinglass 23. Pro or amateur athlete 25. Powerhouse: 3 wds. 27. Marine plant 28. Gleaming 30. Posh 31. Nerve network 32. Port city in Belgium 33. Obscure 34. Carve 37. Calydonian — 38. Place near Venezuela 42. Standards 43. Machine element: 2 wds. 46. Estuary 47. Squirt guns and popguns 48. Auditoria 49. Usual weather 50. Army 51. Ending for heir or peer 52. Ring location 53. Clogs 54. Wood for furniture 55. Torpor 57. Lowed 58. Mailed, British style 59. Buenos — 60. “A Day at the —” 61. Chicken stock 62. Spilled the beans 64. Summons 65. Money realized 68. Yellow color 69. Sheer fabric 70. Like a malapert 71. Interdiction 72. Semiaquatic creature 73. — celebre 74. Juvenile heroine 75. Flog 76. Annex 77. Lover of classical dance
79. Test answer 80. Discharged 82. Aromatic plant 83. Freight carrier 84. Blind as — — 85. Immature bird 87. Cement 88. Part of medieval Spain 91. Flora and fauna 92. One of the Balkans 96. Aeronaut 98. Forensics branch 100. Buffalo’s lake 101. Gill or Lombardi 102. — lord 103. Body of poetry 104. Receptions 105. The Demon Star 106. Senior 107. Dimple
1. Broccoli — 2. Wings 3. Plaza 4. “The — Progress” 5. Compound formed with the acid of apples 6. Shame 7. Word with dog or salad 8. Maven 9. Gets and organizes 10. Stateroom 11. Praying figure 12. Depend 13. Liq. meas. 14. Fold of geologic strata 15. Expedition 16. Protection: Var. 17. SUVs 18. Three-pip card 24. Upper-body exercise 26. Pitched 29. Kind of garden 32. Old exclamation 33. Parts of boaters 34. Fodder for NSA 35. Loop 36. Item for a scryer: 2 wds. 37. Unhelpful
Finally, remember that we all need protection, children and adults alike, even on cool or cloudy days. Clouds fail to block harmful ultraviolet rays – they only filter such rays a little. Third, have your children wear hats to lessen or avoid solar exposure to their heads – especially their faces, ears and noses, whose greater area or protuberance increases such exposure. Fourth, also have your children wear sunglasses because excessively exposing their eyes to the sun can contribute to cataract formation later in life. Otherwise, for application to your children, select a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) number of at least 15 and preferably 30, as recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology. Generously apply it 20 to 30 minutes before your children venture outside, and reapply it every two hours – or more often
38. — -and-true 39. Foul up: 3 wds. 40. Seat location 41. Passe 43. Loud sounds 44. Calls to mind 45. Bitter remedy 48. Chartered 50. Speed 52. Knife of a kind 53. Base for a column 54. Sponge 56. Made greater 57. Percussionist’s hammer 58. Ordinary language 60. Event in poker 61. Structural piece 62. Spud 63. Soap plant 64. “I — Have Danced All Night” 65. Lithograph 66. — macabre 67. Malicious look 69. Gentleman’s helper 70. Expressionless 73. Don Juan 74. Friendly 75. Having a tail 77. Hindu form of address: Var. 78. Neglect 79. Canine’s canines 81. Scores in golf 83. — -than-thou 85. Lake herring 86. Inn 87. Protuberance 88. Help in crime 89. Thin 90. Inter — 91. Cherry type 92. Ran, as colors 93. Ready to eat 94. Desktop picture 95. Aide: Abbr. 97. Zero 99. Trouble
if a child is sweating, swimming or getting wet and washing off the sunscreen. Finally, remember that we all need protection, children and adults alike, even on cool or cloudy days. Clouds fail to block harmful ultraviolet rays – they only filter such rays a little. So your children and you should enjoy the park, the beach and summer’s manifold activities, but remember to enjoy them safely – with shielded skin.
Dr. Joseph Kahn is president of Mercy Kids (mercykids.org), an expansive network of pediatric care dedicated to meeting the needs of every child, every day.
Check the Ladue News classifieds for the solution LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
The Nature of
By Alice Handelman
Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Festival and Academy founders Edmund Boyce and David Halen look back on 17 years of world-class concerts in anticipation of this year’s festivities. David Halen and Edmund Boyce, Photo by Sarah Conroy
wenty years ago on a Friday the 13th, David Halen, the concertmaster of the St. Louis Symphony, had a chance meeting on the stage of Powell Hall with entrepreneur and land developer Edmund Boyce. The night turned out to be good luck for both men. That evening, Halen was there to give a beginning violin lesson (just for fun) to Edward Jones’ John Bachmann. Boyce had arrived for a meeting of the Friday the 13th Club (a social club that meets for breakfast or lunch on, you guessed it, every Friday the 13th). “When we met, Ed told me about his love of nature and dream to start a music school at his Innsbrook Resort Community that he had created in Warren County, 46 miles from St. Louis,” Halen says. Halen wanted a summer music school near St. Louis, as well, and Boyce also wanted a music festival like the Aspen Music Festival in Colorado. A graduate of Regis College in Denver, Boyce says: “I always loved Colorado, and when I took my two sons hiking in the Aspen area, we discovered the Aspen Institute [and] its young artists. We loved the music and the beauty of the mountains.” In January 2000, after some fine wine, the duo decided to combine their talents and expertise and turn their dreams into a reality. “Everyone predicted it would be a colossal failure,” Boyce says, “but our mutual love of the Aspen Music Festival and chamber music won out.” Assistance from the St. Louis Symphony Outreach Program also helped get the project underway. Fast-forward to June 9 through 17, which marks the 17th season of the highly successful Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Festival and Academy. It’s the premier regional summer music enclave, hosting aspiring string students, world-renowned professional musicians and classical music patrons for nine days of musical delights. Now 82, Boyce says: “There’s no musical venue anywhere that surpasses Innsbrook because of its quality. We have an intimate audience capacity of 200 in the concert hall and an enthusiastic and appreciative audience. The Institute is unique in the way the land is used. “There is nothing quite like it around the country. We have a lineup of world-class artists who feel like they’re performing in the wild. The chalets and Aspen Center are all surrounded by beautiful nature.” In addition to nightly concerts, house concerts are held at various private homes and chalets on the grounds. “Each year, we create a mini campus where students practice, get lessons and coaching during the day and go to concerts at night with their patrons,” Halen says. “This ensures the safety and transportation needs of our students.” Halen, 57, coordinates the festival each June and says about a dozen institute students and young adults, who range in age from 14 to 24, have gone on to major professional careers. Halen will bookend the concert, playing his 1753 Giovanni Battista Guadagnini violin at the opening and concluding concerts of the festival. Boyce remains a member of the board of directors that sets policy and raises money (with the help of generous donors) to sponsor the festival. “Ed is still an inspirational figure and prominent supporter of the institute,” Halen says. “No one loves great music more than he does.” A cabin concert will also showcase gifted young fiddler Grant Flick, who will play in front of a restored log cabin on June 10 at 11 a.m. A tea and garden fundraising party on June 13 will feature violin and piano music of Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Dvořák and Mozart. Nightly chamber music concerts will be held, and there will be two opportunities to hear the academy students perform. “The concerts will allow guests a glimpse into the exciting future of classical music as the students delight audiences with their artistry,” Boyce says. June 11 will be “An Evening With
We created the program to bridge the gap between study and professional life for musicians who demonstrate exceptional potential for success in the music performance world. – DAvID HAlEn
David Halen, left, performing with three musicians at a previous Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Festival and Academy, photo supplied
Julien Labro,” who, according to Halen, is “one of the best bandoneon players in the world,” referring to a type of predominantly South American concertina. A concert on June 14 will feature Mark Dover on clarinet, playing music from Germany and Austria. During the concert, Blake Pouliot will play a priceless Guarneri violin from Cremona, Italy, the birthplace of the great violin-maker, on loan from the Canadian government. On June 15, Rohan De Silva, Itzhak Perlman’s pianist, will be featuring work by Brahms. At 10 p.m. on June 16, a post-program music noir concert will play. An Emerging Artist Program is by invitation only for young musicians who are in the early stages of their careers. “We created the program to bridge the gap between study and professional life for musicians who demonstrate exceptional potential for success in the music performance world,” Halen says. Emerging artists take private lessons, rehearse and perform together and alongside professionals in evening festival concerts, coach and mentor academy groups, and receive critical commentary from institute faculty and staff – benefiting from the rich and varied life experiences of established professionals. Mary Ellen and Glenn Strebeck of Des Peres didn’t know the institute existed until they purchased a chalet at the Innsbrook Resort Community. They’re now in their fourth year of hosting students. “The Innsbrook Institute is a hidden gem,” Mary Ellen says. “The concerts are fabulous, the venue is gorgeous and the tickets are so reasonable. The talent of the students and quality of the teachers is second to none.” Though they met as virtual strangers 20 years ago, Boyce and Halen now call themselves lifelong friends. They have achieved their mission and fulfilled their dreams of bringing together the finest music students, artist faculty and performers to create transformative educational experiences and outstanding classical music to the region. In the magical setting of nature, the 17th season of their Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Festival and Academy commences on Fri., June 9, for nine days of musical delights thanks to their dedication, fortitude, perseverance “and a multitude of supporters,” Boyce says. They have proven that Friday the 13th can be a good-luck day. Tickets for most concerts during the festival cost $22.50. To learn more about lodging or dining options during the festival or to purchase advance tickets, visit innsbrookinstitute.org or call 636-928-3366.
Students performing at a previous Innsbrook Institute Summer Music Festival and Academy
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The Daily
Elite Advocates
When you need legal ser vices and council, you want to call the ver y best – an elite advocate at a strong local firm who you trust to defend you and your loved ones. In St. Louis, we’re fortunate to have top leaders in the legal world spanning a range of law specialties. Turn the page to meet these top attorneys, who tirelessly advocate for their clients to ensure you’re protected no matter your needs.
LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 69
aLLiSoN SchreiBer Lee o F Pau L e , c a M a z i N e & BLuMeNthaL
Pictured: allison Schreiber Lee
ith 21 years of experience, Allison Schreiber Lee, a seasoned trial attorney and skilled negotiator, focuses on family law and domestic relations. “I have a breadth of experience, from being a sex crimes and child abuse prosecutor to working in heavy litigation and now working in family law,” Lee says. Her representation, which also includes businesses, enables her to provide clients with a diverse understanding of many facets of the law. With a firm offering multiple disciplines, Lee is able to ensure each and every client receives the kind of dedicated attention that client deserves, including a paralegal and legal assistant assigned to each case. Clients are given Lee’s direct line because she understands the importance of having someone available to respond during difficult times. “I am divorced and a single mom myself,” Lee says. “I came from a family whose parents went through a very high-conflict divorce, so I can relate to my clients and the needs of their children in a unique and personal way. I know the varied aspects of divorce that can affect clients and their children. “One of the things I tell people when they come in to meet me is that I am an effective advocate for them, not because I’ve experienced what they have in different ways, but because I tell them what they need to hear and not what they want,” Lee continues. “I give realistic expectations for outcomes and won’t promise the world if I know they aren’t going to get it. Being honest and providing accurate information allows the client’s expectations to remain realistic in a very difficult process. I am a fierce advocate for my clients in a pragmatic way.” A Fellow in the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and Super Lawyer in Missouri, Lee has served as lead counsel in 40-plus jury trials and as co-lead counsel in one of the longest jury trials in St. Louis history. She recently spoke on family law at the 37th annual Bench & Bar Conference hosted by The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis, a privilege she has had in the past.
Allison Schreiber Lee St. Louis, Missouri Attorney
PA U L E , C A m A z i n E & BLUmEnTHAL
165 North Mer aMec aveNue, Suite 110 S t. L o u i S , M o 6 3 1 0 5 3 1 4 . 2 4 4 . 3 6 1 3 | 3 1 4 . 7 2 7 . 2 2 6 6 | P c B L aW F i r M c o M The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
c u rT i S , h e i n z , g a r r e T T & o ’ K e e f e P. c .
Top Photo: Pictured from left to right: leland curtis, Steven garrett, Keith cheung, robert Jones, michael Kern, richard Yawitz, Stephanie Karr, carl lumley, edward Sluys, mitch margo. Bottom photo: Pictured from left to right, back row: Kathleen gmelich, Patrick chassaign, Katherine henry, Kevin o’Keefe, Deborah henry, helmut Starr; front row: Kenneth heinz, Patricia Susi.
he year 2017 marks the 30th anniversary for the distinguished law firm Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, P.C. With a diverse team of legal experts and a reputation of bringing integrity and value to clients, the firm has a track record of success that continues to propel it forward. Since its start in 1987, the general practice law firm has served municipal, corporate and individual needs as legal counsel for local government, state regulation and business law, as well as in the matters of family law, taxation, personal injury, trial and estate planning. Located in Clayton, the firm’s lawyers truly care about the communities they live in. Like neighbors, they choose to stay active and involved in civic and community affairs through volunteering efforts and speaking at various events each year, with a willingness to share their depth of knowledge. This devotion to the St. Louis area and its families is evident in all the team does inside and out of the office. Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, P.C. devotes itself to providing the absolute best resources for clients at a reasonable price. The team of experienced attorneys strives to offer excellent representation, finding solutions for clients’ legal issues. With a slogan that stands as a promise to clientele – “large enough to handle the diverse needs of clients, but small enough to know their names” – Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, P.C. proudly serves as a client’s best advocate in the legal system. With 30 years of experience and success serving as a solid foundation, diverse young leadership with the reputable firm will ensure it grows and expands its capabilities for years to come.
130 S. BemiSTon, SuiTe 200 S T. l o u i S , m o 6 3 1 0 5 3 1 4 . 7 2 5 . 8 7 8 8 | c h g o l a w. c o m The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
HaiS, HaiS & G o l d b e r G e r , P. C .
Pictured: dzenana delic, elliot Goldberger, erin Zielinski, Sam Hais, Susan Hais, bradley boeux, Michelle Weldon
ais, Hais & Goldberger, P.C. attorneys address clients’ individual needs – and they see results. Founding partner Susan Hais estimates she can count on one hand the number of times her firm has lost a case. “You can be tough in court and fight your hardest, but always be kind to clients,” she says. “A lot of firms forget that and think of clients as just a file. We’re on our clients’ team. They can rely on us.” For more than three decades, Hais, Hais & Goldberger, P.C. has delivered quality legal representation and attentive care to St. Louis families. The firm – composed of partners Susan and her husband, Sam Hais, Elliott Goldberger, and Erin Zielinski, as well as associates Dzenana Delic, Bradly Bodeux and Michelle Weldon – prides itself on achieving the best results in the most ethical, the most honest and the fairest of ways for its clients. The firm’s scope of practice runs the family law gamut, including separation, divorce, paternity, domestic violence, property division, custody, child relocation, appeals and motions to modify. Unlike larger firms, with lawyers practicing in numerous legal fields, Hais, Hais & Goldberger, P.C. focuses exclusively on family law, which allows the partners to support clients in and out of the courtroom. “You can’t dabble in this kind of work,” Hais says. “You need to understand its nuances. When an emergency situation arises for a client, we generally know what to do because we’ve encountered similar situations.” From the time a client walks in the firm to when the judge hands down a final ruling, and even beyond, personal attention and specialized representation prove to be standards at this law firm. As Hais says, frequently winning in higher courts is a good way to measure a firm’s accomplishments – but it’s not the only way. Clients often refer friends and family to Hais, Hais & Goldberger, P.C., which has contributed to its long and successful track record in the St. Louis area. The attorneys often hear from former clients, who thank them for their help during a time of need. It’s these people, not files or cases, whom the firm serves.
Hais, Hais & GoldberGer, P.C.
222 SoutH Centr al ave., Suite 600, C l ay t o n , M o 6 3 1 0 5 3 1 4 . 8 6 2 . 1 3 0 0 | H H G - l a W. C o M The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Arts & Culture 77
LadueNews.com | JUNE 2, 2017
Dinner ...
umble Pie, which launched late in April in Ladue, offers pizzas made from small-batch organic doughs, as well as salads, desserts and more. It comes from co-owners Jess and Mark Lucas of Fozzie’s Sandwich Emporium and fills the space previously occupied by Red L Pizza, which shuttered in November. The approximately 1,000-square-foot space features a walk-up counter where guests can place and pick up orders prepared in a small kitchen and dough room. Seating is available only on a 20-guest street-view patio adorned with the restaurant’s logo and a colorful floral mural by local artist Sho Ko. Mark Lucas serves as head chef behind the savory pies, while Jess Lucas offers keen insights into Humble Pie’s vegan offerings and beyond. She worked with baker Dottie Silverman, for instance, to create a menu of pastries, including small desserts and vegan treats. “With Humble Pie, Mark and I just kind of wanted
JUNE 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
to bring both of our tastes and views to pizza,” Jess Lucas says. “We’re trying to keep it straightforward with clean, fresh food. … We want to appeal to families and businesses and have something everyone can relate to.” The debut menu features 19 specialty pizzas with a combined selection of more than 60 toppings including house-made sauces. The shop features antibiotic- and hormone-free meats, such as sausages from G&W Sausage and nitrate-free pepperoni. Guests can choose from a house-made crispy thin crust or a Sicilian-style crust, both baked in the resident deck ovens; the latter crust, though thicker, is crafted to be light, airy and fluffy. A gluten-free crust is also available. “A lot of times, pizza makes you tired, but even our Sicilian won’t make you need a nap,” Jess Lucas says. “You have these simple yet good ingredients in our doughs – organic, unbleached flour, a little yeast and not too much sugar. They’re really straightforward
By Mabel Suen ingredients that make you feel better and definitely taste better.” To that end, Humble Pie’s traditional red sauce is made from organic San Marzano tomatoes and just a little seasoning; it tops offerings like the Humble Margherita, with fresh mozzarella, fresh basil, an olive-oil drizzle and pink Himalayan salt. Another vegetarian-friendly highlight, the BBQ Cauliflower pie, incorporates roasted cauliflower, fresh poblanos, sweet onions, smoked mozzarella and house maple barbecue sauce, which would make a great meal before seeing Madame Butterfly from Opera Theatre of Saint Louis. Additional signature combinations include the Jambalaya Pie and the Lily Pad, the latter with leeks, caramelized onion, portobello mushrooms, sausage, garlic, fresh herbed ricotta sauce and truffle-oil drizzle. Small bites include garlic fingers, breadsticks and meatballs. A kids’ menu and a hefty selection of salads
Humble Pie
&Madame A Show Butterfly
By Mark Bretz
are also available. On the sweet side of pies, Silverman’s goods are available under the moniker Dottie’s Flour Shop and include small pies and pie pops in salted caramel apple, blueberry lemon and Gimme S’more (the last with hazelnut chocolate ganache and marshmallow fluff). As a vegan option, Jess Lucas currently offers Mexican chocolate pie, made with cayenne, cinnamon, silken tofu, vegan chocolate and a coconut-graham crust. Studding gluten-free granola bars are pumpkin seeds, dried cherries, flaxseed and vegan chocolate chips. “We just want to put out good food that you feel good about eating,” Jess Lucas says. “We’re really passionate, believe in what we have going here and are excited to share it with everyone.”
Humble Pie, 9783 Clayton Road, Ladue, 314-997-7070, eatthehumblepie.com
Story: U.S. Navy Lt. Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton is stationed in Nagasaki, Japan, in the early 20th century. He decides to take advantage of a Japanese law that allows Western military men to marry Japanese women, with an “escape clause” under which the marriage is nullified if the husband is absent for 30 days or more. Pinkerton is attracted to a young geisha named CioCio-San, who herself is intrigued with the handsome American. The American consul, Sharpless, warns Pinkerton that the geisha may take this marriage seriously. Despite the strong objections of her family, Cio-Cio-San, also known as Madame Butterfly, weds Pinkerton. This action leads her uncle, a priest known as the Bonze, to denounce her for rejecting her heritage, accusing her of converting to Christianity. Cut off from her family, Cio-Cio-San lives with her faithful servant, Suzuki, in the country home purchased by Pinkerton, along with her son, Sorrow, progeny of her brief union with the American. Three years go by with no word from her husband, who abandoned her shortly after their marriage and left Japan. Meanwhile, she repeatedly turns down offers extended by the oft-married Prince Yamadori through the salacious marriage broker Goro. One day, Sharpless arrives with terrible news: Pinkerton is returning to Japan, but with his American wife, Kate. The consul attempts to convince Cio-CioSan to allow Pinkerton and Kate to take Sorrow back to America for a “brighter” future. The disillusioned Cio-Cio-San contemplates the best solution to the egregious situation confronting both her and her son. Highlights: Giacomo Puccini’s enduring tragedy about the ill-fated life of a Japanese geisha opens the 42nd season for Opera Theatre of Saint Louis with a fresh perspective on the classic opera, by director Robin Guarino, and a bravura performance in the title role by Rena Harms in her debut with this troupe. Other Info: This production of Madame Butterfly marks its sixth presentation by Opera Theatre of Saint Louis, from the first performance at The Muny in 1978 to the current version, which features an English translation by the troupe’s long-time national public relations consultant, Margaret (Maggie) Stearns, and the troupe’s late artistic director, Colin Graham. Puccini collaborated with librettists Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica on Madame Butterfly, which premiered in Milan in 1904 and in its final version in Paris in 1906. It’s based on a play by David Belasco and an earlier story by John Luther Long. In her director’s notes in the luxurious 2017 program, Guarino says she looked at three women in the story, namely Cio-CioSan, Suzuki and Kate, to present the quaint story from a feminist viewpoint. Kate’s presence in the story is nonexistent until nearly the end and is tertiary to that
of the title character and her servant. While Guarino’s production is told from a different perspective than that in most traditional presentations, it’s also somewhat static and moves at a slow pace, especially in the final scene, which stretches far too long. Still, this version features some excellent singing and performances, led by soprano Harms. She’s performed in Madame Butterfly previously with the English National Opera. Mezzo-soprano Renée Rapier provides excellent support as the dutiful and understanding Suzuki, as does baritone Christopher Magiera as the decent Sharpless. Tenor Michael Brandenburg makes a fine debut with this troupe as Pinkerton, and soprano Anush Avetisyan sparkles as Kate Pinkerton, witness to the human tragedy brought about by her own husband. Conductor Michael Christie leads members of the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra in an attentive, dutiful rendering of Puccini’s lush score, which has kept Madame Butterfly one of the world’s most popular operas for 113 years.
Company: Opera Theatre of Saint Louis V enue: Browning Mainstage, Loretto-Hilton Center, 130 Edgar Road Dates: June 3, 7, 11, 14 and 24 T ickets: $25-$129; contact 314-961-0644 or experienceopera.org Rating: A 4 on a scale of 1-to-5 LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 75
Around Town
By Kaitlynn Martin
Fri., June 2, to Sun., June 25
Shakespeare Festival St. Louis presents the production of THE WINTER’S TALE at Shakespeare Glen in Forest Park. The shows promise to be unique, with original music composed by The Rats & People Motion Picture Orchestra. Bruce Longworth directs the performances, and Schlafly unveils The Winter’s Ale, the brewery’s custom-labeled draft beer. The Winter’s Tale takes place in the kingdoms of Bohemia and Sicilia, and chronicles the life of King Leontes and his family in a “story of sin and redemption, love and forgiveness.” Performances are scheduled nightly, except for Tuesdays. 8 p.m. Open lawn seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Premium seating starts at $10. 314-531-9800 or sfstl.com.
Wed., June 7
Bowl a strike for a good cause at the St. Louis chapter of the American Association of Zoo Keeper’s BOWLING FOR RHINOS at Tropicana Lanes. Proceeds from the event help zookeepers with the means to raise funds and awareness for rhino habitat conservation. Rhinos are highly endangered in the wild, where thousands are killed each year for their horns. 6 to 9 p.m. Unlimited bowling, shoe rental and a complimentary T-shirt while supplies last for a $25 donation. stlaazk.org.
Fri., June 2, to Sat., June 24
Atrium Gallery’s new spring exhibition, “I KNOW IT WHEN I SEE IT,” is a group show that features work from Claudio Bravo, Peter Charlap, Ellen Glasgow, Cameron Martin, Adam Straus and Mary Joan Waid. The exhibition aims to present objective imagery where the “artists depict a range of images that are easily recognizable objects, landscapes and figures.” In doing so, the artists hope to take complex ideas and express them in ways that will bring out a variety of responses from viewers. 314-367-1076 or atriumgallery.net.
Sun., June 4
The partnership of local creative industries Socially Jen and Co. and HEX presents THE GRAND MARKET, a daylong festival at the .ZACK. Food from chef David Kirkland’s new restaurant, Turn, local fashion trucks and artisanal booths are featured throughout the day. An impressive lineup of vendors makes the event feel like a “bazaar-style shopping experience,” with items from Snapdragon STL, Blissoma, The Normal Brand, Bohemian Babies, Mineral + Roots, The Spotted Pig and more. A floral booth also allows guests to assemble DIY floral arrangements, and a flower crown bar serves kids. Free admission. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
76 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
Wed., June 7
The second concert of the Whitaker Musical Festival at Missouri Botanical Garden features JACK GRELLE. Grelle’s latest album, Got Dressed Up to Be Let Down, has earned praise for its depth and variety, as well as the fact that the musician’s “willingness to travel around genre lines is a testament to the urgency and restlessness of his artistry.” The outdoor concert takes place at the Cohen Amphitheater, and guests are encouraged to bring a picnic dinner to enjoy along with the music. Other food items, beer, wine, soda and snow cones are also available for purchase. Free admission. 7:30 p.m. mobot.org/events/whitaker.
Thu., June 8, to Sun., June 11
Gitana Productions presents BETWEEN WORLDS: AN AMERICAN JOURNEY at The Grandel Theatre. The original performance-art theater production features Michael Castro, the former St. Louis poet laureate, as well as rap artists, dancers and actors who “highlight multicultural influences in American music, acting and dance.” St. Louis trumpeter Dawn Weber, international violinist and musical director Aska Kaneko, pianist Phillip Graves and electronic instrumentalist Christian Oncken collaborated to compose the music behind the event. Choreographer and director Vivian Anderson Watt also participated in the collaboration to bring his vision to the production. Showtimes vary. Tickets start at $25 for general admission. 314-534-1111 or metrotix.com.
Fri., June 9
The St. Louis Symphony presents three-time Emmyand Golden Globe-winning actress JANE LYNCH as she performs a variety of musical numbers from Broadway and The Great American Songbook at Powell Hall. Lynch is known for her roles in Glee, Best in Show, Hollywood Game Show and others. Her one-night-only St. Louis performance promises a “large dose of comedy” in hilarious musical performances. 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $35. 314-534-1700 or stlsymphony.org.
ART and
NINA SCHATZKAMER MILLER By Bryan A. Hollerbach | Image courtesy of Nina Schatzkamer Miller
n its analog resplendence, Nina Schatzkamer Miller’s Lots of Strings Attached looks somehow digital. At a glance, it “reads” like a culled, alternative special effect from The Matrix, the Wachowski siblings’ 1999 cyberpunk blockbuster, or some similar cinematic romp, with column after column of cascading colors replacing codemonkey binaries. Miller – an Olivette native who returned home in recent years following various peregrinations – crafts bright-colored kiln-fired glass art in her home studio, most of it functional (platters, bowls and plates), some wearable (jewelry and hair accessories) and some just whimsically decorative. Without giving further detail, she also mentions “a new special interest in Judaica.” Miller’s interests, she does admit, didn’t always run so true, early focusing on “playing all of the stringed [musical] instruments and taking art classes in which [I] only wanted to make horses in every art form.” After subsequently studying Romance languages and graduating from Wash U, she toiled in the computerized ticketing industry before fleeing corporate America to rear three sons. Miller later returned to art both as an avocation and as a means of volunteering at her sons’ schools, for which she sewed costumes and made classroom auction
projects, often quilts. That led her to study glass fusing at Glasshopper Studio, Art Glass Array and Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design. As a quilter, Miller recalls, she’d “been drawn to the puzzle of putting different colors and fabrics together, and this translated well to glass,” noting that her “quilt patterns” nowadays comprise that material. Select pieces of Miller’s sell online through Amazon Handmade/Handmade at Amazon, at shows, on commission and (beginning in April) in Richmond Heights’ Knox Gallery of Fine Art. “Lots of Strings Attached is the first piece I made in what I plan as a series of similarly made pieces,” Miller relates of the featured work. “I made it in November 2016. It’s 8 inches by 12 inches, and it’s made of many tiny pieces of spaghetti-thin strands of glass that are known as ‘stringers.’ “The stringers begin as 17-inch-long 1-millimeterthick strands that are cut and kiln-fired to a base sheet of glass. Then that piece of glass is cut into thin strips and rearranged in a pattern that gives the illusion of depth and movement, and fired onto another sheet of glass. Finally, the piece is fired on a ceramic mold, and it takes the shape of that mold.” She likens the technique, in its illusion of movement, to that used in the creation of bargello quilts (that is,
quilts crafted with long, straight needlepoint stitching to produce zigzags, flames and similar designs). “As I was a quilter before I became a glass artist, such technique speaks to me,” says Miller. “I’m always searching for ways to bring my love of fabric into glass, as there are some similarities in the way that colors are ‘auditioned’ against each other when choosing what glass to use and the way the curves of the final piece feel similar to fabric moving in the breeze. “The initial design is so different from the way the final piece looks that it’s a technique that is impossible to completely plan and impossible to duplicate. Since I create one-of-a-kind art and I’ve always loved the surprise of opening the kiln, this sort of technique appeals to me. “Technically, the cutting of the thin strips is a big challenge, and then, since I’m a big believer in using up every bit of glass, there’s a challenge in trying to use the leftover cuttings and inevitable broken pieces.”
To learn more about our featured artist, visit fabb4fusedglass.com. St. Louis-area artists who wish to be considered for future installments of this monthly department of Ladue News should email inquiries to bhollerbach@laduenews.com with “Art and Soul” in the subject line. LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 77
Jimi hendrix, fillmore West, 1968, photo © baron Wolman
Rock ’n’ Roll
Never Forgets! By Bryan A. Hollerbach
A forthcoming exhibition of photos visuAlly – And vivAciously – echoes thAt sentiment from detroit über-rocker bob seger.
June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com
endrix looks enraptured. On the broadside for “The Music Seen: Beyond the Stage,” a photographic exhibition opening in just a week, Hendrix – Jimi, of course, perhaps the quintessential rock ’n’ roll guitarist of the ’60s – leans slightly backward, shredding his Stratocaster, his eyes clamped closed in concentration, his mouth, bracketed by his trademark Fu Manchu, describing a rhapsodic O. Images like that should electrify the exhibition in question, which selfdescribed “photography addict” Jeff Appel will curate and which will run at the Bullivant Gallery from June 9 to July 14. A bipartite reception will launch “The Music Seen” from 6 to 9 p.m. on its first day and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on its second, after which photo devotees can view the exhibition by appointment “as long as there’s somebody at the gallery,” Appel says. The exhibition will comprise roughly 25 photos, Appel notes, most of them measuring 11 by 14 inches and appearing in black and white. (“When you see them,” he teases about the inclusion of a pair of color photos, “you’ll see why [those two were chosen].”) “This show was an idea that I had almost a year ago,” Appel continues kurt cobain, photo by charles peterson regarding “The Music Seen,” a fiendish pun on the phrase music scene. “I’ve loved music for as long as I’ve loved photography. I approached [owner] Robert Bullivant last October and asked if this sounded like a good concept for our next collaboration – we’ve had two fine-art photography shows together in the past at his gallery.” Bullivant, who did indeed like the idea, calls the exhibition “a unique opportunity to show some of the best-known musical artists in both their onstage as well as offstage moments, as captured in a documentative style by some very talented photographers – a combination of performance art and visual art, if you will, but also considering the human side, meaning sure, these were famous musicians, but they’re people, too.” With “The Music Seen,” Appel says he’s seeking “a vibe of the love of music versus a gallery stuffiness for this. I want to encourage guests to wear a favorite concert shirt to the opening. We’ll not only have great photographs but also a limited number of signed books by some of the artists.” The execution of the exhibition, Appel relates, sometimes took a circuitous course. “I’d already tracked down some of the most amazing photographers of the musical genres that I love,” he says, “and then it was a matter of getting them to commit to the show. In the six years or so that I’ve been a photography dealer, I’m very proud of the network that I’ve built, so reaching out to one photographer that I work with, like Richard Sandler in New York, got me to David Godlis in New York, and after a few conversations, he was as excited to show his punk rock photographs in this show as I am to have him involved. All have been great to work with in my effort to get great images … “This show has been my biggest undertaking yet, usually working with three photographers per exhibition and this time upping that number to seven, but to do this theme justice, it’s what I had to do. Photographs have been shipping in from New York, Washington, New Mexico, Tennessee and Texas.” The gallerist echoes Appel’s enthusiasm. “I think there are many people out there, like myself, who appreciate a wide variety of artistic talents, and when you combine two different aspects of artistry to create a third – the exhibit – that can be something special, too,” says Bullivant.
“The exhibit is also an important timeline of pop and rock music trends, how it evolved, and features the talented musicians who made that happen.” Bullivant’s use of the term timeline prefigures Appel’s expanded description of the exhibition. “‘The Music Seen: Beyond the Stage’ is being hung in the order of the time period,” Appel says. “I can’t say it’s the ‘history of rock’ since some great musicians aren’t in the exhibition, but I’m proud of how much history we’re putting on the walls of Bullivant Gallery. “We start with the glowing color of the Southern juke joints, where I feel it all began, by the legendary Michael Eastman, who I am proud to have gotten to know and respect greatly. The music begins in Memphis with blues, rock and soul by the late Dr. Ernest Withers – I’m proud to be working with his daughter on this project. “From there, we go to the Woodstock/San Francisco ’60s by the first Rolling Stone photographer, Baron Wolman. Then we head to the late ’70s in New York, where we go to [infamous New York nightclub] CBGB with the amazing David Godlis. He spent his nights documenting the birth of punk rock. “Next we go to Seattle with the Sub Pop Records label’s photographer, Charles Peterson, who documented the grunge movement. We end with a couple images of contemporary icons by a local photographer, Dave Rocco, as well as one by the actor Jason Lee, who I’ve gotten to know well as a talented photographer.” Between them, Appel and Bullivant praise support for the reception in specific and the exhibition in general from local radio oasis KDHX and its folk music school for promotion and performance, the Culinary Institute of St. Louis at Hickey College for light appetizers and Urban Chestnut Brewing Co. for beer. Attendees at the reception, Appel adds, can purchase chances to win various photos, with proceeds going to Memphis’ Ernest C. Withers Sr. Historical Foundation, named after the famed African-American photographer. Similarly, a photo by Eastman will sell at silent auction to benefit KDHX, with a second silent auction offering – a 1969 Rolling Stone portrait by Wolman of St. Louis’ own Chuck Berry – benefiting the Withers foundation. Ultimately, as a prelude to the exhibition, one can’t help returning to the broadside mentioned earlier, whose puissant images (six in all) pose more questions than they answer – tantalizingly so. Is Hendrix crunching chords on “Purple Haze,” for instance? “Voodoo Child (Slight Return),” Jack White, photo by dave rocco perhaps? What? Does the (very!) young proto-punk queen Patti Smith, her left hand splayed contemplatively on her jaw, apprehend how simultaneously fawnlike yet ferocious she looks? And in a third image portending the exhibition’s content, poor, doomed Cobain of grunge icons Nirvana – as he leans beatifically into what looks like a classic Telefunken microphone, has he any inkling at all how dreadfully little time remains before his every thought turns unthinkable? Bullivant Gallery, Grand Center for the Arts, 3321 Washington Ave., St. Louis, 314-865-0077, bullivantgallery.com
LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017
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for Adam’s creations
By Amanda Dahl
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Eating clean, so you can get in shape this summer? Try The Art of Entertaining’s vegan salad for a perfect pick-me-up.
5046 Shaw Ave., 314-771-4900, g uidosstl.com
Discover the best Mediterranean cuisine, with made-to-
7923 Forsyth Blvd., 314-726-5007, b arristersinclayton.com
order dishes from Guido’s, such as homemade lasagna,
With the largest selection of craft beer in Clayton and 30-plus bloody mary
delivers a “taste of Spain in the middle of Italy.”
tapas calientes or rich caramelized flan. The pizzeria
options for brunch, you won’t want to miss out. Barrister’s – not your typical pub fare, not your typical sports bar!
212 N. Kingshighway Blvd., 314-633-3056, chaseparkplaza.com
9720 Page Ave., 314-423-7300, h avelistl.com
The newly opened Chase Club invites you in to enjoy one of its 18 beers
Indulge in authentic Indian cuisine, with
on tap or a perfectly prepared cocktail.
temptations made of curries from fresh, natural ingredients. With lunch and dinner buffets available daily, come see the hospitality traditions of India for yourself.
EVANGELINE’S BISTRO AND MUSIC HOUSE 512 N. Euclid Ave., 314-367-3644, e vangelinesstl.com
Discover the taste of New Orleans in the Central West End at Evangeline’s. From traditional red beans and rice to gumbo and jambalaya, you’ll find every temptation to enjoy. Laissez les bon temps rouler!
8100 Maryland Ave., 314-769-9595, herbies.com
1811 Pestalozzi St., 314-773-8646, frazersgoodeats.com Inspired by tastes found around the globe, Frazer’s offers authentic cuisine in its sleek lounge and comfortable dining room, with brunch available from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Saturday.
82 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com |
The famed St. Louis fine dining spot has become the perfect place for business lunches and late-night dinners. Stop in at our new location, which opened in early November, and you’ll feel as if you’re already a regular!
11631 Olive Blvd., 314-994-1080, b ellagostl.com Uncover the delectable taste of The Hill within Creve Coeur. Frank and Carmelo of Giovanni’s brought their dining expertise to West County in 2004 – and the community still flocks to this delicious dining establishment.
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A LADUE NEWS SPECIAL PROMOTION | LadueNews.com | June 2, 2017 83
By Amanda Dahl
HEALTHY LIVING SPEAKER SERIES, DELMAR GARDENS 14901 N. Outer 40 Road, 636-532-9296, meyer@delmargardens.com m
Come to Chesterfield Villas Retirement & Assisted Living Community to learn about healthy living from Washington University physicians. Visit delmargardens.com to see the full schedule of topics, from fall prevention to maximizing memory. Enjoy added perks, including a barista with a doughnut and Danish bar, plus valet parking.
MUSIC + WINE FESTIVAL, CITY OF CLAYTON Carondelet Plaza, claytonmo.gov
Paint the town at the third annual Music + Wine Festival in downtown Clayton! Local music and
111 S. Geyer Road, 314-821-2407, s tagesstlouis.org
delectable wine await you on June 10 from 5 to 10 p.m., with entertainment provided by The
Join Joseph, plus his 11 brothers, and the miraculous coat of many colors as
Gaslight Squares, Sarah Jane & the Blue Notes and
this inspirational rags-to-riches story comes to vivid life! This tale as old as
Miss Jubilee & the Humdingers.
time itself is presented by STAGES St. Louis, with shows running from June 2 to July 2. Call or go online for tickets.
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84 June 2, 2017 | LadueNews.com |
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A portion of every ticket purchased in advance will be donated to your choice of one of these charities.
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